Shower      08.03.2020

How to get rid of the fungus in the bath: remedies, useful tips. Mold in the bath - causes and remedies How to wash the bath from mold

Copper sulfate from mold fungus on the walls in the apartment, an affordable, effective remedy. Copper sulfate or a salt of copper acid is highly soluble in water, a chemical compound crystallizes from an aqueous solution: copper sulfate pentahydrate CuSO4 5H2O - copper sulphate. It occurs naturally as the mineral chalcanthite.

An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is widely used to prevent rotting of wood, roofing, when removing rust from pipes in case of leaks, cleans salt secretions (efflorescence) from concrete, brick surfaces. It has fungicidal, antiseptic and refractory properties, which is especially important when processing wooden surfaces. The aqueous composition of copper sulphate is applied to the surface as a preventive, antibacterial base before applying other coatings. Copper sulphate is sold in household and construction outlets, in stores for everything for the garden.

Despite beneficial features, fungi can cause serious harm to human health. Mold appears as a small spot on the surface. The focus of the affected area gradually increases, affecting the deep layers of the material. Mold spores in huge quantities are constantly present in the air in a "sleeping" state, until favorable conditions for their reproduction appear. Favorable conditions their reproduction is a warm, moist nutrient medium. Any surface affected by fungal rot leads to its physical destruction. Mold fungi spread everywhere in colonies, affect ceilings, apartment walls under wallpaper, bathroom and toilet room, kitchen, as well as concrete, brick, wooden surfaces.

The main location of a person is a house. If the house has high humidity, poor ventilation, as a result, mold fungus will settle in your house. If you do not start a timely fight to remove the fungus, then walls, ceilings, furniture, floors will be affected and damaged and cause serious harm to the health of those living in the house.

The main causes and signs of mold in the apartment

The cause of mold in the apartment is high humidity, warm air, violation of the ventilation system .

The appearance of a fungus on the exterior panels of the house, on the ceilings indicates a defect in building materials or poor-quality masonry, poor-quality seams between the panels. The basis for the formation of plaque can still be uninsulated walls, freezing of the panel, accumulation of condensate between the seams. Fungal plaque forms on concrete, brick and wooden walls, at high humidity and poor ventilation.

in the bathroom and toilet room, mold also appears in the kitchen due to excessive humidity and poor ventilation. The cause of the occurrence may be a lack of tightness, leakage water pipes, malfunction of ventilation, poor-quality sealing of the joint of the bath and facing material walls, the presence of leakage of sewer pipes. If the tightness is broken, water seeps through it. This leads to the formation of puddles in poorly ventilated areas of the bathroom, rot and dampness occur. Constant accumulation of water in bathroom floor junctions will cause water to leak to the lower floors or basement.

If the apartment is on the lower floors or a private house a damp basement can be the cause of excess moisture.

The defeat of the walls of the house by mold fungi has characteristic signs :

  • The first sign of presence is the damp smell of the "cellar";
  • Fungal plaque grows rapidly in the lesions, destroys the affected material.

Exist different ways and methods of combating fungal mold, the most popular due to efficiency, cost-effectiveness, is the treatment of affected surfaces with an aqueous mixture of copper sulphate.

Wall preparation

In order for our efforts to eliminate mold not to be empty, the following steps should be taken:

  • The first step to eliminate plaque is to find and then eliminate the source and the cause of the occurrence. Examine all surfaces, corners, pipes, sewers, wall joints, basement, eliminate the causes of dampness. Provide air exchange, for a full flow of air.
  • Clean the entire affected surface using brushes, spatula, emery skins.
  • If the fungus has penetrated into the deep layers of the wall, it is necessary to get to it, clean it, neutralize the main mycelium, if you need to replace the fragment, to do this, remove all layers of paint or wallpaper with a spatula to the base.
  • To achieve greater efficiency wash the surface soapy water.
  • Next step: dry after stripping.
  • We process the walls with a fungicidal mixture of copper sulfate.

For processing blue vitriol basement or cellar, it is necessary to free the cellar from all shelves, cabinets, wooden boxes and take it out into the street. If wooden objects are severely affected by rot, then it is better to replace them. If the damage is partial, leave them to dry in the sun, as ultraviolet rays kill the fungus, then treat blowtorch. And the cellar itself should be cleaned and treated with the composition of all surfaces.

Processing order

You should follow the procedure and instructions for use when treating the premises with a fungicidal composition:

  • in 10 liters warm water dissolve from 100 to 400 grams of vitriol, mix until completely dissolved;
  • With a roller or paint brush, or simply with a sponge, apply the prepared composition to the entire surface to be treated, then dry;
  • Dry for 5-6 hours or with a building hair dryer. You can apply the finished mixture with a brush, roller, sponge or sprayer;
  • You can apply up to 5 layers, but after each layer you need to withstand the drying time.
  • You can use the treated room no earlier than after 2 days, after ventilating well beforehand.

Precautionary measures

Copper sulphate is toxic, it should be handled very carefully:

  • Prepare an antifungal mixture immediately before use, use within 10 hours.
  • The mixture should not be prepared and stored in a metal container. Copper corrodes iron and other metals.
  • Toxic copper sulfate fumes cause poisoning and vomiting, use with caution. Observe safety measures, wear a respirator or mask on your face. Dusting of the powder should not be allowed during work; after processing, it is necessary to wash your face.
  • The powder itself is harmless to dry skin, but it must be washed off. Wear rubber gloves and closed clothing.
  • During the treatment of the room with an antibacterial composition, turn on the hood or open the window.
  • In case of poisoning with copper salt vapor, consult a doctor immediately.

After treatment with a solution of sulfate salt of the room, prevent the conditions for the reappearance of the fungus. Monitor the humidity, air exchange and temperature in the room. Leave gaps between the wall and furniture for air circulation. Monitor the condition of water pipes and plumbing. Ventilate your apartment regularly. After high-quality treatment of the walls with an antifungal compound and compliance with the above conditions, the re-formation of mold fungi is excluded.

Bane is a real threat to people and their property. It not only causes the destruction of the building, but also affects human health. So, it can cause diathesis in a child, severe allergies, which can turn into asthma, migraines, and cardiovascular disorders. Fungus in the bath is a frequent occurrence, because it loves humidity, and in this room there is almost always condensation - ideal conditions for reproduction. So, if you are faced with such a problem, you need to take emergency measures. In this article, you can learn how to get rid of the fungus in the bath and prevent its reappearance.

Dampness is the #1 cause of mold

In the baths, the humidity is always increased - this is a regularity, and nothing can be done about it. If missing additional heating in construction, most often these are wooden baths, then you are at an increased risk. The fact is that heating allows you to dry the air, walls, and the likelihood of a fungus is reduced. There is no heating - the bath dries out on its own, the walls remain damp longer - this is good for mold.

The reason for the stagnation of moisture can also lie in such factors as the lack of ventilation or its improper equipment, blockage. In this case, the fungus first appears in places where the air movement is the weakest, and then, having grown stronger, it spreads along the wall without problems, and light drafts no longer bother it. If the matter is in ventilation, then it is necessary to create it, reinstall it, clean it, install additional fans that will help drive air, dry the room. Next, we will tell you how to get rid of the fungus in the bath, but for now we will consider another reason for its appearance.

Insufficient cleanliness

Many bathhouse owners assume that this is the most clean room, because it is always humid there, and they neglect to wash the ceiling and walls, believing that it is enough to clean the floors, shelves and accessories. The fungus loves dirt, and coupled with dampness, conditions are generally ideal.

If you have good ventilation, even heating, and mold still appears, then there is not enough hygiene.

What to equip?

Before you get rid of the fungus in the bath, you need to think about your own safety. By brushing mold off a surface, you spread its spores in the air, and they can get into your lungs. Before starting the fight, you should purchase the following protective equipment:

  • a respirator will help protect the nasal mucosa and lungs from getting spores of the fungus and chemical substances with which you will remove mold;
  • rubber gloves will protect your skin and nails.

This is a necessary equipment, and without it, in any case, do not start the fight against the fungus.

Is it difficult to eliminate the fungus?

Mold spores are very mobile creatures and, as soon as they appear, they begin to spread throughout the room. Treating only visible lesions is not enough; anywhere else there may still be black and white fungus in the bath. How to get rid of this pest? The first step is to assess the situation, find all the lesions, take everything out of the room that is not nailed down, and start processing all the walls, ceiling, shelves, floors. It is worth noting that the inventory taken out must also be processed. It is very difficult to get rid of the fungus even at the first stage, not to mention the fact that the spores could have managed to penetrate several centimeters deep into the boards and hide in the cracks. Where to begin?

The first step to getting rid of mold

To begin with, you will need to mechanically clean all visible lesions. Especially carefully inspect every centimeter, even an incomprehensible speck can be a fungus, so do not lose sight of it.

First of all, slowly, carefully, so as not to spread spores throughout the territory, remove the layers of mold with a spatula, go through all the cracks and corners where the fungus was found. Mechanical cleaning is very important, it allows you to remove all superficial lesions that protect deeper ones. After that, you can proceed to the chemical attack.

Don't forget about ventilation

After mechanical cleaning has been carried out, it is necessary to proceed to ventilation. In most cases, it also contains a fungus, there may also be a focus of infection. First, treat the ventilation system with antibacterial agents, it can be ordinary alcohol. It perfectly dehydrates, that is, it dehydrates the surface, it is able to push moisture out of the narrowest cracks, in addition, it destroys mold spores. Do not forget that this substance is flammable, so thoroughly ventilate the room after treatment and proceed to the next step.

You can find specialty primers at the hardware store. They can simply protect the surface from the appearance of mold, or they can contribute to its destruction. Choose a product suitable for your wood and use it to ventilate. Now you can treat all other surfaces in the room with this primer. Next, consider how to get rid of the fungus in the bath in other ways. There are many of them, we offer the most effective.

Sulphur dioxide

It sounds intimidating, but there is nothing easier and more effective than removing the fungus in the bath with sulfur. This procedure is very unpleasant, the substance smells bad, dangerous for all living things, so before using this method, make sure that all possible gaps are tightly closed. Plug tightly the ventilation, the pipe, if the bath is heated by the stove, all the small cracks and holes through which dangerous substance can get outside. Sulfur dioxide is very dangerous, it will one hundred percent get rid of the fungus, but in no case should you yourself be exposed to it.

If the floors are wooden, it is better to take a ceramic container, if concrete, then it can be metal utensils. Put a few pieces of sulfur in there, at the rate that one hundred cubic meters the premises need two hundred grams of the substance. Set fire to the sulfur, it will release a gas that is detrimental to the fungus. After it has begun to act, immediately leave the room and close it tightly behind you. front door. It is important to use a respirator during arson and during further actions.

After at least six hours, and preferably after nine, take a box with Go to the bathhouse, remove the remnants of sulfur, put a box of lime in its place. It neutralizes the remnants of sulfur dioxide, dries the room, absorbing excess moisture. The box should be in the bath for a day, after which the room is ventilated for the same amount. You can use the bath immediately after airing it.

How to remove the fungus in the bleach bath?

This is also a good option, but for wooden bath it is better not to use it, since bleach is not very safe for wood.

After cleaning the walls from mold mechanically, it is necessary to dilute the indicated substance in a small amount of water and walk over all surfaces with this solution. There is another option: take 25 milliliters of forty percent formalin per liter of water, add bleach and process the floors, walls, ceiling, shelves.

How to get rid of fungus in a wooden bath?

Sulfur dioxide and a primer are ideal for wood, they will not damage it, but there is another gentle method of getting rid of mold in a bath. It is necessary to take 22 grams of ferrous sulfate, 44 grams of aluminum alum and 18 grams of ordinary table salt per liter of water. Dip the roller in the solution, treat all surfaces after mechanical cleaning from fungus.

You can also use the following recipe, but preheat the mixture to seventy degrees. You will need one and a half tablespoons of vinegar (not acid), a pound of boric acid and a kilogram of borax. Dissolve the ingredients in a small amount of water.

Both recipes are effective, but still rather weak, they may not remove all the fungus the first time, so treat it again in a month.


Of course, preventing the appearance of fungus in the bath is easier than getting rid of it. If you have ventilation, still do not forget about ventilation. They should be made not only after the use of the bath, but also when you do not use it, because the water can stagnate and then evaporate. Ventilate at least once a week for six hours.

Carry out preventive treatments iron vitriol or other substances. Please note that after using chemicals it is necessary to ventilate the bath, then rinse the walls so as not to harm your health. We hope that this publication on how to get rid of the fungus in the bath will be able to help.

It is not necessary to use against emerging mold special means- if the problem is not running, then you can get by with simpler and cheaper substances. One option is vitriol.

The use of this method is possible both in an apartment and in non-residential premises (cellar, garage, barn, attic, and so on).

What is it, how to breed and how to properly use this tool to get rid of the fungus on the walls - we will understand below.

What is vitriol, and how does it happen?

Vitriol is a sulfate salt of divalent metals (if you give a definition from a chemistry textbook). Vitriol is copper, iron, nickel, zinc, manganese. There are other types of connections, however, only copper is almost always used to remove mold, so we will only consider it.

Copper sulfate (or copper sulfate, or sulfur-copper salt, or CuSO4) is the most important of the copper salts. Used in construction agriculture, Food Industry, medicine, industry.

Outwardly, it looks like blue crystals.

About the use of copper sulfate (video)

What vitriol should be used against mold and where can I get it?

Most often, the fight against mold is carried out with the help of copper sulfate, much less often - iron is used. The agent is used in the form of an aqueous solution.

You can buy copper sulphate in hardware stores, in construction stores, in shops for giving and gardening.

Approximate prices for packages:

    100 grams: about 40-50 rubles;

    300 grams: about 100-120 rubles;

    1 kg: about 230-250 rubles;

    25 kg (bag): 4800-5300 rubles.

What is needed to remove mold with vitriol?

To prepare and apply the solution, we need:

    Copper sulfate - 100 grams.

    Warm water - 10 liters. The container is ceramic or metal with an enamelled surface.

    Vinegar - 200 ml (not necessary, but will enhance the effect).

If it is necessary to process a large area, then the “water-vitriol” ratio should remain approximately the same - 100 to 1. That is, 200 grams of vitriol is needed for 20 liters of water, and 500 grams for 50 liters of water.

Additionally you will need:

    Sponge, or brush, or spray gun - for application.

    Putty knife, metal brush(for cleaning the surface).



Means of protection:

    Latex gloves.


    Clothing must cover the entire body.

How to breed vitriol from mold?

Now about how to dilute the solution.

IN 10 liters of warm (about +40º) dissolve 100 g of vitriol in water. The solution can be stirred with any improvised piece of wood.The temperature of the water may be lower, but in warm water the vitriol will dissolve faster.

For convenience, you can dilute the product in 4-5 liters of water, and after dissolving it, add liquid to the full volume.

To enhance the effect, the solution can be diluted:

    Vinegar (9%): 25-40 ml per 10 liters of water and 100 grams of vitriol.

    A few drops of tea tree oil.

    Any product containing chlorine.

You can store the prepared solution of vitriol for up to 3 months (with room temperature), or up to 1 year if stored in a cool place. For storage, use a tightly sealed ceramic or glass containers. It is impossible to store the solution in a metal container.

Surface preparation and work

Before applying vitriol, it is necessary to prepare the surface:

    If possible, ventilation of the room is provided (windows open, hoods turn on).

    On walls affected by mold - removed decorative coating. The removal of the coating is carried out depending on its type (wallpaper - torn off, plaster or paint - scraped off with a spatula).

    With deep penetration of spores, the surface must be cleaned with sandpaper.

    It is recommended to wash the places that were affected by the fungus with soapy water before using vitriol, and then let them dry. This is especially useful if black mold has grown on the wall.

    Put on protective equipment.

    Prepare a solution of vitriol (how to dilute - described in the paragraph above).

    Using a sponge (or brush, or spray gun), apply the solution to the wall.

    Let the surface dry. Depending on the level of humidity in the room and the area of ​​the treated area, it can take from 2-3 to 10-12 hours (4-5 on average).

    If there was a lot of rot, or mold was on the wall for a long time, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 3-5 times.

    After complete drying of the surface - you can do the finishing.

Please note: you can remove mold with this solution. However, if the cause of the appearance of rot is not eliminated, it is possible that after some time it will appear again, and repeated removal will be required.

Is vitriol dangerous, and what are the symptoms of poisoning?

First, about the dangers of copper sulfate (both in the form of granules and in the form of a ready-made aqueous solution):

    In case of skin contact, no hazard, but hygienic treatment(wash solution with soap and water).

    Contact with the solution in the eyes may cause burns. In this case, immediately rinse the eyes with plenty of water.

    Dosage that can lead to poisoning: 0.5 grams of powder in dry form and 11 mg / kg - by inhalation.

    The lethal dosage is 45-125 grams (when swallowed dry). The exact figure depends on body weight, health status and age.

Stages of work

Symptoms of poisoning:

    nausea and vomiting;

    pain in the stomach;

    increased heart rate;

    general deterioration of health, weakness;

    allergic reaction;

    skin rashes, itching.

If these symptoms are felt when working with vitriol, it is necessary:

    stop work immediately;

    if the work was carried out indoors, and the symptoms appeared due to inhalation of the substance, leave the room and ventilate it;

    seek medical attention.

Copper sulphate poisoning is rare. It is possible with:

    accidental or intentional ingestion (means in dry form or solution);

    prolonged stay without a respirator in an unventilated area in which the solution is used.

Precautionary measures

When preparing a solution

The microclimate that is created in the bath (sauna, steam room) is a confluence of favorable factors for the development and spread of various strains of mold. Causes of mold growth are high levels of humidity, heat air, construction material low quality, poor ventilation, lack of sunlight.

If the structure of the steam room is wooden, then the spores penetrate deep into the wood and it is much more difficult to get rid of it in case of untimely measures taken to remove it.

Mold in the bath can provoke partial or complete destruction of wood, which means that the steam room will have to be subjected to overhaul for the replacement of individual logs.

Where does mold most often appear in the bathroom?

If an unpleasant persistent smell of dampness has appeared in the sauna, then you should think about the presence of hidden mold spores. You can find it in hidden hard-to-reach places:

  • at the joints of logs;
  • in the corners;
  • along the edge of shower trays;
  • in water drains;
  • on bath shelves;
  • in ventilation pipes.

As a rule, the fungus appears in places that, due to difficult access, often remain insufficiently cleaned and washed. Each kindling and visiting the bath should be completed with a thorough cleaning of the room using various detergents, which contain anti-mold substances.

Sources of mold: wet, towels that, after turning off the heating of the bath, remain on the floor or benches. Screens in indoor areas baths should be straightened so that moisture does not accumulate in the folds.

If there is mold in the bath, how to get rid of it? , whose action is aimed at combating the fungus, abound. Some of them are developments of the chemical industry, others are passed down from generation to generation and represent folk methods counter the spread various kinds fungal colonies in the bathhouse.

Proven remedies for mold in the bath

The presence of fungal spores in the room not only gives bad smell mold and spoil appearance but also adversely affects human health. Under the influence of hot moist air, the human skin pores expand, the body is cleansed of toxins. But, at the same time, they penetrate into open pores.

In the steam room, most often, white house mold appears, but cases of the appearance of more dangerous species e.g. black mold. When spores enter the human body, there is a high risk of developing various diseases:

  • allergic reactions; ()
  • lung diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

In connection with this risk, the treatment of the bath from fungus and mold should be in the first place. Otherwise, instead of benefiting from visiting the bath, health will deteriorate significantly.

How to deal with the fungus in the bath? Proven Substances. The chemical industry created many colonies:

  • Fungicide;
  • Snowball;
  • Hydrocom;
  • Atlas Mykos;
  • Domestos;
  • Boramon;
  • PS 50;
  • Renogal.

Folk remedies to combat fungi and their spores are much cheaper in price and, as a rule, are present in every home:

  • copper sulfate;
  • iodine;
  • bleaching powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • resin;

The choice of means depends on the material that was used in the construction and decoration of the steam room. So, it is better to use substances that, when effective destruction dispute, do not change the shade of wood. If you need to process the tiles and the seams between the tiles, then it is permissible to use potent bleaching agents - whiteness, hydrogen peroxide.

Elimination and prevention of mold in a wooden bath

  • How to get rid of the fungus on the tree in the bath? To clean the surfaces of a wooden bathhouse from fungal colonies, you will need not only the choice of means, but also the observance of a certain sequence of exposure to the affected wood. First of all, it is necessary to clean the mold in the bath on logs. Mechanical processing of wood is carried out using sandpaper different fractions, iron brush or spatula. Before stripping, it is recommended to moisten the tree with water. This eliminates the possibility of spreading spores through the air.
  • How to remove the fungus in the bath? Depending on the depth of the spore infestation on the tree, clearing may take some time. After the complete removal of the fungal colony, it should be treated with an anti-mold agent. For a bath, built or finished natural materials, it is recommended to use substances with a non-pungent odor and with reagents that will not damage the structure of the wood.
  • How to remove mold from lining? The process of removing the fungus from the lining is almost the same as when removing it from the logs. Lining is more often used as decorative material. It can be treated with hydrogen peroxide and left for a couple of hours. After the surface dries, it should be washed off with a solution of clean water. The ventilation in the bath should be well thought out so that there is no mold and its spores in the air. Ventilation holes must be carefully handled, because through them spores are not only weathered, but can also accumulate. And when ideal conditions are created in the air, they penetrate back into the room and begin to spread.
  • How to remove mold in the bath? To prevent the appearance of spots of fungal colonies, an important role is played by the cleanliness of the chimney with an established furnace heating. It is necessary to regularly clean the chimney from soot, as its accumulation disrupts air circulation. When removing mold colonies from walls, floors, benches in the sauna, some precautions should be taken to protect hands and respiratory organs. Before using the product, you need to wear rubber gloves and use a respirator or gauze bandage. To apply substances, washcloths or a sprayer are used. The sprayer can be used to apply the cleaner to hard-to-reach surfaces such as crevices, corners, and vents and drains.

Here it is, a brand new, newly built bathhouse. All work is completed, and you are starting to take bath procedures. Time passes, and you notice small black dots on the walls - this is a fungus! What it is? Where could he come from in your bathhouse? And how to get rid of it? Read about this and more below...

What will be discussed?

  • How does fungus appear?
  • How to return the original appearance of the bath without fungus?
  • Get rid of mold once and for all.

How does fungus appear?

You can write a lot about what a fungus or mold is, this information a large number of in the Internet. Let's figure out where such an infection comes from in a bathhouse or a house.

Wood fungus is a fairly common occurrence in our lives. What a person just didn’t come up with to get rid of this SORE. Advertising on the Internet and on television offers to buy a wonderful remedy, process a tree with it and forget about the fungus. But we overlook that there was no processing in the old days, but the baths are standing to this day. Now I will debunk the myth about antiseptics that have to be used. From experience, I can say that I used a large number of different manufacturers. One antiseptic was applied to the other, the other to the third. And so many times, but all the same, the ominous mold came out if the situation favored it. I will describe all my experience of fighting the fungus using the example of log baths, but this also applies to any buildings, even from concrete. Mold can grow anywhere...

For the appearance of the fungus, a special atmosphere is needed, which is easily created in the bath. What helps her? I've met quite a few "specialist" chemists who blame a contaminated log. But the spores of the fungus easily appear in uninfected wood simply under the influence of the forces of nature ...

  1. Humidity is one of the main components for the development of fungal pores. Mold and fungus are very fond of a humid environment, here they multiply and grow very well.
  2. Heat - I’ll say from experience that a small plus in the room is enough to form a fungus. Of course, it should not be confused with heat, if the temperature is more than 60 degrees, then the fungus does not like it.
  3. Stale air is another factor in helping the formation of fungal spores. Mold loves musty and stagnant air.
  4. The sun - but no fungus will like this. The rays of our "sanctuary" have a whole spectrum of different waves (ultraviolet, X-ray, etc.). They, "playfully" will destroy any mold. Therefore, create a shadow and the fungus will be pleased.

The appearance of the fungus is influenced not only by natural forces, but also by modern sauna stoves, which have contributed to the development and appearance of antiseptics. What oven do you have? The vast majority of stoves today are metal. Metal is easier to process, cheaper and faster to heat the room, due to good thermal conductivity. BUT! As quickly as such a furnace heats up, it also cools down quickly, without having time, at the same time, it is good to warm up and dry the bath room.

The atmosphere in the bath, after taking the procedures, is an ideal condition for the reproduction of mold spores! And so, the fungus appeared on a log and even canopies and benches, HORROR! What to do?

How to return the original appearance of the bath without fungus?

Before proceeding with the return of the "white" bath, I would recommend reading the 3rd paragraph of this article. First, deal with the causes, and then remove the mold. Although it is quite easy to do this in modern times. Let's delete...

Bleachexcellent tool in the fight against any infection. Chlorine is used very often for disinfection. And in the log house, it will also come in handy. Most modern bleaches are based on bleach, from cheap to expensive. "Whiteness" belongs to the cheap ones, many builders claim that it whitens wood perfectly. I personally used this tool, but either I came across a defective one, or it doesn’t clean at all, but I didn’t find a whitening effect. I had to use a whole box of 20 bottles. The result of such disinfection was zero, the mold did not recede. Further, I bought "Hoarfrost", but from its use the wood really began to turn white. The fungus receded after 3 times of painting. This tool is still the one we use most often. Although, we recently tried Senezh and the whitening effect was also noticed.

Wash the entire bath well, at least once every six months. Use water with a little bleach added to help prevent harmful mold from forming.

So, you have bleached the log house, but how to leave it like that forever? More on that below...

Get rid of mold once and for all!

Having spent a lot of effort, energy, and money to fight this rot, you are not immune from the appearance of mold again, you need to eliminate the cause of the formation. The main thing in this struggle, in our opinion, is to dry the entire bath room well, ours will help well with this. After reading which, you will understand how to defeat the fungus. From myself, I would like to add a few useful tips:

  • If your stove is not brick, but iron, then make a good supply of air for it, then, always, after taking bath procedures, close the ash pan or blower of the stove, throw in a few logs of firewood and let it work in a weak mode. So that the bath from the inside gradually dries up!
  • When heating the oven, you need to take care of excess moisture. Open all doors except the outer one, and open a window (if any) in the room farthest from the stove. Then the stove, heating up, will create a slight circulation of air, and moisture from the entire bath will evaporate into the window or a specially made ventilation.
  • There are also several types of fungus and places of its occurrence. If the fungus forms in the corners, then most likely the stove cannot cope with the full heating of the bath. To do this, we recommend installing an additional heater, you can set a timer on it and dry the bath for 2-3 hours after bath procedures. If the fungus forms along the grooves of the log house, then perhaps it is poorly caulked and outside air blows in there, which condenses on the log when heated, and then the fungus appears there. If the fungus is at a height of 30-50 cm from the floor, then most likely you do not ventilate the room well, there will be enough competent ventilation.
  • Do not forget in the summer, if possible, open the doors and windows in the bathhouse more often for good ventilation. Then your bath will delight you with its appearance and quality for many decades!

Useful reference: Did you know that, before they heated baths in black, carbon monoxide was distributed throughout the room, while killing all microbes. The bath was as sterile as in surgery. They came to the bath to give birth to children!

The material written here is the years of accumulated experience by the company "Take Banya". Below are photos of the fungus with underheating of the furnace. The issue was resolved after the installation of additional heaters in the Washing Room and the Rest Room.