Well      06/15/2019

Service life of household appliances. The service life (shelf life, operation, use) of the refrigerator. What to do if the deadline has expired

We will remember the former glory of those enterprises and the quality of their products for a long time, especially when Soviet industry was faced with the task of eliminating the shortage household appliances, therefore, ZILs rumbled in the kitchens for 25 years. And now the main goal of the manufacturer is to force to buy new thing. Someone achieves this attractive appearance goods, some with new opportunities, while others follow the simple path - telling things not to live long. Is this possible? Very much!

A year of operation for microwave ovens, steamers and heaters, two to three years for refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners and washing machines - this is the standard uninterrupted lifespan of devices indicated in the warranty cards. Experts in the repair of household appliances claim that the brain of automatic washing machines burns out even in branded models, and repairs are very expensive.

Inspectorates for the protection of consumer rights are treated more and more every year. People are complaining about low-quality equipment, and most of the complaints are about mobile phones. The central boards of mobile phones, as if on purpose, are made fragile and practically disposable. Most often the owners mobile phones prefer to buy a new phone instead of repair.

Short life of household appliances

Having tracked this cycle of goods in nature, an American journalist spent ten years and found out that we throw 95 percent of the total volume of products currently produced into landfills after ten months only because it is profitable for the producers. “Their two most successful strategies are planned obsolescence and forced obsolescence. Short lifespan is another name for products that are projected to landfill. These are the laws of the growth model that dominates the economy - goods need turnover.

The concept of "growth economy" was ignored only in the USSR and the GDR. There was a policy of combating product shortages, and not of production for the sake of production. Therefore, the goods created in the Union and Democratic Germany survived even these countries themselves. Only Soviet or GDR equipment is equipped by knowledgeable people, purchasing it now at flea markets. From an old TV to an electrical extension cord, everything is superior in quality to its current counterparts.

It is not profitable for the manufacturer to keep the equipment working for a long time!

Replacing materials with cheaper and less durable ones becomes a problem. Now it is unprofitable for the manufacturer, from which we conclude: the vast majority of manufacturers of household appliances deliberately include a short service life in their products in order to continuously update them by the consumer and subsequently make a profit for the company. By the way, some of them honestly warn you about the short shelf life of their products in the operating instructions. In some cases, people turn to local craftsmen who, thanks to their developments, are able to breathe life into broken equipment.

Pay attention to the service life of household appliances

Alternatively, there is an opinion that planned aging can be, if not defeated, then at least outwitted. Through the court. The warranty period indicates the minimum period during which the product can be used. However, after its expiration, it is worth paying attention to the “service life” column - usually it exceeds the warranty period by several years. If we do not violate the operating rules, and our TV still breaks down four years after purchase, we have the right to demand that the manufacturer replace the device.

Don't you respect yourself?

Those who do not like and do not want to deal with the courts, quite possibly, due to the breakdown of household appliances, will approach the idea of ​​buying a new one, consoling themselves with the fact that there is also a fashion for appliances, and it is better to buy a newer model. By the way, we are also pushed to regularly change household appliances by constant advertising companies, convincing us that using old appliances is not respecting ourselves.

Can I afford to change all my household appliances every 5 years?

And yet every five years update electronic stuffing Not every family budget can afford a home. In Europe, where equipment can be thrown into the trash at the first breakdown, salaries are several times higher than in Russia. For a domestic consumer, a $400 washing machine is already a significant expense. Therefore, people do everything possible to get the minimum guarantee for the same money that the equipment will last at least ten years. In the hope of protecting themselves from further breakdowns of household appliances, many people carefully study the market for the goods offered and inquire about the quality of well-known brands. According to experts in the household goods market, the products of leading brands are quite comparable in quality and, in essence, differ little from each other.

One of the reasons for frequent repairs of household appliances

This is objective. And subjectively, another reason for the frequent repair of household appliances is the basic illiteracy of consumers in the operation of this very equipment. Therefore, it is worth recalling once again that the user manual contains important information, which helps you use all the capabilities of your equipment and use it for a long time. In addition to the rules for connecting and installing household appliances, the instructions also contain a lot useful information about appropriate care household appliances, which to ignore means deliberately shortening its service life.

Car enthusiasts and car owners are also often concerned with the question of how to repair their best friend. You will find many professional recommendations on this topic on the website.

The service life of the refrigerator is established by the manufacturer or distributor, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Any product must function fully for a certain period of time. Otherwise, a person may make a claim to the seller and demand repairs at the expense of the seller or manufacturer, or reimbursement of the cost of the product.

Shelf life of goods household use depends on the type of product, as well as the manufacturer. Since such equipment is intended for long-term use, the operating time is determined in years.

In fact, you can only set the average service life:

  1. Refrigerator - from seven to ten. In this case, what matters is whether it is two-chambered or not.
  2. Washing machine - from seven to eight.
  3. Kitchen stove - ten - fifteen.
  4. Air conditioners – ten.
  5. Microwave - seven.
  6. Irons - from three to five.
  7. Kettles – two.
  8. TVs - from seven to ten.

The specific duration of the service period is determined based on the dimensions and power of the product.

Who sets the deadline

The operating period for the equipment is set by the manufacturer. Moreover, the latter can determine the service life not only for the entire product as a whole, but also for its individual components and parts. The operating period must be mandatory for those goods that, after a certain time, may pose a threat to life, health, human property or environment. The sale of equipment whose service life has passed is prohibited. The manufacturer can take into account the period of operation and the period necessary to eliminate defects, if any are identified, and also assume obligations to correct defects, even if the warranty has expired.

If the service period is not established by the manufacturer, it can be determined by the reseller. In this case, the latter assumes all obligations to guarantee the rights of the consumer, regarding the elimination of defects.

What to do if equipment breaks down

The law defines a number of actions that a person can take in the event of a refrigerator failure.

First of all, you need to contact the seller to determine the cause of the malfunction. In this case, an examination may be required to determine the cause of the breakdown. If the breakdown occurred due to a defective product, the buyer may make the following claims:

  1. Replace the product with a similar one.
  2. Carry out repairs at the expense of the seller or manufacturer.
  3. Refund the money spent on purchasing the product.

It should be noted that such requirements are possible only during the service life. If this was not established initially, then you can apply within two years from the date of purchase, unless a longer period is established by the terms of the contract or the norms of current legislation. The seller must bear the costs of delivery and repair of the product.

There are often cases when the seller refuses to satisfy the buyer's requirements. In such a situation, it is necessary to submit a claim. It would be correct to issue this document in writing.

The text should include the following:

  1. Information about the seller - its name, location address.
  2. Information about the buyer - last name, first name, patronymic, place of actual residence or location, contact information.
  3. Date and place of purchase, contract number, brand and model of the refrigerator, its cost.
  4. Nature of the failure.
  5. Buyer's requirement.
  6. Date of filing the claim and the signature of the consumer.

You can attach originals or certified copies of existing warranty documentation to your application. The claim is sent by mail, delivered in person or through a legal representative, or sent via the Internet. The buyer chooses any of these methods at his own discretion, based on his capabilities and the characteristics of the case. It is also necessary to inform the seller that in case of refusal or leaving the application without consideration, the person reserves the right to contact the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

If the filed complaint and subsequent appeal to Rospotrebnadzor do not produce the desired result, the person can go to court. To do this, you need to create statement of claim, which is similar in content to the claim. In addition to information about the parties to the contract, the text must indicate information about the court that will consider the claim. Also, in addition to the basic demands for the return of money, replacement of the refrigerator or its repair, a person has the right to make additional demands - to pay a penalty, as well as to compensate for moral damage caused. The plaintiff is exempt from paying the state fee.

Before the trial, it would be useful to contact an authorized authority with a request to conduct an examination of the goods. The official opinion will be part of the information that substantiates the plaintiff's position.

Documents attached to the application can be submitted both in original and in the form of certified copies.

Warranty repair concept

Regulatory legal acts provide a definition of warranty repair. The essence of this procedure is to eliminate breakdowns or identified deficiencies during the service life established by the manufacturer or seller. This type of repair differs from the usual one in that it is carried out free of charge for the consumer, that is, at the expense of the seller.

Under what conditions is it possible

The current legislation identifies a number of circumstances in the presence of which the seller is obliged to carry out warranty repairs of household appliances. These include:

  1. Existence of contractual relations. That is, a purchase and sale agreement must be concluded between the seller and the buyer, the subject of which is household appliances. In this case it is a refrigerator.
  2. The product must have a warranty period, which is confirmed by issuing a coupon with the appropriate content.
  3. The person has a receipt in his hands confirming payment for the product. The loss of such a document does not deprive the buyer of the right to contact the seller. In this case, you can use the explanations of witnesses.
  4. The refrigerator must break down within the warranty period. Claims can also be submitted after the specified period. In this case, it is necessary to prove that the defect occurred at the time of purchase of the product.

If these circumstances exist, warranty repairs will be possible.

To increase the service life of the refrigerator, the consumer must operate the product in accordance with the technical documentation standards. It is necessary to clean the surface and condenser from dust and keep the door seal clean. After delivery of the product, it must be properly positioned in the room. Do not place the refrigerator near heating devices, in direct sunlight, or in tight spaces. Also, the device does not need to be overloaded with food or leave a lot of free space inside. You should pay attention to proper organization products. Each type has its own shelves.

Sample documents

Application for free warranty repairs

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Household appliances have always been among the goods that are bought, if not for centuries, then at least for a long period - for several years or even decades. However, the new century has brought a change in the reputation of such products. People began to notice that the service life of modern household appliances had become much shorter, and they began to think about the reasons.

Today, many Russian citizens remember how long washing machines, for example, served in the old days. The first “washers” imported into Russia, without serious damage, carried their cross for more than fifteen to twenty years, until the owners took them to the landfill due to wear and tear. In addition, our fellow citizens still remember with warmth in their hearts the irons produced at Soviet factories, some of which, perhaps, are still used for their intended purpose in remote corners of Russia. So why do modern household appliances break down so quickly? Of course, the point is not that equipment manufacturers suddenly forgot how to assemble long-lasting equipment.

There is a version that is very close to adherents of the universal conspiracy theory, according to which manufacturers, when assembling equipment, program it in advance to break down. Moreover, the sooner this breakdown occurs, the sooner the buyer will be forced to buy a new household appliance. The logic is obvious - if all household appliances work for decades, then the players in this market industry will be left without constant profit, and as a result will wither away from boredom. Of course, technical innovations and developments will attract certain representatives of society to household appliance stores, but that part of humanity that values ​​reliability more than technical innovations, or simply cannot boast of greater financial resources, will be irretrievably lost to manufacturers. If household appliances break down often... The essence of this theory lies in the fact that market figures are gradually turning modern civil society into that same “consumer society.” And, it should be noted, they convert it successfully.

But there is also a serious contradiction here. After all, the household appliances market, like any other, cannot exist without competition. And one of the main guarantors of the quality of household appliances is a long service life. With an emphasis on this point, for example, the Indesit company advertises its products, whose marketers have chosen the loud slogan “Indesit will last a long time!” How can people in this industry create short-lived technology while remaining competitive and in demand? And is there at least some truth in the theory of programmed breakdown? With this question, the editors of Pravda. Ru turned to the experts.

“I think that this is just a version, absolutely unconfirmed by anything,” Igor Zverev, a lawyer at the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, shared his opinion. “No one will specifically produce goods that are perishable, breakable, or have a short shelf life. This is not beneficial for the seller. On the contrary ", they will make demands on him, if he suddenly sells a low-quality product, he will have to bear his own costs - change, return the product. This is just someone's conjecture."

Consumer market expert Marina Petrukhina also agrees with Mr. Zverev. “It is purely theoretically difficult to say that such a disregard for quality exists. I don’t really believe it, because neglect of quality affects the development of the brand. That is, if you once made a low-quality product under an already well-known brand, then the consumer loses trust in the brand. In marketing everything is more and more difficult to rank," Marina Petrukhina explained to Pravda.Ru correspondent, "A manufacturer, for example, can make cheaper things, but there is a question of price. There are cheaper things that use plastic parts, which fail faster than metal ones. And a thing with metal parts, like a blender, will cost much more than a blender with quickly erasable plastic parts. And the manufacturer plays from this price difference."

In order to finally debunk the myth that the rapid breakdown of equipment is deliberately planned by modern manufacturers, a consumer market expert revealed the secret of why in the old days household appliances were produced that were more durable than today.

"20-30 years ago, plastic was not so widely used, there were completely different materials. Naturally, metal was used more. That is, these things last longer simply because they used materials that were known at that time. And basically it was metal. And today there is already more modern plastic that can be used in parts, including mechanisms, but, unfortunately, it is not as durable as metal.And everything with metal is already extremely expensive, the difference is not even two, but sometimes three, four or five times the price. Therefore, I do not trust the theory that the manufacturer does it on purpose so that it breaks faster. No, he makes things of different price categories: economy class, premium class. It depends on this how long things last,” concludes Marina Petrukhina.

Careful handling of household appliances is a kind of investment in its durability. There are certain rules for the use and care of each household appliance, following which you can enjoy the high-quality operation of equipment not only for the duration of the warranty period or the service life recommended by the manufacturer, but for a much longer period. What does this give the user? Firstly, saving money - no need to save money or wallow in credit obligations for the sake of buying a new device. Secondly, whether you like it or not, every time you don't throw away your old refrigerator, you are automatically involved in preserving the ecology of the planet. Believe me, no one has the right to demand more contribution from you!

Refrigerator (service life 10 years)

The refrigerator is one of the most necessary appliances in everyday life. Almost all manufacturers define the service life of their refrigerators as approximately 10 years. The life of your refrigerator can be extended by defrosting it at least once every six months. During such events, you should thoroughly clean the entire interior of the refrigerator. All shelves and walls refrigeration chamber should be washed with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of water and baking soda, and then give about an hour of time to dry completely. After such a procedure, the chamber gets rid of odors that will certainly appear due to the storage of certain products. While the washed shelves and chamber are drying, you can begin cleaning the exterior. Armed with a rag or sponge, as well as a weak soap solution, you need to walk over the entire surface of the device, and back wall Carefully vacuum to remove dust and cobwebs.

Particular attention should be paid to seals: they often collect dust and small debris. Ignoring contaminated rubber parts can lead to their drying out and deformation, which will entail a loose fit of the doors and a whole range of related problems, one of which will be the loss of cold, and hence unnecessary energy costs.

Washing machine (service life 10 years)

Main enemy washing machine- scale. It affects the heating element, drum and other metal parts that come into contact with water. This can be avoided by using special anti-scale agents during washing. Also quite effective method is a single wash on maximum temperature with the addition of a little vinegar or citric acid. Who doesn't trust traditional methods, you should buy a special descaling mixture at a hardware store. These simple methods will help the machine stay in service longer, far exceeding the manufacturer's recommended service life.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

The microwave involves the use of heat-resistant dishes made of glass, porcelain or plastic. The most important condition is no metal, even in the form of golden rims or rims on plates. If any metal object gets into the microwave chamber, it can lead to failure of the most important part of the device - the magnetron.

You can protect the interior of the microwave from splashing food by purchasing a special heat-resistant cap. Washing this item is much easier than cleaning food particles that have burned onto the inner walls. However, you will still have to periodically wash the inside of the microwave. To facilitate this process, you need to boil a glass of water with lemon juice in it: the steam will soak up dried-on splashes, and the lemon will remove foreign odors.

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

To avoid damaging the vacuum cleaner, do not use it for too long without a break. A vacuum cleaner running for an hour or an hour and a half can easily burn out. Also, when cleaning, you should not press the brush too hard against the surface being cleaned - this may limit the flow of air that cools the motor winding. The movements of the brush should be light and uniform, then the cleaning will be high-quality and it will not be difficult for the vacuum cleaner. Do not forget about timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the fabric bag must not be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will be damaged forever. To prevent dust from entering the engine compartment, you need to periodically clean all filters.

Iron (service life 3-5 years)

If the iron is not equipped with a descaling function, then fill it only with distilled water (can be purchased at pharmacies). Immediately remove dirt stuck to the sole using special means, solution with table vinegar or napkins. If on metal surface pockets of rust have appeared, they can be removed as follows: rub the problem area paraffin candle and sprinkle with a little salt, and then rub with moderate force with a woolen cloth.

In life and work, you often come across terms that you have never encountered before. Some of them can be safely ignored, while others have to be studied, since some processes without them are almost impossible to imagine. Often this also applies to such a term as “lifetime”. It can relate to both complex construction equipment or cars, and to ordinary household appliances, such as an iron or hair dryer. But most often it is business owners or executors of certain orders who need to obtain information about their property. It is for them that the information presented below will be most useful.

What is the service life?

Let's start with something simple. What is exploitation? This is the use of an object for its intended purpose. If it is a car, then it covers distances. If it is a computer, then various computational work is performed on it. If we are talking about building structures, then their task is to withstand a certain physical load for a certain time. This period is called the service life or service life.

The time during which equipment, a machine or an entire building can function without losing its basic qualities is important to know for those who are going to come into contact with this object. If a person, before purchasing, has information about the service life of an object, he will be able to assess the profitability of his investment. Maybe he should choose more expensive equipment, the service life of which will be much longer?

Standard service life

This term is most often applied to construction projects. Its very name suggests that it is associated with standards, in this case with construction standards. Legislation Russian Federation standards have been established by which buildings for various purposes must serve for at least a certain number of years. This means that during the design process, engineers must take this figure into account and use only those designs that can function effectively throughout this time.

The service life of houses would be lower than the standard if the project had not taken into account Maintenance, as well as replacement of some elements of the building. It may sound strange, but many elements of the structure are physically not capable of serving for as many years as the building is allotted. So why is such a long standard service life established? It's simple. Some elements, such as pipes, window frames and roofing, have a much shorter service life than the entire building, and therefore the same standards provide for their planned replacement or repair after a certain time.

Actual service life

Let's look at the same building. For example, its standard service life is 50 years. Does this mean that exactly half a century after the completion of construction, all the walls of the house will collapse and its inhabitants will be left without a roof over their heads? Not at all.

The actual service life of an object is the time during which it will actually function. That is, with proper care, regular repairs and replacement of failed elements, a house can last much longer than specified in the standards. By the way, the actual service life may be shorter if the planned repairs required by the standards are not carried out.

Timely repair of cracks, replacement of collapsed bricks and elimination of other problems will allow the building to stand for much longer. The same applies to many other objects. If the documents for a computer or car say that its service life is 5 or 20 years, this does not mean that this is exactly how long it will work.


This term applies to equipment or any other technology that will be used by any organization during its useful life. The company spent money to purchase this item and plans to return it. But how? For this purpose, depreciation is calculated. That is, the cost of the equipment is divided by the time during which it must function.

Let's imagine an organization that performs renovation work. She buys a drill that costs 5 thousand rubles and its service life is 5 years. This means that every year the organization will include 1 thousand rubles in the cost of repairs so that the purchased equipment pays for itself. This is a very simple example and does not take into account how long the drill is running each day, how long it takes to complete an order, and many other factors. But it gives a general idea of ​​depreciation.

Average service life

This figure can be called quite subjective. It is used in cases where the owner does not have information about the exact service life of a particular equipment, but it is necessary to calculate depreciation for it. For example, the documents indicate the value “from 10 to 15 years” or not indicated at all, but the figure for calculations must be justified. In such cases, third-party sources are used. You can seek help from those who have already used such equipment and find out how many years it has served. All that remains is to add up the values ​​and divide by the quantity to get the average service life of the equipment. Naturally, the more informants there are, the more accurate the number will be.

Guarantee period

The name speaks for itself. The warranty service life should not be confused with the standard or actual one.

For most devices, there is a certain period of time during which the manufacturer undertakes to fix problems or replace non-working equipment. This is the warranty period. Often it is 2-3 times lower than the normative or actual value. Why? Perhaps due to the fact that after a certain time it is difficult to determine whether the device broke down due to a defect in production or due to the fault of the user.

In most cases, equipment documents are accompanied by a list of faults that may arise due to the fault of the manufacturer. If the user operated the device carelessly or not for its intended purpose, the warranty is not valid. It is also worth noting that often the warranty period is one of the advertising moves. After all, the longer a manufacturer is willing to be responsible for its products, the more trust it inspires.

How to extend the service life?

At different conditions Absolutely identical devices can have very different service times. That is, intended use, proper care and timely repairs can significantly increase the actual service life. But with the normative one everything is much more complicated.

Over time, technologies change, new materials and production methods appear. Logic dictates that houses that were built earlier should last less because they used more primitive designs. If this is so, then the standard service life of new buildings should increase over time. In fact, houses built more than 100 years ago (such as castles or palaces) still have durable structures. At the same time, modern buildings quickly become unsuitable for use, since builders often skimp on materials, and engineers initially design less durable structures.

What to do if the regulatory period has expired?

The period during which the building must function is specified during the design. If its service life has expired, it will only be able to perform its original function if it is completely rebuilt.

The same approach applies to some other objects. For example, an enterprise has a fleet of specialized cars for transporting various goods. In just 1-2 years, their standard service life will expire, and this is more than 50 thousand units. What can the company do in this case? One option is to write it off. But in this case, you will have to look for a replacement for them, most likely, buy new ones. And this is a huge expense. Maybe, the best option in this case, it will be the modernization of those cars whose service life is coming to an end.

In such cases, you should refer to special technical regulations on the safety of certain objects (railway or road transport, elevators, etc.). It, among other things, lists the conditions under which the service life can be extended. In this case, the regulations say that with the help of modernization, the service life of such cars can be extended by no more than 50% of the original one. A great way to save money, of course, provided that the plant ready to perform such an operation is not very far away.

Vehicle service life

Few production or organizations can do without a car. Naturally, it is important for them to know how long their wheeled vehicle can last, at least in order to plan their budget. According to the law, the service life of a car is 10 years; the real figure is often not much higher than the standard.

The service life of a car depends not only on the conditions in which it has to work, but also on the purpose of the car itself. For example, a passenger car will last on average from 10 to 15 years without replacing main parts. Moreover, expensive brands work longer than cheap ones. It is worth noting that domestic cars do not always live up to 8 years, although with regular repairs they can live for many more years. But is this what a car owner dreams of?

As for trucks, their service life is measured slightly differently - in kilometers traveled. These cars are almost always on the move, so this approach is considered more correct. On average, the manufacturer is ready to bear responsibility for detected faults for 300-500 thousand kilometers. This value largely depends on the operating conditions of the truck.

Electronics life

Nowadays every home has its own computer or telephone. Like many other things, they have a lifespan. We have already found out how the average value of this indicator is determined, and we will talk about it. Manufacturers have come up with a huge number of different electronic devices, and their service life can vary greatly. But the average for everyone is about 5 years. Of course, the service life of an electricity meter will differ significantly from the same characteristics for a computer mouse. But in general, electronics last exactly 5 years.

Average service life values:

  • personal computer - 5 years;
  • laptop - 6-7 years;
  • CD - 2-3 years;
  • mobile phone - 3 years;
  • digital camera - 4-6 years;
  • laser printer - 5 years;
  • copier - 5-7 years.

Service life of buildings and structures

Capital construction projects are designed to withstand enormous loads for many years - both their own weight and the weight of the equipment and people in it. But exactly how long can they last?

As in any other case, the standard service life of such objects largely depends on their purpose. Let's consider residential buildings. Based on capital, they are divided into 5 groups:

  • The first and second include stone buildings with reinforced concrete floors. Their service life is 125-150 years.
  • The third group is lightweight brick buildings with stone vaults, reinforced concrete and wooden beams. Service life is about 100 years.
  • The fourth and fifth groups include frame buildings. Depending on the structures used, their service life can be 15-30 years.

Public buildings and structures are divided into 9 groups. The latter includes small structures such as sales tents and stalls. Their service life is 10 years. The first group includes the most stable structures erected on metal frame with stone filling. They have the most long term operation - 175 years.

What affects the standard service life of a building?

Of course, how long a particular object should function depends not only on its purpose. Even at the design stage, many factors are taken into account that will subsequently affect its operational suitability. Simply put, they analyze climatic conditions, terrain features, and the possibility of access to structures and elements engineering systems for their replacement and repair, etc.

But whatever the standard set by the engineers, the service life of the constructed building largely depends on the quality of the project. Errors made during calculations may appear after a few years on an already constructed facility, and then a special operational group will have to correct them with the help of design and construction groups.

The first day from which the life of a building begins to be counted is the date of commissioning, and the last day is the moment it is declared unfit for habitation or work. This could be, for example, a document about the emergency condition of a structure.

Standard service life of building elements

As we said above, a construction project consists of a huge number of interconnected parts. The standard service life of many of them is significantly less than that of the building itself. For example, a plank floor should last 40 years, and wooden floors- 60. The same value for a residential building of the second category is 125. This means that during the entire period of operation of the building, its floors must be replaced at least 1 time, and its floors - 3. In reality, this is done much less often.

It is worth noting that the standard service life of any structural element does not provide for an extension of service life. That is, it already takes into account timely redecorating, regular application protective coatings etc. How often such work should be carried out depends on the materials used in construction. After all, they are in some way the main component of the entire building. The service life of materials, in turn, is affected by their quality, durability, susceptibility to corrosion, etc.

Items that cannot be repaired must be replaced in a timely manner. All this is taken into account at the project stage and serves as justification for the standard service life of the building.