Shower      06/26/2020

Which loaches should not be kept at home. Signs: flowers for home well-being. These flowers are ideal air purifiers

Indoor flowers decorate the house, bringing comfort and harmony into it. They purify the air and endlessly delight with lush greenery and blooming flowers. But there are plants that do not belong near people and pets. Which plants are best removed from the nursery and bedroom and which flower should never be kept at home?

What harm can indoor flowers cause?

Among the huge variety of indoor plants, there are those that gardeners avoid keeping in their homes. There are three main reasons for such dislike: folk signs, incredible difficulty in caring for, the desire to protect family members from poisonous plants.

Legends of deep antiquity

Since ancient times, people believed in the close relationship between the animal and plant worlds, and they continue to believe now. Psychics on TV, grannies at the entrance, and colleagues at work talk about which plants should not be kept at home, so as not to cause trouble. Anti-rating champion - cactus. The arguments against it are strong:

There will be no husband

If there is a husband, he will get drunk

There will be no money, happiness, passion and love

Yes, the only flower you can’t keep at home is this one. To justify the thorns, it can be argued that cacti help overcome shyness, improve sleep and absorb radiation from electrical appliances.

Can grow only among women, so it drives all men out of the house

Generates lies and mistrust in families

At night it sucks the energy out of people

Poor ivy, of course, is to blame, but you can’t drive a husband away from a good wife with a stick, let alone some flowers.

Bronze medalists - asparagus, ficus, cypress. Accused:

In vampirism

In bringing discord into strong families

That they bring trouble

According to another version, ficus helps women get pregnant, protects against poverty, and helps overcome stress.

Reasonably speaking, we can advise one thing: everyone should keep flowers at home that they really like. And the suspicious ones - throw them out!

Complete whims

There are flowers that you just need to stick in the ground and water once a week. There are others - real tyrants, subordinating the entire house to their schedule and rhythm. Which ones cannot be kept at home without providing them with ideal living conditions? Who are they, these beautiful sissies, whose care requires enormous dedication?

The top capricious plants are headed by the bashful mimosa. She loves the sun, but after several cloudy days, direct exposure to the rays causes her to burn. In winter, it must be kept at 15-18º, which is not very comfortable for the owners, especially with high (80%) humidity. Loves watering, but does not like stagnant water. By the way, only settled water will do!

Needs constant feeding and spraying. And even if you create all the conditions for it, in gratitude for the work done, it may dry out safely by winter.

Very difficult tropical beauty Vanda, one of the most beautiful orchids. Its motto is: “No sun - no flowers!”, however, from 11 to 15 o’clock it must be shaded so as not to burn the leaves. She needs differences in day and night temperatures, and not sharp, but gradual. If the air is colder than +20º, it will not bloom.

What flower cannot be kept at home for reasonable reasons? Any of the above. They are intended for the most experienced flower growers, true experts in their field.

Let's ensure the safety of loved ones

There is a group of plants, beautiful and strong, that you should not have at home for very specific reasons. They are poisonous. You can’t risk the health of your loved ones for the sake of a spectacular interior design. Especially if there are children of any age and animals in the house, with the exception of fish:










Winter has been going on for a very long time, don’t you think?! And the constant white and gray landscape outside the window creates a dull mood.

What if you diversify your window and put it on the windowsill? indoor flowers? What are the best flowers to grow at home? After all, it is known that live plants can not only decorate our homes, but also influence health, relationships and even well-being in family!

What flowers will bring happiness to your home?

Usambara violet, or Saintpaulia

Violet. A very beautiful and at the same time capricious flower - a symbol of eternal love! They say that violet helps maintain peace in the family. These charming gentle flowers love careful care. They cannot tolerate hard water. They love the sun, but are afraid of direct rays. And yet this flower is very popular.

Chinese rose or hibiscus

If hibiscus appears in the house, expect passionate love, she will definitely come! Flowers this plant, incredibly beautiful and large, reminiscent of butterflies. Hibiscus needs warmth and a lot of light, because it comes from the tropics.


Guardian of peace and love considered myrtle. If this flower is in the house, your marriage will be successful, and in the current situation family it will definitely bring happiness. It is no coincidence that in some countries this is a plant They give it to newlyweds or decorate the bride’s outfit with twigs and flowers. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”. If you rub a myrtle sprig with your fingers, you will feel the pleasant aroma of essential oils. Today, myrtle oil is used in cosmetology as a component of preparations for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. And homemade myrtle disinfects the room, filling the house with a unique aroma and freshness.


People call this flower tree of love, fidelity and prosperity. Aichrizon has original fluffy leaves, they are shaped like hearts. Bright yellow flowers, like numerous lanterns, will decorate your windowsill and give joy even just from contemplating it! This is a succulent plant. At proper care can grow up to 30 cm in height.


Very beautiful and unpretentious, calathea is symbol home happiness, although many people grow it simply for the very beautiful leaves. This is a plant grows well in the shade. But he can’t stand it if you put it in the corner of the room (it’s impossible to imagine your happiness in the corner).


Oxalis helps solve problems in personal life. As children we called this flower just sorrel or hare cabbage. The juice of oxalis leaves contains oxalic acid, and they have a sour taste. The leaves of this plant can be added to salads! Tinctures are made from oxalis flowers, which are effective for diseases of the liver and stomach.

Spathiphyllum, or Women's Happiness

This perennial native to distant South American forests. But it is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray the spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil. And then:

– unmarried women will soon find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where women’s happiness grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

They also say that spathiphyllum will not bloom in a house where quarrels and conflicts constantly occur.

Anthurium, or Male happiness

"Fire Tongue" or "male happiness". A very capricious flower, but very beautiful. He can't stand straight lines sun rays, requires frequent spraying because it has a weakness for high humidity (especially during growth). And also be careful this flower poisonous! But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love!


Other names for this flower: “Champagne splash” or “ family happiness" This flower very good for family happiness: It is easy to care for and grows well and flowers beautifully. Only in summer you need to water it more. With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

Crassula or Crassula

Money Tree. Everyone knows that this plant is bought to keep money in the house. Our advice: for a special effect, plant this flower into a red pot, and put a few large coins at the bottom.

Keep in mind that if small leaves predominate on the fat plant, then the change will jingle in your pocket; if large leaves, the bills will crunch. If the fat woman doesn’t help you get rich in any way, get her a friend - plectranthus and get a shovel ready ;).

Plectranthus, or indoor mint

In our country this plant is known as spur flower. This is amazingly cute plant provides for the whole family mental health. Long-lasting aroma of plectranthus will relieve insomnia and dark thoughts! It is very good to grow plectranthus as ground cover plant to mask the edges of the pot.


Cacti are real guard for your home. All plants with thorns have always been attributed the property of protecting home from evil spirits. But the cactus is not only a watchman, it is also the keeper of calm and peace in your home. It should be placed as close to the door or on the window sills as possible. By the way, read here how to make a cactus bloom.

Plant flowers. Look after them. And they will not only be a green decoration for your home, but will also bring prosperity and happiness to your home.

Communicate with flowers as with friends! During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from “negativity.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with them in the morning. Before watering the flower, “walk” over the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them.

They also say that if a flower, despite your care and attention, has dried up, it means that it has warded off illness or trouble from you.

Peace and prosperity to your home!

Home flowers not only please the eye, but also protect against negative energies. With the help of properly selected plants, you can get rid of quarrels, bring happiness and prosperity into your home, and solve health problems. Signs: flowers for home well-being- what flowers can attract happiness and joy into our home? Let's consider the issue in detail.

Signs about home flowers

The common belief about the death of flowers in a house filled with negative energy is far from the truth. Plants are able to process negative energies and even feed on them - they extinguish quarrels and conflicts.

The death of one plant in the house indicates that it has taken on the owner’s strong negativity. But this does not mean that the whole house is filled with negative energy. Withered flower need to be thanked for the help and buried. However if all the flowers in the house die- one after another - you should seriously think about damaging your home. If the question does not concern poor care for flowers.

With the help of plants, you can identify areas of trouble in the apartment. If earlier healthy flower begins to fade when moving to another place, which means there is a zone of negative energy there. Also An unfavorable omen is the unexpected flowering of a plant out of season.

Never accept a flower in a pot as a gift - it is believed that all the failures of the giver will pass on to you. If it is impossible to refuse a gift, give the donor a symbolic payment - a ruble or kopecks. Thus, you will buy your way out of trouble.

Happy flowers

Some varieties of flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the home, others help eliminate or extinguish conflicts, and others harmonize marital relationships. Which flowers do you need first of all - decide for yourself.

Monetary well-being and prosperity

The energy of abundance attracts Crassula or Crassula. If you care for the fat woman correctly, it attracts the energy of abundance. Repot the plant in a green or red pot and you will soon notice a difference in your budget. In some cases, it is recommended to place a few coins at the bottom of the pot.

If you need career growth, you can't do without bamboo. This plant has powerful energy for growth and development. To bamboo helped in career growth, it should be placed in the office or near the desk, but not in the bedroom.

Ficus, a type of fig, attracts the energy of abundance and joy. This plant is considered the patron of the family hearth and protection of the home.

Happiness in love

Plant spathiphyllum attracts female happiness. This flower must certainly be in the house so that there is prosperity and well-being.

Anthurium considered the flower of male happiness - enhances the fire of passion and emotional attraction between lovers. The flower is considered an indicator of the fidelity of a loved one.

Roses help in marital relationships and protect marriage from betrayal. Place white roses in your bedroom and you won’t worry about your spouse’s infidelity.

Modest sorrel With delicate flowers in the shape of stars attracts happiness in marriage. If you're tired of being alone, put some wood sorrel in your bedroom. Oxalis also helps to harmonize relationships in an already established couple.

Bright hibiscus attracts passionate love. This exotic plant placed in the bedroom. Hibiscus helps improve relationships for both young and elderly spouses.

Flowers for peace and harmony in the home

Tender violets help in conflict situations- extinguish the energy of a quarrel, preventing it from turning into a scandal. Violets are also considered flowers of love and tenderness.

Geranium has a calming effect on the atmosphere in the house. The flower helps fight depression, despondency and loneliness.

Dracaena brings energy of success and happiness to the house. All citrus plants have the same property.

Fern absorbs negative electromagnetic radiation well, not inferior to cacti. Therefore, it is recommended to place ferns next to the computer and TV.

Agave (aloe) takes care of a harmonious atmosphere in the house. If you are tired of visits from guests and want to feel peace in the house, place the plant near the hallway - the visits will stop.

Unlucky flowers

To avoid misfortunes, you need to know which plants are undesirable to have in the house. Unlucky flowers include:

  • varieties of ivy;
  • cacti and their varieties;
  • callas, monstera and orchid.

Ivy Single women should not have it - it drives men away. It is interesting that in the house of a successful couple, ivy cannot do any harm. Ivy should not be placed in the bedroom - this plant absorbs energy. However, the property of ivy to absorb energy can be used for good purposes - expelling intrusive visitors.

cacti They also absorb energy, so they are advised to be placed near computers and appliances. However, cactus tends to worsen marital relationships - keep in mind.

Calla lilies- flowers of mourning and funeral. You should not grow them in your home.

Monstera actively absorbs oxygen, worsening the atmosphere in the house. Placing a monstera in the bedroom is extremely dangerous - you will not get enough sleep, headache secured.

Orchid picks up vitality in humans, so keeping a flower in the house is dangerous. Orchids are especially dangerous in the bedroom, as they are considered vampire flowers.

There are conflicting opinions about wax ivy. This is a nocturnal plant - the flowers bloom at night and begin to exude a sweet aroma. The plant patronizes lovers, however, overgrown ivy destroys marital relationships. Sometimes overgrown wax ivy can also expel the spouse from the bedroom.

Dangerous plants

These flowers and plants are dangerous because of their poisonous properties, so you shouldn’t keep them in the house:

  • Dieffenbachia;
  • Oleander;
  • Croton;
  • Azalea Sims;
  • Mimosa Shy;
  • Ivy evergreen;
  • Adenium;
  • Philodendron;
  • Primrose;
  • Stellera dwarf;
  • Nightshade;
  • Gesner Tulip;
  • Trichocerus.

Houseplants can be not only beautiful, but also dangerous. Therefore, to attract prosperity to your home, the first step is to get rid of harmful flowers.

31/01/2018 Plant species 321 - views

Indoor plants are true allies in the fight for comfort and tranquility in the home. But not every plant on the windowsill is a scarlet flower that will create a favorable aura. Behind the beautiful petals there may be vampire flowers or pests that will quarrel with family members and take away energy. To avoid making mistakes in choosing plants, use our tips.

  • Please note which shade at the blossoming flowers. Red, orange and dark flowers will give energy, sensuality and add eroticism to the bedroom. Delicate pink or cream tones make the owners more open and welcoming. White - enhance spirituality and normalize energy balance.
  • Choose plants growing upward, especially for children's rooms. They promote spiritual and physical growth. If the leaves point down, the plant will ground you.
  • Hard thorns and sharp leaves lead to quarrels. Grow flowers with rounded leaves. They absorb tension and extinguish possible conflicts.
  • If you live on rented apartment or you just don’t want to bother with potted plants, try to keep them indoors cut flowers. The aroma of blossoming buds will lift your spirits and attract good luck to your home. The luckiest flowers are lilies and daisies. Roses, gerberas and bright multi-colored bouquets of tulips are in no way inferior to their indoor counterparts in terms of the power of their positive impact.

Flowers for energy balance

  • Schlumberger's Decembrist blooms in December and creates an aura of goodness and positivity around itself. Even selfish people around him become softer and more responsive. If it blooms in the wrong month, you are lucky - there is a very good atmosphere in the house.
  • In the hall or living room we recommend placing bamboo. It absorbs negative vibes and fits harmoniously into any interior.
  • Basil contains linalool, a substance that improves mood and energizes.

Plants that attract money

  • Crassula or “money tree” We recommend planting it yourself and placing a small coin at the bottom of the pot. If a tree begins to hurt, it must be removed from the house. Otherwise, poverty and debt are possible.
  • Zamioculcas - “dollar tree”– we recommend purchasing for those who want to create a multi-currency green arsenal. It is unpretentious in care and can withstand prolonged drought, but is very poisonous.
  • Lemon in the east it is considered a plant that provides financial stability. It is better to grow it in a red pot and carefully care for it.

Flowers for creating and strengthening a family

  • Myrtle- flower of lovers. It is presented to newlyweds at their wedding as a sign of a strong marriage and a close-knit family.
  • Uzumbara violet or “flower of love” brings harmony and happiness to the home. It's better to grow violets white- This is a symbol of the purity of family relationships.
  • Amaryllis and spathiphyllum“they will marry off” girls, attract love and help them find female happiness.
  • Ficus We advise childless couples who dream of having a child to have one. The ficus must be carefully looked after and protected. Then, according to signs, the couple will definitely have a baby.

Plants for good health

  • Juice aloe vera is actively used both in cosmetology and in folk medicine. It has analgesic, wound healing and disinfectant properties.
  • Chlorophytum used instead of conditioner. It purifies the air from pathogenic microbes, mold spores and toxic substances.


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Few people know that there are house plants that bring good luck to the house, and also make the gardener happier and richer. Several such plants will be presented below.

12 Houseplants that bring good luck



This plant is considered the flower of the world. It has long been known that if violets are grown in an apartment, then quarrels between household members are extremely rare. Also this flower is a symbol of fidelity. White violet will help you get rid of mental suffering. It is recommended to plant it to the person who has this moment quite a difficult period in life.

Chinese rose (hibiscus)

This plant is a symbol of Malaysia, as well as the emblem of Hawaii. It is recommended to plant it so that peace reigns in the house. It is also considered a passion plant.

Wax ivy, hoya

In a large number of countries, this flower is presented as a living valentine, symbolizing a declaration of love. This very delicate and beautiful plant is recommended to be grown in the bedroom.


No best gift for people who have recently tied the knot than myrtle. The fact is that such a flower can attract happiness into the house, and peace and understanding will always reign between spouses.



It is known that this plant can save a family, preserving marital happiness. Experienced people advise giving calathea as a gift to a married couple who is on the verge of divorce.


This not very spectacular plant has truly amazing abilities. In the apartment where it settles, mutual understanding and peace reign. It is recommended to plant such a flower in an office where there are a lot of people in one room, and then there will be much less quarrels between them.

So, chlorophytum also has another unique ability - it can purify the air in the room where it is located. It is recommended to place it in a room where renovations have recently been carried out or where there is recently purchased furniture. The plant can absorb everything harmful substances and unpleasant odors from the air.

Oxalis (Oxalis)


This plant is very useful for men. It is believed that it helps restore and maintain potency, which is why it is also called “ male happiness" Anthurium is recommended to be placed in the bedroom.


The flower can make men more resilient and courageous. For women, he is able to give softness and femininity.


It is known that this flower is able to protect its owner from nightmares at night.

Plants that bring trouble

However, it should be remembered that not all plants can only bring happiness; there are also those that are better not to grow in your home.

So, for example, ivy can “survive” a man from an apartment who cannot be relied upon. This plant has strong energy, and therefore in the room where it grows, little children sleep very restlessly.

Another strong flower is the monstera. However, it may not benefit everyone. So, it should not be kept in a house where there are people with throat diseases. To weaken the power of the flower, it is recommended to tie a blue cord to it (best with a piece of rock crystal).

If you decide to buy a plant, then you need to do it with a pure soul. That is, you cannot buy a flower just to attract wealth or love to your home. The plant must be loved and cared for, and then it will answer you in kind.

In an effort to make their home as cozy as possible, or to turn their apartment in the concrete jungle into a green oasis, women decorate their apartments with all kinds of plants and flowers. But not everyone knows that many of them are not recommended for breeding at home, and some are strictly prohibited. Such plants can poison pet, seriously harm a child or an adult. Some flowers are not recommended to be kept at home due to various superstitions. We will now tell you which flowers you can’t keep at home and which you can.

We will not be able to list all the dangers to humans houseplants, this is impossible because there are so many of them. Let's dwell on the most popular ones, those that ladies often grow in their homes without fear.

When we buy a flower, we imagine how organically it will look in our interior, how it will lavish its aroma and cause the envy of our girlfriends. But we don’t think about what damage a new green “friend” can cause.

Oleander - beautiful flower with large bright petals, but whose leaves contain poisonous juice. If this juice gets on human skin, it can cause allergic reactions and even burns. Moreover, the aroma of oleander can cause headaches, nausea and fainting.

Dieffenbachia - this plant can be found among many people; it is loved for its large, beautiful leaves, in the bright design of which all shades of green seem to merge. However, not all connoisseurs of the bright appearance of Dieffenbachia know that its juice can also cause burns. If the plant juice gets into the esophagus, severe burns and poisoning cannot be avoided. It is better to forget about this plant for families with small children and animals, especially cats.

Azalea is incredibly beautiful; large caps of its bright colors find fans from all parts of the world. However, azalea leaves contain the most dangerous substances, glycoside and andromedotoxin, contact with which for people and animals will lead to severe poisoning, nausea, and convulsions.

Cyclamen, beloved by many, is also on the list of flowers that cannot be grown at home. Cyclamen flowers look funny, attracting admiring glances from lovers of originality, but distract attention from the dangerous leaves. The leaves of the plant are very toxic, but its tubers are even more dangerous. They contain a poison similar in effect to curare, which if ingested by a person or animal will cause vomiting, diarrhea, severe cramps and even fainting.

Nightshade - bright flower with positive appearance and dangerous content. The plant is strewn with juicy fruits orange color, but you can’t eat them: they are very poisonous. Once ingested, nightshade fruits can cause serious poisoning. If it is not difficult for an adult to learn that the bright appearance of the fruit is just a lure, it will be difficult for a child to resist tasting the beautiful “berries”.

Trichocereus belongs to the cactus family, as evidenced by its bright appearance. Beautiful large flowers regularly bloom among the long needles white shade, which, moreover, smell very tasty. This aroma can cloud your consciousness, because the plant contains hallucinogenic and toxic substances that can cause paralysis of the central nervous system.

Geranium is a very common resident of our window sills. However, some people cannot keep these house flowers at home. Geranium leaves contain a lot essential oil, so it smells so strong that it can cause an allergic reaction. Many people are familiar with the characteristic smell of geranium, but, as a rule, the aroma is released only after the plant is touched.

Evergreen ivy very poisonous: hazardous substances found in the stems, leaves and berries of the plant. Cats will be especially affected: they are very attracted to the bright green leaves, which they are sure to try.

What kind of house flowers should not be kept at home due to signs and superstitions?

There are many superstitions associated with growing flowers at home. Whether to trust them or not is a personal matter for each person, but we will tell you which so-called “unlucky plants” are not recommended to be kept at home due to popular rumor.

Cacti - and not only Trichocereus, but folk signs should not be kept at home. There is a belief that in a house where cacti grow, the husband may become an alcoholic, and the girl will not be happy in her marriage. Or he will be completely left without a “other half”. It is also believed that cacti negatively affect relationships between family members.

What flowers cannot be grown at home? This is the second time Dieffenbachia has been included in the list; popular rumor attributes to it the ability to “take away” health from family members. Of course, it’s not for nothing that there is so much poison in it.

Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue, is believed that these flowers should not be kept at home by an unmarried woman. The plant, which has practically no stem, but many, many elongated narrow leaves, does not allow men near the house. And if some daredevil gets in his way, his mother-in-law’s tongue will certainly “drive him out.” Therefore, if you grow such a plant on your windowsill, you can remain unmarried. And you certainly shouldn’t keep sansevieria in the bedroom; there is a belief that it negatively affects female strength. Should we believe or not such signs? Probably if you collect everything folk superstitions in one list, you will have to get rid of all the green inhabitants of the window sills. On the other hand, maybe it’s not for nothing that the flower has a “speaking” name?

What indoor flowers should not be kept at home? It’s not for nothing that the photo of the ficus was included here. This plant not only can cause allergic reactions, but also prevents the appearance of children in the house. In any case, it is believed that if you are planning a child, you must first get rid of the ficus. At a minimum, ficus should not be kept in the bedroom, otherwise it can harm the relationship of the spouses.

Maybe such rumors are spread by people with allergies to children? After all, there is also the exact opposite opinion: if you want a child, get a ficus. Supposedly it helps get rid of infertility and improves the climate in the family. This is another reason to think about whether you should trust folk signs at all.

Not everyone keeps ferns in their homes, but there are some who love them. And in vain. This is a kind of energy vampire that takes away a person’s vitality. It is believed that fern owners suffer from constant fatigue, they constantly want to sleep and do not want to be active.

On the list of indoor plants that cannot be kept at home, we again see geranium. This time, geranium was disqualified due to popular superstitions - it is also called an energy vampire, sucking the life juices out of family members.

What climbing flowers should you not keep at home? Indeed, there are several plants on this list. It is believed that if climbing plants are grown in the house, the husband will hide behind all the skirts. The man will be uncomfortable at home, he will try to escape. With climbing vine-like plants the situation is even more “interesting”: men will avoid such a house. Moreover, such flowers negatively affect a person’s state of mind, causing him to feel blue. Evergreen ivy is useful to keep outside rather than inside the house. Thus, it will protect the home from negativity.

Other climbing plants also “got it”: tradescantia, roisissus, hanging zebra and campelia, supposedly capable of “driving” a man out of the house.

What flowers should not be kept in the house according to Feng Shui?

The Asian practice of organizing space, of course, did not ignore such an interesting point as flowers in the house. Feng Shui “forbids” keeping at home not some varieties of flowers, but plants that are in a certain state.

Thus, it is believed that there is no place for dried flowers at home: they contribute to the drying out of feminine energy. Therefore, ladies who keep dried flowers in the house have nothing to hope for male attention.

If the flower, despite special care and care, fades, you need to get rid of it. It is believed to emit negative energy.

You need to choose flowers whose leaves “look” up; they will fill your home positive energy. Plants with leaves that trail downwards have no place in the house.

You should not have a flower with pointed leaves in your house; it is better to give preference to plants with rounded leaves. Allegedly, these plants will bring scandals and discord to the family.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, flowers are divided into male and female. Women's: begonia, violet, crassula, cyclamen. Male: dracaena, chlorophytum, citrus. To have positive energy at home, it is necessary to grow both female and male flowers.

What flowers should an unmarried girl not keep at home?

Perhaps this topic is worth special mention, since most of the signs and superstitions associated with flowers relate specifically to marriage and childbirth.

  • Lianas and liana-like flowers should be removed from the home by unmarried women. Otherwise you won't be able to get married
  • For example, folk superstitions “prohibit” girls from keeping the monstera vine at home, otherwise they can doom themselves to celibacy. Of course, there are no proven facts of such monstera behavior, however, on the Internet you can find reviews from women who report that they managed to improve their personal life only after getting rid of the flower
  • The cacti, which we have already talked about, also “turn away” potential suitors from the girl. It’s doubly offensive if you have to break up with your chosen one because of his attachment to drink, and not to the woman he loves.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue that drives men out of the house
  • Ficus preventing you from having offspring
  • Climbing plants, otherwise the man will cheat regularly

What flowers can you keep at home?

Here is a list of plants that should bring happiness and prosperity to your home:

  • Money tree - the name speaks for itself. It is better to plant it yourself, placing a coin on the bottom of the pot. But if the leaves money tree will dry out, you need to get rid of the flower
  • Lemons increase activity
  • Dracaena in the home promotes well-being and career growth
  • The spitaphyllum flower should be placed at home for unmarried women. It will help you find your chosen one, and in established families it promotes peace and happiness
  • Akucuba, or golden tree, will help you get rich, develop your talents and protect you from ill-wishers

Of course, you shouldn’t recklessly rely on these lists - which flowers you can keep at home and which you can’t. Whether it is worth urgently throwing away your many years of herbarium collection, or giving a ficus to your sworn friend, everyone decides for themselves.

If a person believes in omens, there is no need to grow, for example, ferns at home, this will at least have a negative impact on the subconscious. If you treat folk signs skeptically, without attaching importance to superstitions, then your husband is unlikely to become an alcoholic just because there are cacti on the windowsill.

Have you ever wondered why you can't keep climbing plants at home? If not, then we hasten to tell you about it, but first we’ll explain where this sign came from.

History of signs

  • Since ancient times, people have been afraid of all kinds of climbing plants. They were not planted in their gardens, nor were they kept in their homes. These plants were afraid because, according to them, climbing stems Devils and Satan could get out of hell and one fateful night capture the owner of the house or his relatives, or livestock, and take them with them to eternal hell.
  • They were afraid to approach these plants alone during the day, because the ancient people believed that the plant could grab someone and strangle someone with its tenacious and curly branches.
  • Since then, they began to be afraid to have climbing plants at home and began to consider their appearance in their homes bad omen.

Why can't you grow indoor plants that climb?

  • So why are climbing plants at home a bad omen? What is so bad they bring us? And the sign with climbing plants at home means that they absorb a lot of positive energy, leaving only negative energy.
  • Climbing plants in a couple's bedroom can cause discord in a relationship. They may raise suspicions on the part of one of the spouses that the other is unfaithful, or the husband and wife may simply lose interest in each other. The more climbing plants they have in the bedroom, the worse their relationship will be, and the faster divorce will occur.
  • It is highly undesirable to place any climbing plants in children’s bedrooms, because they will absorb all the children’s health into their long stems and many leaves. The child may have severe headaches or the immune system may be seriously compromised.
  • If there is a climbing plant in the kitchen, then conflicts will constantly arise there and the family will not be happy. The neighbors of this family will hear swearing almost every day, and all this is because of a simple climbing indoor plant.
  • But in the hallway, a climbing plant can delay the bad thoughts of those who enter the house. Therefore small indoor flower with climbing stems you can put it there.

What plants are climbing plants?

  • The most famous of the climbing plants is Tradescantia. It has many varieties. There are tradescantia with small fluffy leaves that are colored green and purple. And there are tradescantia with just smooth green leaves.
  • There is also an indoor climbing plant called Cissus or, as people call it, Birch. This plant really has its leaves reminds me of a birch tree.
  • Many people also plant Scindapsus in their apartment. This plant has yellow spots on its leaves.

Now you know why you can’t keep climbing plants at home.

Why can't you grow climbing plants at home?

    It is believed that it is undesirable to keep climbing plants such as ivy and birch trees at home, since there is a popular belief in this regard that these plants seem to survive from the men’s house, draw the energy of love from the owners, and the family life of the owner of such a flower garden will either not work out at all or will be unsuccessful.

    At home I only have wild grapes on a shelf, they have been growing for many years and nothing, I really wipe a lot of dust on them. A friend of mine has ivy, and her family is like everyone else - husband, children, it seems normal. In general, it’s better if you have doubts, then it’s better not to get climbing ones, get some other flowers that have no signs, so that they don’t confuse you.

    Who told you that vines cannot be grown in the house? It’s very possible, but they weave a lot and there are a lot of leaves, you have to clean the dust once a week, but there are a lot of leaves! But the vine pleases us with green leaves all year round. For the holidays we attach decorations to it. So I don’t see anything wrong with Liana!

    There is such a judgment that in a house where, for example, ivy grows, a man will walk, get confused, drink, and may generally wander into unknown places - apparently, they are judged by the nature of the plant itself, which entwines everything around and knows no restrictions.

    If we talk about the energy of these plants, it is cold, so if passions regularly boil in the house, then climbing plants can slightly dampen them. But if it’s still cold, then it’s better to look for other flowers.

    If you believe in omens, then there is one such that weaving plants at home lead to frequent quarrels and loneliness. I don’t know where this belief came from.

    I also heard that all the climbing plants will not let a man into the house. They are popularly called muzhegons. Somehow I even got rid of all the climbing plants at one time. Friends have both plants and men. So, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe in such a sign or not.

When purchasing another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their livelihoods. Some plant species contain poison in their sap or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, some flowers have an adverse effect on the human body. In this case, you need to choose the right location for the future green resident, without placing it in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a huge number of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All the sayings are mixed with various signs that can ultimately confuse a novice gardener.
In this article we will look at plants with which you need to be careful and be aware of the likely consequences for the body and for energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children, due to their extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, can be poisoned by such flowers or get burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children or animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to use gloves when working with these colors and wash your tools thoroughly. Never trim these flowers with a knife meant for eating in your kitchen.

Consider this group of plants:

  1. Dieffenbachia.

    A popular indoor plant that attracts gardeners with its huge yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. The flower is dangerous because of its juice, which is released when the leaves or stem are cut. If a pet or child decides to chew any part of this flower, the juice that enters the body will cause severe poisoning. In addition, Dieffenbachia juice causes burns and irritation to the skin.
  2. Oleander (Nerium oleander).

    Popular for its bright crimson flowers. Ingestion of oleander juice into the body causes blindness. Smell flowering plant promotes dizziness and poor health.
  3. Euphorbia (Euphorbia).

    This plant is represented by a huge number of species and various forms, so it cannot be described unambiguously. Many representatives are similar in appearance to cacti and have spines, the injection of which is also dangerous for a living organism. Euphorbia contains white sap in its stem and leaves, which causes burns and irritation on the skin. If it enters the body it causes poisoning.

    By the way, on our website there is a large article about caring for this plant, so we recommend that you read it!

  4. Croton.

    If we talk about this plant, which belongs to the euphorbia family, then it looks like a small tree with variegated leaves that have an elongated shape. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and it rarely blooms at home. The juice of this plant causes burns on the skin. If the juice gets into the bloodstream through a cut or ingestion, the matter may result in death or intensive care.
  5. Azalea.

    A common plant among flower lovers. It is famous for its lush and attractive flowering. Azalea flowers come in a wide variety of colors: white, pink, red, yellow. It is Azalea Simsa (Indian Azalea) that is considered dangerous. Ingestion of the leaves of this flower causes intestinal colic and cramps.
  6. Mimosa pudica.

    A bizarre plant, which is externally represented by thin stems and small leaves. The leaves look fragile and delicate, and when they come into contact with an object, they curl into a tube. Prolonged human contact with these flowers leads to hair loss and hair loss. Sometimes it even comes to complete baldness. The fact is that this plant releases harmful and toxic substances that poison the human body.
  7. Evergreen ivy (Hedera).

    This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is a shrub in the form of vines. Cats are very attracted to the bright green color of the leaves of this plant, but ivy leaves and berries are poisonous, so the animal can die or be seriously poisoned.
  8. Adenium.

    A very beautiful plant, which is represented by a thick, plump stem in the form of a small tree trunk. At the top there are sparse leaves and a large number of medium sized pink flowers. The plant is very toxic, adenium juice is especially dangerous. Upon contact with the body it causes poisoning and burns.
  9. Monstera.

    Monsterra not so much dangerous plant, but still it’s better not to start it at home

    A spectacular plant with huge leaves and growing to an impressive size. Usually, monstera can be found in public places or botanical gardens. Monstera juice can cause burns on the skin, upset the digestive system, and if it gets into the eyes, damage them.

  10. Philodendron.

    Belongs to the aroid family. The plant is represented by bushes, vines and lush greenery. Philodendron juice is poisonous. In contact with skin and eyes, it causes irritation and burns.
  11. Primula (Primula).

    The flower has gained such popularity due to its beautiful blooms of various shades, small size and velvety leaves. During flowering, the plant releases toxic substances that cause nausea and dizziness. The velvety leaves are covered with small villi, contact with which leads to burning and allergies.
  12. Dwarf Stellera (Stellera chamaejasme).

    The photo shows Steller in his natural habitat. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can only be used for such purposes under the supervision of a doctor. The flower itself has a tall stem on which the inflorescences are located. They consist of 20-30 small white flowers. If the leaves of the plant are ingested raw into the body, it can cause swelling of the vocal cords and even numbness.
  13. Nightshade (Solanum).

    This flower attracts attention with its bright orange fruits, which decorate evergreen shrub. These fruits are very poisonous and dangerous. May cause poisoning. The bright color of the berries attracts children and animals, so you should not keep such a flower at home.
  14. Gesner tulip (Tulipa gesneriana).

    This plant blooms very impressively. It has a medium-sized stem on which a large flower is located. The color is varied - from yellow to red. But staying indoors with this flower for a long time leads to hair loss and baldness.
  15. Trichocereus.

    This plant is a type of cactus. It has long and large needles and blooms with large white flowers that have a pleasant aroma. The plant contains hallucinogens and toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system.

By family

The list of poisonous plants seems much longer, so when buying a flower, ask what family it belongs to. There are 4 main families of the most poisonous plants, namely:

  • Euphorbiaceae family. The juice of many representatives of this class is poisonous and causes burns to the skin.
  • Family Araceae. Most representatives of this group are toxic plants. Their juice is especially dangerous.
  • Kurt family. This class includes the most dangerous plants for human and animal life. They attract with their bright and colorful appearance. Wear gloves when working with flowers in this family.
  • Solanaceae family. In this class, not all plants are poisonous, because the well-known potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. But home flowers are most often toxic, and especially their fruits. Berries cause indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

Watch the video for details:

Sometimes indoor plants bring not only beauty, but also danger. For this reason, be sure to use protective equipment when working with flowers. If, no matter what, you decide to acquire such flowers, then try to protect them from possible contact with animals and children.

List of plants that need to be treated with caution

There are a number of indoor flowers that can harm the human body only if they are placed incorrectly in the house. In addition, some plant varieties cause allergies or minor illnesses. The list of these plants is as follows:

All flowers with a strong aroma should be placed in thoroughly ventilated areas. Then problems with feeling unwell will not arise.

Folk signs: what is possible, what is not?

To trust folk signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. It is worth remembering that most often signs arise on the basis of many years of observations of ancestors. Let's consider what the appearance of some indoor plants in the house entails:

After reading this article, you can find out which indoor plants bring misfortune to the house. Superstitions associated with them were formed over a long time under the influence of real incidents that happened to some people, and were passed on from generation to generation.

Despite the fact that most biologists treat such beliefs with sarcasm, whether you believe or not in their validity, you must decide for yourself, because even psychologists say that when choosing plants for your home, you should not be guided by superstitions, but trust your own feelings.

Don't forget that there are things that bring bad luck into your home for good reason - many of them are poisonous, and some cause severe allergic reactions.

Basic data

The main superstitions associated with indoor plants are based on their death. So, for example, if a plant dies, it is believed that it has warded off misfortune from the owner, and the opinion that stolen flowers take root better has ruined many beautiful plants, from which cuttings were separated without the consent of the owners.

Signs about the existence of things that bring misfortune to the house were formed only in relation to the most popular house plants. With regard to species that have recently appeared in flower shops, for example, orchids, they simply have not yet had time to earn a negative attitude towards themselves. At the same time, it is quite likely that in a few decades they will “grow” with their own signs.

Below are the most famous indoor plants that bring misfortune, the signs about which are often extremely contradictory.


In the Middle Ages in Greece and Rome, ivy was not only a symbol of devotion, but also acted as one of the most common talismans for young girls. It was believed that it symbolizes not only the possibility of a successful marriage, but also allows the owner long time maintain youth and attractiveness. To do this, it was enough just to wear a sprig of ivy on the chest.

As for the present time, in the East they believe that it increases the vital energy of the owner, prolonging his life. At the same time, in post-Soviet territories there is an opinion that ordinary ivy, widespread in the southern regions, attracts misfortune to the house. In addition, it is not recommended to place it in the home of newlyweds, as it can also cause quarrels, as a result of which men leave their families.


Even in pre-war times, ficus was considered one of the most pronounced symbols of well-being. It was believed that he attracted wealth to the family. That is why even the poorest segments of the population sought to obtain this plant. However, after the war, attitudes towards him changed radically. The opinion began to actively spread among the people that in those families where the men survived and returned from the war, there were no ficus trees.

Since people called it the “widow plant”, within a fairly short time it gained a bad reputation and most of the luxurious specimens of these plants were mercilessly destroyed.


Monstera is a fast-growing vine with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give it to respected elderly people, as it is believed that it can influence the increase in the number of days allotted to a person to live. Because of this sign, there she is considered a wonderful gift for almost any holiday. However, our people’s superstitions about keeping monsteras in the house are radically different from the Chinese. There is an opinion that this is one of the most dangerous vampire plants that absorb human energy, which is why people become lethargic and apathetic. In addition, it is not recommended to have it in families where there are people with heart disease or lung problems, since at night it can “strangle” a person.

But the monstera can be placed in public place where a lot of negative energy accumulates, for example, in court. There she will not only delight you with her appearance, but will also consume excess negative energy.


The opinion about the “mystical” fern plant, whose flower has been sought since ancient times on the night of Ivan Kupala, is quite contradictory. So, in some parts it is believed that if you bring a fern into your house, you will bring misfortune with it, and as long as the plant is in it, various misfortunes will be attracted to you. However, in other places it is believed that the fern, on the contrary, protects the family from the evil that other people do, and any evil spirits. It is believed that if a fern suddenly dries up, then it has taken upon itself damage directed against the owner of the home.


There is a common superstition that if kept in a house, the girl living in it will never be able to marry for love. In fact, this plant is considered a permanent reason why a girl may remain alone until old age. In addition, it is not recommended to keep violets in the house due to the fact that the female part of the family may develop various diseases of the reproductive system.


It is believed that this plant has such powerful energy that it easily suppresses the human biofield, having a powerful negative impact on the health of people who are in close proximity to it every day. People who have it at home often get seriously ill. Despite the fact that to date there is no scientific evidence this fact, if you still decide to have a cyperus in the house, be sure to listen to how you feel.


There are a large number of plants that should not be kept in the house from an emotional and psychological point of view. These indoor plants, which bring misfortune to the house, have received the name “husband plants” from people.

  • Scindapsus is one of the most popular varieties tropical vines. It is believed that she not only brings quarrels into the house and is the culprit of divorce, but also “drives out” all men from the family, including even sons and grandchildren.
  • Cissus, like scindapsus, belongs to the category of plants that have a direct impact on men leaving families. In addition, cissus is considered a real magnet for attracting misfortunes into the family.
  • Hibiscus - it is not recommended for unmarried women to have it, as their personal life begins to deteriorate, and their lover may sooner or later leave for another.
  • Hoya - it is believed that this plant can not only “drive” a man out of the house, but also drive him away from the world.
  • Tradescantia - in the house where this plant is located, the marriage may soon collapse.

Signs associated with flower coloring

As a rule, signs associated with flowers do not foretell anything terrible. Often, flowers that bring misfortune to the house are also divided according to color. For example:

  • White flowers symbolize purity and innocence. That is why there is a belief that it is better to give newlyweds flowers of this color for their wedding.
  • Red flowers symbolize passion and love.
  • Yellow flowers portend an imminent separation.
  • It is customary to give blue flowers to loved ones, as they symbolize sincerity and kindness.


Don't rush to throw away your favorite flowers just because someone told you that they bring bad luck to the house. Of course, whether to believe or not to believe in such statements is a personal matter for each person, but you should first of all trust your own feelings.

Even if you personally know people whose lives did not work out for some reason and in their house there were some of the plants listed in this article, this does not mean that the people suffered exactly from them negative influence. After all, most countries have their own folk signs associated with plants.

Indoor flowers should be selected for your home only taking into account your taste preferences, because first of all, they should please you with their appearance and lift your spirits.