Well      06/13/2019

Why is there mold in the flower pot. What to do if mold appears on the ground

Many flower growers have encountered such a phenomenon as a white (sometimes yellow) coating on the soil in a pot with a houseplant.

But not everyone realizes how harmful it is to the flower. We are now talking about the most trivial mold, a fungal disease.

Causes of mold

Mold will not appear out of nowhere. This means that there were significant violations of the conditions for caring for plants. If you delve into the physiology of the problem, the reason for the development of the fungus will immediately become clear.

So, the best habitat for mold is high humidity at a low enough temperature environment. This means that the plants, most likely, were excessively flooded with water, and even at low temperatures.

Or the water for irrigation was not warm enough. stagnant water in flower pot may be due to poor drainage. Or - with a blockage of the outlet pores at the bottom of the pot. And, perhaps, these holes are too small, and the water does not have time to seep into the pan.

The appearance of mold in a flower pot can also contribute to a sharp temperature drop in the room. Especially if the jump was from high to low. Naturally, the water did not have time to evaporate.

The wrong soil can also be the culprit. It is the heavy, acidified earth - best condition for the development of any mold.

How to get rid of mold in a flower pot

The fight against mold should be started at the first sign of it, in order to prevent it from growing deeper. Otherwise, the root system becomes ill, and the plant may die.

So, first you will need to remove a significant layer of earth affected by mold in a flower pot.

After loosening the soil, it is watered with a solution of foundationol (2 g per liter of water). If the indoor flower looks painful, its leaves are sprayed with the same composition. Did the procedure help? So the problem is deeper than it seemed. You will have to completely change the earth in a flower pot.

Or spend sanitization available soil. To begin with, it is doused with boiling water, then spread on a baking sheet and fried in the oven. The pot will also have to be processed: calcined in the same oven or held over an open flame.

But first you need to clean all the holes at the bottom of the container. The elements of the drainage system are also treated with heat.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the appearance of mold in flowers, it is necessary to strictly observe the watering and temperature conditions. Loosen the soil as often as possible to break the fungal "bonds" if they suddenly appear.

Before watering, small cloves of garlic can be buried around the plant around the plant, which are removed after 40 minutes.

Forming a drainage layer, it is desirable to lay pieces of charcoal in it. When planting a houseplant, add a few tablets of activated (black) charcoal or moss to the soil itself. All of them have good absorbent properties.

Mold is a waste product of a microscopic fungus that lives everywhere: from dark damp cellars to well-appointed apartments. It is impossible to control the spread of the fungus: its invisible spores are carried through the air and, getting into conditions that are comfortable for them (warmth and dampness), begin to grow intensively. The soil in potted houseplants is a suitable breeding ground for pathogens. What to do if you find mold in a flower pot? How to get rid of this scourge?

Mold "blooming" in pots with favorite houseplants, can differ not only in color, but also in the degree of harmful effects on the soil, plants and the health of people living in a house or apartment.

  • black mold- most dangerous view for a person. May cause allergic reactions and cause respiratory problems. Black mold spots are found on various surfaces in residential premises, as well as on food. Very moisture-loving, difficult to remove. It has a different shade: from light gray to deep black.
  • White mold (mushroom mukor)- in flower pots you can most often find this species. White mold "prefers" to settle on organic residues, hay, food products and upper layers of soil. It poses a danger to people and animals. May cause allergic reactions and serious infection- mucormycosis.
  • blue fungus- moldy plaque of light blue color. Poses a serious danger to wood. Penetrating inside the tree, microorganisms are able to destroy it completely in a short time.
  • Actinomycetes (radiant mushrooms)- in abundance inhabit soils of any type. In pharmaceuticals, they are used for the preparation of antibiotics. Can cause some diseases in humans and animals.
  • vysoly- the result of crystallization of various salts on the soil surface. Often efflorescence is mistaken for mold, although it is not. Penetrating deep into the soil, they can severely damage the roots of domestic plants.

How to get rid of and how to remove mold

Having found that the earth in the pot is covered with white mold, urgent measures must be taken to remove it.

Most radical way get rid of a harmful fungus - transplant the plant into another pot with new soil.
  • Pot must have drainage holes, it is recommended to pour a layer of expanded clay or granite chips on the bottom. Thus, water will not stagnate in the soil, and the roots of the plant will be able to freely receive oxygen.
  • If the farm does not have a new flower pot, you can transplant the plant into the old one, having previously processed it well. The pot must be thoroughly washed with soda or laundry soap, pour boiling water over and dry well in the air.
  • After transplanting, water the plant with a solution of "Fundazol". How to get rid of mold in flower pots with this tool, you can read in the accompanying instructions. Usually, a solution of the drug is used in a ratio of 2g. for 1 liter of water.
When working with Fundazol, put on personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator. Wash your hands and rinse your mouth after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke during disinfection.

If plant transplantation is not included in your plans, then you need to at least cultivate the existing soil.

  • To do this, the top layer of the earth is removed (as far as the roots of the plant allow).
  • fall asleep new ground mixed with charcoal or peat moss (you can add crushed activated charcoal tablets).
  • The soil is watered with a solution of "Fundazol", and a few cloves of garlic are added dropwise on top.
"Fudnazol" can be replaced with drugs "Vitaros" or "Maxim". Observe the same protective measures when handling them.

Video: How to deal with mold in flower pots.

What is dangerous mold for indoor plants

gray, black, white mold on the ground in flower pots - this is not just an external soil defect. Fungus that lives in the soil causes irreparable damage to the plant itself.

  • The earth is covered with a dense crust, acquires the smell of mold. Normal air exchange is disrupted in the soil.
  • Soil quality is declining: the acidity of the soil and its mineral composition change.
  • The roots of the plant are weakening and rot due to excessive moisture.
  • Stems, leaves do not receive enough nutrients and begin to fade gradually.
  • The plant dries, turns yellow, begins to smell of rot, and eventually dies.

Why mold appears in flower pots on the ground

There are several reasons for the appearance of mold in the soil of indoor plants. Most of them arise due to poor-quality care for green pets. Experienced flower growers know that the soil in flower pots must be constantly monitored. Beginners, on the other hand, tend to make mistakes, as a result of which mold appears in the ground, the soil begins to smell of dampness and rot, and the plants wither.

Fungus and mold growth intensifies on cloudy autumn days when the daylight hours are shortening and it's getting cold and damp outside. In apartments and houses usually does not work yet central heating resulting in higher humidity levels in the surrounding air.

Plants begin to absorb less moisture, and the remaining water in the ground hardly evaporates due to lower temperatures. The spores of microorganisms hovering in the air enter a favorable environment for them and begin to multiply intensively, forming a dangerous coating on the ground.

The main reasons leading to the appearance of colonies of fungi:

  • Irregular watering.
  • Watering cold water from the tap.
  • High humidity in the room.
  • Stagnation of water in a flower pot due to poor drainage.
  • Poor quality soil.

Mold Prevention

Every housewife wants her home garden to be not only beautiful, but also safe. If suddenly an uninvited guest appeared in your house - mold in a flower pot: how to get rid of it and prevent its reappearance?

Many owners who grow indoor plants are faced with the formation of a fungus on the ground. If there are favorable conditions mold development on seeds, earth, flowers and leaves, then it begins to spread throughout the house. Since pathogenic microflora can have a negative impact on plants and the human body, you should immediately use effective means to get rid of her.

Mold on the ground can appear for many reasons. Most often, the owners find a white variety of fungus in flower pots or boxes.

White mold appears on the surface of the soil if the room is cool enough. For example, you could often see how such a microflora appeared in basements or cellars, where it is cold and damp. The development of the colony begins after the spores fall into the ground or onto the plant itself. It is necessary that the room is constantly kept high level humidity is the main condition for the active growth of a colony of the fungus.

The reason may be the accumulation or stagnation of water in the flowerpot. small drainage system in a pot can lead to clogging of the holes, and excess moisture will remain at the root system of the plant.

Common reasons include the wrong mode of watering indoor flowers or the characteristics of the substrate. The likelihood of white fungus appearing in the ground is higher if the soil is acidic enough or has a lot of heavy substances in its composition. White mold can appear regardless of the variety of indoor plants.

For the same reasons, mold can appear on the surface of the earth in vegetable gardens and orchards.

Video "Causes of appearance"

From the video you will learn why mold appears on the ground.

Negative effect on seedlings

Mold can appear in your home if there are fungus spores. When it enters the active growth phase, it begins to harm plants. For young seedlings, the formation of mold on the surface is very dangerous. After a while, she starts to rot. This pathogenic microflora is able to absorb a lot of moisture, depriving flowers of juices. Fungal infection reduces plant oxygen supply, impairs regeneration.

As a result, plants may die.

Effective methods of struggle

If the owners noticed that the earth is moldy, then you need to know what to do in such a situation. There are many different ways and methods for the destruction of pathogenic microflora, but their effectiveness will be influenced by various factors.

First you need to replace the infected soil with new greenhouse soil. After that, you need to carefully loosen it so that air easily penetrates into the lower layers of the soil. The frequency of watering is reduced, and a small layer of quartz sand is poured onto the surface of the earth.

removed fungus and old earth must be taken out of the apartment or garden (greenhouse).

The owners must remember that drying the earth does not guarantee the absolute result of getting rid of the fungus. If mold has appeared, then it is not easy to destroy it. Drying may give a little time, since during this period the colony of microflora will stop spreading.

A certain positive effect can be given by the introduction of carbon fertilizers - charcoal. If you grind this coal into dust and sprinkle it on the plant, it will be able to absorb excess moisture stopping mold growth.

Activated charcoal is used to control yellow mold in flower pots. To do this, even in the process of planting the plant, pieces of sphagnum moss and several tablets of grated activated or charcoal are added to the ground. They can also be added to the ground, with which you will replace the top layer. When, along with the appearance of mold on the ground, indoor flowers begin to fade, Fundazol should be used.

How to remove mold in a flower pot or garden so that it no longer appears on seedlings? The emerging fungus must be treated with special chemicals directed antiseptic and antibacterial action.

It is possible to effectively get rid of a fungal infection with the help of such drugs: "HOM", "Oxyhom", "Fitosporin-M", "Fundazol". These products are dissolved in water, adhering to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. The solution is shed beds in which mold development is observed. After watering with medicinal preparations, the soil must be loosened, allowing it to dry faster.

When preparing seedlings in greenhouses, care must be taken to ensure that good, clean soil is taken for cultivation. The room should be periodically ventilated. It is advisable to provide sunlight to the seedlings, as this measure prevents the formation of colonies of any kind of fungus. So that the earth in the flower does not become moldy, it is recommended to use a solution of lemon juice or acid for irrigation once every two weeks instead of plain water. In a glass of water, dilute either a pinch citric acid or a teaspoon of juice.

If mold appeared in the garden on the bark of trees or shrubs, then you can cover it with a solution of limestone. Not only the focus of the spread of the fungus is covered, but also the adjacent area so that it does not become diseased after treatment.

Video "How to fight"

From the video you will learn how to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold.

White mold forms in flower pots. In addition to worries about how to get rid of it, the question arises: what is the reason for its occurrence?

Factors contributing to the formation of mold

The main reason for the appearance white plaque soil is a fungal infection. There are several conditions necessary for its development. Mold in a flower pot is formed due to both low temperature and high humidity in the room, and improper watering (excessive or frequent). Also contribute to the development of the fungus clogged drainage holes at the bottom of the vessel for plants, the substrate that does not match the variety of plantings.

Mold in a flower pot often appears when autumn cloudy days come. During this period, less water is absorbed by plants, and what remains in the ground due to a decrease in air temperature evaporates slowly. Accumulating, moisture creates favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Prevention measures and ways to get rid of mold

To stop the formation of fungal plaque in the pot, it is recommended to reduce the amount of water for watering the plant and the frequency of the procedure. For faster evaporation excess moisture you can carefully, so as not to damage the roots of the flower, loosen the substrate around it. It should be remembered that improper care can lead to the development of infection in both anthurium, which requires a lot of moisture, and cactus, which is unpretentious. Having found out why there is mold in a flower pot, one can come to the conclusion that its appearance does not depend on the state of the plant, but on external factors.

To combat the fungus, you should clean the bottom holes of the plant vessel, provide good drainage and reduce the frequency of watering. Perhaps the flower does not have time to absorb the entire volume of moisture, as a result of which it evaporates and forms a salt coating on the surface of the earth. It is better to water the plant less often and more abundantly than poorly, but often. This contributes to the complete washing of the soil layer.

Change of scenery as a way to save the plant

If changing the watering regime does not bring an effective result, the mold in the flower pot can be defeated in another way. First of all, the plant should be transplanted into a smaller vessel. If the root system does not allow this, then you can only replace it. Before transplanting, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the pot and scald it with boiling water. Perfect option- boil it completely in a saucepan or bucket for a while. Then you need to dry the vessel, pour drainage material on its bottom. In order to get rid of microorganisms that form mold in a flower pot, the new soil must be calcined on a stove or steamed over boiling water before planting. This rule also applies to soil purchased from a specialized store, since it can also be contaminated, which means that it needs to be processed. For steaming, the earth can be placed in a colander over boiling water.

If the house is filled with indoor flowers, then the owners have already encountered a white or gray film on the surface of the soil in flower pots. We are talking about salt deposits or ordinary mold. There are many reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasant and harmful phenomenon.

You need to know how to get rid of mold so as not to lose young seedlings.

Causes of mold

The most common reason for mold in a flower pot is a fungus. It arises due to such factors:

  • Increased indoor humidity.
  • Low temperature in the apartment.
  • Small drainage holes that clog and prevent excess water from draining out.

White mold grows in pots and improper care behind a flower. Each plant requires its own conditions of detention: lighting, watering and fertilizer.

How to remove mold from flower pots?

The fight against mold begins immediately, as soon as it appears in a flower pot. To do this, remove the top layer of soil. The longer the mold stays in the pots, the deeper it will go into the soil. This only makes the plant worse. The same amount of soil as was removed is added to the soil, but this is new earth, saturated with special additives.

To remove mold in indoor plants, the following useful additives are added to the soil:

  • Activated carbon;
  • charcoal;
  • crushed sphagnum moss.

All of these soil components prevent mold from developing, as they absorb excess water if the soil is waterlogged. In addition, they are bactericidal.

After replacing the infected topsoil, the plant is watered with such a tool that is easy to prepare with your own hands: 2 grams of Fundazol are dissolved in 1 liter of water. If, along with the mold that has appeared, the plant begins to wither, the flower should be sprayed with a solution of Fundazol.
If all the measures did not give the desired result, the plant must be transplanted into another pot, replacing all the soil.

Don't have a new pot?

You can use the old one, but it must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water, and then dried. new earth should also be disinfected.

This event can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Baking in the oven or on the stove.
  2. Steaming. Soil is poured into a colander and placed over a pot in which water boils. It is necessary to hold until the earth becomes hot.

Land sold in stores can also be contaminated, so it must be further processed before use.
What to do if mold has started in pots with houseplants, see also the video:

Prevention of mold in flowers

In order not to have to deal with mold in pots with indoor flowers, you can prevent its occurrence. To do this, the following activities are carried out:

  • cleaning of all openings;
  • installing good drainage. Ground brick, gravel, expanded clay is used;
  • instead of frequent small waterings, carry out rare waterings, but so that the soil is completely washed out;
  • water with filtered water (in no case with tap water!);
  • carry out regular watering of plants with a weak solution of manganese.

If there is no filter in the house, then the water must be defended. Water is poured into a 3-liter jar and set to settle for 2-3 days. At the end of this period, you can water the plants with this water.

It has long been known how to get rid of mold folk remedies. IN top layer soil, 2-3 cloves of garlic are dug in and left until the soil is loosened according to the schedule. When the soil loosens in the flowers, the garlic cloves are thrown away.

Once a month, plants can be watered with water, to which 1-2 drops of lemon juice per 1 liter are added. Oxalic acid is used instead of lemon.

The room should not be very damp, but not dry, since dryness also contributes to the pot with indoor flower mold formation. Don't have time to monitor humidity? Get a humidifier.