Water pipes      06/23/2020

How much does the air conditioner weigh in kg. The size of the air conditioner is the indoor unit of a wall-mounted split system. Air conditioner size. Split indoor unit

The introduction of new technological solutions in household equipment often runs counter to practical expediency. The example of climate technology is the most indicative in this sense. Yes, in Lately the market is actively filled with which are intended for indoor use. The features of such systems include the complete exclusion of dirty installation operations, which attracts a considerable audience of consumers. But with all the convenience of installation and further maintenance, such models are not able to approach the performance that provides outdoor unit air conditioner as part of a split system. Another thing is that the owners of outdoor installations have to deal with troublesome tasks, but of a different kind.

What is an outdoor unit?

The composition of the outdoor segment, which is part of the split system complex, includes a condenser, valve decoupling, pipes, filter driers and a fan. Depending on the modification and design, the internal "stuffing" may vary, but the traditional air conditioner kit with a remote unit has just such a set of elements. By the way, the most noticeable differences are observed in the so-called winter systems, which provide for the presence of special controllers for controlling the fan. Modern air conditioners also use multifunctional power switching relays. Similar devices designed for non-standard operation of the compressor in conditions of high or low temperatures. Unlike the indoor segment, the outdoor unit does not have electronic modules - its operation is completely subordinated to the mechanical function.

Block sizes

The outdoor unit is available on the market in various configurations and shapes. And although manufacturers, in order to simplify the segmentation, tend to unify the model lines, the choice of sizes is still quite wide. If we talk about average parameters, then it has a width of 770 mm, a height of 450 mm and a thickness of 245 mm. At the same time, the radius of the fan varies on average from 200 to 250 mm. Of course, there are also aggregates, the sizes of which deviate from these indicators. So, in the Mitsubishi lineup, an almost square-shaped external air conditioning unit is presented, which has a width of 880 mm and a height of 840 mm. As for the parameters of the internal segment, they are not so impressive. Usually these are long narrow modules of medium size - 700 x 200 x 200 mm.

Choosing a place to install the unit

Usually, when choosing the optimal point for installing air conditioners outside, users are faced with the problems of combining ease of use and protection of the module. For example, the location of the block at height is the best option from the point of view of its safety, but in this case, access to the air conditioner for the purpose of maintenance becomes more difficult. A good solution would be to place the module on the wall near the window opening or loggia. At the same time, other nuances must be taken into account, including the absence of direct sunlight and permission for installation from neighbors, since a noisy unit can cause inconvenience to people living on the same level of the building.

In addition, it produces condensate, which will drip down in drops. Accordingly, you will have to negotiate with neighbors on the lower floors. In case of successful coordination of the installation site of the unit with other residents, you can proceed to direct installation operations. By the way, another condition for installing an outdoor unit is the possibility of laying communications in the wall.

Installation of the external unit of the air conditioner

When installing air conditioners, special installation kits are used, which include pipes with flex, brackets with sets of fixing hardware, drainage communications, etc. The physical installation of the segment is carried out using load-bearing components that are embedded in the walls using anchor elements. At the same stage, brackets are used, the power potential of which is oriented to the mass of a particular module. Also, the installation of the external unit of the air conditioner provides for its communication connection with the internal segment. To do this, a hole of the required diameter is made in the wall, which will allow organizing, in addition to the main wiring, also the laying of a vacuum pump and a gauge manifold. At the final stage, a direct connection of communications between the two blocks is made.

Features of installing the indoor unit

When installing the evaporative, that is, the internal module of the air conditioning system, it is especially important to observe the correct position of the unit. Usually this unit is mounted directly under the ceiling surface with a slight indentation. Mechanical fixation is also carried out using suitable brackets. True, in this case, the mass of equipment is not so large, which simplifies the workflow. After marking, the master installs the anchor elements and, if necessary, fastens the supporting profiles. Next, the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed with strict observance of the horizontal position. Also, some models of such segments, according to the instructions, should have a slight slope towards the passage of drainage.

Maintenance and care

In the standard mode of operation, the air conditioner must be serviced every six months. Most of work is carried out with the external unit, which is most prone to contamination. Specialists usually check the condition of the filters, the level of refrigerant, the operating pressure of the module route, etc. The most difficult operation is the replacement of the working fluid. The refrigerant is a chemically unsafe substance, so it is better to trust its refueling experienced craftsmen. But the care of the rest of the components is quite accessible to ordinary users. For example, the answer to the question of how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner is quite simple. First of all, it should be disassembled, after which, using a rag or vacuum cleaner, remove internal surfaces module from dust and dirt deposits. In the process of such care, external filters and heat exchangers are cleaned, which prolongs the life of the air conditioner.

Outdoor unit in multi-systems

The concept of technical implementation of a split system provides for the possibility of using several indoor modules in one complex, which are serviced by one outdoor unit. Unlike standard configurations, the external module of such a system has engineering differences. For integration into a multi-system, it is equipped with an additional thermostat, which allows you to more effectively control the settings of the fan and compressor. In turn, the indoor unit of the air conditioner acts as a source of information signals that determine the control of the outdoor module. That is, the user, using the remote control, accesses the panel of the indoor unit, and the latter, in turn, regulates the system of bypass communications on the freon line via a digital channel.

A question of price

In modern modifications, split-system air conditioners are not cheap, which is largely due to the complexity of the design. Even in the initial segment, the cost of an air conditioner with a remote unit is rarely less than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, you can find options for 15 thousand rubles. from little-known brands, but their quality is questionable by both specialists and users themselves, who often complain about problems.

Decent quality models are offered by Fujitsu, Daikin, Mitsubishi, etc. The average cost of an air conditioner from the range of these companies varies in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the most technologically advanced and productive kits can be estimated at 70-80 thousand rubles.


The use of air conditioners with a design that involves the installation of a remote unit causes many problems during installation and further maintenance. And this is without taking into account the difficulties in transporting equipment. These factors allow us to speak of such units as obsolete. Especially against the backdrop of the spread of mobile devices with a modest size. Nevertheless, the external unit of the air conditioner remains relevant in the market. It explains it high performance, functionality and safety during operation, since the main work units are located outside the living quarters. And if for domestic use you can find a low-power replacement for a split system in the form of a monoblock, then in the context of maintenance office space, public buildings and institutions multifunctional complexes still have no equal.

The principle of dividing the air conditioner into external and internal units in split systems has significantly increased the ability to control the microclimate. The serviceable area of ​​the premises has increased, the capacity of the cooling and heating system has increased, etc.

The dimensions of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner directly depend on its capacity.

The higher the power, the larger the dimensions of the outdoor unit, but this should not be taken literally. Manufacturers have developed several standards for the dimensions of the outdoor unit housing, each of which is sufficient to accommodate air conditioner units with power from and to. Passing through the upper limit of power requires a case with large dimensions.

Structural elements of the outdoor unit, determining its dimensions

The main element of the air conditioner, which determines the dimensions of the outdoor unit, is the condenser of the cooling system, which becomes the evaporator when the unit switches to heating mode. The higher the power of the air conditioner, the larger the area of ​​​​the evaporators and the condenser.

There is already a directly proportional relationship. The area of ​​the condenser can reach such dimensions that two fans are required to blow it. The dimensions of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner are influenced by the dimensions of the compressor, control and management devices, etc., but although it is insignificant in geometry, it may be noticeable for the weight of the unit.

When size matters

The size of the outdoor unit is of great importance when choosing a place for its installation, when, for example, the dimensions do not allow it to be installed in the optimal position in terms of installation. The dimensions of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner are also reminiscent of its weight.

Typically, in multi-storey buildings, air conditioners with a power of up to 9 kW are installed, at which Weight Limit the external unit is a little over 60 kilograms, which is a lot, and when installing air conditioners with higher power, the weight of the unit reaches 120 or more kilograms. For the installation of such a block, a winch is already required.

Air conditioner high power requires more careful maintenance to prevent overheating of the compressor. Let's take an example. In normal electric kettle with a power of 1 kW, a liter of water boils in 3-4 minutes. When an air conditioner with a power of 5-7 kW is operating, it is theoretically possible to boil a bucket of water in the same time. This explains the importance of caring for the external unit - cleaning the surface of the condenser from dust and contaminants, especially such as poplar fluff.

We remind you that overheating of the compressor means, at a minimum, additional losses of freon, and in the worst case, it will completely fail when it needs to be replaced and the entire split system needs to be repaired. Such work at its cost is ten times higher than the cost of maintaining the air conditioner.

Greetings to all visitors to the Conditioner site! There are situations when you need to know the dimensions of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. This question arises when the placement of the unit is planned in a limited space. Sometimes these dimensions play a decisive role in the choice.

It happens that in the allocated space there is not enough space for the free arrangement of blocks. Then you have to choose another installation location or, for example, replace two external units with one (this will already be a multi-split system).

On the Internet, for a specific model of air conditioner, you will find specifications, where the overall dimensions of the units are indicated. But if you have not yet decided on a specific model, then you will need to know at least approximate dimensions. Today we will try to determine the average dimensions of the outdoor unit, focusing on the characteristics household wall-mounted split systems.

What determines the dimensions of the outdoor unit

The dimensions of the block body, of course, are determined by the dimensions of the constituent parts. The largest parts of the outdoor unit are the condenser (radiator) and. The size of the blocks depends on their performance. The more powerful the air conditioner, the greater the “opportunities” and dimensions should have its main components.

It's no secret that air conditioners come in different cooling capacities. In most cases, there is a direct relationship between the cooling capacity and the dimensions of the unit (especially one line). But when comparing different brands or models, different numbers can turn out!

Of course, the more powerful the air conditioner, the larger its parts, the larger the dimensions of the blocks. But now there are "splits" with overestimated characteristics. To reduce the price, they are assembled from budget components, which hardly provide the declared cooling capacity. Including for this reason, different brands can have significantly different dimensions with the same power.

Dimensions of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner

If we consider the performance of the "split" up to 2.7 kW, then the height of the external unit will be approximately 42-60 cm. On average, this figure will have a value of about 50 cm You may need the height of the "foot" of the bracket - usually 7 cm.

Width (without “protruding” cranes) is usually 66-80 cm. Considering my experience, I suggest taking a distance of 70 cm The depth of small air conditioners is usually 23-30 cm.

Thus, we got the approximate dimensions of the external unit:

  • height 50 cm;
  • width 70 cm (note that the service taps "protrude" beyond the body by an additional 6 cm);
  • depth 27 cm.

I will supplement these figures with the distance between the outer block and the wall of the building - an average of 15 cm. Given this indent, the outer block will be located at a distance of 42 cm from the wall (cladding) of the house.

For clarity, we present the average dimensions of outdoor units for domestic air conditioners in the form of a table.

Focusing on these figures, do not forget about the variety of climate technology. If you have limited space for the outdoor unit, then before buying the device, still check the dimensions for specific model conditioner.

Additional questions can be asked in the comments!

Today, to maintain a favorable microclimate in the premises, split systems are popular. They consist of two parts: external and internal block. The outdoor unit of the air conditioner is of key importance for the quality operation of the equipment. We will understand its device, principles of operation and features of installation and maintenance.

Equipment device

The external unit of the split system is called the compressor and condenser unit (KKB). This is a key element of climate equipment that provides cooling or heating by changing the state of the refrigerant (working substance). KKB is a building that houses:

  • compressor;
  • condenser (heat exchanger);
  • expansion coils;
  • capillary tubes;
  • 4 way valve;
  • filter dryer (receiver);
  • fan.

The outdoor unit of the air conditioner is connected to the equipment in the room through a system of freon (heat-insulating copper) lines. A drainage line runs from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit.

The KKB case is made of galvanized steel.

Equipment features

A number of KKB models are equipped with a special "winter kit". It is designed to keep the instrument in good working order. winter time years at low temperatures. The winter kit works only for cooling, so it is best suited for installation in server rooms and other rooms with high level heat dissipation.

It includes the following elements:

  • The fan control controller turns off the ventilation and turns it on when the condenser heats up.
  • Heated drain pipe.
  • Compressor crankcase heating before start.

The general principle of operation of a split system can be described as follows: warm air, cooled air is supplied in the opposite direction, which loses temperature, passing through the air conditioner and in contact with the refrigerant.

When switching the split system mode to heating, the reverse process occurs. The outdoor unit absorbs cold air outside and raises the temperature to right level. indoor unit delivers heated air into the room.

KKB works at the expense of physical properties refrigerant that transfers energy when the state of aggregation changes.

The outdoor unit of the air conditioner works as follows:

  1. From the container, the compressor is supplied with a working substance in a gaseous state.
  2. From the compressor high pressure The refrigerant enters the condenser, where it turns into a liquid, giving off heat.
  3. Having lost some of the energy, freon enters the highway.
  4. From the line, the working substance passes into the throttling device, where it loses pressure and cools.
  5. Cold liquid is transferred to the evaporator, where it actively circulates through the tubes.
  6. The evaporator is blown with warm supply air by means of a fan.
  7. Cold air is supplied to the room.
  8. The warm supply air heats the heat exchanger as it passes through it before it enters the room.
  9. From the heat exchanger, the refrigerant is heated, which turns into a gas.
  10. Freon, passing into a gaseous state, gives the air cold. From the heat exchanger, the gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor again, where the process is repeated.
  11. A closed cycle of work is created.

Main settings

When choosing and buying an external unit of a split system, you need to pay attention to four main characteristics:

  • Size, height, width, length.
  • Power.
  • Line length.

Dimensional dimensions of external units depend on the power and functionality of the equipment.

Average dimensional characteristics of the outdoor unit of the split system:

  • width 80 cm;
  • height 50 cm;
  • thickness 30 cm.

Models that are offered on the market may have different capacities. It all depends on the purpose of the equipment. A standard household split system has a capacity that allows you to cover a space of up to 100 square meters. m.

An important characteristic of the outdoor unit is noise. If the air conditioner in the room works without noise, then the external unit can cause significant inconvenience to the neighbors. When choosing a model, it is better to clarify the indicator of the noise produced during the operation of the external unit. Permissible indicator 32 dB.

You also need to pay attention to allowable length connecting lines between blocks.

Do not exceed the distance that is stated in the technical data sheet of the model, as this can lead to a serious decrease in the efficiency of the equipment.

Installing an outdoor unit involves several steps. At the first stage, the installation site is determined, equipment and tools are prepared. At the second stage, the marking and direct fixation of the equipment is performed. At the third stage, performance verification and testing activities are carried out.

Location selection

Structures of modern buildings ( apartment buildings, shopping and office centers) provide for the installation of air conditioners and split systems. This moment is laid down during the design. Special boxes are mounted on the facades of buildings. They solve two key problems. First, it minimizes the likelihood that fasteners will be poorly made. Secondly, the boxes are harmoniously built into the design of the building and do not spoil its appearance.

If there are no boxes in the building, then the choice of location must be made taking into account the following factors.

General rules for choosing a place for an air conditioner:

  1. The block is mounted on the wall adjacent to the apartment. You can not fix the device on the "territory of neighbors". Before starting work, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of installing air conditioners on the facade of the building. The city authorities may issue a decree according to which such work is prohibited, because it spoils the historical or cultural appearance of the building. There may be other reasons for the ban.
  2. The optimal mounting locations are the space under the window, slightly below the window sill, and the place to the side of the window. This position will make it easier installation work and allow for easy maintenance.
  3. If it is impossible to mount the unit on the facade, you can install it inside open balcony or loggia.

Mounting tool

Before starting work, be sure to prepare a set of tools. To install an outdoor unit, you will need:

  • perforator;
  • a drill for drilling a hole in the wall through which the highway will be laid;
  • drills for making holes for fixing brackets;
  • Vacuum pump, with which moisture and air are removed from the freon circuit;
  • gauge manifold for connecting the refrigerant cylinder to the container in the unit;
  • a set of rollers that are needed for rolling copper tubes when connected to air conditioning valves;
  • pipe cutter for cutting copper pipes;
  • pipe bender for forming bends on tubes;
  • standard set wrenches, hexagons, screwdrivers, wire cutters, level gauge.

When installing, be sure to consider the following rules:

  • Availability of fresh air. You cannot mount the outdoor unit in enclosed space without air access and or with its limited supply (glazed loggia). Such an error will lead to overheating and breakdown of the KKB.
  • During operation, you will periodically have to change the refrigerant. To do this, the valves must be located so that the master can freely and without risk replace them. For most models, the valve is located on the left side.
  • It is necessary to provide for competent drainage of condensate so that it does not fall on the walls, visor or sidewalk.
  • Fasteners must be mounted on supporting structures, which must be designed for a load of several tens of kilograms. You can not fix the brackets on the walls of aerated concrete, on the external decorative facing layer or on the insulation layer.
  • The distance from the wall to the unit should be at least 10 cm. This distance will allow ventilation and reduce the risk of overheating of the device. The distance from the wall to the inner wall of the unit must not be too large. It is impossible for direct sunlight to fall on the hidden wall of the block.
  • When laying connecting lines, avoid a large number bends, because they will lead to a decrease in the required refrigerant flow, this will reduce the efficiency of the air conditioner.
  • It is recommended to equip a cornice that will protect the outdoor unit of the air conditioner from direct moisture.

Mounting to the wall is carried out using special brackets, which are usually included in the package. It has the form of a profile of various sections, bent at an angle of 90 degrees. It has several holes: one for fixing to the wall, the other for mounting the unit. The bearing capacity of the brackets exceeds the weight of the air conditioner by several times, so their use will ensure safety and reliability.

Installation process

Step-by-step instructions for installing an external air conditioner unit:

  1. The location of the block on the wall, holes and channels for trunk lines are marked. are taken into account key parameters, which were mentioned above.
  2. Holes are made in the wall for brackets.
  3. A hole is made in the wall for communications. A box is laid in the hole, in which a freon and drainage line, electrical wiring are laid.
  4. Brackets are attached. For their fixation, anchor bolts or dowels with "capercaillie" are used. The block is mounted on the brackets. It is fixed with bolts.
  5. Strength, reliability and stability are tested.
  6. Freon tubes are chamfered and flared. Tubes are connected to the block.
  7. There are wires in the KKB. Their optimal length is measured, they are stripped and connected to the terminal block. The connection of each wire is made in accordance with electric circuit, which must be attached to the technical data sheet of the device.
  8. After installing the indoor unit, a vacuum pump is connected to the KKB, with the help of which air is dried and evacuated from the lines and internal elements of the unit.
  9. A protective box is put on.
  10. The refrigerant tank is filled with freon. A test launch of the equipment is carried out, the modes and correct operation are checked.

Breakdowns and malfunctions

Like any other appliance, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner can break down. At low temperatures in winter, the use of an air conditioner without a winter kit can lead to compressor failure. The external block under the influence of external natural factors is strongly cooled and freezes over. Under such conditions, freon cannot boil in the outdoor unit. Liquid refrigerant enters the compressor, which leads to its breakdown.

To avoid damage to the compressor from freezing of the outdoor unit, you should install a winter kit or use the device in accordance with the technical instructions: heat the room only in autumn and spring at positive temperatures outside.

Another possible view mechanical breakdowns - failure of the fan, which pumps air into the unit. The cause of premature wear of the fan may be the ingress of dirt and dust into the unit.

Malfunctions in the electronics are associated with the failure of the control and regulation boards. There may be problems with the integrity of electrical networks.

Maintenance and care

In normal operation, the outdoor unit requires a preventive maintenance inspection once every 6 months. The master inspects the fixtures, checks the integrity and level of contamination of the filters, specifies the amount of refrigerant and measures the operating pressure of the networks.

The greatest difficulty in maintenance is the replacement of the working fluid.

The refrigerant is chemical, which poses a health hazard, so it is worth trusting a professional master to work with it. You can check the condition of the filters, remove dust and dirt yourself.

Often, during repairs, many people think about installing a split system and plan the design of rooms to fit the size of the air conditioner. indoor unit this device it is necessary to place it in such a way that it is not only correctly located, but also looks most harmoniously in the intended interior.

The purchase and choice of the air conditioner itself is often planned closer to the end of the repair, and you need to supply the “power” now. So this article is written for such cases. In it, we will consider in detail what distances must be taken into account for subsequent installation, and we will identify the most universal sizes of indoor units (wall-mounted household appliances).

First, we want to warn you right away that there are “non-standard” models of air conditioners that can have unique dimensions and characteristics. And therefore this article should not be taken as 100% universal.

Air conditioner size. Split indoor unit

More often living rooms have small area(up to 25 sq.m.) Air conditioners up to 2.7 kW are suitable for such premises (do not confuse with power consumption) - they are usually called "sevens" or "nines". As a rule, "sevens" and "nines" (of the same model) have the same overall dimensions, as well as the same diameter of the tubes. Therefore, further we will take into account the same dimensions and characteristics of the considered standard sizes.

Overall dimensions of the indoor unit, which we are primarily interested in

  • block length. The most standard length of indoor units is 700-800 mm. Slightly less common up to 900 mm. By personal experience it is best to take into account the average length of 770 mm.
  • block height. Most often, these dimensions lie in the range of 250-290 mm. For planning, we will take into account 270 mm.

We are not very interested in depth (170-240 mm). Thus, we have identified the average size of the internal block 770 x 270 mm.

Distances from walls and ceiling

  1. Air conditioners "on / off". The cable is brought out in such a way that it is subsequently located under the indoor unit ( to the left by 300 mm. and lower by 100 mm. from the center of the block).
  2. Most