Water pipes      06/29/2020

Prohibited religions in the Russian Federation. List of organizations recognized by Russian courts as extremist. What sects are called totalitarian?

Today we will talk about the beautiful - about artistic arts in monetary terms: about the most expensive paintings. Often the most expensive objects of art are either not as beautiful at first glance as they are expensive, or they depict something... incomprehensible to a mere mortal.

It is also worth considering this point - the most expensive paintings in the world are not for sale, they are in state museums.

Pictured is Leonardo Da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa" (1503)

For example, paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci are not in private collections, but if they were put up for sale, the price would be higher than the paintings from private collections listed in the rating.

So, “the list of the most expensive paintings includes only works put up for sale in the 20th-21st centuries.”

According to closed sales data, the most expensive painting - “When is the wedding?”, 1892, by Paul Gauguin, belonged to the family of Rudolf Stechlin and in 2015 was sold to the Qatar Museum Department for (!!!) 300 million dollars!

The photo shows Paul Gauguin's painting “When is the wedding?”

Paul Gauguin has one painting on the list of the most expensive, but it is in first place.

The painting was painted by the author on the island of Tahiti, where Gauguin settled, leaving the bustle of the world and his former family, and married a young dark-skinned girl of thirteen years old from a local tribe - according to official versions, this girl is depicted in the foreground of the painting. Fame came to the artist only after death...

Pablo Picasso is perhaps the most popular artist of the most expensive paintings today. In the list of the most expensive paintings (for 2016) there are 6 of his works.

According to open sales, the most expensive painting is “Women of Algeria” (version O) by Pablo Picasso. 1st place based on open sales results. Sold for $179.3 million in May 2015. “Former Prime Minister of Qatar Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani paid this amount for it.” In general, there are 15 paintings in the “Algerian Women” series.

In the photo is Pablo Picasso’s painting “Algerian Women” (version O)

Pablo Picasso is also called the most expensive artist, since by the standards of 2006 and only according to official sales, the fund of his works amounted to $262 million. But today even 6 of his paintings presented on the list have a total fund of more than 650 million dollars.

Picasso - “The founder of cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which a three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes combined together. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist, etc.”. Picasso created more than 20 thousand works during his life.

Another of his works occupies one of the first places in the list of the most expensive paintings - “Nude, green leaves and Bust,” 1932, Pablo Picasso, sold for $106.5 in May 2010.

In the photo is Pablo Picasso's painting “Nude, green leaves and bust”

The painting depicts Picasso's mistress, whom he painted in secret from his wife (although to be honest, it is not entirely easy to recognize a mistress or not a mistress in this work, as indeed in all the artist’s works it is difficult to find out who exactly he painted).

4th place based on closed sales results:

Dream, 1932, Pablo Picasso. The painting was sold in 2013 for $155 million.

Pictured is Pablo Picasso's painting "The Dream"

"Boy with a Pipe", 1905, Pablo Picasso - sold in 2004 for $104 million.

The photo shows Pablo Picasso’s painting “Boy with a Pipe”

"Dora Maar with a Cat", 1941, Pablo Picasso - sold for $95 million in 2006

in the photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso “Dora Maar with a cat”

“Bust of a Woman (Woman in a Hairnet)”, 1938, Pablo Picasso – sold at the end of 2015 for $67 million

In the photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso “Bust of a Woman”

The next artist to take pride of place in the list of creators of the most expensive paintings is Paul Cézanne

His painting “Card Players” (the 3rd painting in a 5-painting series) was purchased by the Karat authorities for the national museum in 2011 for $250 million. At that time it was the most expensive painting. Second place according to the results of closed sales for 2016.

In the photo is the 3rd painting of the series “Card Players” (1892-1893) by Paul Cezanne

“Paul Cézanne (French Paul Cézanne; 1839-1906) is a French artist-painter, a prominent representative of post-impressionism.”

The list of the most expensive paintings also includes the following paintings by Cezanne:

"Mount Sainte-Victoire, view from the grove at Chateau Noir", 1904, Paul Cézanne, sold in 2012 for $100 million

In the photo is a painting by Paul Cézanne “Mount Sainte-Victoire, view from the grove in Chateau Noir”

The photo shows a painting by Paul Cézanne

“Still Life with Jug and Drapery”, the painting sold for $60.5 million in 1999.

Another outstanding artist whose paintings have joined the list of the most expensive is Mark Rothko. Mark Rothko is an American artist, a leading representative of abstract expressionism, one of the creators of color field painting. "Mark Rothko is one of the most famous and influential American artists of the second half of the 20th century and a key figure in post-war abstract expressionism."

In Russia, an exhibition of Rothko’s works was first held in 2003 at the State Hermitage Museum, and was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth.

In August 2014, Mark Rothko’s painting “No. 6 (Violet, Green and Red)” was sold for $186 million.

In the photo is a painting by Mark Rothko “Violet, Green and Red” (No. 6)

Also in 10th place according to the results of public auction is Rothko’s painting “Orange, Red, Yellow”, 1961, sold for $87.6 million in 2012.

The photo shows a painting by Mark Rothko “Orange, Red, Yellow”

The painting “No. 10” (1961) by Marco Rothko sold for $81.9 million in 2015.

In the photo there is a painting by Mark Rothko “No. 10”

Pictured is Rothko's painting "No. 1 (Royal Red and Blue)", 1954 - sold for $75.1 million in 2012.

Pictured is "White Center (Yellow, Pink and Purple on Pink)", 1950, sold for 72.8 in 2007.

Pictured is Rothko's Untitled, 1952, which sold for $66.2 million in 2012.

The artist mainly created works of abstract color field painting, although there are also portraits. As art experts say: “Mark Rothko’s expressive paintings have a mystical quality - according to many viewers, the paintings, when you observe them from close distance (and this is exactly what the artist himself insisted on), evoke powerful emotions- a heightened sense of loneliness or fear, to the point that especially sensitive people may burst into tears when standing in front of them.”

Another famous artist is Amedeo Modigliani. He painted several paintings that are considered among the most expensive in the world.

"Amedeo (Iedidia) Clemente Modigliani, July 12, 1884, Livorno, Kingdom of Italy - January 24, 1920, Paris, French Third Republic - Italian artist and sculptor, one of the most famous artists of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, a representative of expressionism."

Pictured is the painting “Reclining Nude”

Second in the list of the most expensive paintings according to open auctions: “Reclining Nude”, 1917-1918, sold for 170.4 at the end of 2015.

The painting Nude Seated on a Sofa, 1917, sold for $69 million at the end of 2010.

Reclining Nude with Blue Cushion, 1917, sold for $118 million in 2012.

The next famous artist whose paintings joined the list of the most expensive paintings: Vincent van Gogh

"Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853, Grote Zundert, near Breda, Netherlands - 29 July 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France) was a Dutch post-impressionist artist whose work had a timeless influence on 20th century painting."

“Along with works by Pablo Picasso, Van Gogh's works rank among the most expensive paintings ever sold in the world, according to estimates from auctions and private sales. Those sold for more than 100 million (2011 equivalent) include: "Portrait of Doctor Gachet", "Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin" and "Irises".

Portrait of Dr. Gachet, 1890, sold for $82.5 million in 1990.

Portrait of the Artist without a Beard, 1889, sold for 71.5 in 1998.

Alicamp, 1888, sold for $66.3 million in 2015.

Van Gogh lived a short, rather unhappy life, maneuvering between the desire to become a pastor, to have a personal life, to the extreme of going crazy, to living with the poor... His life itself is a subject of study for many. What is valuable in his paintings is not so much the technical execution as the name of the author, whose fame, as befits true geniuses, came after death.

“Francis Bacon (English Francis Bacon; October 28, 1909, Dublin - April 28, 1992, Madrid) is an English expressionist artist, master of figurative painting. The main theme of his works is the human body - distorted, elongated, enclosed in geometric figures, on a background devoid of objects.”

Francis Bacon has 3 paintings on the list of the most expensive:

3rd place according to the results of an open auction: “Three sketches for a portrait of Lucian Freud - triptych, 1969, sold for 142.4 in 2013.

Pictured is the painting "Triptych", 1976, sold for $86.281 million in 2008.

Pictured is the painting “Three Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards - Triptych”, 1984, sold for $80.8 million in 2014.

Of course, you can’t talk about such artists as Edvard Munch, Claude Monet, Willem de Kooning.

In the photo, Munch’s painting “The Scream” (1893-1910) is the 4th most expensive painting today and the most expensive by the standards of 2012 ( open sales), sold for $119 million.

There are 4 versions of the painting “The Scream”, the artist himself reproduced it several times... A desperate man in a fetal position, covering his face with his hands against the backdrop of thickening clouds and waves filled with glow and depression - was liked by many for the accuracy of conveying emotions through the image. The scream is everywhere - in the repeating likeness of the head, closed hands screaming, the contours of the sky, in the distorted lines of the body, in the gloomy tones of the environment, in people walking peacefully at a distance, not noticing the despair and horror of the screaming...

Munch's paintings were often stolen by thieves.

Pictured here, Claude Monet's "Pond with Water Lilies" sold for $80.5 million in 2008.

Willem De Kooning's Woman III, 1953, sold for $137.5 million in 2006.

Kunig, as a lover of extravagance and abstraction, truly created creations whose beauty was not always understandable to people from the outside. All his paintings from the series Women..., as well as other paintings, do not convey not so much realism as the individualistic understanding of the world by the artist himself.

From Wikipedia: “Under the influence of frantic, impasto “brush strokes” on de Kooning’s canvases, a lonely female figure turns into a kind of pictorial totem, open to radical Freudian readings.”

Kooning’s sculpture is as expressive and abstract as his paintings, for example, “Figure Seated on a Bench” made of bronze (1972) leaves a huge field for thought and guesses about who is sitting on the bench..

In general, have you ever had the feeling when you saw the paintings of Kooning, Picasso and artists who painted in a similar style that these creations were, to put it mildly, mediocre? But those standing nearby like a cloud, sighing at the depth and glory of the paintings, do not allow this to be done, since you can be considered ignorant with bad taste, etc. I assure you that such thoughts have visited almost everyone who is not too immersed in art, and this is normal.

In fact, I admit honestly: I don’t understand Kooning... I don’t believe that everyone understands Picasso. Or Rothko’s color fields for hundreds of millions of dollars... This is generally impossible to understand immediately, and to evaluate from a running start. Just color on the canvas and that’s all, but people admire it.. Salvador Dali is more of a philosophical artist. If you look at the latter’s paintings from the point of view of aesthetic pleasure, there is little of it in them, but they have a huge essence, but I did not find the essence in Kooning’s paintings. Of course, this does not mean that it is not there. In general, these artists are difficult to understand..

Many of them have difficult fates, either suicide or madness... The same Rothko, who painted canvases with ideal royal flowers, near which people cried from special energy, committed suicide, being in severe depression.

But Rothko is a pure, “royal” color, which it is stupid to judge by photos of his paintings on a laptop monitor. But still, most of all that I came across in Rothko’s work, I liked the creation “Light Red on Black”, 1957. The essence of the picture, as conceived by the author himself, is “a simple expression of a complex thought.” From a philosophical point of view, it is thoughtful and concise. The main thing is understandable.

The photo shows a painting by M. Rothko “Light red on black”, 1957

There are much more beautiful versions of Claude Monet's "Pond of Water Lilies" painted by unknown artists. But there is one BUT: it’s not catchy, but some chaotic version in the form of spots on the canvas, painted by a genius, is catchy.

At the same time, the paintings are expensive and beautiful, beautiful not in complexity, but in simplicity, they are sometimes not much more beautiful than those painted by the hand of some unknown author, but they cost millions of dollars. Why does this happen: paintings by little-known but talented authors are worth little, and three spots or a brush stroke in red on a white background famous artist- thousands of times more.

It's about the name (as in the case of things - a brand, a company), sometimes it's just about the name. They evaluate not the painting itself, but its author. Then... what are auctions? The rich of this world compete for the right to own an exclusive masterpiece of creativity... someone competes on the level of who has the coolest car, someone who has a Picasso painting...

There are enough people on the planet who do things that are not entirely understandable to others. For example, they pay tens of millions of dollars to decorate their apartment, house or office with paintings.

Some paintings cost incredible amounts of money, but look like the work of a child. We offer 10 of the most expensive paintings in the world. They may please you or cause confusion, but it turns out there are people left on the planet who are willing to pay a fortune for them.

It is worth noting that the list of the most expensive paintings in the world does not include popular paintings that are exhibited in famous museums. Here only art sold at art auctions and privately. Therefore, you won’t find a single painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the rating (and there is no doubt that if even one is put up for sale, it will collect many more than those listed here).

Adele Bloch-Bauer. Gustav Klimt

So, the top of the most expensive paintings in the world opens with a canvas called “Second Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.” The author of this expensive little thing is Gustav Klimt. This painting went under the hammer for almost a record 89.1 million dollars.

If we delve a little deeper into history, the Austrian Gustav Klimt painted a portrait of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer’s wife Adele Bloch-Bauer II back in 1912. The man was the richest industrialist of that time and sponsored the most different types art, including financing the artist. By the way, Adele was the only model that the Austrian painted twice. The woman can also be seen in the “First Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.”

Self-portrait with a cut off ear and a pipe. Vincent van Gogh

The top of the most expensive paintings in the world continues with the famous self-portrait of the notorious Vincent Van Gogh. At auction they paid $90.1 million for it. By the way, the great Dutchman was very fond of painting his own portraits. And each such painting, together with “Sunflowers,” is highly valued. In addition, these works are also the most famous paintings by Van Gogh.

In total, the Dane painted about 12 self-portraits during his life. And all the work took place between 1886 and 1889.

Dora Maar with a kitten. Pablo Picasso

A canvas called “Dora Maar with a kitten” is also included in the list of the 100 most expensive paintings in the world. It came from the brush of the famous Pablo Picasso. And the price of this interesting work reached $97 million. The author painted this picture in 1941.

He depicted his Croatian mistress named Dora Maar sitting on the table. The pet nestled on the owner's shoulder. Many claim that Picasso's kittens come out especially well.

Irises. Vincent van Gogh

The seventh place in the ranking of the most expensive paintings in the world is again occupied by a painting by Vincent Van Gogh. But this time it’s not a self-portrait at all. The buyer had to pay almost 100 million dollars for the painting “Irises,” namely 97.5 million.

It is worth noting that this painting is one of the artist’s first works, which he painted during his stay at the Paul de Moussol hospital. The medical facility is located in the French province of San Remo. Van Gogh visited it a year before his death in 1890.

Boy with a pipe. Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso again took sixth place in the “Most Expensive Paintings in the World” rating. And this “golden” work called “Boy with a Pipe” cost the new owner $104.1 million. This was the price fetched at the Sotheby's auction on May 5, 2004 in New York, with a starting price of $70 million.

The painting left the personal collection of John Hay. By the way, some art historians believe that such a fabulous price for the canvas was justified solely by the authorship of the painting, and not by its actual historical value.

Ball in Montmartre. Pierre-Augustus Renoir

At the very center of the list of the most expensive paintings is the painting “Ball in Montmartre”. This is the work of the artist Pierre-Augustus Renoir. At the time of sale, this painting, together with Van Gogo’s “Portrait of Doctor Gachet,” became the most expensive ever sold or bought. And both paintings were the property of a Japanese industrialist named Saito. In addition, there is a rather funny story connected with this man. The thing is that Mr. Saito, after his death (it occurred in 1991), bequeathed both paintings to be cremated with him. And this fact caused a wave of indignation throughout the planet.

Therefore, Saito's partners decided to do things differently since they were on the verge of bankruptcy. They sold Renoir's work at Sotheby's. It went into unknown hands (the buyer wanted to remain anonymous) for $122.8 million. Absolutely nothing is known about the new owner, but it is assumed that the famous work went to Switzerland.

Portrait of Doctor Gachet. Vincent van Gogh

The next line in the ranking of expensive works of art is again the work of Vincent Van Gogh and his already mentioned painting “Portrait of Doctor Gachet.” It turns out that there are two versions of this painting in the world. And both were painted in 1890, just in the last months of the famous artist’s life.

On both canvases the doctor is depicted sitting at a table. He laid his head on right hand. However, the difference between the versions can be seen with the naked eye. One of the paintings went into private hands for $129.7 million.

First portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. Gustav Klimt

In third position in the ranking of the most expensive paintings in the world is a portrait, which we already talked about at the beginning of the list. This is the "First Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer". Work by Gustav Klimt. The first attempt to paint a portrait of the wife of a wealthy industrialist turned out to be more successful.

In 2006, it was sold for $130 million to Ronald Lauder, owner of the New York gallery Neue Galerie. At that time, this work was the most expensive of those sold. By the way, the portrait itself was painted at the beginning of the last century, in 1907.

Woman 3. Willem de Kooning

A slightly incomprehensible work, Woman 3, is by an abstract expressionist named Willem de Kooning. It ranks second in the list of “The most expensive paintings in the world.” However, if you look at the author and his other works, you can confidently say “Woman 3” is the pinnacle of the artist’s skill.

By the way, the painting is one of six works where the central theme is a woman. The painting was painted in 1953, and in 2006 it passed into the hands of billionaire Steven Cohen for an almost record $137.5 million.

"No. 5, 1948", Jackson Pollock's masterpiece

The work of American artist Jackson Pollock “No. 5, 1948.” author, who made a significant contribution to the development of abstract expressionism, written in fiberboard sheet and measures 2.5 by 1.2 meters. The author applied a small amount of yellow and brown splashes on top, and this made the painting look like a large nest. The masterpiece sold for a record $142.7 million and for a long time remained the most expensive painting in the world.

The most expensive painting in the world

In the fall of 2017, the record for Pollock’s painting was broken by Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” (~1500). Until the mid-20th century, the masterpiece was considered lost. It was discovered in 1958, but experts did not recognize it as the work of a master, suggesting that the canvas was painted by one of Da Vinci’s followers. As a result, the painting went under the hammer for a ridiculous 45 pounds.

The true origin of the painting was established in 2011, and two years later it was acquired by Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev. The cost rose to $127.5 million. In 2017, he auctioned it at Christie's for $100 million. Over twenty minutes of trading, the bid rose to $450 million.

You can also find out which paintings are recognized most famous in the world and the name of which artist is heard by most of the inhabitants of our planet.
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On July 17, members of the extremist organization “Partizanskaya Pravda Partizan” led by the famous blogger Alexei Menyailov were detained in Russia

This is not the first time he has come into the spotlight law enforcement. His “partisan” activities began with the organization “Course of Truth and Unity,” which was recognized as extremist and banned by the Maykop District Court. At the same time, being an activist of the “Course”, Menyailov founded Partizan.

Investigators spent a long time studying the activities of the PPP and came to the conclusion that this organization carries a destructive ideology. Most of The composition is made up of former military personnel, and the organization itself is divided into four divisions with a clearly defined charter and military hierarchy.

The moment of a military sports game, Minsk, 2006. Members of the PPP undergo the same training. Photo: wikimedia.org

In the near future, Alexey Menyailov may be charged under articles of inciting hatred and enmity and humiliation of human dignity.

The PPP is far from the first organization to be banned in Russia. The Unified Federal List includes 27 groups recognized as terrorist groups and 19 that are subject to liquidation for extremist activities.

All these banned sects most readily attracted men aged 30-40 years into their ranks. Everyone’s ideology is different, but in the end it all comes down to acts of extremism, especially at moments when it is necessary to satisfy the demands put forward by the sect.

"Aum Shinrikyo"

There is a known case where an adherent of “Aum Shinrikyo” (an extremist organization banned in Russia), a resident of Moscow Sigachev, after the arrest of the sect leader Shoko Asahara intended to carry out several terrorist attacks in Japan if the government did not decide to release Asahara and pay him $10 million.

The group of people with whom Sigachev acted was neutralized in time in Vladivostok. Before this failed incident, Aum Shinrikyo had already carried out terrorist attacks as part of its teachings about the imminent end of the world and the extermination of sinners in the “last war of Good and Evil.” Suffice it to recall the spraying of poison gas in the Tokyo subway on March 20, 1995, when more than 6,000 people died.

Tokyo, Japan. The founder of the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect, Shoko Asahara, was executed in Tokyo on July 6. In addition to Asahara, Kiyohide Hayakawa, who served as the minister of war in the sect, as well as Tomomasa Nakagawa and Yoshihiro Inoue, were executed. In March 1995, cultists sprayed sarin gas into the Tokyo subway, killing 13 people and injuring about six thousand. Photo from the archive: 10.25.1990 EPA / TASS

Shoko Asahara, leader of Aum Shinrikyo, was hanged on July 6, 2018 for crimes including plotting murders and kidnapping 26 people. On the same day, six more of the most ardent followers of the sectarian leader were executed.


Although Russia is accused of totalitarianism and intolerance, the verdicts of Russian courts are mild compared to foreign precedents.

Just two weeks ago, on July 3, the leader of the religious Islamic association “Nurcular”, recognized as extremist and banned in Russia, received a new term. Kamil Odilov.

Earlier, in 2013, he and Ilkhom Merazhov have already been convicted under the article on “Organizing the activities of a religious association, in respect of which the court decided to ban its activities in connection with the implementation of extremism.” Then they received suspended sentences, but now they received real ones. In particular, Odilov’s sentence implies two years in prison.

Similar “Nurcular” movements profess blind obedience to the decree of the spiritual leader. And if he orders to go and blow himself up in a crowded place for the glory of God, then so be it.

"Jehovah witnesses"

The Jehovah's Witnesses sect, also banned in the Russian Federation, is no less destructive. Its activities are destructive in nature and involve practically zombifying young people, forcing adherents to reject universal human values, including the value of human life.

The aggressive policy of promoting the activities of the Witnesses in our country has led to a rapid increase in the number of members of this organization.

Thoughtful methods of fooling young people and taking away property were brought to perfection. Sponsoring an organization from abroad, imposing an alien ideology, demanding blind obedience to leadership, abandoning one's civic duty - all these are too dangerous trends in the context of a growing number of sect members.

"White Brotherhood"

At one time, the White Brotherhood sect showed itself to be even more dangerous. The impact of her ideology on young minds was so great that people did completely unthinkable things.

So, in 1994, one of the “white brothers” killed a neighbor because he decided that the devil had possessed her. And the year before, a mass suicide attempt was thwarted. 616 people were planning to take their own lives.

Declared herself to be God Maria Davy-Christ or anyone else from management was not among them.

Despite the delusional ideology and confusion in the hierarchy of the top “brothers,” the sect was rapidly gaining followers. People refused documents, seeing in them the “mark of the beast”, gave up real estate in favor of the “Brotherhood”, abandoned their jobs and families, found themselves on the street, went crazy, and committed ritual suicide.

God Kuzi Sect

Despite the funny name, what was happening inside this sect does not at all cause a smile. A sect in which Andrey Popov “Kuzya” proclaimed himself a god, the destruction of the family institution was preached, the murder of relatives considered “demons” was advocated, deception of others in order to take away money and property was promoted. Humiliation, collective beatings, and sexual violence were practiced at the meetings.

Huge amounts of money were earned through deception. At Orthodox exhibitions, “kondrats,” as adherents of the Church of God Kuzi called themselves, rented 30-40 retail outlets, posed as monks of a distant monastery and offered to order a prayer service or service. With such public coverage, we were talking about huge amounts of money that went to Popov.

Moscow. Leader of the religious sect Andrei Popov (“god Kuzya”) (right), accused of fraud on an especially large scale and leadership of a destructive religious association, before the announcement of the verdict in the Presnensky court. Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov / TASS

Harem for the head of the church, beatings to a pulp, fraud, calls for murder, deprivation of property, blackmail, intimidation, torture, psychological impact- all this could not fail to attract the attention of law enforcement agencies.

From 2014 until recently there were trials in the case of Andrei Popov and his accomplices. On July 16, 2018, the court sentenced Popov to five years in prison for fraud and creating a sect.

"Neo-Pentecostals" or "Charismatics"

No less swindlers in the field of religious games are neo-Pentecostals (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation - editor's note). Under the guise of good goals, such as freeing young people from drug addiction, they recruit new adherents right in schools.

While declaring themselves to be a church, they have nothing to do with the church. Charismaticism, with its services similar to hypnotist sessions, is an occult movement with a focus on magic. This sectarian movement is most widespread in the Russian Federation and includes up to 300,000 members.

In fact, “charismatics” do not cure drug addicts. They simply replace one addiction with another. And when the “healed by God” understands what is happening, he breaks down again. But by that time, usually all his savings and real estate already belong to the community, his family is destroyed, his job or studies are lost, and there are no friends. That is why there are frequent cases of suicide among former members of “neo-Pentecostals”

In our country there is still a serious struggle for minds, and all kinds of sects are trying to take over as many members as possible. After all, each of those who believe in the next “true teaching” will bring profit to the management of the organization. And most often, this is exactly what the creation of such organizations is aimed at, no matter what good goals they declare to the public.