Well      04.03.2020

Technologies for the production of electricity at home. Getting free electricity with your own hands: methods and videos. Getting electricity from the bowels of the earth

It is difficult to underestimate the benefits, and sometimes the need for electricity. Especially in emergency situations. You may need to recharge your walkie-talkie, flashlight, or mobile phone. In this article we will talk about ways to alternatively obtain electricity from improvised materials.


For almost any simple way to get electricity without connecting to an existing electrical network, you will definitely need galvanic cells, namely two metals, which in pair form a bipolar anode and cathode, respectively. Now it remains to stick one of them into the nearest tree, for example, an aluminum rod or an iron nail so that it completely enters the trunk of the tree itself through the bark, and stick the other element, for example a copper tube, into the soil nearby so that it enters the ground by 15 20 cm. Perhaps even between copper tube and the aluminum rod will generate a voltage of approximately 1 volt. The more rods you insert into a tree, the better the quality of the electricity produced in this way will be. After the end of the production of electricity, be sure to clean up, cover the damaged areas on the tree with resin.


Oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruits are all ideal electrolytes for generating electricity in extreme conditions, especially if extreme situation found you near the equator. In addition to the already known aluminum and copper, you can use more effective gold and silver if you or your companion have jewelry left, bringing the voltage of your electricity right up to 2 volts. If you are engaged in obtaining electricity for the purpose of lighting, then a glass bulb with a piece of charred bamboo fiber as a filament can serve as a light bulb. Edison himself used this handicraft filament for the first light bulb in the world.


If you have copper wire and foil, getting electricity in this case will take a minimum of effort. Fill several glasses with salt water and combine them copper wire, from glass to glass. At one end of each wire connecting the glasses must be wound aluminium foil. Accordingly, the more wire and glasses. the higher your chances! This type of device was invented back in the 18th century, it is called the Voltaic Pillar. But in this case, copper-zinc elements are used. The scheme of their manufacture is shown below:


From the tubers of ordinary potatoes, you can also get electricity, all you need is salt, toothpaste, wires and potato. Cut it in half with a knife, pass the wires through one half, while making a spoon-shaped indentation in the center of the other, then fill it with toothpaste mixed with salt. Connect the halves of the potato, and the wires should be in contact with toothpaste, and it is better to peel them themselves. All! Now you can use your electricity generator to light fires from an electric spark.

Battery manufacturing

Lead and sulfuric acid have proven themselves for decades as a universal generator of electricity with excellent power quality, used everywhere, for example, in batteries of various Vehicle. To do this, you will need both components, which you need to combine in ceramic dishes (it should not be difficult for you to find clay in extreme conditions and burn it, this also applies to glasses in case of obtaining electricity from salt water). If the question remains with sulfuric acid, then it is not difficult to get it from sulfur by burning it with an excess of oxygen and water. If there is neither one nor the other, electricity will bring you the mineral "galena", which already at a temperature of 327 degrees, mixed with coal, melts into sulfur and lead.

The idea of ​​​​getting free electricity is using the potential difference between the zero of the network and the ground.
A small caveat: this method of obtaining energy works 100 percent. This is not a deception, no incomprehensible device drawing electricity from the ether, no miracle device on magnets, etc.
We will use the voltage difference between the zero of the 220 V network and ground.
If to speak plain language, then wires go from the power plant to consumers - zero and three phases. Since the wires have their own resistance, therefore, there will be a “drawdown” of voltage on them. This is the tension we will catch. This potential also creates a phase imbalance.

It is legal?

Yes, power grids are not punished for this, since we will not use the phase. And it's actually not stealing.

Electric meters will account for this energy?

It all depends on the type of electricity meter. There are meters with one shunt (with one measuring element) - the most common and two shunt (with two measuring elements). One shunt just does not take into account zero - since their measuring shunt is located on the phase.

How much electricity can you get?

It all depends on the number of subscribers in the network and the power of the entire wiring. Usually it is somewhere around 3-10 volts. If you connect a step-up transformer, you can ignite led lamp. The voltage after the step-up transformer is about 100-220 V.


Any transformer from a radio, tape recorder, etc. It is desirable for a low voltage of 3-9 Volts of the secondary winding.
Please note that you use all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

Precautionary measures

Be sure to put a fuse in the circuit between zero and the transformer or circuit breaker amps for 5-10. This is necessary so that the entire structure does not burn out if the phase suddenly changes from zero. The probability of this event is of course negligible, but you need to be prepared for anything. Rather, there is a high probability that zero will break off - and this happens all the time. And the machine will definitely save you.
Even when working with zero, be sure to turn off the network. Well, even free light should not be left unattended.

The experience of Europeans shows that it is unprofitable to heat rooms with fuel. In the West, people get heat with electricity. Installing electric boilers is not profitable if the house or apartment is supplied with central electricity. You can get the necessary energy resource on your own, smart people have come up with many homemade devices. We will talk about those alternative sources of electricity, which are the easiest to do with your own hands.

Structure for power generation

Wind is the most common source of energy. We warn you in advance that it is not very easy to build equipment for generating electricity with your own hands, but the result of the operation of the device will not be long in coming. During development, a person will need to understand the structure of the factory technology and learn how to assemble it on their own. The main components of the installation are:

  • engine
  • multiplier
  • generator direct current
  • battery charge controller
  • battery
  • voltage transformer

There are two types of wind turbines: vertical and horizontal. Their difference lies in the order of the axis. It is a little easier to make a vertical alternative energy source for a home with your own hands than a horizontal one. In practice, each of the devices has its own advantages. Coefficient useful action vertical-axis equipment does not exceed 15%. Due low level noise their operation at home does not cause discomfort. The amount of electricity produced depends on the strength of the wind, so the owner does not have to rack his brains if the direction of the air flow changes.

Free energy for the home, obtained with a horizontal axis, is the complete opposite. vertical type. The equipment is characterized by high efficiency, but it needs to install sensors that respond to changes in wind direction. The disadvantage of a horizontal wind turbine is high level noise. This option is more suitable for industrial use.

To get alternative electricity in large quantities, you need to choose the right number of blades and propeller sizes. Homemade have developed circuit diagram collection device. It all depends on what results the owner wants to get. With a propeller diameter of 2 meters, the following number of blades must be installed:

  • 10 watts - 2 pieces;
  • 15 watts - 3 pieces;
  • 20 watts - 4 pieces;
  • 30 watts - 6 pieces;
  • 40 watts - 8 pieces.

For a propeller diameter of 4 meters, the following characteristics apply:

  • 40 watts - 2 blades;
  • 60 watts - 3 blades;
  • 80 watts - 4 blades;
  • 120 watts - 6 blades.

Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that alternative electricity will help in heating the room. It remains only to find out the power electric boiler and calculate right size propeller. When calculating, the wind speed equal to four meters per second was taken as the basis. In Eastern Europe, this figure is average.

The blade is an important component of the wind turbine

Making alternative energy sources for the home with their own hands, Special attention it is worth paying attention to the blades. Sailing devices that are installed on old mills are not efficient because they have a low efficiency. It is advisable to use aerodynamic devices that imitate the appearance of aircraft wings. By and large, the material does not matter, the blades can even be cut from wood. If you decide to use traditional plastic, then remember that with a small number of blades in the installation, vibrations will occur. Therefore, it is desirable to place in a device that will help to obtain alternative forms of energy, 6 blades with a diameter of 3 meters. Best to use pvc pipe designed for pressurized water supply. To obtain aerodynamic properties, the edges of the product must be turned and sanded. To assemble the propeller, you will need an "asterisk", which is made from a horizontal.

To get high-quality electricity with your own hands, you need to balance the wind wheels. This can be done at home, during the test work, the blades are checked for arbitrary movement. If the propeller is in a static position, then vibrations are not terrible for it.

It is impossible to generate alternative energy with your own hands using wind without factory equipment. In any case, you will need a DC motor, which costs a penny compared to the price of factory wind turbines. Further, the production of equipment occurs according to the following scenario:

  • frame assembly for structural reliability;
  • installation of a rotary assembly, behind which the generator and the wind wheel will be fixed;
  • installation of a movable side shovel with a spring tie (necessary to protect the device during hurricane winds). If this mechanism does not exist, then the manufactured electricity generator with its own hands will be turned in the direction of the wind;
  • we attach the propeller to the generator, which in turn is attached to the frame, and the frame to the frame;
  • a shovel is attached to the frame;
  • the swivel mechanism is connected to the frame;
  • the generator is attached to the current collector, from which the wires go to the electrical part.

To assemble the electrical part, you need to have elementary knowledge in physics. We attach a diode bridge to the battery, through which the voltage controller and fuses pass. The battery distributes alternative electricity for the home.

Making a simple wind generator with your own hands

Solar panels

Plates for generating electricity using the sun

Relatively recently, mankind has learned to get free energy for the home with the help of the Sun. The resulting resource is used to heat the premises and provide it with electricity, and it is also possible to combine two processes. To the benefits solar energy factors include:

  1. eternity of the resource;
  2. high level of environmental friendliness;
  3. noiselessness;
  4. the possibility of processing into other alternative forms of energy.

If there is no possibility or desire to buy ready-made solar panels, then the device can be designed independently. We offer you easy installation so that you can actually test its effectiveness, and then make several of these devices and create a whole thermal station for your home.

Copper plate before solar panel assembly

So, an alternative current source can be made from plain sheet copper, for simple equipment we need about 45 square centimeters. First you need to cut a piece of metal to the size we need. Be guided by the fact that the sheet fits on the spiral of the electric stove. Before starting the procedure, it is important to remove excess elements from copper and eliminate defects. Then you can put the sheet on an electric stove, which should have a power of at least 1100 watts.

During the heating process, the material will change its color several times, which is associated with the peculiarities of the laws of physics and chemistry. After the copper is covered in black, mark for half an hour. After this time, the oxide layer will become thick. When making a solar alternative energy source for your home, after turning off the tile, wait a while for the copper to cool. Cooling will be needed in order for the oxide to exfoliate from the copper. When the leaf temperature of the leaf will be equal to room temperature, it is necessary to wash the material under warm water. And in no case should you separate the remains of copper oxide. The inventory of device assembly technology will prove to you that it is very easy to get alternative electricity without much effort.

First, we cut out another sheet of copper, which will correspond to the size of the processed piece. We bend both sheets and place them inside a plastic bottle, and do it in such a way that they do not touch each other. We attach crocodile clips to two plates. Now it remains only to connect the wires to the poles: the cable from “pure” copper goes to the plus, and to the minus - from the processed on the tile.

Small compact solar array

A device for generating electricity with your own hands is almost ready. At the final stage, it remains in a separate vessel to mix 3 tablespoons of salt with plain water. We stir the mixture for several minutes so that the salt is completely dissolved in the liquid, after which the resulting solution is poured into plastic bottle. If you design several such devices at once, you can get good and free alternative energy sources, made with your own hands in a short period of time. More simple homemade version to heat the room can not come up with.

Solar panels - the principle of operation and production

Getting electricity from the bowels of the earth

Laying of heat pump communications

To obtain electrical or thermal energy from the bowels of the earth, it is necessary to build a geothermal heat pump. This device is universal, it is able to extract the product we need both from the ground and from ground water. IN Lately such alternative view energy is very popular.

To get electricity from the ground, you first need to lay a pipeline. If the energy comes from water, then the heat pump is placed in a reservoir. The principle of operation of a heat pump is no different from that of a refrigerator. The only difference is that in our case the heat is not released into environment and absorbed from there.

Do-it-yourself alternative sources of electricity are of four types:

  • vertical manifold. It is installed in drilled wells, the depth of each of which can be up to 150 meters. This technique is relevant when the area of ​​​​the site does not allow the installation of a horizontal heat pump;
  • Horizontal collector. For its location, you need to dig the soil over the area to a depth of one and a half meters. Do-it-yourself alternative energy obtained in this way is available for almost every private house. Experience shows that this scheme is the most effective;
  • Water collector. Relevant if there is a river or lake near the house. The pipeline must be laid at a depth that is below the freezing depth. Otherwise, you will have to install the system every year. This method of obtaining energy is considered the cheapest;
  • Groundwater collector. Obtaining alternative electricity in this way is possible only with the help of specialists. The process of laying pipes requires compliance with stringent requirements. The peculiarity of the installation is that after passing through the entire scheme, the water that has given up its heat returns to the ground. In the future, it is heated with the help of soil and becomes suitable for heating the room and generating electricity.

Advantages of heat pumps

Horizontal manifold

Do-it-yourself alternative energy sources for a home, the sources of which are the bowels of the earth, have many advantages. From the first days of using heat pumps, you will be convinced that such technologies have a high efficiency. Since the temperature of the soil in the wells always remains unchanged throughout the year, the source can be considered eternal. The units do not emit noise and provide the premises with thermal energy in the required volumes. Manufacturers of ground probes say that with the help of such equipment it is possible to generate electricity with your own hands for a hundred years.

There are several other important characteristics that play in favor of heat pumps:

  • no need for natural gas;
  • no harm to the environment;
  • high level of fire safety;
  • the need for a small amount of territory.

Now you know how to generate electricity at home. Owning all necessary information, you can choose the most suitable way.

Heat pump for home heating

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The history of mankind is full of grandiose discoveries that allowed us, people, to feel like full-fledged masters of the planet... The splitting of the atom and the creation of the collider are a kind of indicator of the irrepressible mental strength and dedication of homo sapiens to the knowledge of the unknown peaks of the universe. Wanting to “tame” electricity, with his own hands and thanks to his incredible willpower, Nikolo Tesla achieved truly amazing success in the process of his scientific activity. People inherited only some of the inventions of the Serb, but the most important part of the works of the great physicist for us to this day is “a secret covered in darkness”.

Due to life circumstances, the strong half of humanity quite often has to deal with issues whose solution is directly related and concerns the energy supply of housing: a blown fuse (in the meter plug) is a fairly often failing element. Probably, every man is capable or a switch, many of us have experienced “tenacious” electricity with their own hands. From the school curriculum, children become aware that voltage is sometimes a dangerous tandem, especially for a person who does not show due respect for this type of energy, which carries the “life” of household appliances and allows people to feel comfortable and completely safe in their own home. Often a ruthless killer wakes up in a “warm and bright friend”, a “provocateur” pays an exorbitant price for his own frivolity and stupid fearlessness.

Alternative energy sources

There are ways by which a person can get absolutely environmentally friendly electricity by building an installation with his own hands, the power of which will depend on the type and principle of operation. It should be noted that some autonomous stations that recreate the process of receiving e-mail. current, imply the use of a device familiar to everyone - a generator. Moreover, the generated electricity can be both variable and constant. Everything depends primarily on design features installation. Let's look at the main technological methods using which a person can electrify a house with his own hands, free electricity will be a real result of the implemented arrangement. We will also consider some economic aspects associated with the use and operation of the presented equipment.

So the wind turbine

Windmills have been used by people for quite a long period of time. In our case, the potential of descending and air is “converted” from mechanical energy into electrical energy. The blades that this installation is equipped with serve as a kind of mediator between a natural phenomenon and human need. drives a generator, which in turn generates electricity. To date, authorities government controlled use is not prohibited similar devices. The only limitation may be the power, which should not exceed 2 kWh. Along with the relative low cost and practical value, the maintenance of a windmill is not difficult, and as a result we get alternative electricity. Do-it-yourself installation is being built, which should have two important technical qualities: structural strength and operational safety. An important factor favoring the expediency of using a windmill will be the process of choosing the most advantageous location for the installation object. That is, such a natural phenomenon as a wind flow needs to create certain unhindered conditions in order to achieve the goal (generator blades). Therefore, the positioning of the installation simply must optimally correspond to the moment of the open area: it must be a field or the roof of a building structure.

Rays that enable

Solar panels have the most efficient generating capacity, and the level of efficiency of such installations is 14%. Modern systems, developed on the basis of this technology, can provide the consumer with the necessary energy. Additional elements of an autonomous complex in the form of battery tanks make the alternative uninterrupted, compensating for downtime solar panels during the night or inclement hours of the day. It is quite possible to equip the roof of a house with silicon panels on your own, with your own hands. free electricity obtained by means of photon “bombardment”, today cannot claim to be considered accessible alternative energy supply for a private house. Since the cost of the elements of such an installation "goes off scale" beyond the limits of acceptability and for the majority of the population of our country is an unattainable "good". At the same time, the payback of such equipment can be expressed in 5-7 years of operation. Despite significant shortcomings in price, the prospective savings in electricity, established with your own hands, will become an indisputable fact of the profitability of the device in the near future for its owners.

Little savings for nothing

Of course, without financial costs and the purchase of high-tech equipment, you will not be able to significantly reduce the cost of electricity consumed in the house. You can make the simplest primitive equipment with your own hands, which will only be suitable for recharging a mobile device or for use in other “low-power” purposes, since the output voltage will vary from 3-12 W alternating current. To do this, you need to have a current detector (you can use a multimeter) and preferably a copper wire 0.5-2 m long. All you need is to find a “good” ground: a pipe for a water supply or central heating system. Next, we assemble the rectifier and finally find the “zero” in the plug. Free electricity - a do-it-yourself generator that does not require fuel. Use on health!

Summing up

Yes, saving today has become “fashionable”! The expedient introduction of fundamentally new energy technologies in the future will allow people to abandon the use of nuclear, thermal, gasoline, diesel and gas turbine stations. People who have learned to “produce” electricity destroy themselves with their own hands, using outdated, but extremely beneficial for “some” methods of obtaining energy vital to humanity. In the case of timely measures taken, we will still be able to restore the planet Earth to its original appearance, leaving the depleted bowels alone, and help our cosmic home to restore the ecology brought to a catastrophic state.

For edification

Let's hope that stupidity still has a limit of greed, and the mind is able to win. Otherwise, the end of humanity will be predetermined by the regularity of the fatal outcome. However, there is always a way out, and even the word “dead end” implies the possibility of returning…

How to make free electricity in a private house using the potential difference between network zero and ground.

The scheme for obtaining free electricity is really working, this scheme uses the voltage difference between the zero of the 220 V network and ground.

In simple terms, the principle is as follows: wires go from the power plant to consumers - zero and three phases. The wires have their own resistance, therefore, there will be a “drawdown” of voltage on them. This voltage can be caught, this potential also creates a phase imbalance.

The question arises: will it take into account electric meter this energy?

It all depends on the type of electricity meter. There are meters with one shunt (with one measuring element) - the most common and two shunt (with two measuring elements). One shunt, they just do not take into account zero - since their measuring shunt is located on the phase.

How much electricity can be obtained in this way depends on the number of subscribers in the network, as well as the power of all wiring. Usually on average about - 10 volts. But if you connect a step-up transformer, you can light an LED lamp and get free lighting.

Free electricity scheme.

You can use any transformer with a low secondary voltage of about -9 volts, such as a transformer from a receiver or tape recorder.

Important! Precautionary measures.

Be sure to put a fuse in the circuit between zero and the transformer, and even better, a 5-10 ampere circuit breaker. If you suddenly change the phase with zero, then the whole circuit will burn out. The probability of this event is of course negligible, but anything can happen. Rather, there is a high probability that zero will break, in which case the machine will work.

Even when working with zero, be sure to turn off the network! Well, even free light should not be left unattended!

The information is provided for informational purposes only!

This video shows the free electricity scheme at work.