Well      05/06/2022

It's great for a servant of God to live without his own. To help you. Spell to prevent divorce

I'll put a chip under your heel,
I'll go without looking back
In the tryn-grass, towards the stone side.
Lying there, lying
Strictly guards
Feisty evil, sucking blood,
Nine-eyed, nine-mouthed, nine-yawned.
Cool the soul of God's servant (name)
To the servant of God (name).
At night with a candle, in the morning before dawn,
At church hour and every time,
When he looks at her,
The devil will remember my words
And will not give them both peace,
No peace, no feast, no love affairs,
No tender bodies
No water, no fire, no honey, no salt,
And an unfortunate fate.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To take away the ardent love

From a letter from Lesya from Kyiv:

“Either I was bewitched by him, or I’ve gone completely crazy - I don’t understand, but even without him, Natalya Ivanovna, the world is not nice to me. He treats me rudely, but even the dog behaves better. Teach me how to free myself from such love?”

Go to the cemetery on Saturday and find a grave in which a person with the same name as your lover is buried. Walk around the grave counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then stand at the feet of the deceased and say three times:

Came to a dead threshold,
I'm standing at dead feet.
The deceased lies, his soul sleeps,
His heart doesn't hurt.
He has no thoughts and sufferings,
Love experiences
Neither ardent love, nor ardent anger.
His dead bones are empty,
His heart is empty.
Doesn't grieve or get bored
Doesn't wait and doesn't see you off,
He does not sigh from ardent love.
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
Don't grieve and don't be bored,
Don't wait and don't see off,
Do not sigh or cry out of ardent love.
How calm is the soul and heart of this man,
So from now on and forever I will not grieve,
Don't shed tears
Don't sigh from love
According to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Dryness on her husband

Before going to bed, take a crust of bread and eat it, saying:

How I gnaw and eat bread,
So gnaw and eat melancholy
My husband (name) to me,
To my wife (name), now and forever. Amen.

Love spell on a photo

Ahti, servant of God (name) live
He can’t live without his shadow, longing for me,
God's servant (name) will not prevail.
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
So you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

Love spell on drool

They spit, then look at the drool and say three times:

The servant of God (name) cannot live without saliva.
The servant of God (name)'s saliva is drying up.
So that the servant of God (name)
I couldn’t live without God’s servant (name),
He also dried up, didn’t eat, didn’t eat, didn’t walk,
So that God's servant (name) does not fall asleep
He didn't lose his mind.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then leave without looking back.

Love words for water

Looking at the water, cross yourself and say:

The Kingdom of God to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Then you need to drink this water, taking exactly three sips.

Love spell while eating

As is already clear from the name, this love spell is read when they sit down at the table. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How I eat, drink,
So eat, melancholy, my husband (name)
For me, wife (name).
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

Current page: 7 (book has 12 pages in total)


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Love spell on hide and seek

With the help of the so-called hide-and-seek, you can make a strong love spell (dry spell). Take a small rag and wrap a new cross and five kopecks in it. Wrap the rag tightly with threads so that you get a small bun, read a special spell over it and hide it as best as possible. Know that the hide and seek loses its power as soon as someone other than you picks it up. Don’t put a hiding place in the ground or in nasty places - the relationship with your loved one will immediately deteriorate. The plot is as follows:

The shaking old man walked along and took my secret.
Shakes, rushes, throws to the side.
Seventy-seven of his veins hurt,
His eyes are burning, his teeth are chattering.
How he suffers, he knows no peace,
He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t give himself rest,
So the servant of God (name) does not know peace,
For me, the servant of God (name), suffered,
He tore seventy-seven veins.
He was eager to come to me, he was striving,
Wouldn't stop at anything
Everyone would run to me,
And so he would grieve and suffer,
How the shaking grandfather took my secret.
Wherever he looks, he will remember me.
I am everything to him, God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For love in the family

The spell words are read over the fish, which is then treated to the husband or wife.

Pavel asks Peter:
Pavel asks Peter:
– Where did you hear the sturgeon’s voice?
The fish doesn't speak, doesn't bite,
Doesn't scream, doesn't get angry.
Saint Peter answers:
- The fish does not scream, the fish, Pavel, is silent.
So it would be in the family of God’s servant (name)
They didn't shout in anger
And they loved and made peace every year,
And for every hour, and for half an hour,
And for a moment, and forever and ever. Amen.

Reconcile quarreling spouses

If there are children in the family, but the spouses have already completely quarreled and are even planning to divorce, you can try to reconcile them with the help of the following conspiracy:

I walk, blessing myself, crossing myself at the icon.
How the Mother of God suffers for Her Son,
So from now on the servant of God (name)
And the servant of God (name) was sick of each other,
Their hearts were burning
Couldn't we be and live apart,
And spend the night and live forever:
Not a day, not a night, not an hour, not a half hour.
I will close my slander,
I won't put a lock on the fence,
I’ll hang it on the church gate.
I close the word, I break the deal,
I'm luring my husband and wife
On your porch, on your wedding ring.
Key, lock, God is on the threshold. Amen.

A quarrel between lovers

This conspiracy is read into the wind:

There is no end to my words,
There is no end, no wedding ring.
Like feet trampling grass,
They do not regret and do not cherish,
The mouse runs away from the cat
The dog squeals from the stick,
So they would fall out of love, run away,
We didn’t reconcile, we didn’t meet
Servant of God (name)
And the servant of God (name). Amen.

Strong quarrel

Here is another very strong and effective conspiracy that helps to quarrel between a husband and his mistress. The words are as follows:

Are you high mountains?
Are you deep rivers?
You forests are dry, you dogs are angry.
So high, so far,
So it would be both evil and evil
Servant of God (name) with servant of God (name)
For centuries and centuries, and all holy men
They cannot be helped, and they cannot be reconciled,
And not to get married: neither today, nor tomorrow,
And not the day after tomorrow, and never.
My deed, my word, and everything is ready. Amen.

If your opponent pesters you

I remember once a woman came to me and began to sob and complain about her husband’s mistress, who not only took him away from the family, made the children orphans, and after that did not leave him alone: ​​she constantly called and said nasty things or simply remained silent. into the phone. In addition, she constantly spreads gossip, insults her wife at every opportunity, carries earth to the door, pours water, etc. What to do in such a situation?

At midnight, knead the dough. When it rises, roll it out with a rolling pin and say:

How do I knead this dough?
So I tear away your anger.
I'll feed your business to the dogs.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the morning, throw the dough to the dogs.

Anti-love plot

Let your hair down and at dawn, standing at the window and clasping your hands, read the following plot:

Not a city, not a capital,
And the black tomb
Satan lies in it,
Dead girl.
Her hand doesn't rise
She doesn't bleed,
The heart does not light up with love,
He does not mourn for anyone, does not lament.
So the servant of God (name) would not lament
I didn’t miss God’s servant (name),
I didn’t suffer, I breathed calmly,
Ate, drank, walked,
I didn’t take it into my thoughts, I didn’t look for meetings,
Like the girl in the coffin,
Dead Satan.
I would cool off towards everyone,
He would forget everyone except me, his wife,
God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another way to separate lovers

The following conspiracy will also help you:

How there is no peace and harmony
With a cat and a dog,
In a dog with a wolverine,
By the fire with water,
So are you, my servant (name),
Don't agree on anything
Don't know day or night
Don't go out on dates
Fight and swear with my rival,
Servant of God (name). Amen.

Cold spell

This spell is very powerful, and should be used as a last resort.

I'll put a chip under your heel,
I'll go without looking back
In the tryn-grass, towards the stone side.
Lying there, lying
Strictly guards
Feisty evil, sucking blood,
Nine-eyed, nine-mouthed, nine-yawned.
Cool the soul of God's servant (name)
To the servant of God (name).
At night with a candle, in the morning before dawn,
At church hour and every time,
When he looks at her,
The devil will remember my words
And will not give them both peace,
No peace, no feast, no love affairs,
No tender bodies
No water, no fire, no honey, no salt,
And an unfortunate fate.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To take away the ardent love

From a letter from Lesya from Kyiv:

“Either I was bewitched by him, or I’ve gone completely crazy - I don’t understand, but even without him, Natalya Ivanovna, the world is not nice to me. He treats me rudely, but even the dog behaves better. Teach me how to free myself from such love?”

Go to the cemetery on Saturday and find a grave in which a person with the same name as your lover is buried. Walk around the grave counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then stand at the feet of the deceased and say three times:

Came to a dead threshold,
I'm standing at dead feet.
The deceased lies, his soul sleeps,
His heart doesn't hurt.
He has no thoughts and sufferings,
Love experiences
Neither ardent love, nor ardent anger.
His dead bones are empty,
His heart is empty.
Doesn't grieve or get bored
Doesn't wait and doesn't see you off,
He does not sigh from ardent love.
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
Don't grieve and don't be bored,
Don't wait and don't see off,
Do not sigh or cry out of ardent love.
How calm is the soul and heart of this man,
So from now on and forever I will not grieve,
Don't shed tears
Don't sigh from love

Dryness on her husband

Before going to bed, take a crust of bread and eat it, saying:

How I gnaw and eat bread,
So gnaw and eat melancholy
My husband (name) to me,
To my wife (name), now and forever. Amen.

Love spell on a photo

This plot is read in the morning, during the day and after sunset, looking at a photograph of the husband. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Ahti, servant of God (name) live
He can’t live without his shadow, longing for me,
God's servant (name) will not prevail.
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
So you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

Love spell on drool

They spit, then look at the drool and say three times:

The servant of God (name) cannot live without saliva.
The servant of God (name)'s saliva is drying up.
So that the servant of God (name)
I couldn’t live without God’s servant (name),
He also dried up, didn’t eat, didn’t eat, didn’t walk,
So that God's servant (name) does not fall asleep
He didn't lose his mind.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then leave without looking back.

Love words for water

Looking at the water, cross yourself and say:

The Kingdom of God to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Then you need to drink this water, taking exactly three sips.

Love spell while eating

As is already clear from the name, this love spell is read when they sit down at the table. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How I eat, drink,
So eat, melancholy, my husband (name)
For me, wife (name).
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

Calling a husband who left his wife

This plot is read every day for exactly a month. Starts on the 27th of any month and ends on the 27th of the month following it. Before reading the plot, be sure to say the name of your husband who left you three times. The spell words are:

I call not the dawn of the morning, but the dawn of the day.
Day dawn, evening dawn,
My sad bitterness
Help me find the servant of God (name).
Oh, Lord, how hard it is on my joints,
I cry and sob for the servant of God (name).
Oh, Lord, help me
All these little words get there
Before God Christ - with the first smoke,
With the first ardor.
The enemy is crooked, and the chip is lame,
Antipas the fingerless, fly to all lands,
Find the servant of God (name),
Drive him back to me, God's servant (name).
When you find it, you take it -
With the first smoke, with the first ardor,
With hot fire.
So that you don’t get stuck in food,
I didn’t go on a drinking spree,
Didn't stay with the company
I didn’t wash myself in the bathhouse,
I did not forget the servant of God (name),
He cried and sobbed like a little child.
Just as an infant cannot live without a breast,
So is the servant of God (name)
Couldn’t do it without me, God’s servant (name),
Not a day, not a minute,
Everyone would cry and search,
Day and night he did not stop.
Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord,
Help me, help me.
Lord Father, help
To a heartfelt woman, I am like the Mother of God.
Oh, Lord, don't hurt me,
An offended woman.
Lock in my mouth, I won't tell anyone.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Amulet against the machinations of a rival

This plot is read once in the morning and once in the evening. His words are:

Intercede, save and have mercy,
Save us, O God, with Your grace.
Savior angels, stand by my side
To both sides, servants of God (name),
And don't let it
Enemy power and evil people. Amen.

Another amulet against the machinations of a rival

The following conspiracy will also help you:

My angel, my savior,
My patron
Save my soul, save my heart.
And you, the enemy, Satan,
Get off me.
There is no place for you, there is no kingdom for you.
One Throne – and that of Christ.

Love spell on husband for milk

If your husband is cheating on you, is ready to leave the children and destroy the family, take the milk you milked in the evening and read the spell over him. Let your husband drink this milk. The spell words are as follows:

I, servant of God (name),
I didn’t see it in the smoke, I was expecting my husband,
She burned in the fire, she endured with her soul.
Like my husband, servant of God (name),
Cruel as a stone
And I chew the earth, chew it,
How my blood boils,
So his liver hurts.
With me and with me, and be he my slave.
My walls, his floor.
As on his stomach, so on my blood.
Help and save. Amen.

Love spell during a kiss

While kissing, say to yourself:

My spirit is your soul.
Love me more than yourself.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Establish peace in the family

This plot is read over morning water. Wash your face with half of this water, and add the other half to your husband’s drink. The spell words are as follows:

Good morning, Ulyana water, Tatyana earth.
Give me, God's servant (name),
Water from family trouble.
The water is clean, life is sweet.
God's servant (name) be with me,
With God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dryness for a walking husband

After intimacy with your husband, wipe the sweat off him with your nightgown and say:

Like me, servant of God (name),
I can't live without an undershirt,
Without your sweat
So that the servant of God (name)
Couldn't live and be without me,
Servants of God (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Return the father to the children

Go outside, stand against the wind, exhale sharply and read the following plot three times:

Fly, fly, my darling, across the ocean-sea,
There is a copper bath there,
In that bathhouse there are three boards,
Three evil melancholy.
Don't rush, don't rush,
Don't rush from door to door,
And you fly into a makeshift crevice,
To the servant of God (name).
To servant of God (name)
He yearned and grieved for me,
Servant of God (name),
He would be a fool, he would roar.
Key, lock, my teeth. Amen.

Make your husband treat his wife kinder

Read this plot morning and evening twelve times in a row. On the day you read the plot, put on a new dress and change all the curtains in the house. The spell words are:

Dawns-lightnings, there are three sisters in the sky.
You are God's helpers:
One is a caretaker, another is a bore, the third is a vestibule.
One is baked, the other is boring,
Third - turn to God’s servant (name)
To me, servant of God (name).
So that it bakes for me, the servant of God (name),
So that he feels drawn to me,
To be attracted to him
His soul was captivated.
So that he eats, but does not overeat,
So that he drinks, but does not drink,
I wouldn’t go on a walk, I wouldn’t go on a spree,
Until he greeted me kindly,
I wouldn't greet him with a kind word.
I wouldn't be bored in the house,
A nightingale would sing around me.
I wouldn't listen to the old ones,
Neither young nor small:
Neither the first nor the last.
So that I could be for him,
How he is the only one for me throughout my life
And until death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To prevent my husband from cheating

This is a very strong, as they used to say in the old days - strong, conspiracy. My grandmother said about him: “A fierce conspiracy against prodigal husbands.” They read it at sunset three times. The words are as follows:

Oh, mother of the first star,
High in the sky, far from me,
See the servant of God (name),
Meet him on the road
In someone else's garden, on a treacherous threshold,
In the house, in the field, on land and at sea.
Make him sad
So that he doesn’t stay with other people’s girls,
I didn’t take bread and salt from strangers’ hands,
I didn’t fall asleep in someone else’s bed,
About me, my wife, God’s servant (name),
I didn’t forget it for an hour.
Take him, star, by the bridle,
Bring him here
To me, God's servant (name).
Ako the bird flies to its nest,
Cattle to their meadow,
A horse before foaling, a sheep before lambing,
Mother to her child,
So that the servant of God (name)
He ran before me, before the servant of God (name),
To my black eyebrows, to my clear eyes,
To scarlet lips, to a white face,
To the zealous heart,
To my home, to the marital threshold. Amen.

Another conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

The spell is read at the beginning, middle and end of the month over a cold drink, which is then treated to the husband. The spell words are:

How a brownie can't change
To your home, to your gender,
Your wall
So with not a single servant of God:
Neither with the beauty, nor with the pockmarked one -
My darling will not change me
God's servant (name). Amen.

So that the husband does not miss his mistress

Wash your husband’s shirt in “free” water, i.e. in a river, pond, etc., while reading the following plot:

Swift water, living river,
You don't stand in one place,
You drive waves and throw them on the shore.
Throw away, throw away the melancholy of my husband,
Servant of God (name), after servant of God (name).
How do you not grieve over heavy stones?
loose banks,
You're not driving hot blood,
And the water is cold, stagnant.
Cool it down once and for all
The heart of my friend according to the servant of God (name). Amen.
I’ll close it on my shirt with a quick slander.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(For men)

If a man is going to write to me, then most likely he will write about love: both women and men are most concerned about the issue of personal relationships. After all, we all actually have the same desire for love, we want to find our one and only partner. At numerous requests from men, I want to publish in this section special love spells that can be used by representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Love spell for men

After midnight, go outside the fence, take an ax, hit the ground with it three times and say:

I'm coming with an axe.
Seven brothers came out to meet me:
Seven brothers, seven wild winds.
– Where have you been, what have you seen?
- We were in an open field,
In the wide steppe,
Over the stunted grasses,
Poor forests, rich arable lands.
- Come to us, wild winds,
Comfort widows, orphans, little children,
Take earthly sorrow
And infuse her into an indomitable heart
Servants of God (name).
Chop her heart with a steel ax,
And let sorrowful sadness live in him
According to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Bring the ax into the house and let it lie on the doorstep for a week. The girl you dream about will start thinking about you.

To make your wife want you

The following plot will help you with this:

Fire to fire
The heat is driving me, and my wife is me,
The servant of God (name), wishes.
Doesn’t drive with his tongue, doesn’t scold,
Doesn't send from himself.
Glad to me, my soul,
Servant of God (name). Amen.

To make peace with my wife

This spell is read on sweets that are treated to the wife, or on a gift that is then given to the wife. The spell words are as follows:

How would you, my soul, eat and overeat
Yes, in tears and melancholy I would remember
All spring days are my hands, my lips.
I couldn't forget myself in a dream,
Everyone would think of making peace
Come to my doorstep.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the wife and husband are considered

From the letter:

“My wife doesn’t understand some things, but she does everything her own way. Even if she sees that she did something wrong, she won’t admit it. It's a shame that she doesn't take my opinion into account at all. He doesn't want to listen to anything, even when I'm right. Am I a man or not? I can’t hit, but I can’t understand the words.”

Buy your wife a new nightgown. Take her out at night under the starry sky and read a special spell over her three times. Then give her this shirt. The spell words are:

How are you stars?
Frequent on the Throne of God,
How you, heaven, are immense according to God's will,
So is my wife, God’s servant (name),
Have your share as a woman
And know my will over you.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that no one approaches his wife

At the request of many jealous husbands, I am publishing this conspiracy. The husband reads it over a gift or sweets, which he then gives to his wife. The plot is read on Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The spell words are as follows:

I'll wash myself white,
I'll get up early,
I'll tell my Guardian Angel,
To my savior:
Lead me, my angel,
Servant of God (name), not to my home,
And in the clear field, where the sun is radiant,
Where the grass is waist high
Where there are no paths, no ears of corn.
Satan's servant sits there,
The wind itself will not keep up with her.
She protects her lining.
I will put my treasure in its lining,
And my treasure is a family harmony.
Oh you, satanic light-pleaser,
No one can hide from you.
Who will covet Zhinka from now on?
Let my guard deal with it.
And pinch them and drive them away,
Save my family lining.
The dead lie, their lips are silent,
The lining is guarded.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the wife does not run from home to her friends

They give their wife a new scarf on Saturday, over which they first read the following plot:

The dawn is shining, my upper room is shining,
Be desirable to my sweetheart,
And not hateful.
So that she hurries to the house,
So that her heart beats with joy.
She wouldn't want to see
No girlfriends, no friends,
I would be glad to meet her. Amen.


To live with my husband until old age

This conspiracy is a guarantee of a long married life. I decided to publish it because I receive too many letters from you, my dear gray-haired friends. In them you talk about your women's grief: you lived with your husbands for many years, grew old together, and then the men seem to go crazy, suddenly forget everything and leave their families.

Of course, anything happens and circumstances are different, but I will still teach you a special conspiracy. It is read by young wives who want to talk themselves into a long and happy life with their beloved husband.

The mother of a young wife should tie a veil in a towel and go with her to church when someone is getting married there. After this, the following plot is read over the towel and veil:

On the not blue sea, not on the ocean,
On the yellow island not on Buyan
The blacksmith stands, well done,
Forges a couple of rings.
Those rings are not simple,
Not gold or copper
And not from silver, but from family goods,
From a treasured treasure, from a good mood.
Kui, well done blacksmith, for married hearts.
How you can’t count the stars and asterisks,
So you can’t unchain rings and hearts.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to pity the mother

From the letter:

“I am asking you for help. I lost the love and respect of my only daughter. I noticed this too late. My daughter is twenty-one years old, and I will soon be fifty. She grew up selfish, cruel and greedy. I refused to be a source of income for her, and then my eyes were opened. So I have no desire to live to an old age. Old age will be lonely and hungry. I have your books, but there are no spells in them that could be read for adult children. Please help me, I beg you."

It saddens me to read such letters, especially since there are too many of them. Some tell such stories that you simply become scared and wonder where there is so much cruelty in a person. Yes, times are not easy now, but when and for whom was it easy? Negligent children mortgage their parents' homes, hoping to pay off debts or get money for their needs. And so old, useless people live anywhere, without their own roof over their heads. I accept the reader’s reproach and will definitely teach you conspiracies that protect elderly parents from cruel children.

Here's one of them. It is read on the first Wednesday of the month, preferably at the hour at which you gave birth to your child many years ago. If you don’t remember the exact time, then read the plot at noon. The words are as follows:

I'm going through three doors,
Three gates
Three nine paths
By native blood,
Through veins and blood veins,
Through a conspiracy case
Servants of God (mother's name) body
For mother's business.
May God's servant (daughter's name)
Didn't offend me
She gave free rein to her tongue,
I wouldn't let go of my hands
I didn’t take the bread.
How I didn't sleep, how I didn't eat,
Carried and nursed,
Cherished and protected
I didn’t sleep through the dark night,
I kept thinking about the child, grieving,
I didn’t let you suffer, I didn’t let you cry,
She fed and watered, she was sorry and did not beat,
So my child wouldn’t scold me
And he didn’t offend, he didn’t give offense to others.
As I pray to Jesus Christ,
So my daughter (my son) would feel sorry for me
Until my end.
Fish in water, Lord on the Cross,
And God is on the Throne.
Lord, give me a happy mother's share.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pour spring water (or mineral water without gas) into a glass and on a foggy morning place it outside the window or on the balcony for a few minutes, saying the following spell:

“I say the word, I do the deed. Let my beloved be faithful to me, let my beloved forget about the other one. Let him only remember me, my clear eyes, scarlet lips, rosy cheeks. Let it be as I said.”

On occasion, give your lover this water to drink, and while he drinks, have time to say the following words to yourself:

“Drink, swallow, don’t forget me!”

Love spell from photo:

“Ahti, the servant of God (name) cannot live without his shadow, longing for me,
God's servant (name) will not prevail. Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky. so you go along every road to me, God’s servant (name). Amen!".

This is what they say when looking at a photo of their husband, in the morning, during the day and after sunset.

For a cup.

To make your loved one hurry up to you, take a cup of water and place it at the doorstep, saying:

"Slave (name), your water is here."

On a broom.

Take an ordinary broom and break out two twigs. Take them in your hands. Focus on the object of love or its photo, thing. Now quietly say a prayer (any prayer you know, but sincerely), say the name of the object of love. At midnight, go to his house and place the charmed rods in front of the door under the doormat crosswise. If you don’t have a rug, just lay it crosswise. In the morning, the object of love will step over them and the love spell will begin.

For pigeons.

If you like a man, but he doesn’t notice you, look for paired pigeons with your eyes, and when you see him, always say:

“A dove with a dove, and I with a slave (name). Amen. As this dove is with a dove, so am I with a slave (name). Amen.”

Water love spell.

At night, between 23 and 24 hours, fill a clear glass glass halfway with water. Take it in your left hand. With your right hand, move along the edge of the glass seven times and say the name of your loved one seven times. Then place it on the windowsill and let it recharge with energy. It is believed that it is better to do this on a full moon, but this is not necessary, the main thing is to put feelings into the words. No one should see the action of the glass on the window, so place it so that it is not visible. The next day in the evening, invite your loved one. Treat him to tea or coffee and quietly add 2-3 drops of charmed water. Do not under any circumstances add these drops to alcohol - specifically tea or coffee. When your loved one drinks tea (or coffee), carefully (concentratedly, but not for long) several times, look at the bridge of his nose.

Alcohol conspiracy.

"Heavenly angels, unearthly powers. How I call on you for help, how I ask you to give me inhuman powers, unearthly spells, so that I, the servant of God (name), can tie the servant of God (name) with my bonds so that he cannot break them forever and ever, neither at night, nor during the day, nor on a quiet evening, nor on a bright morning. And as this drink spills over all the vessels, it will heat up all his blood, so that his passion for servant of God (name), so that his love for me flares up stronger and hotter every day, so that he gets drunk with his passion for me, as he gets drunk with this wine.”

Say in the mornings for a week:

“I’ll get up, pray, and go out, crossing myself, through the door. Through the gate into an open field to the east. Jesus Christ is there. Tell me, Jesus Christ, how all people can become anything. Christ sends to the old man, the wise sage, you tell me, old man, how I can become anything for all people. According to Christ’s instructions, the elder did not become stubborn, but he himself began to say that every person and baby, and men, and beautiful girls, and young women, should love me, the servant of God (name), in those slander words the east is a castle. The West is the key, now, forever and ever. Amen."

On a limb.

Find a twig in the floor or in the wall, trace it with your finger and say, “As the twig has dried, so dry it, slave (name), for me, God’s servant (name), Amen.”

To the willow.

On Palm Sunday they break the willow and say.

“As long as the willow tree lies behind the icon, until then my husband will not stop loving me and will not forget me. Amen".

Place the willow behind the icon.

Get your husband back.

Take your wedding ring, place it in holy water and drink. There should be 40 sips. Before this, read the plot:

“Like the water from a wedding ring, it went in at the top and will come out at the bottom. So that my husband (name) left the slave (name of his rival) and came into my house. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen"

So that the husband does not beat his wife.

A woman whose husband loosens his hands must take the rope with which the hands of the deceased were tied. Dip and hold it in water for a while, then give this water to your husband to drink. From this day on, her husband will no longer raise his hand against her.

For peace in the family.

You need to get some water for tea and let your husband drink it.

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I don’t take water, but I return life. To have such a pure life as that of a slave (husband’s name) with a slave (wife’s name) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.”

Return your husband's love.

Go to the biggest store in your town on Easter, put your left hand on the door frame and say:

“Christ has risen, and my husband comes to me. How everyone grabs this bracket so that my husband runs to me and misses me. He grabbed with his hands and hugged. Amen"

To save the family.

They boil the heart of a rooster and give it to the wife to eat, and at the same table the husband is given a boiled heart of a chicken to eat.

To save the family.

They cook jelly from two different berries: cherries, raspberries, etc., while the jelly is cooked, say twice.

“Growing up together, but now together”

Kissel is given to spouses.

For flowers.

If things are not going well in the family, a seemingly simple but good method will help a lot.
In spring, plant flowers in the ground in different places. If you live not in a private house, but in an apartment, plant it near all entrances of your house.
Flowers should bear the names of people: Cornflower, Pansy. Maryin root, etc. When you plant, say:

“You will grow, and I will bloom in front of the slave (the name of my beloved).
How will people look at you?
This is how slave (name) will look at me.
How people will admire these flowers,
So the slave (name) and I will have mercy.
Key, Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Whisper on salt.

For homemade salt, they say:

“Just as people love salt in their food, so a husband would love his wife.”

Attract enchantment.

This plot is suitable not only for attracting a loved one, but also simply to please other people. He helps even those who don’t have good looks. They slander water with three pinches of salt; then, before going out to visit, visit neighbors, go to the store, etc., they wash themselves with spoken water. You should wipe yourself with the hem of your dress or robe (any home clothing).
“How happy we are to see the red sun. Just as they admire the color of poppies, how May honey is sweet to them and they need salt in their food, so I, the servant of God (name), would be liked by girls and young men, old men and old women, widowers and widowers ", rich and stingy, merchants and priests and the entire human race. I would be pleasing to the eye, intelligent in speech. I would charm them with these charms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

On the bone.

They talk about the bone and give it to the dog:

“As a dog runs after me, chases, howls at the stars, so that the slave (name) follows me everywhere, howling in anguish. The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried; so I, God’s servant (name), lock it, I bury it. Teeth, lips are a lock; the key is in the ocean-sea. Amen."

Mirror love spell.

Quite famous. Works. No photo needed. Simultaneously with the love spell, all possible rivals and other obstacles are eliminated. You will need: three small wax candles from the church and two small table mirrors.
It is done on any moon, except the day of the new moon. Time: after 24.00, allowed after sunset.
In the room, close the door and open the window. Take two small mirrors (not necessarily identical, but approximately the same size, suitable for cosmetics). Place them on the table opposite each other at a distance of 30–50 cm so that they are clearly reflected in one another (this is important!). Place a small wax candle from the church between them. Light the candle with matches. Turn off all electrical appliances and telephones in this room, turn off the lights. Cover all other mirrors in this room, if there are any.
Sit in front of the mirrors (one on the left, one on the right) and, while the candle burns, repeat:

"(his/her name) Cher Cher Mogori Procher"

Speak slowly, in a singsong voice. Don't be distracted by anything (knock on the door, toilet, coffee, cigarettes... nothing at all!) The candle burns out on its own (do not put it out). Look at the fire, think about the purpose of this action. During this time there may be extraneous sounds, and even pictures - do not be afraid of anything, this is how it should be. Also, the wick of the candle will rotate (most likely), which is also very good. There is no need to speak loudly, a whisper is enough, but not silently.
One of the mirrors is he (she), the other is you (define for yourself which). A candle is any rival/rival, any people who are hindering your relationship at the moment. The candle burns out - you connect.
When the candle burns out completely, remove the mirrors so that the reflective surface is covered (put face down).
Duration of action is 2 - 3 weeks, then repeat if necessary.


The girl should bite her tongue slightly while saying:

“I bite myself, I attach slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) would be bored, from melancholy he would not know rest either during a bright day or at a dark night. Anything to make him think about me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Love spell on a girl.

“I will lie down, servant of God (name), pray, and stand up, crossing myself, and I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under the clear stars, under the Lord’s moon. And there are three roads, and I will not go either to the right or to the left; I will take the middle road, and that road lies through a dark forest. In a dark forest stands a tree of melancholy; melancholy grieves and grieves, saddens, and I place that melancholy in the servant of God (name); ascend into her white body and into her zealous heart, and into her light brown braids, into her hot blood, into her boiling ore, so that she will yearn for the servant of God (name), and she will always think about me; She wouldn’t drink too much, she wouldn’t overeat when eating, she wouldn’t fall asleep in her sleep, and she would always have me, God’s servant (name), on her mind. Just as there is no hindrance to the sun and the moon, so there would be no hindrance to my conspiracy. Amen, amen, amen."

Button plot to increase sexual desire.

You need to find a thing of your beloved man with metal buttons located at the level of his chest.

Squeeze these few buttons in the palm of your right hand and read the spell on them three times:

“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a white stone. Under that stone, a violent, swift wind rushes and breaks. I, the servant of God (name), will release the wind from under the stone, so that it will blow straight into the heart of the zealous servant of God (name ". Let him wither and lament for his betrothed, appointed by God, let him flare up with desire, let him wait impatiently for her caress. And if things don’t happen in my opinion, iron-cold will forge his zealous heart, lock it with a forged bolt!"

Plot on buttons to increase sexual desire.

The plot is read at midnight, on the full moon, on unbuttoned metal buttons (they need to be sorted out one by one); after pronouncing the words of the plot, the buttons need to be fastened.

“You, white moon, round as a juicy apple, help me, the servant of God (name), to tie the servant of God (name) to myself with thin, invisible threads, secret, hidden ties! Let these threads draw the servant of God (name) to me. and on the day-noon, and on the night-midnight, from now on and forever and ever! May strong, inextricable bonds draw the servant of God (name) to me with body, heart, and mind. So that she may not be separated from her faithful husband even in sorrow , not in joy, to console him and caress him!”

While fastening the buttons, say fastening:

“My word is strong, night is the lock, day is the key.”

A spell on a pin to increase the activity of the woman you love in intimate relationships.

Tie a red thread on a new pin in three places with three knots, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Nine sisters, red maidens, got married.
The husband began to caress her first - she was embarrassed.
The husband began to caress the second one - she was afraid.
The husband began to caress the third one - she burst into tears.
The husband began to caress the fourth one - she ran away.
The husband began to caress the fifth one - she became angry.
The husband began to caress the sixth one - she lies like a log.
The husband began to caress the seventh, but she turned away.
The husband began to caress the eighth, but she resisted.
The husband caresses the ninth - she rejoiced, threw herself on her neck, kissed her sugar lips, hugged her with thin arms, answered with words of love.
So be the servant of God (name), like the ninth wife, violent in affection, sweet in speech!" Pin the pin to the wife’s clothes from the wrong side so that it is in contact with her body."

Spells on human hair are very effective, and influencing the hair through a metal hairpin or hairpin gives results because the charmed object retains the love spell for a very long time and will convey the will of the charming person constantly, and not just at the moment of performing magical actions.

Place a hairpin or hairpin on your right palm, cover it with your left on top and read the spell three times:

“So that the servant of God (name) sleeps - does not fall asleep, so that she walks - does not come in, so that she eats - does not eat my conspiracy words.
As the hot blood boils and seethes in my veins, so let the blood boil and seethe in the veins of God’s servant (name)!
As my zealous heart beats and knocks, so let the heart of God’s servant (name) beat and knock!
As the power of love trembles and fails in me, so let it tremble and fail in the servant of God (name)!
Let her burning passion and desire not let go from now on, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spells for decorations are effective; especially for gold ones. To arouse sexual desire through a gold wedding ring, you need to thread three threads through it and tie it on the outside; black, white and red, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a high mansion. Three sisters live in that mansion. I, servant of God (name), will go to those sisters, I will bow down, I will submit to them in everything. You, black feverish sister, quit, get rid of from the servant of God (name), do not shackle her body with aches, do not cover her eyes with drowsiness, do not squeeze her heart with fierce melancholy! You, white sister, make the body of the servant of God (name) obedient, pliable to man’s caresses, young, white and lush “You, red sister, reward God’s servant (name) with burning, scorching passion, frantic, uncontrollable love!”

Then break the threads one by one, read:

“Drawing a thread, break, Black sister, give up from the servant of God (name). White thread, break, White sister, get down to business! I am tearing the red thread - my servant of God (name) will be, serve Me!”

Wrap the threads in white paper and burn them in a candle flame, scatter the ashes in the wind.

Another love spell. To win the love of the man you like, write on pieces of paper: on one - your name and the man’s name, on the other - “Siva”; put these pieces of paper, entwined with three of your hair and three of the man’s hair, into the core of an apple picked before sunrise on Friday; pierce it with a myrtle branch, dry it and, wrapped in laurel or myrtle leaves, place it discreetly under the man's pillow.

Love spell.

During the feast, they pour wine or beer from their glass to the one they like, saying to themselves:

“Drink, finish, don’t forget.”

Two candles are twisted together with a screw, saying: “As these candles are twisted together, so you and I will be twisted together.” Then they light it in front of the icon and say:

“I don’t light a candle, but I light the soul and heart of a slave (his name), for me, a slave (his name), forever.”

Burn nine times.


They make the dough, put it in the oven, and when it starts to sour, take a thimble, scoop out the solution three times and drink with a sentence:

“Just as dough lies in place in the heart, so thoughts about the servant of God (name of the rivers) would lie in the zealous heart of the servant of God (name of the rivers).”
More. When you come to visit or join a company, you must say quietly and to yourself once:

“Everyone is standing chickens, everyone is wearing thin dresses, I have come, a peahen, a red maiden, I have a white scarf on, a pretty little face, to slaves and slaves, old and young, medieval, young and young, and to my slave, destined by God, I will I'm sweet and good."

More. When you dance with someone you like, look him straight in the eyes and say to yourself three times:

“Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children because they loved each other. So you will love me. Amen.”


They say disgusting words about a sour apple; after biting the apple, they throw it away from their home.

“Just as an apple is acidic to the mouth, undesirable for the mouth, not a joy for the soul, so I, the slave (say your name), would not be sweet, not sweet and undesirable for the slave (say the name of the suitor). So if he mouthed to me "He was making a face and avoided me. Amen."


If you have fallen out of love with a girl, but she doesn’t lag behind and doesn’t give you a pass, and her tears make your soul restless, talk about something that burns easily (a piece of paper, a candy wrapper), bring it to her house and burn it. From now on she will turn her back on you. Her love will go away with this smoke.

“Just as I don’t need yesterday’s snow, dry grass, mown to be a wife, lame to be a sweetheart, so the slave (say the name) wouldn’t need me, neither in the morning, nor in the afternoon, nor in the evening, nor at the table, nor in swan’s down. Turn your back to the other groom. Amen."

Drying in a bath.

If you love a person, and this love is such a burden to you that you want to free your heart from love, read this drying in the bathhouse while you wash, then you will be able to forget this person. Take a new birch broom, steam yourself with it, then burn the broom and read: “I will wash it, I will take it off, I will rinse with water the love-dryness, the longing-longing for my dear slave (say the name). Heart, do not be worn out from love for the slave (say the name) free yourself. Amen"

Protection from love spells.

Men or women are often bewitched in the following way: he or she drinks from a glass, but does not finish it completely. They hold it in their hand, read spells to themselves and pass the glass to their chosen one or chosen one. To prevent such a bitter fate from befalling you in the future, do not drink from unfinished glasses. To destroy your attachment to an unworthy person, you need to cool a piece of hot iron in a glass of water, then pronounce the words on the water so that your breath touches the water: “In the name of Adonai, let the passion for the slave (say the name) extinguish in you, just as the iron cooled in this water." Repeat five times and drink water immediately. Perform the operation on Tuesday, during the waning moon.


“I’ll put a chip under your heel. I will go without looking back, to the tryn-tarana, to the stone side, there he lies, sternly guarding, feisty evil, sucking blood, nine eyes. Nine-mouthed, nine-yawned, cool the soul of the slave (name) to the slave (name) at night with a candle, in the morning before dawn, at church hours, whenever he looks at her, the devil will remember my word and will not give them both peace. No peace, no feast, no tender bodies, no water, no fire, no honey, no salt, but an unfortunate fate. Amen, amen, amen"

Lapel from a mistress.

If your husband or friend has been bewitched, it is the woman who must provide him with timely help. It is extremely difficult to fight a correctly placed love spell, even when a person knows about the spell being used on him. Men, with their characteristic skepticism, do not accept the concepts of “magic, damage, evil eye, love spell,” so it is often difficult for them to prove the energy attack directed against them. The men answer like this: “If she bewitched me, then open the door, I’ll come back.” Meanwhile, the sooner you take action, the easier and more painless the “treatment” will be, because negativity can take root throughout the body. In this case, the support of a woman is especially important, who has the opportunity to be the first to notice incomprehensible changes in a man’s behavior that have no apparent reason.

The lapel is read on a pin, which is discreetly fastened to the clothes of the loved one. As soon as he finds it and unhooks it, the spell will begin to work:

“Queen, our Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, help. Cool off the servant of God (name) towards my rival, drive him away from the heart that I love, which is guarded by my soul. Send homewrecker sisters to her, so that the servant of God (name) will no longer become ) to look at her, neither to cherish, nor to pamper, nor to kiss. Infuse your strength into my mace. As my pin is my pin, so let his love be long towards me. As she uncouples, so does the servant of God (the name of her rival) from the slave "God's (name of the beloved) peels off, peels off and throws itself to the side. Amen, amen, amen."

A love spell to bring your husband back, read on strong tea made from equal parts of rose hips, dandelion roots and licorice in spring water. They should treat their husband. To prevent the tea from becoming bitter, add honey:

“I take spring water, pure as my heart, put in it fizzy herbs that are hot for homewreckers, intoxicating roots that lure me, and intoxicating sweets that attract my family. I brew this brew, I idolize this brew, I endow it with the power of God, with wings.” I cover the angel, I strengthen it with the word of the Mother of God. From this decoction my happiness will increase, and the happiness of the homewrecker will melt. She can’t destroy my word, she can’t change my friends, she can’t change other magicians. I close my word with a stone key, I hide it in damp earth. Like mothers - You can’t reach the bottom of the earth, so you can’t remove my hex from me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Ritual in the cold

Material about cooling, now, in the spring, should come in handy. A very simple recipe so that before you bang your head against the walls from unhappy love, or even worse, try to bewitch a person, you have the opportunity to soberly assess the situation with an unfogged brain.

The remedy works simply, for a while the priority of falling in love is knocked out of the head and heart and there is time to soberly assess reality; often there is no need to repeat the ritual.

You will need:

A candle (preferably white, but any other will do, if you want some ambiance, you can cut out symbols of cold and indifference, runes or snowflakes on it, spread it with mint oil, or whatever else comes to mind)
Sprigs of rowan and wormwood.
A glass of water (if you can’t get a key, then at least pass the water through a filter and freeze it first with some silver, when it thaws it won’t be much worse than the key)
Knife (regular, kitchen)

Let's get started: Light a candle, set fire to the twigs (hold them in your left hand), throw them on a saucer, saying:

“Fly with smoke, burn with fire, take away my pain for yourself, so that I don’t think, don’t grieve, neither day nor night, nor in the morning, nor at noon. My word is strong"

While the twigs are smoldering, take a knife, heat it over the candles, until it becomes red hot - good, no - no big deal. Whisper:

"Metal is hot, love is burning"

Now, with our left hand, we bring the glass to our lips and whisper:

“The water is cold, the pain is far away, the heart grows cold, love subsides”

We lower the knife into the glass and say:

“As iron cools in water, let my heart cool down to the “name” Water, water, cool the soul, quench sadness, calm the heart, take away melancholy. My word is strong"

We take a sip of water, apply a drop to the forehead, splash the rest over our left shoulder, and let the candle burn out.

We will solve any problem of a love or financial nature. Voodoo. Black magic. Runology. Protection, removal of damage. A powerful ritual of "Vivisection" according to Voodoo from enemies (when their evil energy or magical effects will be redirected against themselves). Charming for women (to like....
Hello, I want to write to you in a personal message but for some reason I can’t. I really need a love spell with payment upon the first manifestation of the result. Ready for any amount...
when haloperidol breaks the Planck barrier, trump teleportation occurs...
How to get rid of them? How? Suppress yourself? Force? If we stifle the same anger, then all that will happen is suppression, control. But will the tendency to anger go away, will the source go away? No. Over time it can all come out. I see these sins as a result (many religions talk about this....
I would recommend meditation as a technique for developing concentration. In addition, we calm the mind, emotions, feelings and immerse ourselves in ourselves. Concentration and attention become sharper and stronger over time....
Good afternoon. How do you meditate on photography? Can you imagine how the flow of energy comes to you? I read a lot about love spells based on 3 chakras. And so I understand that all 3 flows must go from the object to me. Even when I inspire thoughts about me (svadhisthana of an object - my ajna)? But if I inspire thoughts, then the flow must....
to reconcile friends and in general a bunch of different conspiracies for resentment can be read here: https://magiya.pro/old/jupiter/category/29/message/385.php ...
Everything depends on a person's faith. We read the Bible, where Jesus says that if the amount of faith is at least the size of a mustard seed, then everything will work out, and mountains can be moved with such faith. Therefore, if you doubt that it will help, then your faith is weak. And as for the sorokoustov in general, they were made differently before, n....
Zdravstvujte.Napishite pozalujsta zagovor,kak pomirit podrug posle ssori po foto. ...odna druguju nazvala predatelnicej. ...drugaja obozvala ee vorovkoj. Help pozalujsta!...
(izvinite,russkij shrift ne vstavljaetsa) Zdravstvujte.Ochen interesuet odin vopros.Chelovek zabolel.Emu zakazali sorokoust na zdravie v hrame.Sam on ne znaet,what emu zakazali.Kak eta molitva vlijaet na ego sostojanie,kak on chuvstvuet ploho or horosho vo vremja etogo processa or after? Cho moze....
Yes, I completely agree with you here....
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  • Alexandra: I want to get my beloved man back from my rival, since she quickly screwed him over. I'm sure she couldn't do it without some kind of intervention. Altyn: Need a love spell. Gulnura: The husband left for another woman. Love: Love: Hello. I am plagued by diseases that are often difficult to identify. Tell me what should I do and how can I get rid of this? It seems to me that this is some kind of generational curse. Catherine: I want to cast a love spell on a guy.