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Which hand to wear the watch on?

Rida Khasanova May 29, 2018

A wristwatch is a familiar accessory that you not only need to choose correctly, but also know how to wear and what to combine with it. If for men there are very few rules, then for girls there are several more: you need to take into account the shape of the hands, wrists, general style clothing and occupation. Also, do not ignore the signs associated with watches.

Women's watch with pendant on a leather belt, SL(price on the link)

A little history about wristwatches

The question of which hand girls should wear a watch on has been worrying them for many years. Eat a few assumptions, which girls can use as a guide when choosing which hand to put the watch on.

Initially, the watches were only mechanical, they had to be constantly wound manually by rotating the crown, which is located on the right side of the dial. Since many people have a right hand at work, it was most convenient to wear the watch on the left hand. In addition, left-handed people were retrained back then, so everyone got used to wearing watches on the left wrist.

Appearance electronic watch practically did not change the situation. There is no need to start them, but the habit of putting the accessory on left hand firmly established

Nowadays, not only traditions are taken into account, but also practical aspects. After all, if put a watch on your working hand, then they will create inconvenience while writing or doing any work. And the watch itself may suffer: the glass will become scratched or broken.

Women's watch, SL (price on the link)

How to choose the right watch for a girl?

Regardless of which hand the girl puts the watch on, first of all, you need to know how to choose it. There are several nuances with which you can do quality purchase, which will delight you for many years.

How to choose a watch for a girl:

  • the body should not be too bulky or too small compared to the wrist;
  • the strap should fit tightly on the hand, but not cut into the skin - this not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but can also be harmful to health;
  • For girls with thin wrists, watches with a thin strap made of ribbons or a chain are suitable;
  • watches with an extravagant, unusual shape are suitable for those with long fingers;
  • For girls with large wrists, watches with a strict, clear shape are suitable.

Women's watch with mineral glass, SL(price on the link)

If the girl leads an active lifestyle, then it is recommended to choose a watch with a metal or rubber strap. Genuine leather will absorb sweat and smell unpleasant.

Which hand is etiquette for a girl to wear a watch on?

If men wear watches on their hands to emphasize their status, then women wear watches as an accessory that helps complement their stylish look. Even now there are no clear rules on how to wear a watch. But there is a few etiquette tips which it is advisable to adhere to.

For important meetings and negotiations, you should not wear a sports watch or one with extravagant details - they do not fit with an official look. In this case, it is better to give preference to classic models with simple design dial, the strap must be made of genuine leather.

It is necessary to pay attention that during a conversation, according to etiquette, it is not recommended to look at the watch, otherwise the person will decide that he wants to end the conversation as soon as possible

Irregular shaped watches girls are allowed to wear long gloves over them. It is important that the wrist accessory matches the look, because a light summer dress with a watch that looks like a commander’s watch will look strange.

How a girl can wear a watch with a shirt - you need to start from the length of the sleeve. If it fits your wrist tightly, you can wear the watch over the cuff. The same rule applies to dresses with long sleeves.

In an effort to look fashionable and modern, some girls wear several different watches on one wrist. This technique is not always appropriate, so it can reveal a lack of taste.

Modern etiquette allows you to put a watch on the hand on which it is more convenient for a lady to wear it, since there are no specific rules. They can fit tightly on the wrist, rise up to the elbow, or dangle like a bracelet.

Sports Men's Watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price on the link)

Doctors' opinion on how to wear a watch

If we take into account the medical point of view, then she has her own considerations on how to wear a wristwatch correctly. In medicine Ancient China it was believed that on the wrists of a person There is energy points , which are responsible for the heart.

A watch can disrupt the rhythm of energy points, and the heart will work properly only when they pulsate synchronously. So on which hand do women wear watches, following this statement? Since for girls the most active point is on the right, the watch recommended to wear on the left hand. The accessory will give a faster rhythm to the passive point of the left wrist and its rhythm will coincide with the point of the right.

You don't have to listen to theories of Chinese sages. But many researchers have noted mystical connection between the watch on hand and its permanent owner. Therefore, we cannot immediately dismiss the idea that wearing them somehow affects the functioning of the heart.

There are often cases when a wristwatch stops exactly at the moment when its wearer passed away.

This can confirm the fact that a watch is not just an accessory, but a thing that is closely interconnected with the human body.

Psychologists have long noted that girls do not pay attention to their dominant hand and wear watches, regardless of this fact. After researching this feature, some conclusions were drawn.

This does not mean that such a girl has problems in other areas of life. This only means that watch on active hand worn by a person with high vitality and activity. Psychologists have nothing more to add on this matter.

But still, many experts recommend wearing a watch on the right wrist, regardless of which hand is working: right or left. This statement is explained by the fact that any person at the subconscious level associates the right side with the future tense, and the left side with the past.

From a psychological point of view, a lady who wears a watch on her working hand, refers to people who are purposeful and active

She confidently builds her career and sets clear goals that she strives to achieve, despite any difficulties.

From this we can conclude that:

  • when a girl often turns her head from right to left, she concentrates her attention on the fact that there is little time left, and it will be impossible to change anything;
  • when a girl’s gaze often turns to the right, she directs her consciousness to the future, and involuntarily makes efforts to get everything done in time and increases activity.

This psychological theory leads to the conclusion that a girl’s perception of reality and attitude towards success to some extent depends on which hand she puts the watch on. Therefore, it follows that this accessory is best worn on the right hand.

Unisex watch, OKAMI(price on the link)

Signs and meanings

There are many signs and superstitions associated with wristwatches that appeared in ancient times, but to this day people try to listen to them. Watches have long been a must-have item. Everyday life, symbolizing its transience.

It is believed that watches absorb the energy of the person who constantly wears them. That's why cannot be worn found wristwatch, because it is unknown what kind of person its previous owner was.

But if a watch is given by a loved one who has no bad intentions, then such a gift can and should be accepted, and worn with love and pleasure . An inherited watch can become a strong amulet, but only if they are received of their own free will.

What to do with a broken or broken watch:

  1. The clock that broke, are carriers of negative energy, so they cannot only be worn, but even stored in your home. Otherwise, they can attract various troubles and failure.
  2. Broken watch needs to be repaired urgently or throw it away as they take it away vitality a person – he loses the desire to move forward, has little energy left and does not have enough time.

If a girl chooses a watch for herself, then she should give preference to a round-shaped dial.

According to the sign, she will bring a calm, carefree life to her owner, and will also contribute to success in personal affairs

A girl who chooses a square watch for herself subconsciously sets herself up for hard labour and to perform men's duties. She will get tired faster, as she will take on a burden that is too much for a girl to bear.

Women's watch with mother-of-pearl on Milanese bracelet, SL(price on the link)

Choosing a watch for a girl is not the easiest task. After all, they should not only be of high quality and comfortable, but also stylish and beautiful. There is something magical and inexplicable about these amazing mechanisms, because the hands on the dial seem to make people move forward with them. But if the choice is made correctly, the watch will serve well and bring good luck to its owner, regardless of which hand she wears it on.

Life flies by instantly, and in order to somehow control its rhythm, people wear wristwatches or chronographs. This universal accessory is ideal as a decoration.

Which hand should I wear them on? The question worries many from the moment of purchase or fitting. There is no clear answer to this question. But there are some plans and conversations about this.

Watch wearing theories

  1. Convenience comes first. In order to minimize accidental damage, it is recommended to wear it on the non-working hand. That is, for “right-handers” it is more comfortable on the left hand, for “left-handers”, on the contrary, on the right. Previously, they produced watches that had to be constantly wound, and it was uncomfortable for “lefties” to cope with this task. But, fortunately, there are no problems with this now.
  2. The Fukuri theory. From an esoteric point of view, there are points on the wrists that are responsible for the health of the entire body and individual organs. In this regard, it is recommended to stop wearing watches altogether.
  3. Theory of psychologists. They claim that those people who wear watches on their right hands are more active, positive, creative individuals and cope well with any problems. And those who wear it on the left hand are punctual, logical, patient and take a more responsible approach to solving complex problems, weighing the pros and cons.

There is another theory among psychologists that supposedly the right hand is a sign of the future, and the left hand is a sign of the past. This means that the watch on the right hand for the owner at the subconscious level gives a push or aspiration forward. They are more dreamy and constantly see themselves in the future, making plans for months or even years ahead. And wearers of the accessory on the left wrist think a lot and relive past moments, constantly look back, remember the years gone by.

In general, according to the rules of etiquette, it should be worn on the left.

And according to the Fukuri theory, as noted above, men need to wear it on the right, since the blood moves from the left side from the side of the heart. This is necessary so as not to interfere with normal functioning internal organs.

Women can wear a watch on any hand!

If men wear watches as an indicator of seriousness and responsibility, then the fair half of humanity wears them mainly as an element of decoration. As an accessory. In general, for women there is no specific etiquette for wearing watches. Can be worn on any hand. But, as a rule, if a woman is strict, holds a high position, is serious, purposeful, then it is preferable to wear it on her left hand.

“Don’t you judge a person by a watch?”

A wristwatch says a lot about its owner.

  1. The classic black and white style of the watch speaks of a person’s efficiency, active life position, and determination.
  2. The more expensive a watch is, the more successful a person is. It is believed that you need to buy an exclusive watch for twice your salary.
  3. Large watch sizes speak of a person’s creative abilities, originality, and originality.
  4. Young people mostly choose bright wristwatches, which help them stand out and seem more extravagant.

Rules for using wristwatches

  1. It all depends on the design of the clothes, and depending on what style the wearer wears. If a person prefers to change daily and strives for something new, then it is advisable to have several watch models in his arsenal that will harmoniously combine with different style clothes.
  2. It is recommended to have at least two types of watches: classic and brightly stylish. The first type is more suitable for work, serious events. And for friendly gatherings, holidays, parties - fashionable and contrasting watches.
  3. If your wrist is wide and the dial is small, then it will be, at a minimum, inharmonious. Therefore it is worth paying attention Special attention on the wrist and the diagonal of the dial. That is, for thin hands - a correspondingly small dial, for large hands - a larger one.
  4. An expensive watch is suitable for serious meetings. And counterfeits of a popular brand will simply be inappropriate. Designer branded models are best kept for official conferences and meetings, but not for everyday use.

Thus, it is not so important which hand the watch is worn on. And the main thing is that the owner himself should be comfortable wearing it. After all, this is an attribute that is used every day. It should not only emphasize the status and individuality of the owner, but also be worn with great pleasure and comfort. That is, with him a person should feel at his best.

Controversies surrounding how to wear a wristwatch correctly have not subsided since their creation - and they have not spared the fairer sex. There are no rules in this regard in etiquette, so there is no clear answer on which hand girls wear their watches on.

Most often, people make a choice based on their personal preferences: for some, wearing a watch on the right hand will seem more stylish and confidence-inspiring, for others it will be more convenient to use the left hand, if it is not the main one. However, there are many hypotheses, superstitions and assumptions that can help you lean in favor of one option or another. Or maybe even radically change your opinion!

Theory one: historical background

This theory is based on how they used wristwatch at the time of their appearance. When the clock spring was invented, which made it possible to wear a watch on the wrist, the clock mechanism had to be constantly wound by hand. The head for winding the watch was on the right side, so in those days people wore watches exclusively on their left hand: it was simply more convenient to wind them without taking them off.

Nowadays, not many people use mechanical wristwatches that require winding, but some people continue to wear a watch on their left hand simply out of habit - either their own, or having adopted it from one of their older relatives.

Theory two: ancient Chinese teachings

This theory is based on the ancient teaching of Fukuri, which at one time related to medicine. The teaching talks about three energy points that are located on the wrists: these are the Tsun, Guan and Chi points. Impact on these points, according to the doctrine, can control human health. How does this apply to watches?

Directly. The Tsun point, which is closely related to the work of the heart, is located on the different hands: according to Chinese healers, this is due to the fact that blood supposedly flows from the heart in different directions. The female Tsun point is located on the wrist of the right hand - therefore, in order not to interfere with its work, girls should wear a watch on their left hand.

Theory three: Signs and superstitions

There are many popular beliefs about watches. Everyone knows the belief that it is impossible to give a watch for the holidays - supposedly, this takes away years of life from the person who was given such a gift. No less famous is the superstition regarding the shape of watches: a man, for example, should not buy a round watch, so as not to remain unemployed and unlucky; a woman should choose models without sharp corners, otherwise he will forever doom himself to hard male work.

However, about the preferred hand for wearing a watch folk signs do not say anything. But esotericism says: this is a very strange, but quite interesting theory.

This theory states that both girls and men should wear watches on their right hand and nothing else. This is explained by the fact that the left side is always associated with something bad, incorrect (for example, it is customary to say “go left”, “left earnings”), and is also responsible for the past - while the right side is a reflection of the future. Therefore, a watch worn on the left hand will always slow down a person, making him waste precious minutes, plunging into the past; while the watch on the right hand, on the contrary, will help you accomplish more and tune in to a positive mood.

Theory four: psychological component

Psychologists say a lot about wearing a watch on a certain hand, sometimes even starting to contradict each other. However, they have only two main theories.

The first is that watches on the active hand are worn exclusively by girls who are purposeful, independent and business-minded, the so-called career women. They always have a clear goal in front of them, towards which they go, despite all the difficulties. Girls who choose a passive hand to wear a watch are often unsure of themselves, too modest and suffer from low self-esteem: they always belittle the results of their work, and most often do not even try to realize any grandiose plans or cherished dreams.

The second theory is simpler, and it is closely related to the division of the hemispheres into “analytical” and “creative”: thus, this theory states that wearing a watch on the right wrist indicates self-confidence, good logical thinking and the ability to manage people, and on the left - about the creative beginning of a person, about some rare talents that he may possess.

Theory five: ergonomics and convenience

A practical modern theory that focuses only on how appropriate it is to choose a particular hand for wearing a watch.

This theory assumes that a watch worn on an active hand will interfere with a person’s daily activities: writing, moving actively, doing some household chores. People who adhere to this theory are convinced that wearing a watch this way increases the likelihood of damaging it: when performing any work, it is very likely that the accessory will be scratched or broken. Also, the watch can squeeze the bloodstream, which will also greatly interfere with everyday life: however, it is worth recognizing that squeezing the passive hand is not much better.

There is also an offshoot of this theory known as the "car theory": it states that you should not wear your watch on the hand that faces the window when driving - the right hand for right-hand drive cars and the left hand for left-hand drive cars, respectively. It is believed that exposure to sunlight, which is inevitable when the window is open, is harmful to the dial. Additionally, the watch face may reflect the sun into your eyes, resulting in an accident.

Theory six: aesthetic side

But no matter what anyone says, the main factor for girls in favor of this or that choice will, of course, be beauty. After all, why do a modern lady need a watch, if not to reflect her individuality and highlight her graceful wrists? Everyone has long been accustomed to watching time on smartphones. Here the choice is purely individual; you can only show photos of girls with watches on different hands.

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly towards others, know at least the basic rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. A wristwatch is the perfect complement to any look. But not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But today we won’t talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, anyone who wants to attract the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. This way, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no generally accepted rules etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for neither men nor women. You can wear them however you like. But everything should be in place. So, for the office or business meetings, you should not buy flashy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past, negativity, and the right - on the contrary, only the future and positive attitude. The way of wearing can also be classified in this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who goes towards your goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you best.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, the left wrist is located a large number of energy points, including the point that is responsible for the work of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and bring one more original example. It turns out that putting a wristwatch on right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this method of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets don’t steal from “their own.”

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you cannot give them as a gift. It is believed that this is a sign of separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If they previously belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

We wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has been common to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that the majority of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and many of them find it more convenient to wind the mechanism and fasten the strap with their right hand. In addition, wearing it on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since whatever a right-handed person does, he does with his right hand, and a left-handed person does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative and can be almost completely hidden under a shirt cuff. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on your business partner and demonstrate to a stranger your restraint and level of upbringing.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose their left hand to wear a wristwatch, it is worth highlighting:

  • This makes it much more convenient to wind both mechanical women’s watches and men’s watches; you don’t even need to remove it to do this;
  • a right-handed person will be able to fasten the strap of the device much faster, helping himself with his “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism means problems for its owner, so don’t forget to start it);
  • They say that jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of creative nature, which is why even many left-handed people prefer this side.

Which hand should I wear it on?

For those who still haven’t decided how to wear the jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting the wristwatch on one hand or the other. After some time, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist it will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, don't forget about size. On a miniature wrist, large accessories will look too harsh and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large hand.

Few people know how to wear a watch correctly so that it is not just a decoration, but also emphasizes your individuality and also has a positive effect on your energy.

For many people, watches have become a necessary accessory. The use of wristwatches became widespread at the beginning of the 20th century. The military contributed to their everyday use in our lives. Pocket watches were inconvenient, but wristwatches turned out to be more accessible and easier to use.

There are no basic watch etiquette rules. Usually people do not pay attention to the question of which hand should they wear a watch on, and wear it according to their clothes or so that it does not cause inconvenience. However, it is worth knowing that there are certain rules for the “appropriate” hand for wearing a watch for men and women.

In addition to the above, the watch has strong energy. They are a talisman and also have the ability to influence a person’s destiny, attracting good luck.

On which hand do men wear a watch?

The fact that representatives of the stronger sex neglect various accessories, considering it an exclusively female activity, is a stereotype that has long been destroyed. Nowadays, watches can be seen on the wrist of almost every man. They are worn in completely different ways, which may be related to their profession or type of activity.

Men whose work involves physical labor will put a watch on the hand that is less involved. An office worker will try to choose a more serious design for his accessory and will not attach much importance to which hand to put the watch on. Find out how to wear a watch correctly so that it is not just an accessory, but also brings good luck and increases energy.

Energy and hours

Ancient Chinese medicine attached considerable importance to the energy points that are on our hands. From her rules it is known that men have stronger energy points located on the left hand. These points actively influence the functioning of the heart. To maintain internal balance in the body, men should wear a watch on their right hand. By doing this, they will give additional energy to the points on the right hand and ensure stable heart function.

According to one of the Chinese recovery systems, it is believed that there are several more energy points on the hands between the fingers that affect man's health, mainly on the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines. As you already know, in men these points are stronger on the left hand, and the additional energy impact will harm your health. From this it follows that men should wear a watch on their right hand.

How to wear a watch correctly for men

As you understand, watches not only affect your energy, but also affect your health. But do not forget that there are certain rules of etiquette, according to which men should wear wristwatches.

When leaving home, you should consider in advance which watch will suit your surroundings. If you go to work, a classic watch is the way to go. When going to the gym, wear a sports watch. Don't mix styles - it will look ridiculous.

Don't forget about convenience. If you are right-handed, you will find it more comfortable to wear your watch on your left hand. In the case of left-handed people, it's the other way around.

Following business etiquette, many men wear a watch on their left hand. But those who want to emphasize their status, on the contrary, prefer to wear the accessory on their right hand.

Creative people do not like to wear watches at all or put them on their right hand. This is how they show that they belong to the society of creators.

On which hand do women wear watches?

Women attach no less importance to wearing a watch correctly than men. This accessory not only emphasizes the femininity and elegance of the fair sex, but also highlights her external and personal qualities. It is believed that women prefer to wear watches on their right hand.

Energy and hours in women

According to the advice of ancient Chinese medicine, a woman needs to strengthen her weak energy points located on the right wrist. This means that it is better to wear the watch on the right hand to give strength to the weakest points and provide positive effects on health. This advice should not be neglected, since the energy points located on a woman’s hand are responsible for the functioning of many internal organs. If you want to feel better, wear your watch on your right hand.

How to wear a watch correctly for women

Just like for men, there are certain etiquette rules for women that should be taken into account when wearing a watch. But, unlike men, women attach special importance to wearing a watch and try to combine it with clothing and the environment.

If you have a lot of rings on your right hand, it is better to wear the watch on your left hand to avoid creating a cluttered effect. This also works correctly for bracelets.

From a psychological point of view, if a woman wants to emphasize her independence, she should wear a watch on her active hand. This will emphasize her efficiency and determination.

Many women wear a watch on their right hand to show their desire to move forward and not attach importance to the past.

In accordance with the rules that the site’s experts have prepared for you, you can find out on which hand it is better and more useful for you to wear a watch. Don’t forget to consider which hand you should wear other jewelry on - you can find out about this in the link. Be beautifuland don't forget to press the buttons and