Mixer      07/02/2020

Chinese green tea milky oolong. Oolong, all about this tea. Milk tea: contraindications

Oolong ("black dragon"), also known as oolong or oolong, is a cross between black and green teas. In its manufacture, the leaves are subjected to partial fermentation, which allows the drink to combine freshness, spice and strength. The art of tea masters lies in choosing the optimal level of tea leaf processing to obtain the most balanced blend. Amazing properties Oolong teas, together with a harmonious full-bodied taste, make it a favorite drink of many tea connoisseurs.

What is in the tea leaf

First of all, the benefits of oolong tea are explained by the substances that make up its composition. Semi-fermented leaves contain a large amount of essential oils and about 400 types of nutrients: phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium, polyphenol compounds, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1, B3, B6, B12 and others substances. They participate in the work of all vital important systems body and help maintain immunity. In particular, the properties and benefits of milk oolong tea can serve the following purposes.

Cheerfulness and energy

It is known that the tea leaf contains theine, which has the same effect as caffeine, but at the same time has a milder effect on the body. So, if you drink a cup of tea, a surge of strength will increase gradually, activating nervous system and increasing efficiency, while this effect will last a long time and will not turn into even more fatigue at the end. In this regard, ordinary or flavored, for example, milk oolong, during pregnancy and breastfeeding you can successfully replace coffee, but it is better to consult a doctor about the permissible amount of a drink per day.

A slim body

Many note the benefits of Chinese oolong tea for weight loss, since the properties that allow the drink made from it to break down and remove fat from the body are very strong. This effect is achieved due to polyphenol compounds. And a flavored drink can successfully replace dessert, because the calorie content of milk oolong tea also tends to zero. Compared to green or black tea, oolong tea is more effective for weight loss, but it is still important to follow a diet and exercise to achieve the desired result.

Youth and beauty

Milk oolong tea is also useful because it contains flavonoids. They are able to speed up the metabolism and cell renewal, due to which wrinkles are reduced, the skin becomes more toned. Tea contains many antioxidants that can protect the cells of the body from the action of free radicals. Herbs added to the tea leaf can also enhance the positive effect of the drink on the body. So, according to the postulates of traditional Chinese medicine, the beneficial properties of ginseng tea include the ability to prolong life and youth, as well as perfectly tone up.

Great mood

Apart from useful properties, oolong tea gives spiritual harmony, the opportunity to be alone with yourself. The brewing ritual itself will allow you to forget about the daily fuss, relax and dream, enjoying a deep pronounced taste without harm to the figure. So, there are no calories in flavored milk oolong, because it absorbs only the delicate smell of cream.

Your ideal cup of tea

The Newby tea company presents you a collection of noble teas that reveals all the flavor facets of this ancient variety. To preserve all the benefits and properties of milk oolong tea, a special three-layer packaging of aluminum foil. Not only loose tea is placed in it, but also each pyramid or bag. Newby goes out of its way to bring you the freshness, taste and benefits of the tea leaf as it was the day they left the plantation. Learn the art of making the perfect cup of tea and you will discover the true enjoyment of this drink.

    - Storage

Once you have opened the foil package, there are some simple rules to follow to keep your tea fresh and of good quality. Use a zip-lock bag or an airtight jar with a lid to store it. Keep tea at room temperature away from sources of light and heat.

    - Water

Water quality can make or break the perfect cup of tea, so use filtered or bottled spring water with a low to medium mineral salt content. Do not drink tap water, as it contains substances that can spoil the taste of tea. Always use fresh boiling water, as water loses its moisture when re-boiling. most oxygen.

    - Brewing

The taste of oolong is revealed if you brew it with boiling water. To prepare one cup of drink (approximately 250 ml), one heaping teaspoon (2 g) of loose tea, 1 sachet or pyramid will be enough. Infusion time - 3-5 minutes. After brewing, remove the tea leaves from the drink so that they do not add bitterness to it. In addition, the tannins they release during prolonged exposure to water can reduce the benefits of tea to zero. It is recommended to drink no more than 6 cups of tea (1200 mg) per day.

Green tea Milk oolong was considered exotic a few years ago, but those days are gone. Now this species is among the popular oolongs. Because of its unusual aroma, the drink is liked even by those who do not like tea. Therefore, tea packaging will be a great gift. In addition to the unusual, delicious aroma, tea has beneficial properties, combining best qualities green and black varieties.

There are several types of tea: white, green, red (black), oolong. Not everyone distinguishes oolong tea as independent view. Usually it is called green. It is sometimes believed that this tea is white. Oolong tea is somewhere between green and black tea. This separation occurs depending on the degree of fermentation.

Oolong is a semi-fermented drink. This feature is expressed in the fact that at the edges the leaves are brown, processed, and in the middle the leaf remains green.

Dairy is the most popular type of oolong. It is made from the leaves of the Jin Xuan bush, which is why its full name is Nai Xiang Jin Xuan. Grown in Taiwan and China. Leaves are harvested in autumn and spring. It is a large-leaf drink of light yellow color.

Milk Oolong is a tea that is unique in its fermentation

Taste features of tea

Many varieties of oolong are sold in stores with different tastes and aromas: with rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, pineapple, raspberry, etc.

Milk tea got its name not because it is drunk with milk, as some mistakenly believe, but because the drink has a pronounced taste and aroma of cream. In addition, caramel notes are felt.

There is another misconception that tea is soaked in milk for a long time. But it's not. Indeed, special technologies have to be used in production, since natural tea has a slight shade of milky taste. But things don't work out the way people think.

Production features

There is no separate tea bush for this drink. As mentioned above, the leaves of the Qin Xuan tea bush are used. From one bush, depending on the degree of processing of the leaves, green, black or oolong tea is obtained.

The most important thing in production is to interrupt the fermentation process of the leaves in time. Everything happens as follows:

  1. First, dry, spreading a thin layer.
  2. Then they are folded tightly so that the fermentation process begins, but this process is not allowed to complete.
  3. After that, they are immediately sent to an oven heated to 300 degrees. Leaves curl, fermentation stops.
  4. Then the second time is placed in the oven. Dry this time.

Now consider how tea is given a milky flavor. Let's just say that milk is not involved in its manufacture.

There is a common myth that the roots of the bush are watered with instant milk, the bush itself with dissolved sugar cane, after all the manipulations, they are covered with rice husks. But then the price of the product would be incredibly high to recoup the effort. Its average cost is less than 1000 rubles.

One explanation for the appearance of a milky aroma is related to the treatment of dried leaves with a milky extract. And yet it is worth recognizing that flavors are used in the production of modern varieties sold on the shelves of our stores.

The use of milk in oolong production is a common myth.

Useful properties of milk oolong

The list of what oolong is useful for is extensive, since more useful substances are preserved during processing:

  1. It has a general strengthening effect on the body. Increased resistance to seasonal colds, viruses.
  2. Improves heart function and the condition of blood vessels.
  3. Accelerates cell regeneration, resulting in improved condition and appearance skin.
  4. Accelerates the process of splitting fats, so it is often used for weight loss in conjunction with other methods. In addition, the calorie content of tea is only 1.4 kcal per serving.
  5. Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Stabilizes blood sugar levels, suitable for diabetes.
  6. Increases efficiency, increases brain activity.
  7. It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  8. Removes toxins from the body.

The beneficial properties of oolong milk tea also apply to mental health: mood improves with depression, stress decreases.

Milk oolong has many beneficial properties

The composition of useful substances

The beneficial properties of green tea Milk Oolong are explained by the content of the following beneficial substances:

  • Antioxidants that delay the course of oxidative processes in the body; they are 2 times more than black tea.
  • Vitamins:
  • C- improves immunity, improves the condition of the skin, cardiovascular system;
  • P- strengthens capillary vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • PP– better known as nicotinic acid; participates in oxidative reactions of the body, strengthens the nervous system, lowers cholesterol;
  • A- helps to maintain good vision, improves skin condition;
  • K- directly affects blood clotting, its deficiency leads to internal bleeding;
  • D- a vitamin that, due to the climate of our country, most of the population lacks if supplements are not taken; prevents the development of rickets in children, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer;
  • E- has antioxidant properties, protects the cell membrane from damage caused by oxidation;
  • B- B vitamins are involved in cellular metabolism, therefore, improve skin condition.
  1. Minerals:
  • manganese- a trace element involved in the process of blood formation;
  • fluorine- a microelement that is contained in tooth enamel, its deficiency or excess leads to dental diseases;
  • magnesium- a macronutrient involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, supports the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, helps to remove cholesterol from the body;
  • zinc- the trace element is part of several hundred enzymes, is involved in the synthesis of some hormones;
  • phosphorus- a macronutrient, the lack of which causes bone diseases;
  • caffeine- used to increase efficiency, helps during colds, improves well-being with headaches, migraines;
  • essential oils;
  • binders with anti-inflammatory action, etc.

There are certain contraindications for taking Milk Oolong

Contraindications to the use of milk oolong

Unlike safe black tea, it is impossible not to list the contraindications of oolong milk tea. Red can be drunk in almost unlimited amounts, and it is better to limit the consumption of milk oolong to 3-4 cups per day. Due to the presence of a large number of active substances, there may appear backfire. For example, headache or insomnia if you drink a cup before bed. A large number of active substances - this is what explains the benefits and harms of oolong tea at the same time. Milk oolong is best consumed in a reasonable amount.

  • Do not use the drink for people in whom it causes an allergic reaction. To prevent unpleasant consequences, for the first time it is better not to drink a large amount of tea.
  • with caution it is worth arranging tea parties in the presence of hypertension, because tea increases blood pressure.
  • you can not drink to people suffering from ulcers and gastritis, especially during exacerbation of diseases.
  • due to the pronounced diuretic effect, take it with caution in case of kidney problems.

Drink with caution to pregnant and lactating women, as there is no consensus on this matter. Some recommend giving up completely for a while, while others believe that tea is useful when feeding a child to improve the physical condition of a woman. It is better to consult a doctor beforehand and do not drink more than one cup a day.

Rules for the selection and storage of tea

Geographically, oolong is divided into Chinese and Taiwanese. Each of them happens different varieties. There are no particular favorites among them. When buying, it is important to pay attention not to the name of the variety, but to the quality of the product:

  1. The appearance of the leaves. They should be twisted into small lumps of the same size.
  2. Smell. Strong and pleasant.
  3. There should be no foreign matter. Including dust and broken leaves. Otherwise, you have tea that has gone through the wrong fermentation process.
  4. Product color- green.

Oolong tea is always large leaf. It is not small-leafed, granular or anything else. If you are offered these in a store, you should doubt the honesty of the seller.

Since tea absorbs foreign odors well, certain storage rules must be followed:

  1. Store it in the dark in an airtight container. so that foreign odors do not penetrate. Also, strongly smelling foods should not be stored nearby. It is better not to store in a container where other tea used to be. Suitable tin, glass, ceramic, porcelain dishes.
  2. Place the container where it is always cool. If you do not plan to brew a drink in the near future, place the leaves in the freezer. But do not store them there for more than a year, otherwise they will lose their special taste.

In order for Milk Oolong not to lose its useful and taste qualities, it must be properly stored and brewed

How to brew milk oolong

For brewing, do not take water from the tap and plastic bottles, as it is correct to brew milk oolong using filtered water. Even better if you find a spring one.

Tea leaves are placed immediately in a cup, less often a teapot is used. For 1 serving - 1 teaspoon of tea. Pour cooled boiling water, preferably water heated to 85 degrees.

Some tea lovers immediately pour out the first cup and brew the remaining leaves again, believing that only after that the true taste of the drink appears.

There are no exact recommendations on how much to brew milk oolong. Usually, 1 minute is enough to brew tea. Some reduce this time to 15 seconds, while others increase it slightly to 2 minutes. In time you can try different variants and watch the taste change.

The peculiarity of tea is that it can be brewed up to 8 times. Moreover, with each subsequent brewing, the taste changes, new notes appear, it is revealed in different ways. It is better to drink the drink hot without sugar, milk and other additives.

Oolong tea is not only delicious, but also beautiful. Drenched hot water, lumps gradually open up and turn into leaves.

Choice of dishes

Dry leaves can be stored in containers made of different materials. However, improper selection of dishes when brewing can spoil the taste of the drink. So stick with simple recommendations regarding how to drink milk oolong:

  1. Use clay or porcelain dishes.
  2. Before use, pour boiling water over it to get rid of foreign odors.

Milk oolong is a suitable drink for both the most demanding tea lovers and those who do not drink it at all. Such versatility is explained by an unusual caramel-milk flavor that will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition to gastronomic pleasure, oolong tea will bring undoubted benefits to your body and improve your mood.


For millennia, China has been the world's undisputed producer of different varieties, types of tea that differ in preparation technology, methods of fermentation of tea leaves, taste properties. Green tea is a popular drink in China, and one of its elite varieties is milk oolong, the benefits and harms of which not only have a wide range, but are also confirmed by numerous laboratory studies.

What is milk oolong

Milk oolong is a large-leaf elite medium-fermented varietal tea, the raw materials for the production of which are grown in the high-mountain regions of Fujian, Anxi, Guangdong, on the island of Taiwan. In Chinese, the name of the tea means "Dark Dragon". In the process of processing, the leaves acquire a turquoise hue, so oolong tea is known as turquoise tea.

There are classic and flavored varieties and types of oolong. For aromatization, ginseng, rose extracts, brown wood, jasmine petals are used.

In the Chinese tea hierarchy, milk oolong occupies a transitional position between green, red and black teas, combining best properties these varieties. Milk oolong tastes like green tea, and the aroma is red. Ready, properly brewed infusion acquires a light lemon color, an exquisite caramel-creamy taste with light milky notes.

Quality Oolong has a delicate unobtrusive aroma, bright rich taste. You can determine the quality of the oolong by the degree of twisting of the tea leaves. Properly dried leaves are twisted into tight “lumps”, which, under the influence of hot water, fully open, giving their aroma and useful properties to the finished drink. Oolong should be free of dust, twigs, and third-party additives. If the tea has a pronounced milky aroma, the raw material is subjected to industrial aromatization.


The entire cycle of production of a unique drink - growing, harvesting, processing of tea raw materials - is done manually. Large tea leaves are harvested from well-developed bushes of the Jin Xuan ("Golden Flower") variety. The collection of raw materials for the production of oolong takes place in early spring and autumn.

The leaves are placed in bamboo baskets, left to dry in the sun for several hours. In the process of saturating raw materials with the energy of the sun, the benefits of milk oolong are enhanced, compared with varietal teas obtained by industrial drying.

At the stage of drying, the leaves are turned over, gently knead. Thanks to a special technology, under the influence of high temperature conditions there is a slight fermentation of the leaves, after which they are twisted by hand, dried to reduce moisture. In view of the specific processing, the middle of the tea leaves remains elastic, acquires a rich green tint, dark brown edges.

Milk oolong flavoring is carried out in two ways:

  1. The first involves aromatization of unassembled sheets. Each bush is treated with a concentrated solution of Cuban sugar cane. This option is labor intensive and expensive.
  2. Traditional, in which tea raw materials after drying are abundantly treated with whey extract.

Useful properties of milk oolong

Given the complexity and specifics of the production process, milk oolong is an expensive, healthy and tasty drink. Like green tea oolong, benefits and harms which is explained by the rich physico-chemical composition, has a beneficial effect on the body. Properly brewed milk oolong can be called a natural pantry of useful biologically active components.

The beneficial properties of milk oolong are due to the content of:

Dairy oolong with regular use has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Tea has a tonic, tonic effect. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, enhances the body's resistance. Ready oolong relieves fatigue, improves the emotional background, performance, promotes weight loss.

Important:Milk Oolong refers to low-calorie drinks. In 100 gr. tea contains 142 kcal. The ability to break down fats makes oolong an indispensable drink for weight loss.

Proteins, amino acids provide tissue growth, take part in the transmission of nerve impulses, improve digestion. Cellulose, organic acids have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate intestinal motility, bind, remove harmful toxins and poisons from the body.

Alkaloids, pectins have a tonic, tonic effect, dilate blood vessels, normalize blood cholesterol levels. They remove triglycerides, maintain muscle structures in good shape.

Important: Essential oils, tannic components strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so the systematic use of oolong tea is an excellent prevention of heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. With moderate use, milk oolong normalizes blood pressure.

Like green tea, milk oolong contains antioxidants that are actively involved in metabolic processes on cellular level. Antioxidants prevent mutations of cellular structures, preventing the development of cancer, normalize metabolic processes, suppress the action of pathogenic microflora, and accelerate cell regeneration processes.

Important:The use of milk oolong helps to increase the concentration of the protein adiponectin in the blood, the deficiency of which leads to the development of diabetes.

Tannins have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate inflammatory processes, and neutralize allergens. Polyphenols inhibit the action of cancer cells.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Milk Oolong, the benefits of the drink are due to the content of vitamins of groups B, PP, K, C, A. Tea leaves contain fluorine, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus.

B vitamins have a positive effect on the digestive processes, stabilize the emotional background. Vitamin PP dilates blood vessels, increases the absorption of iron, participates in oxidative processes.

Vitamin E affects the cellular structures of the epidermis, improves skin tone and elasticity, has a positive effect on the reproductive system, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Vitamin A is necessary for full physical development, improves vision. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.

Manganese, magnesium, fluorine are necessary for the skeletal system, prevent the thinning of tooth enamel. Zinc provides a complete synthesis of proteins, improves the functions of the reproductive system. Phosphorus is essential for brain activity.

Useful properties of ginseng oolong tea

Ginseng in China is called the "root of life". The healing properties of the rhizome are widely used in alternative medicine, so the benefits of ginseng oolong are obvious.

Oolong Ginseng combines all the beneficial properties of the plant:

Important:Oolong tea Ginseng is not recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach. Ginseng activates the digestive and metabolic processes. Drinking oolong on an empty stomach can make you feel dizzy and very hungry.

Oolong Ginseng is used to prevent thrombophlebitis, improve the emotional background. Ginseng oolong increases resistance to stress factors. Ginseng oolong has a tonic, tonic, antibacterial effect.

How to brew milk oolong

You can enjoy the exquisite taste, benefit from the use of oolong only by properly brewing a tea drink. The oolong brewing process is very delicate and has its own characteristics. You can brew oolong in ceramic, earthenware, glassware. But the drink really reveals its aroma and taste properties if it is brewed in a clay teapot. Clay passes air well, retains in full healing properties, exquisite taste, delicate aroma of tea drink.

Oolong can be brewed up to ten times. The infusion time of each subsequent brewing increases by three minutes. At the same time, it is the third or fourth brew that is considered the most “correct”.

Before placing tea leaves in a brewing container, it is recommended to rinse it several times with boiling water. Such a simple procedure will help to fully reveal the taste and beneficial properties of tea leaves.

Important:The duration of brewing, the temperature of the water depends on the degree of fermentation of the oolong (40-60%).

If oolong is brewed according to the classic recipe, the water temperature should not exceed 80-90 degrees. Infusion time - 1-2 minutes.

Weakly fermented oolongs (40-45% fermentation) are brewed with water at 60-75 degrees. The water temperature for the preparation of highly fermented oolongs is 90 degrees. If you exceed the temperature of the water for brewing, you can "kill" not only the taste, but also the healing properties of the drink.

Having previously rinsed the kettle with boiling water, pour tea (a third of the volume of the container). The first water that is poured into the teapot is drained after a few seconds. Having poured water of the desired temperature, the vessel is covered with a lid, insisted for two to three minutes. Poured into cups. To taste, you can add honey, sugar, pieces of fruit.


Despite the listed useful properties, milk oolong, oolong Ginseng have a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to drink the drink with individual intolerance to the components, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer, gastritis, hyperacidity.

Given that milk oolong contains caffeine and theine, consumption should be limited in case of hypertension, during pregnancy, and breastfeeding. With caution, oolong should be used for urolithiasis, chronic cardiovascular pathologies.

Milk oolong, or oolong in the Chinese traditional classification of tea, belongs to the category of semi-fermented yellow tea. This variety was bred in 1982 in Taiwan and soon gained popularity around the world. It is characterized by a light taste of milk caramel and a creamy aroma, which is achieved by a special fermentation technology.

Description of 6 Health Benefits of Chinese Tea Milk Oolong

If you brew Milk Oolong constantly, then the tea has a lot of useful properties.

natural fat burner

Helps burn extra calories

In 2001, Japanese scientists conducted a study, which revealed that people who regularly consume Milk Oolong have a higher metabolic rate.

Consequently, when exercising, they burn on average twice as many calories as people who did not drink this tea.

Reducing the risk of cancer

Slows down the growth of cancer cells

A number of studies by Chinese and Japanese scientists confirm that Milk Oolong tea can be used to prevent cancer. Plant polyphenols contained in green tea help reduce the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma by an average of 50%. The main thing is to be able to brew a drink using the right technology.

Benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

Prevents vascular and heart diseases

Milk Oolong tea has a number of positive effects on the cardiovascular system with long-term use. Benefits Description:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases the level of adenopectin in the blood, and as a result, reduces the risk of coronary vascular disease;
  • reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, dangerous for the cardiovascular system;
  • when used daily for more than two years, reduces the risk of developing hypertension by 65%.

Thus, Milk Oolong has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system, strengthens it and keeps it in good shape, which is confirmed by many studies.

Skin rejuvenation

In the early 2000s, American scientists conducted a study in which they wanted to find out whether Milk Oolong had the same beneficial properties as green tea. Green tea is known to help the body produce its own collagen.

Gives softness and freshness to the skin

In an experiment conducted among more than 100 people, it was found that people on a diet with daily consumption of Milk Oolong tea felt improvements on their skin: due to the production of collagen, the skin becomes softer and more elastic.

Regular consumption of milk oolong by middle-aged and older people can compensate for the lack of collagen and rejuvenate the skin.

Green tea for general body cleansing

Milk oolong tea contains natural antioxidants - substances that inhibit the oxidation processes in the body and, as a result, do not allow heavy metals, toxins and slags to harm a person.

Drinking a cup of tea every morning can cleanse the body of toxins

In addition, due to the acceleration of metabolism with the regular use of this tea, toxins and toxins are quickly eliminated from the body.

It is worth brewing tea as a natural antidepressant

Due to its properties, Milk Oolong tea has a positive effect on many body systems and improves overall tone.

Milk oolong has a tonic effect, gives strength at the end of a hard day.

With its constant use (at least one or two cups a day), a person feels a surge of strength, inner harmony and balance.

It is useful to drink Milk Oolong in the evening after work - it will help neutralize the stress accumulated during the day and give strength.

How to brew oolong

According to traditional Chinese technology, for brewing Milk Oolong you will need:

  1. A ceramic teapot or gaiwan is a traditional Chinese bowl for brewing tea. It will be better if you have earthenware or porcelain dishes.
  2. Ceramic bowls, preferably small.
  3. Hot water, but not boiling water. It is better to use water with a temperature of no more than 90 ° C.
  4. The milk oolong tea itself. Based on 7-10 g of tea per 300-400 ml of water.

Ceramic dishes are used in the best Chinese traditions

The sequence of brewing milky oolong tea:

  1. First of all, rinse all the dishes with hot water and dry with a towel. You can even preheat it in the oven. But not much, the dishes should not burn your hands.
  2. Place in teapot or gaiwan required amount tea leaves. Fill immediately hot water no need - the leaves should “wake up” and “breathe”.
  3. Soak the leaves in hot water. The water temperature should be in the range of 80-90 °C. In no case do not use boiling water - it will spoil the taste of tea and destroy all its beneficial properties.
  4. Let the tea steep. The optimal time for Milk Oolong is 3 minutes. Semi-fermented teas do not like long steeping. It is important not to overexpose the tea in hot water.
  5. After brewing, tea should be poured into ceramic cups. It is not recommended to add sugar and drink such tea with sweets. Yes, they, in fact, are not needed - Milk Oolong has a sweetish creamy aftertaste.

Rules for cultural drinking

Despite all the beneficial properties of this tea, care must be taken when consuming it. The optimal amount of tea per day is no more than two cups.

But just because of caffeine, with excessive consumption of Milk Oolong, the following problems may arise:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Tremor of the limbs.
  3. Increase in blood pressure.
  4. development of insomnia.
  5. Irritability.
  6. Extreme fatigue after a period of wakefulness.
  7. Problems with teeth, as a result of leaching of calcium from the body.
  8. Stomach problems.

It is better to drink tea in a calm atmosphere, enjoying every sip.

Contraindications for use, is it possible for pregnant women

Milk oolong tea can harm the following categories of people:

  1. Pregnant women. The caffeine in tea has Negative influence and can even cause premature birth.
  2. Children. They should not drink caffeinated drinks.
  3. Nursing mothers. The flavorings and additives contained in Milk Oolong affect the taste and composition of breast milk.
  4. People with gastrointestinal problems. With gastritis and ulcers, it is not recommended to drink flavored tea. The components contained in it can exacerbate the disease.
  5. People with problems of the urinary system. The caffeine in tea causes frequent urination, which can cause complications in people with kidney and bladder problems.
  6. People suffering from hypertension. Drinking Milk Oolong can reduce the risk of hypertension, but if you already have such a disease, then you should refuse tea, as it increases blood pressure.
  7. People with individual intolerance. Allergy to tea is rare, but it does exist. If you know that you have a predisposition to this, then it is better to refuse to use Milk Oolong.

If you do not belong to any of these groups of people, then you have nothing to fear. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended amount of tea - 1-2 cups per day.

In addition to Milk Oolong, other varieties of tea from China also have many beneficial properties for the body:,. Read about them in our articles.

Among the variety of Chinese teas, some unique types stand out. Such tea is milk oolong, which in Lately gained great popularity. However, few people know why this tea has such a name and how it should be drunk properly.

Milk oolong (oolong) is a variety of semi-fermented Taiwanese tea. It is worth noting that all types of Chinese tea primarily differ in the degree of fermentation. So, in green teas it reaches 10-12%, while black tea is fully fermented. All oolongs, including milk ones, are characterized by medium fermentation (about 50%). Milk oolong is so called because of its unique feature- special creamy taste and aroma.

There are legends about the appearance of milk oolong, like any Chinese tea. One of them says that in ancient times the moon fell in love with a comet flying across the night sky. The comet could not stop, flew away to the sun, where it burned down and disappeared. The moon was sad, and her sadness was shed on the earth with a milky moonlight. When people began to collect tea leaves, they found that they exude an amazing milky aroma.

The reality, as is usually the case, turned out to be much more prosaic. Unusual new variety tea was bred quite recently, only in 1982 on the island of Taiwan.

During the Second World War, Japanese tea growers worked in Taiwan, who left more than 5,000 Taiwanese oolong hybrids. After the war, the selection of these varieties was continued, and in 1982 a new variety of tea bush was announced, which was originally called "Taiwan Tea No. 12" or "27 Son".

First of all, the new variety differed high yield and resistance to various diseases.

However, the most surprising feature of this tea was the delicate creamy aroma emanating from the tea leaves. The variety of milk oolong received the official name "Jin Xuan" and in a short time became widely known among tea connoisseurs around the world.

How they are made, growing and processing

Taiwanese oolong is grown in remote highlands. Raw materials are collected twice a year: in spring and winter. For the production of tea, buds and 3-4 leaves are taken. Next, the leaves are subjected to traditional processing:

  1. Withering. The collected sheet is scattered on a tarpaulin, where it is dried, and this process should take place evenly.
  2. Preparation for fermentation. Tea is placed in a cool and humid room, where the fermentation of the juice in dried leaves begins. At this stage, the edges of the leaves turn red, while the middle remains green.
  3. Fermentation. It takes place in several stages: first, the leaves are fried to remove excess moisture, then they are treated with hot air, and fried again.
  4. Twisting. It is carried out with the help of machines that twist the processed tea leaf into granules.

Ready tea is packaged and sold. It is often believed that milk oolong undergoes some unusual processing during the production process. They say that tea bushes are watered with milk, and the raw materials are subsequently kept under the steam of milk, but this has nothing to do with reality. Such myths are only aimed at maintaining the unusual reputation of milk oolong.

In fact, high-quality milk oolong does not contain any additives, however, unscrupulous manufacturers can process it with flavorings. Such tea is considered low-grade and sold at a reduced price.

Grigory Potemkin, in this video, will tell you from what, by whom and how the most popular Chinese tea in Russia, milk oolong, is produced.

Varieties and their taste qualities

There are two main varieties of milk oolong:

  • Jin Xuan - has a delicate milky taste and aroma, gives a golden infusion;
  • Nai Xiang Jin Xuan - processed with flavorings during the production process, after which the tea has a bright aroma of milk cream.

There are also myths about the cultivation of Nai Xiang Jin Xuan, which speak of different ways processing of the tea bush, however, in fact, tea is flavored in factories. The tea leaf is sprinkled with flavoring agent (about 100 g per 1 ton of raw materials), and then it passes normal process fermentation.

Ready-made tea is less useful, but this variety is usually found on sale, since it has a low cost.

Benefit and harm

Milk oolong has tonic and invigorating properties, it can improve the condition of the body and even promote weight loss. It also has some contraindications.

Beneficial features

Semi-fermented milk oolong is rich in flavonoids (especially catechins), which have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Also, this tea contains many different vitamins and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the human body.

Tea has a high concentration of caffeine, which increases performance, physical endurance and helps to cope with headaches.

In addition, milk oolong calms the nervous system, relieves irritability, relieves apathy.

Is there any harm, contraindications

First of all, milk oolong is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. In addition, you need to remember about the increased concentration of caffeine (theine). If the daily norm of this substance is exceeded, the following side effects may occur:

  • trembling of the limbs;
  • sleep disorder;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • heartburn.

Sometimes, when caffeine is abused, addiction is developed, and a person even wakes up tired in the morning, as his body cannot function normally without another cup of strong tea.

Sometimes harm can be obtained if you use low-quality milk oolong treated with flavorings. Chemical substances can cause negative consequences and even lead to allergies.

Is it possible for pregnant women

Milk oolong does not have any special contraindications for pregnant women, but it is important not to exceed allowable rate caffeine. Thus, during pregnancy, it is optimal to drink no more than 1-2 cups of tea per day.

When losing weight

Some nutritionists note that it is useful to drink milk oolong when losing weight, as it can speed up metabolism and reduce appetite. To achieve this effect, you need to consume at least 3 cups of oolong every day, and it can be drunk both hot and cold. One of the teas is recommended to do in the morning on an empty stomach to start the metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, small snacks during the day can be easily replaced with a cup of milk oolong, which will reduce the daily food intake to 500 calories and lose about 0.5 kg per week.

To improve the taste of tea, you can add a little honey and a slice of lemon. Such a drink dulls the feeling of hunger, which leads to a decrease in portions of food consumed.

Of course, to achieve real results in the process of weight loss is possible only if proper nutrition and doing sports.

How to brew and store milk oolong

Suitable utensils are needed for brewing milk oolong. Usually take porcelain or glass teapots and cups. Oolong should be brewed as follows:

  1. The dishes are preheated by rinsing with boiling water.
  2. Take tea leaves at the rate of 1 tsp. tea in 200 ml of water.
  3. Pour in water heated to 70-80 ° C, and insist for about a minute.

It is permissible to add hot water to the brewed oolong several times.

Milk oolong is semi-fermented, which limits its storage time to one and a half years. In the future, tea loses its unique taste and aroma. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date and condition of the tea.

If you buy oolong by weight, you can check if there is any debris (twigs, dust) in the raw material, which indicates a poor-quality product. You can also notice that tea is often sold in hermetically sealed plastic or foil bags. This is necessary in order to preserve the aroma, therefore, at home, oolong should be kept in a tightly closed container (glass or porcelain).

If you bought tea, but for some reason do not drink it, but are going to store it for more than a month, then it should be placed in the refrigerator, as oolongs can deteriorate in heat.

Popular brands producing "milk oolong"

Due to the popularity of milk oolong, many tea brands selling products of the middle price segment began to produce varieties that supposedly are this unusual Chinese tea. In fact, they all use flavorings to give the tea a creamy flavor.

Some popular brands:

  1. Greenfield. Tea composition: Chinese oolong, mallow buds, cream flavoring. Available in sachets and pyramids, as well as in sheet form.
  2. . Ingredients: Oolong tea, natural flavor"milk". Produced in pyramids.
  3. . Ingredients: small long leaf oolong tea, food flavoring "milk". Produced in sachets.

The use of such a "chemical" oolong will not bring harm, but there will not be much benefit from it either.