Well      06/16/2019

Mottled wall painting. Artist's Workshop (Pink Workshop). Brand name paints

Today, people are increasingly striving to equip their homes in an original way, avoiding platitudes and clichés. In this sense, decorative wall painting is a rather interesting solution: it is possible to create incredible textures, artistic images and color combinations. Shops abound with goods for every taste. Therefore, without much hassle, you can decorate the interior in style, even without professional design training.

Need to clear work surface. Often there are marks on the walls old paint, whitewash, wallpaper glue. They all have different chemical composition, substances interact with each other in different ways, and if you still want to re-paint the walls, this may adversely affect the final result.

Preparing the surface for painting

In some cases, previously pasted wallpaper cannot be removed from the wall - then it is advisable to use an alkyd primer. It is recommended to dilute it with white spirit in a ratio of 1 to 3, mix thoroughly, apply to problematic areas of the walls.

Another important point concerns the removal of dirt, oil and grease stains, fungus (fungal infestation is typical for rooms in old buildings, as well as in conditions high humidity). Treat oil stains with acetone or pure gasoline. Simply apply a little to a dry, lint-free cloth and wipe the areas where you see greasy dirt.

Examine the wall for old cracks. Most likely, they will also be found. Prime cracks with as dense a substance as possible, preferably finely dispersed and with high adhesion. The most common materials are cement or gypsum, or a mixture of both. Apply the solution after wetting the cracked areas with water (this way you maximize the adhesion of the “native” material old wall and primers).

What paint to choose

The choice of paint is useful to start long before you get into the process closely. It is not very reasonable to grab the first thing that comes to hand at the very last moment from the store counter. In addition, you must definitely try the properties of the purchased paint somewhere in a separate place.

What is it for:

  • see how it dries (does it leave cracks, quickly or slowly, does it change its original color);
  • find out if the paint will emit a pungent odor (sometimes manufacturers write that the paint is neutral, but in reality it turns out that the paint contains sharply smelling fractions - for living rooms this is unacceptable);
  • make sure that the paint consumption corresponds to that indicated on the package (this value is very arbitrary, because you can never determine with absolute accuracy how thick the layer you apply and how much substance will go per unit square area).

Attention! When buying a product in a store, do not forget to look at the expiration date and expiration date, so as not to buy expired paint with changed characteristics.

It should be noted that decoration through painting can be done in two ways:

  • using a special textured paint (the option is more expensive, since such paint has a high price, although it is worth it!);
  • using ordinary wall paint, but combining different colors (in the form of stencils, patterns).

The consistency of wall paints is quite liquid. When applied, there are no lumps, furrows or sagging. Painting is usually carried out in several layers. The exception is the use of a spray gun. With its help, it is possible to evenly paint over every centimeter, but in most cases it will be exactly handmade. The brush and roller are your tools.

Attention! Apply the paint only on a completely dry surface - after all cleanings, primers, etc. Otherwise, you will have defects after the new paint dries.

Observe uniformity in the speed and amount of paint applied. Start with those sections of the wall where it is planned to place wall furniture in the future, hang a panel or carpet, where there is minimal illumination.

This is necessary so that possible defects are not as noticeable as in the most central places. Apply each next layer after the previous one is completely dry.

Attention! Apply the very last, final layer in the direction of the light rays falling on the surface.


Buy at the store or make your own stencils. Suitable material for:

  • thin sheet plastic;
  • a piece of thin linoleum;
  • thick oilcloth, etc.

The point is that the shape does not collapse after a few strokes with a roller or brush. If this is not taken care of in advance, the edges of the form will become uneven, and the applied pattern will have a blurry outline.

stardust effect

A simple and at the same time interesting design technique: “specks” are applied to the dried surface with paint of a different color. To do this, you need to take a rough brush with a hard bristle, dip it into the paint, wring it out carefully, and only then “splash” it in the right place: bend the bristle in the opposite direction, and then release it. Practice in advance somewhere else to achieve the desired quality.

The decoration turns out to be very original when you paint the walls in one color, but in a different color - separate sections or different walls the same premises. Perhaps it will be large rhombuses or squares, stripes, circles, stains. Draw a design on paper in advance and act based on the picture.

aging effect

Another name is stippling. On a plain surface, apply glaze in a contrasting color. Use a wide flat brush for this. Without waiting for it all to dry, repeatedly touch the surface with the same rough brush (or take a rough round brush). Spread the "touches" either completely over the entire surface, or zoned. As a result, an original texture is formed, and no traces of brush stains will be visible.

Attention! The same can be done not with a brush with a brush, but with a rough dry sponge. The main thing is that the mechanical intervention should be performed in a certain style (the same nature of the touches, their more or less uniform frequency).

Pattern effect chaos or abstraction

Make a simple roll with a "torn" coating. It will help you apply finely divided wall paint so that irregular shapes appear on the walls. Naturally, the applied layer should differ in color from the main one.

Video - Applying an abstract pattern with a "torn" roller

You will need:

  • acrylic primer;
  • vinyl paint in two shades;
  • mother-of-pearl azure;
  • decorative paper.

The procedure is priming and painting, applying paper and wrinkling it, painting again, removing excess paint from the folds of the “skin”.

Video - Decorative wall painting with wrinkled leather effect

Applying textured paint

By characteristics textured paint very close to textured plaster. But the paint is more “thin”, and therefore more plastic. Its use gives a stunning effect - exquisite surfaces that will please the eye for a long time with an exclusive decor.

Due to what the relief is obtained:

Additionally, you can refine the coating as follows. After drying, apply to the base coat with a soft brush. regular paint contrasting shade, and not everywhere, but in some places - you get an original, chic decor. Some craftsmen use not even one, but two or three contrasting colors, applying them in a special cascading way. If you want the same, be sure to train in advance, because without skill it is unlikely to succeed.

Advantages of textured paints

Industry of modern finishing materials provides the widest field for bold experimentation. You are not limited in anything, and you do not need to be specially trained, to acquire any specific skills. Enough embossed painter and experimental courage in artistic decoration.

Textured paints, although they are more expensive than the usual "smooth", but have a number of undeniable advantages:

Such a wonderful product is ready to use, and even the most unprepared decorator can work with it.

With the help of paint and improvised means that can be found in every apartment, you can change the interior beyond recognition. And there are many ways to paint walls that will not only transform the space, but also bring a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

get away from boredom

Using paint on the wall, you can create an exclusive pattern that is not found on the wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and not like others. You can experiment with colors and shades, shapes, textures. When using several colors, it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
different shades one color;
Related shades;
Contrasting colors that go well together.

Gradation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with colors. Increasingly, designers are trying bold wall design options. For example, they age the wall, make the effect of mold or a damp wall, but at the same time they use blue, pink, green shades. Large blots, spots and stains look bold and extraordinary. It is appropriate to use such decor on one of the walls in order to highlight a certain area in the room or make it the compositional center of the interior.

Bold DIY Effects

To create such effects, it is not necessary to be a professional designer, artist or painter. Yes, and special tools in this case are not needed. You can make a wall unusual with the help of an ordinary sponge, a clothes brush and a rag. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use glue or glazed paints. You need to work with them only after the base paint has completely dried.

Marker and chalk to help

Increasingly in modern interiors walls and furniture appear, painted with slate paint. This allows you to take notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

Marker paint also belongs to innovative types of coatings. After its complete drying, which occurs within seven days, you can draw on such a surface with dry-erase markers.

Using stencils

Unusually you can paint the wall with the help of stencils, buying them in hardware store or do it yourself. For self-manufacturing stencil will come in handy thick paper or cardboard. Also, an interesting effect will be obtained if you wrap a roller with a piece of twisted rag and paint the wall with it.

According to many designers, wall painting requires interesting solutions. One such solution is decorative paints.

With their help, you can create an atmospheric and unique style, the walls in which will look perfect.

In this article, we will tell you not only about the uniqueness of this option, but also about how to paint yourself.

Features and types of decorative paints

If in doubt whether it is worth painting walls in a similar style, then study the characteristics of such painting and you will immediately imagine the final version, filled with effective details and causing genuine delight.

Just choose the right type of paint. There are several of them:

  • Pearlescent colors. Create the effect of silk. "Silk" walls are a real luxury.
  • Velvet colors. Create depth and emphasize space.
  • Mosaic colors. Create the effect of granite or any other texture.

Advantages of decorative painting

Decorative painting is certainly superior to other painting options in many ways. Such painting will be durable and safe for the health of both adults and children.

Walls are easy to maintain. Walls do not fade and do not collect dust. Therefore, you do not have to constantly wipe them from dust. It will be enough sometimes to pass over them with a brush.

Disadvantages of decorative painting

Regardless of the advantages, there are also disadvantages. The first thing to say is to refer to the price.

It is quite high, and if you call the masters, then buying paint, painting itself and materials will cost you a round sum.

You should also be aware that the painting process itself cannot be called a simple matter. To do quality work with your own hands, you need to seriously try.

How to paint?

If you decide to do decorative painting yourself, then you should carefully consider each stage of the work. Initially prepare all materials, tools and paint.

The painting process should go evenly over time, so it's better to prepare right away. The paint must be well mixed. If you want to get contrast, then use light and dark tones.

But before you start, choose a technique. There are several of them.

Stencil. It is possible to apply patterns on the walls using a stencil. This will greatly facilitate the process, as it is available to everyone. It just takes patience and precision.

The stencils themselves can be made by yourself or purchased in specialized stores. Decorative painting must be done responsibly. Use a small roller and you'll be fine.

Roller with texture. In the hardware store you can buy a special texture roller. It can be depicted completely different patterns for every taste. Any amateur can also handle such painting. With light movements, draw small strips in different directions and you will be surprised by the result.

Sponge. It can be used as a roller. Thanks to its structure, the sponge helps to create an interesting wall texture. It is used as a stamp. It is convenient, but it is worth practicing in advance.

Decorative painting with a brush. This option suitable for more confident craftsmen. Working with a brush is more difficult than other methods. Need to use brushes different sizes to create unique patterns.

When you do the decorative painting yourself, it will look much more expensive. If you carefully assimilate the material with the technique of decorative painting, then you will completely do without the masters and arrange real beauty in your home.

Photo of decorative wall painting

Painting walls and ceilings with your own hands is a very simple matter. You just need to properly prepare the wall and know the basic rules of painting.

The first step will be the preparation of the walls - it depends on how the walls will look immediately after painting and how long the paint will last. First you need to remove the old wallpaper.

The most common type of wallpaper is ordinary paper, and it is very easy to remove them. You just need to moisten them with plenty of water so that the glue gets wet and the wallpaper peels off the wall itself.

It will be more difficult to remove waterproof wallpapers - you need to make an incision in them in a special place and pour water there so that it wets the glue.

If, after the first procedure, the wallpaper is still firmly attached to the wall, you can moisten them several more times, as much as necessary. After a certain time, the wallpaper will be easily separated from the walls with bare hands.

After removing all the wallpaper from the walls, you need to wash them with water and detergent.

Removing rust stains from walls

Rust needs to be cleaned hot water and then treated with copper sulfate. If the stains cannot be removed, then you can paint over them with a special primer over the plaster.

Wall primer

It is very important to prime the walls several times. First after cleaning the walls, then after applying the plaster, and finally before painting. Priming is very simple, you just need to have a special primer and a roller.

This procedure is necessary in order for the paint and putty to better set when applied to the wall. It also prolongs the time before the paint begins to peel off the wall.

How to paint the wall?

In order for the paint to lie on the wall in a good even layer, it is necessary to use only good tools for painting.

Spray. This option is not suitable for untrained people, with a spray gun it is very difficult to paint a wall without preparation, but a skilled person will do it quickly and easily. To do this, you need a compressor and a spray gun.

roller. This method is very simple and anyone can do it. The main thing is to choose the right roller. Not suitable for flat walls fur rollers, because when the paint dries, traces of fibers will be visible. Smooth walls it is best to paint with a foam roller or a short pile roller.

A brush is an essential item for any painting job. Brushes come in a variety of sizes and materials. Even if you paint with a roller, you will need a brush to get to hard to reach places.

Wall paint

The best choice of paint for walls is water-based paint. It comes in three types

Acrylic water-based paint. One of the most common types, the main advantages are easy to lay down, do not fade, retain color for a long time, incredibly easy to clean.

Latex water-based paint is a very expensive type of paint. Good for its water resistance. Also, like the previous look, it does not fade and retains its color for a long time. Due to its elasticity, it can be used to seal small holes and cracks.

Silicone paint is also not cheap. Like the previous two types, it does not fade, retains its color for a long time and is waterproof, silicone paint also passes steam and gas through itself, so it can be placed immediately on top of fresh putty. Mainly used for bathrooms.

As you can see, painting the walls water-based paint has its undeniable advantages, thanks to which it has become so popular.

Applying paint to the wall

First you need to prepare the paint and the room. The air temperature should not be more than twenty degrees and not lower than five. Also, do not paint the walls in the room if the air is too humid.

You need to find out how much paint you need for each wall, for this, calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. On a can of paint it always says how much square meters she's enough.

It is important to know that the bank takes into account how much paint is needed for one layer, so you need to buy 2 times more paint for two layers. If you already have paint, you need to bring it to working condition.

Pour some water into the jar and mix thoroughly. This must be done immediately before painting.

When painting with a roller, you must adhere to three rules:

  • The roller must always be well saturated with paint so that the layer is not too thin.
  • You need to start painting from above, so that smudges and drops do not spoil the already finished section of the wall.
  • corners and most hard-to-reach places It is best to paint with a small brush.

It is necessary to paint the walls in several layers, at least two, and optimally three. One thick layer of paint will never be as rich as two thin layers. As you can see, painting the walls with your own hands is an incredibly easy and even enjoyable experience.

Wall painting design

A variety of colors and painting techniques gives a huge scope for decorative wall painting. One of the most simple methods- creating a wall texture using a rough roller.

It is enough just to paint the wall with a special roller, and it will look beautiful and unusual. There are stencils for painting walls for drawing a picture, this will add sophistication and unusualness to your interior.

You can choose the style you need by looking at the photo of painting the walls.

You can draw inspiration from professional designers and craftsmen.

Photo wall painting ideas

So, you are in the process of a grandiose and such a long-awaited repair and it came to decorating the walls. Here you have a huge selection of options: wallpaper, photo wallpaper, special paint, vinyl stickers on the walls and, of course, decorative stencils. This is the element of decor and will be our article.

Stencils have been known since time immemorial, they were used back in Ancient Egypt to decorate the walls of religious buildings. Many years have passed, the basic idea of ​​stencils is still the same, but the materials have changed.

How and from what can you make a stencil at home?

  1. A disposable stencil can even be made from paper. This is very economical option requiring the utmost care. Paper is a thin material if you use too thin acrylic paint, then the edges of the stencil will easily get wet and spoil the whole drawing. But if you apply paint to the wall with a spray can, then in this case plain paper will become your assistant.
  2. A cardboard stencil will be more durable. It will even be able to withstand several paints before it completely deteriorates. The disadvantage of such material is that it can go in a "wave" and will move away from the wall. In this case, the paint may seep beyond the border of the stencil. And it’s not the first time you cut out a particularly elegant pattern with thin curls from it at home.
  3. If you plan to use one drawing many times, then thin plastic will come to the rescue. It is more difficult to cut a pattern from it at home, but you can turn to specialists. They will cut out the desired ornament for you with a laser, even a small one.

If it seems to you an overwhelming task to make a stencil on your own, then firms that already offer turnkey solutions. For example, a ready-made stencil can be ordered in an online store. In such stores, you can look at catalogs with a large assortment and choose the appropriate pattern. If you want to get a stencil according to an individual sketch, then this can often be realized without problems. Many online stores provide this service to their customers. The stencils of these stores are made from a special film. Such stencils are disposable, but their undoubted advantage lies in the ratio of price and quality. And they are also very easy to use. The stencil is simply glued to the wall, painted with any paint and removed without damage to the surface. Due to the fact that the film is tightly glued to the wall, the paint will not flow over the edges, ruining the picture.

How and with what to paint a decorative stencil?

You can paint with absolutely any paint, the main thing is that it is not too liquid and does not spread. For convenience, you can use paints in spray cans to evenly distribute the paint over the surface. Now such paints can be easily purchased at any art supply store.

You can apply paint by means convenient for you:

- brushes (small for small parts, large - to fill large spaces)
- rollers (for filling stencils large sizes, without the use of small elements)


After finishing painting work you need to give the drawing time to dry thoroughly, and only then remove the template. Otherwise, you can remove the stencil with a wall covering and a layer of wet paint.

And, of course, take the time to admire your result. After all, nothing pleases more than a beautifully decorated room with your own hands.