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Agricultural technology for indoor geranium. Easy care of geraniums at home

Pelargonium is known to many as geranium, which is a more common name for this plant. Pelargonium belongs to the Geraniaceae family. It fits perfectly into any conditions and becomes a real decoration in your interior.

The plant was introduced in the 17th century from the Cape Colony. Only aristocrats had the right to grow geranium, but over time the plant became available to many interested gardeners.

Varieties of pelargonium photos and names

Its homeland is South-West Africa. This species is a shrub about 9cm high. The foliage is more rounded with dissection, the surface of the leaf is either smooth or with slight pubescence. The peduncle contains 2-3 flowers. The inflorescence is about 3.5 cm in diameter, whitish in color or with scarlet veins. Flowering begins in spring.

Under natural conditions it grows in the southern parts of the Cape Province. The bush is abundantly branched and reaches a height of up to one meter. The foliage is lobed with pubescence both outside and inside. The flowers have a distinct pleasant smell. The inflorescences are collected in umbrellas with a crimson and light pink tint. Flowering occurs in summer.

It is a bush with a compact small trunk. The bush reaches a height of about 22 cm, the shoots are short, the foliage is more rounded in the shape of a heart. The width of the leaf is slightly serrated with slight pubescence. Umbrella-shaped flowers up to 10 pcs. on a peduncle with a pleasant smell. The color of the flower is from light to pink. Flowering occurs in summer.

In nature, it is more often found in the southeast of the Cape Province. Landscaped bushes reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. Branches filled with pubescence. The foliage is more rounded or lobed.

The leaf surface is either smooth or slightly pubescent along the surface with a chocolate-colored stripe. There are a large number of flowers in the umbrella. The color of the flowers is scarlet. Flowering lasts from spring to autumn.

Its inflorescences look like unopened buds tulips have 7-9 petals. This subgroup is distinguished by flowering in a bouquet. This group was launched in 1966 in Boston.

Or ampelous . This type of plant has drooping branches up to one meter in length. They are in demand for decorating balconies or in the summer for planting on the site as ground cover.

The foliage of ampelous species can be different in shape. The color of the flowers ranges from white to burgundy or black. The surface of the foliage is smooth and similar to ivy leaves, rough and unpleasant to the touch.

An interesting species with inflorescences similar to small bouquets of roses with unopened buds.

Currently, many varieties of rosebud pelargonium have been developed. This type of pelargonium is distinguished by double inflorescences.

Represents a neat bush. The inflorescences are similar to rosaceous pelargonium. The flowers of zonal pelargonium have a strong resemblance to roses. The height of the bush is standard up to 50 cm in height. The foliage has a rich green tint. The inflorescences are full of double varieties. The flower has a delicate crimson hue.

It has double inflorescences with a delicate pink tint of flowers. Umbrellas of corrugated flowers resemble a soft ball. This type of pelargonium must be pruned to form a beautiful bush shape.

This species is represented by strong bushes covered with many leaves and double flowers of a scarlet hue. Dark veining appears on the leaf surface.

It is the most popular variety. On strong shoots, up to 20 flowers are formed on one umbrella. The diameter of the flower can reach up to 6 cm. The shade of the Viva Rosita flower has a bright crimson hue.

It is a small compact bush. Light colored leaves. The bush does not need shaping. The flowers are large and the color of the flower is unusual with a color transition to light orange. Inflorescences are formed in the form of umbrellas.

This is a tulip-shaped plant with bright pale pink and white inflorescences. The petals of the flowers are corrugated along the edge. The flowers resemble unopened tulip buds.

The plant is resistant to temperature changes and does not require additional lighting. Flowering begins in late winter and lasts throughout the season. Does not require pruning.

Pelargonium care at home

Caring for the plant will not force you to spend a lot of time. By following all the instructions, you will enjoy a healthy blooming pelargonium constantly.

The flower prefers sufficient lighting. Then he doesn't lose decorative look. It is better to shade it from direct sunlight, and in winter, if there is insufficient lighting, it is better to add additional light sources.

Temperature for pelargonium it should correspond to 20 -25 degrees in summer and about 15 degrees in winter.

Watering pelargonium

The plant prefers moderate, constant watering. summer time It is necessary to water as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. IN winter time Watering should be reduced only if the room temperature has dropped.

Pelargonium does not like stagnant moisture, as this has a detrimental effect on the root system. When caring for a plant, it is better once again do not water rather than over-water. Pelargonium has the property of accumulating moisture system, so it can long time do without water.

There is no need to spray the plant, as this harms the flowers. Air humidity is not particularly important, the main thing is constant ventilation of the premises.

Fertilizers for pelargoniums

Plants need to be fed throughout the growing season from spring to autumn. It is preferable to use fertilizers in liquid form and in slightly moist soil.

In order for the plant to please you with abundant landscaping, you need to select fertilizers with the addition of nitrogen.

Magnesium sulfate for pelargoniums

This is a fertilizer that is used when it is necessary to obtain constant abundant flowering.

Magnesium and sulfur help the formation of a large number of buds. The drug is used 15 g, per 5 liters of water. Only on the condition that the water is at room temperature.

The plant also needs potassium and phosphorus for full development; feed according to the instructions on the package. In winter, fertilizing should be avoided.

Transplanting pelargonium

Pelargonium is replanted before the beginning of the growing season, in the spring. Young individuals require transplantation annually, adults less often. The container for transplantation must be selected a few centimeters larger. If the container is large, the plant will refuse to bloom.

Transplanting pelargonium in the fall is not advisable, but if it is necessary for some reason, it can be done.

Soil for pelargoniums

You can purchase ready-made soil in a store or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to lay a good layer of drainage at the bottom.

It is also necessary to mix leaf soil, turf soil, sand and humus, all in equal proportions.

Pruning pelargonium

Garden pelargonium must be pruned with the onset of cold weather so that the plant can withstand winter frosts normally. It is necessary to cut off half of its total height. Or transplant the pelargonium into a pot for the winter.

Pruning pelargonium in the fall is necessary after it has finished blooming.

Indoor pelargoniums are pruned to form a crown and lush flowering. This pruning is done at the end of winter, before the start of the growing season. After pruning, houseplants create many new buds for flowering.

Pruning must be done with a good sharp blade and cut the shoot obliquely, giving the plant the desired shape.

Pelargonium propagation by cuttings

To do this, cut a cutting about 7 cm long, dry it a little for 24 hours and plant it in the ground. There is no need to cover. Maintenance requires watering from time to time.

After about 30 days, the plant takes root. Cuttings can be rooted in water, and after the roots appear, planted in the ground. This method is used in late winter and mid-summer.

Pelargonium from seeds at home

The seeds are planted in light soil made of peat and sand, moistening it a little before sowing. Seeds are laid on the surface and sprinkled with a little soil. Cover with glass or film, creating greenhouse conditions.

Periodically open for ventilation and watering. The temperature for seeds should be kept between 23-25 ​​degrees. A few weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the plants are planted and the temperature is lowered to 20 degrees and kept in such conditions for about two months. And after that they are planted in the required place. Seeds should be sown at the end of winter.

Diseases and pests

Pelargonium leaves turn yellow. There may be a number of reasons for this: incorrectly selected soil, improper watering, small container or lack of fertilizer.

Pelargonium leaves turn yellow and dry out due to lack of moisture in the soil. It is necessary to water more regularly.

Pelargonium does not bloom at home, the most common reason is failure to maintain the plant's dormant state. That is, in winter it is necessary to lower the temperature of the plant to 15-18 degrees, as well as timely pruning. Then the plant will lay a large number of buds.

These flowers have been living on our windowsills for centuries. Out of habit, we call them geraniums, although in fact they are pelargonium. A relative of field geraniums, together with it it is part of the same family - Geraniaceae. Caring for pelargonium at home is simple, and a huge variety of varieties will allow everyone to choose a plant to suit their taste.


Pelargonium is a perennial herbaceous plant, some varieties of which are presented in the form of subshrubs. The height of the plant ranges from 30 to 80 cm. The stems are erect, slightly branched. The shape of the leaves is not the same; each variety of pelargonium has different leaves (simple, palmately dissected, palmate and others).

The flowers of the wild plant are much smaller in size than the flowers of ornamental geranium species. They can be of different colors. Inflorescences are few-flowered or many-flowered, mostly umbrella-shaped. The flowers of the plant can be simple or double, as well as single-color or bicolor.

Pelargonium care at home

Caring for the plant will not force you to spend a lot of time. By following all the instructions, you will be pleased with healthy blooming pelargonium all the time. The flower prefers sufficient lighting. Then it does not lose its decorative appearance. It is better to shade it from direct sunlight, and in winter, if there is insufficient lighting, it is better to add additional light sources.
The temperature regime for pelargonium should correspond to 20 -25 degrees in summer and about 15 degrees in winter.

Do I need to replant pelargonium after purchase?

Since stores usually sell flowers in disposable containers and with unsuitable soil, it makes sense to replant the plant, but only if the pelargonium does not bloom. For planting, you should use a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil, humus (1: 2: 2: 2).

If you don’t want to bother with preparing the soil, you can use a regular flower nutrient mixture, which is sold in stores. Subsequently, pelargonium should be replanted once a year in autumn or spring. If the pot becomes small, then it is changed. But it is important to know that pelargonium from a larger pot will go green and will not produce flowers.


Pelargonium is a light-loving plant that can tolerate direct sun. Only a few of them are considered picky and prefer places (for example, terraces or balconies) protected from direct sunlight, wind and rain. On a windowsill in bright sun, pelargonium can overheat. Therefore she needs good ventilation and protection from hot midday sun rays.

With a lack of light, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the lower leaves die and expose the stem. Flowering weakens or may stop altogether.

Soil and fertilizing

Pelargonium loves fertile and well-drained loose soil. You can either purchase the soil mixture or prepare it yourself by mixing equal proportions of garden soil, peat, medium-grained sand and a little humus.

Since pelargonium does not like stagnant water and requires good aeration, a good drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot.

In order for the plant to delight you with lush and long-lasting flowering, care should include regular feeding (once every 2 weeks). Some gardeners do this: in the hot season, when watering is done every day, the weekly feeding rate is divided into 7 parts and fertilizing is introduced with each watering. If a lump of earth is dry, you need to first spill it with water.

Any liquid universal composition for flowering plants is suitable for fertilization. indoor plants.

In winter, when the plant is resting, fertilizing should be canceled. With the onset of spring (March-April), pelargonium begins to be fed with fertilizer with a high potassium content.

You should refrain from fertilizing after transplanting the plant and give it time to acclimatize - about a month.


Pelargonium is considered a drought-resistant plant. It is recommended to water the flower only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out. However, the earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out too much.

Excessive watering causes rotting of the leaves and stems, and can lead to the death of the plant. Watering should be moderate. One of the signs that the earthen ball has begun to dry out is that if you touch the earth, it will not remain on your fingers. This means it's time to water. Watering frequency may depend on individual conditions and air temperatures - on average 1-2 days. In winter, watering should be reduced.

There is no need to spray pelargonium. Excessive dampness and poor ventilation can provoke fungal diseases.

By the way, these plants prefer dry air in our winter apartments more than high humidity. For this reason, pelargonium can be considered that rare flower that prefers a room to a greenhouse. Therefore, it should not be placed next to plants that require a humidifier.


Comfortable temperature for pelargonium – 20-25 degrees. If the plant is on a balcony or terrace, it is better to protect it from gusts of wind and drafts.

In winter, if possible, this southern beauty can be created special conditions– place it in a glazed, frost-free greenhouse or loggia, where the night temperature does not fall below +6 degrees, and the daytime temperature reaches +12-15 degrees. On particularly sunny days, to avoid overheating, the greenhouse must be ventilated. However, there are varieties of pelargonium that are best kept at higher temperatures. high temperatures.

Good air circulation is one of the main conditions for a successful winter. Therefore, there is no need to place pelargoniums too closely. These flowers do not like to hide in the shadows of their neighbors, but prefer to show off. Plants with very dense crowns can be thinned out slightly. Otherwise, with thickening and poor aeration, there is a risk of fungal diseases.


Pruning should be done once a year, leaving stems with 2–4 nodes. As a result, the bush will be more lush and the flowering will be abundant. It is necessary to promptly remove yellowed or dried leaves. You cannot tear off the leaves, as in this case the torn edges may rot. To remove such leaves, it is recommended to use a very sharp knife, and the cut area should be treated with crushed charcoal. After trimming the leaf, the base of the petiole should remain on the branch.

Features of transplantation

Young plants are replanted once a year, and adults as needed, for example, when the roots no longer fit in the pot. Don't forget to make a good drainage layer at the bottom of the container. To prepare a suitable soil mixture with my own hands you will need turf, humus and leaf soil, sand and peat, which should be taken in equal parts.

Possible problems in care

Reproduction methods

This plant can be propagated by cuttings and seeds.

When grown from seeds, plants very often lose varietal characteristics, and this is worth remembering when choosing a propagation method. A low container should be filled with a soil mixture prepared from sand, peat and turf soil, which should be taken in equal parts. Seeds are sown into it. In order for the seedlings to appear as soon as possible, the container is placed in a place where the temperature is constantly kept at 22 degrees. Such favorable conditions seedlings appear half a month after sowing. The seedlings are transplanted into separate small pots. And after the plants grow from them, they are transplanted into pots whose diameter is 9 centimeters. The plant should bloom for the first time a little over a year after sowing, but this is only with proper care.

Tip cuttings are excellent for propagation. Their cutting and rooting is carried out in the last winter or summer weeks. The cut should be made at an angle slightly below the node, while at least 3 leaves should remain on the cutting, and it is better if there are 3-5 of them. Leave the cutting for several hours outdoors for drying. Before planting it, you need to treat the cut areas using crushed charcoal and a root growth stimulator. In a container filled with an earth mixture (sand, turf soil and peat in equal proportions), prepared cuttings should be planted around the perimeter.

To increase the splendor of the bush, it is recommended to pinch the cuttings. The container is placed in a well-lit place, but the light should be diffused. It is necessary to systematically moisten the soil using a sprayer. Complete rooting will occur 15–20 days after planting. Strengthened plants are planted in separate containers. The pot for planting is chosen to be small, as otherwise the flowering will be poor. The plant will bloom 5–7 months after complete rooting.

Winter care

Optimal wintering conditions can be created on a glazed and frost-free, well-lit loggia or in a greenhouse. Needs to be supported minimum temperature at night not lower than +6 o C, in the daytime - about +12 + 15 o C. In case of overheating on sunny days, open the greenhouse doors for ventilation. Angels, bicolor and tricolor varieties are best kept at higher temperatures, placing them in warmer places in the greenhouse or loggia.

Good air circulation around the plants is required; they should not be placed too closely; if necessary, the dense roots should be thinned out a little. This will help avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases. Watering at this time is quite scarce, experienced flower growers carry it out from pallets, clearly measuring the amount of water and determining the time of the next watering by the weight of the pots, while the top of the soil is always left dry.

There are also other wintering methods. One of them is to preserve plants in the form of rooted cuttings, mother plant in this case it is thrown away. The method is used for summer cultivation of pelargoniums in the open air.

The second method is also used for outdoor growing: on the eve of frost, the plant is dug up, excess soil is shaken off the roots, the plant is heavily pruned and wrapped in paper, then hung in a cool basement. The room should have good ventilation and high humidity so that the plant does not dry out. In the spring it is planted in a pot, with the onset of warmth it is planted in open ground. You can combine the first and second methods: first take cuttings, and then send the mother plant to the basement for the winter.

Wintering occurs during the darkest time of the year and lasts approximately 2.5-3 months (from November to February). Already at the end of January - beginning of February, with increasing daylight hours, pelargoniums gradually begin to wake up.

Diseases and pests

  • Causes great damage to pelargoniums gray rot . It appears as a gray coating on the leaves and other parts of the plant. Its occurrence is provoked by coolness, dampness, waterlogging, and poor air ventilation. The disease occurs especially often during the winter holidays, which is why it is so important to provide the plants with good ventilation, not place them close to each other, and remove diseased and unnecessary leaves in a timely manner.
  • Often found on pelargoniums rust. It appears as concentric yellowish above and brown below spots on the leaves.
  • From waterlogging of the soil you can observe stem rotting, appearing as dark depressed spots at the base of the stem. This is certain death of the plant, but you can try to take apical stalk.
  • Verticillium wilt Caused by a fungus that attacks the plant's conducting system. The disease manifests itself in the gradual yellowing and wilting of the plant and cannot be treated.
  • Damages are also possible by other pathogenic fungi that cause on leaves, petioles and other parts of plants different kinds spotting.

It is important to carry out timely preventive treatments of plants against fungal diseases, especially on the eve of the winter holidays. Plants are generously sprayed with preparations or the crown is immersed in a container with fungicide. It is advisable to use systemic broad-spectrum fungicides, such as Skor, Topaz, Profit Gold, Topsin, etc. If a fungal disease is detected, the diseased parts of the plant are removed and treated with the same preparations.

  • Pelargonium is often affected whitefly. When purchasing a plant, carefully examine the lower part of the leaf for the presence of small white butterflies or white capsule formations or their larvae. If you find at least a few individuals, you should refuse to purchase.
  • When found mealybug It’s also better not to buy a plant. In the axils of the leaves and on the stems you can see accumulations that look like pieces of white cotton wool.
  • Pelargoniums can also be affected thrips, aphids, mites.

Types of pelargonium

To all the advantages of pelargonium, you can also add a variety of species, of which there are more than 250 in nature. The entire genus of pelargonium is divided into 7 groups.

The largest group in terms of number of varieties. Includes thousands of varieties. The leaves have a small soft fluff and wavy edges of the plate, densely distributed throughout the base of the stem. If you rub a leaf of pelargonium zonalis, a specific pungent odor will appear. The stems of the flower are straight.

Flowers, collected in large and bright brushes, depending on the variety, can be:

  • simple (variety Blanca with snow-white flowers, variety Yitka with delicate salmon-pink color of flowers) - up to 5 petals
  • semi-double (variety A.M. Mayne with beet-fuchsia flowers) - up to 8 petals
  • terry (variety Ada Suterby with pink flowers) - more than 8 petals

The shape of the bud may also differ:

  • tulips (variety Carmen Andrea - bright red, almost burgundy petals, slightly wavy edges, variety Emma fran Bengtsbo - noble elongated buds with milky white petals) - buds look like a tulip, do not open completely.
  • cactus - petals are twisted.
  • star-shaped (Borthwood Stellar variety with intense pink flowers, Aunty Pam-Stellar variety - neon pink petals) - inflorescences look like stars.
  • rosebuds (Apple Blossom Rosebud variety - the most luxurious variety of zonal pelargoniums with white buds and pink edging) - inflorescences like roses.

By petal color zonal pelargoniums can be:

  • two-color
  • tricolor
  • speckled (variety Confetti Red - bright orange petals with specks and red strokes)
  • bird's egg color

Zonal pelargoniums vary in size:

  • microminiature – 10cm
  • miniature – 10-13cm
  • dwarf (variety Pac Jana-2 - dark pink flower with a white spot, variety Frou Frou with bright pink flowers) – 13-20cm
  • normal – 25-60cm
  • airines – up to 80cm

Today, science knows about 280 species, but the most common are the following:

Angular – Pelargonium angulosum
Bordered – Pelargonium zonale
Pink – Pelargonium radens
Capitate – Pelargonium capitatum
Downy leaf – Pelargonium crithmifolium
Clobucha – Pelargonium cucullatum
Spiny – Pelargonium echinatum Curtis
Fleshy – Pelargonium carnosum
Thick-stemmed – Pelargonium crassicaule
Large-flowered – Pelargonium grandiflorum
Curly – Pelargonium crispum
Ivy leaf – Pelargonium peltatum
Tongan – Pelargonium tongaense
Fragrant – Pelargonium graveolens
Staining – Pelargonium inquinans
Paniculata – Pelargonium odoratissimum
Grape leaf – Pelargonium vitifolium
Spiny – Pelargonium spinosum
Xerophytic – Pelargonium xerophyton

How to properly care for geraniums

Unpretentious culture requires minimal but proper care. If they are created good conditions, then pelargonium will delight you with beautiful lush bouquets.

  1. Main condition - more sun. Geraniums can even be placed in direct sunlight. To avoid burning the leaves, cover it only on very hot days.
  2. Watering. Hard cold water is unacceptable. In winter, it is necessary to water 2 times a week, without getting on the leaves. In summer, daily watering is necessary, but without excessive moisture, so as not to lead to rotting of the roots.
  3. To prevent stagnation of water, it is necessary to make a good drainage. You need to choose a pot for geraniums small size so that it is completely filled with roots.
  4. Air humidity . The culture does not like spraying or washing the leaves. The wet state is very dangerous for her.
  5. Indoor geranium demanding of soil. It is necessary to prepare a mixture consisting of peat, garden soil and sand in equal proportions. Likes frequent loosening so that air can easily penetrate to the roots.
  6. Flowering geranium should receive such fertilizers, where there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but fresh organic fertilizers She doesn’t like it, she tolerates mineral ones better.
  7. After flowering it requires nitrogen feeding. Fertilizers should be applied once a week from April to early autumn. After transplantation, no feeding is required for 2 or 3 months.

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Causes of yellowing foliage

Beginner gardeners ask most often: why do the leaves turn yellow?

Can be called following reasons:

  1. A cramped pot in which it is difficult for the roots to obtain nutrients.
  2. Lack of drainage.
  3. Waterlogging of the soil.
  4. Lack of moisture.
  5. Wrong place for the flower (shade, draft, not far from the radiator).
  6. Improperly used fertilizer.

What to do if pelargonium turns yellow in summer. The first reason is improper watering. It is necessary to water so that water appears in the pan, which must be poured out immediately. If you do overwater, then do not water the flower for days 2 or 3. And pay attention to drainage, this is important for geraniums.

The cause of yellowing may be a large temperature difference or a change in location. To relieve pelargonium from stress, treat it with the sadaptogen Epin.

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What to do if yellowing occurs in winter

In the cold season, the cause may be shortened daylight hours, dry air, or improper watering. Sometimes it is enough to move the flower to a bright place away from the heating radiator.

Why does the foliage dry out? Dry indoor air is one of the common reasons drying of leaves. I already wrote that you need to place water containers on the batteries, for example, turned upside down plastic bottles, with holes cut out at the bottom. Or ventilate and spray the room with a spray bottle more often.

If the leaves turn yellow after transplantation, it means the root system is damaged. Treat geranium with Kornevin. An overdose of fertilizers can also cause yellowing of the leaves.

The plant may be affected by thrips. How to detect? WITH inside Small pimples are visible on the leaves. Treat the plant with Fitoverma and remove the affected areas.

If dark brown spots or fluffy formations appear on the stem, then this is dangerous fungus. What to do? The affected parts should be cut off, treated with a fungicide, and watering should be reduced to a minimum for at least 7 days.

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Favorite plants among gardeners

What types of geraniums are most often grown by gardeners? Royal pelargonium is considered the most beloved. She flaunts large bouquets of a wide variety of palettes: from pink to burgundy and purple. The diameter of the inflorescence can reach 16 centimeters.

Characteristic feature royal flower are grooved or wavy petals, on which stripes or dark spot.

Fragrant geranium has a very pleasant smell, which is why it got its name. If you touch the leaves of fragrant pelargonium, you will feel a rather strong mixture of aromas of rose, lemon, strawberry, ginger, and mint.

Today, hybrids have been bred that have an apple scent, as well as nutmeg, almonds, lilacs, even kiwi and pineapple. Flowers of different shapes are pink and beautiful purple. It is from this variety that unique geranium oil is obtained.

Every gardener simply dreams of planting a geranium called tulip-shaped geranium at home. The flower of extraordinary beauty amazes with its sophistication and tenderness.

The inflorescences look like unopened tulips. They form pretty little bouquets, which is what attracts flower growers.

Breeders have bred 14 varieties that have colors: from soft pink to a breathtaking shade of raspberry!

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If you want to add a sophisticated touch to your interior, plant hanging geraniums in a flowerpot. Pink, snow-white, red, purple, lilac, lavender inflorescences will complement the interior of any room.

Ampelous pelargonium is a rather capricious plant, but with proper care it will delight you with lush flowering.

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I want to admire the flowers, but they don’t bloom

For your indoor pelargoniums to bloom, you need not only proper care, but also secret watering with iodine water:

  • Iodine - 1 drop.
  • Dissolve in 1 liter of water.
  • Take 50 ml of this water, then slowly pour this composition along the walls of the pot.
  • After such watering, the plant begins to bloom wildly!

How to make pelargonium bloom? Are there other ways? Yes, but it's hard to believe. If your favorite flower doesn't bloom, try using castor oil. According to scientists, this product is a powerful stimulator of growth and flowering of green spaces.

What to do with castor oil? To feed geraniums during the period of bud formation, dilute 1 teaspoon of castor oil in 1 liter of water. Sprinkle the leaves of the flower, or better yet, pour it under the root of this crop.

After watering with castor oil, you will see how the plant grows, begins to bloom beautifully, and stops getting sick. When the plant is in the dormant stage, such feeding is contraindicated.

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When to water geraniums

Experienced flower growers advise checking the condition of the leaves about excess and lack of watering:

  • if only the edges of the leaves dry out, it means the plant is experiencing a moisture deficiency;
  • the greens are limp or begin to rot, then the reason is excess moisture;
  • if the lower leaves fall off and the stem is bare, there is a lack of light.

How to pinch? To get an even, lush bush, you need to pinch the top of 8-10 leaves, side shoots- on the 6th-8th. Do not forget to turn the pot towards the light in different directions.

Geranium flowers– bright and fragrant flowers of a houseplant called geranium, or pelargonium (see photo). The plant is a representative of the Geraniaceae family. Scientists call the African continent the native pelargonium.

Geranium, like other flowers, has a legend dedicated to it. In the East they believed that at first pelargonium was a weed, it was not noticed among other flowers, it did not have any outstanding properties. One day, the prophet Magomed came down from the mountains and threw his cape, wet with sweat, onto a geranium bush. The weed turned toward the sun, and the fabric dried faster. Prophet Magomed covered the weed in gratitude amazing beauty flowers and endowed with many useful properties.

Geranium got its name from Greek word“stork”, there is a version that the fruits of the plant, similar to a long-beaked bird, are to blame. Other peoples gave similar names to the plant. This is how the Germans called the flower “stork’s nose”, the Bulgarians “health resort”, and in England and Russia the name “crane bird” is found. Habitual appearance geranium found its way through the efforts of the English breeder George Tradescant; in honor of this famous gardener, one of the plants was named “Tradescantia”. The scientist was so keen on breeding pelargonium that he lovingly called each variety “angel” or “butterfly”. The crowning achievement of the gardener was the royal geranium; this flower cured the insomnia of the king of England. Pelargonium became so popular that court beauties began decorating their hats with its flowers, and soon even men began wearing its leaves on their clothes. The plant perfectly protected against lice, which allowed healers to create medicinal ointments based on plant juice and oils. Emperor Peter I even cured lameness and foot pain caused by an ingrown toenail, and all this thanks to small flower. Pelargonium was used to treat burns and various wounds.

Geranium is a natural home first aid kit. The juice from the leaves of the plant can be instilled instead of nasal drops for colds. Just a few procedures - and geranium will cure a runny nose and ear pain. Magicians believed that geranium protected pregnant women from all evil spirits; to do this, they rubbed their bellies with pelargonium oil. The same position was held by the clergy, who considered the flower a “pure” remedy against evil spirits. In the Middle Ages in Europe, geranium oil repelled not only demons, but also mosquitoes and other insects.

Geranium care

U In general, caring for geranium as a house flower is not difficult. The plant is unpretentious, but loves sunlight and warmth. Room temperature is ideal for growing geraniums. If there is a shortage sunlight the flower just won't bloom.

Pelargonium propagates by cuttings or seeds. When grown from seeds, geranium blooms more abundantly than when grown from cuttings. In apartment conditions, it is better to shade the plant a little so that it is not constantly under direct sun rays. Geranium prefers to have a lot of space, so it is better to place the pot with it separately from other plants.

Caring for geraniums consists of regular watering and fertilizing. Pelargonium needs to be watered abundantly, but at the same time be careful not to flood the root system. In winter, geraniums are watered less often. The plant feels good in small pots: this way the geranium flowers will be brighter and more beautiful. It is recommended to loosen the soil periodically so that the roots get more air, which will help prevent rotting.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of geranium have long been used to treat colds. The plant has powerful antibacterial effect, pelargonium is so strong that all microbes near it die. The plant perfectly disinfects the air, cleans it of bacteria, and repels insects. Geranium copes excellently with staphylococci, microbes that can cause severe inflammatory processes. To treat colds, geranium leaves can be added to herbal inhalations; a warm decoction of the plant is suitable for gargling a sore throat.

Geranium contains starch, sucrose, vitamins, flavonoids and other biologically active substances. Flowers have a special aroma - warm, invigorating and at the same time bitter. The presence of essential oil gives the plant its characteristic odor. Pelargonium oil can not only lift your spirits, but also help the human body cope with many diseases. The plant takes off headache, depressive states. In order for peace and a favorable atmosphere to reign in the house, it is recommended to place a pot of geraniums on the windowsill. The plant will help prevent nervous breakdowns and relieve the effects of stress.

Traditional healers compare the medicinal properties of pelargonium with the properties of plantain. The leaves of this flower, like plantain, are natural hemostatic agent, they remove pus and help wounds heal faster.

Use in cooking

In cooking, geranium is used to prepare desserts and compotes. In Bulgaria, this plant is added to compotes, and soft drinks are prepared based on this flower. Adding a few drops of geranium oil to the creams gives the cakes a light citrusy-pink aroma. Like other edible flowers, geraniums are candied and served as a separate delicacy or as a decoration for cakes. Candied flowers are suitable for decorating ice cream; they also decorate cottage cheese desserts.

Pelargonium tastes a little bitter, but the fruity mint note and rose aroma leave an overall pleasant impression. The leaves of the housewife's plant are added to various fruit jams. Geranium leaves are also suitable for making syrup, which can be used to make jelly, ice cream, and sweet drinks.

Benefits of geranium flowers and treatment

The benefits of geranium flowers are due to their chemical composition. The most valuable plant species is the blood-red geranium. This species has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, astringent, soothing effect. Geranium has a beneficial effect on the patient's condition when peptic ulcer, gastritis. A decoction of the plant helps with chronic and acute intestinal inflammation. For these diseases, it will be useful to simply breathe in the smell of the plant.

Fresh leaves indoor flower effective for intestinal problems and dysentery. Pelargonium leaves are also indicated for kidney diseases. Russian healers washed festered eyes with a water infusion of geranium petals and honey. Geranium oil is a well-known remedy for relieving pain in the vertebrae and muscles. Plant relieves spasms what determines its effect in the treatment of neuralgia and headaches. Geranium improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on diseases associated with poor blood circulation. The plant can be used as effective remedy to stop uterine and pulmonary bleeding.

Some varieties of geranium contain anticoagulants, which are an excellent prevention of thrombophlebitis, as they prevent the formation of blood clots. Infusions from pelargonium leaves act as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic. The plant is able to dissolve salt deposits in the body, which has a strong therapeutic effect for diseases such as gout and rheumatism. Geranium infusion will relieve painful sensations for toothache, ear inflammation. Geranium has a positive effect on the patient’s condition with epilepsy, fever, and neuralgia. An infusion of the roots of the blood-red variety reduces blood pressure and stops the growth of tumors.

Harm of geranium flowers and contraindications

Geranium can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Essential oil plants can cause allergic reactions that can be mistaken for cold symptoms: swollen throat, runny nose, cough. In case of allergic reactions, you should stop using the oil and consult a doctor. Also geranium has the property of thickening the blood, which can be dangerous with increased blood viscosity. Pelargonium tincture is not recommended for people with low blood pressure. But for hypertensive patients, geranium will help normalize blood pressure: to do this, just apply a fresh leaf of the plant to your wrists.

Not too demanding to care for, blooming for several months in a row and so bright - pelargonium or indoor geranium. This plant has about 400 species, and its homeland is South Africa. Only at the end of the 15th century did representatives of the Geranev family appear in Europe. Since then, this flower has never ceased to delight us with its colorful colors and variety of forms. In this article you will learn everything about growing, propagation, replanting, why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry, and much more about caring for this beautiful flower.

Home care for beginners

Even a novice gardener will not have any difficulty caring for pelargonium, since this flower does not require special treatment and is unpretentious in conditions. In addition, the plant has healing properties, and also saves other plants on the windowsill from pests such as aphids.


The more light, the better, because pelargonium is a light-loving indoor plant. The best place A southern sunny window sill will be ideal for this beautiful flower, although it can also thrive in partial shade. But under constant exposure to the summer rays of the sun, the leaves of the flower will begin to turn yellow and dry out, which indicates a burn. Therefore, it is better to take care of it and remove it from the windowsill at lunchtime.


The most suitable for pelargonium is room temperature air. At temperatures below +12ºC, the leaves begin to wilt and fall off. But at the same time, in winter the plant cannot be kept in too much warm conditions, otherwise it will not bloom later.


Experienced flower growers claim that caring for ampelous, ivy-shaped, royal and other varieties of geraniums at home does not require special adherence to air humidity levels. The plant tolerates both humid and dry atmospheres well. Only spraying should probably be abandoned. This colorful flower simply loves fresh air, so in summer it is recommended to take it outside or place it on the balcony.

Watering the plant

The stems that climb like ampelous pelargonium look very beautiful in hanging baskets, and the royal variety amazes with its colorful huge inflorescences up to 7 centimeters in diameter. And pink pelargonium pleases us with double flowers that resemble miniature rosebuds. It doesn’t matter what variety of geranium grows on the windowsill, the main thing is to know how to water it correctly.

  • In summer, you need to water the flower abundantly and regularly, but be sure to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the pot. Limp leaves of the plant with gray mold and a blackened stem indicate an excess of moisture. Indoor pelargonium loves moist soil, but not sprayed with water. To prevent stagnation of water, you should ensure good drainage in the flowerpot.
  • In winter, the plant requires less frequent watering. Monitor the condition of the soil in the pot and water only when it dries out. Although pelargonium is considered a drought-resistant plant, you should not keep it near a hot radiator.

Suitable soil

This flower is not particularly picky about the soil in which it grows. Both garden soil and a universal mixture from a flower shop are suitable for it. Experienced flower growers advise preparing the soil for pelargonium using the following recipe:

  • Take 8 parts of soil with turf
  • 2 parts humus
  • 1 part sand

Just like any other plant, pelargonium needs periodic feeding.


It is worth saying right away that fresh fertilizers of organic origin should be excluded. The plant simply cannot tolerate them; it is better to take fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in equal dosages. Potassium is especially useful for the lush flowering of geraniums. She also needs microelements, such as:

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Copper, etc.

For this plant can be purchased at flower shop universal fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. Only if the soil in the pot is dry, liquid fertilizer cannot be used immediately, it burns the roots, after which they will begin to dry out and the plant will die. You need to water the flower first.

Pruning for lush flowering

In autumn, the time comes to form the crown of pelargonium so that it is thicker and blooms profusely. When pruning, you should leave a stem with about 6-7 leaves. Remove shoots that have grown not from the roots, but from the leaf axils. If the plant has grown again over the winter, you can prune it again around the end of February or early March.

In this case, cut shoots can be used as cuttings with which pelargonium is propagated. But you will learn how to propagate geranium at home from our article below.

In the future, to improve flowering and the beautiful shape of the pelargonium crown, its shoots are needed after the appearance of 4-5 leaves. Only now, from December to January, it is better not to touch the plant, because it has a dormant period.

Propagation of geranium at home by cuttings and seeds

Care and propagation of ivy geraniums, royal, ampelous and other varieties, involves growing a new plant by cuttings or planting seeds. Propagation by seeds results in a compact plant with a huge number of peduncles. But this method is quite troublesome, and only experienced flower growers engage in this process.

More in a simple way Propagation of pelargonium is by planting cuttings. At the same time, you can stock up on planting material throughout the year, but it is still better to do this in the spring. The stalk should have 2-3 leaves and a length of about 5-7 centimeters. And the whole process goes like this:

  • Cut a cutting or several;
  • Let it wither for 24 hours;
  • Then pour crushed coal onto the cut site;
  • Drop the baby off at flower pot Not large sizes, with loosened soil.

You can root the cuttings in damp coarse sand and keep it constantly moist. Only when watering, do not get on plant leaves and stems. The planted cuttings do not need to be covered or fed with anything. After the roots appear, pelargonium is planted on permanent place"residence". Optimal temperature for the formation of strong roots, 20-22 ºC is considered.

How geranium propagates by seeds:

  • Pelargonium seeds must be sown in loose soil, which consists of peat, sand and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  • Cover the top with the same soil, 2.5 centimeters thick, and spray with water from a spray bottle.
  • First, the soil is shed with a mild solution of potassium permanganate so that the seedlings do not get sick.
  • The planting is covered with glass, and, removing condensation as it progresses, the soil is constantly moistened.
  • In order for pelargonium seeds to germinate well, it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of about 18-22 ºC
  • When the shoots have appeared, remove the glass, lower the temperature to 16-20 ºC, and place the pot in a bright place.

After 2 months, or even a little earlier, the plant will have 2-3 leaves. Now it can be planted in a pot, and to enhance tillering, pinch it when there are at least 5-6 leaves.

Geranium does not bloom

The most common reason for lack of flowering is untimely crown molding; the plant needs to be pruned regularly to stimulate flowering. Here are some more reasons for the lack of flower stalks:

  • Low air temperature or lack of lighting.
  • The soil may be very fertile, so it is better to purchase a substrate for pelargonium.
  • Large flower pot. Too much space stimulates root growth, so the plant does not have enough strength to flower.
  • Little feeding.

The leaves are turning yellow, what should I do?

This phenomenon also has several reasons:

  • If the leaves of pelargonium turn yellow and begin to dry around the edges, the plant does not have enough moisture.
  • If the yellowing of leaves is accompanied by their wilting, the cause is the opposite, an excess of moisture.
  • The lower leaves turn yellow and gradually fall off - there is not enough light for the plant.
  • Why do the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow after transplantation? This is an adaptation process, which can also occur when changing the “habitat”.

How often does he get sick?

The fact is that pelargonium is one of those indoor plants that suffer little from attacks by pests and diseases. But sometimes there are problems like this:

  • Gray rot (mold). It mainly infects the leaves of the plant, and diseased leaves must be removed immediately and watering stopped. Afterwards, the pelargonium is sprayed with antifungal drugs.
  • Root rot. When the plant is watered too often, when the lump of earth does not have time to dry out in the pot, this disease appears. Unfortunately, for pelargonium, root rot acts destructively and irrevocably.
  • Aphid. Such pests can be green, gray or black in color, and settle on the lower part of the leaves. To expel pests, an insecticide for indoor flowers is suitable, which is used according to the instructions on the package.
  • Powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease. It cannot be confused with anything, since the leaves and stems of the plant are covered with a white coating, like flour. Fungus occurs due to high humidity in a warm room. To combat powdery mildew a solution of copper sulfate, ammonium nitrate 0.5%, etc. is well suited.

Here's the application toxic substances may not always have a beneficial effect on pelargonium, so low concentrated solutions should be used.

In the East, pots of white geranium are placed near the entrance to the house because the plant is believed to repel snakes. And the ancient Slavs believed that pelargonium petals attracted the attention of the person they loved.