Toilet      06/20/2020

Veranda and terrace glazing - important features, glass used and additional materials, photos and videos. The best ways to do-it-yourself glazing of a veranda Do-it-yourself glass veranda in a private house

In order to comfortably use the terrace in the cold season, it must at least be glazed. We propose to compare the effectiveness of the three main types of glazing in order to understand which option and in what cases will be optimal in terms of both thermal protection, accessibility, and ease of installation.

Existing glazing methods

The playground attached to the house can be used not only as part of leisure, but also in economic purposes. In winter, a terrace or veranda usually replaces the vestibule, and also serves as a kind of lock fence, reducing heat loss at home. To perform these functions, it is sufficient to exclude direct air exchange with the street, so the glazing front of such structures is usually performed as a single one. This is enough to eliminate airflow and ensure the greenhouse effect, while at the same time, the cost of purchasing materials and their installation will be minimal.

There are three systems that are widely used in the glazing of verandas and terraces. All of them are well known to the layman: in the same way they arrange fencing of uninsulated balconies. The main difference between them is the material used and the scheme for assembling frame structures into a single front. Windows for a terrace or glazing of an open extension to the house can be used wooden, aluminum and plastic. There are also options with frameless and so-called "soft" glazing, but the specifics of their application are too narrow to be considered as part of a general review.

Of course, each of the three systems is suitable for operation in the realities of a private house, but it would still be better to make a choice taking into account some restrictions. This is both ease of installation and the general style of arrangement. adjoining territory and the appearance of the façade. Of course, one cannot ignore the level of one's own skills - the complexity of assembly and installation for each type of frame is different, in addition, special tools may be required. matters and financial side question: in terms of cost, all types of frames have a very clear gradation, and sometimes it is impossible to say whether the additional investment will really pay off appearance and ease of use.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden frames

The easiest and most cost-effective way to install single glazing is to enclose it in wooden frames. Even very high-quality kiln-dried wood and its carpentry are usually cheaper than acquiring other types of materials. With absence necessary tool it can be purchased by refusing the services of a carpenter and assembling it yourself. It is more interesting and cheaper, there is a guarantee of exact correspondence to the task, plus the tool can be used for other tasks in the future.

Not without negative nuances. Chief among them is the need for periodic maintenance of wooden frames. This is especially inconvenient if you have to equip a veranda in a country house or in a house that is not intended for permanent residence. The tree needs an eye and an eye: timely recovery protective coating, disease control and frame reassembly when warpage is too high. The latter, by the way, can lead to the destruction of glass, which is quite common, because single-glass frames are usually made quite thin.

You can safely recommend wooden frames for outdoor areas if the adjacent buildings are also made of wood or have a finish in the same style. Areas open “to the floor” are not suitable for such glazing, the presence of even a low parapet for installing wooden frames is strictly recommended. Of course, there are restrictions on the width of the span: for wooden frames, the optimal width will be up to 40-45 cm without impost and 1.5-2 times more with a vertical partition. The installation of wooden frames can be carried out without lining; it can be easily replaced by vertical racks made of timber.

Aluminum complete systems

Many are repelled by the too technological look of aluminum glazing systems. Rare adherents of high-tech style may be disappointed by the high cost of such systems. However, aluminum profiles are definitely one of the best options when choosing windows for a veranda or an attached area. There are several reasons for this.

Aluminum profiles do not require any maintenance - set it and forget it. More precisely, not so: imagine how hot it is on a fully glazed terrace on a hot summer day. If in the case of wooden windows you would have to take into account the need for opening doors, aluminum frames allow you to simply remove the glass for the summer and install it back with the onset of cold weather. Yes, and with the inclusion of a pair of swing doors in the front, there are also no problems.

Aluminum profile systems are best suited for full height glazing. In addition to high bearing capacity and resistance to corrosion, standard solutions of such structures provide for the installation of doors of all types of opening. The installation of such systems is carried out in the shortest possible time: the profiles have a high degree of unification and a simple assembly scheme, the installation is quite easy to do with your own hands.

In terms of appearance, aluminum frames are also a very profitable solution. There are options with wood lamination and painting in various colors, so the issue of style matching is not acute. Naturally, this leads to an additional increase in the cost of an already expensive system, which can without a doubt be called the main disadvantage of aluminum profiles.

Glazing on PVC profiles

At first glance, it seems that the use of PVC profiles for terrace glazing is a clear overkill, at least in terms of costs. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the bulk of the cost of a plastic window is a double-glazed window, which on the terrace it makes sense to replace with ordinary glass with a spacer frame of a suitable size. Also, the load-bearing and heat-saving properties of the profile are not of decisive importance, so you can choose the cheapest frame.

For glazing systems PVC profiles There is important advantage- free division of openings into sections. So, the lower cells can have a deaf filling, forming a kind of parapet. It is possible to separate deaf and transparent transoms to adjust the insolation, as well as saving on the size and, accordingly, the fittings of the opening sashes. On the whole, plastic frames they have a degree of manufacturability comparable to aluminum ones: they are easy to assemble on their own, the glazing front has almost complete tightness even in strong winds, and the profiles are massive and stable enough to be used for attaching window sills, tensioning clotheslines and for other similar purposes. When using reinforced profiles, they can also perform a load-bearing function, supporting the terrace canopy.

From the point of view of appearance, PVC windows are practically not inferior to aluminum ones. For them, there is also the possibility of applying lamination under the tree and, although the profiles are not factory painted in arbitrary colors, it is quite possible to do it yourself using the cheapest spray paint.

Installation subtleties

The general glazing scheme is extremely simple: the common front is divided into separate openings using profile pipes or antiseptic-treated bars, which are installed vertically, dividing the entire front into sections. As a rule, the height of the openings does not exceed 2.5 m, which fits into the standards of all considered types of glazing, however, the width (stand spacing) must be chosen for a specific frame material. For wooden frames, the recommended spacing of the posts is 100-120 cm. Aluminum and PVC frames can be installed without intermediate supports, however, the width of the section in both cases should not be chosen higher than 160 cm.

Formed openings are almost ready window blocks, frames for which you need to choose with a clearance tolerance of about 5 mm. When installing glazing on a loggia and a veranda, you need to take into account the capital, read - the stability of the structure. This mainly concerns the canopy (or roof), because quite often attached structures are built on a frame structure, subject to fluctuations and seasonal precipitation. To ensure the safety of the glazing, especially when using wooden and aluminum frames, it is necessary to properly strengthen the canopy and make sure that the linear dimensions of the prepared openings do not change excessively during the year.

Another way out of this situation is the installation of "floating" glazing with an increase in the gaps between the frame and the boundaries of the opening. In this case, the frames are attached using flexible elastic ties - mounting plates. The remaining gaps, which can be up to 20-25 mm, are filled mounting foam. Protection of the foam joint is provided by overhead wooden planks, which must be planted on an acrylic or silicone sealant without fail.

If the installation of window sills when glazing the terrace is not necessary, then the ebbs must be installed unconditionally. When glazing is installed on a parapet or directly on the foundation, the tide strips will protect the lower junction seam from excess moisture, eliminating the development of mold and other harmful microflora.

Country houses and cottages are often complemented by terraces and verandas in the local area. Glazing of the veranda improves comfort, protects from the vicissitudes of the weather and gives a feeling of unity with the surrounding nature.

Verandas and terraces perform a similar function, but have some structural differences. Terrace - a platform with an independent foundation. It can be either completely open or have glazing. Veranda - always adjacent to the house and has a common foundation with it.

Glazing types

Depending on what functions the glazing of the site should perform, its type is selected.

Cold and warm

All types of glazing are divided into two main groups: cold and warm. Since the system of cold glazing is only protective in nature, it is not used if it is necessary to heat the room. This option of glazing the veranda and terrace protects from dust and wind, and also shade from the sun's rays on hot days.

One option is to use single glazing and wooden frames. Aluminum sliding structures have a longer service life and high performance.

Warm glazing has great functions. It creates not only a fence, but also has heat-saving properties, allowing you to create a comfortable microclimate. In order for the room to become residential, the windows for the veranda to the cottage are selected with high reliability and good thermal insulation properties.

Such a system should be mounted by specialists in compliance with all necessary requirements. In terms of performance and installation requirements, it is more complex structures requiring a professional approach to installation.

On the glazed veranda you can spend time in any weather.

Partial and complete

Depending on what requirements are imposed, the glazing of the veranda and terrace is made complete or partial. Full allows you to create a full-fledged enclosed space, with cold or warm glazing. Partial - a simpler option in which the functional requirements are much lower.

For heating the veranda, you can use not only standard systems, but also organize a warm floor.

Frameless glazing

Gives the full impression of open space frameless glazing verandas. This approach to the design of verandas begins its history in the seventies. This type of glazing looks light and modern. It is based on transparent glass surfaces of high strength up to 1 cm thick.

glass veranda created on the principle of closely spaced surfaces with sealing at the joints. This allows you to achieve the necessary tightness and prevents the ingress of rain and dust. Fastening is carried out using aluminum elements along the top and bottom of the opening.

Despite the external lightness and fragility, this type of glazing is durable. The frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace is protected from accidental opening. Equipped with special locks, such windows and doors are protected from breaking. The special glass used in production is safe, since it is practically impossible to break it.

Benefits of using tempered glass include:

  • good natural lighting;
  • protection against scattering of fragments when broken - they linger on the film;
  • hygiene;
  • saving space;
  • not susceptible to corrosion.

Of the minuses of this method of glazing, low noise and heat insulation should be noted. Special care is needed for such surfaces - aggressive cleaning agents, newspapers, and hard washcloths should not be used.

Frameless glazing is popular not only in the arrangement of verandas, but also in offices and shopping and entertainment complexes.

Sliding system

Particularly relevant in the summer sliding windows for the veranda. If necessary, such glazing can be shifted, freeing up additional space. By their principle of operation, such systems are similar to the organization of sliding wardrobes with guides.

To disadvantages sliding design refers to the lack of tightness. Due to this sliding systems required only for cold glazing.

Advantages of sliding windows:

  • glazed veranda is easy to clean;
  • sufficient protection against wind, dust, rain;
  • safety of operation - no spontaneous plowing.

Glass can be used not only transparent, but also frosted, stained or embossed. Additionally, tinting, photo printing or drawing can be applied to it.

Sliding systems themselves can be made of the following materials:

  • aluminum;
  • tree;
  • polycarbonate glass.

Sliding systems go well with horizontal blinds and roller blinds.


For small square verandas, a system can be organized sliding portals. These are heavy and solid structural elements made of wood, PVC or aluminum. Usually they are controlled from the remote control.

Combined type portals can be mounted for glazing the veranda:

  • sliding folding;
  • lifting and sliding;
  • parallel-sliding;
  • sliding folding.

Types of materials

When choosing windows for the veranda, it is necessary to provide for good air circulation, sunlight, as well as the presence of mosquito nets.

Aluminum structures

The aluminum profile is lightweight and relatively low price. The advantages of using this material include resistance to rust and corrosion processes. The color of the profile can be selected depending on the requirements of the design and personal preferences.

Based on the aluminum profile, the systems can be of two types:

  • sliding;
  • swing.

Stylish and modern design, and the ability to create complex structures allows you to make glazed verandas and terraces to the house, as in the photo, not only functional, but also attractive. In addition, it creates the possibility of implementing panoramic glazing.

The work uses a narrow profile. It does not exert significant pressure on the foundation, has good light transmission and is in harmony with any type of finish.

Environmental safety and incombustibility allows the use of this material in the immediate vicinity of housing.

soft windows

On the basis of durable and high-quality PVC film, soft windows for the veranda. This option is suitable if you need to leave free space and open window openings. To do this, the film is rolled up and fixed at the top. To cover the veranda from wind and rain, the canvas is rolled out.

The design using PVC film is quite tight, which allows you to use the veranda even in winter if you install a heater.

According to its characteristics, the film has high wear resistance; soft windows can be operated for at least ten years at any air temperature and difficult weather conditions. Despite this, the material requires a careful attitude:

  • it is not advisable to fold the canvas at temperatures below 15 degrees below zero;
  • must be protected from accidental cuts.

The peculiarity of the production of PVC film imposes a limitation on the size of the panel. If you need a width of more than 140 cm, then two canvases are interconnected by fusing. This creates a visible seam with a width of 30 mm. For fixing the film around the perimeter, leave about 50 mm. If in this way they make out doorway, then a zipper is inserted in the middle.

Types of fasteners:

  • silicone straps and brackets;
  • swivel brackets (they are used with a wide, up to 5 meters, canvas);
  • locks made of brass or other metal (for widths up to 2 meters).

Depending on whether the design is supposed to be removable, fasteners can be installed:

  • along the perimeter of the canvas;
  • only on three sides (sides and bottom), and on top of the PVC film is mounted on the eyelets;
  • in those cases where fasteners are not provided along the lower edge, it is supplied with a weighting agent.

PVC material is not demanding to care, cleaning can be done with soapy solutions.

Polycarbonate glazing

Durability and aesthetics polymer plastic finds application in glazing systems for terraces and verandas. This is a durable material that has good light transmission and is a good barrier to rain and wind.

Flexible windows for verandas can differ in color, thickness, transparency. There are two main types of material: honeycomb and monolithic.

The positive properties of the material include the following:
environmental friendliness;
fire safety;
impact resistance;
resistance to gusts of wind;
UV protection;
plasticity, allowing you to make structures with a bend
a choice of shades is possible;
good tolerance to temperature changes;

PVC profiles

The choice in favor of this type is made in cases where the veranda to the house with plastic windows should be warm, with the possibility of use in the winter. There is an additional possibility of selecting the color of the profile.

Such a system is made according to individual measurements.

When choosing glazing, it is necessary to take into account such important points:

  1. Strives to ensure that the natural lighting of the room is sufficient.
  2. A ventilation system must be provided.
  3. Glazing should be selected taking into account carefully conducted measurements.
  4. It is desirable to have terraces on the north or east side of the house.
  5. The view from the terrace or veranda should be pleasing to the eye.

Before making a final decision on the design of the veranda and the type of glazing, you should analyze all possible options and choose the most suitable one.

Possible options for glazing the veranda - video

To increase the usable area of ​​a private house, you can use various architectural buildings, among which the most popular are the veranda and terrace. However, it is impossible to stay here in the winter period; glazing of the premises will help to fix this. Thanks to this, a small island of coziness and comfort can be created around a private house, which will unite with nature, but at the same time protect from the vagaries of the weather.

Due to the glazing of the veranda and terrace, you can protect yourself from insects and precipitation that prevent you from enjoying the surrounding landscape. In order for such a solution to be not only practical, but also attractive, you need to find out what glazing options exist and whether you can do it yourself.

Features of glazing extensions

First of all, it must be said that the veranda and the terrace are not the same thing, there are some differences between them. Veranda - a part of the house that stands on the same level with the main building, it is equipped with a foundation, walls, roof and window openings. Using warm glazing and heating, you can turn the veranda into a year-round outdoor recreation area.

In turn, the terrace is a separate building adjacent to a private house or standing separately. A terrace is an open summer area in the fresh air, which can be equipped with small railings and a roof on supports. However, for a long time both types of buildings have been used in the same way, attaching them to the house, so the line between them has practically disappeared and these concepts have become synonymous.

Veranda and terrace glazing options

In general, for glazing an extension, there are several options that differ in functional features and a range of open opportunities. The main difference depends on the initial design and its purpose.

Glazing types:

  • Cold or warm glazing. In the first case, during the winter period, the indoor temperature will be only 5-7 degrees higher than outside, so the option is used only to prolong autumn. Warm glazing allows you to use the veranda or terrace all year round, so you can even spend New Year's holidays here with your family and people close to the owner of the home.
  • Panoramic glazing or partial. The choice of types of glazing directly depends on the height of the walls and their availability. If the walls are completely wired, then only partial glazing of the room can be used, if there is only a frame and a roof, then a more attractive option with panoramic glazing of the veranda or terrace is used.
  • Based on the design, you need to decide whether wall or roof glazing will be used. In the first case, the glass roof can be used in the absence of a roof or canopy, wall glazing can be used in vertical planes or as inserts.
  • Glazing the terrace and veranda in a framed or frameless way - here the main issue is the sense of taste and the aesthetic side of the issue. In general, you can consider the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the options, for example, frame glazing is cheaper, easier to implement and repair, but looks boring and banal. As for frameless glazing (there are no retaining structures between the glasses), it looks elite and aesthetically pleasing. However, there are a number of negative points - insufficient tightness, poor thermal insulation, as well as the lack of space for installing a mosquito net.

Materials used

Despite all the attractiveness, originality and aesthetic charm of frameless designs, their use is not frequent, as most homeowners prefer practicality and versatility. In this regard, frame structures are popular, which can be created using various building materials.

The materials used for glazing the veranda and terrace, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

  • A wooden frame is a classic option for glazing, especially often used if the extension is carried out to a wooden house. You can make such a frame with your own hands or order a modern wooden double-glazed window, which has a great price and good quality. Advantages - environmentally friendly, safe and natural material having long term services and good thermal insulation. The disadvantage is poor moisture resistance, the material must be treated with impregnations to avoid the formation of mold and mildew.
  • Plastic glazing is the most popular material, among the advantages of which are thermal insulation, ease of maintenance and use, and a wide color range. Disadvantages - a short service life, an impressive weight, and therefore, it is necessary to use a foundation.
  • Glazing with aluminum profile perfect option for cold glazing. The positive aspects are strength, low weight and a long period of operation, a large range of colors and environmental friendliness.
  • Polycarbonate instead of glass the new kind glazing, which is only gaining popularity, and the main advantage is higher strength and good thermal insulation.
  • Swinging, sliding glazing or accordion-type glazing.

Possibility of independent work

It is possible to glaze a veranda or terrace on your own only if a wooden frame structure is used for this. In this case, all the details must be taken into account even during the development of the project. You can start work only after creating the drawings.

To create a frame, a beam is used, which is tightly fixed in special glass grooves. At the same time, you need to understand that hand-made glazing is inferior to wooden double-glazed windows in all respects and will not give the proper result. An easy consolation will be the ability to update the glazing with old frames. Just clean them up sandpaper and paint in any color, thanks to which you can change the appearance of the terrace or veranda, make it more original and attractive.

This article will attempt to answer the question of whether it is worth doing the glazing of the veranda and terrace. Frameless, frame, soft and the rest of the classification is also considered. We will also analyze popular materials and make calculations.

The article is conditionally divided into several parts:

  • in the first we will give the advantages of a glazed veranda, discuss the classification and glazing options;
  • the second discusses veranda to the house with plastic windows, we also disassemble sliding, soft, aluminum profile and polycarbonate. We will study their advantages and disadvantages, as well as give calculations of the glazing area that will help you when designing your premises;
  • at the end of the article is a comparative table with a TOP5 rating, which will help you choose the right option.
Finishing the terrace in a private house (photo)

For convenience, the article has a navigation through which you can find any item in the article.

Advantages of closed glazed verandas

The veranda is a part of the house or an extension that provides a separate space for relaxing, placing things and receiving guests. They are open and closed.

Based on the name, only a closed building can be glazed. Of course, you can make a partial glazing of the veranda in the country open type, but most of the time it doesn't work.

  • room independent of weather conditions;
  • additional protection of property;
  • the possibility of insulation and use as a winter garden or a full-fledged part of the house.

If it is decided to build a closed veranda, then glazing is definitely necessary, otherwise all its meaning is completely lost.

Veranda glazing options

This issue opens up a lot of room for creativity. Each method requires both different financial investments and time costs from the master. The classification looks like this:

  • by appointment;
  • by the presence of frames;
  • by glazing area.

If you navigate through them, you can quickly understand what kind you need and what is more suitable for your requirements.

By appointment

In terms of purpose, two different kind veranda glazing:

  • cold;
  • warm.

Curtains on the terrace in the country

When choosing cold or warm glazing of the veranda, you need to understand that both options will require different investments and preparations - cold almost always comes out cheaper than thorough insulation of the veranda with windows protected from the cold.


Sometimes verandas are only for summer use. Often they do not provide for glazing at all - the temperature there does not need to be maintained, and, therefore, it is not necessary to completely limit the space from weather conditions.

However, wind and rain, even in summer, are not uncommon. This will spoil the impression and pleasure of using the room, therefore, you can resort to cold glazing of the veranda. Its peculiarities are the use of elements with low thermal insulation capacity around the entire perimeter, or the placement of windows only in individual structural elements. In this case, it is not necessary to completely glaze the veranda - it is only necessary to achieve resistance to wind and rain.

A huge plus is the low requirements for walls - ordinary glass does not require a strong support, the placement of which is not always possible on a columnar foundation due to its fragility.

Glazing will protect your interior - you can not be afraid to place upholstered furniture on the veranda that does not tolerate moisture well, or even make a summer kitchen there with a kettle and an electric stove.

Warm glazing of the veranda allows you to achieve complete tightness of the room from environmental conditions and, subsequently, to fully use it in winter time of the year.

Warm glazing is obtained by using hermetic and frost-resistant windows, which make it possible to maintain the temperature in the room, providing less heat transfer between the glass surface inside the veranda and outside.

In this case, it is required preliminary preparation- the walls of the room must have window openings, and the foundation must support their weight. The room itself should also be prepared for insulation - thick walls with additional insulation, for example, foam or sandwich panels, with no cracks or other holes for cold air. Thanks to this, you can be in this room even in the winter season. You can read more about this method in our article about.

In addition, depending on the region, the concept of “warm” glazing varies - in regions where the winter temperature does not fall below 0 degrees, a single double-glazed window is enough for warm windows, and where the temperature in winter is below -25-30, it may not be enough double.

By the presence of frames

  • frame;
  • frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace.

Separately, mixed glazing can be distinguished - when both options are used. Depending on the tightness, the mixed look can be either cold or warm, and in this case it all depends on the idea and the number of different elements.


The frame is a part of the window in which the glass is fixed for greater tightness and strength. Individual elements, from which the frame and sashes are made, is called a profile.

The frame allows you to get a large limitation of the room from environment, keeping more heat in the house, and also allows the use of more specific types of glazing - for example, double-glazed windows. In addition, the frames allow the use of sashes - opening window elements.

At the moment, for their manufacture use:

  • tree;
  • aluminum.

tree most old version However, this is not always practical improper processing the frame quickly begins to dampen and rot. PVC and aluminum are more practical materials, but may not always maintain the desired natural look.

Of course, do-it-yourself framed glazing of the veranda is much more popular, since such windows are more convenient and durable. The main disadvantage is the high cost and the need for more preparation of the walls for placement. In addition, when creating a warm veranda, additional preparation is needed - general warming of the room.

Frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace to the house - description

Frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace allows you to achieve a unique appearance, since only the properties of the material used become a limitation.

For the frameless method, great:

  • thickened, tempered glass;
  • transparent;
  • polycarbonate.

The biggest plus is the creation of unlimited coverage - the absence of frames allows you not to block sunlight various designs. This approach allows you to create a very open veranda, which, at the same time, will be protected from wind and rain.

Creating a warm veranda with a frameless method is possible only in regions with high winter temperatures from 0 to 4 degrees, otherwise, even the most serious heating will not be able to maintain the desired temperature, and radiators are more likely to burst due to hypothermia.

By glass area

According to the glazing area, there are:

  • partial;

Each method has its own serious features. On average, panoramic veranda glazing is much more expensive than partial glazing - when using a frame glazing, it will even result in a decent amount even for a wealthy homeowner, however, it gives a lot of sunlight and a unique look to the veranda.

Partial glazing involves the placement of elements in several specially prepared places. As a rule, they think in advance when designing a veranda. Framed windows are perfect for these methods, which allow you to special costs create a warm veranda.

The most popular are plastic windows - they are quite cheap, have durable double-glazed windows and are not demanding on installation sites. PVC, from which frames and sashes are made, is resistant to all manifestations of the aggressiveness of the external environment.

The main disadvantage is the “closeness” - with this method, a truly open veranda with a lot of daylight rarely comes out. But having drawn up a competent design of the veranda, you can make a well-lit room.

Panoramic glazing is the glazing of all or several walls of the veranda with the opening of the maximum available space for sunlight. In some cases, this method requires quite a large investment - for example, when using tempered glass or aluminum profiles.

To create panoramic glazing is often used:

  • polycarbonate;
  • PVC film;
  • strained glass;
  • aluminum profile.

Full glazing is possible both in the case of a pre-prepared project, and after - it is simply installed between the partitions desired material. The disadvantage is the impossibility of creating a warm veranda in cold regions - the heat-insulating properties of the methods used leave much to be desired.

The cost will depend directly on the area covered, however, if available Money the effect is fully paid off by the beautiful appearance of the veranda and excellent visibility. Creating verandas with full panoramic views is great for picturesque areas.

So, having considered the frame and frameless glazing of the veranda and terrace, as well as other classifications, we will proceed directly to the calculation of the glazing area.

How to correctly calculate the glazing area of ​​​​the veranda

It is best to start calculating the area when designing a veranda - when you have not yet begun to build it. First of all, attention should be paid to the requirements sanitary norms to the windows - they are close to optimal, and by following them you can create the most suitable lighting. However, there are no strict requirements for private houses - you can make any glazing that you like.

Calculation methods are different for:

  • partial;
  • Panoramic.

How to glaze a veranda in a country house or in a private house observing the norms - later in the article.

Calculation for a veranda with partial glazing

For a veranda with partial glazing, it is quite possible to take calculations of sanitary standards for residential premises - from ⅛ of the total surface to ⅙ or more. The larger this area, the more sunny the veranda will turn out.

You should build on the minimum values ​​- at an average angle of incidence of sunlight, the glazing area should be equal to 15-25% of the area of ​​​​the entire floor surface.

For example, for a room of 12 sq.m. the minimum glazing area should be approximately 2.4 sq.m., which is equal to two windows 1200x1000mm. It is better to have windows at a minimum distance of 1000-1500mm.

Verandas and terraces are of two types: open and closed. Even after erecting an extension of the first type, over time, the owners often decide to convert it into the second option. To make the room as comfortable as possible, the veranda is glazed, for which different types of windows are being built.

Glazing classification

There are many varieties of windows with which the veranda is “closed”. There is even a certain classification. When choosing, it is desirable to proceed from the following factors:

  1. Materials used in production.
  2. Operating requirements.
  3. The presence of frames.
  4. Required number of windows.
  5. The type of glass used.
  6. Location.

Now let's look at these classes in more detail.

You can glaze the veranda in different ways, depending on your taste and financial condition:

Based on materials

There are inexpensive options, and models designed for wealthy buyers:

  1. Film windows (curtains). They are supplied in the form of rolls, therefore they are also called flexible. Material - durable lavsan with a protective PVC coating. Windows hold up well. summer warmth indoors, do not deteriorate in the sun and well tolerate temperature fluctuations from -30 to +70 ° C. It is easy to mount them, the service life is estimated at 14 years or more. Maintenance is minimal: soapy water and a sponge. The film does not burn, under the influence of a flame quickly melts, without emitting dangerous gases. Manufacturers also thought about design - you can buy film curtains of different colors and shapes. Film options will save you from summer rain and insects, but are not suitable for winter.
  2. Polycarbonate. Budget option, cheaper than glass, but much stronger. The material transmits and scatters light well, withstands severe shock loads. When destroyed, does not create fragments with sharp edges. Does not lose performance on a hot day and in the cold. Installation is simple, the sheets are light weight. Sold panels of different colors and levels of transparency.
  3. Aluminum. They are more often used for cold glazing, but expensive models are used to organize a heated room (warm glazing). Do not lose performance for half a century. Aluminum is plastic, windows are made triangular, oval or in the form of an arch. Good option - sliding aluminum structures. If you fold them into an accordion, closed winter veranda turns into an open summer. The main disadvantages are the high price and excessive tightness. Ventilation will have to be considered indoors, otherwise the humidity will become excessive.
  4. Metal-plastic. The most requested type. In terms of performance, plastic windows are not inferior to aluminum counterparts, but much cheaper. With their help, a glazed heated veranda is organized, but even with light glazing, the temperature inside will be 10-15 ° C higher than outside. Products are produced in different colors, with different sound insulation. The disadvantage is a lot of weight (a reinforced foundation is required) and the inability to organize spot repairs if the frame breaks.
  5. Wooden. They create their own microclimate in the room, since the material “breathes”, i.e. temperature and humidity are regulated by themselves. On such a veranda, heat will remain, since the tree has low thermal conductivity. Of the minuses: expensive, require careful maintenance, as the tree quickly absorbs moisture and begins to rot.

In this video you will learn how to glaze the veranda:

By appointment

Owners have different requirements for verandas. Those who are in country house occasionally, do not need expensive glazing, the cottage or house is still empty in winter. In this regard, the windows are chosen in terms of destination.

There are two types of glazing:

  1. Cold. Does not require large financial investments. The temperature difference between the room and the street is 5–7 °C. It makes no sense to install heaters on the veranda, the heat escapes through the glass and frames too quickly.
  2. Warm. The window profile is formed so that heat loss is minimal: multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed, heaters are used, the profile material is selected with low thermal conductivity. Warm glazing is more expensive than cold, but the veranda can be used as a living space even in winter.

By frames

Traditional windows consist of frames and double-glazed windows. However, another, less popular option is also used. Consider the pros and cons of each type:

  1. Framed windows. The profile is made of wood, PVC or aluminum, there may be several chambers. The result is a reliable product with low thermal conductivity, good noise protection. The installation is cheaper than the frameless version due to the ease of installation. In case of damage, the double-glazed window or frame can be replaced without removing the entire structure. Disadvantage: even narrow frames still block the view, worsening the view of the surroundings.
  2. Frameless glazing. An expensive high-end approach brings creativity to the veranda in a private house, making the structure truly unique. The view from the windows is amazing because the frames do not obscure the view. The glazing is assembled from transparent panels, the mounting fittings are recessed into the ceiling or floor. Frameless windows can be given any shape, they are often made sliding. Of the minuses - high thermal conductivity and poor tightness (micro-slits remain between the panels), more fuel will have to be spent on heating the veranda in winter. In the open state, insects will enter the room, and there is nothing to install mosquito nets on.

Frame or not - your choice

In count

Sometimes the choice of glazing option rests on finances. It is cheaper to cover the whole room with windows not entirely, but partially, combining them with blank walls. Consider both proposed approaches:

  1. Partial glazing. The area of ​​the window structure and blank walls can vary - the fewer windows, the cheaper. Breakdown repairs are minimal. The view from such a veranda turns out to be unimportant, and one can only call it that with a big stretch: the room will partially merge with the main building. But it is easy to organize reliable heating, increasing the total living area.
  2. Panoramic glazing. The building is glazed entirely, windows are mounted not only on two or three sides, but even on the ceiling. As a result, an excellent all-round view appears (however, the room itself is also visible). There will be a lot of light, but in hot weather this is more of a minus than a plus. A partial solution is to install an air conditioner and hang curtains, but this negates all the benefits.

The second type is good for verandas that face a non-sunny side, or where there is a lot of shade from trees, and at the same time with a beautiful surrounding landscape. But to implement the idea, you will have to invest a significant amount.

By type of glass

glass type in different models windows can also vary. If you do not skimp and pay more, you can organize glazing with the best properties. Consider the most popular glass options:

  1. Classic glass. This is the basic set of any window. It has no air gaps, does not retain heat well. It is easy to break, and the fragments have sharp edges, which is unsafe for others.
  2. stained glass. Additionally, it also performs a decorative function, therefore it is more expensive. It is better to use evenly colored stained-glass windows on the terrace, they scatter the sun's rays, simultaneously creating a festive color atmosphere in the room.
  3. Tempered. Expensive but very durable. Demanded for frameless glazing. Withstands high mechanical loads, breaks down into small crumbs without sharp edges in case of breakage.
  4. Laminated. Assembled from several layers of glass with a reinforcing film pressed between them. In terms of strength and resistance to impact, it surpasses the hardened counterpart. Also used for frameless glazing.
  5. Energy saving. Developed for warm glazing. Used in conjunction with a sealed frame that does not allow heat to pass through. This option should be preferred if heating is expected on the veranda.
  6. Multichamber double-glazed windows. They are also assembled from several layers, between which there are sealed air cavities, sometimes filled with a special gas. They have minimal thermal conductivity.

By place of installation

The design of windows mounted on walls and ceilings may vary. When choosing one or another type of terrace glazing, decide on the location of the ordered windows. Two possible options are offered:

  1. Wall glazing. Window profiles are built into the openings of the veranda walls or completely replace them (panoramic type).
  2. Wall and ceiling glazing. In addition to walls, windows are also mounted on the ceiling or built into it, and even completely replacing it. This achieves the illusion of being in the open air. “Pleasure” is expensive, plus heating costs increase in winter.

Video "Frameless glazing of a terrace, veranda or gazebo"

From this video you will learn how to install frameless glazing in the veranda and why it is interesting:

If you are looking for a budget option, try to combine the solutions we have described. For example, the lower part up to the parapet is covered with an opaque PVC profile reinforced with lavsan thread, the top is covered with transparent curtains, which are easy to dismantle with the onset of heat.

For country summer veranda, where guests often stay overnight, it is recommended to perform light glazing with a single-chamber plastic double-glazed window.

If funds are not limited, it is better to make windows lifting or sliding in the form of an accordion.