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Correct pronunciation of latte. How to correctly latte or latte accent. What is the correct stress in the word “latte” for the Russian language?

Julia Vern 24 781 0

Many coffee lovers prefer the combination of an invigorating tart drink with the mild taste of natural milk. Worth special attention correct pronunciation the name of this recipe. In our country you can hear the word “latte”, in which the emphasis is placed on both the first and second syllables.

The correct pronunciation in this case depends on how the emphasis is placed in the homeland of this drink, in Italy. It was there that the exquisite combination of coffee and milk was born, which has become a favorite drink for many people around the world. Our compatriots are accustomed to the fact that the names of recipes coming from other countries sound very unusual. That is why many people place the emphasis in the word “latte” on last syllable. This variant actually sounds more like French than Italian, where the word comes from. This shade is more familiar to Russian citizens, who are accustomed to the fact that most culinary delights come from France.

In Italy, the phrase “café au lait” is denoted by one word “latte”, and the emphasis is placed only on the first syllable. This is the only correct pronunciation of this beautiful word. In addition to coffee latte, there are several other names associated with the aromatic drink, which not everyone says or spells correctly.

Difficulties with foreign words

There are many interesting recipes, each of which has its fans. For example, delicious and sweet iced coffee. There are usually no difficulties in pronouncing this word, but you can often see a spelling mistake. The name of this recipe is correctly written with one letter “c”, as it comes from the French “glace”, which translates to “frozen” or “ice”. The following words also deserve special attention:

  • barista;
  • cappuccino;
  • tiramisu;
  • Americano;
  • espresso.

Coffee sommelier and preparation specialist various types coffee - barista. This word cannot be declined; it is always masculine. Therefore, it is correct to say: “She is an excellent barista.”

The name of the much-loved coffee recipe “Americano” does not yet have a fixed rule, but linguists are inclined to believe that it is a masculine word.

It is often difficult to spell the name “cappuccino”. In the menus of restaurants and cafes you can often see common errors, or rather double consonants “p” or “ch”. It is necessary to remember that the spelling “cappuccino” is the only correct one.

Delicious coffee latte recipe

To prepare the traditional version of the drink, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • roasted and ground coffee beans;
  • filtered cool water;
  • whole milk;
  • granulated sugar.

Fresh coffee is poured into the heated frothed milk so that it is under the milk foam.

Pronouncing the names of your favorite drinks correctly is very important; this is a sign of education and a rule of good manners.

Coffee is a favorite drink for many people. If you don’t know how to cook it deliciously, it doesn’t matter! Coffee shops and restaurants will treat you to a fragrant, properly brewed drink for every taste: latte, cappuccino, espresso, Americano.

But it can be difficult for Russians to place emphasis. How should you say: latte or latte?

Where to put the emphasis

The word latte came into our language from Italy. This is the word they call milk there. Therefore, when Italians order this type of coffee, they say caffellatte. If you order a latte in their home country, they will bring you regular milk, perhaps warmed up.

In Russian, the word “coffee” is omitted and they are simply said “latte” with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Latte is the right option.

How not to get confused by stress

Most people still say it wrong. They call coffee in the French style: “latte”. Sometimes even some baristas say that. It's rare, but it happens.

To avoid confusion, it is worth remembering one or two rhymes for this word, such as “latte from a coffee machine,” “unflavored latte,” or “latte for brother.” If you remember the rhyme, remember the correct stress.

How to make a latte

The recipe for this drink is very simple. You don't have to go to the nearest coffee shop to enjoy its taste. To make coffee you will need:

  • espresso – 50 ml;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • milk for whipping – 30 ml.

Prepare strong coffee in a convenient way: brew it yourself or trust it to a coffee machine. Measure 50 ml and pour into a glass.

Heat the milk and pour into the coffee. When choosing milk for the drink itself, be guided by your taste. If you like a silky, rich taste, use 3.2% milk or add cream. If you have a pleasant light consistency, choose milk with low fat content.

You can whip milk for foam at home in two ways. The first is using a mixer. The second is using a French press. Pour a small amount of milk into it and move the piston up and down until a dense foam forms.

From my own experience, I will say that milk with a fat content of 1.5% froths better than milk with a fat content of 3.2% and higher. Before whipping, you can add a little sugar to make the foam sweet.

Place the whipped milk cap on top of the coffee in the glass.

The drink can be served either with pronounced layers of coffee and milk, or mixed. In addition, you can use ground cinnamon, grated chocolate, syrups or liqueur.

Latte or latte

How to put the accent correctly in the word LATTE?

In this recent borrowing, the word “latte”, the emphasis in any case must be placed on the first syllable - l A tte.

This word entered our lives not so long ago, so it has not yet “got used to” Russian grammatical rules and pronunciation, raising many questions about how to correctly place the emphasis. This word means a café au lait drink in which layers of espresso, milk and milk foam are poured into a tall glass or just a cup.

A word that is inconvenient for our language, indeclinable and with a double consonant, nevertheless denotes one of the realities of our life today: an exquisite drink has many fans, but, not knowing where the emphasis is, they feel discomfort when ordering l A tte in the cafe.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the word is used both in the masculine (which is thought to be the most preferable, since the word “coffee” is masculine) and in the neuter gender.

How to remember where the emphasis is?

To remember which syllable is stressed in a word l A tte, you need to know that it came to us from Italian language, and in it the stress rarely falls on the last syllable. Compare, for example, with the words cappuccino, macchiato, barista. All these “coffee” words also come from Italy. Probably, the errors are associated with the assumption that the name came from France (as you know, the French, on the contrary, usually put the emphasis on the last syllable). But in a word Latte stress on the first syllable.

To remember where to stress a word Latte, you can use the mnemonic formula "L A tte sweet"; To do this, you need to imagine the combination and remember the pronunciation based on the consonance of the words.

Also, many people are good at retaining various poems in their memory. For example, like this:

In Zlata's cup

Fragrant l A tte.

Get paid

For meringue and l A tte.

Usage examples

Say all the examples out loud for better memorization.

  • Order for me l A tte and cake.
  • L A tte It is prepared in Russia only on the basis of espresso.

The stress in the word “latte” is on the first syllable – latte. Why does this happen and is it possible to allow another version of the stress? Let's understand all the rules!

Which syllable is stressed in the word latte?

Not long ago we heard the opinion that the emphasis in the word “latte” should be placed on the last syllable. Let's figure out where the word came from and which vowel will be stressed?

“Latte” is a word borrowed from Italian and translated as “milk”. The name of the drink “coffee latte” literally means “coffee with milk”.

A little history

Today it is impossible to name the discoverer of the recipe. The authorship is disputed by the French, Italians and Austrians. If we turn to historical sources, there are recorded references to making coffee with milk in the stories of travelers about the Austro-Hungarian Empire, as well as in essays about Venice, Holland and other European countries.

Italians have their own version of the origin of the drink.

Once upon a time there was a certain bartender or even a barista, and he served visitors to his establishment, among other drinks, the most common milk - “latte” in Italian. But one day he wanted to improve the taste of a familiar product, and he added a little coffee to the milk. Not only he, but also the guests of the establishment liked the drink. They didn’t come up with a name for it, they left everything as it is – latte coffee. In Russian translation - coffee with milk.

No matter who came up with the recipe, it was the Italian name that stuck in European barista practice. There is nothing surprising about this - many terms in the modern coffee business are of Italian origin. And since the word is Italian, they pronounce it in the Italian manner, with emphasis on the first syllable.

Of course, most European languages ​​have their own equivalent recipe names.

  • In French: cafe au lait. The French version is pronounced without a final consonant and sounds like one long syllable “le”.
  • In Spanish they say: café con leche. The phonetics of the Spanish word resembles the Italian version and sounds with the same stress on the first syllable.

Here we could recall the common Indo-European linguistic roots, but it seems that we have gone too far in our small study.

Let's return to the modern latte. We found out that the word is Italian and is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable. But let's see how foreign language borrowing behaves in our native Russian language. Perhaps the emphasis changes in the Russian version?

What is the correct stress in the word “latte” for the Russian language?

In Russian coffee shops and everyday life we ​​hear the name Italian recipe V different options pronunciation. Sometimes this leads to heated arguments. Let's approach the issue from the perspective of language rules.

The word is new to the Russian language, having come into use quite recently.

By the way, “coffee” is also considered a relative newcomer to the Russian language, although we have been using this name for about 300 years, and it has long been part of the active vocabulary.

New borrowed words in Russian are used according to the scheme of the source language. This happens until the influence of our native speech changes the borrowing according to the rules adopted in the Russian language. But this does not happen immediately and not soon. Therefore, the term “latte” is used according to the rules of the Italian language, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Foggy future

If this word lives in our linguistic space long enough, it will change its pronunciation. It can be assumed that in the future the double consonant will disappear, and the hard pronunciation of “t” will change to soft, as often happens in our language. It is quite possible that the stress will move to the last syllable, but these processes will take more than a dozen years. Until then, the phonetics of the source language is preserved, along with stress and pronunciation features.

Let's turn to the authorities

Until recently, the word “latte” did not have a dictionary fixation in the Russian language. That is, it was not included in any dictionary. This is a typical phenomenon for neologisms or recent borrowings.

But a few years ago the name of the drink received official status. The word “latte” was included in the 2012 edition of the “Russian Spelling Dictionary”. This is an authoritative academic publication edited by the famous Russian philologist V.V. Lopatina. The dictionary was published by the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and deserves every confidence.

In this edition, the word “latte” is designated as a lexeme with stress on the first syllable. As for other grammatical features, the word has masculine and an unchangeable form, that is, it does not decline cases and does not have numerical forms.

According to the rules, you can't say

  • "my latte"
  • “The lattes are hot.”

Only in the masculine gender:

  • "my latte"
  • "The latte is hot."

For those who can’t remember what emphasis should be placed in the name “latte,” we offer a humorous mnemonic formula for better memorization: “Take your paws off the latte!” or “Coffee Latte does not wear armor”

What do you need to know about the accent in the word "latte"?

  1. This is a borrowed language unit of Italian origin.
  2. In the source language it is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable.
  3. In the Russian language it has a dictionary fixation in the “Russian Spelling Dictionary”.
  4. In Russian, it is used according to the rules of the source language: with emphasis on the first syllable, firm pronunciation of the consonant sounds “t” and a weakened sound “e” at the end of the word.

What uses of the term “latte” have you heard?

The name of the popular coffee drink latte is an anglicized shortened version of the Italian. caffè latte, that is, “coffee with milk.” Its recipe is familiar to everyone: espresso (actually, caffè) is added to milk, whipped and heated in a certain way - latte.

We use a truncated version and never say when ordering “please bring me latte", because for a Russian person latte- this is already coffee, the name of a certain type of coffee drink, while for an Italian latte- it's still latte, milk.

From here funny cases from the series “I went to Italy, ordered a latte, received milk and wondered - where is my coffee?”

In general, the “parent” of our latte is well known to us, but the issue of emphasis still plagues native speakers. For almost twenty years now, some have argued that the latte is correct, while others have argued that the latte is correct. Alas, no matter how much one would like simplicity in this matter, there is no definite answer here, just like the right.

The pattern shows that latte, which has now become fully accustomed to the system over the years and has become Russian, follows the original source and is pronounced similarly to the Italian latte - with emphasis on the first syllable. This stress is traditionally considered correct, since it duplicates the norm of the source language, and this is fair.

However, the word latte came into new system, which has its own laws. For example, we have a completely different accent pattern. Please note that both lexical meaning the words have changed. We don't call our milk latte, and Italians don't consider latte itself coffee. So, we can say that the Italian latte and our latte are related, but still different words.

As for the Russian accent, it is known to be very fond of freedom, which is manifested in its mobility, diversity and instability. IN Lately we are talking about the tendency of Russian stress to shift to the center of the word and move from the beginning to the end of the word, as well as to make the opposite journey. It is more convenient for us to pronounce the word latte, whatever its origin, with the emphasis on the last syllable, because it behaves in the system like a word for which this is a more natural accent. That's why we constantly hear people correcting each other. Someone who said latte will definitely say “actually a latte” and vice versa.

In this matter, we can only rely on such signs of a linguistic norm as common usage and preference. In modern Russian, the variant remains commonly used and preferred, that is, correct, latte. However, there is reason to believe that latte has the potential to become a variant of the norm, to which it is pushed by the nature of the Russian accent and the peculiarities of the Russian language system.

As for the gender of the noun latte, the same pattern applies here as for the word coffee - correct latte he And it's a latte.