Well      03/07/2020

The operating principle of automotive gas equipment. Operating principle of HBO. Basic elements of automation


As you know, the main heating element in most modern heating systems is the boiler. It is thanks to him that fuel is converted into thermal energy, which is transferred to the coolant and enters heating devices such as radiators. It is important to understand the structure of a gas heating boiler and study the principle of its operation.

The operating principle of a gas heating boiler, as is clear from its name, is based on the use of gas as the main source of fuel. At the same time, the ideal design of gas heating boilers should be such that the equipment operates with minimal costs, and human intervention was minimal.

We will discuss further how a gas heating boiler works and what elements it consists of.

Types and design of a gas boiler

Before we talk directly about all the components of a gas boiler, we need to consider what options exist for these heating devices. Of course, they all have a similar structure, but, nevertheless, some models are equipped with individual features that are characteristic only of them.

The classification of boilers operating with gas is as follows:

  • samples of floor and wall type. If we talk about convenience, then wall-mounted equipment, which is more typical for private buildings, would be more acceptable. The main advantage of a floor-standing unit is its much greater power, as a result of which it can be used to heat a room with a very significant area. Such models are very often used in production;
  • gas boilers of atmospheric and turbocharged type. To understand how it works gas heating with an atmospheric boiler, you can recall the principle of operation of a standard stove, where air from the room enters a specially designed chimney due to natural draft. Turbocharged devices are equipped with a fan, which is included in the design, and the fuel combustion chamber is completely closed, so everything required amount air comes from the street (more details: " ");
  • mechanisms with one and two circuits. The design of a gas boiler with one circuit is designed so that this equipment is used exclusively for heating rooms, while devices with two circuits can also play important role in the water supply system, providing the premises hot water;
  • boilers equipped with a conventional burner or a modulating burner (more details: " "). In the second case, the power of the operating equipment is automatically regulated, due to which fuel costs can be significantly reduced;
  • devices with electronic or piezoceramic ignition. The first option is more convenient, since it is possible to ignite the fuel in the combustion chamber without the direct participation of the owners, and in the second case, it is necessary to turn on the device every time you start it by pressing a certain button. Read also: "".

Design and principle of operation of a gas heating boiler

As mentioned above, most heating boilers are similar in design. But in order to understand how to use a gas boiler correctly, you need, of course, to know what structural parts this equipment consists of.

The basis of a standard gas boiler is the following elements:

  • rectangular gas burner. This design includes nozzles, which serve as a point for conducting gas into the combustion chamber. Thanks to these elements, the flame is distributed evenly, which makes the combustion of the coolant inside the system more efficient;
  • heat exchanger. This device is a metal box equipped with a built-in battery. Inside this box there are pipes through which the coolant circulates. Heating of water occurs due to the fact that the heat exchanger, heating up from the gas burning inside the chamber, transfers heat to it. If in a single-circuit type boiler there can be only one heat exchanger, then in double-circuit devices there can be two (primary and secondary);
  • circulation pump. Using this device, the pressure that occurs in a circulation system operating on a forced principle is regulated. Not all boilers are equipped with such a part;
  • expansion tank . The main purpose of this element is to temporarily remove coolant, which is necessary in the case of heating and expansion of water. This tank is equipped with a special container that can be suitable for any gas boiler. If you plan to use heating equipment over large areas, you can install another expansion tank;
  • a device responsible for removing fuel combustion products. In atmospheric boilers, this element is connected to a separate chimney that has natural circulation, and in turbocharged mechanisms there is already a double coaxial type exhaust pipe, in which combustion products are removed by means of a built-in fan;
  • automatic system, which serves as the boiler control center. Its main element is an electronic circuit that allows you to set the desired operating mode of the boiler based on the data displayed on the installed sensors.
In order for the service life of a gas boiler to be as long as possible, it is important that each of its elements functions reliably and properly (read also: " "). This can be achieved only by studying the features of the operation and structure of each of the main functional parts of the boiler.

Gas burner device

Based on the type of specific boiler, the burner design can be atmospheric or inflatable. The first version of the burner operates with less noise, however, its efficiency is lower compared to inflatable equipment.

These samples, in turn, have significant power and are divided into the following varieties:

  • from one stage;
  • with two stages;
  • modulated inflatable burners.

How does a heat exchanger work?

The main indicator that affects the quality of operation of this functional element of a gas boiler is the material from which it is made.
Cast iron heat exchangers are considered the most durable. In addition, this material retains heat well and can be mounted on both single-circuit and double-circuit systems (read also: " "). Among the negative aspects of cast iron is its large mass and at the same time low resistance to mechanical damage.

Today, heat exchangers made of steel are popular. This material is not subject to frequent breakdowns, it withstands high temperatures and pressure changes. Modern models, where high-quality steel is used, can compete with cast iron units in terms of service life. Sometimes, in order to increase this indicator, a layer of copper is applied to the inside of the steel heat exchanger, and a layer of copper resistant is applied on top. high temperature dye.

Circulation pump operation

What will the performance indicators be? circulation pump, depends, first of all, on the power at which the boiler operates, and this device does not have much influence on the operation of the entire system. It is very important that the pipes through which the coolant circulates are made of quality material, for example, made of steel or good plastic.

Operating principle of the expansion tank

This device has a significantly more serious impact on the operation of the gas boiler. This device is designed so that in the event of an excess of coolant in the system, which usually occurs due to overheating of the coolant, the excess water is stored and subsequently used again. Approximate calculations show that the total volume of such a tank should be about 10% of all water in heating system, therefore, for the installation of such equipment, it is important to have data regarding the length of the pipes and the capacity of the heating system.

To understand in more detail the features of installing a gas boiler, you can always study additional photos all its structural parts and watch videos on their installation, which can always be found from specialists involved in connecting such equipment.

Video about the construction of a gas heating boiler:

Increasing prices at gas stations for gasoline and diesel fuel are forcing motorists to think about ways to save on travel. One solution given to the problem is the use of various alternatives to liquid fuels. You have to study the 4th generation LPG device in order to convert your iron horse to gas consumption.

Manufacturers in our country and abroad offer consumers the fifth generation of LPG, however, car enthusiasts prefer the time-tested system of the previous version. This is due not only to the high cost of more new system, but also with its maintainability and testability in different situations.

The main task of using gas-cylinder equipment is to supply a mixture of gaseous fuel and air to the working cylinders of the internal combustion engine.

A modern 4th generation gas installation can be installed on various types of vehicles:

  • a car;
  • trucks;
  • minibuses;
  • public transport;
  • commercial vehicles, etc.

There are two main types of systems you can find on the market:

  • Compressed (CNG). Compressed natural gas (methane CH 4) is used.
  • On liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). In kits, propane and butane (C 3 H 8 and C 4 H 6, respectively) are used individually or in mixtures.

It is generally accepted that methane will be more dangerous. Even a small amount of this chemical substance can cause rapid poisoning, blindness, suffocation, etc. in humans. The gas molecule is smaller than that of the GOS, so it requires thicker-walled and highly sealed gas pipelines, containers, etc.

Basic operating principles

Since the 4th generation LPG operates in a combined fuel+gas mode and in a mono-fuel cycle (exclusively gasoline or exclusively gas), motorists can independently choose their preferred driving option at a particular moment. This feature makes the system very popular among car owners.

There is also an automatic switching mode between fuel types. The designers have developed a control panel that is quite small in size. It contains LED lights, where you can use indicators to find out about the amount of fuel in containers.

Often the panel is installed on the left side near the steering column. This zone is ergonomic for comfortable manipulation.

Using indicators

The engineers provided a row of 4 green indicators on the 4th generation panel, ending with one red light. This element was carried over to the 5th generation.

It's easy to navigate the signals. You just need to take into account important factors:

  • one burning green light corresponds to approximately 10 liters of gas;
  • a ten-liter portion of gas fuel is enough for 200 km on average;
  • a lit red lamp indicates a limited range of 40-70 km;
  • When the red LED is on, you should go to the gas station as soon as possible.

There is a separate red LED, which has either gone out or is functioning in a blinking mode. In the first case, the car runs on gas. When blinking, the internal combustion engine burns only gasoline and is expected to automatically switch to gas.

The red LED lights up at startup when the car consumes gasoline. After going back to work temperature regime after some time there is a transition to liquefied fuel.

It is worth considering that when 4th generation gas equipment has the ability to operate in combined modes, this indicates increased reliability of the system and additional reliability of the engine. An important factor is the extended vehicle mileage provided by filling several types of fuel.

Gas transport is relevant for small settlements where there is a risk of refueling with low-quality fuel or gas stations are located quite far away. Car owners themselves admit that cars with gas appliances Few are stolen. It is enough for the driver to remove the switch and the car will not start on either gasoline or gas.

When a car has a motor with a fairly expensive injection system that includes a catalyst, the introduction of LPG will have a positive effect on consumption and will objectively extend the service life of the catalyst.

It's important to know that gas installations It is important to install the 4th generation on cars that meet environmental standards no lower than Euro-3 for harmful emissions, since there is a pulse type of injection for a mixture of fuel and air, carried out according to commands from a controller of a separate management unit.

The ECU reads and generates processor data by sending control impulses. The latter help open the injectors for gas injection and block similar injectors for the flow of gasoline. The system relies on a certain type of data, which includes:

  • current temperature of the reducer;
  • current gas pressure;
  • incoming gas temperature.

During operation, the gas pressure level may drop significantly. In such a situation, gas-cylinder equipment will automatically close and block the operation of gas injectors, and at the same time open and allow operation of gasoline analogues.

Schematic operation of HBO and its design

The required attributes of a gas cylinder kit are the following components:

  • multivalve;
  • container for storing liquefied gas;
  • module for preparation and injection fuel mixture into cylinders.

The multivalve is installed on the neck of the cylinder. It is used to ensure tank filling and to control fuel consumption during the gas consumption cycle. The multivalve consists of elements:

  • flow valve (outlet);
  • filling valve (inlet);
  • emergency valve (used to quickly relieve pressure);
  • analog tank full indicator;
  • filling outlet for fuel.

The need for an emergency valve is that it helps shut off the outlet channel if gas flow increases sharply. This factor manifests itself, for example, when the outlet pipelines to the engine are damaged.

The gas preparation and distribution module has the following design:

  • Fuel rail with working jets.
  • Cleaning filters.
  • Gearbox.

For propane structures, single-stage gearboxes are used, and for methane systems, two-stage analogues are relevant. Thanks to this unit, fuel is transferred from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase. Additional function two-stage models serve to reduce the outlet pressure.

It is preferable for engines with mixed fuel systems to start on gasoline to reduce the effect of detonation. You can also use gas for this, but this should only be done in emergency situations.

Frequent starting on gas can damage gearboxes. The diaphragm built into them receives high overloads when starting the engine due to high pressure. After starting on gasoline it increases working temperature, and the automation switches the work to gas. The reduced pressure forces the automation to switch to liquid fuel, and an audible signal is given to the driver.

The operation of the fourth generation of gas equipment does not allow popping noises in the input channel that appear in systems that are poorly synchronized with the mechanical feed. This allows you to reduce the risks of working on internal combustion engines with plastic manifolds.

After installation work you will need to ensure high-quality ignition settings. This is due to the fact that gas has a significantly higher octane number when compared to gasoline. The gas block requires earlier ignition, which is reflected in a larger advance angle.

It is worth considering that the use of special spark plugs can significantly improve the performance of LPG. However, it will also work on classic SZ ICEs. In this case, adjustment is carried out through the introduction of electronic variators.

The 4th generation system allows for modernization and tuning. To do this, engine chip tuning is used. Thanks to optimization, it is possible to balance the temperature operating conditions, at which there will be automatic switching of fuel supplies.

Positive characteristics

The advantages of 4th generation HBO compared to earlier modifications include the following factors:

  • maximum power is generated thanks to precise fuel dosage and optimal mixture formation proportions;
  • jerking of the internal combustion engine is eliminated, operation occurs smoothly without unnecessary friction and popping noises characteristic of the previous generation are eliminated;
  • fuel combustion occurs to a greater extent, which leads to increased environmental friendliness, compliance with Euro 3/4 standards, with minimal loss power by 1+2%;
  • the designers took care to introduce unique connectors that cannot be confused during installation, which simplifies and speeds up assembly;
  • Thanks to hardware diagnostics and software pairing, the 4th generation is perfectly installed on modern cars.

In any city it is easy to find specialists who will help with setting up and solving technical issues with this equipment. Its price tag is affordable for most users.

During operation, the performance of the internal combustion engine may deteriorate for the following reasons:

  • the gearbox is broken;
  • the dispenser or gearbox settings have gone wrong;
  • the filter was used for a long time and became clogged, which led to a decrease in fuel supply;
  • in winter, the temperature of the gas mixture is reduced.

It is worth considering that in cold weather the engine may consume an over-enriched mixture. This happens due to the reduced temperature.

A gas filling station is a compressor station. It is used to refuel cars vehicles different sizes– minibuses, buses, minibuses and equipment used in agriculture. Suitable for engines that have been specially converted for gas operation.

How does a gas station work?

It is connected to the gas pipeline, and the gas pressure is set to 200 atmospheres. This way the gas will fill the cylinders in the car. Mini ones are often used gas stations, since it is fashionable to connect them to many gas networks at home, they are small in size and light in weight. A small compressor can operate from a network with a voltage of 220 Volts. This allows you to operate the compressor with methane even at home. It can be installed in small enterprises serving transport - transportation, taxis and at stations involved in agriculture. You can connect to the network in country house or dacha.

Refueling the car usually takes a maximum of 6 hours. But with the help of some transformations, you can increase the capabilities of the compressor, which will significantly reduce the time spent refueling the car.

Why you should choose gas over gasoline

  1. Gas in any form (propane or methane) burns more smoothly than gasoline. This in turn reduces the load on the engine;
  2. You can increase the time between repairs up to one and a half times;
  3. Engine oil will need to be changed 2 times less often;
  4. The engine will operate less noisily - 2 times, or even more;
  5. The use of spark plugs will increase – up to 40 percent;
  6. The toxicity of gases will generally decrease by 2 times.

Advantages of gas filling

You can often hear that gas filling stations are unsafe to operate. It is believed that it can harm the operation of the engine, which will subsequently lead to a decrease in engine power, and fuel consumption will rapidly increase.

However, these fears are wrong. Cars have been running on gas for a relatively long time and we can say with confidence that they have less of an explosion hazard than cars that run on gasoline.

Gas, like gasoline, when mixed with air, in some cases can ignite very easily. But substances are added to the gas that make the leak noticeable by smell. The same cannot be said in the case of gasoline. In an emergency, the filling multivalve automatically stops the gas flow.

Gas filling device

In order for the car with gas to be located in a closed area, on the pipelines that come out of the cylinder there are 3 in no way connected devices for gas locking.

To put your car into operation on gas, you don’t need to make much effort. The engine does not need much adjustment.

The octane number of gases is 105 and in all operating modes the engine will operate stably, without detonation.

terms of Use

The pressure in the cylinder is greatly influenced by the ambient temperature. Owners of gas-powered cars need to carefully ensure that the car engine does not overheat. Even if the temperature rises minimally, the pressure in the cylinder can increase significantly. There is a device in the vehicle fittings that allows you to close the refueling channel as soon as it is 80% full. After this, refueling will not take place.
Today there are many manufacturers who produce gas equipment. It does not matter what size the engine is, since the equipment works stably and well at different volumes. The only problem that may arise is storing the cylinder - it will take up a lot of space in the trunk. But this can also be quickly solved by purchasing a toroidal cylinder that can be placed in the location of the spare tire. The volume of the gas cylinder can be up to 50 liters. The useful volume of gas is always 20% less than the real one.

Gas use in cars is usually comparable in consumption to gasoline, but depending on the time of year and frequency of use of the vehicle, it can consume more.
Working on gas is useful

Majority technical devices and transport run on gasoline, and if the production of cars increases, then oil reserves will run out very soon. Natural gas today is an excellent replacement for gasoline for several reasons:

  1. Economic – the cost is lower, which means costs are also reduced;
  2. Environmental – no emissions harmful to nature;
  3. Resource - oil reserves are decreasing every year.

Without using oil in the operation of cars and using it only in those areas of activity where it is impossible to do without it, you can achieve greater efficiency and economic stability.

More than 3.2 million units of equipment run on gas. Europe is rapidly switching to the use of gas, which has a positive effect on the state of our environment.

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In this article we will talk about gas equipment for cars, consider the classification and installation diagram of gas equipment, what it consists of and how it works.

Classification of HBO by generation

1st generation
Vacuum-controlled mechanical systems that are installed on gasoline carburetor cars.
2nd generation
Mechanical systems complemented by an electronic dosing device operating on the principle feedback with oxygen content sensor (lambda probe). They are installed on cars equipped with an injection engine and a catalyst.
3rd generation
Systems providing distributed synchronous gas injection with a metering distributor controlled by an electronic unit. Gas is supplied to the intake manifold using mechanical injectors, which are opened by overpressure in the gas supply line.

According to current laws, a system of at least the fourth generation is allowed to be installed on a car.

4th generation
Distributed sequential gas injection systems with electromagnetic injectors, which are controlled by a more advanced electronic unit. They differ in that gas is supplied directly to the intake manifold through special gas injectors. They are controlled by their own electronic control unit, which synchronizes its operation with the standard controller and simultaneously performs the functions of an emulator.

This system is popular in the market due to its low cost and quick installation. It can interact with the standard engine control unit via the OBD-2 diagnostic connector, and then the adjustment accuracy becomes higher. On engines with direct fuel injection, an HBO 4+ system is installed, which is connected to the engine control unit. This is due to the design of the engine, when gasoline is supplied to the combustion chamber to cool it.

5th generation
The main difference is that the gas enters the collector not in an evaporated state, but in a liquid one. This allows for more precise dosing of fuel supply and increases efficiency. This system is insensitive to sudden temperature changes and ensures that the engine starts on gas even in winter. In the manufacture of 5th generation equipment, an element base is used that is fundamentally different from the previous ones. One of these differences is the installed pump, thanks to which liquid gas is supplied to the gas injectors.

The new design does not require the use of an evaporator reducer. Instead, a pressure regulator is installed to ensure constant gas pressure in the line, which is 5 bar higher than in cylinders. Thanks to this level of operating pressure, the heat generated by the engine does not cause steam to form in the tubes.

6th generation
Just like the previous system, the 6th generation system injects fuel in a liquid state, but through standard engine injectors. In winter, you can also run the engine on gas. This system is the most advanced due to the complete integration of two fuel systems. But it is also expensive, so it is rarely used in practice.

Main Components

Reducer-evaporator serves to heat the propane-butane mixture, evaporate it and reduce the pressure to a value close to atmospheric pressure.

Gas reducer serves to reduce gas pressure and transfer it from a liquid to a gaseous state. This requires heating the gearbox with liquid from the cooling system. May have a vacuum or electronic control. On all reducers, gas pressure is adjusted using a special screw.

Solenoid gas valve serves to shut off the gas line when the engine is parked or running on gasoline. Equipped with a filter for cleaning the fuel mixture.

Solenoid petrol valve in carburetor cars, it cuts off the supply of gasoline when the engine is running on gas. In injection cars, its functions are performed by an injector emulator.

Fuel selector- installed in the car interior and designed to transfer the engine from one type of fuel to another from the driver’s seat without stopping the engine. There are switches on which the gas level in the cylinder is shown using LEDs.

The multivalve is mounted on the neck of the cylinder. Includes filling and flow valves, gas level indicator and sampling tube. A special high-speed valve stops gas leaks when accidental damage gas main.

The ventilation box is attached to the neck of the cylinder. A multivalve is placed inside it. In the event of a gas leak from the cylinder, the ventilation box removes its vapor from the luggage compartment to the outside.

Gas container. There are cylindrical and toroidal cylinders (for a niche for a spare tire). According to safety regulations, fill no more than 80% of the full volume. There are 4 generations of cylinders: the first type - all steel; the second - made of alloy steel with composite winding); the third - an aluminum vessel with a composite winding) and the fourth type - the most modern and durable - made of composite materials. It is the latter that are the most expensive, but also the easiest.

How does the HBO scheme work?

LPG diagram: 1 - cylinder 2 - multi-valve 3 - high-pressure gas line 4 - remote filling device 5 - gas valve 6 - evaporator reducer 7 - dispenser 8 - air and gas mixer 9 - gasoline valve 10 - fuel type switch

Liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane) comes under pressure from balloon(1) in high pressure gas line(3). Gas consumption from the cylinder occurs through multivalve(2), through which refueling is also carried out using remote filling device(4). Along the main line, gas in the liquid phase enters the gas filter valve(5), which cleans the gas from suspended matter and tarry deposits and shuts off the gas supply when the ignition is turned off or when switching to gasoline.

Next, the purified gas flows through the pipeline to reducer-evaporator(6), where the gas pressure decreases from sixteen atmospheres to one. As the gas intensively evaporates, it cools the gearbox, so the latter is connected to the engine’s water cooling system. The circulation of antifreeze allows you to avoid freezing of the gearbox and its membranes. Under the influence of vacuum created in the intake manifold of a running engine, gas from the gearbox through the hose low pressure through dispenser(7) goes to mixer(8) installed between air filter and carburetor throttle valves. Sometimes, instead of installing a mixer, gas fittings are directly inserted into the carburetor.

Operating modes are controlled using fuel switch(10) installed on the instrument panel. When selecting the "GAS" position, the switch opens the electromagnetic gas valve(5) and turns off the electromagnetic gasoline valve(9). And, conversely, when switching from gas to gasoline, the switch closes the gas valve and opens the gasoline valve. Using LEDs, the switch allows you to control which fuel is currently being used.

You should know that the installation of gas equipment on a car must be officially registered with the traffic police and regulatory authorities. If this is not done, the inspector may issue a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for operating a car to which changes have been made without permission. In practice, 90 percent of drivers do not even know that they need to register a car with LPG.

Domestic heating boilers using natural and liquefied gas, do not require constant monitoring by the user. Combustion and maintenance of the required coolant temperature are monitored by electronic and mechanical units built into any heat generator by the manufacturer. Our task is to explain how automation for a gas boiler works and what types of devices are used in modern water heating installations.

Automatic blocks of floor-standing boilers

The vast majority of floor-standing gas boilers are equipped with automatic safety systems that operate without external source power supply (non-volatile). According to the requirements of regulatory documents, automation equipment must shut off the gas supply to the burner and igniter in three emergency cases:

  1. Extinction of the main burner flame due to blowing out or for other reasons.
  2. When natural draft in the chimney channel is absent or sharply reduced.
  3. The drop in natural gas pressure in the main pipeline is below a critical level.

For reference. The implementation of the listed functions is mandatory for gas boilers of all types. Many manufacturers add a fourth level of safety – overheating protection. When the coolant temperature reaches 90 °C, the valve, based on a signal from the sensor, stops supplying gas to the main burner.

Various gas models from different manufacturers use the following types (brands) of non-volatile automation:

  • Italian blocks EuroSIT (Eurosit) series 630, 710 and 820 NOVA (heating units Lemax, Zhitomir 3, Aton and many others);
  • Polish devices "KARE" (heat generators "Danko", "Rivneterm");
  • American Honeywell automatic control devices (heaters from the Zhukovsky plant of the “Comfort” line);
  • domestic products from ZhMZ, SABK, Orion, Arbat companies.

Fuel supply system in the simplest AOGV devices equipped with ZhMZ valves. The burner is hidden in the lower part of the housing.

We have listed the most common brands of automation, which are often installed on water heating boilers from the same company. For example, the Zhukovsky plant equips budget versions of AOGV devices with its own ZhMZ safety units, mid-price heat generators with EuroSIT devices, and powerful models with Honeywell automatic valves. Let's look at each group separately.

SIT Group brand gas valves

Of all the types of automation found in boiler installations, EuroSIT safety units are the most popular and reliable in operation. They are recommended by companies that supply natural fuels, including for replacing old gas equipment of KChM, AGV boilers, and so on. They work without problems as part of micro-flare burners Polidoro, Iskra, Vakula, Thermo and others.

The exact names of the three models used look like this:

  • 630 SIT;
  • 710 MiniSIT;
  • 820 NOVA.

The thermocouple, main and pilot burner connection sockets are located on the bottom panel of the valve

For reference. SIT Group has ceased production of the 630 and 710 series, considering them obsolete. This has been replaced by new safety automatics for heating boilers - gas valves 820 NOVA, 822 NOVA, 840 SIGMA and 880 Proflame (battery operated). But old products are not difficult to find on sale.

In order not to bore you with design details automatic devices EuroSIT, let us briefly explain the principle of operation using the example of the simplest block of the 630 series:

  1. When you turn the handle to the “ignition” position and press from above, you forcefully open solenoid valve, passing gas to the pilot burner (igniter). You click the button on the piezoelectric element, which produces a spark that ignites the wick.
  2. By holding the main handle for 30 seconds, you allow the pilot flame to warm up. The thermal balloon produces a voltage (EMF) of 20-50 millivolts, which fixes the electromagnet in the open state. Now you can release the handle.
  3. Set the main handle to the desired position and thus supply gas to the main burner. The latter ignites and begins to heat the heat exchanger with water from the heating system, as shown in the diagram.
  4. When the water reaches a certain temperature, the capillary sensor is activated, gradually closing the second valve - the thermostatic one. The supply of fuel to the burner device stops until the sensor cools down and the valve plate opens the path for gas. The igniter continues to burn in standby mode.

Note. Older automation modifications were not equipped with temperature sensors and ignition units, so matches were required to start the heat generator.

Connection diagram of the automation unit to the gas burner device

A membrane valve, which plays the role of a pressure regulator, is responsible for the normal gas supply in the device. When it falls below a preset value, the fuel channel closes and an emergency shutdown of the boiler occurs. Other situations that lead to refusal include:

  1. The burner and the wick heating the thermocouple go out. Voltage generation stops, the solenoid valve closes the fuel passage.
  2. If the draft in the chimney suddenly disappears, the sensor placed in this channel overheats and breaks the power supply circuit of the electromagnet. The result is similar - the fuel supply is blocked.
  3. In heaters equipped with overheating sensors, electrical circuit breaks after the water reaches a temperature of 90-95 ° C.

When the gas automatic system triggers an emergency shutdown, the user is blocked from restarting the boiler for 1 minute; before that, the fuel supply will not resume. The operation of the system is clearly reflected in the training video:

Differences between models 710 MiniSIT and 820 NOVA

According to the principle of operation, these units do not differ from their predecessor - the 630 series. Changes to the 710 MiniSIT automation are purely constructive:

  • 2 buttons “Start” and “Stop” are placed separately along with the solenoid valve;
  • the main handle only rotates the thermostat rod and regulates the temperature of the coolant;
  • the ignition unit with a piezo igniter button is built into the product body;
  • The basic package of the device includes a bellows-type temperature sensor with a capillary tube;
  • added gas pressure stabilizer.

In the 710 MiniSIT unit, the handle acts as a temperature regulator and switches the heater to standby mode with the pilot light on.

For reference. In the first versions of the 710 family, a spark igniter was not provided.

The latest 820 NOVA product line includes changes to improve stability, reliability and throughput. We want to highlight 2 improvements that are important from a user point of view:

Non-volatile circuit for connecting a room thermostat

In this section, it makes sense to mention Honeywell automatic gas valves, which operate in a similar way. Their main difference is increased throughput, allowing the units to be used in boilers high power(30-70 kW).

Polish automatic "Kare"

Few manufacturers practice installing Polish security systems on gas boilers. The reason is banal: in terms of reliability, the product is inferior to products from Italy, the USA and Germany, but the price is more expensive than domestic boiler automation.

We called the product a “system” because it consists of several blocks, although general principle actions remain unchanged:

  • gas filter;
  • valve – gas pressure regulator;
  • there is a separate thermostat with a control knob;
  • membrane thermostatic valve;
  • piezoelectric igniter button.

Scheme of the Polish "Kare" system

The nodes and sensors are connected to each other by capillary tubes. Essentially, this is the same SIT or Honeywell device, only broken down into separate parts. This is a plus: changing parts is more convenient and cheaper.

Products of domestic companies

As you understand, boiler automation made in the post-Soviet space does not contain any revolutionary solutions or technological breakthroughs. To implement three safety functions, the same principles are used - turning on an electromagnet with voltage (EMF) of a thermocouple, a membrane gas valve and a traction sensor that breaks the circuit.

ZhMZ safety valve diagram

It makes no sense to talk in detail about the design of blocks from the brands SABK, Orion and ZhMZ (Zhukovsky Plant). The listed products are distinguished by their simplest design, low cost and low reliability. Thermocouples burn out almost every year, and the thermostat turns off and starts the burner too abruptly, which causes a loud bang, sometimes reminiscent of a micro-explosion.

The devices work normally in the first years of operation, then you need to monitor them and, fortunately, spare parts are available for sale and are inexpensive. For an example of troubleshooting a typical ZhMZ automation fault, see the video:

Wall unit electronics

A special feature of these heat generators is electronic control of the processes of ignition, combustion and maintenance of coolant temperature. That is, wall-mounted gas boilers (and some floor-standing ones) are equipped with energy-dependent automation powered by electricity.

Important point. Despite the many bells and whistles introduced into the design of mini-boiler houses, safety functions are still in charge of the mechanics. Three types emergency situations listed above will be processed by the equipment regardless of the presence of voltage in the electrical network.

An automatic gas boiler was created for maximum convenience for owners of apartments and private houses. To start the heater, just press 1 button and set the desired temperature. Let us briefly describe the operating algorithm of the unit and the elements involved in it:

  1. After these startup steps, the heat generator controller collects sensor readings: coolant and air temperature, gas and water pressure in the system, and checks the presence of draft in the chimney.
  2. If everything is in order, the electronic board supplies voltage to the electromagnetic gas valve and at the same time a discharge to the ignition electrodes. The wick is missing.
  3. The main burner lights up and gives full power in order to heat the coolant as quickly as possible. Its operation is monitored by a special flame sensor. The controller includes a built-in circulation pump.
  4. When the coolant temperature approaches the set threshold, which is recorded by the overhead sensor, the combustion intensity will decrease. Staged burners switch to low power mode, and modulating burners smoothly reduce the fuel supply.
  5. Having reached the heating threshold, the electronics will shut off the gas. When the sensor detects cooling of the water in the system, automatic ignition and heating will be repeated.

Note. In turbocharged boilers with closed camera The combustion controller also starts and stops the fan.

The instructions for the wall-mounted gas boiler indicate that the unit is designed to operate in closed system heating, so the automation monitors the water pressure. If it drops below the permissible limit (0.8-1 Bar), the burner will go out and will not light until the problem is corrected.

Many imported boilers operate according to an energy-dependent scheme, for example, Buderus Logano, Viessmann and so on. How the installation of electronic gas equipment occurs, the master will tell you in an accessible language in the video:


Many homeowners maintain their heating units themselves. This is where interest arises in the operation of automatic gas boilers various types. We have covered this issue, but we do not recommend repairing safety valves yourself if you do not understand the topic. The maximum that can be done is to clean the mesh filter, replace the defective membrane or electromagnet. It is better to entrust the adjustment of the burner flame or igniter to a gas technician.

Note. The article uses materials from the boiler manufacturer Lemax, posted on