In a private house      03/05/2020

DIY storage room for garden tools. How to store garden tools: ideas. Preparing a garage for a lawn mower and walk-behind tractor

As soon as warm days come, gardeners, summer residents begin to actively take out their tools for giving and gardening, as well as other inventory from hiding places. After all, in the midst of work, especially in the spring, everything necessary tools The summer resident should definitely have them on hand. You constantly need rakes and shovels, pitchforks and much more! On the other hand, not only do you not want the garden tool for giving to be scattered throughout the site, because it will be difficult to find it that way, but it spoils general form site exterior! Therefore, without fail, every responsible summer resident should have one place where to store tools so that everything is safe and sound. Besides, the season comes and goes, winter comes, and during this time the instrument needs to be put somewhere...

For spring, summer, autumn

We can offer you several convenient options for storing equipment, from which only you need to choose!

Under the porch, or maybe a terrace...

If you notice at least a little space in this gap, a place for storing equipment is provided. If only it were so that the structure was raised at least half a meter from the surface of the earth.

Accordingly, the greater this distance, the more opportunities you have to store the tool in the country.

Suitable for a garden bench

Usually the space under the benches is not used in any way. But you can arrange a very useful box with equipment. In this case, aesthetics will be preserved, and the space under the bench will not just be empty.

DIY storage box for garden tools

First you need to calculate the size of the box so that everything you need fits into it. After that, you can think about its other functions.

So, the box can be made quite spacious by equipping it with pull-out shelves and a large hinged lid. You can also make a combined version, where there will be located below drawers, and on top you will store your shovels, pitchforks, hoes, rakes, etc. Such a volumetric structure can be used different ways. For example, there may be a sun lounger on top comfortable rest, and maybe even a table on which seedlings will be grown.


This option will look very original, and your guests will not even think that it contains gardening tools and equipment! For example, there may even be an air conditioner in the lower part of the container, but the upper part will be occupied by long objects. Fisherman's gear can also be stored here.

Storage of little things

Right on the counter, make a birdhouse in the form of a house with your own hands, in which small equipment will be stored, like the same secateurs and other things.

Use of suspended structures

For climbing plants, special supports should be provided to which small hooks can be attached. On these elements you can always hang inventory that is not needed “right now.”

Cylindrical racks look quite aesthetically pleasing!

Do you have any leftovers, scraps of plastic or metal pipes? Don't throw them away! After all, they can be attached to any part of your personal plot and store all the tools on them, which are equipped with handles.

Take a board that is at least a meter long and at least 4 cm thick; you will also need some remnants of boards and all kinds of planks, plywood trimmings in the shape of a triangle, of the same size.

In each triangle, make grooves the same size as the largest board. Connect the triangles to the planks using self-tapping screws. The edges need to be cut. And as a result, you will get each of the triangles as a console.

Further, all consoles should be individually attached to a large board using self-tapping screws. In the process of this, see that the inventory can be hung up with the working part. Insert boards in between the consoles. This is important for imparting rigidity.

As a result of the work done, you will get a fairly heavy shelf, which cannot be attached to the wall surface of the room without an assistant.

In fact, there are a lot of options for how to store tools in the country. And no one forbids you to fantasize and create your own developments. A very interesting option for storing inventory is the organization of a garden organizer.

And so that you do not have to run for new garden tools at the beginning of each season, be vigilant and observe the correct storage conditions for your tools. Carefully consider their storage system so that they are reliably protected not only in the season, but also during frosts.

Storage of garden tools and other things at the dacha

As a rule, a country house, the area around it and all outbuildings resemble a temporary storage warehouse various instruments, gardening and sports supplies, seasonal items. In this case, the main task that faces the owners is to organize the space on the site in such a way that the situation on it becomes functional, and work brings only pleasure, without extra costs energy and time.

You should not litter the country house and outbuildings with broken things, because, most often, there is not enough time to fix them. Therefore, it would be more expedient if the necessary tools take the place of broken things. First of all, you should get rid of rusty equipment, broken boxes, old cans of paint and expired fertilizers and various chemicals, old, worn-out gloves and broken equipment. This will help free extra space For convenient storage things and gardening tools in the country.

Arranging a work area at the dacha

Quite often at the dacha you have to repair elements of old furniture, replant various flowers, and clean various equipment and tools. For these purposes, it is best to install in a garage, barn or veranda country house desk and armchair.

To make the table more functional, you need to install several built-in drawers or shelves under its tabletop. Wooden boxes Can be attached to the wall next to your desk. This way, all the necessary tools will always be at hand.

Hanging garden tool storage systems

In order to free the floor from various things, you can attach hanging shelves. To store sports equipment, sharp objects and seasonal items, use hanging cabinets and containers that are located under the ceiling of the room.

The shelves can also be used to store buckets, boxes and small garden tools. On ordinary hooks located along the walls you can place bags, boots, watering cans, bunches of garlic, onions or dry herbs.

Mezzanine cabinets are perfect for storing children's sleds, skis, skates or some types of seamstresses. Hooks on the ceiling will help save space on the floor, on which you can hang sleighs, bicycles or garden furniture.

Spacious shelving for storing things in the country

The decor in the room will look orderly if you place stationary or modular shelving in it, where there is a place for each item. Such storage systems do an excellent job of clearly distributing the various things needed in the household.

To put in place all the things needed in the household: dishes, equipment, Construction Materials, preparations for the winter, clothes, tools, flower pots, baskets with vegetables and fruits, you only need one spacious rack that will take up space along the wall of the barn or garage.

Garden Tool Storage: Ideas

Throughout the year, you need to take care of your summer cottage: loosen and level the soil, replant flowers, harvest, and remove fallen leaves. Therefore, gardening tools must always be kept in good condition. Care should be taken when storing garden tools Special attention. Each piece of gardening equipment must occupy a specially designated place for it.

For example, to store equipment, you can build a wall-mounted container from boards, in which you can make several compartments of suitable width and depth so that the sharp parts of the tools occupy a safe position.

Rakes, shovels and forks can be stored on the wall of a garage or shed if you attach special hook holders to it.
For gardening tools that are stored outside, it is necessary to make a container with a canopy. This will prevent moisture from getting on the tools and rust from forming on them. metal areas inventory.

Using containers and containers for storing things in the country

At any dacha you can find various cans of paint, chemicals, building materials, varnishes, sprayers, fertilizer and many other unsafe substances. To store such substances, special storage areas should be provided in the form of tightly closed plastic containers.

It is best to place such containers, as well as fertilizers in original packaging, unopened sealants and cans of paint, on the topmost shelves of shelving or mezzanine cabinets. So up toxic substances and chemicals will not be accessible to children and pets.

Summer residents often have a rather pressing issue of organizing the storage of garden tools. if you have country cottage area or own house, then you probably use a lot of gardening tools. And you are most likely familiar with the situation when you need to look for a shovel or pruning shears throughout the entire area or try to pull it out of a pile of other garden tools. But in the midst of summer season It is necessary that the tools are always at hand, but at the same time you, in the literal sense, do not have to step on a rake.

For all these problems there is one simple solution - to spend time once and equip a place for storing garden tools.

The first thing to do is to disassemble the entire tool. Sort it by size: large equipment in one group, small scoops, shovels, rakes in another, hammers, chisels, screwdrivers in a third. So you can understand which of the storage methods to choose. Also, inspect your tools to see if they need to be cleaned, sharpened, or generally spruced up.

How to store shovels and rakes

To ensure that shovels, forks and other equipment with long handles do not take up much space and do not get in the way, you can make a kind of organizer: you will need 2-4 boards, a feather drill, a hacksaw, sandpaper and screws. Mark the location of the holes in the boards (so that they coincide in diameter with the handles of the tools), drill them using a drill bit, make side cuts with a hacksaw, sand them and secure them at the same level on the wall with screws.

Also, a wooden pallet can become a storage device. Fix it on the wall as shown in the photo and simply place the inventory in it.

Also, if you have wide board, then you can use a hacksaw or jigsaw to cut out recesses in it of such a width that the tool handles fit freely into them. Using a metal corner, secure the board to the wall and “hang” shovels and rakes work surface up.

Take polypropylene pipe of a suitable diameter, cut it at an angle into pieces 5-7 cm wide. Secure them with screws to the wall. Individual storage compartments are ready.

An old, leaky plastic barrel or tank with a lid can still serve you well. Make holes in the bottom or lid and insert inventory into them.

How to store tools in the country

If you have a large number of screwdrivers, that is, an easy way to conveniently place them in your shed or pantry. Drill holes of the required diameter in a board 10-15 mm thick, fix such a shelf on the wall and simply stick screwdrivers into the resulting holes.

To accommodate the pliers, you can make a bar. Secure 2 small bars 3-4 cm wide with screws to the wall, and nail a narrow strip onto them.

Hanging pockets can be very useful. You can put gloves, pruning shears, small spatulas or other small but useful items in them.

How to store nails and screws

Do you have a lot of nails and screws? Take several jars of a suitable size and fill them with nails. Secure the covers with screws under a shelf that is convenient for you. Now simply “screw” the jars onto the lids.

Buy large metal coat hooks and fix them on the wall. Now just hang your hoses on them.

Over the years, every gardener accumulates a whole arsenal of all kinds of tools. And the question inevitably arises - how to store garden tools? And there are a lot of them - bayonet and shovel shovels, rakes, hoes, scythes, pitchforks, flat cutters... And all this is often more than one copy. Yes and small tool, such as secateurs, all kinds of rippers, spatulas also abound.

We want to bring to your attention a few ideas on how to organize the storage of all this inventory. The pictures clearly show how the storage devices are arranged, so there is no need for detailed explanations.

Conventionally, the approach to storing garden tools can be divided into two types - vertically or horizontally. But here everyone chooses according to his taste.

Devices for storing garden tools in a horizontal form

So, let's start with options for storing tools in a horizontal form. The main structure resembles a Swedish wall.

Vertical bars with supports are attached to the wall, on which the tool is placed. The convenience of this design is obvious - everything is in sight, access to any equipment is very easy. The downside is that in the end the entire wall is occupied, that is, quite a large area is used for storage.

as a horizontal option garden tool storage You can also offer this option (photo below).

Storage under the ceiling is convenient to save usable space.

Storing garden tools vertically

The device for vertical placement of garden tools looks somewhat simpler. You can also use the wall.

Lots of mounting options. From simple hanging to the use of tubes. The pros and cons here are the same as on the "Swedish wall" above. Everything is in plain sight, good access, but takes up a lot of wall space.

The option of storing garden tools in a special device that resembles a box, divided from the inside into sections, looks more economical in terms of space occupied. The design is different, it can be clearly seen in the photographs below.

One of the disadvantages of this design is difficult access to the tools located in the center. You will have to pull it out from many neighboring ones, which may not always be convenient and can be fraught with injury.

Storage of small garden tools

So far we have been talking about organizing the storage of large garden tools, such as shovels, forks, rakes, etc.

But there are also small spades, pruning shears and other “trifles”. You can make small shelves and holders for them (photo below).

For more the same long-term storage It is recommended to use a container filled with sand with a small addition vegetable oil. It is better not to use machine oil, since there is a risk of introducing it into the soil, and we do not want this. It is better to use linseed oil.

Often people simply store things in the garage, in some room, in a shed. You can find everything there: gardening tools, old furniture, spare parts. If you leave it like this, you will need to spend a lot of time each time to find the right thing. That's why the summer residents came up with special methods storage that makes life easier. This article talks about storing shovels and rakes in the country.

Wall mounting system

This is one of the most best options storage of tools, as it allows for small area place a large number of tools. It is distinguished by its simplicity, low cost, and great versatility. The wall-mounted device can be attached to the shed for shovels and rakes. The system consists of a net (sold on the regular market) and hooks on which equipment is hung. You can also make wooden holders and attach them to the wall.

Wall mount for tools

Garden tool toilet

Since the room is high, it is well suited for rakes, shovels, and hoes. You can also nail hooks to the toilet door, hang shelves on the wall, and put tool boxes. Household blocks are often used for these purposes.

If there are a lot of garden tools, then it is better to use the traditional method - storing shovels and rakes in the shed, where you can build storage cabinets, put baskets for small items or special metal constructions for heavier items.

How to store gardening tools

Storage lockers

If option with garden toilet does not fit, then you can make the cabinets yourself. The advantage of this option is that you can choose the number of shelves, their height, the presence or absence of hooks.

You can also make a cabinet on wheels, which will allow you to change its location without much difficulty. Everything you need to create a cabinet is purchased in specialized stores.

A rack for shovels, forks, rakes, cuttings is another storage option. The sequence of its manufacture:

  1. Nail the crossbars to two boards: one on top, the other on the bottom (the boards should be in the center of the crossbars).
  2. Make a bottom box to stabilize the tools in the cells.
  3. Nail supports from the ends to the frame and boards.

This stand for shovels and rakes takes up little space.

Tool cabinet

Baskets for small items

You can use drawers that are made from a single piece of metal. Nothing will fall out of such boxes, and if you add an inscription, it will be easy to find the necessary equipment. Mesh baskets are used for rags and gloves. Storage for small items can be a container for something (for example, a coffee can).

Advice! Tools and containers must be washed, cleaned and disinfected.

Durable metal structures

On metal shelves Heavy tools are stored, so it is best to use welding to secure them.

The sequence of creating a metal structure:

  1. Make drawings.
  2. Take care of the frame elements - ordinary corners.
  3. Cut out the frame elements using a grinder and then weld them. Don’t forget to check the right angles between the fasteners and posts.
  4. Make shelves from perforated or rolled steel (thickness - 1-5 mm).
  5. At the end of the work, clean the rack from rust and paint it.

It is better to place such a structure next to a solid wall, which would serve as a support and carry part of the load. Often a metal structure is combined with wooden materials to make it easier.

To prevent outdoor furniture from taking up much space, it is attached to the wall using brackets.

Note! Hardware do not rot or ignite, are most protected from chemicals, and are not affected by humidity and temperature.

Preparing a garage for a lawn mower and walk-behind tractor

The room should be room temperature(approximately +22 °C), humidity - no more than 70%. The device must be positioned so that the wheels do not touch the floor. The equipment must be stored in the working position, i.e. horizontally, otherwise it may be flooded air filter or an oil leak may occur.

It will be good if you cover the lawn mower (walk-behind tractor) with a cover made of soft fabric. Shouldn't be near chemical substances for cleaning, as their aggressive compositions can cause severe damage to parts. Old rakes and shovels need to be removed so that they do not fall on the walk-behind tractor.

Advice! A garage for a lawnmower can be made from a doghouse.

How to store shovels at the dacha

Tips for storing shovels and other similar gardening tools in winter:

  1. Clean off dirt.
  2. Dry in the sun.
  3. Sharpen the shovels and then place them in a bucket of sand.
  4. Lubricate cutting tools with oil.

There are quite a few options for storing country tools. It is not necessary to call a specialist; you can do everything yourself. If you try, these structures will last a long time. Tips on how to properly store shovels and rakes will help save time and money, save appearance tools.