Water pipes      06/13/2019

Do you know how maidenhair venus hair reproduces? Leaves of venus hair with boils and purulent acne. Pests and possible problems

Description . The genus Adiantum includes about 300 species growing in tropical and subtropical zones. Indoor maidenhair is a fern with a height of 15 to 120 cm, depending on the species. It has very decorative sinewy fronds - the so-called fern leaves. Petioles are usually dark and shiny, which is why one of the most common species in culture is popularly called "Venus hair". Leaf blades are light, triangular. During maturation, the spores are bordered with dark stripes. Quite unpretentious and will live in a room for a long time with proper care.

Types of adiantums:

Adiantum venus hair - Adiantum capillus veneris

grassy perennial, up to 0.5 m. height. Leaf segments are asymmetrical. Petioles thin, rod-shaped, black or dark brown. Venus hair is very popular in culture as an ornamental leafy plant. Content temperature +16...+22 °С; in winter - not lower than + 10 ° С. Prefers scattered sunlight, in summer - light shading, regular, moderate watering, the earth in a pot should not dry out. Optimal Humidity air - 60%, in summer - spraying. Ferns are transplanted - annually, adults - once every 2 - 3 years. breeds stem cuttings when transplanting, disputes. The substrate consists of leaf humus, soddy, humus or greenhouse soil and sand - 4:1:2:1 with the addition of crushed charcoal and acid peat; pH 6 - 7. Feed the plant in spring and during active growth organic or mineral fertilizers with micronutrients.

Adiantum pedatum

Compact, emerald - green fern with oblong-oval fronds. The petioles are dark, thin and long, at the top they bear fronds arranged in a fan. Leaves - feathers are arranged alternately. The height of this species often does not exceed 40 cm. Very frost-resistant species.

Adiantum raddianum

This maidenhair is very close to the common type of Venus hair, the most thermophilic and at the same time unpretentious in culture.

Homeland - Brazil.

This fern is tuberous. But he has his own requirements for maintenance: he is afraid of pollution, he loves tightness in a pot, peaty neutral soil, high humidity. It grows well in rooms with windows to the north. By following these tips, you will be successful in growing it.

Adiantum Macrophyllum

An eye-catching plant with stems 30 - 40 cm long, covered with delicate, as if papery leaves with small denticles along the edges, at first they are reddish, then they become yellow-green.

Adiantum most delicate - Adiantum tenerum

Perennial evergreen fern up to 60 cm high with long and narrow fronds, consisting of numerous light green, rounded leaves. Young, newly appeared leaves are painted in a light shade.

Adiantum Fragrans - Adiantum Fragrans

Low-growing evergreen fern with delicate, long, drooping, narrow fronds bearing rounded light green leaves. The edges of the leaves have large teeth.

Adiantum finely pubescent (small-haired) - Adiantum Hispidulum

If you are faced with the question: which of several ferns to choose, then we advise you to choose Adiantum small hairy, as it is one of the most not picky in room conditions representatives of the genus. A small species with a short creeping rhizome and long, narrow, gracefully curved fronds consisting of fused oblong-oval glossy leaves. Young leaves often have a pink tint.

Tailed maidenhair - Adiantum Caudatum

One of the largest subspecies of maidenhair is a plant with very delicate, thin fronds. Individual leaves are light green, arranged alternately, the upper side of the leaf blade is straight, and the lower side is divided into large teeth. Young leaves are pink and copper in color.

Height. 15 - 60 cm. Growth rate various kinds and in different time years varies greatly.

Adiantum - home care

Adiantum at home - temperature conditions . In winter, it is kept at a room temperature of at least 20 ° C; lower soil temperatures and cold drafts are detrimental to plants. This fern does not like extreme heat and locations near a heating system.

Lighting. From light, but not in direct sunlight to semi-shady. When grown in deep shade, the leaves will stretch and the fern will become loose.

Maid care. Caring for ferns is so complicated that it is difficult to count on success without a closed “flower window” or showcase. Remove old dried leaves in a timely manner, which appear most abundantly during the winter months. Keep the soil moist, high humidity stimulates fern growth - spray 2 times a day. Adiantum can be successfully grown as herbaceous plant open ground. In spring and summer, it is worth taking the plant to fresh air.

Primer for maidenhair. A substrate consisting of ½ peat. Too much fertilizer in the soil can burn tender roots. Unlike most members of the family, this fern needs soil with an alkaline pH. The substrate should easily pass moisture and air to the roots.

top dressing. From spring to late summer, we fertilize the soil with the maidenhair liquid nutrient medium used for the hydroponic method, or with highly diluted ordinary flower fertilizer in small quantities. Top dressing is carried out only on wet soil - the delicate root system of the maidenhair can be burned with a strong solution.

Purpose. Adiantum is absolutely not picky about light, but it is able to appreciate the high humidity of the air, and therefore, this is one of the few plants that can be placed in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

flowering time. Doesn't bloom.

Air humidity. Adiantum at home requires high humidity - 50% relative humidity. Grows best in greenhouses where humidity is kept at a sufficient high level. Dry air can cause the leaves to dry out. We increase the humidity in the room by constantly spraying water over the plant, but not spraying it directly. You can also use to increase humidity. room humidifier or place the plant on a pallet filled with damp expanded clay or sphagnum moss. If the height of the pallet allows, then it can be placed, for example, caps from plastic bottles and then the water drained through the drainage holes after watering will additionally moisten the air around the fern. Just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with water.

Watering maidenhair.The whole year should be an earthen clodwet, but both excess water in the pot and the drying of the soil should not be allowed. For irrigation we use soft water at room temperature; from time to time the fern pot should be immersed in water. To maintain soil moisture, you can cover the substrate in a pot on top with pieces of sphagnum moss or sprinkle with expanded clay. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only after light drying of the top layer of soil with a thickness of about 5 mm. For irrigation use bottled, rain, thawed. To reduce stiffness in tap water you can add regular baking soda - a teaspoon per 2 liters of water. Excess moisture that appears in the pan after watering is removed after 15 - 20 minutes.

Adiantum transplant. As needed, in the spring - when the root system fills the pot. A larger container causes additional leaf growth, and soil not occupied by roots retains a large amount of moisture, which causes rotting of the root system. Fern roots can be trimmed to a third of their length before being transplanted into another pot. It is better not to use ceramic or just deep pots for planting ferns - pick up small and wide bowls. Choose a pot with large enough drainage holes for planting. When planting, place the fern at the same depth at which it was in the previous pot - this plant does not like deepening.

maidenhair breeding. This fern grows from rhizomes that spread horizontally below the soil surface. The plant is propagated in the spring by dividing a large bush during transplantation. The rhizomes are divided into several parts with a sharp sterile instrument and planted in separate pots. Each division should have its own leaves - fronds and well-developed roots. Spores can be sown on the surface of the soil in the spring, but this method of reproduction will take a long time. Sometimes, in good conditions, self-seeding is formed.

Pests and diseases. Rarely, sometimes mealybugs, check the leaves regularly.

The root system of the fern is adapted to a humid environment, however,that fern can be flooded. The yellow tips of the leaves are often a sign of waterlogging of the soil, they can be cut off. Check the roots - they may have begun to rot. Healthy fern roots have white or light brown tips. If the roots turn black, they should be cut off.

The plant dries out and its leaves become thin and papery - this indicates low humidity, although older branches may turn brown simply due to age. Cut off such leaves and increase the humidity around the fern.

Note. We cut off dry leaves at the base, while new leaves may not appear.


Summing up - 7 secrets of success:

  1. Growing temperature: throughout the year about 20 - 22 ° C.
  2. Lighting: direct sunlight on the fronds is unacceptable, it develops well in partial shade.
  3. Watering and humidity: the soil should be evenly moist throughout the year, the air humidity is also high.
  4. pruning: old dried lengths at the base of the plant are cut with a sharp sterile instrument.
  5. Priming: based on leafy humus and a small amount of peat, should have a slightly alkaline pH.
  6. top dressing: Twice a month during spring and summer.
  7. reproduction: division big plants when transplanting in the spring or sowing spores.

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Adiantum venerin hair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) - or in other words, Venus hair, a herbaceous, perennial plant, belongs to the Adiantheivy family and the Fern genus. There are 200 species of plants of this species. In the wild, fern can be found in the forest, near water bodies. This plant is widespread in Asia, Europe, India, China. The plant reaches a height of about 30 - 40 cm.

Adiantum is grown indoors for room decoration. Leaf or frond, very attractive light - Green colour. Basically, all ferns differ in leaf size, shape and color. The surface of the Adiantum leaf is water-repellent, drops of water flow down from it. On the underside of the leaf there are brown spots - sori.

Adiantum venus hair - care:


Adiantum loves to grow in the shade. It is better to protect the fern from direct sunlight. When grown in very bright light and direct sunlight, the leaves lose their shape and color, and may curl.
But a long stay in the shade is not useful for Adiantum. You can alternate shadow with diffused light. It does not treat very well if you often change the place of constant growth.


Adiantum loves high air temperatures for its growth. The recommended air temperature for rapid growth is 19 - 25 ° C. The plant is not cold hardy. It should be protected from frost. If Adiantum falls into frost, it freezes. In winter, it is also necessary to keep the fern at a high temperature, in no case below 14 ° C.


Adiantum should be watered abundantly, but at the same time moderately. It is enough to monitor the soil of the flower and water it as it dries. In summer, the fern is mostly watered three to four times a week. With the onset of winter, of course, the frequency of watering must be reduced. Water can be taken soft, constant, possibly not chlorinated. We do not allow the dryness of the soil, this can adversely affect the flower.


Adiantum is a very moisture-loving plant, prefers highly humid air of about 65 - 70%. If the air is too dry, the leaves may change color, and turn yellow, curl and die. You can spray the plant from time to time with cool soft water in the evenings. Wet peat or expanded clay can be placed in the pallet.

Top dressing:

Adiantum responds positively to nutrient feeding. Ideal for mineral or organic fertilizers dissolved once every two weeks. With the onset of autumn and throughout the winter, feeding should be reduced.


Adiantum does not like frequent transfers. Replant the plant only as needed. Loose soil and a pot larger than the previous one are well suited for transplanting. It is also worth considering that the pot should be chosen not deep, but wide, so that the bush grows beautifully and a beautiful crown forms.


Adiantum reproduces by dividing the bush, spores. Best time for breeding mid-summer. It is imperative that there is a kidney on the segment. Care must be taken to do this, because the plant is very fragile. For reproduction, it is worth taking loose soil with the presence of nutrients.

Some features:

Adiantum venus hair is grown not only as an ornamental plant, but is also used in medicine. A decoction from the leaves of the plant helps with hair loss. In care, it is not picky at all, and does not require special attention. Grows fast.

Adiantum venus hair - diseases and pests:


Adiantum venus hair is rarely damaged by various pests and diseases. The most common are aphids, whitefly, trip-s, mealybug, spider mite. handle the fern chemicals It is better not to fight these pests, because he treats them badly and does not tolerate them. Better watch out for Adiantum , so that he does not become infected, creating the recommended conditions for him to be kept.

Venus hair flower - home care for him is not at all complicated, it is a rather whimsical, but elegant fern. Its light openwork greenery is beautiful. The fern stalks are dark, almost black in color, the crown, consisting of many small triangular leaves, fluttering at the slightest breeze, is distinguished by a beautiful bright green color. How to follow him?

Where is the fern from?

Adiantum venerin hair is a perennial fern, reaching a height of 60 cm in nature, having a short creeping rhizome, dressed in narrow blackish scales. Fern petioles 10-15 cm long, black-brown, thin, glossy.

Sporonoses maidenhair venus hair from late spring to early autumn. In Russia, it is found only in the lower mountain belt of the North Caucasus. The fern is widespread in Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the mountains of the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Asia Minor, Africa, North and Central America. Adiantum can be found along the banks of mountain rivers and streams, in rock crevices near waterfalls. The plant prefers carbonate rocks. This is one of the most common ornamental plants among the ferns. Adiantum is widely cultivated in greenhouses. At home, caring for a plant is not difficult.

This plant never reaches large sizes. In the countries of the Mediterranean, it grows wild in damp places, near a water source, at the entrances to grottoes, a fern growing near houses and wells, clinging to walls and sheds.

How to care for Venus hair? The plant does not like to be moved from place to place. So choose for him appropriate place and leave it alone. When the plant dries, it is necessary to cut it flush with the soil and spray it often.

The appearance of the plant will largely depend on the choice of location. It is the fern that is ideal for the north and northeast windows. The maidenhair flower does not tolerate bright Sun rays. From them, his fronds turn pale and dry. in light and warm rooms you can place the fern on racks, near fountains and aquariums.

The temperature in summer should not exceed 24 degrees. At temperatures above 20 degrees, the plant must be provided with high humidity. In winter, the flower is kept in a cool room at a temperature of 10-15 degrees.

Fern maidenhair (video)

Features of caring for a fern Venus hair

  1. Lighting. The light is soft, diffused. Excess light is harmful - the leaves begin to turn yellow. The ideal place for it is near the window, where there is no direct sunlight.
  2. The temperature should never fall below 13 degrees, but overheating can be fatal for a plant. Venus hair does not tolerate even the slightest drafts.
  3. Watering should be frequent, but moderate. Waterlogging of the soil should be avoided - this leads to rotting of the plant. You should often spray the leaves with settled or rain water.
  4. Top dressing Venus hair. Liquid fertilizer should be applied every 15 days in summer.
  5. Reproduction. The plant is propagated by dividing the bush in March-April. More difficult, the plant reproduces by spores, which are collected by spreading a leaf under a fruitful frond - a fern leaf.
  6. Transfer. Transplant the plant in the spring when the roots of the plant come out of the hole in the pot. The soil for transplantation is used forest or deciduous, fertilized with peat. Venus hair needs very good drainage. Ordinary clay containers are suitable for planting.
  7. Pests and diseases. This plant is susceptible to diseases caused by scabies. If the leaves begin to dry out, they should be sprayed frequently, and the plant should be watered abundantly. If the leaves began to fade, then there is too much light for him; if twisted - the plant suffers from the cold.

Pot selection

In addition to aesthetic preferences, when choosing a flowerpot or pot for a fern, you need to remember the material from which it is made. It is necessary to evaluate the resistance of this material to frost, heat and ultraviolet rays, its weight, drainage capacity, strength and ease of washing or cleaning it.

Not all materials stand the test of low temperatures, especially clay, if it is not worked and fired flawlessly, tends to delaminate. Another problem concerns containers made of steel, metals or plastics (to a lesser extent): they do not have insulating properties and when small sizes do not protect the roots of plants from the cold.

Plastic tends to deform high temperature in addition, like metal, it overheats, which causes excessive heating of the substrate and, in turn, burns of the root system. Ceramics, on the other hand, has a good insulating ability; with sufficient thickness, it does not overheat in the hot sun. But if it is badly burned, then the sun can discolor.

Weight flower pot or a flowerpot must be taken into account, taking into account the fact of where it will stand, and whether it can be easily moved, transferred. Whatever the chosen material, large sizes corresponds to more weight, this must also be borne in mind. And you should also think about whether the window sill, visor, stand on the loggias, etc., can withstand its weight, that is, what the pots and flowerpots will stand on. It is clear that ferns are more suitable hanging pots made of plastic - the lightest.

The only material that has a draining ability is clay, which is also an ideal material for plant growth, since air is exchanged with it through it. environment. All other materials do not have such an advantage (even wood, which has to be coated with special varnishes). The lack of air exchange and drainage capacity of the flowerpot material can be compensated for by using a light and well-draining substrate.

With the exception of plastics and concrete, whose service life is practically unlimited, all materials are subject to destruction to one degree or another. And wooden and metal pots need to be painted periodically, otherwise they can become stained, discolored or rusty.

When choosing a flower pot, one should take into account its ability to protect the plant from overheating. The baked clay keeps the substrate cool (and therefore the fern roots too), it serves as an ideal screen for the sun's rays. Plastic does not always have this property: its insulating properties are affected by the color and thickness of the pot. A plastic pot imitating clay, painted in the typical color of terracotta and comparable in thickness to clay, has the same insulating properties as the latter.

But cheap plastic pots with thin walls (they come in black, white and dark green) will not protect the soil from overheating.

White pots have a significant drawback: they let in light, which can seriously damage the roots. Black ones, on the contrary, shield the light well, but by absorbing the sun's rays, they overheat, and this can lead to root burns. You can insert black plastic pots into decorative pots to keep cool, which not only isolate the plant from heat and light, but also serve as a wonderful decoration.

Why ferns dry out (video)

Plant propagation

Adiantum at home is propagated by spores and division of roots. In the spring, when transplanting, extracted from an old pot mature plant cut into pieces with a sharp knife, process the cuts with crushed coal and seat each part in separate pots. If your fern has few growing points, then divide it early, as the plant may die. The planted parts of the bush do not immediately grow, they take root for a long time. Before dividing the rhizome, let the earthen clod dry out a little, and when planting the parts, make sure that the root neck of the plant is not buried too deep in the ground. Otherwise, it can cause rotting of young shoots.

To grow ferns from spores, shallow containers are used, which are filled with a soil mixture consisting of two parts of peat, part of sand and part of leafy soil. The mixture is well compacted and scalded with boiling water. After the soil has cooled, the spores of the plant are laid out on its surface and covered with glass. The container should be placed in a dark, warm place. To protect the seed, it is sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To accelerate the emergence of seedlings, you can equip the bottom heating (up to 21ºC). Seeds germinate in 10 days to 3 months. As soon as the seedlings hatch, remove the glass and move the container to a well-lit place, isolated from direct sunlight.

Adiantum, maidenhair (lat. Adiantum) is a genus of ferns from the Pteris family, consisting of more than 200 plant species. The origin of the name is Greek and means "waterproof plant" (from the particle "a", meaning "not", and the word for wetting, moisturizing). And those who know about this plant can really argue that it always remains dry, no matter how humid it is around.

Surprisingly, the seemingly dry fern is native to the tropics in the Andes of South America and East Asia. This plant likes to settle near rivers, waterfalls, where the ground on the rock is very wet.

The adiantum is mentioned in the writings of the great Roman historian Pliny the Elder, in whom this plant is found in the book Natural History. This is a fairly popular and common type of fern in greenhouse business. It has no less demand among ordinary people who grow it like indoor plant. Adiantum is not only beautiful in appearance, but also useful, can be used in medicinal purposes which makes it doubly valuable.

Description of the plant maidenhair with photo

Adiantum: home care is simple

The maidenhair flower is a perennial herbaceous fern whose rhizome is thin and curved, covered on the outside with brownish-black scales. The arrangement of the leaves can be either alternate or opposite, the petioles are dark, shiny, covered with scales at the base. Their length is 25 centimeters.

The leaf itself is green, maybe with a grayish tint. The plate is quite wide, smooth, dissected. The appearance of the segments may vary. There are trapezoid, wedge-shaped and obovate elements, which are fan-shaped on the petiole. On the veins on the lower side of most segments there are sori with sporangia of a linear, round and oblong type.

Adiantum is also cultivated in open field. As a rule, this is a stop-shaped maidenhair. For growing in the room, they use “hair venus”, Ruddy's maidenhair, tender, transparent and other species.

Adiantum home care with photo

This fern, like others, does not like being in the sun. It must be grown in partial shade, which means that the most successful place for the plant will be the northern or eastern window sill or a place in the back of the room. Otherwise, the death of green leaves will be observed.

  • The maidenhair fern does not tolerate completely enclosed spaces, as it needs fresh air.
  • At the same time, you should not arrange a draft, otherwise your pet will die.
  • You should prevent the accumulation of dust in the room, so you need to regularly clean the room with a damp cloth, and also often ventilate the house.

Venus hair is adversely affected by the presence of any caustic substances in the air. And that means it can't stand tobacco smoke, and it will also grow badly in the kitchen. In order for the maidenhair fern to develop well, it needs to provide optimal room temperature, which will not be more than 22 ºC and 15 ºC in winter respectively.

  • A fern pot should always stand in one place, as it does not tolerate movement.
  • To improve the condition of the plant in the summer, it is actively sprayed every day with warm water.
  • In winter, such procedures are not practiced, as this can adversely affect development.

In the spring and summer, they carry out planned feeding of the maidenhair liquid fertilizers, reducing the concentration indicated in the instructions by half. Fertilizers are applied no more than once every three weeks, while excluding top dressing in winter.

For the fern to have a pleasant appearance, in the spring, yellow and affected leaves are pruned. This process will be beneficial for the plant, as it stimulates the formation of new leaves. As soon as the old greenery is removed, the maidenhair is abundantly watered and sprayed.

Watering the maidenhair

Adiantum photo care at home

One of the principles successful cultivation this fern - its frequent watering. It is necessary to ensure that the earthen lump never dries up, otherwise the death of individual leaves and sections of the rhizome will begin, and then the whole plant. In turn, excess moisture will start the process of rotting of the rhizome with roots, which will also lead to death.

What to do to avoid the death of a fern due to improper watering? To ensure normal moisture, the pot is placed in a container with warm water (separately separated warm water) so that the entire soil volume is saturated. Evidence of this is the wet sheen of the surface.

Then the fern pot is transferred to the washbasin so that water is glassed into it, the bottom is wiped and placed on the windowsill. Both in winter and summer they are watered in the same way, but in cold weather the amount of watering is halved.

Adiantum transplant

The plant is best grown in a small pot, as it prefers tight spaces. Venus hair fern is transplanted no more than once every three years and only when roots break through the drainage holes. In those seasons when transplanting is not planned, only the first 5-7 cm of soil are replaced.

  • The pot for the maidenhair is selected wooden, spacious, you can also choose ceramic, not glazed. There must be sufficient drainage holes. This is due to the presence of a large root system.

Begin planting adiantum with the installation of drainage to the bottom in in large numbers. Then fill the pot with loose soil. A special acidic mixture saturated with humus is selected. The following composition would be ideal: leafy earth and peat (1: 2). Part of the soil substrate is poured to the drainage layer, then it is placed in a new pot by the method of transshipment, adding the rest of the soil to it, making sure that there is no empty seats. At the same time, the soil is not particularly tamped, since a loose substrate will be optimal for the adiantum.

Adiantum diseases and the most common pests

Adiantum room

This fern has a natural chemical protection. Its leaves contain poisons that counteract the invasion of pests. But own mechanisms far from always working, because a number of insects get used quickly to any remedy. In particular, scale insects, mealybugs, aphids and spider mites easily adapt to many poisons.

Antitlin, Fitoverm and Biotlin also remove mealybugs well. Aktara, Mospilan, Confidant and Confidor are also used to fight him. For elimination spider mite apply Fitoverm and Aktellik.

Fungal, viral and other diseases are not characteristic of the maidenhair, but sometimes the plant can lose its beautiful appearance due to improper care. For example, with insufficient watering, the edges of the leaves become dry and brown. And if the fern completely sheds greenery, you need to moisten the air by spraying and start doing this always, since the room is too dry. Burning out of the green part of the fern indicates an excess of light, so the pot needs to be moved to a darker place. If the leaves curl but do not turn brown, then the room is too cold and humid.

Useful properties of maidenhair

Adiantum flower photo and description

Fern greens contain the following biologically active compounds:

  • flavonoids;
  • steroids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • essential oils;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • lipids, etc.

Due to the rich composition, the maidenhair is actively used in medicine in Western Europe. On its basis, infusions, syrups, powders, extracts are made. So, the water extract of the fern has an antibacterial effect, and the syrup stimulates expectoration and reduces the temperature.

  • Based on this, the maidenhair is actively used to combat diseases of the respiratory system, spleen, liver, and bladder.
  • Externally, the juice of the plant is used in the form of lotions and compresses for animal bites (for detoxification), the presence of wounds that do not heal for a long time. ethnoscience also uses maidenhair to treat alcoholism.

The cosmetic use of the maidenhair is no less important. A decoction or juice is made from it, which is added to water. Using a similar hair rinse, you can get rid of dandruff and even cure some difficult-to-treat skin diseases.

Reproduction of the maidenhair

fern maidenhair

There are two types of reproduction of the maidenhair: division of the bush and reproduction by seeds (or spores). Let's consider them in more detail:

1. The division of the bush. This type of reproduction is carried out in the spring, when Venus hair is transplanted. It is freed from the old pot and divided into several parts with a sharp knife. Places of cuts are sprinkled with coal, after which each part of the rhizome is planted in a new pot. For transplantation, only that plant is selected that has many growth points, otherwise the maidenhair will die during transplantation.

You should not worry when the maidenhair does not show signs of growth for a long time after transplantation - this is normal. Before dividing the rhizome, the earth ball must be dry. When planting a new plant in the ground, make sure that the root neck is not deepened into the ground to avoid rotting greens.

2.Reproduction by spores. Adiantum is successfully grown using spores. For their germination, a pot of small depth is selected, which is filled with a mixture of peat, sand and leafy soil in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Before use, the substrate is doused with boiling water to disinfect it. As soon as after the procedure the land acquires normal temperature, seeds are planted on its surface, which are covered with glass.

  • Germinate spores in a warm room. Adiantum will sprout faster if the pot is heated from below to 21 ºC. Germination period is 1-10 weeks.

As soon as small plants appear above the surface, the glass is removed, and the pot is placed in a bright place where direct sunlight does not fall. After a while, the seedlings dive. planting them 2-3 pieces in small pots with peat.

Types of adiantum

(Adiantum capillus veneris). This fern in open areas can be found in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Its favorite germination site is limestone soil close to a source of moisture. The plant is distinguished by thin black rhizomes, and it received such a name because of its characteristic leaves. They are very thin, light green, fan-shaped, located on a long 25 cm petiole. This is the most popular houseplant of the maidenhair.

Adiantum stopiform imbricatum Adiantum pedatum imbricatum

Adiantum stopiform(Adiantum pedatum). A beautiful and most graceful species of ferns. Lives in deciduous forests North America and East Asia. Some individuals of this grow up to 60 cm in height. The leafy part is flat, shiny, located on one side, light green in color. The leaves are pinnately dissected, with cuts on the sides, sitting horizontally on small thin petioles. This maidenhair survives even in severe frost (down to -35 ºC), so it can be planted in open soil.

The species is presented in the form of the following varieties:

  • Compactum - a small plant up to 35 cm high;
  • Imbricatum - dwarf plant no more than 15 cm high;
  • Japonikum - the most large variety adiantum, which is 45 cm high and 30 cm wide. Its young shoots have a copper-pink hue, which gradually changes to green as they grow older;
  • Aleutikum is a small maidenhair 10 cm high and up to 20 cm wide. Ideal for growing in a pot, as it can withstand exposure to the sun.

Adiantum gentle(Adiantum tenerum). It is also called pink maidenhair. This fern grows in the Antilles and the American tropics. The rhizome of the plant is creeping, short. The leaves are thrice-pinnate, with wedge-shaped bases and broadly lobed upper parts. The length of the leaves is 70 cm (excluding the petiole, which is another 30 cm long), and the width is 50 cm.

The following varieties are grown:

  • Farleyens - has attractive curled leaves.
  • Scutum Roseum is notable for its multi-colored young leaves that change in shades from pink to green.

Adiantum small-haired(Adiantum hispidulum). This is a representative of the African fauna that grows in the mountains on the border with snow. It is also found in Australia and New Zealand, India, Madagascar. The plant has a creeping rhizome and relatively small leaves (15-25 cm) of a palmate-dissected type, growing on long petioles (about 35 cm) with small bristles. Leaves of the second order are small (2x0.5 cm), covered with bristles, diamond-shaped. This is a very popular houseplant.

Adiantum Ruddy(Adiantum raddianum). It is also called wedge-shaped. Epiphytic plant from the Brazilian forests with huge leaves, which are 45 cm long and 25 cm wide. The leaves of this fern curve beautifully. They consist of dozens of small leaves sitting on black shiny petioles.

In indoor floriculture, the following varieties are used:

  • Micropinnulum and Grasillium - have very small leaves, the normal existence of which requires high humidity in room. This can be achieved only in the florarium.
  • Festum and Fritz Loot - these varieties are unpretentious, resistant to living in room conditions.

Adiantum tailed(Adiantum caudatum). The leaves of this fern are very long (about 60 cm), so they make from it in indoor floriculture ampelous plant. have a brown color, the leaves at the ends have offspring. It is necessary to ensure that the earthen ball with this plant does not dry out, as it is very susceptible to this.

Adiantum beautiful(Adiantum formosum). Tall ferns, the bush of which reaches 1 m, but they have a fragile rhizome. The color of the roots is purple-black, the leaves are dark green, multi-pinnate, triangular-obovate.

Adiantum charming(Adiantum venustum). Native to Kashmir and Nepal. The length of the leaves is small, 20 cm. They are narrow, pointed. The color of the petioles is purple-black.

Adiantum wedge-shaped(Adiantum cuneatum). Similar to the beautiful maidenhair, but has other sori in shape. Grows in Southern Brazil.

Adiantum transparent(Adiantum diaphanum). Plant height 25-40 cm, pinnate or double-pinnate leaves. The leaves are dull green, the petioles are thin.

Adiantum fragrans(Adiantum Fragrans). It is a popular houseplant that grows in the Andes. The fern develops quickly. Differs in oval leaves of pale green color, sitting on short 10-15 cm petioles.

Adiantum - signs

It is believed that the maidenhair refreshes and invigorates those people who are in the room where it grows. In addition, this fern calms, makes a person more welcoming to problems.

For information on how to care for ferns at home, see the video: