In a private house      04/03/2019

How to care for a money tree. How to plant a money tree to attract money

Crassula (Money tree) is very popular among gardeners. This can be explained by the fact that this plant is unpretentious in care, and also has a beautiful appearance. With proper care, a tall, branchy tree can decorate any room.

It is not for nothing that this houseplant also has scientific name- "krasulla". The popularity of Crassula is also explained by the fact that it is popularly called the “Money Tree”. There is a sign that this plant brings money to the house.

Description of the houseplant Crassula, photo

This bush belongs to the Crassulaceae group. In total, this group contains approximately 350 varieties. The surprising thing is that the sizes of these trees can be completely different: from 4 cm to 60 m in height.

Small bushes perfectly enliven the design of a room. But it will be very difficult to keep large fatworts at home. This species represents creeping herbaceous plants, and succulents, and aquatic flowers, and shrubs.

These species have only one thing in common - juicy and thick leaves, located crosswise along the branches. Moreover, the leaves have completely different shapes:

  • oval;
  • cylindrical;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • lanceolate.

Gardeners have come up with many names for this plant: tree of happiness, breadfruit, Money Tree . According to Feng Shui, the fat plant brings prosperity and peace to the home. In the places where this tree grows, there is always a positive atmosphere.

The most popular types of money tree

As mentioned above, the fat woman has more than 350 different varieties. The most popular types of this plant are described below.

Oval Krasulla- the most popular variety of Krasulla. Characterized by a large number of different varieties. The leaves are oval, sessile, petiolate. The rich green leaves are framed by a red stripe.

Plants of this species can grow up to one meter. The leaves usually reach 6 cm in length and 3 cm in width. During flowering, small white or pink buds are formed. This plant can also often be found under the name Silver Crassula. Various types of this plant are completely unpretentious in care.

Tree Crassula is a bush that can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. Has leaves gray, framed by a reddish stripe. The leaves are 9 cm long and 4 cm wide.

As a rule, it blooms with small buds white, which turn pink after a while. At home, gardeners rarely delight with their flowering. Grows well on or near western or eastern windowsills.

Schmidt's Crassula- bush-like plant with lanceolate foliage. The leaves, unlike other types of Crassula, are pointed towards the end and not so wide. The leaves have green color with a silvery tint, reddish below.

During flowering, carmine buds with reddish-carmine inflorescences are formed. This plant can often be seen in Europe. But it is planted not as a perennial, but as an annual. After flowering, the fat plant is thrown out, and new bushes are planted the next season.

Crassula moss- completely different from the plant varieties described above. The leaves of this flower are pointed and thin, but quite fleshy. Along the edges of the leaves are dense rows of small leaves. This bush reproduces well.

Its shoots fall out of the pot in the literal sense of the word. When flowering, completely inconspicuous small flowers are formed. Also called Crassula mucosa. The plant at home does not require significant care.

Can easily tolerate shade. Often this type of Crassula is used as a ground cover plant, since its roots are very small and do not require large quantity water. This bush can even be planted in pots with other indoor plants.

Rock Crassula- a creeping plant, the size of which sometimes reaches 50 m. It has small diameter stems with small thin and fleshy leaves. Along the edge of the leaves there is a red border, and directly on the leaves there is a red coating. This species is characterized by the fact that the leaves sprout in pairs, being more at the base. It blooms with small pinkish buds.

Tetrahedral Krasulla- semi-shrub plant with thin shoots. Has many aerial roots. The shoots bend easily and spread along the ground. The shrub is quite unpretentious, but grows quite quickly. Constant replanting with cuttings is required.

Spot Crassula- a herbaceous bush with thin leaves and spreading stems. The leaves are ovoid in shape and pointed towards the end. They have a marble tint. Silvery-greenish leaves have small dark inclusions. It blooms with white shield-shaped buds.

Money tree care

Gardeners often have a question: how to care for a money tree? Houseplant being watered doesn't like flooding. But simple watering can also cause the roots to begin to rot and the leaves to quickly wither.

For good drainage of moisture into the tray, at the bottom of the pot you need make small holes. When making a pot for Crassula, be sure to place drainage on the bottom. Watering with regular tap water is prohibited. If you have no other sources, then the water must be well defended.

You must also remember to periodically wipe the leaves of the money tree with a damp cloth and spray them with water from a spray bottle. It is best to take a warm shower once a week. IN winter time This “washing” can be done once a month.

There must be water room temperature. It is necessary to ensure that water does not get on the ground. To make this task easier, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular polyethylene. It is forbidden to take a wet crassula to its place. It is necessary to allow the moisture to drain a little.

To avoid problems with watering, you do not need to place the money tree pot under the sun. The layer of soil on top dries out quite quickly, while the soil below remains moist. Before you start watering you need to check the earth lump by 3−4 cm.

If the soil is dry at this depth, then you can water the fat plant without fear. When watering a money tree, the basic rule absolutely applies: don’t overdo it! In this case, watering will lead to rotting of the leaves.

If the watering regime is not followed and strong humidity soil, the roots are exposed to fungal infection. In this case, you can save the money tree if you remove it together with a lump of earth from the pot, carefully dry and treat with solution against fungus.

Temperature for Crassula

In summer, a money tree requires a temperature of 21-26 degrees. But in winter the plant temperature reduction required. During dormancy, the optimal temperature for Crassula will be 11-16 degrees.

If it is not possible to create the desired temperature for the plant, then you should not place it near heating devices. The negative consequence of this will be the stretching of the trunk of the money tree and the falling of the leaves that are located below.

Lighting for Crassula

For this plant, the illumination of the room is important. But this does not mean at all that the Krasulla can be installed in direct sunlight. It is advisable to place the pot with the plant on a windowsill that faces southeast.

With this option, the money tree will enough natural light, but the plant will not get too hot. In summer, Krasulla can be installed on the floor of the loggia. Here the flower has enough air, and the effect of the sun's rays is minimized. In winter, the plant will do best on the south side.

Krasulla does not need constant moisture, so there is absolutely no need to spray it daily. But this plant does not like dust very much, so it must be periodically removed from the leaves. Also money tree constant ventilation is required, but do not allow strong drafts. They will only destroy the plant.

When a flower appears

Money tree, despite the fact that the descriptions of the species above indicate what flowers they bloom in, in reality few people have seen this phenomenon. Therefore, there is a fairly popular opinion that the Crassula does not bloom. But this is not true.

The money tree is prevented from blooming by lack of lighting and improper propagation. In the tropics this plant blooms much more often. Flowering occurs during the growth of Krasulla.

Soil and bait. The best soil for this flower is the one used for growing cacti. The composition of this soil includes turf and coniferous soil, as well as neutral sand. Brick chips, ash, humus and clay are also important.

Transplantation and crown formation

This plant needs to be replanted according to its growth rate. You can easily do this several times a year. But this will depend on the speed of growth. It happens that weak roots cannot hold a large bush in a pot.

That's why it's important choose the right pot for the money tree. It should be voluminous, heavy and match the size of the fat woman. But there is no need to select a very deep container, since the roots of the plant are not very long.

An important component of caring for a money tree is crown formation. To form a crown, you need to wait until 4 new leaves are formed on the bush and a new bud is formed. You need to pinch it off by carefully unscrewing it with tweezers. There should be no more than 3-4 pairs of leaves on any branch of the plant.

When the bush grows, its top will also be needs to be plucked off. In order for the plant to grow evenly, it must be turned to the light in turn with different sides. If the time when 4 leaves have already grown is missed and new leaves are formed, pruning can help. It is only necessary to cut off the shoot above the 4th pair of leaves.

Pests and diseases

The money tree is considered resistant and unpretentious to various pests and diseases. But still, there are many pests that attack this plant:

A fungal infection will manifest itself spots Brown on the leaves. To cure a bacterial or fungal infection, complex drugs are used.

Gardeners often complain that the leaves of the money tree wither or fall off. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Leaves wither due to highly moist soil.
  • Direct rays of the sun or radiation from heating devices fall on the bottom of the bush.
  • The plant loses leaves if it is watered cold water.
  • Lack of moisture causes leaves to fall.

Not many people know the healing properties of Crassula. The juice of this plant is used to treat tonsillitis, arthritis, herpes and sore throat. Money tree heals wounds, abscesses and cuts. For treatment, the juice of the leaves is used, which is squeezed by hand.

Money tree is excellent plant for any apartment. There is even a statement that it “becomes attached” to its owner and its active growth indicates the well-being of the home. Try growing a money tree, especially since there are practically no difficulties with this.

Crassula, or Crassula, is an unpretentious indoor plant and is very popular among many gardeners. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this tree can bring financial well-being and stability. That is why Crassula is called the “money tree”.


Members of the Crassula genus are perennial succulents with fleshy leaves and trunks. There are about 300 various types Crassulas. Ranging from small grass-like plants to large, tree-like formations.

The most popular type, of course, is Crassula tree, also known as money tree. It is distinguished by a tree-like trunk, up to seven centimeters in diameter, and a rich crown, with large fleshy leaves. Color can vary from bright green to dark green shades.

Beneficial features

The money tree is a kind of litmus test that reflects the health status of people living in the house where it grows. Crassula seems to wither away if its owner falls ill, and when he recovers, the Crassula again takes on a healthy appearance. However, the plant can be used not only as an indicator of health, but also as a completely spectacular medicine.

First of all, it is worth noting that Crassula has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. It is believed that it is in no way inferior to aloe or Kalanchoe. Most common Crassula compresses, which are used to treat minor burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds, insect bites, herpes, arthritis and arthrosis. The plant can also be used for internal treatment. Infusions leaves are used to treat pyelonephritis, cystitis, sore throat and even stomach ulcers and duodenum.

However, when consuming Crassula leaves or products, you should remember that it contains contains arsenic. An overdose can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, etc. unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.

The money tree is a natural air filter. It perfectly purifies the air, having a beneficial effect on people’s well-being and accelerating recovery by destroying pathogenic bacteria.


There are many varieties of Crassula, ranging from small grass-like plants to large, tree-like structures. However, for the most part differences between species are minimal and mostly come down to visual differences. All species are equally unpretentious and have similar beneficial properties.

Varieties of Crassula can be divided into three main groups:

  • Tree-like;
  • Creeping;
  • Columnar.

Tree crassulas are thus the classic type of Crassula. It is distinguished by a thick tree-like trunk, on which there are several branches with fleshy leaves. They represent the most extensive category of Crassula. This type includes the following varieties of money tree:

  • Oval Crassula;
  • Crassula purslane;
  • Minor;
  • Hobbit;
  • Gollum;
  • Sunset;
  • Crassula tricolor;
  • Tree Crassula.

For Creeping Crassula characterized by the complete absence of a thick tree-like trunk. Instead, several branches grow from the root, on which small, fleshy leaves are located. Among the main types are the following:

  • Crassula moss;
  • Tetrahedral Crassula;
  • Spot Crassula.

Columnar Crassulas are low columns consisting of pseudo-inflorescences with fleshy triangular or diamond-shaped leaves. The following varieties can be classified as this type:

  • Perforated Crassula;
  • United Crassula;
  • Rock Crassula.

How to plant?

Planting a money tree is not an incredibly difficult task. By and large, it differs little from the propagation of other plant species. However, for a tree to bring money and good luck, you must follow certain rules.

So, according to the rules of Feng Shui, in order for a tree to bring good luck and money, you need to plant a money tree yourself. According to the same rules, the fat woman in general can't be bought with money, but you need to secretly remove a leaf or cutting of a plant. Once you have removed the tree shoot, place it in a glass of water for several days. Once it takes root, you can plant it.

Before planting, you need to take care of soil for the plant. In principle, soil for cacti or succulents, which can be bought at any store, is suitable. However, it will be better if you prepare the soil yourself. According to Feng Shui, the plant must understand that you really care about it. The ideal soil for a money tree would be a mixture of coarse sand, peat, turf and leaf soil. Mix the soil components in the ratio 1x0.5x1x1.

An equally important step when planting Crassula is the choice plant pot. The pot should be wide, but not too deep. According to the rules of Feng Shui, for maximum effect, the pot should be painted in the color of metal or earth. This means that black, brown, red, burgundy, silver or gold are suitable for us.

According to Feng Shui, the pot must be activated. To do this, put six coins at the bottom of the pot. It is best if it is money in circulation in your country.

How to care?

The money tree has earned a reputation as a very unpretentious plant. No wonder it is called the ideal plant for the lazy! However, for successful growth, follow several simple rules listed below.

It is important to note that Crassula loves affection and attention. It does not tolerate bad moods and negative thoughts well, and on the contrary, it literally comes to life if you stroke it and talk to it.

If you decide to have a Crassula, it would be nice to think about it. correct location. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the money tree should be located in the “Wealth” zone. Without going into too much detail, this zone is located in the southeast of your home. However, considering that our builders are hardly guided by ancient Chinese teachings when building houses, there may well be a storage room in the southeast of your house. But don’t despair, you can highlight a wealth zone in your or any other room. It is important to take into account that the plant loves diffused light, so it is best to place the tree on a window where the sun does not come out. You should also regularly turn different parts of the tree towards the light.

Watering is an important part of caring for any plant. The money tree does not like excessive watering or excess moisture. As a result, its roots may begin to rot and the plant will simply wither. It is best to water the plant with small portions of water; in spring and autumn this should be done once or twice a week. But in winter, one or two waterings per month are enough for the fat woman. Please note that it is best to water the plant in the evening and provided that the soil has had time to dry.

For feeding Crassula, any fertilizer for cacti or succulents is suitable. The best option There will be fertilizing after each watering of the plant. In order not to guess with the amount of fertilizers, just use the recommendations on their packaging.

Air humidity greatly affects the health of any plant. In our case, the money tree does not tolerate excessive dryness and, on the contrary, loves moist air. To maintain humidity, it is necessary to place some source of water near the plant. Will do decorative fountain or an open aquarium. However, if you do not have this opportunity, spray the leaves with water from time to time to maintain moisture.

Temperature also important when caring for the plant. The money tree loves warmth and the ideal temperature for its development is 20 - 25 degrees Celsius. However, in autumn and winter, the fat woman feels very comfortable even at temperatures of 10 - 15 degrees Celsius. The only thing to avoid is extreme temperature changes. So, the tree will wither in heat, cold or draft. So keep it away from radiators or cold windows.

Trimming is not a mandatory procedure, but thanks to it you can form a beautiful crown of the plant, as well as get a lot of cuttings for propagation. In addition, timely pruning stimulates the growth of new cuttings and increases the chance of flowering. This is done as follows:

  • We localize new rosettes of leaves and highlight the central sprout;
  • Carefully cut off with nail scissors or pinch off this sprout so as not to damage the side leaves. This stimulates the plant to branch and grow wider;
  • In order to round the crown, pinch or cut side shoots;
  • Mature plants can be trimmed with a knife. It is best to trim branches 2 centimeters above the formed bud;
  • If you want to remove a branch, you should cut it to the very base. Otherwise, an ugly stump will form on the tree.


Once your tree has grown a little, you can try to propagate it. The tree can be propagated using cuttings or seeds. The first method is much simpler and faster, but propagation by seeds allows you to develop new plant species and has a number of other advantages. These methods are described in more detail below.


The simplest and most common method of propagating Crassula is propagation by cuttings. Thanks to this method, you can propagate the plant especially quickly. This is done as follows:

  • IN spring period cut any cutting or leaf you like. It is best to use cuttings at least ten centimeters long and three pairs of leaves. However, large, fleshy leaves are also suitable;
  • An incision is made at the bottom of the cutting or leaf, which is dried in air for two days;
  • Next, place the leaf or cutting in a glass of water and wait until it takes root. This usually occurs within one to five weeks;
  • As soon as the cuttings take root, they should be placed in a pot with soil. It is best to use leaf soil mixed with sand. The ratio is one part leaf soil and half sand.


Propagating a money tree by seeds is a fairly lengthy process. It is mainly used by breeders who want to breed new variety plants. However, sometimes ordinary gardeners also use it. You can propagate the crassula using its seeds using the following algorithm:

  • We prepare the soil for planting. Seeds germinate best in leaf soil mixed with sand. The ratio is one part leaf soil and half sand;
  • Distribute the Crassula seeds evenly on the prepared soil and lightly sprinkle them with sand;
  • We moisten the soil, and then cover the soil container with glass;
  • We ventilate the plantings daily;
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, they should be transplanted into new soil, consisting of one part leaf soil, half part sand and half turf soil;
  • Place containers with seedlings in a bright place without direct rays of light;
  • We wait until the seedlings grow to seven centimeters, after which they can be planted in separate pots.

Money tree blossom

The flowering of the money tree is truly a fascinating sight. During this period, myriads of fragile white flowers resembling bells open on the plant. From a distance, the tree looks as if it was covered with white or pinkish fluff. The flowers themselves exude a subtle sweetish aroma.

Unfortunately, that's enough a rare event which very few people will ever see. The money tree blooms for the first time in the third year of its life, but there are many factors due to which this may not happen.

Fortunately, there are no particularly esoteric subtleties here, and for the most part just follow the rules of plant care which were described above. This includes correct temperature regime, timely watering, lighting, humidity and so on. It is also important to trim the tree regularly. This will increase your chances of flowers appearing.

Pests and diseases


With proper care, Crassula rarely gets sick. This mainly happens due to the carelessness of its owner. Diseases include mold infestation and sunburn.

On mold infestation indicated by brown spots on the leaves. In order to save the plant, its affected parts should be immediately cut off, and the tree itself should be treated with antifungal agents. After some time, the treatment should be repeated.

It is important to note that in the case of a fungal infection, one should not settle for half measures. It is necessary to remove all infected parts of the plant, otherwise the infection can be fatal to the fat plant. Fortunately, the money tree tolerates the loss of its parts quite easily and after some time it will grow even stronger.

Despite the fact that the money tree grows in deserts, it really does not like direct sunlight. On sunburn may indicate redness of the leaves near their edges. At this stage, you don’t have to worry, you just need to move the tree to a darker place or cover the window with a curtain. After some time, the leaves will regain their healthy color.

If leaves turn red with reverse side , this indicates insufficient watering. If the leaves begin to fade, do not panic, they can still be saved. It is enough to spray the plant with a biostimulant, like Epin, it will help restore the plant to health. However, you should be careful when using this product. If overdosed, it can seriously harm the plant. The optimal dose is one or two drops per glass of water.

In especially severe cases, burns are indicated by black spots on the leaves. In this case, the burnt leaves cannot be saved; they will simply fall off. But the plant should be moved to a darker place.


In certain cases, Crassula disease can be caused by pests. Pests usually try to avoid this plant, but several species are not averse to feasting on the tree’s juices.

Determine if the money tree is infected spider mite can be seen by yellowish spots on the leaves and cobwebs on the tree. It usually infects plants growing in extremely dry air conditions. You can prevent its occurrence by regularly spraying the tree with water. To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to treat the plant with garlic or tobacco infusion, or soap suds. However, this does not always help, especially if there are other infected plants nearby. In this case, you will have to resort to insecticides, and you need to treat not only the money tree, but also all its neighbors, pots and the surrounding area.

Despite all its unpretentiousness, the money tree can sometimes cause certain problems for its owners. This is mainly due to lack of care or carelessness of the owner. Below are the most common problems.

There are many reasons why a money tree may start shed its leaves. This may be due to too “hard” water, lack or excess of fertilizers, lack of light or too much cold water. Try to bring all these parameters back to normal, then your tree should come to its senses.

Usually on a money tree leaves turn yellow in case of shortage sunlight. The money tree loves light very much and languishes greatly without it. You can solve the problem with a lack of light by moving the tree to a lighter window or installing an additional source of artificial light. In the warm season, Crassula can be moved outside.

Trunk Rotting money tree is associated with overwatering. The fact is that Crassula is a succulent, which means that it stores water for future use. With excessive watering, the roots of the tree begin to rot, and then the rot spreads to the trunk itself. And if the rotten roots can be cut off and the tree replanted in new soil, then if the rot has spread to the trunk, the plant can no longer be saved. The best thing you can do is cut the cuttings and grow a new Crassula, and not repeat such mistakes in the future.

Another common problem is instability of the tree. Most often, a similar problem occurs among those who forgot to change the position of the pot. Because of this, one side of the plant’s crown develops too quickly and the plant itself begins to reach for the light. As a result, the plant becomes unstable and, at some point, will fall. This problem can be solved by transplanting the plant into a larger and heavier pot. Next, you should remove part of the load from the trunk by cutting off part of the crown. Well, in the future, do not forget to regularly turn different parts of the plant towards the light.

Caring for the money tree at home: video

A plant that is loved by plant growers and connoisseurs of all things beautiful is the money tree. For many centuries it has been believed that the flower is capable of bringing wealth and prosperity to the home.

Africa is recognized as the native land of the plant. It belongs to the Crassula genus of the Crassula family; the flower is popularly called Crassula or Crassula. Some plant species have leaves that look like coins, which is why the flower is called a money flower.

A little about the money tree

In nature, Crassula is represented by shrubs and aquatic herbaceous plants. More than 300 subspecies of the money tree are known. Some of them prefer hot climates, while others prefer humid environments.

External signs of Crassula:

  • An uneven powerful trunk covered with dense bark, from which branches extend. Height - 1-2 meters, diameter - up to 3 centimeters.
  • Thick leaves are green or dark green. Sometimes they are covered with red spots or framed by a dark red border. The leaves are 2 - 3 cm long and up to 2 cm wide.
  • Crown money flower resembles a ball. The plant is denser if there is one sprout in the container.
  • The root system is weak in comparison with the overall dimensions of the plant.
  • Crassula, having reached the age of ten, can begin to bloom. The flowers are white or pinkish in color and resemble half-umbrellas. The flowering period falls in autumn or winter.

Money tree: care at home

The money flower prefers bright rooms with windows facing the sun.

  • In summer, it is recommended to take the fat plant out into the fresh air.
  • The money tree is unpretentious to temperature and air humidity. Temperatures are around 26 degrees in summer and 22 in winter.
  • Crassula is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves, which helps with its deficiency. Excessive watering is detrimental to trees. Watering 1-2 times a week.

The leaves of the flower do not require additional spraying.

Transplanting and propagating a money flower

It is better to replant the plant in the spring.

Reasons for replanting a money flower :

  • recent purchase of a plant and the need to move it from a shipping container to suitable soil;
  • the need to replace the pot with a larger one;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen situations (damage to the old pot or damage to the soil).

To replant, you need a pot, drainage, soil and water. The dimensions of the container are no larger than the crown of a tree. If the pot is too large, the fat plant will not have time to absorb water and rotting of the soil and roots will occur.

  • Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot.
  • Then the soil is poured. For a money tree, one that contains soil and sand is suitable. Or ready-made soil for succulents.
  • After immersing the plant in the ground, it is watered abundantly. Added if necessary upper layer soil to the limit of the root collar.
  • Then the flower is placed in a sunny place and left alone.
  • Spring is considered a suitable period for flower propagation. The plant can be propagated by cutting off a leaf or part of the Crassula stem with a thin blade. They are left in the shade for a couple of days and then immersed in water or soil to form a root system.

    Diseases dangerous to the money tree

    Signs indicating that Crassula is sick or is being attacked by pests:

    • Leaves are falling. The norm is to shed leaves once every year or two. If this happens more often, it is a sign of excess water in the soil.
    • The leaves of the tree were covered with black spots. A sign of sunburn. The flower should be moved away from direct sunlight.
    • The fat woman dries and withers. A consequence of extreme heat. You should take the flower out into the fresh air, but not into the sun.
    • The growth of Crassula has stopped. The plant needs to be replanted. And it is necessary to examine the roots for the presence of pests. After transplanting, feed periodically.
    • The leaves are covered with red-brown or yellow spots. The plant overcomes the insect scale insect. To combat it, it is necessary to treat each leaf with alcohol or kerosene. Then wipe them soap solution and water.
    • The flower is covered with yellow spots and cobwebs. Started up in Crassula spider mite . Should be applied special means: Actellik, Rogor or Neoron.
    • Formations around the base of the trunk, similar to cotton wool. Money tree is affected mealybug . If the flower is not badly damaged, then you can remove these formations with a brush dipped in soapy liquid. If the damage is serious, then the flower is treated with Actellik.

    The Money Tree is suitable for everyone. It does not require special content; minimal attention is enough for it. A healthy plant can decorate any apartment and create a cozy atmosphere. Symbolizing wealth and luxury, it will certainly bring prosperity and well-being to the family.

    Crassula is one of the most unpretentious and famous indoor plants. Even a novice gardener can grow it at home. The money tree is also popular because, according to Feng Shui, it can attract wealth, love and good luck to the home. That is why on the windowsills of many apartments you can see Crassula trees with leaves that look like coins. But, despite its whimsical nature, the plant requires certain and careful care.

    Description, types and photos of Crassula

    Crassula or Crassula belongs to the genus of succulents and the Crassulaceae family. A rather small and neat tree, which we are used to seeing at home, in nature grows up to four meters. On its thick trunk, simple and entire outer leaves grow opposite each other. They can be green, light green, silver and dark with a red border. At good conditions When grown and properly cared for, the plant can bloom with white, blue, yellow or light red flowers. All Crassulas are distinguished by their fleshy leaves and drought tolerance.

    There are many different types of money trees, including annuals and perennials . Only a few of them are grown at home:

    Crassula: care at home, photo

    Growing and caring for a money tree is quite simple and interesting. Providing a tropical flower the necessary conditions content, it should be remembered that in spring and summer the plant has a period active growth, and in winter there is a period of rest.

    Lighting and air temperature

    refers to light-loving plants, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is better to place it near south-eastern windows, where there is enough sun, not too hot and the sun's rays do not burn. In winter, the plant can be placed on a south-facing window sill, and in summer it can be taken out to the balcony or garden. In the fresh air, the flower will grow well and may bloom. To do this, you need to choose a place protected from the wind and scorching sun.

    In the warm season, Crassula grown at home will feel good at air temperatures within +20-+25 degrees. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of about +10-+14 degrees.

    If it is not possible to provide the fat woman with the required temperature in the winter season, then it is recommended to place it away from heating devices. Otherwise, due to dry air and heat, the leaves from the plant will begin to fall off, and the tree itself will stretch. The money tree begins to shed its leaves even when there are constant drafts in the room.

    Watering and fertilizing

    When caring for Crassula, you must remember that you cannot overwater a plant with fleshy stems. Regular watering leads to root rot and leaf loss. Crassula is watered only after its earthen lump on top has dried three to four centimeters.

    During the dormant period, if the plant is kept in a cool room from November to February, watering practically stops. At this time, you just need to make sure that the substrate in the pot does not dry out completely.

    The pot in which the money tree grows must have holes at the bottom through which water enters the pan. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to pour a thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.

    In the hot season and when keeping the plant indoors with the batteries on several times a month, the money tree needs rinse under warm shower . The top of the pot with soil must first be wrapped in polyethylene to prevent water from getting into the soil. The fat woman can be taken back to its place only after the water has drained from it. If it is not possible to shower the plant, then its leaves are periodically sprayed with a spray bottle and wiped with a damp cloth.

    It is not recommended to feed the fat woman often. It is enough to fertilize the plant with nutrient solutions special for succulents once a month in spring and summer, and once every three months during the dormant period. To ensure that fertilizers do not burn the roots and are well absorbed, they are applied a day after watering the flower.

    Features of transplanting a money tree

    Caring for a Crassula at home involves replant the plant once every two years. Crassula's roots are too small, so the pot for it must match their size. At the same time, the planting container must be heavy, since with a small root system a big tree may start to collapse.

    You can replant the plant in soil special for succulents, which is sold in flower shops. Prepare the soil mixture To transplant the fatty grass, you can do it yourself by mixing:

    • leaf soil - 1 part;
    • turf soil - 4 parts;
    • humus – 1 part;
    • sand - 1 part.

    Expanded clay, pieces of coal or brick chips must be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

    During the replanting process, it is recommended to carefully inspect the roots of the plant and remove any rotten ones. In this case, the cut areas are sprinkled crushed activated carbon, the tree is left for a day to dry out the roots and only then is planted in a prepared container.

    Methods for propagating Crassula

    The money tree can be propagated at home in two ways:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings.

    Propagation by seeds

    Plant seeds sown in seedling containers filled with moist soil. The top of the crops is covered with glass or polyethylene. Care consists of spraying the soil as it dries and ventilating the mini greenhouse daily. The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. The glass should be removed immediately and the seedling containers should be placed in a well-lit place. It is better not to water the soil around the Crassula seedlings, but to spray it. As soon as the young plants grow and become stronger, they can be planted in small individual pots.

    Propagation by cuttings

    This is the most easy way money tree propagation. It is recommended to harvest and plant cuttings in March or April. In this case, as stated experienced flower growers, there is a possibility that the crassula will bloom.

    For cuttings, you can simply take a plant leaf or a piece of trunk. The segments are deepened into the prepared soil by about 6 cm, and the leaves by 1 cm. For better rooting, a transparent container is placed on top of the cuttings. In such a mini greenhouse, the plant will feel much more comfortable and will take root faster. You should care for the cuttings carefully, ventilating them daily and checking the soil moisture.

    Possible problems when growing a money tree

    At home, with proper care, the fat plant usually does not get sick and is not affected by pests. Therefore, if with unpretentious plant there are problems, that's for sure errors in its maintenance and care:

    1. Watering with cold water and excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots. The plant first changes color and leaves fall off. Then the table becomes soft and the flower gradually dies. In this case, on early stages The soil needs to be dried and treated with anti-fungal agents. If this does not help, then the plant is pulled out of the pot and its rotten roots are cut off.
    2. Insufficient lighting can cause the tree to stretch out its stems and become misshapen. Therefore, in poorly lit rooms it is recommended to grow the plant on windowsills.
    3. If the indoor air is too dry, Crassula leaves may begin to dry out and wither. In this case, the tree can be taken out into the fresh air, and in winter it can be sprayed regularly.

    Crassulas are rarely affected by pests, but, nevertheless, they are sometimes attacked by:

    • mealybugs form a white coating in the leaf axils;
    • spider mites are very small insects that leave sticky webs between stems and leaves;
    • Scale insects in the form of yellow or brown raised spots can be seen on the trunk and leaves.

    In all cases, the plant is treated folk remedies or special chemicals .

    To ensure that the money tree has a neat round shape and does not look like a shrub with thin stems, it is recommended that you independently shape its crown.

    You need to start forming a fatty still at a young age, when three to four pairs of leaves appear on its branches. To do this, pinch a new bud located between the leaves with tweezers or fingernails. Some time after the procedure, two or three new buds will appear in place of the removed bud, and the tree will begin to branch. At this time, you need to make sure that there are no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch. The top of a grown tree is plucked off.

    If the Crassula was purchased as an adult, then its height and splendor can still be adjust by trimming. To do this, a branch is cut above the fourth pair of leaves, and the cut site is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

    For uniform growth and development of the crown, the fat plant must be periodically turned in different directions towards the light. It is not recommended to plant several Crassula sprouts in one pot at once. In this case, after some time you will end up with several shapeless bushes.

    Even a beginner in gardening can grow an unpretentious and disease-resistant money tree at home. With proper care ornamental plant will decorate any room and, if you believe in Feng Shui, will attract wealth and good luck to your home.

    Crassula flower

    Find out how to plant a money tree to attract money so that the energy of this house plant worked for your benefit. Crassula, according to signs, attracts cash flows into the house, but for this you need to follow several rules.

    Money tree, Crassula or Crassula has long been considered a plant that should be in every home. Its thick, fleshy leaves resemble large coins in appearance. Perhaps because of this similarity, Crassula began to be considered a money plant.

    However, only one proper care for the plant is not enough to increaset income. You should plant it correctly and speak to it, and then observe the ancient signs of wealth.

    Caring for the fat woman and treating it correctly from an esoteric point of view will help to establish a connection with the money egregor. People who follow the rules of this energy-informational entity are connected to it. Money signs, including signs about indoor plants, are on their list. If you want to connect to the egregor of wealth, try starting with Crassula.

    How to plant a money tree to attract money?

    Consider the phase of the moon. Like your income in the future, it should grow.Crassula should not be planted on a waning moon, like any other plant - this is a bad omen.

    The best day of the week to plant this plant is Wednesday.

    Crassula does not release the energy of wealth on its own. She carries it through herself. Therefore, it is better to take a cutting of this plant from people whose income level makes you envious. They will not lose what they have, and the cash flows they open will go to your home too.

    In order not to share your success, you need to separate the shoot yourself, without letting other people touch your plant. But, if there are no such people or they do not want to share the money tree, you can purchase a shoot. Do not take mature plant, if you need a money tree to attract money. We'll have to grow it from a shoot.

    The magic of a money tree can be enhanced when planted using affirmations. Speak them only in the present tense, without the particle “not” - the Universe does not perceive it, as if it does not hear it.

    You can say something like:

    “I attract money, I become rich, my income grows.”

    It is advisable that no one distracts you while planting a tree.

    Spell for planting a money tree:

    When planting a wealth tree, it is worth putting a few ordinary coins on gravel or expanded clay, which is laid at the very bottom flower pot. Coins must be of the same denomination.

    They need to be laid out with the coat of arms facing up, saying a spell for each coin when planting a money tree:

    Let a tree grow in the house and bring me a lot of money. I’ll hide the coin in damp earth, I’ll bring a big salary into the house. Rich people will give generous gifts, I will no longer feel caring about money. So be it! Yes, done three times! It's locked! Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After this, you can plant the plant and start watering, which can also be accompanied by a spell. The same spell for coins can be repeated every time you decide to place coins in a pot with a plant. But only on condition that they are hidden in the ground.

    Spell for money tree when watering:

    The money tree plot is read while watering the plant. This can be done immediately after planting. But at any other time you can charm the fat woman so that it brings profit.

    While watering the plant, say:

    ,You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen."

    Water for irrigation should be infused with silver or gold. For about three days it should be saturated with the energy of precious metals and profit. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are much weaker than gold and silver. Do not use jewelry to charge water; they contain the energy of the owner, which is not always positive.

    Money tree for attracting money - signs and customs:

    To the question of how to plant a money tree so that there is money in the house, they will answer folk signs, customs of Feng Shui teachings and other beliefs. Thus, the Chinese consider green, red and gold to be the colors of wealth.

    In order to increase cash flow, you can choose a pot of one of these colors. You can tie a ribbon of one of these colors to an adult plant. The pot can be placed on a red tablecloth or napkin, under which lies a coin.

    Chinese wealth coins will help strengthen the energy of the plant.

    To do this, you need to bury a “treasure” in a flower pot, consisting of three coins. They should lie hieroglyphs up.

    Feng Shui coins, lucky knots and other Chinese amulets of wealth can be hung on the plant - this will bring you profit. You can also take ordinary coins, which are in use where you live.

    You can place a dragon figurine near an adult plant that consistently attracts capital. He will guard your wealth, protecting you from the evil eye and the machinations of enemies.

    An owl will help you fight spending, but will not make you a stingy person.

    Chinese lanterns, candles and Feng Shui figurines can be placed near the fat woman, enhancing its energy.

    Fiery money energy is not compatible with water. Keep the tree of wealth away from its sources.

    If you have a Crassula and indoor fountain or a picture with a waterfall, place them away from each other. Water fights fire, and cash flows will be “extinguished” by the energy of water.

    You can’t place the Crassula near cacti.Signs about cacti say that they protect the house from energies that are not characteristic of it - they can also prevent the flow of money. Thorns and climbing flowers do not go well with Crassula and interfere with cash flow.

    If you know about how to plant a money tree and attract money, this is not enough. You should also know about the traditions of placing plants and other objects in the house. The southeastern sector of a house or apartment is responsible for material wealth. Tolstyanka and others money symbols this part of your home is the right place. But if there is a toilet or corridor there, place the plant where there is a lot of light - regardless of the cardinal directions.

    The magical properties of the money tree appear only when the plant is cared for with pleasure. In a loving family, the fat woman helps increase income. If you don't like plants, and caring for them is a hassle rather than a pleasure, it is better to choose other witchcraft techniques.

    You will have to talk to the tree of wealth, devote time and attention to it, and then your income will increase. Do not forget to wipe the dust from the sheets, it impedes the flow of monetary energy.

    Crassula blooms extremely rarely; cool climates are not very suitable for it. But if it does bloom, this portends a significant profit. Of course, it blooms only with perfect care.

    Only one person should take care of it - the money tree has a good memory and can establish contact with only one owner. Don't worry about not being able to go on vacation - this plant needs to be watered every few weeks.

    In general, the fat woman can really help improve financial affairs. It is kept both in homes and in offices.

    But in order for the tree of wealth to reveal its full potential, certain rules must be followed - mainly from the teachings of Feng Shui and eastern folklore. For greater effect, the plant can be charmed during watering and planting.