Water pipes      05/15/2019

How not to build. the ugliest house. How not to build a country house How not to build a Valiko house

Torn off roofs, cracked stoves with torn boilers inside, freezing water pipes and sewers, spring rain from the insulation, entrance doors, which open only in summer...

“It’s good that we didn’t listen to advice and didn’t buy a ready-made house. As a result, they built it “for themselves,” with all the amenities, very warm and quickly,” the soul rejoices when you read such messages on FORUMHOUSE.

Purchase finished house justified in rare cases, because you have to overpay at least 30%, and no one will give quality guarantees, and you will have to adjust your desires and needs to the existing design.

A house that you built yourself is the best housing in the world, but sometimes such gross mistakes are made during the construction process that you look and don’t understand what it is, anyway? A sophisticated method of suicide?

Maybe they're filming a movie here, and then the house will be spectacularly blown up? Is the sadistic customer bullying the builders? Or are the builders taking cruel revenge on the owner for something?

Such assumptions FORUMHOUSE members This is the third year they have been building around a house that was being built near Samara. This vivid story has already been described by the journalists of our portal with a detailed analysis of all the mistakes. But it also has a second side - in many ways it is a story about human qualities that are little compatible with building your own home.

A FORUMHOUSE user from the very beginning Yuraberg, a good and kind person, tried to bring the owners of the house to their senses - “ you will stop the child if he runs across the road in the wrong place”, and explain to them that such a house is not inhabitable. Moreover, it was clear that the owner was clearly strapped for funds and was building with the last of his resources.

About the results of this event Yuraberg then he said briefly: “I was sent.” Later there were proposals to send a delegation from FORUMHOUSE to the owner, to give him a printout of the discussion of this construction - I wanted to somehow stop this disgrace before people moved into the house and no one had time to get hurt...

But judging by how the construction proceeded further, the owner of the house belongs to the category of people who react painfully to any doubts about his competence in all areas of life. The house has now been built, but it is unlikely to survive next winter. Discussing this story, people at FORUMHOUSE were perplexed - what lessons can be learned from it, besides the fact that being stupid is bad?

We agreed on this: one’s own opinion may not always be correct. And nothing bad will happen if you listen to someone and then think about it.

By the way, this “listen and think” allows you to save significant amounts of money. We offer you an overview of construction mistakes that were reviewed on FORUMHOUSE.

Torn off roofs, cracked stoves with torn boilers inside, freezing water pipes and sewers, spring rain from the insulation, entrance doors that open only in the summer, and in winter the owners squeeze through a 30-centimeter gap...

To the user of our portal Andrey73Tver It is enough to walk along the streets of his microdistrict of individual developers who received plots from the state to understand that he is far from the worst builder. Why is this happening? According to his observations, because:

  • 70% of people build their own;
  • 25% hires incompetents, drunkards and slackers for a small price;
  • and only 3-5% can afford to invite professionals.

The result is, for example, like this - a window that opens from the outside.

That is, he wanted to open the window, went out into the street, and ran around the house. And from a security point of view, this strange technique is acceptable if a couple of Caucasian Shepherd dogs are running around the perimeter of the house.

cdfhobre User FORUMHOUSE

No, well, I understand that when you’re drunk, you confuse one window, but two – this already shows a clear plan and clarity of thought.

Most people would like to live in own home on earth, and you can’t argue with that. But the absolute majority of this majority, as they say on our portal, “are not in the subject of construction.” The customer is “not in the subject of construction”, and when he hires random workers to implement it is not clear whose ideas, the result can be anything.


Sometimes your hair stands on end, sometimes you laugh, sometimes you are perplexed, but you want to take pictures.

Every day Vodopad drove past the unfinished neighbor’s house and every time he was surprised: “how is this possible?”

So he was unable to find a reasonable explanation.

Indeed, some construction solutions leave users of our portal with a feeling of mystery.

Let's say, what did the author of the car tires under the bay windows on this incomprehensible structure want to say?

Or this house, which, it feels like Elenavrn, its owner does not build, but dismantles it, and with the use of explosive devices.

In the village ElenaKul There is an amazing house with a power line running right through the roof. Maybe that's why they can't finish it.

Bair never ceases to be surprised: the neighbor fucked over the fence two-storey house made of timber and covered all over with EPPS-m. Someone taught him. And people wrap their log houses in roofing felt: “When you start explaining that you can’t do this, they get offended.”

3BOHKOB tells that a friend of his had the second floor of a house made of timber built on rebar instead of dowels.


But it doesn’t sit on the fittings. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad... Finger-sized gaps between the beams.

This is what the “window wish” that arose at the last moment looks like in reality.

And in this user photo Consultant111 the sad and very short history of the panel house is shown.

The house was built in the winter, and in the summer it “came together.”

The technology was violated during construction: walls panel houses can be sewn up by assembling the entire frame and covering the roof. But at the same time, the frame must have permanent jibs (they are installed even if the house is sheathed with OSB), and be reinforced with temporary jibs, which are removed after installation of the OSB.

Here the walls had not yet been sewn up, but the frame was assembled in its entirety.

But the fence, also from the FORUMHOUSE collection, was built by migrant workers who said that they understood the task, and the customer did not control the process.

Here are some examples of the work of the “masters” that we encountered Mickas.

Here we see the turning of a brick pipe along the ceiling beams (6 meters), and this is only “one small part of the horrors that were done during the construction of the furnace.” The stove itself stands in the middle of the floor slab, and the slab has a deflection of about 4-5 cm.

And here are 100x50 rafters a meter apart. The roof was already falling in.

Jazzway is convinced: all, without exception, “jambs” of this kind are the result of the owner’s voluntary delusion, multiplied by the Russian “maybe”. Some buildings are even scary to approach. And people are confident that they built correctly and economically.


Examples of what I saw:

1. The frame is made of sleepers, lined with 0.5 bricks, and the inside is lined with gypsum board and insulation!

2. Strip foundation made of FBS, buried 1.5 meters (with a basement!) without waterproofing at a groundwater level of 0.2-0.5 m! In the swamp, in general. House made of gas block.

3. “Shallow FBS tape” one block high. House made of foam block. Crack from the foundation to the ridge.

With a huge construction blunder, FORUMHOUSE user Valerey met in the early 90s. One thrifty man hired an inexpensive team of masons... to build a house from timber.

The masons did not know how to work with wood, so they did this: they quickly cut the timber into meter-long pieces and made walls from them, like bricks.

Instead of mortar, bricks from timber were attached to nails. When the owner of the house arrived to accept the work, he almost had a heart attack.

Of course, this is not the 90s, and the likelihood of encountering bricks made of timber or a pipeline made of propylene pipes, welded with a lighter, is reassuringly small. But the need for a competent specialist for technical supervision has perhaps become even greater. There’s no need to save money on it - moreover, it itself will save you money by accurately calculating volumes, work and materials.

sem2005 I recently oversaw the finishing touches on a 220m2 cottage. The customer chose facial materials at exhibitions, then looked at their prices on the Internet, chose where it was cheaper, and sent a link for purchase. sem2005 suggested that the customer buy the same material, only in companies where they sell it to him at a discount.


I just want to say: why? After all, everything that needed to be assessed based on the foundation and walls and ceilings is already reliably hidden...

On our portal you can find out how long the house that Yuraberg tried to take over will last, watch a video that tells about typical mistakes in building a house from timber and the flaws that builders make when building a frame.

You may also find our articles useful: about the most common mistakes made when building a house, and about how to build a house without any experience.

I showed this house 3 years ago as an example of “how not to build” even during the period of its “half-construction”:

Many doubted, they said: “No, well, maybe he’ll do it right later, install insulation, fix the jambs...”

I was sure that if an idiot undertakes to do something, then it will be idiotic. This is the law. That is, if there are signs that the citizen building is an idiot, then he will definitely make all the mistakes, despite the fact that theoretically they can be eliminated at subsequent stages. And even sometimes normal people do them with the intention of “I’ll remove them later, this is temporary.” I immediately said that an idiot is building here and, apparently, even the horror that was built is not the apogee, and it will only get worse, although purely technically it was possible even from this freak and the horror of a heating engineer to make something quite decent.

So, now the house is finished and we can say unequivocally: everything turned out as I said - the freak turned out to be just a reference:
As I promised, during the process no one did any vapor barrier, much less insulation. You can love it - the siding was laid right on the slats:

Now it looks like this:

Nearby there is a “bathhouse” of congenial design. And a pipe on strings. I cried.

So what do we have? Amazingly ugly "coffin with music" type house. I remember that Raskolnikov went from living in such a kennel to killing old women. The layout there must be the same. Dark. Moreover, it’s terribly decorated with siding with a pretense of “design”. Nightmare. And that's just on the outside.

It's even sadder inside. Monolithic slabs laid on foam-gas-kisaks without belts, ties or frames. How this all holds up is unclear. The foundation is unclear. There is no insulation. The ends of the floors are directly exposed to the frost: hello ice skating rink on the floor in winter, despite the hellish wood-eating stove and sauna under the ceiling...

Let’s note, it would be nice if people, out of poverty, sculpted something like this, a la “A group of skvoreshniks under the same roof named after “Voronya Slobodka”:

Or something like “A Very Lonely Birdhouse”:

Everything is clear here - what it was made from was what it was made from. For 5 rubles from shit and sticks. The saber house was made from the very best, right away according to plan, and not like “Let’s do something, and then, as soon as the money appears, we’ll add a porch and a kitchenette to the outhouse on the mezzanine!” No, they immediately built this crap with full knowledge of what they were doing. Not “from what it was”, but from the best. But it turned out to be worse shit than that little tower.

No, citizens, the construction idiocy of fellow citizens is incurable. I’m writing these analyzes here, I’m writing, and the freaks are becoming more and more terrible and pompous!

Previously, they sinned because of poverty, this and that, the wretchedness of life, which is why, they say, the sheds are so terrible. Now you can’t write it off! All the chickens don't peck for money, they've been to Europe, the Louvre has already been crawled around to the point of yawning boredom, and freaks are growing like mushrooms on an ever-increasing scale. No, the Soviet government definitely has nothing to do with it. It looks like something needs to be changed at the conservatory. I mean, only a good surgeon will help a bad dancer. Lobotomy. There is no other way!

Building a house correctly “the first time” is difficult, even if you hire professionals. And problems can then appear in the most unexpected places - a cracked foundation, broken communications, the appearance of mold, and so on. Even if visually everything seems to be in order with the building, it turns out that living in it is cold or uncomfortable. What problems did FORUMHOUSE users encounter and how did they fix them? We study the experience of other people’s mistakes so as not to make our own.

Forum topics:

The problem of heat leaks due to improper insulation or other construction defects and errors is one of the most pressing for homeowners. Portal member Sergant76 engages in thermal imaging for amateur purposes and shares his observations.

Even a well-known and knowledgeable company in all construction issues can deceive - for its own benefit, let alone workers “from the outside” who may either not know something or work carelessly. What problems did portal participants encounter during the construction of a house and how to solve them - read the topic.

In one of the popular topics on the portal, our participants talk about their sad construction experiences and try to find solutions.

What would homeowners do differently if they rebuilt a house, renovated an apartment, bought a plot, etc. - everything that others did not think about in time, but which you can take into account if you are planning the same work, is discussed here.

Brick house, irusya8 and her family realized how much they had not taken into account. Topicstarter opened this topic to talk about her mistakes, but other portal participants also joined the discussion.

Perhaps, The best way avoid mistakes during construction - planning and careful consideration of all stages. It’s even better when the “collective mind” helps with this. Portal participant Irina7 is going to build a house “not even in this five-year period,” but has already begun preparations for construction and turned to FORUMHOUSE with questions and advice.