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Pisces November women's horoscope. Love horoscope for the sign of Pisces for November. Horoscope for November by date of birth

Pisces had high hopes for their love horoscope, because in the previous months, many of them were not lucky in their personal lives. Pisces men and girls are expecting significant changes in November 2019, because very soon New Year, and you need to meet him happy. Will the stars share the opinion of Pisces?

Love horoscope for Pisces for November 2019

Pisces have always managed to quickly charm the people they like. But they do not belong to the category of born artists, so the illusions of fans quickly melt away. In November 2019, Pisces will have the chance to put their abilities into practice again. They will meet many interesting people with whom it is quite possible to build not only a short-term romance, but also a strong marriage. In this regard, the love horoscope for November 2019 strongly recommends that Pisces carefully prepare for the long-awaited event, provided that a suitable candidate is available.

Pisces will be best at flirting impromptu in November. Fate will bring them many surprises in the love sphere. In November, the attention of fans for most Pisces will be off the charts.

Real happiness awaits those Pisces who planned their wedding for November. Future spouses will have every chance to make their dreams come true, and they will remember their wedding day for the rest of their lives.

November will not be complete for Pisces without a fly in the ointment. This month, representatives of this zodiac sign will have a lot of ill-wishers. The horoscope predicts Pisces tears, and even severe mental pain due to disappointment in the love of loved ones. Fortunately, this period will not last long and even with the most unfavorable consequences it will end by the end of the year.

Love horoscope for Pisces woman for November 2019

Lonely Pisces girls in November 2019 did not even count on fateful meetings with the men from their dreams. In this regard, the stars decided to prepare a surprise for them and arrange a romantic acquaintance. Representatives of the Pisces sign will receive such a gorgeous gift in November under a certain set of circumstances. If you prepare for this event and plan for it, nothing will work out.

Pisces women, who proudly bear the status of spouses and guardians of families, will face a serious test of strength in November. A competitive rival may appear in their life, dreaming of breaking off the relationship that has been built over the years. Pisces don't need to succumb to the fire of jealousy. It will be enough to leave your emotions and show all your feminine wisdom and understanding, and even a very insidious and unprincipled girl will have no chance.

Most representatives of the Pisces sign may have an unexpected love date in November. Women will not be able to resist their feelings, so the memories of the passion that occurred will not leave them for many years to come.

Love horoscope for Pisces man for November 2019

The strong half of the Pisces sign has a greater chance of finding happiness in November 2019. Fate will give them sincere feelings, incredible tenderness and tenderness from the devotion of the chosen ones. In November, it will be easy for Pisces men to turn the heads of the most unapproachable beauties.

Tests are not in store for family Pisces either. The only difficulty that representatives of the water sign may encounter in November is envy and foul language. During this period, Pisces only needs to worry about their own reputation. Envious girls or aggressive men are quite capable of harming your ideal and hitherto favorable love relationship.

Shy guys born under the sign of Pisces will feel confident at the end of 2019 due to increased attention from some girls. They will not have to enjoy their own popularity due to the short-term nature of such an event. If Pisces are not yet in a relationship, then November is the time for them to create a couple with one of their newly made fans.

Love horoscope for Pisces for other months of 2019

In November 2016, the love and relationships of representatives of the Pisces sign are closely related to social life, career growth, social status and high goals. Career will depend on feelings and vice versa, because the planet of love Venus until November 12, 2016 is in the most prominent place in your solar horoscope - in the tenth house. Mercury, the ruler of the Pisces partner’s house, is also located here from November 12 until the end of the month.

All this suggests that personal life will have a connection with ambition, prestige and social status. Maybe a love affair will begin with a person who will take part in the development of your career. Or your lover will help you solve professional problems.

In the last month of autumn, everything will turn out great for Pisces, but provided that you do not fall into the trap of inflated expectations. It is good if hopes and dreams in love remain within the limits of the real and do not cross the border of what is achievable in reality.

The second half of November 2016, when Venus moves into the house of friends and social connections of Pisces, will be an excellent time to participate in social events and relax with friends. Friendly contacts come to the fore; friends can become assistants and intermediaries in amorous affairs. The stars advise you to be more active so as not to miss your chances. Romantic opportunities may arise, someone from your environment may show special interest in you.

Pisces Career and Finance Horoscope for November 2016

As far as work and finances are concerned, the month promises to be favorable. Pay attention to relationships - they are the ones that give you the key to success. Cooperation and business partnerships will be productive and lead to good financial results.

The career house of Pisces has a cluster of planets - Venus, Mercury and Saturn are here, so expect noticeable progress in work and business. The influence of Venus will help you make a favorable impression and shine in a business environment, and will attract the right people and new useful connections. Mercury will bring Pisces success in negotiations and presentations, when concluding contracts, passing interviews, tests, etc. The presence of Saturn emphasizes your professional qualities, makes you more serious and responsible.

The month will be fruitful for entrepreneurs and those who have their own business. This is a good period for an existing business, and it is also suitable for opening a new business and starting new business projects.

Your professional successes in November 2016 will not go unnoticed and will be rewarded financially. The harmonious aspect of Uranus in the Pisces house of money with planets in the career sector is a good omen. You can count on income higher than usual, receiving a bonus, additional money, bonus, or gift. There is a chance that money will come from an unexpected source.


In November 2016 you have so much vital energy and optimism that one can inspire others. To realize this extra energy, you need physical activity and movement. Otherwise, it may result in injuries and acute diseases. A good period for traveling for medical and health purposes.

It's time to focus on new beginnings. Dare and act, the stars are on your side!

In November 2016, Pisces will be different all the time!!! You know, like when there is a bachelorette party or a large group of women, in which everyone is so different: some drink, some whine, who laugh all the time, who suffer, who love, who eat, who don’t eat, and some all at once (usually all at once - this is just Pisces). So, in November 2016, Pisces will be like one big group of women - sometimes drinking, sometimes laughing and smiling for no reason, you are suffering, sometimes walking around happy, sometimes eating, sometimes not eating, but most often - all this at once. Moreover, this applies even more Pisces men than Pisces women.

But this does not mean that a difficult or unfavorable month awaits you - it means that you will be slightly “inadequate” this month. But the good thing is that most often in this “inadequacy” you will be in a good mood!

So in November 2016, Pisces can safely smile “with all their teeth.” No one will understand what’s on your mind anyway (including you). Yes, and as the horoscope shows, the smile on your face will be almost the only thing that you will not control in the next month. Because you will try to control everything else, including yourself. So feel free to “share your smile”, and in November 2016 you will be reminded of it more than once... Otherwise, everything will be not only “under control”, but also under “you”. In the sense that in the next month you will often be “as if above the situation” - observing what is happening a little from the side and even from above.

The November horoscope indicates that for many Pisces, a “stone from the soul” will fall right into your bosom and affect your heart. Most likely, what you have been waiting for for so long will happen in November and will slightly weaken your nervous expectation of something “good”. Next month, Pisces will receive good and positive news even from those people whom you have long forgotten or “crossed out” from your life.

Pisces horoscope for November 2016. As the horoscope warns, if the stupid person next to you acted smartly in November 2016, don’t be surprised: well, he made a mistake, it happens to everyone. Otherwise, as the horoscope shows, the next month as a whole will be positive for Pisces in all respects. But where to direct the charge of energy - Pisces will have to decide for themselves. The fact is that in November 2016, Pisces can safely run towards the tram and shout, I WILL CRUSH you, and everyone will believe it, even you and the tram!!! Therefore, no matter what your plans are for November - a fun and enchanting holiday or work - you will succeed. Or perhaps it will be both. According to the horoscope, Pisces can expect a lot of good and positive news, both in their personal life and at work, from the first day of the month.

In November 2016, many Pisces will have a good chance to start a new page in their lives; perhaps even those issues that some Pisces have not been able to resolve for several months will be resolved, and this applies to both work and personal life. The third ten days of November promises to be especially successful in this regard.

Pisces horoscope for November 2016. In November 2016, Pisces will have no one to fear, and not because you will be the scariest, but because you will not care! The main thing, Pisces, is not to forget about your “weak point” - an overly violent and often slow reaction to what is happening, because our Life consists of only 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it! And if you often react belatedly, then why react at all?

in November 2016, Pisces will be like one big group of women - sometimes drink, sometimes laugh and smile for no reason, you suffer, sometimes walk around happy, sometimes eat, sometimes don’t eat, but most often - all this at once!

Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces favorable days- 2, 5, 15, 19, 20, 24 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces unfavorable days - The world would not have been created if its CREATOR had thought about how to cause trouble to anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces career, work and business. While Pisces will pretend to be an exemplary worker at work in November, someone inside you will be “amazed” by what is happening. The thing is that in November you can learn a lot interesting information not only about your colleagues, but also about your superiors and management (and even about yourself). That is why the horoscope advises you to choose your ears more carefully, and it is better to just substitute your own. Otherwise, as the November horoscope warns, the only danger for you next month may be the envy of your colleagues. After all, many people only need to hear about Pisces’ unexpected success or see your distant, joyful smile to begin to envy. You are already an irritant for many at work and in the office, so not only be on the lookout for identifying “sent” spies, but also try to play your favorite game of ALL PISCES - “how secretive I am.” Well, according to your horoscope, you will really have plenty of reasons to rejoice in your soul in spite of the envious people. But, we remind you once again, try to keep this to yourself - you don’t want to take responsibility if something irreparable happens to your ill-wishers - and they are strangled by a huge TOAD?

Pisces-managers and Pisces-businessmen with subordinates need to be stricter in November. Even a simple threat - “if you don’t know how to work with a mouse, you will work with a shovel” will help maintain discipline in the office. Well, if you work outside of the office, then you can really use a shovel! In general, Pisces will have a lot of work in November, but the efforts expended will bring you satisfaction, and perhaps not only to you, but also to light orgasms for your wallet.

Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces Finance. Work in November will mainly bring only satisfaction, since most likely no special increase in money is expected, and not because of a decrease in income, there may just be money orgasms, but because of an increase in expenses, but the truth is mainly for your loved ones , and for a cheerful and beautiful life, or just for boots.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Pisces. Horoscope for November 2016 Pisces Love.

As we have already said, the horoscope for November indicates that for many Pisces, a “stone from the soul” will fall right into your bosom and affect your heart. Most likely, what you have been waiting for for so long will happen in November and will slightly weaken your nervous expectation of something “good”. Next month, Pisces will receive good and positive news even from those people whom you have long forgotten or “crossed out” from your life

On the other hand, despite the positive horoscope of special romanticism, Pisces should not expect anything this month. Perhaps the fatigue that has accumulated over the fall will not go away, or perhaps fatigue from old relationships will force Pisces to look at things more pragmatically.

Although in the second half of November there may be a surge in love experiences, and even fateful and “fatal” meetings in the good sense of the word. Even in established relationships, surprises can happen by mid-November. And different. However, the horoscope advises family Pisces to remember their calm but stubborn character, and even sometimes apologize for what you say when you are interrupted.

For lonely Pisces, the horoscope does not promise any special romance or meetings, and the point is not that in this matter you will be “dark, like Malevich squared.” Rather, on the contrary, your smile and good mood will attract people of the opposite sex. Yes, and other zodiac signs next month will be actively looking for love, sex or new relationships. Others, but not Pisces. There will be too little Spring in your heart in November (this is normal for November, but not enough for the search for love). Therefore, if you are still determined to find new love, first try to find a place for it in your heart.

So, as we have already said, in November 2016 Pisces will be different all the time, and since you will be different all the time, then the stars will give you different chances all the time. Therefore, try to concentrate on the positive, then the month will pass with a “+” sign for you. Of course, it’s annoying that you can’t wash your hair, clean your room and pay for the Internet once and for all?! But, on the other hand, it allows you to make something good out of something bad. So do this in November - pay for the Internet, wash your hair, tidy up your room and life, and good things will definitely ring your doorbell, Life or phone!

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As the horoscope for Pisces-woman for November 2016 says, the month will be more successful than ever for the development of relationships on the personal front, regardless of whether you are already in strong and stable ties or are just looking for your love. Expect pleasant surprises and the cutest gifts from your other half. For still single women our accurate horoscope advises you to prepare for a copious amount of attention from literally everyone, from random passers-by to friends who suddenly violate the boundaries of simple friendship. The main thing: do not isolate yourself and do not build too many castles in the air. It’s best to smile a lot and trust the flow of life - everything will work out in the best way!

Financial horoscope for Pisces woman for November 2016

Finance, according to the tradition of this autumn period, will again fade into the background. Social connections will play a decisive role in obtaining material wealth. By being as polite as possible with clients, friendly with colleagues and cautious with competitors, you can find yourself on the crest of a money wave. In addition, it will be useful to pay close attention to sources of additional income that are just on the surface, but have not yet been noticed by you. For example, think about getting rid of unnecessary things and getting a decent amount for them. Creativity is the keyword of the month! - says the horoscope for Pisces woman for November 2016.

From 1 to 10 November. You have the courage and willpower to change the usual course of things in the sphere of relationships. You just have to make an effort, and you can achieve what you want from your partner, from your union. If you are more focused on self-realization than on building a social unit, then you should understand that it is through partnership that new prospects for growth as a professional will open up for you. and personal. From November 3 to 6, you will be able to surprise your loved one and those who know you well. You will enjoy behaving unpredictably and in ways you have never behaved before.

From 11 to 20 November. During this period, the relationship in the couple will have a touch of friendly and partner support. There may be a lack of passion, but there will be understanding and romantic heart-to-heart conversations. The desire to be alone with your thoughts from November 13 to 16 will most likely not give you if you are looking. the opportunity to meet your betrothed. This could be an older person who is related to a culture that is not traditional to you. On November 19, the offer to relax and have fun will be a great temptation for you. Meeting a presentable man will be more like a flash of feelings with momentary pleasure than a long-term meeting. But from November 10 to 12, be attentive to the signs of fate and to the people who appear on your way.

From 21 to 30 November. It will be difficult not to notice you. You will not be deprived of the attention of men. Until November 27th you
It will not be easy to contain your feelings. In couples, tension may arise from flaring jealousy. On November 28, 29 you may receive a marriage proposal.

Family horoscope

You will need all your feminine wisdom to direct your lover’s passion and thirst for freedom in the right direction. It is important for him to feel like a leader in the relationship. It will be difficult for children to concentrate on their studies. Excessive self-confidence and reluctance to recognize authority can manifest itself in disobedience. The health of your parents will be your concern.

Health horoscope

Your future well-being will be at its best. Endurance and enthusiasm, energy and friendliness will be indicators good health. In November, excess energy will require its release. Try to be in a group more often, in in public places. From November 1 to November 10, discipline and moderation in everything will contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body.

Horoscope of work and money

In November, you will be able to feel the support of management and senior workmates. Until November 10, office equipment may fail you, vehicles, close relatives and employees. During this period, you need to be very careful when traveling on a business trip and when working with documents, and from November 15, be more careful with your property.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Pisces men

Love. Until November 10, your loved one will more often think about how to improve their relationship with you. This zodiac period will allow him to understand himself, his understanding of partnerships. Tell him more often that he is the best.

Tone. Self-confidence and interest in life will be maintained optimal performance his body. He can hardly complain about his health. The ability to subtly sense people’s moods and caution will help him avoid troubles and dangerous situations in the second ten days of November.

Finance. This is a period to reconsider ways of earning money. After November 10, situations may arise where you may lose proven sources of income. It is necessary to look at the world more broadly and not limit yourself in searching for new ones, alternative options financing. It is worth thinking about running joint projects with foreign partners.

Job. In October, the ability to properly express yourself and your talents will affect relationships with colleagues and the quality of work. Until November 11, signing of new contracts and installation of new job will slow down.

Friends. He will be drawn to those. from whom you can learn something. The circle of his acquaintances will expand due to visiting people. At the beginning of November, difficulties may arise in understanding each other.

Leisure. Don't be surprised if you find him reading smart books more and more often. In addition, he will enjoy various sports competitions or scientific experiments. Your loved one may become interested in traveling or watching educational programs about other cultures.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for November 2016: