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Favorable days for a gardener in June. Alpinia - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences. Unfavorable days for sowing seeds

June is a month of active growth and development of all vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. All efforts should be directed towards increasing the yield: watering the carrots and cabbage garden, fertilizing tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, spraying plants against diseases and pests. The most favorable days according to the Moon sowing calendar in June 2017: June 1-4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 26, 27.

Work in the vegetable garden and flower garden in June according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

When the threat of frost has passed (around the 10th), open ground you can plant seedlings of heat-loving plants: marigolds, dahlias, tuberous begonias, celosia, zinnia, balsam, coleus, salvia, petunia (including in flowerpots), amaranth, annual aster. At the time of buying ready seedlings give preference to specimens just starting to bloom, with a large number of buds.

In June, seeds of biennials are sown on seedlings: violas, forget-me-nots, daisies, Turkish cloves, hesperis and others. To extend the flowering of the garden until autumn, you can sow cold-resistant annuals.

Planted in June late seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers under film and in open ground. Early ripening vegetables are re-sown: radishes, lettuce, dill and kohlrabi. In the second decade of June, you can sow seeds of zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, and corn in open ground.

Caring for plantings consists of regular weeding, mulching of plantings, fertilizing and treatments against diseases and pests. Feed garden and flower crops not only mineral fertilizers, but also an infusion of fermented grass, mullein.

At the end of June, tear off the lower leaves and start planting tomatoes, cucumbers and other pumpkins, eggplants, and peppers.

In hot weather, do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse: at air temperatures above +31°C, pollen becomes sterile.

In the flower beds special care Roses need: soil treatment, spraying against diseases and pests. For prevention powdery mildew Apply ash under the roses, feed the plants with potassium fertilizers and mulch the plantings. On a calm and rainy day, treat roses with a 3% solution copper sulfate. Immediately remove weak, diseased or damaged, overgrown and fattening shoots. In the second ten days of June, roses with blossoming leaves can be planted in the garden. At the end of the month you can start cutting roses.

When to sow and plant in June according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the florist and gardener 2017

  • planting seedlings of ornamental and vegetable climbing crops: peas, nasturtium, beans, sweet peas, hops, morning glory, kobe: 1-2;
  • sowing basil, dill, leaf cilantro, lettuce and sorrel, early ripening varieties of cabbage: 3-4;
  • planting strawberries: 23;
  • unfavorable days for planting, transplanting and sowing: 10-13, 24-25;
  • landing roses, grapes and clematis: 3-4;
  • digging up bulbs tulips and hyacinths for drying: 15-16;
  • dividing and planting small bulbous plants: crocuses, snowdrops, muscari, scillas: 21-22;
  • mulching and weeding vegetables and flowers: 28-29;
  • watering- on any day except: 3-4, 29-30;
  • fertilizing flowers and vegetables: 23, 29-30;
  • Treatments for diseases and pests of flower beds and vegetable gardens: 3-4, 18-19, 21-22.

Lawn care in June according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

  • sowing the lawn - 1-2;
  • lawn mowing - 18-21;
  • application of fertilizers for lawn grass - 23, 29-30.

Work in June in the orchard according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

June is a favorable month for propagation by green cuttings of shrubs and vines: mock orange, lilac, clematis, honeysuckle, currant. You can dig in layering for propagation of forsythia, chaenomeles, currants, viburnum and honeysuckle.

Caring for an orchard includes watering, spraying and, if necessary, sanitary pruning of damaged branches and the first trimming of hedges. This month goes active growth shoots, so plants need nitrogen fertilizing.

Throughout the season, you can plant shrubs and trees with a closed root system. For climbing plants, install supports.

The time has begun to prepare the first berries, for example, strawberries, honeysuckle and herbs: dill, parsley.

The best day according to the Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners to harvest the first harvest is 12-13 .

But, of course, it is not necessary to wait for this particular day, you can harvest on other favorable days.

auspicious days for working in the garden according to the gardener's lunar calendar 2017

  • planting trees and shrubs: 1-2;
  • application of complex fertilizers: 23, 29-30;
  • Fertilizers should not be applied: 13;
  • pruning, removal of growth: 18-21;
  • pruning is not recommended: 6-7, 15-16;
  • trimming hedges: 2-3;
  • fruit tree grafting at: 8-9, 15-17;
  • cuttings and propagation by layering mock orange, lilac, currant, honeysuckle, arborvitae, juniper, vesicle, girl's grapes. cotoneaster, barberry: 29;
  • cuttings are not recommended: 6-7 and 25-26;
  • harvest: 6, 12-13;
  • treatment orchard from diseases and pests: from aphids, black spot and powdery mildew: 4, 10-12, 13, 19, 21, 27.

Work with indoor plants in June 2017 according to the florist’s Lunar sowing calendar

In June the majority indoor plants It is advisable to take it out into the fresh air. They can be placed in the garden, on the terrace in light shade, or at least on the balcony. Water and feed indoor plants at least 2 times more often in summer than in winter. It is advisable to spray the leaves more often and, if possible, give the plants a light shower, washing off the dust from them. This will reduce the risk of diseases and damage by pests and increase their flowering.

Plan in advance how to water your indoor plants during the holidays. The best option- ready-made automatic watering system or wick watering device.

Favorable days for working with indoor plants according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • planting, transplanting and propagation indoor plants: 1-2;
  • watering and fertilizing indoor plants: 7-8;
  • sanitary pruning of large indoor tree crops: 18-21;
  • pruning is not recommended: 6-7, 15-16;
  • treatment against diseases and pests: 3-4, 18-19, 21-22.

Photo in the article: Shutterstock/TASS

Many modern people They know that the Moon has a huge influence on all processes occurring on our entire planet. Under her “guidance” the ebb and flow of energy flows, it affects a person’s health, mood and stress resistance.

Of course, it has no less effect on plants. Since ancient times, people have noticed a connection between lunar cycles and sowing. And thanks to the knowledge of our ancestors, supported by modern science, a lunar sowing calendar was compiled for June 2017, for every gardener and gardener, which you can see below.

About the lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

It has been observed that different moon periods have different effects on plant growth and health. For example, during periods of particular activity (full moon) and, on the contrary, passivity (new moon), it is best to avoid any manipulations with plants, even indoor ones. These days the power of the Moon is especially aggressive: it either completely “takes away” the vital energy of a still fragile plant (in full moon), or it saturates it so much that it simply cannot withstand this strong flow, which disrupts the functioning of the internal processes of the plant. That is why it is so important for a gardener to use a sowing calendar in his work.

It has been noted that the Moon has a particularly beneficial effect on perennials, if they have time to be planted in open ground in the growing phase of the Earth’s natural satellite. In these favorable days Any work in the field, vegetable garden, garden or at home with indoor plants will lead to a positive effect: fast and healthy growth. But it is best to plant root crops during periods of the fading lunar phase (see).

Sowing calendar for June 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

The lunar sowing calendar also tells us about the influence of the signs of the zodiac circle, which dominate a certain time period, on the growth of a plant.

The influence of zodiac signs on plants

There are three types of zodiac signs:

1. Fertile signs. Their power helps plants grow, brings good harvest and protects against various diseases. These signs are: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Not long ago, another zodiac sign was officially recognized -. It also refers to signs of increased fertility.

2. Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra and Capricorn. During the period of control of these signs, you can do garden work, but the harvest, most likely, will not be the most outstanding.

3. Barren signs: Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini and Leo. On days under the guidance of these forces, you should refrain from any field work so that your strength does not go in vain.

Of course, the kind of knowledge that the sowing lunar calendar for the month of June 2017 provides will help anyone, even a novice gardener, to achieve maximum results in his hard work.

Also see: according to weather forecasters.

The lunar calendar for June 2017 contains important information about the best time to plant seedlings and do garden work. If all activities were carried out only in lucky days, then it would be possible to always reap a rich harvest, and the work would be of high quality and efficient.

To get information about the location of the moon, you need to consult with specialists. They will tell you which day is successful for a particular procedure and will help you reap a rich harvest.

Our ancestors also noticed that the moon is especially active during the full moon and passive during the new moon. With this information, you need to plan your future work.

During the full moon, you should not carry out any work at the dacha; it is preferable to relax at home in a cozy environment. IN given time the moon takes vitality plants, as a result they may die. On the new moon, on the contrary, you can safely go to the dacha to carry out various dacha work.

Experts have noticed that the moon has a beneficial effect on perennial crops, if they are planted during the waxing moon. These days, all plants will grow at an accelerated pace and surprise with their beauty. However, this does not apply to root crops; it is advisable to use the time when the moon is waning to plant them.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners in Moscow for June 2017

With the beginning of summer, summer residents begin their active work; many crops require special care, while others have not yet been planted on the site. To ensure that all activities are carried out on time and the result pleases you with a rich harvest, you need to seek advice from specialists. They will tell you the optimal time for all procedures and protect crops from negative consequences. Let's look at the recommendations for June in more detail:

June 1-2

Crops planted at this time will exhibit increased growth. However, it will not be possible to reap a rich harvest. The period must be set aside for sowing greens and picking plants. You can provide weed control, attack pests and diseases. Excellent results can be obtained from fertilizing crops using mineral compounds.

You can safely replant the plants; they will take root well. In addition, we must not forget about high-quality watering; plants need proper care. Flower growers can start sowing annual and ornamental plants.

The period is suitable to carry out caring activities in the garden. You can safely propagate cuttings, trim off excess branches, and replant shrubs. Treating plants against diseases and pests will also not hurt; high-quality watering is necessary.

June 3-4

The day is considered perfect for performing various activities at the dacha. Gardeners can safely start planting vegetables. You can also sow mustard, greens, and perhaps start collecting medicinal plants. Procedures for fertilizing crops will also not harm crops. mineral compounds.

Flower lovers will be able to enjoy roses and climbing plants. Cuttings are allowed. Activities in the garden involve the formation of a crown and the removal of unnecessary branches. You can plant trees and shrubs.

Summer residents should pay attention to the fact that it is not advisable to spray and graft crops.

June 5-7

These days are considered fertile; the gardener's lunar calendar for June 2017 recommends it as one of the most successful. Summer residents can spend different kinds works: planting cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. It is also possible to drop off late cabbage, onions, peas. You can fertilize with mineral compounds, water and loosen the soil. It is necessary to provide insect control.

Flower lovers will be able to take care of the flowerbed and decorate it with various inflorescences, both annual and perennial. Roses will also take root well, climbing plants.

In the garden, the work of grafting plants will be successful; you can sow green manure. In addition, the landing will be successful berry bushes. You can feed the plants with mineral fertilizers. It is not advisable to carry out tree pruning activities.

June 8

The day is moderately fertile. Summer residents can start planting crops for seed purposes, sowing onions, and perhaps plant peppers. In addition, you can treat the area against insects.

If you take cuttings and plant flowers, you will be able to get an excellent flower bed. The following types of work will be successful in the garden: loosening the soil, getting rid of vegetation, possibly attacking pests and insects, picking berries, mowing the lawn.

It is not advisable to pick, graft, or moisten the soil.

the 9th of June

IN this moment there will be a full moon. According to the gardener’s lunar sowing calendar for June 2017, work at the dacha will have to be postponed to another time. Experts advise staying home and resting.

June 10-12

At the moment the moon will be waning and located in Capricorn. This sign is average fertile. Plants that are planted now will grow at a slow pace. However, the fruits will be strong and will last for a long time.

An excellent time for planting carrots, herbs, and cucumbers. It is allowed to carry out activities to fertilize with organic compounds and moisten the soil. In addition, it is necessary to treat the crops from various pests, you can loosen the soil, and get rid of weeds.

Flower growers should note that at the moment it is possible to plant perennial flowers and root cuttings. Gardeners can easily trim branches and take cuttings. Gather medicinal plants not advisable.

June 13-14

The moon will be located in the zodiac constellation Aquarius, this sign is infertile, it is advisable to avoid it. In the garden, you can remove grass and treat crops against pests and diseases. Equally successful will be hilling, loosening the soil, and eliminating weeds from the site.

This day is perfect for flower lovers; new varieties of plants can be developed. If you engage in selection, you may soon see a stunning flower garden in your flowerbed.

In the garden, you can safely engage in the destruction of weeds, treating seedlings against insects and diseases, and pruning trees for sanitary purposes.

June 15-16

According to the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for June 2017, the moon will be waning and located in Pisces. An excellent time for planting and thinning crops. You can safely plant potatoes, vegetable crops, cabbage. In addition, fertilizing with organic compounds will have a good effect on the harvest in the future. Watering should be treated with extreme caution; it should be moderate.

Gardeners can pay attention to strawberries; they are allowed to start rooting their tendrils. You can also remove diseased and dead tree branches.

During this period, it is not advisable to harvest root crops or treat crops against pests and diseases.

June 17-19

The moon will be waning and located in the zodiac sign Aries. It is not fertile; some activities in the country should be avoided.

Gardeners can take care of removing weeds and loosening the soil. It is allowed to plant radishes and Chinese cabbage. In addition, fertilizing vegetables will be successful. organic fertilizers. It is also allowed to hill up vegetable crops.

In the garden, you can devote time to sanitary pruning of plants, collect medicinal plants, and get rid of dry and dead branches.

It is not advisable to pick plants, germinate seeds, or moisten the soil.

June 20-21

The moon will be waning, located in a fertile zodiac sign Taurus Experts recommend spending time on land work; it will be completed on time and with high quality. Potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and beans should be planted in the garden; you can feed the crops with organic compounds and pick the plants. Fighting insects will also give a good result; you can moisten the soil.

In order for the flowerbed to become colorful and delight with long-lasting flowering, the plants need to be provided with timely watering and the crops need to be fed with organic compounds.

Gardeners can sow strawberries, trim shrubs, remove weak branches. An attack against pests and diseases will also be successful, and it is possible to mow the lawn. Also a great time to collect medicinal herbs.

Experts do not recommend harvesting seed material and replanting seedlings.

22nd of June

According to lunar calendar gardener and gardener of Bashkiria for June 2017, the moon will be located in Gemini, the zodiac constellation is considered infertile. Astrologers do not advise planting crops or picking crops. Weeding is allowed only manually. It is not necessary to loosen the earth, hill up plants, you can take measures to combat insects and diseases.

Flower lovers can plant climbing plants and start creating a flower bed.

Gardeners should know that at this moment it is necessary to process the whiskers of strawberries, engage in sanitary pruning of plants, and pinch them. If you mow the lawn on a given day, the grass will not grow for a long time.

June 23-25

These days are considered unsuccessful for performing various activities on the site. Experts advise staying at home and refusing to do any land work. Otherwise, the plants will not produce a rich harvest and may even die.

June 26-27

The moon will be located in the infertile zodiac constellation Leo, experts recommend refusing to perform any activities in the country.

In the garden, it is possible to collect seeds, loosen the earth, get rid of weeds, fight insects and diseases. Flower lovers can collect seeds for future planting.

Gardeners should pay attention to strawberries; they need pruning. Also, the day can be devoted to the removal of dry and unnecessary branches, you can plant trees for decorative purposes that are not suitable for bearing fruit.

This is an excellent time to stock up on medicinal plants. The lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2017 does not recommend germinating seed material, planting crops, transplanting them. Moistening the soil and fertilizing measures will also not give the desired effect.

June 28-29

During this period, the moon will be located in a zodiac sign that has average fertility. The planted crops will grow at an accelerated pace, however, the harvest will not be large. Gardeners can start sowing crops. It is allowed to sow greens, attack pests and diseases, and pick seedlings.

Excellent day for flower growers, they can start planting annual plants, ornamental, perennial plants can be replanted.

Gardeners can take cuttings and trim trees for sanitary purposes. Besides, this is a great time to root your strawberry mustache.

This period is not the best for collecting medicinal plants.

30 June

The moon will wax and is located in the sign of Libra. The sign is attached to the moderately fertile group. Gardeners can plant vegetables. In addition, sowing greens, peas, and sorrel will be successful. It is allowed to loosen the soil and feed the crops with mineral compounds. Watering should be treated with caution; it should be moderate.

Flower lovers can spend time planting roses, climbing flowers, and rooting cuttings. This is a great time to moisten the soil, loosen it, and possibly feed the plants.

Gardeners can take care of garden design and trim shrubs. In addition, this time will have a beneficial effect on the development of strawberries. Spraying of crops should be carried out at a more favorable time for this.

Lunar calendar for gardeners in the Urals for June 2017

In order for the harvest to be successful, vegetable growers in the Urals have to follow a certain growing technology. In order for all events to be carried out in a timely manner and with appropriate quality, and cultures not to die from a cool climate, you need to heed the advice of astrologers. They will tell you the most suitable time to carry out all the work.

Good days for planting:

  • Potatoes, onions, carrots, radishes, peas, beans, celery: 10-12, 15-17, 20-21.
  • Cabbage, cucumbers, greens, zucchini, watermelon, pumpkin, melon: 1-7, 27-30.
  • Tomatoes: 1-2, 7-11, 27-29.
  • Strawberries, strawberries: 3-5, 30.

Also, the lunar calendar provided information about bad days for planting vegetables for the cool regions of the country. If you follow the recommendations of the calendar and avoid these days for events, you will be able to harvest a rich harvest and complete all the work on time.

In June, the following days of the month are unsuitable for the implementation of landing procedures: 13, 14, 26.

Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for June 2017 for the florist

With the arrival of summer, everything around blossoms. Summer residents have a lot of work to do. Florists also need to work hard to make their flower bed look colorful and delight with flower splendor for a long time.

Even though the summer days are already warm, the nights are still cool. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the lunar calendar; it will tell you the most optimal days for performing this or that work. There will be many favorable days in June to pay attention to flowers.

Let's consider the recommendations of the lunar calendar for gardeners:

  • In order to root cuttings in a given month, you need to pay attention to the following dates: 1, 5, 23, 24, 25, 26.
  • To start sowing flower plants, you can choose the time from June 19 to June 26.
  • If you plant climbing plants from June 22 to 27, you can get an amazing flower bed; the plants will delight you with their splendor.
  • If the flower garden will be decorated with tuberous plants, then for planting them it is recommended to select a date from the following numbers: 11-14, 22-24.
  • To start replanting plants, you can choose one of the following June dates: 3-6, 20, 24-27.

The influence of zodiac constellations on plant development

Experts say that the development of cultures is influenced by zodiac constellations. There are only 3 groups of them:

  1. Fertile signs. This group includes the following zodiac constellations: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. If the moon is located in one of these signs, then you can safely carry out any work on summer cottage. The plants will be strong, in addition, the crops will give a rich harvest.
  2. Signs with an average degree of fertility. This group includes the following zodiac constellations: Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn. If the moon is affected by these signs, then the harvest will be quite modest.
  3. Barren constellations: Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo, Virgo. If the moon is ruled by these constellations, then it is advisable to refuse to hold any events at your summer cottage. Otherwise, the work will be done in vain, and the result will definitely not please you.

Recommendations for the gardener's lunar calendar for June 2017 have been developed for all regions; residents of Siberia can also use it. As a result, you can achieve good result and get a rich harvest.

The moon is a source of power that affects gravity, the ebb and flow of tides, and therefore all the liquids and juices of plants, as well as their bioenergy. Therefore, any impact on plants in the garden should be carried out based on the position of the Moon.

In order not to harm the plants, gardeners and gardeners, as well as lovers of indoor plants, must observe certain safety measures when planting plants, know when are favorable days for planting, replanting and other work in the garden, and when to refrain from certain works.

The phases of the moon in June 2017 affect both the roots of plants and the above-ground parts. Planting plants on a certain lunar day can speed up their germination, growth, and affect the fruits of future plants.

On some days, you must refrain from planting, weeding and loosening the roots of plants and flowers, because... this can lead to damage to plants, slow growth, rotting, or, for example, disrupt their energy balance. This affects not only direct work with the soil, but also other work in the garden and garden.

If you want to reap a good harvest, then you obviously need everything to be done in June 2017, according to the lunar sowing calendar.

If you are planting a plant, this especially applies to perennials, trees that are supposed to long term life, seedlings, then this should be done only on the waxing moon, preferably before the full moon. This should not be done on the day of the new moon.

Plants planted before the full moon will grow tall. Just as all activities aimed at development should begin on the waxing Moon, so too new life in a new place, plants, especially perennials, should be given on the waxing moon.

Favorable landing days in June 2017

Favorable days for sowing and planting: June 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15,16,17,20,21,25 and 30.

We are conducting the review directly from the publication date of this article - June 8, 2017.

What to do. Plant all types of medicinal herbs, leafy vegetables, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin. Continue pest control.
What not to do. Plant potatoes and trees, dig up flower bulbs, propagate plants by roots, trim dry branches from trees and bushes, cut down trees for construction (bark beetle attacks).
Full moon. June 9, Friday (at 16:11). Moon in Sagittarius 3rd phase.

What to do. Loosen the soil in the beds with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots. Tie up seedlings of tomatoes and cucumbers.
What not to do. Sow, plant, replant, propagate vegetable and fruit crops.
Waning moon. June 10, Saturday. Moon in Sagittarius (until 14:37 June 10) 3rd phase.

What to do. Dig up decorative small-bulbous plants - whiteflower, kandyk, muscari, scilla, pushkinia, snowdrop, etc. Collect seeds from flowering plants: such as viola, forget-me-not, daisy. Spray fruit trees and berry bushes with pest repellents, and treat poorly overwintered trees and seedlings with growth stimulants. Pinch off the tops of the raspberry shoots. You can plant seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, plum, serviceberry, honeysuckle, and roses.
What can not be done. Hill up and weed the beds, plant lettuce, treat damaged trees with insect repellents. Cut down trees (bark beetle attacks).

June 10, Saturday, June 11, Sunday, June 12, Monday. Moon in Capricorn (until 02:46 June 13) 3rd phase.

What to do. Water leafy crops generously, bulbs and root crops sparingly. Loosen the soil in the pepper bed and feed the carrots. Collect leafy and fruit crops. Engage in salting and preserving the crop.
What can not be done. Replant flowers.
June 13, Tuesday, June 14, Wednesday, June 15, Thursday. Moon in Aquarius (until 13:19 June 15) 3rd phase.

What to do. Spray fruit trees and shrubs against diseases and pests, and also treat them with growth stimulants and preparations to improve fruit formation. Gather herbs for drying. Trim, pinch and shoot plants. Cut down old trees.
What can not be done. Sow, plant, water and feed vegetable crops. Make sure. Along the edges of the potato field you need to plant horseradish, calendula, aromatic herbs - they all have a beneficial effect on potatoes.
June 15, Thursday, June 16, Friday, June 17, Saturday (4 hours 14:34). Moon in Pisces (until 20:56 June 17) 3–4 phase.

What to do. Water and feed the plants. Feed fruit trees and berry bushes. Sow daikon, radish, radish, and Chinese cabbage again. Collect and process berries and vegetables.
What can not be done. Remove any growth, collect medicinal plants. Chop the forest for firewood, trim fruit trees and bushes. Make sure. Dig up bulbs of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc.

June 17, Saturday, (4 p.m. 14:34) June 18, Sunday, June 19, Monday. Moon in Aries (until 00:54 June 20) 4th phase.

What to do. Trim old leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, yellowed leaves on eggplants, cut out weak shoots of peppers. Spray cabbage against caterpillars, cucumbers against spider mite, fruit trees and shrubs from aphids. Mow the grass, pinch the raspberries.
What not to do. Collect medicinal plants, prune fruit trees and shrubs.
June 20 from 00:54, Tuesday, June 21, Wednesday. Moon in Taurus (until 01:45 June 22) 4th phase.

What to do. Sow radish on winter storage. Prepare hay for autumn filling of greenhouses, adding to compost and for mulching. Remove root and standard shoots, as well as strawberry tendrils. Hill up the leeks and scrape away the soil from the onion bulbs. Continue the fight against weeds and garden pests.

What not to do. Water during the hottest hours of the day.

What to do. Carry out pinching of tomatoes, formation of pepper, eggplant and cucumber plants. Pinch off the vines of pumpkins, melons, watermelons, as well as the tops of the stems of Brussels sprouts. Replant strawberry tendrils and form new beds. Feed remontant strawberries with dry complex fertilizer and ash. Apply dry mineral fertilizers to flowers.
What not to do. Water plants.

What to do. Carry out housekeeping work: remove garbage, repair equipment.
What not to do. Planting, replanting, pruning, pinching and pinching.
Waxing Crescent. June 25, Sunday. Moon in Cancer (until 01:08 June 26) 1st phase

What to do. Carry out housekeeping and repairs gardening equipment. Water and weed the beds moderately.
What not to do. Plant, replant, trim and pinch plants.

What to do. Collect and process berries and cucumbers, moderately water the pepper beds, and hill up the cabbage. Sow, plant and plant drought-tolerant plants. The grass sown on this day will sprout in an even layer. Weed the beds and prepare compost.
What not to do. Apply artificial fertilizers and replant. Definitely do it. Collect medicinal herbs (will have greatest strength).

What not to do. Plant seeds, plant lettuce, pick fruits, store crops and roll up canned food.

What to do. Apply dry fertilizing to plants and sow spinach for autumn consumption. Cut and dry spices. Plant and replant medicinal herbs and indoor flowers. Carry out summer budding of roses. Root strawberry rosettes.
What not to do. Water your plants: This can cause root rot.

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, raspberries, viburnum, and rose hips begin to bloom. In the second half of the month, strawberries ripen (photo). Near fruit trees and in the beds they carefully loosen the earth, simultaneously destroying the weeds. Vegetables and fruit trees are constantly watered; during watering, you can apply fertilizer, and tomatoes are planted. After flowering, it is advisable to treat fruit trees against pests.
Potatoes are spudded in the middle of the month. Supports are placed under climbing plants. Entrances of carrots and cucumbers should be thinned out. It is not recommended to loosen cucumber beds, since the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface.
Flowers in June need to be watered, weeded and loosened, and the soil around them needs to be fed. It is better to water flower beds early in the morning, since during the day watering in the sun can spoil the leaves.

Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show how to be December, and December - June.
Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.
June is summer for the heat, and sun for winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2017 gardening season.

Thematic table - a selection from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 June 2017 00:00 (Thu)
to 03 June 2017 03:03 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

During this period, it is good to lay mixborders, ridges, flower beds, alpine coaster. Propagation of perennial flower crops by cuttings and layering. Strawberry processing. Laying shoots of berry bushes into grooves for their rooting. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Best time for planting hedges, replanting indoor plants and vegetables grown on the balcony.
We still have a blog "", login only from the lunar calendar
from 03 June 2017 03:03 (Sat)
to 05 June 2017 13:46 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for repeated sowing of dill, lettuce, chervil, broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, grains, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Planting seedlings of annual flowers in open ground. Sowing lawn grasses, forming flower beds. Dividing and replanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have bloomed. Planting and replanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berries and ornamental shrubs, green fruit cuttings and ornamental trees. Carrying out vaccinations.

June 3 (23.05 old style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)
"Olen's day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on Olen, then autumn will be stormy"

from 05 June 2017 13:46 (Mon)
to 08 June 2017 01:59 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Pruning trees and shrubs, as well as pinching vegetables and other crops is strictly prohibited. Watering and loosening the soil are favorable. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Harvesting early lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. Tilt and garter of annual apple tree growths in the process of crown formation. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Preparation for rooting green cuttings and their planting. Carrying out loosening and mulching of the soil, working with compost. Possible fertilization of fruit trees complex fertilizers with mullein infusion. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes and cucumbers. You can sow the seeds of biennials or dive their seedlings
from 08 June 2017 01:59 (Thu)
to 08 June 2017 19:39 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Installation of supports under the branches of fruit trees, construction of fences around bushes. Harvesting of early vegetables and herbs and their processing. Collection of remontant strawberries and honeysuckle for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. Application of inorganic fertilizers, hilling. Disease and pest control. Carrying out vaccinations.

In June, planting tomatoes is still a hot topic. For readers visiting our calendar for the first time, I am transferring the link to the video: from the May calendar page. You can also watch how tomatoes are formed and a VIDEO of their pinching by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

There is no need to wait for favorable days to plant tomatoes. Tomatoes begin to grow no earlier than two weeks after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place, but then, the sooner you remove the stepson, the better - the plant will not waste its energy in vain...
from 08 June 2017 19:39 (Thu)
to 10 June 2017 21:32 (Sat)


Prohibited days for working with plants. Unfavorable days for pickling (do not pickle, for example, cucumbers on a full moon). Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal plants. Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 09, 2017 16:09 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid lunar month, - until June 10, 2017 14:36 ​​Moon in Sagittarius, then in the sign of Capricorn
to 10 June 2017 21:32 (Sat)
to June 13, 2017 02:44 (Tue)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radish for winter storage, the second sowing of turnips. Raking the soil from the onion bulbs, hilling the leek. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Feeding tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Top dressing of fruit trees, berry bushes and raspberries.
from June 13, 2017 02:44 (Tue)
to June 15, 2017 13:17 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants. Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants; fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests. Spreading in tree trunk circles fruit trees, berry bushes and half-rotted manure in the raspberry field, mulching the soil with humus, rotted sawdust, compost, weed control.
from June 15, 2017 13:17 (Thu)
to 17 June 2017 20:55 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing vegetable crops, berry bushes and raspberries with organic fertilizers; fertilizing fruit trees with an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for re-sowing green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops. You can sow and plant flower plants, except bulbous ones, and decorate ponds.
from June 17, 2017 20:55 (Sat)
to June 20, 2017 00:53 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. Growing tomatoes. A favorable time for loosening, mulching, controlling weeds and pests, mowing grass for hay and preparing firewood. Carrying out formative pruning of fruit trees by pinching and removing thickening shoots, normalizing the ovary. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling up early potato plantings. Thinning of seedlings. Making compost. Cuttings of indoor plants for their subsequent rooting will be successful. Cut flowers last a long time in bouquets.
from June 20, 2017 00:53 (Tue)
to June 22, 2017 01:44 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Sowing radishes for winter storage, daikon, turnips, sowing radishes. Raking soil from onion bulbs, hilling leeks. Fertilizing root crops and potatoes, treating them with growth stimulants. Weed control, strawberry mustache removal. Harvesting hay for autumn filling of greenhouses and greenhouses, adding to compost and for mulching. Removing root and standard growth as it appears. Checking the correct installation of supports for abundantly fruiting trees. Rooting of tree and bush seedlings goes well. Dividing irises, daffodils and planting them. Cuttings and rooting of perennial flower crops.

June 21 (08.06 art. style) - Fyodor Letniy (Stratilat)
“If there is heavy dew on Stratilata, the summer, even if it is dry, will produce a good harvest.”

from June 22, 2017 01:44 (Thu)
to June 23, 2017 03:34 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pruning tomatoes and peppers, forming vines of cucumbers, pinching lashes of pumpkins and melons. Removing yellowed leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Removing unnecessary strawberry whiskers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees. Favorable days for digging bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and small bulbs.
from June 23, 2017 03:34 (Fri)
to June 25, 2017 05:29 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant anything, transplant. Any household work, working with soil, composting, spraying against pests and diseases of trees and shrubs is possible.
June 24, 2017 05:30 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac sign: - until June 24, 2017 01:06 Moon in the sign of Taurus, then in the sign of Gemini.
from June 25, 2017 05:29 (Sun)
to June 26, 2017 01:06 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable days for pruning trees and shrubs, pinching, pinching vegetable crops. It is favorable to water and fertilize heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potassium fertilizers during rainy periods. cold weather, fruit trees with a predominance of the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops growth and development stimulators; carrying out vaccinations; foliar feeding of fruit crops with liquid complex fertilizers with humates. Arrangement in the grooves of the shoots of currants and gooseberries for their rooting. Sowing green and spicy crops. Good period for pickling
from June 26, 2017 01:06 (Mon)
to June 28, 2017 03:41 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, climbing flowers and ornamental crops. The collected medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that treat heart disease. Harvest must be processed immediately.
(from June 27 to June 30 - in Russian folk omens associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling cucumbers)
from June 28, 2017 03:41 (Wed)
to June 30, 2017 10:02 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. Planted green cuttings will take root well. During this period, it is good to lay mixborders, ridges, flower beds, and alpine slides. A favorable time for sowing biennial flowers, dividing and planting ornamental plants and perennials that have faded in spring. You can plant and replant medicinal herbs, sow lawns and lawns. Good timing for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. Replanting balcony and indoor flowers. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.

"The sun is quieter on Tikhon" - Amazing fact, causing people to be amazed at the observation - at this time the Earth is in the aphelion zone of its orbit and really slows down its movement around the Sun, one would think that this is a coincidence associated with rhyming, but the next day - “Manuel” and again the statement:"The sun stagnates on Manuel." Nowadays, the date of the Earth's passage through the aphelion point is July 4, but 250-300 years ago the Earth passed aphelion at the end of June!

from June 30, 2017 10:02 (Fri)
to 30 June 2017 23:59 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, grains, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Planting seedlings of annual heat-loving flowers in open ground. Sowing lawn grasses, forming flower beds. Dividing and replanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have bloomed. Planting and replanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berry and ornamental shrubs, green cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees. Carrying out vaccinations.