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Horoscope from July 31 to August 6. Weekly horoscope for everyone. TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity

Free weekly horoscopeJuly 31 to August 6will tell the signs of the Zodiac all the main situations and trends of the coming week. Horoscope will describe for free typical representatives of each sign and will give advice on how to behave in the coming week. Free online horoscope is your chance to make your plans for the week, taking into account the advice of the stars. Free horoscope for today and free love horoscope They will help you with their advice to create the future you want, and will also help you overcome obstacles and find the shortest path to achieving your goals. Weekly horoscope for all zodiac signs.

At the beginning of the week it will come good time to decisively get rid of bad habits. If you have long dreamed of breaking a habit that negatively affects your health or relationships with loved ones, do it on Monday or Tuesday. For example, this is a chance for heavy smokers to quit smoking. During these two days, new habits will quickly be formed and consolidated in place of old ones. In the middle of the week, refrain from long trips and dating: you may be deceived. At the end of the week, try not to be alone and, if possible, avoid any stress, take care of your health.

At the beginning of the week you may find yourself on a long journey. In the middle of the week you may be offered new job. Don’t rush to agree, think about whether this will harm your family relationships. At the end of the week, you will most likely want to be independent. For this reason, you will be ready to enter into conflict with family members, parents and loved ones.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Twins
Typical representatives of the sign will have good luck in the professional field this week. You will be able to more easily establish good relationships with colleagues, which will increase your productivity. Appearance will be important at work, especially if your activity involves communicating with people. Now colleagues and clients will pay more attention to how you look. The week is also good for starting a new job. In this case, you will quickly and painlessly fit into the new team and earn the sympathy and respect of other employees. The week is suitable for active learning and acquiring new experience, including in the professional field.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Cancer
This is a good time to plan your life for the long term. Now you are able to soberly assess yourself and your capabilities, so your plans will be realistic. Midweek Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to your health. Diseases can appear unnoticed, so be vigilant. At the end of the week, it is better not to make new acquaintances and not to travel by personal transport.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6a lion
At the beginning of the week you can count on support and patronage influential person. Now you can be provided with support in career advancement, purchasing jewelry, passing exam assignments or implementing another activity to which you devote a lot of time. Meanwhile, disappointment may await you in the middle of the week. Perhaps this will be due to inflated expectations: the gift of fate will not be exactly what you wanted to receive. Also, at this time, you should not trust your friends with your secrets: they may let you down or ruin your plans. At the end of the week, try not to risk your money and not make large purchases.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Virgo
At the beginning of this week, the need for a quiet, solitary lifestyle intensifies. If you have a quiet place where no one will disturb you, it’s time to go there and reflect on the events of the last few days. The main meaning of this week is to gain peace of mind. Inner peace and self-confidence will help you stabilize problematic areas of your life. Perhaps in the middle of the week you will want to change your image: for example, dye your hair a bright color or buy new clothes. The effect you make on others is unlikely to satisfy you, so you decide to return to your previous image. At the end of the week, you will have to devote a lot of energy and time to family matters and concerns.

At the beginning of the week everything is going great. You will be completely satisfied with yourself, your appearance and relationships with others. This favorable time for new acquaintances and trips. Relationships with acquaintances, relatives, neighbors (especially with representatives of the older generation) develop successfully. Students will succeed in mastering new knowledge and will be able to pass the necessary examination tasks and tests. During the middle of the week, keep your money in a safe place as there is a risk of becoming a victim of deception or fraud. At the end of the week, you should pay more attention to raising children (if you have them). Try to control your child's behavior more strictly. These days you may find out something very unpleasant about his life.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Scorpion
At the beginning of the week, your financial situation improves. The money received will be enough to make several important purchases for family and home. Financial expenditures aimed at improving living conditions are now welcome. You will be able to approach your purchases competently and wisely. In the middle of the week, rumors may come to your attention that put you in an unfavorable light. The best thing in this situation is not to react and not to try to figure out who said what and how. At the end of the week, pay attention to your health.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Sagittarius
At the beginning of the week there will be a favorable time for pleasure trips, study and dating. Contacts with people will give you pleasure. A romantic acquaintance on the road or going on dates with a loved one is possible. During this period you will receive a lot of useful and interesting information. In the middle of the week there may be tension and misunderstanding in family relationships. One of the reasons for this may be your job. For example, your family will be unhappy that you spend a lot of time on your professional duties and pay little attention to your loved ones. If this issue is not dealt with immediately, the tension will accumulate and at the end of the week it will result in open conflict.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Capricorn
At the beginning of the week there will be a favorable period for establishing your personal life. If you are married, your relationship with your partner will be faithful, stable, and your feelings will be serious and lasting. You can once again be convinced that your loved one can not only talk about his feelings for you, but is also able to prove his love: help you, show care, and provide other signs of attention. In the middle of the week, the stars advise paying attention to your health, since the development of infectious inflammatory processes is now possible. Be careful with medications, do not mix up the pills or make a mistake in the dosage. It is not advisable to travel at the end of the week. If you are vacationing at a resort, refrain from swimming in the sea or going on a boat during this period.

Weekly horoscope fromJuly 31 to August 6Aquarius
The stars advise at the beginning of the week to put things in order and make changes to your daily routine. If you think you're not using your time effectively and could be doing more, think about what you need to change. It may make sense to plan your sleep time, breakfast, lunch or dinner differently. You can easily implement all these changes if you try to live according to a new schedule on Monday and Tuesday. In the middle of the week, relationships with your marriage partner will be filled with special tenderness. The only thing that can darken them is your jealousy. At the end of the week, you should not seek career advancement. Perhaps you are putting your efforts into the wrong area of ​​life.

At the beginning of the week, there will be a favorable time for legal registration of any partnership. If you long time If you live with your loved one in a civil marriage, then now is the time to get married or just sign at the registry office. The union sealed on this day will be very harmonious. Also these days you can go on a trip with your marriage partner. In the middle of the week, stars advise being more careful with your money and strengthening security measures, as the risk of theft increases. There is no point in lending money to anyone right now. At the end of the week, it is advisable to postpone training in the gym and cancel participation in sports competitions: the risk of injury is too great.

Use the tips of our professional astrologers to find out what awaits you in the coming week:

The forecast is compiled for the next 30 days, and includes a numerological forecast for each day, what is better to do or not to do on selected days, favorable and unfavorable days, the energy potential of each day.

This layout will show the state of your affairs and events for the coming week. If you want to know all the main events, trends, opportunities and feasible plans for the week that concern you specifically, then this layout will answer your main questions and even show hidden sides that you had no idea about. Thanks to the layout, you will understand which plans are feasible, what to focus on, what is better to refuse and what result to expect after the actions you take, as well as what can happen regardless of your desire or participation and how to eliminate all undesirable consequences.

Personal astrological horoscope for a week (any 7 days). Accurate calculations according to your natal chart, compiled by professional astrologers, they will tell you what events await you in all areas: love and family, work and health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The new week promises a significant improvement in the well-being of Sagittarius; the improvements will affect not only health, but also the business activity of the owners of this zodiac sign. Sagittarius will be able to achieve the greatest success in terms of finding the most effective ways structuring your ambitious aspirations. Some of your concepts will be so good that any self-respecting expert would be honored to use your findings, regretting that he had not thought about such a turn of events and offered it to you as advice.

If at the end of the week Sagittarius feels some financial instability, they should definitely pay closer attention to their well-being. During this period, there is a possibility of the appearance of unfounded information, verification of the reality of which will take a lot of your energy and, most importantly, the time you need now. One way or another, at the end of the week the stars warn Sagittarius against making unfounded decisions. Any of your actions at this time should bring self-satisfaction, be it from the work done preparatory work or from communicating with people with whom you will have to deal.

Augustus has entered his domain, which means there is only a month left until the golden autumn, filled with everyday bustle and requiring energy and new strength. Adequate rest will help replenish your energy reserves.


But you don’t always feel sufficiently rested after a vacation. It's all about the peculiarities of leisure planning for each zodiac sign. Your weekly horoscope will tell you how and where to spend your holidays. Don't forget to check out. And how to properly spend August and gain impressions will tell you.

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Watch online zodiac astrological forecast for the week from July 24 to 30 from Everything will be good on KHOCHU.ua. Horoscope for all zodiac signs: Everything will be fine. 420 600 undefined 2017-08-01T09:47:06+02:00 http://site/images/articles/77779_0.jpg T0H9M56S


Aries is a very active sign; they cannot stay in one place for a long time, and constantly require a change of environment. In the last month of summer, the Stars advise you to arrange active recreation in nature. Play ball or Frisbee with your friends or children - and you will recharge your batteries for new achievements. You will see positive results by the end of the year.

Astro forecast for Aries:

This week, the ability to stand your ground will be your advantage. Don't give up on your dreams, even if there are many obstacles along the way, and by the end of the week you will see the results of your efforts!


Calm Taurus do not like noisy parties and active recreation. This takes a lot of energy from them. They relax when they do something with their own hands: sew, draw, repair. In the last month of summer, you need to do what you know how to do: make a hand-made decoration, draw a picture, embroider, or simply decorate the wall in the room with family photos. This boost of creativity will help you achieve your goals and implement new projects in the near future.

Astrological forecast for Taurus:

Nearest a week will pass in good and active communication. These will be neighbors, friends, and new acquaintances. You will have a chance to improve relationships with those with whom you have been at loggerheads for a long time. However, watch your health and don’t overwork yourself.


For Geminis, in order to achieve internal harmony and be filled with resources to implement plans for the fall and beyond, it is useful to retire to a park or forest. A leisurely walk between the trees on a sunny August day will not only put your thoughts and feelings in order, but also fill you with energy to realize everything you have planned for this year!

Astro forecast for Gemini:

This week, Gemini will face a serious choice, which will determine their step into the future. The stars advise not to make hasty decisions, and to think everything over carefully. If you are in doubt about what decision to make, then consult with your loved ones and family.


Cancers are calm and sedentary, they love passive relaxation - lying on the couch, reading, watching TV. To recharge your energy to achieve your goals after the summer holidays, the Stars advise you to read in August new book, which you have dreamed of for so long, but due to lack of time you have been postponing this moment. The pleasure you get from the book will give you energy to realize your ideas!

Astrological forecast for Cancers:

This week you should not trust those who, on their own initiative, decide to help you in your affairs. Other people's advice is not always correct, which means you will have to redo something or completely abandon your plans.

a lion

Leo is the bearer of a fire sign; the fire in his soul burns brightly, giving warmth to everyone around him. Therefore, to charge it with energy, it needs a powerful source - you can find it at concerts and festivals. The stars advise you to attend performances by performers in the last month of summer, preferably on outdoors- and as a result, you will have plenty of strength for new beginnings!

Astro forecast for Lviv:

This week Leos should be careful with new people and acquaintances - the first impression of a person is not always correct. This week is very favorable for financial transactions!


Virgos love art very much. When traveling to other cities, they always try to visit all the architectural monuments and galleries. Even if you don’t go anywhere in the last month of summer, be sure to go to an exhibition of paintings, sculptures or photographs that are taking place in your city or village. Art will charge you with energy for further fruitful work, and you will be able to realize everything you dream of.

Astro forecast for Virgo:

This week you will be filled with negative emotions towards the people around you. Learn to develop restraint and select the right words. It is this quality that will lead you to success in your personal life at the end of the week.


Libras are aesthetes. Representatives of this sign are very fond of beautiful things. They are the ones who charge them with energy for new achievements! The stars advise you to go shopping during this period! Going shopping and buying a new thing, be it a dress, a new vase or a small trinket, will not only bring you pleasure, but also fill you with inspiration for successful endeavors in the future.

Astro forecast for Libra:

Libra may have a lot of everyday worries and troubles this week. To have time to cope with all your affairs, the stars advise you to make a to-do list, arranging the items in order of priority. And be sure to spend time with your family, otherwise you cannot avoid conflicts.


Scorpios have an active life position, so “lazy” rest is not for them. They always need to be on the move, feel the power of the wind and go against it. In the last month of summer, cycling or rollerblading will fill you with energy for new achievements.

Astro forecast for Scorpios:

Already at the beginning of the week there is a high probability of increasing your financial condition, but the stars advise spending money very sparingly, as unforeseen expenses await you.


Sagittarians love to take care of others. It is representatives of this sign who most often pick up stray kittens on the street and work as volunteers in hospitals. In August, taking care of an animal will charge you with energy for new achievements. This could be your pet or a stray dog ​​with whom you share your lunch. If there is a zoo in your city, be sure to visit it and pet the animals living there. This will help you completely reboot your thoughts and tune in to new achievements after the summer holidays.

Astro forecast for Sagittarius:

Potential danger exists for Sagittarius this week in the area of ​​relationships with neighbors and loved ones. You need to carefully monitor your words and actions to avoid trouble. good time in order to make plans for the future - they will come true.


Capricorns, who are calm in nature, do not like fuss and places with large crowds of people. The earth gives them energy. That's why best vacation you will be able to care for plants: in the garden, in the flower bed or for the flower that grows in your pot on the windowsill. The stars promise that such a vacation will energize you for success in all your endeavors.

Astrological forecast for Capricorn:

It is better for you to spend this week in the company of people who share your values ​​and ideals. Communication with them will bring you joy and distract you from worries. Over the weekend, get a good night's sleep and recuperate.


Among Aquarius, gourmets are the most common. They enjoy exquisite combinations of flavors and unusual dishes. You will relax and recharge your batteries while preparing food according to new recipes. If you don't like to cook, order an unusual dish from a nearby cafe. Eat slowly, enjoying every bite - and you will be charged for the successful implementation of your plans!

Astro forecast for Aquarius:

The week for Aquarius will begin with a little calm. This time is extremely favorable for planning your future. But by the end of the week, passion will flare up in your relationship with your partner. Don't hold back! Surrender to love - this will lead to long-awaited changes in your personal life.


The element that fills Pisces with energy is, of course, water. In the last month of summer, gather your friends and family and go to the nearest lake or river. The energy of water will nourish you with the strength to realize everything you have planned by the end of this year!

Astro forecast for Pisces:

At the beginning of the week, Pisces will want bright impressions. Representatives of this sign will be looking for new acquaintances. But other than a short-term outburst of emotions, such acquaintances will lead to nothing else. The stars advise spending this week taking care of your family.

Aries wants to play and win! Something enchanting is happening in the love and creative sphere (Sun and Mars in the 5th house in trine with the Moon). Aries is ready to show off all his talents, he is the king this week! Attractive and majestic, capable of great and generous deeds. The brilliant situation is reflected in the ringing of gold and gold jewelry, which gives strength to celebrate further.

Achieving good luck in your circle, the rise or fall of Aries this week will be accompanied by great excitement. For subordinates - a real hell - Aries will force anyone to work for him, he can choose the role of a villain and cope with it perfectly.

There is a risk of missing the meanness and getting a knife in the back, because he himself is so honest and does not know how to pretend. Those who cannot afford security practice freestyle wrestling and learn self-defense techniques.

Be careful on vacation, the period is extremely impulsive and dangerous: stress does not sleep, tambourines are ringing, drums are beating.

At the end of the week, throw away the boring one. old clothes or what’s more important (the Moon in opposition to Venus in Cancer), stop repenting of your sins, otherwise you’ll step on the same psychological rake again.

Under the influence of home seclusion, renovations are taking place in the house (Mars in 4), and this brings to life a new partnership, hired workers are ready to listen to the wishes of Taurus, which will now depend on how they work, and they work well.

Those Taurus who are not interested in repairs or assistants will direct their energy to solving the problems of their business or real estate and will find people willing to buy their property or rent it. In a word, both competitors, who will try to get into the business, and buyers will perk up. The deals will have an impact on the future. The first results are already by the end of the week. Just don’t rush to make decisions at the beginning of the week, although even on Thursday something will be tense.

Taurus is tired of calculating everything, soon he will have to plunge into feelings, although maybe he shouldn’t (Venus moves into Cancer).

He can go his own original way and invent something like that. Taurus is like a person who maintains balance on the edge of an abyss. Fate favors Emelya. In general, Taurus is tired, got a kick from fate, but soon there will be an improvement, at least temporary.

They will spend a week traveling, making contacts under the influence of loved ones and their knowledge, as well as friends who could invite Gemini on the road for a vacation, although they themselves do not have enough money, but they are ready to borrow it. Well, it's summer! Everything will work out - you are guaranteed new service personnel who will work under your strict guidance and will achieve laudatory reviews (the Sun and Mars pass through the 3rd house).

Gemini will acquire new pets and illnesses common to travel. Take care of your back, don’t carry your friends’ loads, follow traffic rules.

Those of Gemini who are destined to travel will go in company cars on company business. On the road there is a danger of “challenges” due to road accidents and scoldings for abuse of official position.

In the middle of the week things will be resolved quickly, at the end there will be emotions and not as much good as we would like. Pay taxes and fines. Take care of your health (the Moon passed through the house of health).

Geminis tend to go into the shadows for the time being. They have received information on a topic that interests them and are going to change their health and living conditions. Use the motto “Save and save!”

Cancers want to get rich quickly, turn over funds, and they will succeed if they try. Those who are busy with family problems will have solutions to problems with children related to the future career or goals of their offspring (Moon square Mars and Sun in the 2nd house). Whoever earns it will win. However, the authorities and the state will call on Rak to pay a fine.

Creativity, children's illnesses and gifts for the boss have created a hole in Cancer's wallet, and now he is trying to patch it up.

Everything is fine with information, Cancer studies and travels. There will be changes in your hobby if you put in the effort and money. Also with children, vacations, luck, restaurants, performances: these things will bring profit (on Wednesday the Moon is in trine with Mars and the Sun).

Representatives of the sign will awaken a passionate temperament this week: Cancer will rush forward, indiscriminately, perverting for any reason. Strives to direct all his knowledge and skills towards material gain. He will also manage to interest others. Cancer can simplify everything, on the one hand, but on the other hand, he sees everything clearly and specifically. Admits his mistakes and can give up illusions. Fate will invite Cancer to repeat the past and compensate for mistakes.

Distant relatives have already visited Leo’s house (the Moon passed through the 4th house), maybe he himself went somewhere, or has not returned yet. Now Leo decides to make adjustments to his life, image, home and work at the same time.

Vacation and sick leave are good for Leos, because on distant paths he could get injured. Some will be going to distant countries, or have already left. Soon you will have to think about work issues.

Leo is fed up with their previous work, and this week many of them are going to move to a new place. Some people's bosses will simply go on vacation or that will be the end of it.

Leo has a lot of strength. But be attentive to yourself: if you feel unwell, it is better to consult in time. Do not destroy yourself with illusions and religious zeal; do not break your forehead during the all-night vigil. The older and more experienced people in your life support you, but they are bound by certain circumstances. Therefore, Leo is nervous and shows his anger, which will also cause changes at home (Sun and Mars in Leo), do not take unnecessary risks.

Neighbors or relatives of Leos will achieve success, which Leos will not know about until Friday. In the middle of the week, things will be resolved quickly, as Leo wants. At the end of the week, the Moon with Pluto in the 6th house calls for dealing with everyday issues that have not been resolved for a long time.

Virgo is secretly angry, feels powerless, so she reads and is informed about all sorts of secret things (Sun and Mars in the 12th house). Moreover, she got to where it is not always possible to get. Someone went abroad, someone is busy with permanent residence, and some Virgos are intriguing or undergoing a routine examination.

Virgo contributes to the successes and affairs of neighbors, sisters and brothers, and their lives change (trine of the luminaries). And this chance will be secured.

Virtual communication will also bring changes, especially with people or relatives from other places.

In general, Virgo demonstrates prudence, relies on intuition and a strong subconscious. She is confident in her strengths and capabilities. Friends can suggest ways to make money. Finances depend on the diligence and help of loved ones.

However, it is dangerous to be too selfish and remain alone. Check the alarm and electrical wiring in the garage with someone else's hands. Make repairs by inviting specialists. Avoid stressful situations, you can rattle.

Libras celebrate some kind of celebration, go out to events or in a friendly circle with their friends. Honors are pouring in, and Libra is preparing to ascend to the Olympus of their career. Material issues are of concern and promise to be successful if you involve friends in the matter (Moon in the 2nd house). Although it is with them that disagreements can occur, unless they run neck and neck together.

Victory for Libra and receiving awards will lead to new income. Status in society is of concern; if you fail to confirm your merits, you can lose your salary. But Libra will endure and come out on top. Although they have large fluctuations.

By the end of the period, Libra plans to part with the old way of life and turn over a new leaf; some are simply returning from vacation. They are restless and nervous, they don’t like something, but they also understand that there is nothing to catch in the past period (the Moon is in opposition to Venus at the end of the week). Now they have to take a step towards future success.

Libras are not inclined to fight for themselves, they have already mastered ideals, and now they are ready to sacrifice their interests and fantasies. They are no longer loaded, because they are full of ideas and are ready to embark on the path of their implementation.

Changing goals or work will cause changes in life. Subordinates will be lucky, and this will have a positive effect on Scorpio himself. Someone has acquired pets who are lucky enough to live with Scorpio, and this changes the owner's routine (Sun and Mars in the 6th house).

Some representatives of the sign will decide to change their appearance or give up illnesses. The majority will be pleased with the changes in appearance. Masseurs, cosmetologists, hairdressers are trying to improve the image and change the appearance of Scorpio (the Moon has passed through the 1st house, on Wednesday it will be in harmonious aspect with Mars and the Sun). Health continues to be a concern, especially for those with chronic conditions.

At the end of the week, a misunderstanding will arise with partners, which can be resolved with the help of advice from relatives or a gift. Otherwise, there will be a conflict of interests and resentment, it is better to hit the road.

A rise or fall in your career this week will arouse great public interest in the Scorpio figure. And he will be able to take advantage of the situation to achieve his goals. Open up to the world, show what you are capable of. When you realize your goal, nothing can stop you, keep your course for the future! You've hit the self-confidence field.

Sagittarius was interested in household affairs and partners, everything was going well, but now the house will require loans or financial help from the other half (Venus moves into Cancer).

Many Sagittarius have already had time to relax, absorb impressions, and now they have to learn many secrets related to children and grandchildren, and maybe even distant relatives, it will be difficult to find them all mutual language. And children generally need an eye and an eye. In general, Sagittarius will not like the entertainment of the offspring and the events of the week, except for purchases and changes within the home.

Friends who were work partners now pay less attention to communicating with Sagittarius, but are more busy with their property issues. Sagittarius will also decide to buy on credit washing machine or refrigerator.

Money will migrate from partners to Sagittarius’ bank accounts, or to the wife’s wallet. Give away what is not yours. Otherwise, a blow to authority will be dealt (Mars in the 9th house). Expenses may occur due to loss of prestige or reputation.

Sagittarius strives to find the easiest way, to simply attract a happy event, he fits into any company during this period and speaks beautifully, can criticize and take a position of skepticism.

Capricorns begin to resolve property issues under the influence of household affairs. Someone moves, someone changes the appearance of their home. There are people who want to take out a mortgage. Stress will not bypass you and will cause changes in your circle of friends (Sun and Mars in the 8th house). Force majeure related to real estate or the sale of assets, as well as the purchase of them, will call on Capricorns for loans.

Capricorn will try to solve financial problems at the expense of others, this will bring to life the saying “Giving into debt means losing friendship.” Capricorn's friends have recently found success, and now changes are happening in their lives, which Capricorn also strives for. Capricorn's subordinates may feel equal to him, and on this basis a confrontation is possible by the end of the week.

Love problems are also expected (Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer), because... love is tired of being on the sidelines as a colorful parrot.

The children will get ready to go on trips. Those around them will not allow Capricorn to become who he really is. Although, having withdrawn into himself, Capricorn will feel even better; he will be influenced by his ancestors and their heritage. But you can lose your inheritance or contribution. Take care of yourself. Capricorns should be careful, there is a danger of injury.

Aquarius's main interest is in the partnership sphere. There may be a scandal with relatives or neighbors (Mars in the 7th house). Events will cause changes in what is important for Aquarius, right down to the decisions of official bodies: calling the traffic police, changing jobs, divorce or marriage. Connections with classmates will lead to the beginning of changes in the social status of Aquarius. Those who complete the training and receive a diploma will be able to get a job with the help of their neighbors.

Also, communication with someone you know will end with an interesting offer. Nevertheless, there is a high risk of escalating conflicts and escalating the situation. Try not to quarrel with others, remember that a bad world is better than a good quarrel. Don't escalate your relationship with a man with a gun.

Neighbors or relatives are having weddings where it is very noisy and active. This can lead to force majeure and stress for the owners. Some Aquarians marry themselves, others do the opposite. The grandchildren will be happy, and so will foreigners. Favorable changes will occur in your place of residence (Venus moves into Cancer).

Aquarius is able to see through others and understand their actions, and can use this for their own purposes.

Pisces have found themselves an intelligent doctor and intend to be cured, which will lead to changes in their consciousness (the Moon has passed through the 9th house). Do not trust untested specialists, do not go to false healers, ask for diplomas from practicing healers. Although most Pisces will feel better.

Some will decide to have pets and start reading literature on this topic. It is possible to purchase expensive equipment for work; it will be wonderful (Sun at 6 in Leo) if TB is observed. If you are going to hire subordinates or are looking for workers and servants, during this period they will be found, and you can calmly fly away to rest or get treatment.

Pisces will learn a lot about their illnesses, and will also penetrate into the secrets of other people. They find out what they are reading about. And they will also change their worldview. So close to the religious worldview.

Will appear among favorite things the new kind needlework or crafts. Some will go on a foreign business trip or improve their health at a resort, while others will actively deal with everyday issues and dream of long distances, especially in the second half of the week, when you can engage in self-deception, but it’s better not to.

The stars advise Aries to curb their nostalgic impulses in the coming seven days. The past should not come back into your life and influence it. It is necessary to live in the present.


In the coming week, the heavenly bodies suggest that Taurus pay attention to the fact that from August 3, Uranus will become retrograde. This means that you should not count on luck - it will be less favorable now. Only carefully calibrated strategies will lead to a positive result.


For Gemini, the stars indicate that in the coming week they should seek advice from people who are wiser and more experienced than them. Age doesn't matter here. The main thing is that these are trusted people.


a lion

For Leo, the stars suggest that in the coming seven days they go somewhere outside the city, into nature. This will be a positive experience, but you should worry about creating acceptable conditions for relaxation.



For Libra, the stars indicate that in the next seven days they will have to say “no” often. Don't worry about it being rude or offending anyone. This is your time, effort and energy, so you have every right to decide what to spend it on and what not.


In the coming week, the heavenly bodies suggest that Scorpios pay attention to the fact that on the 31st, Venus will be in the sign of Cancer. This position will affect you in interesting ways. You will want to show concern for someone, and you will feel other people’s successes or failures as close as your own.


The stars advise Sagittarius to take into account the influence of Uranus on their lives in the next seven days, which will become retrograde on August 3. You may well lose control over any situation and stop seeing future prospects. Don't despair, this is temporary. You just need to continue to act in the chosen direction.


The stars suggest to Capricorns not to worry this coming week if they don’t have time for their new hobby yet. Very soon you will be able to completely devote yourself to what you love, but for now you can enjoy the anticipation.