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Which pot to plant a money tree in according to Feng Shui. Money tree - how to plant it correctly to make money

Our article will tell you how to plant Money Tree according to special rules to strengthen financial flows in your home. The landing procedure will not take much time and cost, so we ask those who wish to take advantage of our advice.

The money tree is an indoor plant that has other names - Crassula or Crassula. home flower gained particular popularity not so long ago and decorates the homes of many countries around the world. There is a beautiful legend that this tree, associated with wealth and money, is capable of bringing prosperity and prosperity to the owner. So why not believe in this legend and test it in action, especially since at the same time there will be an opportunity to lovingly enjoy the proud green flower in your home. But for the sign to “work” for your benefit, there is one condition - you must plant and grow the tree yourself with your own hands.

Some amateur gardeners are wondering when and how to plant a magic tree to attract money.

Before planting, we will find out how to obtain seedlings for planting. You can plant a money tree in the following ways:

  • seeds - this is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming of all, besides, the fat plant rarely blooms and the seeds are almost impossible to collect;
  • cuttings;
  • leaves.

The last two methods do not pose any difficulties in landing; even a beginner can easily cope with landing. Place the cutting or leaf in water until roots appear. In the meantime, let’s start preparing and selecting the necessary and correct selection pot.

Video “Rules for planting a money tree”

In this video, the expert will share tips for planting Crassula at home.

Choosing soil and pot for the plant

To plant a money tree, do not take soil from your dacha or from personal plot. It needs properly selected soil that is free from pests and weed seeds. Soil should be purchased from flower shops, and intended for planting cacti, in as a last resort, universal will do. Buy some expanded clay for drainage; there should not be excess moisture left in the ground, otherwise it can lead to rotting of the root system.

Choose a large and deep pot, no matter what material it is made of. The main thing is that you like it and match the color to the interior of the room. Don’t forget to fill a watering can or some other container with regular running water from the tap. The water must settle. Preparations for planting are ready, let's proceed directly to the procedure.

Boarding procedure

We will describe how to plant a fat plant correctly step by step:

  1. Apply a thin layer of drainage to the bottom.
  2. Fill half a pot with soil.
  3. Place several or one seedling in the ground, and carefully, holding each shoot, add soil, pressing it slightly at the roots. So each cutting should be planted one by one, leaving small distances between them.
  4. Water with pre-settled water.
  5. The surface of the soil can be decorated with colored pebbles as decoration.

To plant a leaf with a root that has already appeared, it is enough to make a small depression in the ground, stick the sprout there and sprinkle it, not forgetting to water it.

In the same way, you need to replant the flower in a flowerpot on other windowsills or as a gift.

Caring for the plant will not take much effort and time. Watering a tree depends on the time of year. In the summer months - more often, in winter - less often. Feel the soil; if the soil is soft under your fingers, there is enough moisture. Temperature, optimally suited for normal growth of the fat woman, should not exceed 22 degrees. Crassula loves light, but protect it from direct sun rays. How to care for leaves? You should not spray them with a spray bottle, but you should definitely wipe them once every one or two weeks.

For those who are particularly biased towards planting Crassula, we advise you to look into moon calendar florist to find out the most favorable date for planting this magical tree - talisman.

Many of you have heard about the money tree. This is not a myth, such a plant really exists, and it will help increase your income in 2016. Money, however, will not grow on it, but you can get the energy to attract financial success. The main thing is to plant it correctly.

A little truth about the money tree

If you believe the observations of experts, we can say that the opinions of people who grow the money tree and believe in its properties are divided. The first claim that the tree really helps to increase income and good luck in business, at work and even in art. The second camp of those who plant such a tree is of the opinion that this plant has slightly different properties. According to them, it shows what your financial situation will be in the future. If the tree is in good condition, then this speaks of stability and good luck, but if it is dry and lethargic, then you should not expect financial growth.

The second point of view, regarding predictions, raises questions from skeptics, since the condition of the tree also depends on its care. But there is definitely no doubt that it brings good luck to the owner, especially if it blooms.

How to plant to get rich

Rule one. To plant a tree correctly, you need to buy a seedling, and not take a ready-made adult specimen. Never take mature plant, because someone has already raised it for you. It has someone else’s energy, and therefore from its side you will only get an aesthetic effect - decorative flower. This is one of the main rules.

Rule two. It is necessary to plant a tree during the growth of the Moon. Now, until December 25, the Moon is just growing. Therefore, you still have time in the outgoing year to take care of your well-being by planting such a tree.

Rule three. The greatest effect is achieved if you plant the plant before the New Year. In this case, you will provide yourself with much greater luck for the entire 2016.

To the bottom flower pot you can put either one or many coins of various denominations. You can also insert bills between the branches. Some knowledgeable people It is advised to read the plot: “My money is growing - not somewhere there, but here. Tree, live and bring money.”

In Eastern culture, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, it is customary to hang red ribbons and decorations in the form of crystals on a tree to reflect negative energy. They need to be changed periodically, and the crystals need to be washed. The tree should grow on the south-eastern side of the home, because it is this sector that is responsible for well-being. If there are no windows in this sector, then you don’t need to immediately expect losses and financial problems, just place it next to another window. After all, if it feels bad, it is unlikely to have a positive effect on the energy at home.

Now you know how to plant a money tree to get rich or improve your financial condition in 2016. Treat this plant with respect, grow it with love and remember to press the buttons and

12.12.2015 01:00

Crassula is called a money tree. Many people associate this houseplant with profit and financial...

To increase your family’s income and attract good luck in earning money, you can read a money tree conspiracy. But you need to know how to plant Crassula correctly so that it really improves your financial situation. Rituals only help those who truly believe in the power of magic. If you do the rituals in order, you will soon be able to forget about financial difficulties.

Money tree conspiracies will help improve your financial situation

Conspiracy when planting a plant

It is important to understand that if you plant a money tree incorrectly, no conspiracies will help. It is planted only on the waxing moon, which, according to signs, attracts money. If you plant a fat woman on a waning moon, nothing will happen. The best day for the procedure is Wednesday.

A green or black ceramic pot is suitable for the plant. The flowerpot itself should be placed in the southeastern part of the house, because according to Feng Shui this is a zone of wealth. When planting, it is important to stroke the shoot. And in order to successfully transplant a money tree, a special ceremony is performed.

For the ritual you need:

  • small coins (from 3 to 7 pieces);
  • red ribbon;
  • conspiracy text.

The coins must be of the same denomination, otherwise the ritual will not work. Learn the text by heart first.

Place coins in 1 layer at the bottom of the pot. You can completely fill the space with them or put only 3 pieces, it doesn’t matter. Place with the coat of arms facing up. In the process, pronounce the money tree plot:

“Let a tree grow in the house,

It will bring me a lot of money.

I’ll hide the coin in damp earth,

I’ll bring a big salary into the house.

Rich people will give bounties,

I will no longer feel concerned about money.

So be it!

Yes, done three times!

It's locked!

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Next, fill in the soil and place the fat plant inside. During the process, you can also pronounce this plot. Repeat this every time you transplant the tree into a new pot. m

Hex when watering

A spell when watering will help strengthen the energy that comes from the tree. It can be read immediately after planting or during each new watering. The plot should begin to take effect 3-5 days after reading. If there is no effect, perform the ritual again.

To carry out the ritual, you need water and the flowerpot itself. But it is important that the liquid is infused with silver or gold. This will improve the effect of the ritual and will attract gold bars, silver jewelry and other valuables. But you cannot use a person’s accessories, because they contain his energy, which in most cases is negative.

Place the flowerpot near a window in the southeast part of the house. During the watering process, read the plot:

“You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen".

After this, stroke the plant 3 times and return it to its place.

Water for irrigation should be infused with silver or gold

Ritual with 7 candles

This ritual is suitable for those who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties. It will help you solve them faster and slightly increase your income and amount of money. Signs say that candles will take away poverty, give positive energy and will allow you to quickly attract wealth into your home. The main thing is to pronounce the words sincerely and learn them by heart.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • 7 church candles;
  • glass of water;
  • 7 coins of the same denomination;
  • words of conspiracy.

Candles must be the same color and size. It is best if they are ordinary, waxy.

Go to church and buy 7 candles there. A nuance - they must be consecrated.

Next steps:

  1. Take a glass of water and throw all 7 coins inside, leave for a day.
  2. When midnight comes, go into the room so that no one is watching the process.
  3. Arrange the candles in a circle and light them, and place the fat plant inside the circle.
  4. Water the plant and at the same time recite the text of the money tree spell:

“I put coins in the black earth,

I silently steal money from the tree.

Let it bloom in my house,

He will bring a lot of wealth with him.

I drive away the lack of money rock,

It will no longer set foot on the threshold.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After each reading, do not forget to bury the money-coins in the pot clockwise. When all 7 coins are in the pot, wait for the candles to finish. You cannot extinguish them yourself, otherwise there will be no desired effect. Wrap the remaining candles in a sheet of paper or a rag and throw them away in a place where people hardly walk. It is undesirable to repeat the plot several times.

Ritual with 7 coins

This ritual will help aspiring businessmen and entrepreneurs. Aimed at attracting customers and money. After reading it, the investment will pay off faster, and the business will soon begin to bring in good profit. For those who have been doing business for a long time, the conspiracy will not have a strong impact.

The following attributes are required:

  • 7 coins of 10 rubles (the denomination should only be this);
  • Money Tree;
  • a sheet of paper with the text of the conspiracy.

It is better to leave the coins in a glass of holy water for a day.

The ritual is carried out at midnight so that the person is not distracted by anyone. Choose the room where you plan to place the money tree to fill the room with the necessary energy.

Insert coins sequentially into the pot. Before that, read the plot:

“Tree tree, you are famous for money. May there always be money in my house, and may you grow and distribute wealth. Amen!"

Once all the coins are in the pot, stroke the fat plant 7 times. During the process, read the plot if you wish. The first results will be available after 14 days.

Conspiracy from N. Stepanova

The ritual from Natalya Stepanova is suitable for those who have financial difficulties that last for several years, a person tries to solve them, but nothing works.

The ritual is also ideal for attracting large sums for those who have serious health problems and need expensive operations. In other cases, it is better not to carry it out, because it is too strong.

In addition to the money tree, you need:

  • 7 candles;
  • 7 coins;
  • red paper;
  • text of the prayer.

The money must be of different denominations, otherwise nothing will work. The text must be memorized. Pre-bless the candles.

From red paper, cut out squares into which you can easily wrap coins. There should be 7 pieces of paper.

Important - the ceremony is carried out only on January 1 early in the morning (at 5-6 am). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wash your face with illuminated water, then wash your heels, forehead and wrists.
  2. Take 1 coin and 1 paper square.
  3. Read the text of the prayer, then wrap the money coin in paper and drip it with wax:

“The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing!

I have more and more of them!

I receive income from no matter where I expect it,

The money is coming into my account!”

You need to read the plot 8 times: the first 7 - while wrapping the coins in paper, and the last - when the ritual is completed. Wait for the candles to burn out completely on their own. Place the coins under the plant pot or push it inside. After just a month, you will forget about your money problems.

The magic of planting and caring for a money tree

Crassula, better known as the money tree, brings good luck and prosperity to the home. Flowering plant is a harbinger of wealth and financial independence. For young girls, it promises early marriage or pregnancy. But in order for the money tree to show magical powers, it is necessary to properly care for it and carry out special rituals.

It is believed that any objects that look like coins are a powerful magnet for money. So the fat plant received a second name - the money tree - because of its rounded leaves, shaped like coins. Having dried, they become covered with a thin film of silver color and, when exposed to bright sunlight, sparkle like diamonds.

Planting a money tree

The homeland of the money tree is in western and southern Africa, southern Arabia, and Madagascar. Due to its origin, it can accumulate a lot of moisture in the leaves and go without watering for a long time. In order for the money tree to bloom as quickly as possible, it must be located in the southeastern sector of the room. From the point of view of Feng Shui, there is also a zone of wealth.

If you want the Crassula to bring wealth to your home, grow it from a broken branch rather than buying an already mature plant. Place the sprout in water for several weeks, then, when it takes root, transplant it into specially prepared loose soil.

To prevent water from stagnating and flowing out of the pot, it is recommended to make drainage, preferably from expanded clay or polystyrene foam. When planting in a container, it is good to put several heavy stones or choose a container with a heavy bottom - the upper part of the fat plant grows faster than the roots and outweighs it. If the plant falls and crumbles into many small fat plants, it will be a shame - it was grown for several years, and then all over again. It looks great on a rocky hill or flower bed outside, planted directly in the ground.

The ritual of planting a money tree requires strict adherence to certain rules. To attract financial success When planting, you must choose a wide pot, either green or black. You need to plant a money tree on the waxing moon and always on Wednesday. Place 8 coins at the bottom of the pot; their sum must be even. Coins must be placed with the coat of arms facing up. It can be either Chinese yuan or Russian kopecks or rubles. But it is better not to put cents or iron dollars and euros, as they have heavy energy and a negative aura. And read your favorite conspiracy to attract money. Next, soil is poured and the plant is planted to a depth of 5 centimeters. And again, you need to read your favorite money-attracting spell three times. The ritual is complete.

Also, while planting a tree, you can say the following: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Such is my will! So be it!”

As soon as the money tree grows a little (2-3 months after planting), hang a red ribbon with three Chinese coins strung on its branches. Red color accumulates financial flows. At the top of an adult plant you can plant a small figurine of a dragon (it attracts and protects wealth), an owl figurine (it ensures that money is not wasted), and at the base of the plant you need to place 3 red lanterns, candles or a Buddha figurine to enhance the energy plants. The soil in the pot can be “sprinkled” with iron coins.

Money tree care

In summer, the money tree should be watered once or twice a week, in winter - 1-2 times a month. The fat woman loves heat very much - at temperatures below 15 ° C it can die. But you should carefully ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on its leaves, otherwise the plant will wither. From time to time, the tree must be turned toward the window, first with one side or the other, so that it does not bend and fall.

In the fresh air, the fat woman gains powerful energy, which it gives us in the winter, but it cannot tolerate even light frosts, so it must be taken home before they occur. During the hot season, the leaves of the fat plant must be sprayed with a spray bottle. Also try to ventilate the room with the money tree more often - fresh air has a beneficial effect on its growth. Once every 2-3 years, in early spring, it should be replanted.

The money tree needs to have a straight, upward-sloping trunk and an oval or round crown. In order for it to always be strong and healthy, it is necessary to care for it not only as a talisman, but also as a living plant.

All plants have excellent memory. If you are looking to improve your wealth, do not allow anyone else to water and replant your money tree. This way you will establish a stronger connection with the “green talisman”, which means its influence on you will be stronger. Under no circumstances allow strangers to touch the tree. If you are asked for a piece of paper, tear it off yourself, otherwise your success will be “stolen”.

You can negotiate with the money tree. “Chat” with him every day for 2-3 minutes: talk about your plans and dreams, not necessarily related to finances. Say kind words to the plant and give it compliments. The fat woman will not remain in debt - over time she will certainly improve your financial situation.

The money tree should be alone in the house and stand in main room and away from the water. For example, a fountain or an aquarium. Because the power of water will extinguish the power of monetary energy - the power of fire.

It is necessary to choose the right neighbors for the fat woman. Do not place a pot with climbing flowers or thorns next to the money tree. Otherwise, money will slip out of your hands or insurmountable obstacles will arise on the way to your goal. For example, a cactus is a guardian of a house. And he will never allow the penetration of foreign energy, even that which promises prosperity for the owners. So, if a money tree stands and thrives next to cacti, it is dormant. Financial well-being seems to be possible, but the “guards” do not allow it into the house.

And most importantly: the owner should like the money tree and give him a feeling of growth and development.

Every day, or at least once every two days, wipe the leaves of the crassula with a damp cloth so that no dust remains on them: it prevents the money tree from attracting financial flows into your home.

Prepare the water for watering the fat plant in a special way. First, pour it into a transparent jug with 10 silver coins and leave it for 3-4 days. You can also use ordinary iron coins, but they charge water much weaker.

Crassula or Crassula is a succulent plant from the Crassula family. It has round and fleshy leaves that resemble coins. Thanks to unusual shape, it is believed that the fat woman attracts financial well-being. This is why in home floriculture Crassula is better known as the “money tree”.
In order for this unusual feature to fully manifest itself, the fat woman must be planted and positioned correctly. If you follow a few simple rules, the money tree will take root well, will delight not only with its unusual exotic appearance, but will also attract prosperity and good luck to the house where it grows.

How to choose the right planting material?

You can't just buy a full-grown money tree. It will only become decorative decoration, but will not affect the well-being and atmosphere in the house. You need to plant and grow a crassula from a small cutting with your own hands. This applies not only to Crassula, but to any indoor plant.
The ideal option would be to steal the shoot. If this is not possible, then it is best to purchase a cutting in a store. It is not recommended to purchase a money tree on the market, that is, from hand to hand. Cuttings sold at sales points indoor plants, do not absorb the energy of a particular person.
You can pinch off a cutting directly from the trunk of an adult fat plant. Its length should be from five to seven centimeters. A smaller shoot may simply not take root, that is, not sprout roots.

Growing a money tree from a leaf

A less common, but also quite popular method. If you manage to tear off a leaf from an adult fat plant before no one notices, you can grow a whole tree from it.
They bring the leaf home and leave it there until it dries. It is then strengthened in damp soil. Matches are used for this purpose. You need to water the planting in small doses. The soil should not be allowed to flood. It is best to use a spray bottle.

  1. The cutting is placed in a glass of water. When it takes root, it is planted in previously prepared soil.
  2. The sprout is left to lie for 5-7 days in a dry place. First, it is planted in a container with moistened sand, and after the roots appear, it is transplanted to a permanent place.
  3. Planting material is immediately planted in moist soil. The top of the cutting is covered with a plastic glass, creating a kind of mini-greenhouse in which the sprout will quickly take root. Remove the cup when the first sheets appear.

The second and third methods are preferable when the air temperature is too high, and the first - in cooler times of the year.

Soil preparation

Crassula, like any desert plant, grows well in sandy soil. It is best to use soil for succulents or cacti. If this is not possible, almost any mixture for indoor flowers will do. The main thing is to add a small amount of clean sand to such soil.
Good drainage must be provided at the bottom of the container. You can use regular pebbles or expanded clay. Thanks to this, the root system of the growing succulent will be protected from rotting if the level of moisture in the soil is high.

Choosing a Pot for a Money Tree

Crassula not only attracts money, but is also a kind of indicator of material well-being. Both the small and the adult Crassula have no different root systems large sizes. For a money tree, you can immediately purchase a beautiful and expensive flowerpot. This will become a kind of first contribution to well-being.
It is preferable to choose the shade of the pot close to the color of the money. It can be brown, green, gold. It is acceptable to use red and black flowerpots. The diameter of the container can vary from 8 to 12, and have a height from 12 to 15 centimeters. If a flowerpot is purchased as a permanent habitat for a plant, then the maximum size recommended is chosen.

Preparing the container and soil for planting

In order for a money tree to attract material well-being, it is necessary to properly prepare the pot for planting:

  • The bottom is lined with coins

Currency and denomination do not matter. The main thing is that the number of coins must be extremely even. Usually 6 or 8 pieces fit. It all depends on the diameter of the pot. Coins must be placed with numbers down.

  • Lay drainage, pour soil

The depth of planting is determined by the length of the shoot. It should not be less than 4 and more than 6 centimeters. A plant plant that is planted too deeply will not grow well. If the cutting and root are planted too shallowly, the plant may sit unsteadily in the ground.

If the goal of planting a money tree is to attract financial well-being, you don’t have to limit yourself to just coins. You should select three new large bills, place them in a plastic bag, and place them under the pot. Instead of paper money, coins are allowed. They are no longer placed at the bottom of the flowerpot, but under a saucer with a pot.

When is the best time to plant a plant?

To attract material well-being into the house, planting a crassula should be done during the waxing phase of the Moon. There are many conspiracies for attracting money, any of which is spoken three times while planting the shoot in the ground. To enhance the positive energy of the money tree, a red thread or ribbon is tied to the bottom of the trunk.
It is not enough to simply follow all the rituals, putting in coins with banknotes and reading the spells; you need to take good care of the Crassula. If you provide a fat woman proper watering and care, she will settle in the house for a long time, and luck will definitely smile on the owners of such a home.

Where to place the fat plant in the house?

Crassula is a light-loving plant, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for the money tree. Permanent place It is best to choose the south-eastern or southern side for the Crassula habitat. By the way, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, it is in this direction that the energy of material well-being is concentrated.
The sun during the hot summer months can cause leaf scorch. This can be avoided by scattering the sun's rays. For this purpose, the window on the windowsill of which the fat woman is located is covered with gauze. This will protect the plant from the sun, especially when it is on the south side.

Watering rules

The Crassula is native to the African continent. The plant does not like excessive and abundant watering. The main guideline for when to water a money tree is the temperature and humidity in the house.
In the summer and warm months, Crassula is watered in such a way that the earthen ball remains moist. Both over-drying and over-moistening should not be allowed. In winter, the plant is watered no more than once every 4-8 weeks. It all depends on the humidity. The higher it is, the more infrequent watering should be.
Regardless of the time of year, if you believe in Feng Shui, you need to water the money tree on Wednesdays. The water should not only be settled, but also infused with coins. It is enough to throw a few coins into a watering can or container, which will charge the liquid with the positive energy of well-being.

Crown formation and feeding

The money tree has a beautiful crown, which is periodically turned. If this is not done, the branches will stretch only from the side where there is the most sun. Thus, uneven development of the crown will be formed.
They begin to feed only when the Crassula is well rooted and begins to grow. Will fit as complex fertilizers, and for cacti. It should be remembered that the fat woman is quite sensitive to feeding. If you apply fertilizer more than once every thirty days, the flower may simply die.

An unpleasant neighborhood or how to avoid closing the “cash flow”?

Cacti are considered to be the guardians of the home. They protect the home from the penetration of absolutely any energy, no matter good or bad. And if the cactus is placed next to the crassula, then the wealth attracted by the money tree will be blocked. This applies to all types of cacti.
The conflict between these plants reduces all efforts to attract financial well-being to a minimum. This does not mean that cacti should be removed from your home immediately. The main thing is that they stand separately, that is, on different window sills from the fat woman.

How to decorate a money tree?

A grown up fat woman can be turned into a real oasis family well-being. The branches are decorated with gold or red ribbons, Chinese decorative or regular real coins. The denomination and value do not matter. They can be placed directly on the ground in a pot or next to a flowerpot.
Some use various symbolic figurines. It could be an owl personifying wisdom, or a toad that attracts finances. It all depends solely on which philosophy is closer to the home owners themselves. The main thing is that the plant remains beautiful and healthy, has thick and fleshy leaves.


The value of the money tree is determined not only by the material wealth that it can attract to the home. This plant releases special biologically active substances that improve the condition of the air. They kill harmful microflora, which causes respiratory diseases. And if a fat plant grows on the windowsill, then there will always be clean air in the house.