Toilet      04/13/2019

Caring for peonies: watering and fertilizing in spring, summer and autumn. How to feed peonies in spring for lush flowering

And for good growth and the development of microelements should be sufficient. Fertilizing is repeated a couple of weeks after germination. A solution of infused mullein is also suitable as a fertilizer for planted peonies. Stop fertilizing at the end of June.

How to feed peonies in spring lush flowering in the garden

With the arrival of warm days, as soon as the snow melts, the flowers open and free the trunk from fallen leaves. Flowering can be bright; for this, the plant requires watering and fertilizing. As soon as the sprouts reach 10-15 cm from the ground, spring feeding of peonies will be needed. To do this, you can use rotted horse or cow manure with the addition of flower fertilizers. Fertilizer is scattered around the plant and the soil is dug to a depth of no more than 10 cm. Humus is also laid out on the surface so that gradually, with the help of precipitation or watering, the necessary substances pass into the soil layer.

In early May, about two weeks before the buds open, peonies are fed again. A complex fertilizer is suitable for this. You can take the ready-made mixture and follow the instructions to prepare a solution or make a liquid fertilizer yourself. What you need is 10 liters of diluted mullein infusion, 25g of phosphorus and 50g of potassium fertilizers. A well-mixed solution in an amount of three liters is applied directly under the root of the plant. Ash can be used as a nutrient mixture. It contains the basic elements that plants need. These are potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and sulfur. Moreover, some of the listed substances are contained in an easily accessible form. To fertilize peonies, ash can simply be mixed with soil. For newly planted peonies, this method of fertilization also provides a disinfecting effect.

Fertilizing peonies after flowering is the final feeding.

Peony food from bread

Abundant flowering of peonies is possible only with good care. Feeding peonies, as for vegetable crops required. But there is no need to buy store-bought fertilizer; it can be easily prepared from a common product such as bread.

To do this you need a loaf of black bread and water. The bread needs to be cut into small slices, dried a little, you can take ready-made crackers, then fill a 10 liter bucket with dried bread to 2/3 of the volume and add water so that it covers the contents. After that, the crackers in the bucket are pressed down with a plate or lid, and something heavy is placed on top of it. This way the bread will not float to the surface and turn sour. Now the bucket with the mixture is placed in a warm place for 6-7 days. The prepared starter is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Feeding peonies in spring and summer with this fertilizer will give excellent results in the form of flowering and healthy plants.

The main thing is to know what and how much to use, while choosing the most optimal time for. It is these nuances that will be discussed further.

Types of fertilizing

Especially strongly indicated flowers need, but not in last place for them are such useful substances as And.

In addition, if the lush flowering of your “wards” is really important, then you should stock up on fertilizers based on magnesium, iron, boron, zinc and copper, which plants also need, albeit in smaller doses. All of these micronutrients can be supplied in two main ways: root and foliar.


Foliar feeding is carried out in relation to many plants, but in the case of peonies it is also mandatory because thanks to this procedure you can observe the lush flowering of the plant in the summer season. Young and adult bushes like to take foliar nutritional compounds every month, but gardeners decide on their own what exactly to feed the flowers.

For example, a plant responds well to a ready-made solution from a watering can (it is advisable to install a special strainer on the spout) (a good example of such compositions is the “Ideal” preparation), and in order for it to adhere more firmly to the leaves, a small part of the usual mixture is added to the finished mixture. laundry soap or washing powder (one large spoon per ten-liter bucket of water is enough).

The scheme for using foliar fertilizers is as follows:

  • the first fertilizing is carried out as soon as the above-ground part of the bush sprouts (it is used in a proportion of 50 g of the substance per 10 liters of water);
  • the second - a few weeks after the first, and special “fertilizer” tablets (1 per 10 l) are added to the specified urea solution;
  • for the third treatment (after the bush has flowered), only microfertilizers are used at the rate of 2 tablets per ten-liter bucket of water.
  • Important! Many compositions can be applied to the bush from a spray bottle, however, when using soapy compounds, for better “adhesion” you can spray the peonies with a long-bristled brush.


    Along with the use of foliar fertilizing, the root method of fertilization is often used. As in the previous case, throughout the entire nutritional composition should be used several times: in early spring(already at the beginning of March) good fertilizer for peonies there will be mineral mixtures just scattered under a bush.

    Together with melt water, they will gradually be absorbed into the soil and very soon reach the roots, feeding the entire plant from the inside. With the arrival of summer, two more such fertilizers are expected, and, as in the first case, the dry mixtures are simply scattered under the peonies and then watered well.

    Feeding calendar

    The effectiveness of any fertilizer when caring for peonies depends not only on what particular composition is used for the fertilizer, but also on the time of its application to the soil or to the plants. Thus, some drugs are more appropriate to use in the spring, while others are suitable only for autumn processing, since at different periods of its growth and development the plant needs different micronutrients.


    For the first fertilization of peonies, the foliar method is usually used, immediately after the snow cover melts. At this time, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers at the rate of 20-30 g of mixture per bush will be especially important for flowers.

    Important! When using the composition, try not to get it on the flowers and leaves of the plant, as chemical burns may appear on them, which will significantly reduce decorative look peony bush.


    14-21 days after using the first nutritional composition To feed peony bushes (about one to two weeks before the plant blooms), you can carry out a second feeding using liquid nutrients for this purpose.

    To 10 liters of infused fertilizer, add 20-25 g of potassium fertilizers and twice as much phosphorus, pouring about 2-3 liters of the finished mixture under each bush.


    The third time nutritional compounds are applied to the soil after the plant. The following solution is perfect for the role of a nutrient mixture: a ten-liter bucket of infused liquid should contain 10-15 g and about 30 g, and after mixing them, the finished solution is poured under the bush. The specified amount of liquid will be enough for 1 m² of plantings.

    What to feed: fertilizer options

    We have found out exactly when it is worth fertilizing peonies; we still need to figure out what to water the flowers with for their lush and long-lasting flowering. First of all, it should be noted that everything is good in moderation, therefore, both in spring and at other times, all compositions used for feeding should be used according to the recommendations given and in the correct dosages.

    Otherwise, an excessive amount of, for example, nitrogen will lead to the growth of the leaf part to the detriment of flowering.

    Did you know? In ancient times, according to the beliefs of the people of Greece, peonies were able to cure more than twenty different ailments, which is why these bushes could be found near any monastery. As for modern hybrid forms of this plant, they came to Europe only in the 6th century and were used for a long time in the fight against epilepsy.


    For active growth In order for peonies to bloom well, care must be taken to fertilize them in the fall, providing the soil and rhizomes with a sufficient amount of micronutrients. They are perfect for these purposes, since they contain a wide variety of components necessary for the plant.

    Usually for autumn organic feeding use , manure or, simply laying them on the ground under the bush. Gradually rotting, all the nutritional components come out of them in doses, which over time sink closer and closer to the root system of peonies.

    In addition, such organic matter also performs another important function: it does not allow the ground to freeze, since the decomposition of manure occurs with the release of heat, necessary for plants during particularly harsh winters.

    With the onset of the first stable frosts, plant shoots may freeze, after which they are cut flush with the soil (so that the stumps are invisible). After completing this procedure, you can additionally use humus, compost and fallen leaves.

    To enhance the effect, you can add (300 g), (200 g) or both substances at the same time under a layer of mulch. It is enough to scatter it all in an even layer around the bush and dig in a little.

    This approach to the integrated application of nutrients in the autumn will help prepare the peony for lush flowering next year, especially if the positive effect is reinforced the right fertilizers in spring time.

    If we are talking about plants that have been in the same place for quite a long time without replanting, then you can use a ready-made organic fertilizer called, containing living microorganisms in its composition.

    The latter have a good effect on the structure of the soil and increase its fertility, but before spring fertilizing with this preparation, it must be mixed with autumn compost and then used as mulch. The thickness of such a “fertilizing” layer should not exceed 7-10 cm.

    No less popular are the so-called « folk recipes» creating organic compounds. So, ordinary bread can provide lush flowering for your peonies, and all you need is to soak half a loaf in sweet water overnight (two tablespoons of sugar per glass of water is enough), and in the morning, strain the resulting mixture, and pour the specified solution over the peonies that emerge from the ground.

    Another simple recipe for organic fertilizer for these plants is based on the use of (0.5 liters per 10 liters of water), however, it must be well infused for 14 days. Subsequently, the finished composition is additionally diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, and for better efficiency add a handful of ash to it.


    Mineral fertilizers include a wide variety of formulations, which today are easy to find in specialized stores. For example, good well-known representative This group includes a drug that is used three times per season.

    With the onset of spring (before flowering begins), more suitable composition will "Kemira-Universal", and it is also used 7 days after the end of flowering of plants. This preparation is quite simple to use: having made a small depression under the bush, pour a small handful of the specified composition into it and sprinkle soil on top.

    Also good for second feeding "Kemira-Kombi", and this time you don’t have to add drops of it. Simply pour the packaging onto the ground under the peonies and water generously on top. This composition dissolves quite quickly, so it will soon reach the root system of the plant.

    For foliar fertilizer ready-made complex preparations (for example, the above-mentioned "Ideal"), most of which must first be dissolved in water in accordance with the instructions.

    To others useful composition with a whole set of microelements is a drug "Siliplant", which can increase the strength of peony tissues and optimize the flowers’ own protective powers.

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    16 once already

    Peonies are considered one of the most unpretentious garden plants. They don't require special care. All you need is regular watering with fertilizing, as well as loosening the soil around the bush.

    These plants are perennial. This means that in the fall you will need to prepare them for winter. Preparation includes pruning and covering the bushes so that next year's buds, which are already being laid underground, do not freeze.

    Fertilizer when planting

    In order for the peony to grow well and bloom actively, it is better to plant it in the autumn. At the same time, the bush is fed, after which fertilization will not be required for the next three years, until the plant blooms.

    Pruning and feeding flowers

    During planting, holes are made with sides and a depth of 60 centimeters. Approximately 20 kilograms of humus or peat are placed at the bottom of the pit. About 300 grams of bone meal are added to it. Instead, you can add 200 grams of superphosphate. If the soil is clay, then to the contents landing pit a bucket of sand is added. If the soil is sandy, then the same amount of clay will be required.

    When digging a hole, the top fertile layer of soil must be set aside and then added to the rest of the contents. The resulting mixture is compacted so that the hole is filled to 35 centimeters. Next, a sand layer 20 centimeters thick is made and seedling rhizomes are laid on it. They are covered with fertile soil on top so that the buds are at a depth of five centimeters.

    How to improve productivity?

    We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


    The peony should not bloom for the first two years after planting. The emerging buds are cut off. Early flowering will weaken the plant, and the flowers will still not be large and lush enough.

    Features of fertilization

    Feeding peonies is carried out taking into account a number of features. First, pay attention to the composition of the soil. If it is poor in organic components, then adding large quantity mineral compositions will depress the plants.

    Secondly, not only the composition of the soil is taken into account, but also the age of the bushes. The older they are, the more actively they bloom and require more feeding.

    Thirdly, flowers are fertilized in spring and autumn. The composition of fertilizers varies greatly depending on the season, since it is required different action. During the period of active growing and flowering, more nitrogen and potassium are needed.

    In preparation for winter, the plant requires potassium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the root system. It is in the rhizomes that the necessary substances for early germination are stored; buds are laid on them, which determine the activity of vegetation and flowering. That's why autumn feeding Peonies are just as important for active flowering as spring.

    Application of mineral fertilizers

    In early September, peony requires the application of phosphate-potassium fertilizers. These substances have a beneficial effect on the development of new kidneys. If there are not enough of them, then the peony will not be very thick, with a small number of stems and flowers.

    One peony bush requires 10 to 15 grams of potassium and 15 to 20 grams of phosphorus. You can choose multicomponent fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfate and superphosphate, or a ready-made potassium-phosphorus mixture. Good result gives Kemira-Combi fertilizer.

    Fertilizers can be applied dry or in solution. If the first option is chosen, then the granules should not simply be scattered on the ground. Water the soil well beforehand to keep it moist. Then they dig small holes on four sides of the bush and put fertilizer in them, covering them with soil on top.

    Granules of mineral fertilizers can be diluted in water and watered with this solution on peonies. In any case, minerals should not fall on the neck of the plant.

    Natural fertilizers

    If the peony is well fertilized in the fall, then in the spring it will begin to actively grow and bloom. This requires a good supply of nutrients in the rhizome and soil. Organic fertilizers can provide them. The advantage of such compositions is their complexity. Organic matter contains a wide variety of microelements that are beneficial for peonies.

    In autumn, manure, compost or humus is applied under the peony. Usually it is not buried, but placed on the surface of the soil. Organic fertilizer continues to rot, gradually releasing nutrients. They pass into the soil and are consumed by plant roots. Additionally, organic fertilizers cover the soil, preventing it from freezing. Fresh manure decomposes with the release of heat, so it is most optimal for cold winters.
    After the first frost, when the shoots of the plants freeze, they should be pruned. Pruning is done flush with the ground so that the stumps are not visible. After pruning, the soil is additionally mulched with compost, humus or fallen leaves. The shoots of the bushes themselves should not be used, as they become sources of diseases that can be transmitted to the plant the next year.

    It is recommended to add bone meal under the mulching components, wood ash or both of these components together. Approximately 300 grams of ash and 200 grams of bone meal are required. They are scattered around the bush relatively evenly and then covered with mulch.

    An integrated approach to autumn fertilization will provide the peony with all useful substances. The result will be a strong plant and intense flowering in the spring. It is worth remembering that only spring fertilizers will not give the desired effect.

    And a little about the author’s secrets

    Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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    I have long dreamed of growing peonies, but then a neighbor shared some bushes and promised to give me one variety in September. Tell me, do I need to fertilize peonies when planting in spring or autumn? What drugs are best to use?

    They are plants that do not tolerate transplantation; they are able to live in one place for up to 50 years. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the location of the bush before planting and create the necessary supply of nutrients for peonies for further development.

    Flowering shrubs are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, but grow best on loam with neutral acidity. It is recommended to enrich poor soil by adding organic and mineral substances at the planting stage.

    Plants can be planted either in early spring (before the seedlings begin to develop buds) or in early autumn, but most gardeners practice August planting.

    Spring planting of peonies can be carried out no earlier than the air temperature reaches 10 degrees Celsius.

    Applying fertilizers to the planting hole

    It is better to prepare the place for planting flowers in advance, at least 2 weeks before planting (in this case, the soil will have time to settle). To do this, dig a fairly large hole, at least 50 cm in diameter. This will allow the powerful root system to develop freely and provide the opportunity to apply the necessary fertilizers.

    In each hole you need to pour:

    When growing peonies in soils with high acidity, it is also necessary to add lime (up to 200 g).

    Feeding peonies after planting

    Young bushes, planted in the soil with the addition of nutrients, are provided with all the necessary microelements for development for the entire season. Further fertilizing must be done starting from the second year of planting peonies.

    In total, peonies will need 4 feedings for the entire growing season:

    1. After young shoots appear and reach 10 cm in height. In early May, spray the shoots with a urea solution.
    2. Before the buds begin to lay. Water the plants with a solution of mineral components: add 2 tsp to a bucket of water. urea and 4 tsp. drug "Ideal". Watering consumption is at least 6 liters per bush. After a week, fertilize the roots with sodium humate.
    3. During the period of bud formation. Water the bushes with a solution consisting of nitrophoska and Agricola for flowering plants"(4 teaspoons of each per bucket of water). After a 5-day break, spray peonies leaf by leaf with “Bud” (10 g for the same amount of water).
    4. After flowering is complete. Apply root feeding with complex fertilizers, for example “Kemira-autumn”.

    Timely application of fertilizers when growing peonies is the key to lush flowering, so do not neglect it.

    Beautiful peonies bloom only in the second or third year after planting, but when proper care For many years they have been delighting their owners with lush, bright flowers. What you can fertilize flowers with and how to do it correctly is useful for amateur flower growers to know.

    Feeding peonies in spring for abundant flowering and budding

    In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, root feeding of peonies is carried out. You can take ready-made fertilizer - Kemira Universal. A mixture of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer is also used so that each plant receives 10 grams of nitrogen and 15 grams of potassium. Dry granules are mixed and scattered under the bushes, then watered.

    When the leaves appear, foliar fertilizing with urea (50 grams per bucket) is carried out. The second foliar feeding is carried out during the budding period, using any complex fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

    Fertilizer for peonies from bread

    To make fertilizer from bread, you need to buy half a rye loaf and soak it in cold water for 12 o'clock. Mix the resulting bread crust with a bucket of settled water. room temperature, and water the bushes. This fertilizer is used in the spring, when the first green leaves begin to appear on the plant.

    Top dressing for peonies in summer and autumn, in May, July, after flowering in August, for the winter

    In May, buds form and flowering begins. Peonies need potassium and phosphorus supplements, without them there will be no abundant and beautiful flowering.

    You can use ready-made complex fertilizers(Kemiru Kombi). If you prepare the fertilizer yourself, you need to mix 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium and use it for one adult bush. For bushes older than five years, mullein infusion can be used as a top dressing along with mineral fertilizers.

    In the summer, every two weeks you can spray the bush with boric acid (1 gram per 1 liter of water). In July, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped. From mid-August they begin to prepare peonies for winter. Well-rotted manure or humus with superphosphate and potassium is added to the soil.

    Feeding peonies with chicken droppings, manure, dolomite, bone, rye flour

    Infused in water and diluted in water 1 to 10, peonies are fed from the fifth year of life. Try to avoid getting the solution on the rhizome.

    Fermented mullein is also applied only to adult plants from 4 or 5 years of age, diluted in water 1 to 10. Peonies are fed with rotted manure in the fall.

    Feeding dolomite flour carried out in early spring. As soon as the snow melts, scatter 300 grams of the mixture around the plants per 1 square meter (dolomite flour 5 kg + boric acid 40 grams). Lightly loosen the soil.

    Bone meal is added to the planting holes for peonies, poured into each hole. Rye flour is not used for fertilizer, only already baked rye bread soaked in water.

    Feeding peonies during planting and replanting

    When planting peonies, bring a bucket into the hole organic fertilizers(humus, rotted compost or manure), mixing them with the soil. Mineral fertilizers are added to organic matter - superphosphate (150 g), potassium sulfate (50 g). Peonies prefer slightly acidic soil, so if the soil is highly acidic, add 200 grams of dolomite and bone meal to the planting hole.

    IN frequent transplantation peonies do not need, but if they need to be transplanted to a new place, the hole is also filled with organic and mineral fertilizer, as when planting new bushes.

    Feeding peonies with potassium sulfate, potassium monophosphate, saltpeter

    For the first spring feeding It is convenient to use a nitrogen-potassium mixture of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate (in a ratio of 2 to 1). Add 60 grams of the mixture per 1 square meter to the soil under the flowers.

    Potassium monophosphate is used to feed peonies before flowering, when buds have already formed. After flowering, when flower buds are being laid for next year, be sure to water the peonies with Kemira Combi fertilizer with potassium monophosphate.

    Feeding peonies with urea, superphosphate, yeast, milk

    Peonies are fed with urea (carbamide) in the spring. It is best to do foliar feeding with a urea solution (5 grams per 1 liter). 4 weeks after the first spraying, re-feeding is carried out - 1 tablet of microfertilizer is added to the urea solution (50 g per 10 l of water).

    Superphosphate (20 grams per bush) is used to feed peonies during the formation of buds, after flowering and in August, when the plant is preparing for winter. It is an excellent source of phosphorus.

    Yeast is used as a fertilizer for vegetable plants, indoor and garden flowers. To prepare the fertilizer take: 10 liters of water, 10 grams of dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Before use, keep the solution for 3 hours in a warm place, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and water the peonies.

    It is not advisable to feed peonies with milk; it is better to drink it yourself. When milk sours, it will make the soil more acidic, and peonies love a neutral environment.