Well      03/25/2019

The slime has lost its color. If your favorite toy is sick and how to care for lickers

The original name of the slime toy is slim. It was invented back in the seventies of the twentieth century. The slime is made of a jelly-like, slightly sticky material and therefore sticks even to vertical surfaces and constantly changes shape. However, over time, it begins to lose these properties, decreasing in size and becoming dirty.

Therefore, he needs proper care. And so that it does not become smaller over time, you need to know a few rules on how to grow slime.

  • Slime should be stored in the closed container in which it was purchased, as it dries when exposed to air.
  • Slime should be protected from heat and sun rays, otherwise it will begin to melt and spread. If the room is very hot, it should be placed in a container in the refrigerator, but not in freezer, otherwise it will become covered with ice and lose elasticity.
  • Avoid contact of the slime with any fleecy surface, sand or dust and small debris. All this will remain inside it, since it has a sticky surface.
  • Some of the dirt can be removed with a needle, and the remainder can be removed with alcohol.
  • The slime may become too hard, which indicates a lack of moisture. To solve this problem, you need to add a few drops of water to the container with it and shake it, leaving it for a while.
  • If the slime is too soft and spreads a lot, this indicates an excess of moisture in it. You can get rid of excess moisture by using salt. To care for soft slime, you need to do the following: add a few grains of salt to it in the container and shake, closing the lid. In the near future, the slime should return to its original state.
  • It is necessary to play with it, not too often, but not rarely, since constantly being in a container “without moving” it can literally become moldy. In this case, it is better to throw it away.
  • To grow slime, you need to add a little water to the container so that it is at the bottom, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, take it out and you will see that it has become larger.

The history of such an unusual toy as slime began in the USA in 1976. Since then, she has not lost popularity and is known all over the world. In our country, the craze for slimes began in the mid-90s, which quite annoyed adults, because such games with a jelly-like “pet” often left difficult-to-remove stains on the walls.

Such a toy deteriorates very quickly - it is affected by temperature changes, dryness and humidity, dust and debris. But if you know how to care for slimes, you can extend their life for a very long time.

What needs to be done for this?

The most important thing when handling slime is to try to avoid contamination. Even the smallest particles of debris easily stick to the sticky surface of the toy. Therefore, contact of the slime with fleecy surfaces should be avoided. Also, do not allow it to get into dusty, dirty places.

It is best to store such a toy in a separate container with a tight-fitting lid. But if it has already happened that dirt has gotten onto the gel surface, how to care for the slimes in this case? Try to remove all large particles from the ball using your fingers, tweezers or a needle. You can try to eliminate the smallest debris using alcohol.

As mentioned above, such a toy is afraid of excessive humidity or dry air. In the first case, it may swell and acquire a more liquid consistency. And with a lack of moisture, it can become hard and lose its qualities - stickiness and the ability to spread and come together. How to care for slimes to maintain their shape and density? If there is excess moisture, you can put a little regular table salt in the container with the toy. Then he should be scared. The salt will absorb excess moisture, and after a while the slime will become more elastic and restore its shape. If it so happens that the toy has dried out and become hard, what should be done to resuscitate it as quickly as possible? Add a couple of drops of water to the container - the slime will absorb it.

Equally important for this elastic toy temperature regime. She is afraid of heat and direct sunlight. Therefore, you should not keep it outside the container during the day, especially outside. How to care for slimes in hot weather, since the material from which they are made can simply melt under the influence of temperature? It is enough to store the toy in the refrigerator. But not in the freezer - from the cold it will shrink and lose elasticity and become stiff.

How to do?

Unfortunately, now you can’t buy such a wonderful toy everywhere. But there is a way out: find out how to make homemade slime. The simplest recipe for making it contains PVA glue, water, dye and borax solution. To make slime, take a container in which we will mix the ingredients. First, pour glue into it and add dye dissolved in a glass of water. Mix thoroughly until the desired color is obtained. Then gradually pour in several bottles of borax solution until the mixture acquires the required density and elasticity. Now you can put it in a bag and crush it a little. The finished toy should be laid out on a sheet of paper and let it lie for a little while.

How to make slime without PVA?

For this you can, for example, use gelatin and plasticine. You need to make jelly from gelatin according to the usual instructions on the pack, and then add plasticine dissolved in water over low heat. The mixture must be stirred and then allowed to stand. This slime will not last long, but it is very easy to make.

Children are delighted with the pleasant feel funny toy. The slime easily sticks to any surface, and once it comes off, it will not leave any marks. But slime quickly deteriorates from constant exposure to humidity, temperature changes, dust and dirt. Don't be upset, extend the life of your baby's favorite toy. We will tell you how to properly care for it.

1 How to care for slime - choose a house for slime

Factory-made toys are sold in a special jar, so choose this as your slime house. If the box is lost or you made the toy yourself, find any container for the house and close it tightly with a lid after playing with the slime. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight, but not in the freezer. Lizun is afraid of extreme cold and will die.

2 How to care for slime - “feed” the slime correctly

Didn’t you know that slime needs to be “fed”? Without proper “nutrition”, it will quickly lose its attractive original appearance. Your actions are as follows:

  • pour plain cold water into the bottom of the jar;
  • add 2-4 pinches of salt to the water;
  • put the slime in salt water;
  • Cover the jar with a lid and shake the water together with the slime.

Perform this procedure twice a week. You can syringe salt water into the toy, but don't overdo it. Do not “feed” the slime with sugar instead of salt, it will die!

3 How to care for slime - we remove dirt from slime

The toy quickly absorbs dirt, decreases in size and loses its unique properties. Without proper care it dies. Play with it in moderation, do not throw it in the dirt or on a dusty surface. Remove all large debris from the slime with your fingers, a needle or tweezers. Do not leave the toy in the sand, on the ground or on woolen clothing. Do not take with dirty hands.

Bathe a unique toy. Do not use a bathtub or sink for bathing - the slime will float away! Pour water into a deep small basin, rinse it in water for two minutes and place it in the house.

4 How to care for slime - how to properly “treat” slime

Lizun can get sick. There are the following types of toy “diseases”:

  • The consistency of the slime has become liquid. You overdid it and gave him too much water. Put some regular salt in the box with the toy and shake the house. The salt will remove excess moisture, and the slime will restore its original shape and elasticity. Give the toy a rest for a couple of days, leave it to lie in the house;
  • The slime became hard. This indicates drying out. You give him a lot of salt and play often. Add a few drops of water to the toy house. Place the jar in a dark place for three hours. The slime will absorb the liquid and come to life.

Temperature conditions are very important for a toy. Lizun does not like extreme heat and direct sunlight. In hot weather, be sure to keep it in the house and put it in the refrigerator, otherwise the material will spread. If a toy has not been played with for a long time, mold appears on its surface. Nothing will help here, throw it away and buy it or make a new slime.

5 How does slime “reproduce”?

It is clear that slime has no sexual characteristics. But if you see that a lot of small bubbles have appeared on the toy, do not even think about piercing them. This indicates that the slime is “pregnant”. Set it aside for four to five days. You will see small spots of a different color on the surface of the toy where the bubbles were. Carefully remove the stain and place in a separate container. Now you can grow another slime!

Elastic funny slime is loved by children and adults. Proper care will help you play with it for a long time. Do not be upset if something happens to the toy and the measures taken do not help. You can buy another slime or make your own.

Who would have thought that an elastic mass with the consistency of jelly would become super popular not only among children, but also among many adults. This funny toy, lovingly called slime, is an excellent anti-stress remedy for parents, a pet that develops a sense of responsibility in older children and a great way to develop fine motor skills and fantasy for kids.

Lizun, aka handgam, aka hand gum, can be purchased, or maybe homemade. But regardless of whether the handgam is store-bought or home-made, you want it to please its little or big owner for as long as possible. And for this you need to know how to properly care for slime. This is not an ordinary doll or car that you put on a shelf and forget about until next time. Amazingly, the slime wants to eat, drink, and play, he can even give birth to a baby! It is not surprising that such a lovely creature requires special care and attention.

The content of the article:

Home for slime

In the store, handgam is sold in a special plastic jar. It is this that is the toy dwelling. If the house suddenly breaks down, gets lost, or the slime was made independently, then you need to pick up some kind of container where it will live. The container should have a tight lid and not get wet from water. This could be, for example, a glass jar baby food, plastic from under cream or ear sticks.

At night, the slime must be placed in the house and put in the refrigerator. He loves coolness, but not cold! Therefore, under no circumstances put it in the freezer, it will die there.

How to feed slime?

Your pet loves to eat! Without proper nutrition his attractiveness will suffer greatly. Here's how the feeding process works:

  • pour a little at the bottom of the container cold water;
  • sprinkle a little salt, literally 2-3 pinches;
  • place the handgam in the liquid;
  • Close the jar with a lid and shake gently.

It is enough to feed the slime every 3-4 days. Do not confuse salt with sugar - the toy will die.

Another way to give food is to inject salted water from a syringe directly into the jelly form. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the substance will spread too much and be liquid.

How to bathe and clean slime?

One of the unique properties of handgam is the instant absorption of everything that is on the surface with which it comes into contact: dust, dirt, lint, grains of sand, etc. Such illegibility can lead to a decrease in size, loss of its qualities and complete death.

To prevent this from happening, the Velcro jelly must be bathed periodically:

  • pour water into a container (bowl, basin, etc.);
  • rinse the slime in liquid for 1-3 minutes;
  • pull it out and put it in the house.

Don't try to wash hand chewing gum in the bathtub or sink - before you know it, your nimble friend will slip into the drain hole. To water treatments do not have to do it too often, use precautions against contamination. To do this, you need to properly care for your slime every day:

  • do not play with the slime for too long;
  • do not handle with unwashed hands;
  • do not throw on surfaces where there is dust or dirt;
  • do not stick to material with pile (clothing, blanket);
  • don't throw it in the sand.
  • Remove bulky trash bins with tweezers or a needle.

Reproduction of handgam

Of course, jelly stickies are not divided into boys and girls. However, they can reproduce. You will see that one or more bubbles have formed on the toy - congratulations, the slime is waiting for replenishment. What do we have to do:

  • do not pierce the bubbles with a needle;
  • do not disturb for 4-5 days;
  • then take out the slime and examine it; specks of a different color should appear on it;
  • If there is a stain, carefully separate it from the gum - it's a baby!
  • Prepare a separate house for your baby and place him there.

How to care for slime during illness?

Your pet may get sick. Most often this happens from improper care. The fact that Velcro is unwell can be immediately understood by the changed substance:

  • Handgam has liquefied. This indicates excess moisture. Put some salt in the slime's home, place it on top of it and shake it slightly for a while. Excess water will go into salt crystals and the toy will become elastic again. Close it for 1-2 days in a recovery house, after removing the wet salt;
  • The slime hardened. His material has dried up. This means that he was fed a lot or played with. Pour some water into the house, let the toy lie there and soak up the liquid - this will cure it. 3-4 hours is enough. And hide the dwelling with the chewing gum in a dark place for this time;
  • The toy is moldy. Apparently no one fed her, played with her or cared for her at all. Unfortunately, this slime cannot be revived - he died. All that remains is to get a new pet.

These videos can also help you care for your slime:

Handgams really do not like sunlight and heat. On such days, leave it in the refrigerator. At proper care The anti-stress toy will delight you for a long time with its amazing qualities. Have fun playing!

Lizun (Slime) is a toy that you don’t want to let go of. The jelly-like mucus-like material not only helps develop fine motor skills in children, but also helps combat stress in adults. Slime was originally made by Matte from guar gum and borax. Over time, the recipe for making slime expanded: some components were replaced by others, making it the most accessible.

Making anti-stress jelly is a creative and interesting process. It doesn't take much time and doesn't require a lot of ingredients. If you follow all the rules, creating a slime will not take more than 5 minutes.

The easiest way to make slime No. 1

You can prepare a jelly-like toy using baking soda and dishwashing liquid. These ingredients are easy to find in every home. But when working with them, you must remember that children need to play with such slime only in the presence of adults.

Materials for preparation:

  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • water;
  • food coloring or paint (it is advisable to use gouache).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the detergent into a glass bowl. The dosage is arbitrary. As you add the remaining ingredients, you can focus on the resulting consistency by diluting the future slime with water or dishwashing detergent.
  2. Must be added to detergent baking soda and mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture turns out thick, it can be thinned with other components until the required consistency is obtained.
  3. When the slime is ready, you can add dye or gouache to it to give it a bright color and mix thoroughly again until it is completely ready.

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A jelly-like toy can also be made from regular toothpaste.

The easiest way to make slime No. 2

Shampoo and shower gel are just 2 components that are needed to make slime.

This slime needs to be stored at low temperatures, so after games you need to put it in a container and place it in the refrigerator. Shelf life: 30 days.

Cooking method:

  1. To make a slime toy, you need to mix two components in equal proportions in a container. It is worth paying attention to the fact that granules and other additives should not be contained in either the gel or the shampoo. Otherwise, the slime will not be transparent.
  2. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then sent to cool and reach the desired consistency in the refrigerator. After 12-20 hours, the jelly-like slime will be ready for use.

You can make slime not only from detergent for dishes, but also from powder. The manufacturing method can be seen in the video.

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The easiest way to make slime No. 3

Slime can also be made from safe ingredients, the basis of which is ordinary baking flour. Even small children can play with a jelly toy made from flour.

Materials for preparation:

  • baking flour;
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • food colors or natural colors (beet juice, carrots, etc.).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 300-400 grams of pre-sifted flour into a small container.
  2. Pour 50 ml of cold water into the flour, then add 50 ml warm water. Don't pour too much hot water. After the water boils, you need to give it time to cool slightly.
  3. All ingredients must be mixed well to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. After this, you can add a little dye to the resulting mixture, mix everything well, and put the resulting sticky consistency in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, you can remove the flour slime from refrigeration chamber and let the children play.

Slime can also be made from salt and shampoo. An easy cooking method can be seen in the video.

The easiest way to make slime No. 4

You can easily make an anti-stress toy from PVA glue and sodium tetraborate powder or solution. This manufacturing method is the most popular, since the slime prepared according to this recipe is very similar to the store-bought version.

Materials for preparation:

  • PVA glue 150 gr.;
  • powder or solution of 4% sodium tetraborate;
  • food coloring or gouache;
  • water 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 50 ml of warm water into the container for making slime.
  2. PVA glue must be added to the water. The thickness of the future slime depends on its quantity. If it seems that the mixture is very liquid, you can add more glue, deviating from the values ​​​​indicated in the recipe.
  3. The ingredients need to be mixed well and a whole bottle of sodium tetraborate solution should be added to them. In the event that it is used for cooking powder version, then it must first be dissolved in water (1 tablespoon of powder per 100 ml of water).
  4. After adding tetraborate, you can color the slime by adding the necessary food coloring or paint.
  5. The resulting mixture must be mixed again and poured into the bag. Anti-stress slime is ready.

Exists a large number of recipes for making slime toys. In the video you can watch a recipe for making slime without using tetraborate.

It’s up to you to decide which method to use during production. The main thing is not to forget about correct operation created slime.

"has long been included in daily life children and even adults. But few people know that caring for this jelly-like pet is not so easy, because an almost living slime, if not properly cared for, can become too liquid or hard, and sometimes even become moldy.

Sticking pretty simple rules, you can ensure a long and wonderful life for your pet.


How to properly care for slime

General rules for caring for slime

Caring for slime is not really a lot of work. First of all, you need to give him the right diet:
  1. 2-3 grains of salt per day, no more;
  2. Some water.
It is not necessary to feed the slime every day; it is enough to feed it once every 3-4 days. But in this case, the portions increase slightly; it is important not to overdo it with liquid. For accuracy, you can use a syringe with salted water.
When feeding, you must avoid sugar and eraser, this can lead to the death of the slime!
To ensure proper care of your slime at home, you need to treat the toy with an alcohol solution and not overdo it with water when bathing.

You should not play with slime for too long and you should not take it with dirty hands, much less throw it on a fleecy surface.

To prevent your pet from drying out, you need to store it in a tightly closed jar. If you bought the slime, store it in its original packaging, and if you made it at home, then store it in a regular, hermetically sealed glass jar.

It is known that there are slimes different types. Each of them can be looked after general rules, but there are some features for each type.

How to care for glass slime

The principle of caring for glass slime is almost the same as for its other relatives, except that you must remember to treat this toy with an alcohol solution so that it retains its thickness and plasticity.

How to care for liquid slime

The very name of the toy already implies that it has a more liquid consistency than its counterparts. Liquid slime should not be placed on batteries, otherwise it will dry out. The aquatic pet prefers cool places, but in no case a freezer, then it will turn into ice. A tightly closed lid on his jar and a small amount of water are his friends.

How to care for thick slime

Unlike liquid slime, thick slime is a small lover of water, but you shouldn’t deny it something to drink. However, if the thick slime has become too liquid, you need to add a little starch or salt to it and knead it thoroughly. When playing, do not forget to crush, stretch, tear and even throw the toy, this will allow it to stay in shape.

How to care for gum slime

Slime chewing gum does not require special care, it does not tear or break, and even if this happens, it can be molded again. But you shouldn’t throw the chewing gum slime on the floor or in the sand, all the debris will instantly stick to it, and the toy will no longer be suitable. Bubblegum slime needs to be bathed, but not often.

Growth and pregnancy of slime

Slime can not only decrease in size (if you give it an eraser), but also grow. To do this, you need to pour some water into your pet’s house and put it in the refrigerator overnight. By morning the slime will grow up.

No matter how strange it may sound, slime can get pregnant. After examining your pet, you will notice that several bubbles have appeared on it. In order for a baby to be born, you just need to put the slime in a jar for three days, while, of course, not forgetting to feed it. After three days, inspect and carefully remove the largest bubble. This is the baby. In order for a small slime to grow, you need to add 4 drops of alcohol and 3 drops of water to its jar and put it in the refrigerator. Further care behind the licker is the same as that of an adult licker.

The jelly-shaped friend is very useful, it develops imagination, makes children laugh, and helps adults relieve stress. But in order for the slime to last longer and please its owners, you just need to properly care for it and follow a few rules.

Video: "Care for slime"

Who would have thought that an elastic mass with the consistency of jelly would become super popular not only among children, but also among many adults. This funny toy, lovingly called slime, is an excellent stress reliever for parents, a pet that develops a sense of responsibility for older children, and a great way to develop fine motor skills and imagination for little ones.

Lizun, aka handgam, aka hand gum, can be purchased, or maybe homemade. But regardless of whether the handgam is store-bought or home-made, you want it to please its little or big owner for as long as possible. And for this you need to know how to properly care for slime. This is not an ordinary doll or car that you put on a shelf and forget about until next time. Amazingly, the slime wants to eat, drink, and play, he can even give birth to a baby! It is not surprising that such a lovely creature requires special care and attention.

In the store, handgam is sold in a special plastic jar. It is this that is the toy dwelling. If the house suddenly breaks down, gets lost, or the slime was made independently, then you need to pick up some kind of container where it will live. The container should have a tight lid and not get wet from water. This could be, for example, a glass jar for baby food, a plastic jar for cream or ear sticks.

At night, the slime must be placed in the house and put in the refrigerator. He loves coolness, but not cold! Therefore, under no circumstances put it in the freezer, it will die there.

Your pet loves to eat! Without proper nutrition, his attractiveness will suffer greatly. Here's how the feeding process works:

  • pour a little cold water into the bottom of the container;
  • sprinkle a little salt, literally 2-3 pinches;
  • place the handgam in the liquid;
  • Close the jar with a lid and shake gently.

It is enough to feed the slime every 3-4 days. Do not confuse salt with sugar - the toy will die.

Another way to give food is to inject salted water from a syringe directly into the jelly form. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the substance will spread too much and be liquid.

One of the unique properties of handgam is the instant absorption of everything that is on the surface with which it comes into contact: dust, dirt, lint, grains of sand, etc. Such illegibility can lead to a decrease in size, loss of its qualities and complete death.

To prevent this from happening, the Velcro jelly must be bathed periodically:

  • pour water into a container (bowl, basin, etc.);
  • rinse the slime in liquid for 1-3 minutes;
  • pull it out and put it in the house.

Do not try to wash hand chewing gum in the bathtub or sink - before you know it, your nimble friend will slip into the drain hole. To prevent water treatments from having to be done too often, use precautions against contamination. To do this, you need to properly care for your slime every day:

  • do not play with the slime for too long;
  • do not handle with unwashed hands;
  • do not throw on surfaces where there is dust or dirt;
  • do not stick to material with pile (clothing, blanket);
  • don't throw it in the sand.
  • Remove bulky trash bins with tweezers or a needle.

Of course, jelly stickies are not divided into boys and girls. However, they can reproduce. You will see that one or more bubbles have formed on the toy - congratulations, the slime is waiting for replenishment. What do we have to do:

  • do not pierce the bubbles with a needle;
  • do not disturb for 4-5 days;
  • then take out the slime and examine it; specks of a different color should appear on it;
  • If there is a stain, carefully separate it from the gum - it's a baby!
  • Prepare a separate house for your baby and place him there.

Your pet may get sick. Most often this happens from improper care. The fact that Velcro is unwell can be immediately understood by the changed substance:

  • Handgam has liquefied. This indicates excess moisture. Put some salt in the slime's home, place it on top of it and shake it slightly for a while. Excess water will go into salt crystals and the toy will become elastic again. Close it for 1-2 days in a recovery house, after removing the wet salt;
  • The slime hardened. His material has dried up. This means that he was fed a lot or played with. Pour some water into the house, let the toy lie there and soak up the liquid - this will cure it. 3-4 hours is enough. And hide the dwelling with the chewing gum in a dark place for this time;
  • The toy is moldy. Apparently no one fed her, played with her or cared for her at all. Unfortunately, this slime cannot be revived - he died. All that remains is to get a new pet.

These videos can also help you care for your slime:

Handgams really do not like sunlight and heat. On such days, leave it in the refrigerator. With proper care, the anti-stress toy will delight you with its amazing qualities for a long time. Have fun playing!

How to care for slime?

Slime is a funny children's toy, which is a jelly-like elastic substance that is a bit like plasticine, which is very soft and pleasant to the touch and does not leave marks on hands or other surfaces. Elastic slime is loved not only by children, but also by adults, who happily use it as an anti-stress toy. You can buy slime at a children's store or make it yourself from scrap materials. In order for a toy to retain its properties for as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. Below are several useful tips, dedicated to how to care for slime.

In order for the slime to remain in its original form for as long as possible, it should be “fed” correctly. To do this, pour water into the bottom of any container, like a jar, add a few pinches of salt, put the slime in it, close the jar with a lid and shake a little.

Factory-made slimes are usually sold in special jars in which the toy is best stored. If you don’t have such a jar, the elastic mass can be stored in any container that has a lid.

If small bubbles appear outside and inside the slime, leave the jar with the toy for four days. After this time, you will find a small spot on the shapeless mass that is different in color. This is a small lick that should be separated and placed in a separate container.

To bathe the slime, you need to pour some water into a bowl and put the toy in it. Rinse it lightly, then put it back into the storage jar. Slime absorbs dirt very quickly, causing it to shrink in size and lose its properties. Try to prevent the toy from getting into dusty or heavily polluted places.

Lizun needs proper care and maintenance!

A jelly-like toy in a jar has been quite popular among children for many years, but few people know how to handle it correctly. The slime spoils very quickly, becomes too liquid or, on the contrary, hard, becomes moldy and has to be thrown away. If you remember a few rules and provide the toy with proper care, then it will delight your baby for a long time, and even be able to give birth to a little licker.

It is enough to teach a child how to care for a new pet, and it will become his little friend for a long time.

How to properly care for Lizun at home?

Lizun can be adversely affected by many external factors. He's the same as indoor plant, does not like temperature changes, dryness and excessive air humidity. After playing, it must be put into a jar and stored only there.

To keep your pet healthy and maintain good shape, use some caution when handling it.

The surface of the Lizun is quite sticky and attracts tiny particles dust and debris. Try to pick it up with clean hands and place it only on smooth and flat surface, previously wiped with a cloth. Avoid contact of your pet with fabric or lint, as their particles are very easily attracted and stick.

Even if you handle the toy carefully, it may happen that debris sticks to it (for example, if you accidentally drop it). First of all, you need to remove the largest particles, then use tweezers to remove smaller debris. You can try to remove dust with alcohol.

What to do if the air humidity is reduced, and your beloved pet has become dry and hard, has lost the ability to spread, falls into pieces and does not come back together? There is no big problem in this. It is enough to place the slime in a container, add 2-3 drops of water there and wait until it absorbs this liquid.

It happens that in an apartment high humidity air, and the jelly-like mass absorbs more moisture than it needs and becomes too liquid. In this case, we also place the toy in a jar and add a few grains of table salt. Then close the container with a lid and shake 2-3 times. The salt will be distributed throughout the mass and absorb moisture. After some time, the slime will become elastic again and take on the desired shape.

The jelly-like pet is afraid of the direct sunlight, becoming dry and hard. In hot weather it will be very comfortable in the refrigerator. Avoid walking in the cold, otherwise your baby may get sick.

To keep your pet in good shape, you must feed it. The baby uses only three ingredients: water, salt and a regular eraser.

We take a jar (Lizun’s house), drop a drop of water with a pipette and place it there.

Your pet needs 1-3 grains every day. It all depends on his condition. Place it in a jar, sprinkle salt on top, close the lid and shake. Leave it at rest for a while to absorb.

An eraser is more of a treat, comparable to candy. But after eating it, the baby looks unsightly, pieces are visible inside it. Therefore, you can give an eraser, but it is not necessary.

To better understand the features of caring for a toy, you can watch the video on YouTube by going to this address:

This story simply and clearly tells about the proper care and feeding of a pet. The report is conducted by an ordinary girl who has studied all the features of the contents of an unusual toy and now shares her experience. The video tells you step by step everything that the owner of Lizun needs to know.

Barrel o slime slimes are considered one of the most popular jelly-like toys among children.

You have a pet from the Barrel o Slime brand. Let's determine its gender. To do this, pour it from the jar onto your palm, spreading your fingers slightly. If it quickly slips between, then it is a boy, but if it flows slowly, it is a girl.

For everyday feeding, 3-4 drops of water and two large grains of salt are required. We feed twice a day, dividing the daily norm into equal parts. Sometimes you can pamper your baby and feed him three times, but you should not overfeed him, having a holiday only occasionally.

Examine it from all sides, shine it with a flashlight. If there are a lot of bubbles in the mass, then you will soon have a baby. Every day the number of bubbles will increase. Place your pet in a jar and leave it for three days, remembering to feed it. When you take it out after the specified period, carefully examine it and find a large bubble. You need to burst it and get the little licker out of it. The color of the baby may differ from the color of its parent.

Take a jar, add 5 drops of alcohol, 4 drops of water, place the baby in it, close it and put it in the refrigerator. Next, we care for the pet in the same way as for an adult.

Go to YouTube at these addresses:

don't miss the next video...

Here we talk in more detail about the features of caring for barrel o slime.

After purchasing a toy in a store, explain to your child that he will have to take care and pay attention to it, otherwise Lizun may get sick and die.

When caring for your pet, do not forget to do the following:

  • feed Lizun twice a day;
  • play with it carefully, avoiding contamination;
  • do not take it out into the cold;
  • protect Lizun from the heat;
  • play with him, otherwise he will die;
  • Do not give this toy to a child under three years of age: it may be dangerous!