Well      03/07/2020

Garlic for orchids: how to make a solution of proportions. Garlic delicacy for orchids: abundant flowering is guaranteed. How to water with garlic water

Garlic water can revive even a completely stunted flower in 2 weeks. She stimulates active growth roots, and most importantly, the orchid will definitely release a peduncle.

Garlic contains a large number of antioxidants, sulfur. It has strong antibacterial and antiviral effects. Many indoor flowers can be saved from diseases and pests with the help of garlic.

Indications for use of garlic water

  • Orchid doesn't bloom
  • Poor growth of leaves and roots
  • There are pests in the pot
  • Signs of fungal infection are visible on the roots
  • The leaves on the orchid turn yellow and wither
  • After transplantation for quick rehabilitation
  • For soil disinfection

When not to use the infusion

  1. During flowering
  2. More often than 2 times a month
  3. If the infusion has fermented or has been stored for more than 3 days

It is best to use only freshly prepared extract. Do not exceed the dosage, as a “vigorous” remedy can burn the plant.

Recipe for garlic extract

  • 2 small cloves of garlic
  • 1 liter of boiling water

Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press. You can just chop it finely with a knife. Fill with water, cover with a tight lid and place in a dark place. In one hour strain and can be watered.


Benefits of garlic water with succinic acid

Orchids often refuse to bloom, despite excellent conditions and care. And flowers bought at a big discount begin to wither after some time.

And after winter, many orchids need rehabilitation. Succinic acid increases resistance to adverse conditions, strengthens leaf turgor and stimulates.

Very good helps with root rotting, lack of root system, after transplantation, various injuries leaves.

Succinic acid is sold in pharmacies for ridiculous amounts of money. Apply maximum 1-2 times a month, alternating with watering with clean water.

Required Ingredients

  • 1 tablet of succinic acid
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 500 ml boiling water

How to prepare an infusion

Dissolve an acid tablet in boiling water. Finely chop the garlic or crush it in a garlic press and add it to the acid solution. Stir, cover and wait about an hour. Immediately pour the strained solution over the orchids.

Important: Garlic extract with succinic acid can be stored for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Not advisable apply during lush flowering of phalaenopsis and for absolutely healthy plants. It's medicinal.

Probably every Orchid lover is familiar with the situation when favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, despite all the created favorable conditions. In such cases, the flower needs a little help and stimulation to bloom. One way to achieve this is to water the orchids with garlic. Intrigued? Then read on.

Of course, we will not water with the garlic itself, but with garlic water. Healing properties vegetables are familiar to us all, it turns out that its effect on plants is no less useful: garlic is a natural antiseptic that helps fight most pests that live on indoor plants, and also has a certain stimulating effect.

Indications for use

Watering orchids with garlic is indicated in cases where your favorite stubbornly refuses to bloom. At the same time, it feels great, actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it, and yet the orchid does not bloom. You can try another, more extreme method, and slightly “scare” the plant - limit watering or change temperature conditions, but we propose to start with more gentle measures. In addition, garlic infusion will have a preventive effect, protecting your pet from the possible development of infections.

How to make an infusion

Garlic water for watering orchids is prepared simply: you need to take about 0.5 liters of warm, settled water, add 6 cloves of garlic, passed through a garlic press, tightly close the container and leave for 24 hours until the desired moment. Or you can slightly improve the “fertilizer” recipe and prepare the same thing, only with succinic acid. After all, everyone knows that succinic acid can simply become an irreplaceable element for orchids - it improves the rooting process, stimulates lush flowering, and increases plant resistance to adverse factors. In addition, it is used if urgent resuscitation of the orchid is necessary, for example, after frostbite. Why not combine 2 products?

So, if you want to make an infusion with succinic acid, you will need half a tablet for the above 500 ml of water. Just keep in mind that acid is diluted. hot water, otherwise the substance will not dissolve. Therefore, first dilute it, and only then add garlic when the composition has cooled a little. And one more thing: if garlic for orchids can be stored for some time, then adding succinic acid, you will have to use the infusion in the next 3 days, after which the solution cannot be used.

Watering instructions

So, the solution is ready, the orchid is ready too, you can begin the process. To do this, dilute the infusion in a bucket of warm, settled water, and water your pets with the resulting water as usual, using the immersion method.

Tip: before diluting the garlic infusion, strain it, then the specific aroma will not be so pronounced.

True, you should not use this method more than several times a month, or during the plant’s dormant period or when it is blooming. If everything is done correctly, after 14 days a new peduncle should appear, because that’s how long it will take for the orchid to absorb useful material from infusion.

What you won’t do to make your favorite plant happy with flowers! You can also make garlic water, especially since it’s simple and affordable!

Video “Watering an orchid with garlic water”

From this video you will learn about the benefits of watering an orchid with garlic water.

Surely every owner of a beautiful orchid has had to deal with a situation when a favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it has a lot of bright green leaves and the flowerpot grows well. In this case, you need to help your pet and stimulate it to flower. One way to achieve this is to water the flower garlic water.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of garlic. But not everyone knows that it is an excellent assistant in caring for various flower plants, especially - for orchids. Garlic water improves the root system of the flower, stimulates the growth of new shoots and helps fight pests.

Indications for use

If the orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it feels great: it actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it - watering with garlic water is mandatory.

Garlic infusion recipe


  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Garlic - 6 teeth.
  • Succinic acid - 0.5 table.


  1. Dissolve half a succinic acid tablet in hot water.
  2. Chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic crumbs.
  3. Place the liquid in glass jar, and then leave it to infuse for 24 hours.

How to water an orchid with garlic water

Dilute before watering strained garlic infusion in a bowl of warm, settled water. Immerse the flowerpot in a container of garlic water so that the liquid level reaches 2/3 of the volume of the planting pot. About unpleasant odor There is no need to worry about garlic, it will disappear in a couple of hours, while orchid gets the best, which is concentrated in the bulbous plant.

This method should not be used more than several times a month, or during the dormant or flowering period of the plant. If everything is done right, within 14 days the result should appear.
Orchids- a flower of extraordinary beauty. If you want your favorite plant to make you happy lush flowering, water it with garlic water. Save this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure, especially since it is simple and affordable.

Orchids are magically beautiful plants that generally do not cause trouble to their owners until they develop diseases or pests. Then they stop blooming, but even if they open buds, it’s not for long.

How to prepare garlic solution


3 liters of settled water;
6 teeth garlic


Fill a jar with settled water at room temperature.

You can use whole cloves of garlic, but it is better to chop them. Add them to the water.

Cover with a lid and place in a warm place for a day.

Then strain the liquid through a strainer.

Plants need to be watered with garlic infusion every 10-14 days. Before doing this, you should check whether the soil is dry. You can use it with each watering or every other time, alternating with regular water.

If you want your orchid to delight you with lush blooms, water it with garlic water. Keep this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure. And also share it with your flower gardening friends. Surely they will find it useful!

Reference! Garlic solution is home remedy for caring for plants. This is crushed garlic soaked in purified water.

During the period of infusion, it manages to release into liquid most useful substances. Thanks to their properties, such a concentrate acquires a lot of advantages. It is able to fight a wide range of pests, diseases, and stimulate the growth and development of flowers.

Garlic is a natural antiseptic, and this property can help not only humans, but also plants. The cloves contain a large amount of sulfur, antioxidants, mineral salts, and organic acids. All these elements are in an easily digestible form, and the plant is able to quickly absorb useful substances, which is why such gravy is considered healthy.
Watering an orchid with garlic extract allows:

  • Prevent the occurrence of various fungal diseases.
  • Get rid of viral and bacterial diseases.
  • Destroy small pests.
  • For orchids that have recently been transplanted, this will be a good support for the immune system and will help them take root better in the new soil.
  • Conducts soil disinfection, destruction of infections and pest germs.

When is it best to use?

This healing method can be used in any season of the year. A lot depends on the purpose of watering: is it a preventive feeding, or is the activity aimed at combating a harmful organism.

14 days after feeding, large, fresh flowers will appear again.

Contraindications for treatment

Despite the large number of positive properties, It must be taken into account that garlic treatment is not always beneficial. Sometimes it can be destructive for such a delicate plant as an orchid. Therefore, the following points are required to be read.

  1. It is not recommended to use garlic water by spraying during the flowering period. This may destroy the buds.
  2. Also, you should not treat the roots using immersion during this period.
  3. You cannot use this method more than 2-3 times a month.
  4. It is impossible to carry out a course of healing without alternating with conventional watering using the immersion method.
  5. No need to use feeding solution obvious signs fermentation. This happens if it was in a warm place or stored for a long time.
  6. Do not use a concentrated solution.

The concentrate is made from garlic cloves and water. The water must be settled or filtered. You can use distilled.

Some housewives add succinic acid tablets to the mixture. She strengthens beneficial features garlic, makes flowering more luxuriant, and helps rehabilitate plants after cold weather.

The resulting liquid is infused, filtered and used for scheduled irrigation. Some gardeners spray the above-ground parts of plants with the same composition.


To make garlic infusion, you need to follow the algorithm:

  1. Prepare garlic, water, kitchen scales, garlic press, dishes with a lid for the solution (jar), saucer.
  2. Peel the garlic. You will need 170 g. We use a knife and a kitchen scale.
  3. Grind the prepared cloves with a garlic press, place this mass in a saucer for convenience.
  4. Pour 1 liter of filtered water into a 1.5-2 liter jar, add garlic, close with a tight lid. The lid must fit well to the neck of the jar, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the garlic smell in the refrigerator. The water should be slightly warm, 30-37°C.
  5. Place the jar in a dark place (a cabinet under the sink or on the balcony will do) for 5 days.
  6. After 5 days, the solution is ready and can be used. Further storage takes place in the refrigerator.

Another recipe for making water for irrigation:

  1. Peel one head of garlic.
  2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Use diluted. Proportion: 1 liter of water per 3 tablespoons of infusion.

Reference. You can add succinic acid to the infusion. This is done at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. The tablet must be dissolved with hot water. Then cool and add garlic. The shelf life of such a mash is no longer than 3 days.

Treatment is carried out using root and non-root methods. You can fertilize by submerging the flowerpot, or spray on leaves, flowers, and stems.

To add the product, you need to make the solution less concentrated. Good proportion 1:10, but this is not a mandatory norm.

To fertilize using the immersion method, you need to fill a bucket with water and pour all the prepared concentrate into it. Next, simply immerse the orchid, as with normal watering or washing the roots. When growing in a double-walled pot, this method is very convenient.

Immersion is carried out until water fills 2/3 of the pot’s volume. The pot should remain in the solution with garlic water for 40 to 180 minutes.. This way, all the beneficial substances can be absorbed into every particle of soil and into every root. After the procedure, you need to place the flowerpot in a basin or sink so that it can get rid of it on its own. excess moisture(it drains within 30 minutes). At the end of the session, you can place the plant on the windowsill or another place.

To make foliar feeding, add the concentrate to a spray bottle and spray the entire plant, or only the damaged areas.

How often to repeat the procedure?

Usually It is recommended to water the garlic as the plant dries out. If you decide to arrange garlic therapy, then you should alternate watering with regular water and garlic water at intervals of 1 time. So, garlic watering will be carried out several times a month. It should not be used often so as not to burn the roots. It is not recommended to use immersion in garlic infusion during the flowering period.

Important! If everything is done correctly, after 14 days a new peduncle should appear, because this is how long it will take for the orchid to absorb the beneficial substances from the infusion.

True, you should not use this method more than several times a month, or during the plant’s dormant period or when it is blooming.

So that the orchid feels good and pleases people with its beautiful flowers, you need to provide her proper care. Light, thermal, and water regimes are important. It is necessary to monitor neighboring plants, because diseases can often be transmitted in the neighborhood. And diseases that have already appeared can be prevented by early stage. But if pests have infested, or the flowerpot has withered, before running for expensive fungicides, you should try treatment with garlic extract, and the result may well be surprising in its effectiveness.

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