Shower      02.02.2019

Design of a bathroom with a shower cabin of a small area. Bathroom design with shower: creating a comfortable interior

The shower cabin is practical and fashionable, and modern models, equipment with a built-in FM receiver, video screens, hydromassage, telephone and other benefits of civilization make water procedures even more comfortable. In order for the design of a bathroom with a shower cabin to be harmonious, you need to choose the right interior style.

I will tell you about the most popular of them in 2016 and suitable for the shower in this article.

Cabins with showers in the interior

Today, cabins instead of a bathroom are chosen not only by owners of compact bathrooms, but also by owners of apartments and houses with large rooms! Due to the abundance of models in building supermarkets and plumbing stores, you can choose a shower stall for almost any design.

I really like the use of this accessory in the laconic styles of our time - minimalism, hi-tech, modern, etc. But a properly selected booth will easily fit into both the Scandinavian style and art deco.

Style 1: Loft

The interior design of a bathroom with a shower cabin in a loft can be different - this is a cabin without a pallet with stone partitions, and models with glass walls and black frames. It seems to me that the shower fits perfectly into the style, which is actively used brickwork, stone, wood, open communications and muted tones.

If you finish the floor with stone and arrange a drain in it, and embed the mixers directly into the walls, you get a shower room in a typical loft style. This design feels grandeur and grace, and the use of large stones, raw bricks, dark varieties wood gives the room a special charm that you definitely can’t confuse with another style.

Style 2: Eco style

Eco-style - natural, as comfortable as possible, natural both in colors and in the materials used. Quite often, this direction is used in the design of bathrooms. Since preference is given to wood, most often showers are finished on the outside with this material..

The floor can also be tiled "under the tree", as well as purchased or made by hand wooden stand for legs. Models that abound plastic elements, in this style are unacceptable, so showers without a pallet are most often used.

In the photo - an interior design with a shower cabin with a bathtub, which are combined into a single composition and at the same time take up a minimum of space

Style 3: Hi-tech

High-tech bathtubs are masterpieces of urbanization, they actively use advanced inventions, the best appliances and plumbing. Therefore, showers in this style look very advantageous, especially in the original color, with lighting, massage nozzles, built-in radio and other functions.

Hi-tech in the bathroom is the embodiment of modernity and great taste, a booth with its clear and correct forms fits perfectly into the mood of the style. A glass partitions booths will visually increase the space in the room.

Hi-tech, like minimalism, "does not like" piling up things in the room, so rationality, ergonomics and the availability of free space in the room are a prerequisite.

Style 4: Minimalism

Minimalism “does not like” unnecessary things and occupied space, therefore, in bathrooms in this style, not baths, but showers are often installed. Plumbing with glass walls does not burden the space, it is easy to perceive, therefore it goes well with the rigor and clarity of the chosen style. I think a shower stall with glass walls is ideal for.

Style 5: Scandinavian

Scandinavian style can be both cozy and sophisticated at the same time, so it became one of the most popular in 2016. The shower cabin, thanks to the clarity of its forms, as well as the use of glass, wood and original faucets, will perfectly fit into the space.

Bathroom design with shower V scandinavian style- that's a lot of light and white color, active use wood, and especially white varieties. The instructions for finishing the floor are extremely simple, in such a bathroom it is most often white - it can be tile, wood or mosaic.

And the walls are most often painted with plain white, mosaic inserts are not uncommon, especially on the walls of the shower stall. Fits great in the shower wooden elements(for example, seats), brown accents, everything else should be concise and simple - glass walls, rigorous mixers.

Scandinavians are very fond of showers without a pallet - they meet the criteria of conciseness and originality. Therefore, this type of plumbing is suitable for the Scandinavian style.

Style 6: Art Deco

Art Deco is luxury, brilliance, aristocratic chic, which is expressed in accessories, colors, materials for decoration. This style in the bathroom is an abundance of golden and silver elements, the active use of shades of brown and black, golden frames, and elite lamps.

The shower stall is also finished generously, gold or silver door frames, as well as emphasized expensive shades of the faucet, are perfect for the chosen style.

Style 7: Modern

Modern is modern style, which strives to be unlike any other, and at the same time combines fashion trends and aristocratic notes. In the bathroom, a feature of this style can be:

  • original shell in the shape of a shell;
  • unique towel holder natural wood;
  • and, of course, a beautiful shower cubicle.

Features of selection and installation

Most often, showers are chosen for small rooms. If the room is very compact, then the best solution would be to install a booth in the corner of the room - corner models can have sizes from 70 by 70 cm to 90 by 90 cm.

When choosing a booth in a room of a certain size, it is better to stock up on a tape measure and take accurate measurements of the place where it will be installed. Picking up such plumbing "by eye" is very risky.

The bath should be placed next to all necessary communications - plumbing, drain, ventilation.

Shower cabins can have a different shape, color, most often the doors are made of transparent or frosted glass. The first looks, as for me, neater and more interesting, but quickly covered with soapy stains.

In addition to corner and wall-mounted models, the booth can be placed right in the middle of the room - this is a 4-wall model, it better fit for large rooms. Cabins can also be made to order. unusual shape, for example, in the attic room.

An equally popular solution is to combine a cabin and a bath in one room - this looks interesting and very convenient, since you can take both a shower and a bath. But this is possible only in spacious rooms, moreover, for this it is necessary to equip two drains.

Additional features of the shower

A shower box is capable of not only supplying water from a mixer, today it is also a multifunctional modern accessory. During the shower, you can enjoy music while sitting on a folding seat, arrange a sauna or a water massage.

Shower box accessories that the model may have:

  1. Mp3 player or FM radio. It's always nice to take a shower with your favorite music. Such functions in the interface of the shower cabin can always cheer you up while taking water procedures. More often similar devices work from the network, so there should be a socket next to the shower.

The tuning display is usually waterproof. You want the buttons to be comfortable, as you will operate the display with wet hands. I recommend in this situation to abandon the touch screen.

  1. Hydromassage. Despite the fact that the shower is taken while standing (or sitting - if the structure has a seat), many models are equipped with hydromassage jets. A relaxing massage will be an excellent end to a working day or weekend, and the regulation of its strength and the way water is supplied will satisfy the wishes of all family members.

  1. Backlight. This additional function gives water procedures a special charm and romance and allows you not to use the main lighting in the bathroom. It is also a must if the rooms are dim and the cubicle doors are matte or dark.

  1. Steam generator. It is not difficult to make a bath out of a shower stall, you just need to immediately choose a model with such a function. This will allow you not only to take a shower, but also replace a full trip to the sauna. In this case, I recommend thinking about models with built-in seats.

  1. Seats built into the body. In a narrow corner bath such an accessory is difficult to install, but if you choose a medium or large size model, about such a thing as comfortable seat worth considering. They can be removable, or they can rise to the walls of the booth if you are not using them.


Shower boxes can be compact and dimensional, corner, four-walled, illuminated and even hydromassage to suit any taste and fit into any style. And with features such as built-in seats, radio and other convenient features, you can make showering even more enjoyable!

Tell us how you fit the shower stall into the interior, I'm interested to hear your opinion about this accessory. And even more interesting ideas with shower boxes you will find in the video in this article.

The desire to relax comfortably and relax in the bathroom of your dreams is the idea of ​​all women who change the interior of the house. Ideas on how to re-plan a room or create a bathroom interior model should be entrusted to professionals in this field. Choosing furniture for a small space ideal option will be a bathroom with a shower, which is not only comfortable, but also functional.

Interior features of a bathroom with a shower

The design should be considered from the point of view of convenience and coziness, the color scheme and the location of all objects are important. Do not choose annoying tones for the bathroom, or too many bright accents, the choice should be stopped on calm warm shades. The color of the walls and floor is chosen based on the size of the bathroom, light-colored tiles and mirror inserts will visually increase the area of ​​​​the room. In Khrushchev or big apartment the bathroom should be rationally arranged, appliances should be compact, without taking up extra centimeters of space. Decorating the walls with a pattern or ornament to match the style of the room will look harmonious with the rest of the interior. The interior of a bathroom with a shower cabin will look elegant, combined with a minimalist style.

Bathroom Options small apartment, as in Khrushchev, they speak for themselves - this is at best 6 square meters. You will need to place all the furniture and plumbing, rationally and without frills. With restrictions on square meters, it makes no sense to consider a bathroom and a bathroom separately, the only suitable option- this is a combination of these objects in one area. The design of the bathroom with a shower will combine beautiful cabins from tempered glass, which is resistant to mechanical damage. The bath space can be diversified by installing unusual washbasins, where water will turn on automatically when you raise your hand.

The main thing when planning a bathroom is to arrange everything ergonomically for the owners. The number of square meters and the shape of the bathroom will help determine the options for placing plumbing. For example, the selected wall-hung washbasin will significantly save space and adapt to the style of any bathroom. Glass or marble, they will focus on themselves. The ideas of replacing a conventional sink with a wall-hung one are now relevant for any project. She will be able to organically fit in with the washing machine standing under her and the cabinets hanging above her for small things. Bathroom planning options with minimum square meters can be in the presence of a shower cabin with or without a tray, hydromassage functions or with a drain in the floor. Everything is determined on the spot, taking into account the parameters of the room and the planned interior items.

Bathroom layout in Khrushchev

In addition to the wishes of the residents, it is worth noting that in Khrushchev they try to use every square meter of the bathroom to good use. The design of a small bathroom with a shower cabin is considered, from the point of view of minimalism, a combination of several items should harmoniously fit into the interior.

Standard set of appliances and accessories for the bathroom in Khrushchev:

  • bathtub or cabin with a pallet;
  • wash basin;
  • cabinet pencil case to accommodate all bath accessories;
  • mirror with hanging cabinet;
  • toilet;
  • hangers for towels and clothes;
  • laundry basket;
  • heated towel rail.

If the area of ​​​​the room is too small (less than 3 square meters), you should choose only the most necessary accessories. A bathroom with a shower would be appropriate for such an interior; glass or frosted doors will visually expand the space of the room. Finishing a completely room in Khrushchev with ceramic tiles is practical and modern. A contrasting finishing solution can be a combination of two or three color solutions against the backdrop of a room. Bathroom cladding ideas tiles may include the manufacture of a built-in hatch, it will be closed from children and store items household chemicals. Also, a cubicle combined with a bathroom will save space, for example, for a washing machine or additional installation bidet. Cabins in the bathroom are a radical option for changing the interior.

Benefits of a shower in the bathroom

Having decided to change the bathtub for a shower, you should think about those who like to soak up lying in warm water, this option is not suitable. Cabins in the bathroom are designed for a small area, they occupy the corner of the room, fenced off with glass doors. When choosing a tray, you need to pay attention to its depth; if you have a child, it is recommended to use a deep tray in which you can wash it. Ideas with frosted glass, like partitions with the main room, are suitable for those who seek privacy. A bathroom with a shower will save the amount of water spent, as practice shows. Using a non-slip pallet, a person can eliminate the option of slipping and getting injured. Unlike taking a shower in the bathroom, even with a special curtain, the shower cabin will save the owners from unnecessary stains, the tiles will remain clean and dry. The hydromassage functions of the cabin or the rain shower, being part of the configuration, are able to relax a person and get some rest.

Taking a shower will be more hygienic, as the dirt will immediately be washed off the body. Another plus is the speed of washing; such bathrooms are equipped by people who lead an active lifestyle. Expensive models can afford to have a radio or telephone inside the bathroom.

Bathroom tile design with shower

Before choosing accessories and plumbing, you should think about color ideas. To visually expand the area of ​​​​2 square meters, you can do mirrored walls or trim in light colors. It is unacceptable to use dark tones - blue, dark gray or brown, this will narrow the visible space in the room.

The shower stall is almost always made in white, so pale blue or yellow colors will look contrasting against its background. Plumbing can match the selected tile color. You can zone a shared bathroom and a shower cabin with a tray using vertically laid tiles, which will separate these two zones. In the presence of a shower cabin, the drawings lose their relevance, they are replaced by smooth transition lines in shades or an ornament along the dividing line of the zones.

When choosing harmoniously finishing materials for the bathroom, you need to know that you should not combine more than three tones per room. In most cases, they make the ceiling light and the walls darker. Fashion trends dictate a departure from the classic white color, introducing pastel saturated colors as part of the interior. When developing a room project, it is taken into account that the lack of a distinction between the shower area and the rest of the space will visually increase the area. Vertical stripes have the same effect of enlarging the bathroom visually. If it was decided to still delimit the zones in the shower, this can be done thin stripes contrasting shades.

Location of the shower

A bathroom with a shower of 5 square meters must be planned to the nearest centimeter in order to do the installation correctly necessary equipment, especially if the installation takes place in Khrushchev. Placing a toilet bowl and a shower stall in a bathroom with a width of 1.5–2 square meters would be an ideal option. A shower corner in Khrushchev frees up space for a full-fledged room. The ideas of creating combined options in small-sized rooms are widely known; an additional insertion of a washing machine or a laundry basket is considered. It will be ergonomic to install a shower cabin with a tray next to the sink. R the dimensions of the cabin are ideally 80 by 80 centimeters, and the sink is no more than 50. A shower room with meter width and length parameters will take up too much space in the room.

Rational placement of equipment and furniture for small things is possible by adhering to the following rules:

  • a prerequisite for the location of plumbing in the bathroom is a distance of 30 centimeters;
  • separation of the bathroom area from the corner with the cabin;
  • it is more profitable for owners with children to purchase a cabin with a pallet;
  • the availability of free space for changing clothes in the bathroom up to 90 centimeters;
  • determination of the size of the corner, depending on the complexion of the household.

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (4.8 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (5.2 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (5.5 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (6.3 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (6.7 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (6.9 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (7.2 m?)

Bathroom layout with bath and shower (7.7 m?) Bathroom layout with bath and shower (8.4 m?) Bathroom layout with bath and shower (9.5 m?) Bathroom layout with bath and shower (9.9 m?) Bathroom layout with bath and shower (13.8 m?)

The choice of finishing materials for the shower

Given the financial possibilities, the owner chooses the finish for his bathroom to be the envy of friends and relatives. An inexpensive and common cladding option is ceramic tile. It is durable, moisture resistant, ergonomic in care, safe for children and adults. Designers decorate bathrooms classic options in Khrushchev, resorting to patterns and drawings, ornaments or bright moments, like accessories. Decorating a room with white tones with shades of gray and brown will show french style Provence, with its elegant interior lines. At the same time, a color completely different from the general interior can be made above the pallet in the booth, focusing on the most important thing.

Bathroom decor in Khrushchev can be made using different colors, the shape and size of the tile can expand or reduce the space. Mosaic pattern is often used for small spaces, a standard solution for a 2 meter bathroom. They can completely finish the entire bath, dividing it into two tones, or make a decorative niche or recesses.

A more expensive material for room design is porcelain stoneware, which is more expensive and durable. It goes well with moisture-resistant plaster, shading it. Porcelain stoneware is presented in different colors and patterns, you can veneer several areas of the bathroom.

Marble products are used by designers to finish the washbasin or the floor of the shower cabin itself, it will add luxury and sophistication to the interior of the room. The marble surface can be scratched, but it does a great job with falling heavy objects.

There are few apartments on the secondary housing market today that would please with their huge size, especially the area intended for the bathroom. Due to limited space, you have to look for layout options this room so that every centimeter is used for its intended purpose. A shower in a small bathroom (pictured) has become commonplace. Cause such a choice in her small sizes, as well as in providing the desired level of comfort.

What is considered a small bathroom

According to current building codes, certain dimensions are assumed for sanitary rooms. For a combined bathroom, at least 4 square meters. Suitable for such an area shower. Also in a small bathroom is a toilet, washbasin, washing machine.

If the project involves separate placement of the bathroom, then its area should not be less than 3 square meters. The toilet in such apartments is allocated only 1.3 m2. The smallest bathrooms are in Khrushchev, sometimes they do not exceed 2 square meters.

Attention ! If you choose the right bathroom designs with a shower cabin, you can rationally use the available space, get the desired level of comfort and coziness.

Reasons for choosing

Many owners of small bathrooms, starting repairs, think about how to equip a bathroom with a shower. Buying a bath or picking up a booth - the choice is up to the owner of the home. Before buying, it is important to think about its practicality, aesthetics, convenience. Features of the selection of a shower design for a small bathroom, see the video clip

Let's analyze the main advantages of a bathroom with a shower.

Attention ! There is a direct relationship between the number of cabin functions and its cost. If you are limited in your financial capabilities, you can pick up a booth with minimal features.

Disadvantages of showers

Beautiful bathrooms with a shower cabin have some drawbacks. If you purchase a small cubicle, it will have a limited amount of functionality.

Ordinary showers are inconvenient for small children and the elderly. It is inconvenient for them to climb onto a pallet that is too high, besides, the child can hit it and fall. To cope with this problem, you can choose a model with a minimum pallet. These cabins are adapted to the physiological needs of all ages.

During operation, plaque appears on the partitions from household chemicals, low-quality tap water. Partitions in many models of booths are made of embossed materials, serious problems arise when cleaning them.

Weak water pressure in the water supply system is not suitable for showers, you will not be able to take a shower until the pressure in the system normalizes.

If a bathtub is installed in a small bathroom, you can not use the washbasin, saving space. When buying a shower stall, you won’t be able to “donate” a washbasin. For those who are accustomed to lying down to take water procedures, a shower stall will not work.

Let's talk separately about such an important issue as saving water. You don't need to use a lot of water to take a quick shower. If you need to fully wash yourself, the shower head should work long time, so much more water is used than when filling a bath.

Placement rules

Small bathrooms with a walk-in shower, with the right placement of appliances and plumbing, will have an organic look.

Advice ! Together with experienced designer create own project, taking into account all the accessories that will be in this room.

To optimally position the booth, start with measurements. Knowing the dimensions of the washbasin, toilet bowl, cabinets, washing machine, you will be able to determine the parameters of the shower stall, which can be placed in your bathroom.

For a small bathroom rooms fit a transparent shower cubicle or a shower corner with a one-sided partition. True, in the case of its acquisition, it is necessary to carry out high-quality waterproofing of the walls.

Designers do not recommend installing a mirror inside the shower stall. This option looks original only in photographs. IN real life the mirror will quickly lose its natural luster, there will be no question of any aesthetics. The best option there will be a mirror mount opposite the booth, that is, on the opposite wall.

If your plans include the selection of a shower stall that would take up minimal space, take a closer look at the corner models.

The smallest place in the bathroom will take a round cubicle. By installing a corner shower with rounded edges in the bathroom, you will get the desired space savings.

The door for cubicles in small bathrooms should be sliding, the folding version will not work.

Advice ! When installing the booth, please note that there must be a distance of at least 30 centimeters from household appliances and plumbing items. Approximately the same distance from the shower should be the entrance to the bathroom.

Subject to this rule, you will not have problems with the operation of the booth.


Not all owners of city apartments can boast of huge bathrooms. We offer advice from professional designers with which you can optimize the space in a small bathroom.

Discard bulky bathtubs, replace them with a compact shower. You can allocate space for a washing machine, a cabinet with bath accessories.

If the dimensions of the bathroom allow, designers consider the installation of both a shower and a bathtub in the same room as ideal. Unfortunately, for Khrushchevs this is almost impossible. Plumbing manufacturers already offer combined options in which the cubicle and bath are interconnected. This option is good because you do not have to choose between taking a bath and washing in the shower. In addition, such a “hybrid” will occupy a smaller area; you can place a laundry basket, cabinets, cabinets in the bathroom.

An alternative to the previous options for a small bath is a shower enclosure. The corner does not have a rear stationary wall, so you will not have problems with its installation. When choosing a shower model, do not forget that you will need to seal the joint between the equipment and the walls of the bathroom so that water does not seep through the cracks. The shower design is made of modern and safe materials, affordable, easy to install, compact, easy to maintain.

If it was not possible to install a washing machine in the bathroom, do not worry. Organize a niche armed with decorative finishing materials, and put the car in it. In order to "win" the space, replace the swing door sliding design. In this case, you can put inside the bathroom not only a shower, but also a washing machine.

In the conditions of modern small-sized apartments, shower cabins are becoming relevant equipment for daily hygiene procedures. Moreover, the design of the shower room can change the usual space beyond recognition.

Showers are also introduced in private homes, where large bathrooms allow you to install a jacuzzi, mini-pools. What is the popularity of this universal system? In the variety of options for their appearance, as well as in saving water, time and space when it comes to small bathrooms.

Shower cabins in small bathrooms

What bliss is to quickly rinse under streams of water and wash off the remnants of morning sleep or fatigue accumulated during the working day in just 3-5 minutes. The shower will invigorate, defuse, give the body tone, and thoughts - clarity.

A shower is often put instead of a bath due to elementary space savings. In a 3-meter bathroom, where a washing machine, sink and toilet are barely placed, one can only dream of a lying bath! Most owners of small rooms start repairs and redevelopment for the sake of a shower room. Her "presence", like a breath of fresh air, changes the interior, making it more modern and original.

Those who live in small apartments often go to combine a bathroom and a bathroom, so that in the “compartment”, where there used to be a drain barrel with a toilet bowl, to make a shower room.

The savings are obvious: instead of two doors - one, a sink, a washing machine, a boiler, a toilet bowl, a “compartment” with a shower or shower can easily fit into the bathroom combined with the bathroom.

As a shower, some users choose a ready-made cabin with shower equipment, others order an exclusive shower room from specialists. The shower cabin is mounted in a small bathroom in a corner or against a “free” wall (see photo).

The design of the structures is varied, as well as the type of shower cabins:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • corner;
  • pentagonal.

If desired, and the possibilities of the premises, you can purchase an ultra-modern design of quite compact dimensions. This is a bath combined with a shower, where you can take a shower and soak in the water while lying down. The design provides for the functions of hydromassage, tropical shower, radio.

This type of plumbing differs by type: an open model, where only the shower area is closed, a fully enclosed hydromassage box, a design with curtain screens. However, for all its “compactness”, it is better to choose such baths for more or less spacious rooms, and not for 3-meter rooms.

Bathroom in a new way: with a shower or railings?

As for showers, their advantage is in the possibilities of choice: from a very simple open-top design, consisting of a tray, shower and closing shutters, to models equipped with shelves, seats, a marble tray, rain shower, hydromassage, waterfall and other effects. The price of such a model "bites" compared to a simple shower stall, but it requires almost no maintenance, is relatively spacious, and will bring aesthetic and psychological pleasure with quality, design and comfort.

Shower cubicle in ready-made with a tray will fit perfectly into the interior of any type of bathroom. Despite the apparent fragility, the design is strong and reliable. In addition, the range of models is not limited to white, so the design of a bathroom with a shower cabin will appeal even to conservatives who prefer old way washing in the bath. Modern designs suggest the presence of a high pallet or it is built into the floor; doors are made of thick glass (plain, colored) or plastic.

Are you planning to renovate and create an exclusive shower room? Stop your choice on quadrangular sliding and stationary doors, divided into frameless and frame, deaf and sliding, as well as sliding. They are made in different configurations (quadrangular, round, multifaceted), with tinting, coloring, matting, glass reflation, drawing, different colors. The disadvantages of shower enclosures include the fragility of the mechanism and care when installing.

What is the plus of a shower created by the hands of specialists:

  • does not require a separate pallet, drain - to the "floor";
  • non-slip flooring materials;
  • original design suitable for general style rooms, even for a small bathroom with a shower compartment or a shower cabin;
  • The "openness" of the design visually expands the space.

An open shower “room” is closed with a regular bathtub curtain, fixed or sliding doors, or is separated by a special partition: glass or decorative.

Thus, the wet zone of the bathroom, although “hidden” behind the fence, is partially visible, so it is important that it harmoniously fits into the design of the bathroom with a shower.

And for this they go:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • marble;
  • plastic;
  • combined facing materials.

Photos of interiors

What facing materials to choose so that the shower cabin in a small bathroom looks amazing, is comfortable and easy to clean? WITH ceramic tiles the room will acquire style and nobility, and thanks to the variety of colors, features of glossy and matte surfaces, imitations for different natural materials, the idea to create in the bathroom unique interior becomes reality.

The disadvantages of this cladding are the accumulation of dirt at the joints between the plates, the complexity of installation and the inability to change appearance bathroom quickly.

Mosaic tiles are much more versatile facing material than tiles, but its installation is an expensive pleasure. It is suitable for facing the entire room, and for creating individual artistic images, edging, decorating. Mosaic tiles have a variety of colors, patterns and surface types: ceramic, glass, mirror.

IN Lately so-called pixel tiles are used in interiors. Its shallow shape allows you to create the effect of falling rain, flying soap bubbles hanging plants, shiny metal surface, as well as mosaic pictures that are complex in terms of intricacy.

An interesting combination of ceramic and mosaic tiles, where the latter can be used fragmentarily, for example, in a bathroom niche or as an arch cladding.

Porcelain stoneware is a material with high performance characteristics. It is resistant to mechanical damage and temperature extremes, moisture resistant, durable, environmentally friendly and has a huge range of colors. It is made with a matte, polished and glazed surface. Today it is used not only as flooring, but also for wall cladding, combined with other materials.

Often in apartments and houses, the bathroom is made combined. This is justified from the point of view of saving space (one less wall), and from the point of view of functionality too. But it’s not easy to design a bathroom: you need to properly place plumbing, and sometimes even household appliances (a water heater and a washing machine). About all the subtleties of this difficult lesson further.

Ergonomics of the bathroom

To use plumbing was convenient, it must be located at a certain height, while maintaining minimum tolerances to walls and other objects:

When designing a bathroom, these dimensions must be borne in mind, but they can and should be adjusted. They are calculated for the average height and average body size of a person. When determining the exact location of a particular piece of furniture, “try on” the distances for yourself. If you are comfortable, you can install at such a distance.

How to arrange everything

In a modern bathroom, in addition to plumbing, there is also Appliances. For lack of another place, a washing machine is placed here, and sometimes a boiler. So in addition to the toilet, sink and bath / shower, you have to look for a place for two more overall items.

Looking for a place for a car

One option is to pick up the washing machine and sink so that the washing machine is hidden under the washstand. The downside of this solution is that the sink will be higher than usual, and the machine will have to look for a narrow one. If in a family tall people, a little higher plumbing is not scary, but the space savings are solid. The photo below is one of the options for such a bathroom design. The sink used is rectangular - there are many of these today.

Washer under the sink - a way to save space in the bathroom

If you can’t lift the washstand in any way, the machine is placed where it “fits in”. So that the place above it does not walk, you can make shelves on top. If there is a need to hang a boiler, it is the place above the typewriter.

Above washing machine- rational decision

If there is very little space, take a look at washing machines top loading. They are smaller and can fit into small gaps.

Bathtub or shower

The bathroom, of course, has the advantage - you can soak in warm water in it. But it takes up a lot of space and in some cases this convenience can be neglected by placing or making a shower cabin.

If you don’t want to say goodbye to the bathroom, we will “enter” it and all the necessary items. The most obvious way is to position the sink so that one end of it is above the tub. But at the same time, you need to make sure that it is convenient to use the washbasin.

If you just use a small washbasin, this will cause significant inconvenience: splashes will fly in all directions, and there will be nowhere to put accessories. In such cases, they make a countertop (as in the photo above), line it with mosaics or tiles. This design takes up less space, and the functionality is even higher.

Another option is to put a corner bath, thereby freeing up one corner for installing a washing machine or toilet.

Corner bath - more compact

Another option is to use a custom-shaped bathroom. For example, such as in the photo. And there was a place for a typewriter ...

A custom-shaped bathroom is also an option

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to fit a bathroom into the bathroom, put a shower cabin (). Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy ready-made, you can make it yourself - and install the doors.

A homemade shower cabin fits well into the end of a long and narrow bathroom. You can simply fence off about a meter from the wall by installing doors. Moreover, the doors can be put glass (made of tempered glass). They do not share a small space and the design of the bathroom is more harmonious.

In square rooms, part of the area is fenced off by placing a dividing wall. In making such a decision, it must be remembered that minimum size shower cubicle - 90 * 90 cm. This is not enough - you can’t wave your hands in such a nook, so if possible, do at least a little more.

Where to put the bidet

Using the bathroom is much more convenient if it has a bidet. It is optimal if it can be placed next to the toilet (the distance between two faience products is at least 40 cm). If there is not enough space nearby, you can install it on the opposite wall. The main thing is that there should be water and a drain.

Best bidet location

The problem is that with all the approaches, this plumbing item occupies about a meter of usable area. If the total area of ​​the bathroom is only 4-5 sq.m. it's a lot. In this case, you can set hygienic shower. Warm / cold water is brought to the toilet, a mixer and a flexible hose with a special nozzle are placed. In terms of functionality, this option is slightly inferior to a bidet, but it is also very convenient.

Hygienic shower near the toilet - convenient and saves space

Fashion trends in decoration

Most often, the design of the bathroom is developed taking into account the fact that the walls will be lined with ceramic tiles. Until recently, this material had no competitors. Mosaic is becoming more and more popular today. This is a very small tile (glass or ceramic) glued to a polymer mesh. Small tiles usually have several shades, which gives the walls interesting view and present in most modern interiors bathroom.

In the design of the walls of the bathroom, the same trends are observed - a combination of tiles of different colors and shades. As well as with, manufacturers produce tiles in collections whose design is designed so that they are combined with each other.

Bathroom design using tiles from one collection

The design styles of bathrooms have also changed - more and more often they design a room with a modern style, in the spirit of minimalism or hi-tech. When creating such an interior, rectangular plumbing and a minimum of colors are used. All these styles are characterized by neutral tones for the walls - white, gray, beige. And against this background, there may already be several bright elements from a compatible range.

Minimalist style in the design of the bathroom - no unnecessary details

However, modern plumbing in itself can be a decor. There are very decorative forms with graceful lines.

Bathroom design in photo

Mosaic on the walls and floor is one of the most fashionable trends right now.

For romantic ladies - a pink bathroom with floral decor

A shower stall in a small bathroom is a way to “get” more space

Minimalism in everything...

And again, the mosaic ... The bathtub is successfully separated from the washbasin - there will be less splashes

An interesting layout of tiles for the bathroom - both light and boring

Mosaic panels - decoration of any interior

Shower doors can also be made of colored glass to match or put dividing walls to create a more comfortable atmosphere.

Corner toilet - a rare phenomenon so far, but sometimes irreplaceable

Design small bathroom- art

Self-leveling floors with or without a pattern - another novelty of recent years

For those who are closer to the modern style, square or rectangular plumbing is more suitable.

Mosaic in combination with matching tiles - stylish and beautiful

On the walls - a natural stone, unusual furniture and glass sink - stylish interior

Pink matte tiles in the bathroom - a different view

Juicy greens on a white background - a simple and effective tile layout (opposite side is completely green)

Unusual design - a wall in the "brick"