Well      06/15/2019

Safety shut-off valve kpz 50v. LLC "pkf gazapparat" gas equipment. Preparing the product for work

Type: safety shut-off valve.

The KPZ valve is designed to automatically stop the supply of gases to consumers when the controlled gas pressure rises or falls from the specified limits.

The KPZ safety shut-off valve is manufactured with nominal bore DN 25, 50, 100, 150, 200 of low, medium or high controlled pressure, with control mechanism levers located to the right or left in the direction of gas flow.

The operating conditions of the regulators must comply with the climatic version U2 GOST 14140-69 with an ambient temperature of minus 45 to plus 40 °C.

Examples symbol valves:

Safety shut-off valve DN50, low controlled pressure with a response range (0.0003 - 0.075) MPa with levers of the control mechanism located on the left in the direction of gas flow:

Valve KPZ-50R TU 3712-002-72549424-2012.

Safety shut-off valve DN 100, high controlled pressure with a response range (0.003-0.75) MPa with levers of the control mechanism located to the right in the direction of gas flow:

Valve KPZ-100VP TU 3712-002-72549424-2012.

Main specifications and parameters of the KPZ valve

Working pressure at the inlet: no more than 1.2 MPa.

Working environment: natural gas in accordance with GOST 5542-87.

Operation accuracy: ±5%.

Valve response time: no more than 1 second.

Type of connection to the pipeline: flange according to GOST 12820-80 for a nominal pressure of 1.6 MPa.

Service life: at least 10 years.

Warranty obligations: 12 months from the date of commissioning, subject to the rules of storage, transportation, installation and operation.

Service life: up to 15 years.

Parameter or dimension name KPZ-25 KPZ-50 KPZ-100 KPZ-150 KPZ-200
Conditional pass, Du 25 50 100 150 200
Controlled pressure setting limits, MPa, lower
Controlled pressure setting limits, MPa, upper
Construction length, mm 160 230 350 480 600
Width, mm 200 240 246 350 400
Height, mm 320 360 435 600 700
Weight, kg 5 8 32 80 110

After 15 years of operation, the KPZ valve is subject to disposal.

Contents of delivery. The delivery set of the safety shut-off valve KPZ includes:

KPZ valve according to the order - 1 pc.

Passport KPZ PS - 1 pc.

Set of tuning springs (additionally on request).

The device and principle of operation of the KPZ valve

The KPZ valve consists of a cast body 1. Inside the body there is a seat, which is closed by a valve 2 with a rubber seal. The valve 2 is fixed on the axis 3, which is located in the body 1. On the axis 3, springs 4, 5 are installed, one end of which rests against the body 1, the other against the valve 2. At the end of the axis 3, which goes out, the lever 6 is rigidly fixed, which is connected with a lever 16. A control mechanism 7 is fixed on the body 1, which has a membrane 8, a rod 9 and a tip 15 fixed on the rod. The tip 15 engages with the stop 12 of the lever and prevents it from turning. The membrane is balanced by controlled pressure and springs 10, 11, the forces of which are regulated by bushings 13, 14.

The KPZ valve works as follows:

Controlled pressure is applied to the submembrane cavity of the control mechanism 7, causing the position of the tip 15 in the middle position. When the pressure in the submembrane cavity rises or falls above the setting limits, the tip 15 moves to the left or right, and the stop 12 mounted on the lever 16 disengages from the tip 15, releases the interconnected levers 16 and 6, allowing the axis 3 to turn. The force from the action of the springs 4.5 is transferred to the valve 2, which closes the gas passage. Bringing the valve 2 into working condition after operation is done manually by turning the levers 6, 16 until their tips 15 are fixed and the valve 2 is held in the open position.

Valve brand A B H D n
KPZ-25 160 200 320 85 4
KPZ-50 230 240 360 125 4
KPZ-100 350 246 435 180 8
KPZ-150 480 350 600 240 8
KPZ-200 600 400 700 295 12

Controlled pressure supply dimensions

valve KPZ-50N(V) version 1 valve KPZ-50N(V) version 2

valve KPZ-100N(V) version 1 valve KPZ-100N(V) version 2

Instructions for safety measures when working with the KPZ valve

During the installation and operation of valves, general safety regulations apply in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91, GOST 12.2.063-81, GOST 12.1.019-79, GOST, “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” and section II of SNiP 2.04.08-87.

The KPZ valve must not be installed in environments that are destructive to cast iron, steel, aluminium, rubber and zinc coating.

All installation work must be carried out without pressure in the process pipeline.

The KPZ valve must be installed so that the direction of flow matches the direction of the arrow on the valve body.

To avoid accidents and accidents, it is prohibited:

Perform troubleshooting or repair of the operating valve, if there is a smell of gas at the place where the valve is installed, smoke, light matches, turn on electric lighting (if it is not made in an explosive version).

Installation and preparation of the KPZ valve for operation

Preparing the product for installation.

Unpack the KPZ valve, remove the transport plugs.

To depreserve the surfaces of the valve parts from lubrication.

Check visually appearance valve for mechanical damage.

Placement and installation.

The KPZ valve must be installed in front of the pressure regulator on a horizontal section of the gas pipeline. The membrane must be in a vertical position.

The impulse pipe must be connected to the gas pipeline after the regulator and, if possible, have an upward slope from it and have no areas where condensate can accumulate.

Installation and connection of the KPZ valve must be carried out by a specialized construction and installation and operating organization in accordance with the approved project, specifications for the production of construction and installation works.

KPZ valve operation

First, the valve is adjusted to the upper limit of operation by changing the force of the spring 11 by rotating the sleeve 14. During adjustment, the pressure in the impulse tube should be maintained slightly below the set upper limit, and then slowly increase the pressure and make sure that the valve operates at the set upper limit.

When adjusting the lower limit of the valve operation, the rotation of the sleeve 13 changes the force of the spring 10. During the adjustment, the pressure in the impulse tube should be maintained slightly above the set lower limit, and then slowly reduce the pressure and make sure that the valve operates at the set lower limit. After completing the adjustment, increase the pressure in the impulse tube and make sure that the valve operates again at the upper limit of the adjustment. Text copied from www.site.

KPZ valve maintenance

Maintenance of the KPZ valve should be carried out within the time frame provided for by the schedule.

Technical inspection, checking the setting and operation of the valve should be carried out once a month.

Scheduled preventive maintenance of the valve must be carried out at least once a year.

List of works performed during maintenance, is shown in the table below.

The content of the work Technical requirements Instruments and materials necessary for the performance of work
External inspection of the valve for external damage. No external damage. Visually.
Checking the tightness of the connection of the sealing surfaces. Gas leakage is not allowed. Soap emulsion.
Checking the tightness of flange connections. Gas leakage is not allowed. Soap emulsion.

Typical malfunctions of the KPZ valve and methods for their elimination
Name Probable Cause Remedy
1. After closing the valve, gas continues to flow. 1. Loose fit of the working valve to the seat. 1. Check the condition of the seat and valve mating surfaces.
2. Check for scratches on the seat.
3. Check the elasticity of the operating valve seal.
2. Control levers do not move into position at normal controlled pressure. 1. Plugged impulse tube.
2. Jamming of the rod of the control mechanism.
3. Breakage of the control mechanism membrane.
1. Clean and blow out the impulse tube.
2. Replace defective parts.
3. Replace membrane.
3. An axle with a control lever sticks when turning. 1. O-ring damaged. 1. Replace ring.

Transportation and storage of KPZ valves

Packaged KPZ valves can be transported by any means of transport, except for sea, in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

The conditions for the transportation of valves must comply with the storage conditions of 7 GOST 15150-69.

The valves should be stored in packaged form in accordance with storage conditions 2 of GOST 15150-69.

At long-term storage in a warehouse, valves must be re-preserved after one year of storage with conservation oil K-17 GOST 10877-76 or other lubricants for products of group II according to the protection option VZ-1 GOST 9.014-78.

Shelf life is not more than 6 years.

It is allowed to transport valves in universal containers without packaging with laying products in rows, separating each row with gaskets made of boards, plywood, etc.

Increasing or decreasing the gas pressure after the pressure regulator in excess of the specified limits can lead to emergency. With an excessive increase in gas pressure, flame separation from the burners and the appearance of an explosive mixture in the working volume of gas-using equipment, leakage, gas leakage in the joints of gas pipelines and fittings, failure of instrumentation, etc. are possible. A significant decrease in gas pressure can lead to slippage of the flame into the burner or extinction of the flame, which, if the gas supply is not turned off, will cause the formation of an explosive gas-air mixture in the furnaces and gas ducts of the units and in the premises of gasified buildings.

The reasons for the unacceptable increase or decrease in gas pressure after the pressure regulator for dead-end networks are:

Malfunction of the pressure regulator (jamming of the plunger, the formation of hydrate plugs in the seat and body, valve leakage, etc.);
incorrect selection of the pressure regulator according to its throughput, leading to a two-position mode of its operation at low gas flow rates and causing outbursts of outlet pressure and self-oscillations.
For ring and branched networks, the reasons for an unacceptable pressure change after the pressure regulator can be:

Malfunction of one or more pressure regulators supplying these networks;
incorrect hydraulic calculation of the network, due to which abrupt changes in gas consumption by large consumers lead to surges in outlet pressure.
A common cause of a sharp decrease in pressure for any network may be a violation of the tightness of gas pipelines and fittings, and, consequently, a gas leak.

To prevent an unacceptable increase or decrease in pressure in the hydraulic fracturing (GRPSh), high-speed safety shut-off valves (PZK) and safety valves are installed. relief valves(PSK).

PZK are intended for automatic stop of gas supply to consumers in case of increase or decrease in pressure over the set limits; they are installed after the pressure regulators. PZK work at "emergency situations", therefore their spontaneous inclusion is inadmissible. Before manually turning on the slam-shut device, it is necessary to detect and eliminate malfunctions, and also make sure that the shut-off devices in front of all gas-using devices and units are closed. If, according to the conditions of production, a break in the gas supply is unacceptable, then instead of a shut-off valve, an alarm system should be provided to alert the maintenance personnel.

PSK are designed to discharge into the atmosphere a certain excess volume of gas from the gas pipeline after the pressure regulator in order to prevent pressure from rising above the set value; they are installed after the pressure regulator on the outlet pipeline.

In the presence of a flow meter (gas meter), PSK must be installed after the meter. For GRPSh, it is allowed to take out the PSK outside the cabinet. After reducing the controlled pressure to a predetermined value, the PSK must be hermetically sealed.

Safety shut-off valves
PZK is a valve open in operational condition. The flow of gas through it stops as soon as the pressure at the controlled point of the gas pipeline reaches the lower or upper limit of the slam-shut setting.

The following requirements are imposed on the PZK:

It must ensure hermetic closure of the gas supply to the regulator in the event of an increase or decrease in pressure behind it in excess of the established limits. The upper limit of the shut-off valve operation should not exceed the maximum working pressure after the regulator by more than 25%;
calculated for the inlet working pressure in the series: 0.05; 0.3; 0.6; 1.2; 1.6 MPa with a response range when pressure increases from 0.002 to 0.75 MPa, as well as a response range when pressure decreases from 0.0003 to 0.03 MPa;
the design should exclude spontaneous opening of the shut-off body without the intervention of maintenance personnel;
the tightness of the shut-off body must comply with class "A" in accordance with GOST 9544-93;
response accuracy should be ± 5% of the set values ​​of controlled pressure for slam-shut valves installed in hydraulic fracturing, and ± 10% for slam-shut valves in GRPSh and combined regulators;
response inertia should be no more than 40–60 s;
the free passage of the shut-off body must be at least 80% of the nominal passage of the slam-shut pipes;
the shut-off body should not be at the same time the executive body of the gas pressure regulator.
The sampling of the pulse of the controlled pressure of the SVK must be done near the point of sampling of the pulse of the pressure regulator, i.e. at a distance from the pressure regulator of at least five diameters of the outlet gas pipeline. Connect the slam-shut impulse piping to the bottom horizontal section gas pipeline is unacceptable to prevent the ingress of condensate.

Slam-shut valves installed in hydraulic fracturing and on-site hydraulic fracturing are often used as actuators security automation, stopping the gas supply when any of the controlled parameters deviates beyond the specified limits (including at the command of the gas contamination detector). In this case, the PZK is usually equipped with an electromagnetic device. The PZK also includes thermal shut-off valves that shut off pipelines in the event of a temperature rise to 80–90 ° C.

Designed to automatically stop the supply of non-aggressive hydrocarbon gases to consumers when the controlled pressure rises and falls above the specified limits. Manufactured with nominal bore D at 50 and 100 mm low, medium or high controlled pressure.

Controlled environment - natural gas according to GOST 5542-87.

Connection - flange according to GOST 12820-80.

Specifications KPZ-100

KPZ-100N KPZ-100S KPZ-100V KPZ-100V1
Working pressure at the inlet, MPa, no more 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
Controlled pressure setting limits, MPa:
lower 0,0003-0,003 0,01-0,12 0,003-0,03 0,1-0,4
upper 0,002-0,075 0,06-0,32 0,03-0,75 0,2-0,75
Operation accuracy, % ±5 ±5 ±5 ±5
Conditional pass D y, mm 100 100 100 100
Construction length, mm 350 350 350 350
Overall dimensions, mm:
width 253 253 253 253
height 450 450 450 450
Weight, kg, no more 36 36 36 36

The device and principle of operation of the KPZ-100

The valve has a cast iron flanged body 1 (see figure). Inside the body there is a seat, which is closed by a valve 2 with a rubber seal. Valve 2 is fixed on axis 3, which is located in housing 1. Springs 4, 5 are installed on axis 3, one end of which rests against housing 1, the other against valve 2. At the end of axis 3, which goes out, levers 6 are rigidly fixed, which rests against the lever 16. On the body 1 there is a control mechanism 7, which has a membrane 8, a rod 9 and a tip 15 rigidly fixed on the rod 9. The tip 15 engages with the stop 12 of the lever 16 and prevents it from turning. The membrane is balanced by controlled pressure and springs 10, 11, the forces of which are regulated by bushings 13, 14. Controlled pressure is supplied to the submembrane cavity of the control mechanism 7, causing the tip 15 to be in the middle position. With an increase or decrease in pressure in the submembrane cavity beyond the setting limits, the tip 15 moves, which releases the interconnected levers 16, 6 and allows the axis 3 to turn. The force from the action of springs 4, 5 is transferred to valve 2, and valve 2 closes the gas passage. Bringing the valve 2 into working condition after operation is done manually by turning the levers 6, 16 until they are fixed with the tip 15, and the valve 2 is held in the open position.

The valve KPZ-50N is designed to automatically stop the supply of natural gas when the controlled gas pressure rises or falls from the specified limits. DN50

The safety shut-off valve is designed to automatically stop the supply of natural gas GOST 5542-87 to the consumer when the controlled gas pressure rises or falls from the specified limits.
Valves are manufactured with nominal bores DN25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 450, 500, 600
View climatic design UHL4 GOST 15150-69
The valve response time is not more than 1 sec.
Average service life of at least 10 years

Main technical characteristics of KPZ valves

KPZ-25 KPZ-50 KPZ-100 KPZ-150 KPZ-200
Working pressure at the inlet, MPa 1,2
Nominal passage, DN mm 25 50 80 100 150 200

Controlled pressure setting limits, MPa

actuation accuracy, % +-5
Construction length, mm 160 230 350 350 480 600

Overall dimensions, mm

Weight, kg 5 16 31 32 80 110

Scheme and arrangement of the KPZ-50N valve

The device and principle of operation of the valve KPZ-50N

The safety shut-off valve KPZ-50N has a flanged body 1. Inside the body there is a seat, which is closed by a valve 2 with a rubber seal. Valve 2 is fixed on axis 3, which is located in housing 1. Springs 4 and 5 are installed on axis 3, one end of which rests against housing 1, the other against valve 2. At the end of axis 3, which goes out, a lever 6 is rigidly fixed, which rests against the lever 16. The control mechanism 7 is fixed on the body 1, which has a membrane 8, a rod 9 and a tip 15 rigidly fixed on the rod 9.

The tip 15 engages with the stop 12 of the lever 16 and prevents it from turning. the membrane is balanced by controlled pressure and springs 10 and 11, the force of which is regulated by bushings 13 and 14.

The principle of operation of the valve KPZ-50N

Valve KPZ-50N works as follows.

Controlled pressure is supplied to the submembrane cavity of the control mechanism 7, causing the tip 15 to be in the middle position. With an increase or decrease in pressure in the submembrane cavity beyond the setting limits, the tip 15 moves in one direction or another, and the stop 12 mounted on the lever 16 disengages from the tip 15, releasing the interconnected levers 16 and 6 and enabling axis 3 turn, while the force holding the tip 15 in a vertical position should be within 0.2 ... 0.5N. If necessary, it is adjusted by moving the bar 17 along the lever 16.

The force of springs 4 and 5 is transferred to valve 2, and valve 2 closes the gas passage.

Bringing the valve 2 into working condition after operation is carried out manually by turning the levers 6 and 16 until they are fixed with the tip 15, and the valve 2 is held in the open position.

Indication of safety measures when working with the KPZ-50N valve

Installation and operation of KPZ-50N valves must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the industrial safety in the gas industry, approved by the State Committee for Technical Supervision of the Russian Federation and the passport for the valve.

Valves KPZ-50N must be installed so that the direction of gas flow coincides with the direction of the arrow on the valve body.

Valves KPZ-50N during operation do not have a negative impact on the environment.

Preparing the KPZ-50N valve for operation

Preparing the product for installation.

Unpack the KPZ-50N valve, remove the transport plugs; to depreserve the surfaces of the valve parts from lubrication; check the valve by visual inspection for the absence of mechanical damage.

Placement and installation

The KPZ-50N damper must not be installed in environments that have a destructive effect on Aluminium alloy, steel, rubber and zinc coating.

The KPZ-50n valve is installed in front of the pressure regulator on a horizontal or vertical section of the gas pipeline.

The gas inlet must correspond to the arrow on the housing.

The impulse piping should be connected to the inlet gas line downstream of the regulator and should, if possible, slope upwards away from it and be free from areas where condensate can accumulate.

Installation and activation of the KPZ-50N damper must be carried out by a specialized construction and installation and operating organization in accordance with the approved project, technical specifications for construction and installation works.

The valve after adjustment by the consumer to the required response pressure must be sealed.

The procedure for working with the valve KPZ-50N

Upon completion of the installation of the valve, it should be adjusted to the operating parameters.

First, the KPZ-50N valve is adjusted to the upper limit of operation, changing the tension of the spring 11 by rotating the sleeve 14.

During tuning, the pressure in the impulse piping should be kept slightly below the set limit, and then slowly increase the pressure and check that the valve operates at the set upper limit.

When adjusting the lower limit of the valve operation, the rotation of the sleeve 13 changes the tension of the spring 10. During the adjustment of the pressure in the impulse tube, it is necessary to maintain a little above the set lower limit, and then slowly reduce the pressure and make sure that the valve operates at the set lower limit.

After the end of the adjustment, it will increase the pressure in the impulse tube and make sure that the valve operates again at the set upper limit.

Maintenance of KPZ-50N valve

The maintenance of the valve must be carried out according to the schedule.

A technical inspection and check of the setting and operation of the valve should be carried out once every two months, including once during routine repairs.

Scheduled preventive maintenance of the valve must be carried out at least once a year.

Delivery of valves KPZ-50N is carried out by transport companies in such cities of Russia as: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Vologda, Kirov, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Tver, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Yoshkar-Ola, Vitebsk, Smolensk, Kaluga, Minsk, Ryazan, Saransk, Bryansk, Penza, Syzran, Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Tambov, Belgorod, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Donetsk, Lugansk, Simferopol Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Feodosia, Kerch, Sevastopol, Sudak , Evpatoria, Uralsk, Aktyubinsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Karaganda, Krasnodar, Sochi, Taganrog, Novorossiysk, Stavropol, Elista, Nalchik, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody, Nevinnomyssk, Hot Key, Maykop, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Armavir, Grozny, Vladikavkaz , Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Izberbash, Derbent, Elista, Astrakhan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Izhevsk, Tolyatti, Kazan, Cheboksary, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Tomsk, Astana, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Novokuznetsk, Krasnoyarsk , Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Ukhta, Syktyvkar, Perm, Nizhny Tagil, Naberezhnye Chelny, Magnitogorsk, Bishkek, Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Pavlodar, Kostanay, Atyrau, Aktau , Shimkent, Khorgos, Talas, Karakol, Naryn, Osh, Jalal-abad, Batken, Kotlas, Surgut, Bratsk, Velsk, Rossosh.

In addition to the KPZ-50N valve itself, the delivery set includes: a certificate of conformity, a permit for use, a passport, a dimensional and functional diagram

Safety valves are produced in the following sizes: KPZ-25N, KPZ-25S, KPZ-25V, KPZ-50N, KPZ-50S, KPZ-50V, KPZ-80N, KPZ-80S, KPZ-80V, KPZ-100N, KPZ- 100S, KPZ-100V, KPZ-150N, KPZ-150S, KPZ-150V, KPZ-200N, KPZ-200S, KPZ-200V. We can also individually manufacture standard sizes KPZ-65N, KPZ-65S, KPZ-65V, KPZ-250N, KPZ-250S, KPZ-250V, KPZ-300N, KPZ-300S, KPZ-300V, KPZ-400N, KPZ-400S, KPZ -400V, KPZ-500N, KPZ-500S, KPZ-500V and large diameters.

Precautionary-shut-off valve bullpen used to protect gas system and prevent the risks of fires and explosions, but it works with cutting off the gas supply in cases of not heating the pipeline, but its depressurization or other damage. valves safety shut-off bullpen equipped with a complex mechanism with springs designed for a certain range of pressure values. When the pressure is exceeded or reduced, the spring closes the valve opening and thereby blocks the gas supply.

valves bullpen are used to protect not only natural gas transmission systems, but also other gaseous and liquid media with a wide range of operating characteristics. At the same time, KPZ safety shut-off valves are in most cases used on pipelines with small diameters. This is explained by the fact that with significant pipeline diameters, the pressure of the working medium in it is also high, therefore, to control the valve, it is necessary to provide even greater control force - otherwise, the fit of the valve on the body seat may not be tight enough.

KPZ valves: design and principle of operation

The main working element of the KPZ safety shut-off valve is a working element located in a steel case. In addition, the design of the KPZ valve is formed by a diaphragm with a stem as a pressure difference control mechanism, an axis, a lever system, springs and a tip. Lever mechanisms for controlling the gas safety valve can be located both on the left and on the right in the direction of the flow of the working medium.

When the working pressure in the cavity of the control mechanism is within the normal range, the tip is in the middle position. When the pressure changes beyond the limits of the established limits (increase or fall), the tip moves in the appropriate direction, while releasing the lever stop. As a result, the levers are released from mutual engagement, the axis rotates and thereby causes the working element (valve) to close. Bringing the valve to the open position is carried out only manually after eliminating the cause of the pressure out of the operating range.

How to buy KPZ valves

In the catalog of the company "PKF" SpetsKomplektPribor "safety shut-off valves KPZ with diameters of DN 50 and 100 mm are presented in modifications KPZ-N, KPZ-S and KPZ-V, corresponding to the versions for low, medium and high pressure. Based on the climatic version of the KPZ safety shut-off valves, their operation is possible in the temperature range environment(-45°С to +40°С).

Having decided on the optimal modification of the KPZ valves to solve your needs, then you can buy a safety shut-off valve in required quantity either through the Basket, then filling in the minimum required contact information, or by contacting our managers directly.