Well      04/18/2019

Maple is beautiful, sweet, kind and loved by everyone. Maple: photos of trees, seeds and leaves

This luxurious tree, beautiful at any time of the year, is a true decoration of city gardens, parks and squares. In autumn, maple leaves acquire a wide variety of colors and shades: from the familiar yellow to deep crimson.

This tree, with its beauty, inspired world-famous artists to create paintings, and poets wrote poems about it. In this article, we invite you to learn a little more about this plant, which may be in your city. How to grow maple from seeds, and is it possible? How to care for it if you planted a tree on the territory of your country house?


Under natural conditions, maple grows almost throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Twenty species of this plant are common in Russia, the most common of which are:

  • Norway maple;
  • field;
  • Tatar;
  • white.

Japanese maple is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.


The genus Acer unites woody and shrubby plants of the Sapindaceae family. Widely represented in Europe, North America and Asia. The genus includes more than one hundred and fifty species, which mainly grow in the temperate zone; some of its representatives are found in Central Asia and the Mediterranean.

The tree grows up to thirty meters in height. The trunk is covered with gray-green bark with a network of lighter veins. The leaves are large, three-lobed, up to seventeen centimeters long. The edge of the leaf blade is finely toothed. The flowers are small and greenish in color. They have five oblong sepals and the same number of oval petals. There are eight pubescent stamens. The ovary is short and in male flowers underdeveloped. The peduncle is thin, about five millimeters long.

Maple: fruits and seeds

The fruit of this tree is the lionfish. This is an achene with a leathery, dry pericarp and a flat, wing-shaped fibrous outgrowth. With its help, the maple tree reproduces. The dispersal of seeds by wind is quite interesting: the lionfish moves amusingly through the air, writing spiral pirouettes, scattering over long distances and introducing itself into the composition of tree stands.


What kind of seeds does maple have? They are completely naked, having a green, large, curled embryo. Maple seeds are slightly flattened in shape. They ripen at the very end of summer, and often remain on the tree throughout the winter. The seeds are covered with a thin skin. The tree bears fruit annually and abundantly; in Russia this occurs in September.

Growing maple from seeds

There are many types of maple in our country, so everyone can choose a suitable specimen, even for a very modest one. garden plot. It's nice to grow such a luxurious tree with your own hands. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this even for a beginner in gardening.

First of all, you need to decide what type of maple you want to grow. The thing is that not all varieties can be propagated by seeds - there are decorative forms that are propagated exclusively by grafting or cuttings.

For growing from seeds, the following are most often used:

  • Ginnala maple;
  • Tatar;
  • green-skinned;
  • holly.

Maple seeds collected in the fall or purchased in a store must be stratified. In other words, it is necessary to simulate under artificial conditions the transition of a plant from a state of winter dormancy to rapid growth. To do this, the seeds are kept at temperatures from +3 to +5 °C for 120 days. You can use a refrigerator or cellar for this. Maple seeds are stored in a small container, which is filled with wet sand.

Germination of seeds

In April or early May, seeds are planted for germination. They are transferred immediately to open ground. To make sprouts appear faster, you must first soak the maple seeds in hydrogen peroxide for three days. After this procedure, they are completely ready for planting. Now you need to choose a place for the tree.

Where to plant maple?

The area where you plan to grow the tree should be sunny or slightly shaded. It is desirable that the soil be loose and fertile, so first (before planting) the soil is dug up well and loosened so that it becomes homogeneous and fine-grained. Add a little humus, peat and sand to the garden soil.

Planting seeds

The seeds are planted to a depth of about four centimeters. If you do not plan to further transplant the seedlings, then the distance between plants should be at least two meters. You can plant seeds at a closer distance, the seedlings can be thinned out, and the strongest seedlings can be planted at a closer distance. After planting, the seeds are watered and the soil is kept moist.

Emergence of seedlings

The first shoots will appear approximately three weeks after planting. Maple germinates rather slowly, but when the seeds have sprouted, they need easy care: regular moderate watering, weeding the soil. In intense summer heat, shade young plants from sun rays. By autumn, your seedlings will already grow up to 40 cm, and in the first year - up to 80 cm.

Autumn planting

Sometimes maple seeds are planted in open ground in the fall. In this case, they remain in their natural environment all winter and germinate in the spring. With this method, seed germination is slightly lower due to strong and snowless winters, however, this method is considered the most natural.

Depending on the size of the seedlings, after one to three years they can be transplanted to permanent place. To do this, you need to prepare holes measuring 50x50x70 cm. The composition of the soil is the same as when growing seeds. Add to soil before planting organic fertilizers(compost or humus). Every year in the summer, apply complex fertilizers for perennial plants.

Maple is a magnificent and easy-to-care tree that has positive energy. In the shade of its dense crown you can relax in the summer, and in the fall you can admire the constantly changing colors and shades of foliage. Planting a maple is a long-term investment in the future of your garden or summer cottage. Maple will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren with its noble and sophisticated appearance.

In city parks and gardens you can often find Norway maple - a powerful tree with openwork leaves and a spreading crown. Maple trees look incredibly beautiful in the fall, when the leaves turn red. bright shades yellow, orange and crimson colors. Caring for maple is not difficult; the tree is successfully used not only in landscape design, but also in folk medicine.

Description of the tree

Descriptions of Norway maple in botanical reference books begin with the Latin name. The Latin word for Norway maple is Acer platanoides. According to translation scientific name it is called sycamore or sycamore, another synonym is common maple.

The tree belongs to the Sapindaceae family, the distribution area of ​​the maple is Europe and South-West Asia. Maples grow in steppes and deciduous forests, singly or forming thickets. In Russia it is cultivated with decorative purpose- used to decorate city parks and squares, planted along roads. The lifespan of a maple is 200−300 years.

Maple is a deciduous tree, which can reach a height of 28−30 m. The leaves form a dense spherical crown. The main characteristics of a maple leaf include:

  • The shape is simple, palm-shaped.
  • The location on the branches is opposite.
  • The edge is coarsely toothed, with blades; at the ends of the blades the edge is pointed.
  • Size - up to 18 cm in length and 20−22 cm in width.
  • The color is dark green, in autumn - orange-yellow, red in various shades.
  • The petioles are long, up to 15 cm, and when broken, they secrete milky juice.

Depending on the climate, the maple blooms from March to May; the flowers of the tree are small, yellow-green in color, with a pleasant smell. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences; flowering occurs before the leaves bloom or simultaneously with it. Women's and male flowers the maples are blooming different trees, pollination occurs with the help of insects.

The fruits ripen in September or October. The structure of maple fruits is unique; they cannot be confused with other fruits. These are double lionfish with flattened seeds in each wing. On forums you can find questions from gardeners about what maple seeds are called. That's what they call them - lionfish. Thanks to flat wings up to 7 cm long, ripe seeds fly away at the slightest breath of wind. long distances. The maple tree begins to bear fruit after the age of 17, annually producing a large number of easily germinating seeds, so in nature the tree can reproduce in unlimited quantities.

Tree bark changes depending on age: in young maples it is smooth, gray-brown in color, over time the trunk becomes covered longitudinal cracks, acquires a rough texture, darkens almost to black. The root system is shallow, so the maple takes all the nutrients from surface layers soil, does not allow other trees and shrubs to feed and germinate.

Planting maple trees

Maples can be propagated in several ways: using seeds, seedlings and layering. Well-lit areas are allocated for planting, since maple trees form a denser crown in the light. With a lack of light, the leaves become small and lose their color saturation.

Features of tree propagation in various ways:

When planting, a distance of 2-4 m must be maintained between trees so that mature trees do not interfere with each other.

Features of care

Caring for maples does not require special skills and knowledge, so even beginners can properly care for trees. Trees are capable of carrying minus temperature up to 40 degrees, easily withstands drought. Caring for young trees involves frequent and abundant watering and loosening the soil. In summer, water once a week; one tree should have at least two buckets of water. In autumn and spring, when stored natural humidity soil, it is enough to water maple seedlings once a month.

In the first years after planting, young trees are covered with spruce branches or dry leaves for the winter; for protection, the root collar of the trees must be covered. When the maples grow and get stronger, winter shelter are not carried out.

Every spring, sanitary pruning of trees is done, removing dried branches, and during pruning, the crown of the trees is formed. After pruning, the branches begin to grow and branch more intensively, and the tree becomes much more beautiful.

Replanting maple trees can be done up to 15 years of age; later the trees are not able to tolerate replanting. In addition, in adulthood, moving a tree to another location is physically difficult due to the growth of the root system and crown.

Pest Control

Maple trees are rarely affected by pests and diseases, but with high humidity, coral spotting appears on the bark. A sign of the disease is pink or reddish spots on the branches. To combat the disease, diseased branches are pruned 15 cm below the infected areas. Cut branches are destroyed garden tools disinfected, the cut areas are treated with garden varnish.

To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat trees with fungicide solutions before buds open.

Maples can be attacked by harmful insects: weevils, maple whitefly, mealybug. To control pests, Nitrafen is sprayed.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Maple has not found use in official medicine, but folk healers use various parts of the plant to prepare medicinal compounds. Leaves, bark, buds, flowers, and maple sap are used as medicinal raw materials.

For each type of raw material there are certain procurement rules:

You can speed up the drying of raw materials using electric dryers, in which the temperature is set at 50-60 degrees. Dried maple parts are poured into paper bags and stored in dry, ventilated areas for no more than two years.

Use in folk medicine

Maple has medicinal properties due to the content of alkaloids, tannins, carbohydrates, sugars, flavonoids and vitamins. Medicines prepared from maple have choleretic and diuretic effects, reduce pain and inflammation, and accelerate wound healing. Infusions and decoctions of bark and leaves are used to fight various infections, boost immunity, and improve the condition of skin and hair. A large amount of antioxidants in maple helps fight poisoning and aging of the body, and speeds up recovery from colds.

The antibacterial properties of the plant are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, bronchitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys.

Rules for preparing products from maple raw materials:

The uniqueness of the common maple lies in the fact that this tree is widespread in Russia and is not considered unusual plant, but him medicinal properties make you think about the benefits and importance of maple plantations.

The maple that everyone knows

The most common type of maple growing in our country is Norway maple (Acer platanoides), - unlike many others, it is found not in mountainous, but in lowland forests. Its appearance and characteristic leaves are well known to all people, even those far from dendrology. This is a tree up to 30 m tall with an ovoid, tent-shaped dense crown.

The varietal diversity of Norway maple is so great that, using only it, you can create interesting wood compositions. There are color forms, varieties with a modified growth form and leaf blade. Maples with unusual leaf colors, such as purple, like those of the varieties, look especially impressive ‘Royal Red’, ‘Crimson King’, ‘Deborah’, ‘Schwedleri’, or with a white stripe along the edge of the leaf blade, like ‘Drummondii’. Decorative forms 'Columnare' And 'Globosum' attract attention with crowns - columnar and spherical, which makes them bright accent in compositions. They are also good in co-letter and row plantings.

Types of maples: tall and majestic

Among the maples there are very large representatives. One of them is the majestic maple, or velvety maple (Acer velutinum), growing in eastern Transcaucasia and the mountains of Northern Iran. With a height of 50 m, it looks like a real giant, moreover, the diameter of its trunk reaches 1.2 m. This maple looks especially impressive during fruiting, when it is decorated with large hanging fruiting panicles carrying up to 60 lionfish. A truly majestic sight.

The false sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) is slightly smaller in size, a typical representative of the mountain forests of the southwestern part of Ukraine and the Caucasus. Tree up to 40 m tall and up to 2 m in diameter with dark gray bark peeling off in plates to reveal light young bark. It is especially beautiful when standing freely; it forms a dense tent-shaped crown. In ornamental gardening, various forms of false sycamore maple are most often used. In the variety ‘ Purpurea' two-color leaves, dark green above and purple below. Young leaves of the variety ‘Leopoldii’ covered with yellowish-pink spots, adults are variegated, with uneven, light green or cream spots.

No less monumental is the North American silver maple (Acer saccharinum), reaching a height of 40 m with a trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter.

A characteristic feature of this species are deeply dissected five-lobed leaves on long petioles. They are light green above and silvery-white below, hence the specific name. IN autumn period This maple stands out for its light yellow foliage. It looks great along the banks of reservoirs, in alleys and group plantings, but it should be remembered that its branches often break off from adhered snow and strong gusts of wind. Decorative variety‘Wieri’ is notable for its graceful carved foliage and picturesque crown with long, hanging shoots.

Far Eastern maples

It is believed that maples are the face Far East. There they live in the mountains and along river valleys. Their appearance differs from European and North American species, which Lately appreciated by landscape designers who actively use them. In addition, growing most Far Eastern maples in central Russia does not present any particular problems, with the exception of some species. In the Central Russian landscape, they look like real exotics, which with their appearance can decorate any composition.

Widely known in culture river maple (Acer ginnala) It is characterized by high frost resistance and unpretentiousness. Growing up to 6 m in height, it is quite suitable for creating hedges and single plantings. In autumn, its three-lobed leaves turn purplish-red, imbuing the landscape with vibrant colors.

Grows in mountain mixed and coniferous forests of the Far East green maple (Acer tegmentosum), the trunk of which is decorated with smooth green bark with longitudinal white stripes. With such an unusual bark, maple always stands out from other plants.

When listing the Far Eastern species, one cannot fail to mention the often found in this region small leaf maple (Acer mono). This tree is up to 15 m high with a low-hanging crown. The leaves are similar to the foliage of the holly tree, but 2 - 3 times smaller. In autumn they turn bright yellow and red. Small leaf maple plantings effectively reduce city noise.

If we talk about the beauty of leaves, then, of course, first of all it is worth mentioning K. palmate, or fan maple (Acer palmatum), without which not a single garden in Japan can do. Its openwork dissected leaves acquire bright, picturesque colors in autumn. Unfortunately, this species is quite thermophilic and in central Russia it freezes to the level of snow cover. Therefore, to create a stylized Japanese garden in our climate, the best replacement for it would be no less spectacular Manchurian maple (Acer mandschuricum) and false maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum).

Maples - propagation and care

Most maples are demanding of soil fertility, air and soil moisture, are relatively shade-tolerant, wind-resistant and are characterized by a dense crown and fairly rapid growth.

For maples that require fertile soils (narrow maple, false sycamore maple, riverine maple, etc.). the soil mixture should consist of humus, turf soil and sand (3:2:1).

For maples that are undemanding to soil (field maple, ash maple, silver maple, etc.), the soil mixture is prepared from leaf soil, peat and sand (2:2:1), the optimal acidity pH is 6.0-7.5, for red pH 4.5-5.

Maples are propagated by seeds, cuttings, and decorative forms by grafting.

North American maple species

A large number of maples grow on the North American continent. Many of them settled in Russia long ago, having acquired a second homeland, and ash maple (Acer negundo) It has become so naturalized in our open spaces that it sometimes behaves like a weed. Now it is difficult to imagine that this plant was previously grown in greenhouses as a valuable exotic. Currently, ash-leaved maple is widespread in cultivation. First of all, due to its rapid growth, frost resistance and undemanding soil conditions. However, its fragility and low decorative qualities make it necessary to use this species as a temporary breed with others - slowly growing, but more decorative. There are a number of interesting color forms of this maple, which are widely used in landscaping: Aureovariegatum, Variegatum, Flamingo, Odessanum.

Growing in river valleys and swamps red maple (Acer rubrum) It tolerates excess moisture and stagnant water very well, but it is not picky about soils. It received its specific name for the red female flowers and the orange-red color of the leaves in autumn. Its decorative forms are 'Red Sunset' and 'Scanlon' characterized by a pyramidal crown shape and dark red leaves in autumn.

The Pennsylvania maple (A) attracts attention with its very beautiful smooth green bark with white longitudinal stripes. Acer pensylvanicum). Its large three-lobed leaves turn a rich yellow color in autumn. The flowering and fruiting of this maple looks impressive: the flowers and then the fruits are collected in long, hanging clusters.

Shrub maples

Among the maples there are also shrubby species that fit well into small gardens.

They also tolerate shearing well, so they make very dense and impressive hedges. Such maples include - in addition to the above-mentioned riverine maple and false Siebold maple - also bearded maple, curled maple, Tatarian maple.

Bearded maple (Acer barbinerve) very beautiful during flowering, in the fall it can boast dark yellow or orange leaves, and in winter its young shoots with purple-red bark stand out against the background of white snow. It shapes and cuts beautifully.

Very decorative throughout the growing season North American

Where else are maples used?

Many types of maple have valuable wood, which is used in the furniture industry, for the manufacture of sports equipment and musical instruments, in particular bowed instruments.

The sap of maple trees contains quite a lot of sugar, especially in species native to North America, such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum). In Canada, the sap of this maple is used to obtain maple sugar, and its leaf is the national symbol of the country. A stylized image of a carved sugar maple leaf appears on the jackets of Canadian hockey players and on national flag Canada.

Types of maples: photos and descriptions

1. Hornbeam maple (Acer carpinifolium) H = 10 m

A deciduous tree native to the mountain forests of Japan. The leaves are bright green, very similar to hornbeam leaves, and yellowish-brown in autumn. Greenish-yellow flowers appear at the same time as the leaves bloom. Relatively frost-resistant, in central Russia it grows with light shelter or in places well protected from the wind. This rare view will bring special joy to collectors.

2.River maple (Acer ginnala) H = 8m

A large shrub with a tent-shaped crown, grows along the banks of rivers and streams, hence the specific name. The leaves are three-lobed with an elongated middle lobe, dark green, shiny, and purplish-red in autumn. The flowers are yellowish, fragrant, collected in multi-flowered panicles, appearing after the leaves have fully bloomed. It grows quickly, is winter-hardy, and produces abundant growth.

3.. False siebold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum) H = 8 m

A slender tree with a dense, tent-shaped crown. During flowering, large, yellowish-white flowers with purple sepals appear. Inflorescences are racemose with pubescent axes. The leaves are bright green, round, palmately dissected up to half of the leaf blade, and turn red-pink in autumn. The winged fruits are pinkish-red at the beginning of ripening, then yellowish-brown.

4. Manchurian maple (Acer mandshurirum) H = 20 m

Deciduous tree with a highly raised, rounded, openwork crown. The leaves are graceful, trifoliate on long reddish petioles, becoming purple-red in autumn. The inflorescences are yellowish-greenish, racemose, consisting of large flowers. Flowering is short-lived, 10-12 days. It is an excellent honey plant. Does not tolerate urban conditions and formative pruning.

5. False sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) H = 40 m

A tall tree with a well-formed trunk, especially beautiful when standing freely, forms a dense tent-shaped crown. The trunk is covered with ash-gray bark, peeling off in large plates. Narrow, multi-flowered inflorescences up to 16 cm long look impressive against the background of blossoming leaves. The leaves are 3-5-lobed, dark green above, bluish or whitish below.

6. Pennsylvania maple (Acer pensylvanirum) H = 12 m

A tree with a dense crown, the trunk is covered with dark green bark with longitudinal light stripes. The leaves are large, obovate with three shallow lobes, and turn pure yellow in autumn. The yellowish flowers are collected in graceful drooping racemes up to 15 cm long. Flowering lasts 7-10 days. The fruits remain on the plants for a long time. Externally very similar to green maple.

Varieties of maples: photos and descriptions

'Crimson King'

Norway maple H = 15 m

A tree with a spreading crown and large lobed leaves of red-purple color, which turn orange in autumn. The flowers are yellow with a reddish tint and appear simultaneously with the leaves blooming.


Norway maple H = 12 m

An elegant tree with a regular crown. Young leaves are pink at the edges, later a wide cream border appears on them. The light color of this variety goes well with plants that have dark-colored foliage.


False sycamore maple H = 20m

Tree with a wide cone-shaped crown. Young leaves are red-brown, later change color and until autumn remain dark green above and deep red below with a purplish-violet bloom.


Ash-leaved maple H = 4 m

This is a low tree or large shrub. The variety is very beautiful, variegated. Young leaves are pink, later becoming white-variegated. Maple is suitable for small gardens as a tapeworm and for use in color compositions.


Silver maple H = 20 m

A picturesque tree with hanging, long, thin branches. The leaves are carved, strongly dissected, graceful, silver-green in color, turning light yellow in the fall. Preferably used as a tapeworm.


Norway maple H = 7 m

Without pruning, the tree forms an even, very dense spherical crown, which in adult plants takes on a flat shape. Recommended for landscaping city streets, but also suitable for decorative element for a small garden.

'Royal Red'

Norway maple H = 12 m

The crown is broadly conical, the leaves are large, shiny, bright red throughout the growing season. Yellow inflorescences look very impressive against the background of brightly colored leaves. The tree grows quickly. This variety is widely used.


Ash-leaved maple H = 5 m

A beautiful tree with decorative, white-green, variegated leaves and showy fruits. Used as a solitaire and in contrasting compositions with others deciduous trees. Tolerates urban conditions well.

MAPLE family

The autumn garden is bright and beautiful, because right now many representatives of the flora are dressed in foliage in all possible shades of gold and flame. And one of the best candidates, deserving a place of honor in private ownership, is maple. In terms of the richness of red, yellow and orange foliage, it can hardly be found among woody plants. In general, botanists count 150 species of the genus (Acer maple).

Among them, about 30 are suitable for the garden. At the same time, the maple “brothers” are not twins at all - they differ in height and “appearance”: the shape of the crown and the color of the leaves, including autumn (the palmar maple alone has 50 varieties). By the way, some types of trees even have decorative bark. Except that the flowers are all rather inconspicuous.

About 20 species of maple grow in Russia. Among them special attention Norway maple deserves ( Acer platanoides). It is most common in our area and is best adapted to difficult climatic conditions: it is unpretentious, shade-tolerant and even resistant to air pollution, thanks to which this species often decorates parks and squares in megacities. At the same time, the assortment of Norway maple is large and varied: there are columnar (‘ Columnare' or ' Crimson Sentry’)" with a spherical crown shape

The massive stone container accommodated several specimens of the low-growing palm-shaped maple ‘ Dissectum Atropurpureum’ ('Globosum', 'Charles E. Irish') and even dwarf (‘ Pigmaeum'). In addition, varietal plants differ in the shape of the leaves and their color in the fall.

In terms of decorativeness, the Asian maple stands out in the “motley” family, which is considered to have the most picturesque “appearance”. It grows in the form of a tree or bush up to 6 m high. By the way, this particular variety is must have garden in Japanese style. The only, but tangible, minus of the most beautiful of the beautiful is for middle zone it is not winter hardy enough. This Asian plant is suitable for cultivation only in the southern regions.

In order for maples to grow well, it is advisable to provide them with sunny or partial shade in the garden. The soil must be fertile and with good water permeability, since most species do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Care comes down to regular watering during drought (the tree itself will easily survive it, but the lack of “drink” will directly affect the aesthetics of the image) and pruning diseased and dry branches in the fall.

  1. Red vein maple (Acer rufinerve) comes from the mountain forests of Japan. This short tree is frost-resistant, but sensitive to heat. The autumn color of the leaves is yellow-orange, up to carmine red.
  2. It is wider than it is tall – this is what most varieties of palmate maple are like. In the photo there is red creeping along the path ‘Dissectum Atropurpureum’.
  3. Red maple (Acer rubrum) 'Scanlon' For maximum foliage brightness, you need to provide a sunny place with moist soil without an excess of lime.
  4. Tatarian maple ginnala (Acertataricumsubsp.ginnala) in the fall, as if engulfed in a scarlet flame. The tree, up to 7 m high and with a crown 8 m in diameter, grows well in both sun and partial shade.
  5. Maple curled ( Acercircinatum) in autumn it dresses up in orange-red foliage. The plant, up to 5 m high and wide, prefers moist, fertile soil and partial shade.
  6. Many maple species also have winged fruits that are very decorative. Helicopters, as they are popularly called, are carried by the wind over long distances.

Catchy cover

When the bright leaves fly away, some types of maples delight with an additional decorative “option” - bark. She is unusually catchy with them. So, already in the summer, thin, papyrus-like, red-brown plates begin to peel off from the trunk of the gray maple, which, however, remain on the trunk all winter (pictured).

In the snakebark maple, the green bark of the trunk and branches is decorated with white stripes. The bark of the Pennsylvania maple is captivating with its green-white color. Palm maple can boast yellow or red (depending on the variety) coloring of its branches.

  1. Snakebark maple (Acer capillipes) fully lives up to its name: the tree bark is “painted” with green and white stripes. Thanks to them, the plant remains decorative all year round.
  2. Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) ‘Aconitifolium’ captivates with its dissected openwork leaves, which at the end of the season shimmer with all shades of orange and red.
  3. At the maples different types the leaves are very different. While in the riverine maple they are predominantly three-lobed (pictured), in others they can be five-, seven-, or even nine-lobed.

Norway maple is the most common species in central Russia.

A tall tree, which is often used to create city alleys.

But maples are perhaps the most diverse crop in terms of leaf shape and color, size and appearance tree.

Today we will talk about the most decorative and short maples that can be included in the composition of the garden.

River maple, or ginnala (Acer ginnala), grows in nature in the Far East and there reaches 6 m, forming a bush. In gardens, it is formed in the form of a low bush-like tree with a tent-like crown with a diameter of up to 4 m and very picturesque curved stems. Its leaves are three-lobed, with an elongated middle blade; in autumn they give a rich range of red tones - from orange-red to deep burgundy. River maple is light-loving, and if it grows in a shady place, the autumn color of its foliage is not bright. This species is winter-hardy, unpretentious, grows quickly and can be trimmed, so if desired, you can create a hedge from it.

Norway maple, sycamore, platanoides (Acer platanoides), is a tall tree, but it has a variety of decorative forms, which are not so tall in height, and will delight you with the color of the foliage; formed balls on a trunk are also available for sale. Therefore, pay attention to this maple, you can find a decorative form suitable for your garden.

Tatarian maple, or black maple, or non-maple (A. tataricum), in its morphological characteristics it is close to the ginnala maple (and some botanists consider it a subspecies of the Tatarian maple). Externally, the leaves are similar, but in the ginnal maple they are deeply cut and shiny, while in the Tatar maple they are matte. Another important feature of the Tatarian maple for us is the dark, almost black bark, which really makes the tree (or rather, a shrub, because the Tatarian maple usually grows as a bush) stand out, especially in winter, when there is snow in the garden. In nature, this species can reach 9 m (usually 3-4 m), but it, like the ginnal maple, can be easily pruned, so in the garden it is formed in the form of a small tree, or even in the form of a hedge, even completely low - only 0.5 m high, or even a hemisphere, a ball on a trunk (you can also form a ginnal maple). The flowers of the Tatarian maple also deserve attention: they are beige in color, collected in thick panicles, and most importantly, they spread a sweet honey aroma (Tatar maple is an excellent honey plant, the honey is dark brown, aromatic and not too tart). Nemaple is also good during the fruiting period: its winged fruits are bright pink, stand out in contrast against the background of green foliage, and they can even be mistaken for flowers. And of course, this maple is beautiful in the fall, when its leaves turn bright red.

Tatarian maple is drought-resistant, tolerates saline soils, grows well in partial shade, is frost-resistant, and does well in urban conditions. In a word, this species is very promising for garden landscaping.

Greenbark maple (A. tegmentosum) Also called linden maple, its leaves actually look a little like linden leaves. He comes from the south of the Russian Far East, Korea, and China. It is taller than previous species, reaches 15 m, but in the middle zone it usually does not grow tall, since here its growth is weaker and the branches can periodically freeze. Nevertheless, it is possible to grow it in our conditions, although you need to choose the warmest and most wind-protected area. This species deserves attention primarily due to its very beautiful bark: in young trees it is green with white longitudinal stripes, in older trees the stripes become gray. Crown – spherical, with cherry-colored shoots

especially advantageous), in spring large red-brown buds stand out brightly on them. The three-lobed leaves are large (about 15 cm), turning lemon yellow in autumn. The tree is also decorated with small pinkish-brown winged seeds collected in long drooping clusters.

Greenbark maple is shade-tolerant and moisture-loving. It is better to plant it as a single plant and form it into a spreading bush with several trunks.

We can’t help but mention another charming little maple tree.

False siebold maple (A. pseudosieboldianum) in nature in the south of the Primorsky Territory reaches 8 m, but grows very slowly and remains an elegant tree for a long time. In the middle zone it grows even lower (on my site for 20 years this maple barely reaches 3 m). In spring, the tree is decorated with tender leaves that have barely blossomed and pinkish bud scales that have not had time to fall off. Then the crown becomes openwork thanks to small (up to 8-10 cm), rounded, 9-11-lobed, deeply dissected leaves with a serrated edge. In autumn the foliage turns fiery red.

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Maples are symbols of autumn. This genus of plants is interesting and large; there are more than 150 species of shrubs and trees growing in different places on Earth. In our climate, up to 25 species can be cultivated. According to Feng Shui, maple is considered a family tree.

Maples are widely used in landscaping of populated areas. The most widely used maples include ash-leaved (American), holly, riverine, Tatarian, field, and false-sycamore (sycamore). Red, silver, spike and sugar maples are also used in landscape design, although they are not yet so widely known.

Types and varieties of decorative maple

Maples are endowed with a variety of lobed leaves that form a crown beautiful mosaic. These plants are beautiful in any season of the year. When deployed in the spring, they give a pink or red tint, become rich green in the summer, and in the fall they delight with a riot of scarlet, orange and yellow colors. Among all the usual species there are unusual maples decorative forms:

  • Reitenbachii, Crimson Kinq, etc. – maples with permanent red foliage;
  • Aurea, Drummondii – the leaf blade has a yellow or white border;
  • Laciniatum - leaf with deeply dissected lobes;
  • Columnare, Globosum, etc. – pyramidal or spherical crown. These are the most decorative woody plants.

Decorative maple will provide protection from dust, scorching sun, and extraneous noise due to its dense, thick, relief shape. All maples, except silver and ash-leaved, are wind-resistant.

Flowering of decorative maple

And how fragrantly and magnificently the maples bloom! I would especially like to highlight the flowering of the red maple; its bright scarlet inflorescences appear in April. Flowering of other species occurs at the end of April - mid-June.

Decorative maple trees

Gardeners are often intimidated by their size when growing maples on their property. Yes, most of maples are large trees with a crown up to 20 m in diameter and a height of up to 20-25 m. Of course, only owners of large suburban areas can afford such trees.

Little is known about Far Eastern maples, which differ from American and European species. Among them there are big trees and small trees with a bizarre, peculiar “Japanese” crown, as well as shrubs.

Far Eastern maple

The Far Eastern maple will be a godsend, as it does not create problems in cultivation, thanks to adaptation to the cold climate in its homeland. Trees (15-20 m) include Manchurian and small-leaved maples.

Manchurian maple

The Manchurian maple is endowed with a magnificent spherical crown, under which comfortable partial shade is created, and unusual tripartite leaves attached with long red petioles. The flowering of this maple is beautiful, and in the summer the ripening red fruits-cralats look beautiful among the green foliage. But the Manchurian maple has its most stunning appearance in the fall, when the top of the leaf becomes bright scarlet and the bottom light pink.

small leaf maple

The small-leaved maple has a denser crown, its leaves are similar to the leaves of the Norway maple, but their size is somewhat smaller. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow to bright orange.

Multi-trunked Far Eastern maples grow 10-15 meters high; they can take the form of trees with one or several trunks or the shape of large ones. The gardener himself, armed with pruning shears, can give the desired shape. This type of maple includes greenbark and yellow maple.

Greenbark maple

This ornamental maple has variegated bark with alternating white, gray and green stripes. Its leaves are large and soft with shallow lobes, reminiscent of the well-known “quality mark”. In autumn, the leaves turn neutral yellow and lemon yellow tones, which contrast wonderfully with the bark.

Yellow maple

The yellow maple is endowed with soft yellowish-gray bark, its leaves are lobed, covered with reddish hairs on the underside. In autumn their color turns salmon-red or orange.

Decorative maple shrubs

bearded maple

Among the shrubs, I would like to introduce the bearded maple; this dense bush with many trunks grows in diameter and up to 4-5 meters in height. It lends itself well to shaping and cutting, and blooms beautifully. The bright green summer leaves change to orange or dark yellow in the fall. In winter, the garden is decorated with young shoots with purple-red and dark pink bark. They are especially elegant against the backdrop of sparkling snow.

Fan and palm maples, etc.

For lovers of Japanese gardens, three-flowered, false siebold, fan, and palmate maples are suitable. These views cause special delight; they are unusually beautiful and meet the canons of Eastern ethics. Low, with graceful, sometimes intricately curved trunks, these maples are endowed with an asymmetrical crown, often inclined towards the light. The grace and tiered transparency of the crown is given by the horizontal branching of the terminal shoots. These maples are highly rated by professional designers. It is not necessary to create a Japanese garden, just plant a maple on the site and over time you can create a beautiful corner next to it by planting ferns or forest moss nearby, installing a stone lantern or a beautiful stone.

In any case, there is never any need to rush; over time it will become clear how you want to see the corner of the garden in which the decorative maple grows.

This beautiful plant decorates different regions of the Earth. Maples inhabit the parks and gardens of Russia in large numbers and delight the eye with their unique beauty at any time of the year. Although almost all of its species are unique and attractive in the shape and color of their leaves, they look especially original in the fall.

General information about maples

Maples - deciduous trees or shrubs (5-40 meters in height), characteristic feature which are symmetrical leaves and a variety of their shades in the autumn.

Autumn maple is a tree from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Often people passing by have a desire to imprint it in their memory for a long time. There are about 150 in total various types, and each of them has its own characteristics and growing conditions. Maple flowers, arranged vertically in inflorescences, come in yellow, green and red shades. It primarily depends on the type of plant. Ripe fruits contain seeds, and they are collected in wing-shaped clusters. Maples are self-pollinating plants and good honey plants. They grow quite quickly.


Autumn maple is a decoration of many corners of the globe. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, so it is suitable even for novice gardeners.

In Eurasia and North America they primarily grow in temperate latitudes, but in Asia they are also found in the tropics. They can be found in the mountains of Borneo and on the island of Sumatra, as well as in the Philippines and Malaysia. Some also grow in the Mediterranean. These trees can be found in Japan. Maple grows especially extensively in the provinces of China: Hubei, Yunnan, Sichuan. There are suggestions that these places are also the place of origin of the plant, from where the further spread of the species began.

Maple is considered a mountain plant, but some of its species are also common on the plains. Many of them are quite suitable for cultivation in fertile conditions in the cities of Russia (middle zone).

Maples are relatively heat-loving plants, especially Japanese and Chinese species. However, many of them can easily withstand the northern winters of Russia. As a rule, in nature they do not form any continuous stands. The trees grow interspersed with other broad-leaved species, and a little less often with conifers. Therefore, the autumn maple in the forest is a relatively rare, but surprisingly beautiful bright spot among other vegetation.

Some varieties

We list the main varieties that can be found around the world:

  1. Red maple is a tree 10-20 meters high, 4-7 meters wide. The crown of a fast-growing maple is large, compact, and the bark is flaky, dark gray. The five-lobed leaves, when blooming, are beautiful in the summer; they turn green, and in the fall they acquire an amazing decorative effect: red-purple or orange on the upper side, pinkish-silver on the lower side. And the fragrant flowers of this species have a red tint, and they bloom even before the leaves. Under natural conditions, this maple is found in North America (eastern regions) in wetlands.
  2. Fan maple (palm-shaped) is a slow-growing shrub (height - 4-6 meters) with an umbrella-shaped rounded crown. With age, the plant grows in width. Young shoots are green or purple. The leaves are palmately lobed, graceful, and over time acquire a bright red hue. Autumn maple leaves are very beautiful - purple. Found naturally in Korea, Japan, central and eastern China.
  3. Manchurian maple is a beautiful slender tree up to 20 meters high, with a rounded, high-positioned openwork crown. Its bark is light gray with small cracks. The graceful, compound, trifoliate leaves are reddish-orange in spring, dark green in summer, and purplish-red in fall. Manchurian maple grows naturally in Korea, Primorsky Krai and China (northeast).
  4. Greenbark maple is a tree or very large shrub up to 15 meters high with a wide spherical crown. This species is distinguished by its decorative bark. In young plants it is green, and on an old tree it is gray. Autumn maple leaf is golden yellow. In nature, it is found in mixed forests with moist soil in Korea, Primorsky Krai and northeast China.
  5. Ash-leaf maple (or American) is an asymmetrical tree, distinguished by its rapid growth. Height - 10-15 meters, crown width - 5-10 meters. Green leaves turn yellowish-green in autumn. The shoots are green, with a waxy coating of a bluish tint. Found naturally in central North America.
  6. Bearded maple - relatively small tree or shrub (from 4 to 10 meters in height) with a spreading crown. The five-lobed leaves are slightly pubescent on top. Their length can reach 10 cm. The autumn maple leaf has a yellow-orange tint. It grows under natural conditions in North Korea, the Primorsky Territory and the northeastern part of China.

Maples of Russia

In addition to the above species, it should also be noted that more heat-loving plants are not used in landscaping gardens and parks in central Russia, but take root well in the southern territories of the country:

  • hornbeam;
  • David's maple;
  • paperbark (or gray);
  • Hyrcanian;
  • Georgian;
  • Japanese;
  • light;
  • pubescent;
  • Montpelian;
  • Stephen's maple;
  • viburnum leaf;
  • four-dimensional;
  • blunt-leaved velvety;
  • Trautwetter maple.

The fall colors of any of these maple species range from yellow to rich red hues. The above is an incomplete list of maple varieties that take root well in some areas of the vast territory of Russia.

Norway maple (sycamore)

Norway maple is a traditional symbol of autumn in Russia. Its leaves are large, they have a five-pointed, carved and very beautiful shape. It is thanks to its unique shape and colors that it is easy to find among all the autumn splendor. The autumn maple leaf is a real miracle.

This fast-growing tree can reach a height of up to 20-30 meters and a width of up to 8-15 m. The crown of this maple is dense and rounded. Young trees have smooth, reddish-gray bark. In older plants it is usually darker, and sometimes becomes almost black. You can also notice deep cracks on it. The leaves are green, five-lobed. In autumn their color changes from orange-yellow to red. The flowers bloom simultaneously with the leaves in mid-May.

In nature, this species is distributed throughout Europe. Norway maple is not picky and can grow on any forest and garden soils, except acidic and sandy ones. In addition, it does not tolerate excessive salinity and stagnation of moisture in the soil. The maple species is quite resistant to cold winds.

The Caucasus and the European part of Russia are considered its homeland.

Today, there are a huge variety of decorative forms and varieties of Norway maple, which are used for growing in parks and gardens.

IN summer time maples are skillfully camouflaged in the emerald green mass. But with the onset of autumn, forests and parks are painted in completely different colors. Bright maple trees with uniquely shaped leaves stand out especially against the background of the general mass.

With the onset of late autumn, trees in gardens, parks, groves and forests become bare in anticipation of winter. But even at this time of year bright colors have not yet been wiped off the face of the earth. They are located under your feet. Yellow, orange, brown, red, burgundy and even green leaves cover the nondescript dark ground with an amazingly bright carpet. They sparkle in the rays of the autumn, but still warm sun. Of course, maple leaves shine with special beauty. Some are even cast in gold. And they are all surprisingly different not only in their shade, but also in their skillful carving. This is a real miracle of nature.

The autumn maple is always in sight. In this case, one tree can be covered with a whole palette of colors, but the red tint almost always dominates. Maple delights with its beauty and splendor for a long time, because it does not immediately succumb to winter. Its crown remains untouched until late autumn.


The autumn maple is one of the most beautiful deciduous trees. It looks great on the outside and summer cottage, in city parks and alleys. The plant is used in both solitary and group plantings. For example, dwarf maple is good in rocky gardens - rock gardens and rockeries. Low-growing trees of this species are suitable for a Japanese garden. Tatarian maple is often used to create living walls and hedges.

And in mixed plantings maple is used, for example, along with coniferous plants. Taller species can be planted in the garden next to the future seating area.

Bouquet with autumn maple branches

Any room can be decorated with a bouquet of maple leaves. To do this, it is best to collect them early in the morning.

At night, the autumn wind tears leaves from maple trees and scatters them on the ground, so in the morning you can collect leaves that are not yet damaged, which will not have black spots or any dark spots. Towards evening, only wrinkled and limp maple leaves remain.


Autumn maple alleys are a fascinating sight with their amazing splendor. Walking through such parks fills a person with strength, energy and good mood for the whole day. If you want to take a piece of maple with you, then pay attention to its beautiful leaves, from which you can make a wonderful bouquet.