Well      06/29/2020

Valentinovich Oleg Tinkov what nationality. Oleg Tinkov is a billionaire, successful entrepreneur and brawler. Oleg Tinkov's net worth

In society, people who are different from the rest always attract great interest. It is not so important what exactly this difference is - the main thing is that it exists.

We are especially curious about those who have managed, as they say, to “take everything from life” and now enjoy allowing themselves long trips on personal planes, dinners in restaurants at a bird’s eye view, alpine skiing on any day off in hot July, and so on. .

One of these people is Oleg Tinkov, whose name is included in the Forbes list. He is one of us, but at the same time he is completely different, because he managed to set the bar for such a leap, which to most seems simply fantastic.

What does Oleg himself think about this? How did he manage to reach dizzying heights? Do you need exceptional abilities given by God at birth for this, or is everyone capable of this - you just need to put some effort into it?

Tinkov is a Russian entrepreneur whose name is well known today thanks to the “ Tinkoff Bank" Perhaps, if you see him somewhere in a cafe or store, you will not pay much attention: a slender, fit, middle-aged blond, discreetly dressed, not attracting close glances.

Perhaps his demeanor - this man is very confident in himself - may make one suspect his “exceptionalism”. Few of us walk through life as if we know that any doors will open to him if he really wants it. And Tinkov walks just like that.

Biography, how it all began?

Oleg Tinkov is from the Kemerovo region, from a family of a worker (miner) and a seamstress.

True, he himself assures that the representatives of his family have “blue” noble blood flowing: once upon a time, even before the 1917 revolution, Tinkov’s ancestors had an estate near Tambov.

Later, a revolutionary thunderstorm swept away and confused everything, and since then the Tinkovs have become simpler.

In 1967, Oleg was born. His childhood was very ordinary: the family did not possess any wealth, they lived and worked like ordinary Soviet people. Oleg studied, walked, was fond of sports, like many Soviet boys.

The boy’s priority was cycling, and his “romance with the bicycle” was long and serious: Oleg participated in city and regional competitions, and even became a candidate for master of sports. Of course, this helped shape his character: the young man was always determined to win.

Already while studying at school, the boy’s “non-Soviet” talent manifested itself: he managed to buy jeans, sneakers or other things while traveling, and then sold them at a good markup. Back then it was called “farting” and was not very encouraged.

And then there was the army. After two years of service, honestly given to the state, Oleg entered the Leningrad Mining Institute. That's when his entrepreneurial career begins. True, he did not finish college, leaving the third year. But then he continued his education in America, taking a course at the University of California (in the field of marketing) in 6 months.

Surely the environment played a significant role: during his studies in Leningrad, Oleg met Andrey Rogachev, Oleg Leonov and one more Oleg – Zherebtsov. These are the future founders and owners of Lenta, Pyaterochka, and Dixie, known to everyone today.

The future owner of Tinkoff Bank travels to Singapore, where he buys electronics and sells them in Russian cities. He creates the limited liability company Petrosib, and then Petrosib-Novosibirsk, Petrosib-Kemerovo.

In addition, Oleg opens the MusikShock retail chain, which sells records and CDs.

Actually, this is where it all started. Things went well and things started to spin...

Personal life of a billionaire

While Oleg was studying at the institute, girls always hovered around him in flocks. He doesn’t hide this, honestly talking about it in interviews. And he himself liked the slender, very pretty Rina Vosman. This girl came to Leningrad to study from Estonia.

Then it was believed that the education that can be obtained in the northern capital of the Soviet Union is of very high quality. Rina came here to study and unexpectedly met her fate in the city on the Neva.

The couple recalls: at first, Oleg often had “easy” money, he loved to party in restaurants where he took Rina. And then something started to go wrong and the guy, one might say, became impoverished. It got to the point that Rina treated the groom to dinner.

Of course, his pride suffered. Therefore, serious attention had to be paid to business.

Rina always supported her husband, while managing to literally remain in his shadow: even today you can hardly find an interview with her or any programs with her participation on the Internet. She is completely indifferent to PR.

Rina devoted her entire life to Oleg and her children: three of them were born in the marriage. Although to say “married” is probably not entirely correct. The Tinkovs lived for twenty years without signing. Of course, there were “well-wishers” who frightened Rina: they say, look, Oleg will leave. After all, everything is with him: money, wealth. What do you have? Children? But the children haven't stopped anyone yet...

Fortunately, the predictions of the “good” advisers did not come true: the Tinkovs are still together. They signed after all. This happened in 2009, on Lake Baikal. The children followed their mother and carried her train white dress. The relationship between the spouses has been tested by time, so such a wedding is real, you can immediately feel that the spouses are guided by sincere love.

Rina does not try to interfere in her husband's affairs. Moreover, she, unlike many wives of oligarchs, does not even strive to realize her ambitions, trying, for example, to act as a designer and design the interiors of apartments owned by the family. She is raising children (her daughter is already an adult, and the boys are still growing up).

Oleg says that he does not spoil his wife with gifts: she, of course, has everything, but “within the bounds of decency.” She loves good cars- and one day her husband pleased her with a brand new Lamborghini.

The Tinkovs’ eldest daughter, Dasha, knows 4 languages. She studied in Italy, Russia, the USA and England. After completing her studies, the girl independently, without any help from her “rich” parent, got a job at the BI company.

This is a British company dealing in luxury wines. Dasha lives in England, rents an apartment, and with her own money.

When Oleg flies to London on business and stays with his daughter, she grumbles: “Dad, turn off the lights, turn off the water!” — I’m used to using resources sparingly.

Dasha doesn’t want to go to Russia, she says that she has nothing to do there, because both her business and her friends are in England.

However, she does not forget her homeland: Dasha runs Instagram in Russian, remembers the language of her childhood well and plans to teach it to her future children.

The Tinkovs’ youngest children, Pasha and Roma, are still studying. They are finishing their studies in England. Boys are not spoiled either. They could, for example, fly around the world only in business class or even on their father’s personal plane. And they fly economy.

Why did Oleg send his children to study abroad? He himself says the following about this: “I believe that there is no higher education in Russia. In any case, education in the field of business. It's collapsed."

I would like to hope that one of Tinkov’s children, having received their diploma, will want to return to Russia. In order to build a business in our country. It's a shame that young and promising people are leaving Russia...

How does Oleg Tinkov earn money?

Tinkov has one peculiarity - having created, raised from “scratch” and “nurtured” his next “brainchild,” the businessman seems to lose interest in it and sells it. This happened with:

  • "TechnoShock";
  • "MusikShock";
  • recording studio "Shock Records";
  • company for the production of frozen semi-finished products "Daria" (named, by the way, in honor of Tinkov's daughter - the same girl who works successfully in London today).

Tinkov was fond of music, and managed to turn it into a profitable business. He produced the groups “Leningrad” and “Bricks”, which he proudly talks about today.

The companies were created and sold in the 90s. Then Tinkov opens a beer restaurant - first in St. Petersburg, then in other cities - Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Sochi. After some time, the businessman also breaks up with this network.

Recently, a new direction has been actively developing - Tinkov magazine about money, where some authors earn about 10,000 rubles for writing one article, subject to certain conditions.

By the end of the 2000s, the entrepreneur's focus turned to the banking sector. In 2006, he acquired Khimmashbank, which began to develop, focusing on remote service.

This was a special “trick”: in Russia, this bank became the first of those that practically do not require the client to come to the office. So far, the entrepreneur’s interest in Tinkoff Bank has not faded. He has some other plans related to this business.

TinkovBankoff Bank

By 2018, Oleg held the position of chairman of the board of directors of Tinkoff Bank and Tinkoff Insurance.

The bank positions itself as the best Internet project in Russia, completely abandoning offices. Tinkov himself, talking about this financial institution, says that he does not understand why people still go to offices. This is inconvenient, the entrepreneur is sure: it is much easier to download a mobile application and your bank will always be with you, anywhere in the world.

Bank clients will receive an answer to any of their questions whenever they contact them, even if they have such a need on the morning of January 1. According to the monthly publication GlobalFinance, Tinkoff Bank was recognized as the best bank based on surveys of social network users in 2017.

The bank is very large and promising: for 9 months of 2017, net profit amounted to 12.6 billion rubles.

The brand owner is not going to stop there. He set a goal for himself: to bring his bank to the world stage. No, of course, the world knows about Tinkoff Bank, but, as Oleg notes, “they’ve only heard about us so far.” The businessman’s plans are to build the largest online bank in the world.

This is one of the reasons why a businessman approaching his 50th birthday does not want to “retire” and simply enjoy life. However, he still knows how to find a balance between work and rest and relaxes, by his own admission, quite enough - at least 4 months a year, when he goes skiing and cycling abroad.


  • “I’m like everyone else: not a fictional novel”;
  • "How to become a businessman."

Both can be purchased both in paper version, for example, in the stores of the “Read-Gorod” chain, and in an electronic version.

Readers who have read the books mostly leave positive comments. They note that the businessman honestly talked about himself, how he started, what problems he had to face.

Books can be useful for those who are just dreaming of “turning around”, like Tinkov: Oleg mentions his mistakes, gives advice on how to act so as not to step on the same rake.

Readers note that the books go “in one breath.” And the first of them, “I’m like everyone else: not a fictional novel,” won an award at Ozone in the “Business Book” category.

Who might find the writings of the owner of Tinkoff Bank useful? According to reader reviews, first of all - for those who intend to do business.

However, for general development, reading these books will not hurt anyone who is not going to leave the cozy office of the company where he works as a manager or accountant. Tinkov’s books will help you look at your life a little differently, discover new opportunities and horizons.

Where did Tinkov get the scar on his face?

Attentive fans have long noticed a scar on Oleg Tinkov’s face in the lip area. Where is he from? The first thing that comes to mind: isn’t this a trace of the “dashing 90s”, when Tinkov had to build a business in conditions far from civilized?

We hasten to reassure the reader: no, the owner of Tinkoff Bank did not participate in any gang warfare. The scar appeared on him immediately after the army.

After serving for 2 years, Oleg returned to his hometown, made an agreement with his beloved girl and went with her to a summer camp to relax. But the dreams were not destined to come true. Something terrible happened: the couple got into a terrible accident in which the girl died. Oleg remained alive, but fate “burned” him a “memento” in the form of a scar.

After that accident, Tinkov left his native place - any memories of the tragedy were so difficult for him.

Oleg Tinkov on YouTube

The entrepreneur does not appear on TV screens very often and is not such a popular guest on various Internet projects as one might assume based on the lifestyle he leads and his income.

The businessman has his own channel on YouTube video hosting, which currently has 7,139 subscribers. Apparently, the businessman does not chase subscribers and does not strive with all his might to increase their number, but people never cease to be interested in his affairs and personal life.

IN Lately Tinkov decided to open another line of business: he created the project “ LaDatcha", which consists in the fact that in the most beautiful parts of the globe an entrepreneur builds mansions that are completely ready for use and rents them out.

Such palaces already exist in Courchevel and in our Astrakhan. On YouTube you can familiarize yourself in detail with each of these mansions and find out under what conditions they are rented.

The entrepreneur is actively developing his own website, where he posts:
  • excerpts from their books;
  • audio and video materials about your life and business;
  • information about your leisure time and hobbies;
  • advice for beginning businessmen.

The Secret of Motivation

Watch some TV shows featuring an entrepreneur. For example, his interview with the famous blogger Yuri Dudem. Tinkov answers questions regarding his work and private life, and gives the interviewer a tour of the only office of his bank.

It seems that this man is not afraid of anything: he allows himself fairly free statements about the top officials of the state, business, and officials. He can allow himself to board his plane at any moment and go to the opposite point of the globe if he suddenly wants to ride a bicycle there (he has not given up cycling).

He can put on a simple-looking, but damn expensive sweatshirt and calmly go to lunch at the nearby McDonald's in this form.

Do you want to live like Oleg Tinkov? Do you want to travel 4-5 months a year, while being confident that business processes will not be affected, everything will go as usual, and profits will grow? Can you afford to dream that over time you will acquire a “modest” piece of land somewhere in the Seychelles, build a house there and spend your free time there?

Tinkov doesn’t dream about it - he does. His life does not fit into the standard pattern: “work-home-work”. When traveling, a businessman does not “turn off” his head; he constantly thinks about new opportunities for developing his business. Especially often, as he admits, interesting ideas come to his mind when he is skiing.

But that’s not even the main thing. Tinkov does not set strict limits for himself; he is constantly at work, in action, in motion. Having managed to achieve one goal, the entrepreneur immediately sets himself a new one. This is probably where the secret of motivation lies: you must constantly want something, but at the same time not sit still, indulging in rosy dreams, but constantly and persistently act.

Once in an interview he was asked: “Are you afraid of poverty?” The entrepreneur smiled: “No, why be afraid of her? I was once poor, if anything - and again I can be “in the same skin.”

But pay attention: Tinkov is not afraid of poverty, but he does everything to ensure that poverty does not come knocking on his house. For him, wealth means new opportunities. Think: what thoughts do you have about this?

Tinkov's condition

On the issue of poverty: how much money does the Russian billionaire have in his account? In August 2107, his fortune was 1.6 billion. dollars. In September of the same 2017 – already 2 billion. Impressive?

Tinkov himself notes that the profit from the income of Tinkoff Bank plays a huge role in the growth rate of his income.

Interestingly, the dollar billionaire cannot stand being called this word. He often visits the West, both on business and just relaxing, and draws attention to the following fact: abroad they don’t say “billionaire” about a rich person, as if separating him with this term from the rest of the population, but they simply say: “wealthy person "

Here, in Russia, people are “marked” with a “billionaire”, as if with a special sign. Oleg Tinkov does not like this position. He considers himself (by the standards of, so to speak, “all-planetary”) simply a very wealthy person, a representative of the “middle class.”

Yes, many now sigh when reading these lines: “If only I could reach the level of this “middle class!” So what's the deal? Pull yourself together - and go ahead!

Contacts of Oleg Yuryevich

You can contact the entrepreneur by visiting, for example, his

Education In 1988 he entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, but dropped out in his third year.

First business During his student years, he speculated in consumer goods. In the early 1990s, he created the Petrosib company, which sold electrical equipment.

Citizenship In 2017, he gave up his American passport.

Number The net profit of the group at the end of 2018 amounted to 26 billion rubles (an increase of 41%).

Event In October 2018, Tinkoff Bank launched a profitable currency exchange service.

Toy The La Datcha project is a chain of hotels in the “home away from home” format, allowing you to combine active recreation (alpine skiing, cycling, fishing) with comfort. “Dachas” have already been opened in Courchevel and Val Thorens (France), Forte dei Marmi (Italy) and in the Volga delta (Astrakhan). Plans include Cabo San Lucas (Mexico), Kamchatka, Baikal and Altai.

Articles on the topic

06.02.2020 17:51

“Kick Kolya Storonsky’s ass”: Oleg Tinkov will invest €25 million in a fintech startup in Europe

TCS Group of billionaire Oleg Tinkov, inspired by European neobanks, will invest €25 million in a startup that should provide clients with cheap payment services in Europe. Its development will be carried out by former top managers of Tinkoff Bank. Success is in question - there are already many competitors in Europe, market participants say

Oleg Tinkov advises all people to stop working for a certain salary and wear their pants in stuffy offices, working for unpleasant people just like him. Most salaries are minimal, and it's not worth earning yourself a hump for it.

He always encourages you to create your own business, not to be afraid of new solutions, approaches and never be afraid to take risks. After all, in Russia there are many opportunities to create successful business. These possibilities are endless, you just need to overcome your laziness and constantly improve.
Oleg Tinkov belongs to a new generation of entrepreneurs who can be classified in a separate category. Businessmen who build their business from the ground up deserve more respect than those who didn't put in much effort. According to analysts, soon, business creators will be slightly higher than wealthy people today.

Tinkov’s main focus is to create a certain business from scratch, with its subsequent sale to more serious organizations. According to the entrepreneur, it is much more interesting and easier for him to create a new business than to develop and maintain one business.

  • Biography of Oleg Tinkov.

In 1967, on December twenty-fifth, Oleg Tinkov was born in the small town of Polysayevo in the Kemerovo region. The father did not bring much money into the house, as he worked in the mine, and the mother worked in a local atelier as a dressmaker. Oleg himself describes his childhood as follows: they lived in a barracks for two families, where there was no water and central heating, and the toilet was located fifty meters from the house itself. In such conditions, he decided that he would definitely achieve success in this life.
At school, he was quite seriously involved in cycling and achieved significant results: a repeated champion of Kuzbass, in total he became the winner of more than thirty races. Oleg was a member of the regional and regional teams and participated in various training camps in the southern regions of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. At this time, he begins to develop entrepreneurial skills. As Oleg himself recalls, they had a shortage of many things, especially imported ones, which could be easily purchased in the places where he went for training camps. Therefore, with all the money his parents gave him, he purchased various things and then sold them to friends and acquaintances in his homeland, increasing the cost threefold. I didn’t manage to earn much, but I gained invaluable experience entrepreneurial activity.

In 1986 he was drafted into the army. Oleg remembers those years like this: he really wanted to get into SKA, but this required connections that he did not have, and they took the son of one of the military leaders there, who was weaker than him in all competitions. And the military registration and enlistment office decided that a tall athlete should serve in the border troops. After a year of service in Nakhodka, he was transferred to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. There he had to fight mosquitoes and constant cold, the temperature reached minus fifty degrees, and of course, at that time there was no need to think about business.

After the service, he returned to his homeland and decided to go to the camp with his girlfriend; a tragedy occurred there, which significantly influenced his entire future fate. There was a terrible accident on the way to the camp. The bus in which he was with his girlfriend collided with a KAMAZ. As a result of the accident, Oleg's beloved girlfriend died, and he was left with a large scar on his face. He could not be in his hometown, where his girlfriend died, so after being discharged from the hospital, he decided to go to Leningrad.
There he successfully entered the mining institute, where he was engaged in speculation in jeans and cosmetics, which were popular at that time. There were many foreign students studying at the institute, so he bought scarce things from them and resold them in the city. And he sent larger shipments to Leninsk-Kuznetsk. This is how the entrepreneurial spirit develops, you need to find a place where you can sell for much more.

Oleg became very interested in entrepreneurial activities, so he never managed to graduate from college. By that time, he began selling modern equipment from Singapore. This was the early nineties. The business started with the purchase of simple calculators for seven dollars, and in Russia it was already sold for seventy dollars. After that, he switched to tape recorders and televisions, since larger equipment could bring in more income.
He was mainly engaged in wholesale orders and was significantly successful in this business. As a result, in 1993, he founded his first company called Petrosib. Then this company owned several networks: MusicShok and Tekhnoshok. In general, Oleg was prompted to this type of activity by one factor that deserves true respect. As Tinkov says, the desire to engage in commerce arose as a result of a great desire to live normally, and not to hunch for pennies, to move to a comfortable apartment and have enough Money. It should be noted that many of my comrades at the institute also became successful and prosperous people. For example, the founder of the Lenta chain of stores was his classmate Oleg Zherebtsov. “Diski” was founded by Oleg Leonov, and the well-known “five” is managed by Andrey Rogachev.

  • Tinkov's first companies.

In 1994, a furor occurred in the city after the opening of the “technoshock”. This happened thanks to creative ideas and innovations of highly qualified employees of the company.
Oleg Tinkov tells how this idea was born. His company is the first to conduct a major advertising campaign. Together with Oleg Gusev, they shot a television commercial, our advertisements were displayed throughout the city, and they also connected radio and newspapers. And at one point we became super popular and famous. Another advantage of the company was that they delivered all goods to the door of the apartment. Then many store sellers went to America for training. After that, our level of service increased and people came to us, since our employees could tell us which equipment was best to purchase. Thus, in 1994, the company was one of the first to bring civilized retail to Russia. At the same time, a “party” wanted to buy the company, but they did not agree on a price. Although this was a large company. If Tinkov’s company had a turnover of 60,000,000, then the “party”, in 1996, had a turnover of 600,000,000. But, no matter what, they learned a lot from them. Even the employees of “technosila” admit that the name came from the strong impression of the activities of “technoshock”.

All buyers were not afraid of prices, which, by the way, were twenty percent higher than the city average. But this was a reasonable markup, since the store had a high level of service and sold only high-quality modern equipment. And this was a profitable decision, since even in the difficult nineties, there were many who wanted to purchase quality goods.
At that time, many people wanted to show their superiority and independence, in some cases even exaggerated by an order of magnitude. Therefore, it was prestigious to buy equipment from Technoshock, even at inflated prices. As a result of successful management of the network, Oleg sold it in 1997 for 7,000,000.
Production of low-alcohol drinks and creation of a famous brand.

In 1998, Tinkov focused his attention on low-alcohol products, or rather beer. At that time, he could not open a beer production plant, so he opened a beer restaurant in St. Petersburg. Despite the modest investments, just over a million, the restaurant soon began to generate good profits.
Today, this beer restaurant has turned into a whole chain. So what is the success of this business? They offered beer of their own production, which is not pasteurized. And the entire process of making beer could be observed through a transparent wall. This was an innovation in our country. It should be noted that Oleg was the first to use the term “live beer” for advertising purposes.

In the same year, he opens a new company for the production of dumplings. In addition to them, the plant was engaged in the production of other semi-finished products: cutlets, pancakes. As a result of this, Oleg created whole line brands: “Tolsty Kok”, “Daria”, “Petersky Smak”, Ravioli”, which brought constant and good income to the entire company.
Tinkov decided to sell the Daria in 2011, as he received a lucrative offer. Oleg mentioned this lucrative deal more than once. On the one hand, it was a profitable business that brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly, and it was a profitable business. But on the other hand, many organizations are involved in the production of dumplings, so Tinkov’s share in this market was small. And after the courses that Oleg took at Berkeley, he began to understand what market share is. You can make good money with a share of only three percent in a large market, but in a small one, you need to take the lion's share of it. But if you play big, then increasing your share is quite difficult, since competitors never lose their vigilance. And at this time, Roman Abramovich’s asset manager called Oleg and began offering to buy out this business.

One of the conditions for the negotiations was a meeting with Abramovich. We arrived at one of the offices, where Abramovich met them and showed them to the guest room. There is an opinion that among wealthy people there are many unpleasant personalities. But Tinkov was inspired by the oligarch. A wealthy person did not evoke the feeling of being erudite or educated person. The saying that silence helps you look smart suits him, according to Oleg Tinkov. Abramovich was not verbose, he just nodded his head and asked what Oleg was going to do with the money raised, and as a result of half an hour of negotiations, he said that Tinkov should be paid as much as he wants for this business. Everything was quite fast and clear.

He was paid 21,000,000 for the company, which allowed him to start producing his own beer. His goal was to produce expensive beer, which would be named after his last name.
By the time the plant opened, its network of beer restaurants was bringing in constant and stable profits. Therefore, it was not by chance that he decided to start producing this drink. It turns out that back in the eighteenth century, his ancestor was engaged in the production of beer, which was famous throughout Siberia. True, no one still knows how reliable this information is. But thanks to this rumor, the brand gained great popularity. Which was his main goal, to maximize sales.
Today, the Tinkoff brand is known to many people and has become a real asset. The beer brand and the chain of restaurants under the same brand attracted young people who had a blast in the festive atmosphere and among the famous performers who performed in Oleg’s restaurants.

The company gained great popularity thanks to a competent advertising campaign. Tinkov claims that mentioning the word sex in his products attracts a large number of of people. It should also be noted that at its factories, for the first time in Russia, they began to produce the so-called “live beer”.
The Tinkoff brand received a prize in the category of the main brand of 2003. The company's beer production peaked in 2005. Its share of the beer market was one percent, and this is not so small for a small company and it was a significant factor for the brand.

But after the adoption of a law banning the sale of beer after ten o'clock in the evening, the company suffered significant losses and led to a significant decrease in permanent profits. This caused Oleg to urgently begin to look for buyers of the brewery who would highly appreciate his business and purchase favorable price. There was no need to wait long for those wishing to acquire the company. The InBrev company from Belgium bought the brewery for 201,000,000. Oleg himself received 80,000,000 from the deal and kept a chain of restaurants, which he continued to manage. In addition, the Belgian company InBrev invited him to join the board of directors, which was a very tempting offer.

  • Tinkov's banking activities.

In the fall of 2006, he bought out a small bank called Khimmashbank. Oleg received the right to carry out banking activities back in 1994. And in 2005, it entered the register of banks that are participants in compulsory insurance of all deposits. In the winter of 2006, he renamed the bank TKS, which stands for Tinkoff Credit Systems.
The bank did not have a single physical branch; it was positioned as virtual. Its focus was the release credit cards, which are distributed by mail and customer service occurs via telephone and Internet.
Despite the global crisis, this type of activity has become successful for Tinkov. Already in 2009, within nine months of the bank’s operation, profits increased fiftyfold. Plus, the bank had a low percentage of overdue loans; according to international banking reporting standards, the overdue amount was only five percent. And the loan portfolio grew by 1.7 billion rubles in nine months.

If we take into account all his entrepreneurial activities, we can assume that the bank belongs to him temporarily. Some media outlets claim that Tinkov plans to develop banking and then sell this business. Also, some publications say that Oleg wants to take a place on the list of dollar billionaires.
Hobbies of Oleg Tinkov.
At the beginning of 2006, Oleg presented the Tinkoff Restaurants cycling team, which at the end of the year changed its name to Tinkoff Credit Systems. At that time, it was the only professional team in Russia. Tinkov’s team managed to win several victories at the most prestigious competitions around the world. Oleg signed a contract with the team for a period of three years, but already in 2008, he decided to stop working with the guys. And in the fall of the same year, on the basis of the team that was financed by Tinkov, a new cycling team was created, called “Katyusha,” which is sponsored by many well-known companies in the country, such as Gazprom, Intera, and Rostekhnologii.
Oleg is also interested in alpine skiing on unprepared slopes. He also writes one of the columns for the finance magazine and is an active blogger under the nickname olegtinkov. His posts are on the most popular Internet platforms.

In addition to entrepreneurial activities, he actively promotes business in Russia, which deserves due respect. He breaks many stereotypes, and encourages others to do the same. The main thing is to prove your superiority not with words, but with deeds, and not be afraid to take on a new business. And he claims that when you achieve results, in a non-standard way, and you are a pioneer in your business, then it gives great pleasure.
He also hosts one of the programs on Russia.ru. They come to him famous people who are doing business. On the show they share their secrets, tell their difficult path to success. Very interesting and informative. It's very useful to watch for motivation.

From Oleg’s personal qualities, it can be noted that, despite his serious results and successes in business, he remains a simple person, and does not turn up his nose that he is better than other people and is a superhero. Like any person, he has his own positive and negative character traits, and always admits his failures and defeats, this only stimulates him to win new victories.
In 1989, when Oleg was studying at the mining institute, he met his future wife Rina, an Estonian by birth from Kohtla-Jarve. They have three wonderful children - sons Roman and Pavel, and a beautiful girl Daria, but they decided to legalize their relationship only twenty years later, after their first acquaintance. The wedding took place in Buryatia in 2009. Tinkov considers his family to be his main success in life.

Oleg tried himself as a writer, and in 2010 his first book, entitled “I’m like everyone else,” was published. In it, he talks about his fate and the difficult path to achieving success and significant results. It will not be interesting from an artistic point of view, but is an excellent incentive to various actions that will lead to inevitable success. The book allows you to look at everything from a different point of view and make the right non-standard decisions that will allow you to find the right niche for your business. Each person will gain invaluable knowledge after reading the book.

The personal biography of the popular and very successful businessman and entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov can be used as an idea for an interesting film shot in Hollywood with the title - Oleg Tinkov biography. This is a man who, with a proud posture and raised head, comes out of difficult situations, successfully overcomes the many challenges of life and rapidly moves along the path to profit, to constant prosperity.

Tinkov is the most eccentric entrepreneur in Russia. It is a desirable object for all people who want to profit from modern newsmakers. Few of them know what this man is like, what Tinkov was like in his early youth, what he did before the famous Tinkoff Bank appeared. In the information presented you can find out how Oleg managed to achieve high results and by what life principles he lives.

Entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967 in the family of an ordinary worker and a professional seamstress. The place of birth of this person is the village of Polysayevo, located in the Kemerovo region. At about 12 years old, Oleg became interested in bicycle racing. In 1984, he achieved high results in this area and received the honorary title of Candidate Master of Sports. While developing such a career, Tinkov traveled a lot, so he did not consider it reprehensible to engage in trade in various scarce goods. In the markets of the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk he sold products previously purchased in the cities of Central and South Asia.

Here is Oleg’s statement about this period of life:

“We were Siberians and bought various imported high-quality accessories, sports equipment, shoes for the harsh Siberian winters. In our cities, we sold all goods at three times the price. It was an ideal time not only in terms of personal income, but also in terms of gaining experience in trade and monetary entrepreneurial beneficial relationships.”

In 1986, Oleg was called up to serve in the army. During the selection process, he tried to enroll in a standard sports club Russian army, but was sent to serve in the regions of the Far East. Returning from service and getting married, the future businessman decided to work in a children's and adolescent camp as a physical education teacher. On the way to the camp, the bus where Tinkov and his significant other were traveling suffered an accident, causing Oleg’s wife to die. As a result, the future entrepreneur changed all previously made plans.

Business is the main meaning of life

Here are several main areas of activity of this businessman during his formation as a successful entrepreneur in the country and in the world, by studying which you can understand who Tinkov is.


In the 90s, Oleg began selling equipment and household appliances imported from Asian countries. He started with inexpensive calculators, where the exact profit from the sale was equal to $63 per unit. After that, he moved from the wholesale market to opening a chain of stores called Tekhnoshok. The cost of their equipment was high, but this did not have any effect on the number of clients.

The reasons for its popularity were the following important factors:

  • Thoughtful marketing company;
  • Quality products;
  • A perfectly designed service.

The hardware business did not last very long; in 1997, numerous similar companies crushed Tinkov, and the chain of stores was reorganized for $7 million.


The next year, Tinkov launched an organization associated with the production of specially frozen products in the form of semi-finished products. He named the enterprise in honor of Dasha’s daughter – “Daria”. Competently organized business instantly began to generate significant profits, measured in several hundred thousand dollars per reporting month. By 2001, the businessman stopped calculating the prospects for the development of his activities and sold the enterprise to Abramovich for $21 million.

Beer business

The brewing business was opened with funds from the sale of Daria. At the time of its launch, Oleg already owned a small chain of gourmet beer restaurants known as Tinkoff Restaurants.

Around this time, a law was passed prohibiting advertising of low-alcohol alcoholic beverages during the daytime, so Tinkov decided to sell the enterprise. The buyer was the famous company SUN InBev, which paid $201 million for the company.

Founder of Tinkoff Bank Oleg Tinkov

Around 2006, on the basis of Himmashbank, the entrepreneur founded Tinkoff Credit Systems OJSC. This is the only virtual financial institution, which does not have offline representation. The financial institution carries out its financial transactions strictly online.

The bank's popularity peaked in 2007-2008, during which time a huge amount of profit was received. During banking activities, expenses were optimized and profits increased. This was achieved through aggressive, profitable commercial marketing and the use of competent automatic processing of information received by computers, completely replacing human activity.

For many years, the Tinkoff Credit Systems corporation relied on issuing credit and debit cards, the bulk of which were obtained from microloans. A few years later, the organization offered the country's market the most favorable conditions for lending to companies and enterprises, the bank began to be characterized as a serious participant in the global financial market with great prospects. In 2015, the corporation was renamed the Tinkoff Bank organization. Oleg held a leadership position - director of Tinkoff Bank.


Regardless of Tinkov’s significant success in entrepreneurship, Oleg’s main achievement is his personal one. The entrepreneur’s wife is a native of Estonia, Rina Vosman, who gave birth to three children. The young people met in 1989 during their studies at the university. It is interesting that the official marriage ceremony of the spouses took place after 20 years of living together.

Oleg Tinkov is not only a business owner, but a wise and accomplished person in all respects; he argues that personal and spiritual values ​​must necessarily be exalted and prevail over all material things.

Oleg Tinkov is a famous Russian businessman, founder of the Tinkoff restaurant chain, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Bank.

Today Oleg Tinkov is at the pinnacle of fame and wealth. He was able to achieve dizzying success thanks to his ability to buy profitably and sell what he had acquired even more profitably. He had no teachers, he learned all the wisdom of buying and selling himself, at random, but the result justified all the efforts and expenses. Tinkov was never limited to one area of ​​activity; he sold electronics, brewed beer, manufactured semi-finished products and opened restaurants and banks. Thus, he became the owner of a multi-million dollar fortune.


Oleg Tinkov’s homeland was the small village of Polysayevo near Kemerovo, where he was born on December 25, 1967. My father worked in a mine in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, my mother worked as a seamstress. The childhood and teenage years of the future billionaire were the same as those of millions of children in the Land of the Soviets. At school he did not shine with knowledge, so he graduated with average grades. He was no longer interested in educational process, and sports. Oleg was a passionate fan of road cycling, and in 1984 he even became a candidate for master of sports. After receiving his high school diploma, he got a job at the same mine where his father worked, and worked until he was drafted into the army in 1986. He served in the border troops, his unit was stationed in Nakhodka, then in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

After demobilization, Oleg decided to enter a university and went to the city on the Neva, where he became a student at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

Oleg Tinkov’s entrepreneurial spirit manifested itself in his teens, when he traveled with his team to training camps and competitions in Central Asia. There, with his parents' money, he bought various shortages, which he successfully sold in his native Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

He did not give up this activity at the institute either, fortunately there were foreign students studying there, from whom he could buy cosmetics, perfumes, jeans and resell them at a profit to his fellow students or, again, in his hometown. In addition, he came up with the idea of ​​​​buying vodka during the day for ten rubles, and at night selling it to students at double the rate.

Oleg's business flourished, and he soon acquired trading partners who also managed to make an excellent career. He collaborated with Andrei Rogachev, who later created the Pyaterochka chain of stores, Oleg Zherebtsov, who now owns the Lenta retail chain, Oleg Leonov, owner of the Diski chain, and with his future wife Rina Vosman. Since then, Tinkov’s biography has been inextricably linked with business.

He never received a higher education, but in 1999 he took a six-month course in marketing organization at the University of California.


Oleg Tinkov never finished his studies at the institute; he left the third year and got seriously involved in business. In 1992, he already implemented his first project, namely, he became the creator of a trading company called Petrosib (Petersburg-Siberia). They sold office equipment from Singapore directly to their homeland, and then gradually reached the European level and reached Germany and Poland. At first, Oleg had to fly to Singapore himself and purchase goods, then they began to deliver them to him by air, and soon the necessary products were delivered by containers.

A year later, Oleg had already reached the level that allowed him to open his first SONY store, where he sold Appliances. A year later, Tinkov had already become the owner of an entire chain of stores called Tekhnoshok. There were unusual sellers behind the counters of his stores; all of his staff were specially trained, and it was through the efforts of these sales consultants that the service was carried out at top level, buyers sought to buy the right thing at these outlets, even despite the inflated prices.

In the 90s, Tinkov became the owner of the Shock Records recording studio, and the leader of the Leningrad group was the first to use its services. The studio existed for a year, then Tinkov turned it into a music store, because it did not bring much profit.

In 1998, Oleg Tinkov was tired of selling office equipment; he parted with his Technoshock without regret and invested in organizing the first Russian brewing restaurant, Tinkoff. A year later, he already became the owner of an entire network of such restaurants. His products were competitive; not only his compatriots, but also Americans bought them with pleasure. But he soon became fed up with this business and sold the business to one of the Swedish companies, which paid him $200 million for it.

In parallel with restaurants, Tinkov created a factory for the production of semi-finished products, calling it “Daria” in honor of his beloved daughter. His specialization was the production of dumplings and various frozen semi-finished products. At the same time, he produced products under the brands “Good Product”, “Tsar-Father”, “Fat Cook”. However, in 2001 he had to say goodbye to this business because creditors overpowered him. Roman Abramovich became the new owner of this business.

Soon Tinkov became interested in banking, and in 2006 he created Tinkoff Bank, which differed from its peers in that it was serviced remotely. To obtain a banking license, the businessman had to spend money on the purchase of Khimmashbank, which became an excellent base for creating a registered bank. After some time, the profit of this financial institution increased fiftyfold.

Personal life

In the personal life of a successful businessman, everything is as good as in business. While still a student, he met his future wife, Estonian Rina Vosman, and she became the love of his life. Their family life has been going on for thirty years, although their marriage was civil for a very long time.

In this marriage, the couple had a daughter, Daria, who graduated from King's College London, and two sons, Pavel and Roman, who were educated at St Edwards School, Oxford. The couple got married in 2009, when they already had twenty years behind them. family happiness. The wedding took place in Buryatia and only the closest relatives and friends were invited to it.

Oleg values ​​his family very much, and believes that this is the greatest achievement that has befallen him in life. He loves his loved ones, and tries not to offend them with any word or deed, because he has a very hot temper and sometimes allows quite sharp statements.

Tinkov still loves cycling. Now he sponsors the Tinkoff-Saxo team, and shells out almost twenty million euros for their maintenance every year. Oleg Tinkov also began writing books in which he describes his path to the pinnacle of fame and wealth, and gives good advice for beginners. Oleg is an active user of Internet resources, he has his own page on Instagram and Twitter.

Oleg Tinkov now

Oleg Tinkov is often criticized for his manner of communicating with others. In 2016, the businessman posted a post on his Instagram page, which caused a storm of indignation among bank clients and his subscribers. The fact is that the bank decided to hold a beauty contest dedicated to March 8th. The winner was to receive a cash reward of one hundred thousand rubles, the title “Queen of Tinkoff Bank” and a crown. A few days before the event, a photo of one of the employees appeared on Instagram, posing with a crown on her head. It was under this photo that Tinkov posted an offensive post, saying that their fool was also aiming to become a queen.

Oleg Tinkov’s post on Instagram: “One of our fools pulled on the winner’s crown and dreams that she is a queen”

This tone was sharply criticized by subscribers; Oleg was reminded that there are basic ethics and respect. The businessman soon deleted this post.

In 2017, the wave of dissatisfaction with the work of Tinkov himself and his bank became even greater. In August 2017, an author’s project appeared on a YouTube channel called “Nemagia”, in which Tinkov succumbed to harsh criticism. Bloggers have created a video that is full of obscenities; it talks about deceived clients and Tinkov’s disrespect for his employees. The authors concluded that this is more reminiscent of slavery.

Oleg Tinkov set a condition for bloggers to remove the slanderous video, apologize to him and pay him half a million rubles in compensation as moral damage. No one did this, so the banker went to court to protect his business reputation.

In September of the same year, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs visited the bloggers and conducted a search. The strange thing was that this was done by Moscow operatives, and not local ones from Kemerovo. This circumstance raised a number of questions, because usually such cases are practically not investigated, cases are not initiated, but in this case the investigators acted quickly and very zealously. This also caused public confusion.

Tinkov made a response video because he was not going to agree with the lies and accusations against him. The number of views grew daily, and six million people had already watched it.

Many bloggers, and all sympathizers, rose up in defense of the Nemagiya channel. Some rushed to distribute the incriminating video, some posted their own posts supporting the initiative of “Non-Magic”. All video bloggers stopped collaborating with Tinkov’s bank.

However, there were many people who came to Tinkov’s defense. According to Alexander Timartsev, the bloggers did the wrong thing because they recorded the video without first checking the information. However, he also terminated all relations with Tinkoff Bank. Entrepreneur Alexander Lebedev suggested that the video was custom-made, but condemned the actions of Tinkov himself. He said that he himself had found himself in a similar situation more than once, but tried to resolve the dispute peacefully, bypassing court proceedings.

In September of the same year, the bank announced the withdrawal of the lawsuit against the bloggers, and issued a statement abandoning all previously filed cases. The businessman himself gave an interview in which he promised to stop the trial against the Nemagiya channel.


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