Well      08/31/2021

Information and entertainment online magazine. Delicious salad with arugula, cucumbers, cabbage and radishes Veal salad and arugula green cucumber

Many of us like to make something out of nothing. And it is also advisable not to waste a lot of time and effort, and even so that this dish benefits our beloved body. One day I decided to follow all of the above. Here, for example, is a salad with arugula and tomatoes.

I note that it is indeed often offered on many menus, both in restaurants and cafes. I didn’t have cherry tomatoes in the refrigerator (it’s with them that arugula harmonizes most successfully and effectively) and our regular, but no less tasty, tomato went into the salad. As for cheese, you can use any variety in this salad, B classic version The salad is topped with Parmesan; in other cases, mozzarella is used. Adding each time to salad and tomatoes new variety cheese, you can get a new taste for a seemingly ordinary dish.

My acquaintance with arugula, I remember, began at my sister’s house. She is a lover of all kinds of newfangled culinary experiments. And then one day, when I came to visit her, I was surprised to discover a hitherto unknown herb. Its appearance reminded me of a dandelion, and its spicy taste, with a slight bitterness, immediately attracted my attention. Before this incident, I made do with the usual dill and parsley in salads, but now arugula has taken its place of honor among my favorites.

Personally, I never get tired of arugula with tomatoes, maybe, of course, this is due to my love for salads, but nevertheless, I can assure you that this seemingly ordinary herb or lettuce will bring quite a lot of benefits to your body. Specialists in nutrition, weight loss and just healthy image life is assured that the value of arugula is undeniable. It is one of the main assistants in losing weight, because arugula stabilizes the body’s metabolism, it also removes excess cholesterol, is rich in various vitamins and microelements (such as iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium), helps to be in good shape all day long, strengthens the walls our blood vessels, lowers blood sugar levels. In general, not a plant, but a real find.

But I want to warn you that when you prepare a salad with arugula and cheese, as well as tomatoes, you should serve it immediately. Because arugula leaves, if left standing, lose their taste qualities And healing properties. Salad for lovely women is also useful because arugula makes the skin more elastic and youthful, and hair and nails will become even more beautiful.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • - tomato – 1 pc.;
  • - cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • - cheese – 100 g;
  • - arugula – 0.5 bunch;
  • - soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • - lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • - ground black pepper – 1 pinch;
  • - olive oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • - salt - to taste.

How to prepare arugula salad with tomato and cucumber:

Wash the arugula thoroughly, remove the tough stems and tear the arugula leaves with your hands.

Wash the cucumbers and cut them as you like.

Wash the tomato and cut into cubes.

Cut the cheese into cubes.

Prepare the dressing for our arugula salad. To do this, mix olive oil, soy sauce, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and season with ground black pepper. You don’t have to add salt, because soy sauce will add a salty taste, but if you are a fan of saltier dishes, then you can limit yourself to one pinch.

Season the salad with arugula and tomatoes with the prepared sauce. Gently mix the salad with arugula.

Serve the salad with arugula and tomatoes immediately. Bon appetit!

The recipe for “Arugula Salad with Tomato and Cucumber” was prepared by Nadezhda

What is it arugula? — These are smooth, dark green leaves, reminiscent of the spiky leaves of a dandelion. Most often, arugula is traditionally used in Italian cuisine. This plant is becoming increasingly popular as an ingredient to add raw to fresh salads, but is also good for cheeses, sandwiches, egg and chicken dishes, pastas, tomato dishes and vegetables. In addition, arugula is often added to pizza.


Arugula - several stems
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
Green onions - 1 pc.
Lettuce leaves - 1 bunch
Egg - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste

Preparation for 2 servings:

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves (you can also use young cabbage leaves), chop them finely and put them in a salad bowl.
  2. Boil the egg. Then peel the egg and cut it as you like. Add to salad.
  3. We wash the green onions and arugula under water, place them on a board and cut them in the same way as we are used to cutting any other greens.
  4. Wash the cucumber and cut into cubes. Place in a bowl with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Salt to taste and add olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and get an excellent diet salad with arugula! The salad goes well with any side dish and meat dishes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Summer is in full swing. As a rule, in the summer people eat more plant foods: vegetables, fruits, berries. At the beginning of the season, we eagerly eat fresh vitamins, and after a couple of weeks this food becomes a habit and we want something new. One morning I felt like it, I chopped tomatoes and cucumbers out of habit, added fresh arugula, but I wanted something like that... and sunflower seeds and sesame seeds just caught my eye, I decided to combine these ingredients, and the result exceeded all expectations. The arugula salad with tomatoes and cucumbers turned out delicious and all the ingredients are incredibly harmoniously combined. Tomato will replenish the body with important vitamin K and lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, cucumbers - alkaline acids that neutralize acidic compounds in the body, arugula - fiber, which gives a person a feeling of fullness, seeds - phospholipids and fat-soluble acids, which help maintain youth and improve health human, sesame seeds - sesamin, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and many others useful substances. Which could take a very long time to list.

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Product yield: 4 servings
To prepare a summer salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula and seeds, we need the following ingredients:
- tomatoes - 300 grams,
- cucumbers - 200 grams,
- arugula - 0.5 bunch,
- seeds - 50 grams,
- sesame seeds - 20 grams,
- olive oil - 50 milliliters.

Step by step recipe with photo:

We wash the tomatoes under running water, dry on paper towel and cut into slices.

We wash fresh arugula under running water, trim off the dried tails and cut into large pieces.

We also wash the cucumbers under running water, dry them and cut them into thin half rings. Add chopped cucumbers and arugula to the tomatoes.

Add toasted peeled sunflower seeds and sesame seeds to the salad. Sesame seeds can be lightly toasted or left unroasted.

Add olive oil; if you don’t have it, you can replace it with sunflower oil. Mix all salad ingredients thoroughly. It is advisable to let the salad stand for about 10 minutes so that the salad ingredients absorb other components.

This salad with arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers can be a wonderful breakfast, goes well with meat dishes. Summer salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula and seeds is a dietary, vegetarian dish. This salad can be used for celebrations, as it is very unusual and elegant. Your friends and family will definitely appreciate this original combination quite familiar products.

And it turns out more satisfying

step by step recipe with photos

Small, inconspicuous leaves of arugula conceal a rich, pungent flavor, which is why they are used in salads, sauces, and as a seasoning for meat. Italians are especially partial to arugula, who sometimes even add it to the popular and widely known pesto sauce.

In our region, where the culture of herbs and spices is not so rich, arugula is just beginning to enter culinary use and this is a wonderful reason for experimentation.

Try adding a few of its leaves to the simplest vegetable salad- it will change radically.

By the way, arugula will be good paired with basil, a variety of cheeses and seafood.


  • fresh cucumbers – 3 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • pepper – 1 pc.
  • arugula – 50 g
  • salt - 2 g
  • pepper – 1 g

How to make a salad with arugula and tomatoes

1. Prepare our vegetables for slicing. Wash cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and arugula well under running water. If the cucumbers are large, it is better to remove the peel from them, as it can give additional bitterness. If the cucumbers are small, you don’t have to peel them. Cut the cucumbers into halves.

2. Place the chopped cucumbers in a deep bowl. Prepare the pepper for slicing. We take out the stalk and core. Cut the pepper into small particles and add to the cucumbers.

3. Cut the tomatoes in half and cut out the stem. Next, cut into half rings and place in a bowl with vegetables.

4. We tear off the leaves from the prepared arugula and add to the salad. Add a little salt and pepper to the vegetables, mix well.

5. Place the finished salad on plates. The total amount of prepared salad is enough for 2-3 servings. Total cooking time 20 minutes.

Note to the hostess

1. Leave the list of ingredients unchanged, completely maintain the dosages, but get a different taste of the salad - is this possible? Quite. You need to use the Croatian version of the recipe for this dish: remove the skin from both tomatoes and cucumbers, chop all the products except arugula very, very finely - almost turn them into puree. When it comes out abundantly tomato juice– mix. Serve in deep serving bowls.

2. Each salad component is combined with soft white cheeses. Cubes of feta, miniature slices of cheese, small balls of mozzarella, pieces of Safed, Adyghe, Ossetian cheese - the taste of the appetizer with arugula, with the addition of these ingredients, will come closer to the standard, according to gourmets.

3. If you decide to chop vegetables coarsely, it won’t hurt to season them with something: olive oil infused with aromatic herbs, pomegranate or grapefruit juice, grape balsamic. If you choose the first option, the snack will become more tender. The juice will enrich it with vitamins and give it sourness, and balsamic vinegar will add piquancy and an attractive aroma.

4. In Montenegro, salad with arugula, as a rule, sits next to krstac on the table. This Mediterranean drink is difficult to buy here, but it can be fully replaced by dry wines with a pronounced tart taste.

Supporters of tasty and healthy food have already become acquainted with the Italian spicy herb arugula. A variety of dishes are prepared from it, it is even added to pesto sauce instead of basil, but the most popular dish is a salad topped with aromatic leaves. Arugula salad is often supplemented with cheese and tomatoes, a dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and spices.

How to make arugula salad

The nutty-mustard flavor of the spicy leaves won the hearts of gourmets. The Italian herb has become a leading ingredient in many salads. Juicy young shoots combine harmoniously with a wide variety of foods: meat, vegetables, fish, fruits. There are many ways to make arugula snacks. Even the usual beets or radishes will sparkle in a new way if you combine them with these greens.

Arugula sauce

The sauce will combine the salad components into a single whole. Italians season spicy greens not only with olive oil and our usual mayonnaise, but with a combination of aromatic products. Sauces contain the secret to making a delicious Italian dish. For example, add olive oil, a little sugar and salt to hot orange juice. Except olive oil Refills may contain:

  • yogurt, Apple vinegar, mustard, garlic, honey;
  • soy sauce, garlic, lemon juice.

Arugula salad recipes

Exquisite young shoots are an ingredient that will add piquancy to familiar products. The delicate leaves are an ideal complement to both sweet fruits and salty fish. To prepare arugula salad tasty and beautiful, as if it was created for a photo in glossy magazine, you don't have to put in a lot of effort. Bright greens - worthy decoration any treat.

Arugula salad with cheese

  • Time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The spicy plant came to us from Italy, so many dishes are prepared from products traditional to this area. No Italian dish is complete without cheese. Spicy Parmesan, sweet mascarpone or salty Grana Padano - good decisions for a recipe with green leaves. The next arugula salad with cheese is made with sour mozzarella.


  • mozzarella – 300 g;
  • cherry – 100 g;
  • arugula – 100 g;
  • olive oil, balsamic vinegar - for dressing.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half and the mozzarella into pieces.
  2. Place young leaves in a salad bowl and add all ingredients.
  3. Season with the oil-vinegar mixture and stir.

With arugula and tomatoes

  • Time: 5 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 118 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you choose a salad recipe with arugula and cherry tomatoes for a home dinner, you can replace small tomatoes with tomatoes from the garden. This will have little effect on the taste, but may slightly worsen the visual perception. If you are cooking for yourself and your family, and not for a photo in a fashion magazine, then the replacement is quite acceptable. To complete the taste, add a couple of details to the red-green picture.


  • cherry – 0.3 kg;
  • arugula – 60 g;
  • parmesan (grated) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • balsamic – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half and pour the oil-vinegar mixture over them.
  2. Chop the garlic and add it to the tomatoes.
  3. Add aromatic leaves to the salad bowl, mix with salt and pepper, sprinkle with Parmesan.

With arugula and shrimp

  • Time: 20 min.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 151 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Spicy can highlight the tenderness of seafood herb. You won't need detailed instructions with cooking photos, just a little inspiration and quality products. A light salad is a great option for a holiday dinner. Treat your family with a treat with an unusual dressing. The sauce includes lemon and honey for a subtle sweet and sour flavor.


  • cherry tomatoes – 300 g;
  • shrimp – 800 g;
  • arugula - a bunch;
  • parmesan – 80 g;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • pine nuts – 60 g;
  • olive oil – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – ¼ part;
  • honey – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the spicy leaves in a heap on a plate.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half and place them on the grass.
  3. Fry the shrimp in a frying pan with garlic, place the seafood on a plate.
  4. Slice the Parmesan cheese into thin pieces. Place a few slices of cheese on top.
  5. Mix soy sauce, olive oil, honey, lemon juice.
  6. Pour over the dressing and garnish with cheese and nuts.

With arugula and pine nuts

  • Time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 134 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you want to surprise your family with an unreal combination of flavors, you need to prepare a mixture of herbs, pine nuts and pear. The sweetish composition is a gourmet delight. The final note in the taste melody will be given by the selected type of cheese. You can add cheese or feta. The recipe presented uses Parmesan, which is common in Italy.


  • arugula - a bunch;
  • pear – 2 pcs.;
  • pine nuts – 20 g;
  • grated parmesan – 2 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • balsamic – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the leaves on a plate, sprinkle with cheese and salt.
  2. Cut the pears into cubes and place the pieces in the next layer.
  3. Sprinkle pine nuts on top.
  4. Mix lemon juice, honey, vinegar and oil. Pour the sauce over the dish.

With Chiken

  • Time: 40 min.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 90 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

To prepare a hearty salad of chicken and spicy herbs, you will have to try. The process will take a little longer than other recipes, but the results are worth the effort. In the restaurant version of the recipe, long pieces of meat are not mixed with other ingredients, but are laid out on the edge of the plate. The remaining ingredients are sprinkled with sesame seeds fried in a frying pan.


  • chicken meat (fillet) – 0.4 kg;
  • arugula – 1 bunch;
  • flour – 0.5 tbsp;
  • tomatoes – 0.2 kg;
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • vegetable oil – 3-4 tbsp. l. for frying;
  • soy sauce, pepper, salt, olive oil, curry - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into long pieces and roll them in flour. Fry them in a hot frying pan with oil, then cut into strips.
  2. Place the leaves in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into small pieces, distribute the vegetables and meat over the salad bowl.
  4. Add chopped garlic and other ingredients to taste.

With liver

  • Time: 40 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Italian
  • Difficulty: easy.

A dish with arugula and liver is a hearty and light full dinner. You can serve it either warm or cold. The recipe uses baked bell pepper. If you bake it the traditional way in the oven, it will take 30 minutes to prepare the product. Baking sweet peppers in the microwave takes less time - only 6-7 minutes.


  • boiled chicken liver – 160 g;
  • green onions– 20 g;
  • sweet bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 70 g;
  • arugula – 20 g;
  • apple cider vinegar or balsamic – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodized salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the liver into pieces.
  2. Bake the bell pepper, remove the skin, cut into strips.
  3. Tear the greens into pieces, cut the onion into rings.
  4. Mix olive oil with squeezed lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  5. Place on a plate like this: lettuce, arugula, liver, Bell pepper, green onions, dressing.

Warm salad with arugula

  • Time: 20 min.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 115 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The mushroom aroma and slight bitterness in the warm salad will surprise you with its special taste. Such a treat is worthy not only of the home table; the dish is a frequent guest in gourmet restaurants. Treat yourself to an amazingly tasty dish, because it is so easy to prepare and the simplest ingredients are used. You can replace the processed cheese from the recipe with any other variety.


  • champignons – 100 g.
  • arugula – 20 g;
  • processed cheese– 20 g;
  • bell pepper – ½ piece;
  • vegetable (usually olive) oil, salt, balsamic – to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Place arugula on a plate.
  2. Cut the champignons into slices and fry in a frying pan, add salt.
  3. Cut the pepper into cubes.
  4. Arrange the mushrooms and peppers on top of the green leaves.
  5. Grate the cheese, sprinkle on top of the arugula salad, and season with vinegar.

With oranges and arugula

  • Time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 98 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Healthy food is delicious if you choose the right ingredients. The recipe for arugula and orange salad will not only give your body a lot of vitamins and minerals, but will also leave an unforgettable impression of its amazing taste. Goat cheese, herbs and citrus fruits are an unusual combination, but a guaranteed pleasure even for sophisticated gourmets.


  • arugula – 1 bunch;
  • oranges – 2 pcs.;
  • feta – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • basil leaves - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the sauce: butter, finely chopped garlic, honey, lemon juice.
  2. Peel the oranges and cut the pulp into slices.
  3. Add arugula, pieces of feta, pour over dressing.

With avocado

  • Time: 10 min;
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 330 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.


  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • lightly salted salmon – 100 g;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • arugula – 1 bunch;
  • dressing made from lemon juice and olive oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the avocado pulp into pieces, the cucumber into strips, and the fish into small slices.
  2. Mix pieces of salmon, avocado, cucumber, arugula, sprinkle everything with oil and lemon juice.

With quail eggs

  • Time: 5 min.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 98 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Neat quail eggs- a real salad decoration. If for other recipes you can use other varieties of tomatoes, then in this dish - exclusively cherry tomatoes. Surrounded by exquisite grass with unusual leaves, miniature products look amazing. Add a small pinch of Provencal herbs to the dressing to emphasize the identity of the taste.


  • arugula – 1 bunch;
  • cherry tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • quail eggs – 10 pcs.;
  • olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, Provencal herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the eggs and tomatoes in half, tear the arugula with your hands, and mix the ingredients.
  2. Combine the dressing ingredients and pour the sauce over the salad.

From strawberries and arugula

  • Time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 124 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A bright red-green salad with a rich taste is a joy for aesthetes and gourmets, combining unusual products into a single whole. Just one look at such an accumulation of colors in one plate creates a festive mood. Catch the unique aroma, try this impeccable treat to understand what a pleasure it tastes and smells.


  • arugula – 50 g;
  • pine nuts – 20 g;
  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • balsamic, olive oil - for dressing;
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat a dry frying pan and fry the nuts in it.
  2. Place the arugula on a plate, top with nuts and strawberries, cut into thin slices.
  3. Add balsamic, oil, salt, pepper.
