Well      04/02/2019

Climbing plants are signs at home. About the most useful indoor plants for our home

Houseplants occupy an important place in human life. Almost every apartment has favorite flowers that delight the eye with all kinds of leaf shapes and an unimaginable palette of colors. Many houseplants useful for humans. But there are also some that should never be kept in the house.



It is also called Adenium obese, Adenium thick or Desert Rose, and all because of the stem, which is shaped like a bottle. It blooms very profusely, with bright, beautiful flowers. However, its juice, when it gets on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, penetrates the blood, causing poisoning.

In the homeland of Adenium, in Africa, aboriginal tribes to this day use the toxic sap of the plant to hunt large animals, lubricating arrows with it.


Azalea (Rhododendron) is a very beautiful plant. Its flowers look like lilies and proper care it blooms very profusely. But Azalea juice and nectar are poisonous. If you accidentally swallow a piece of leaf or nectar, profuse salivation will begin, vomiting and lacrimation are possible. Rhododendron flowers have a strong odor that can cause allergies. This is manifested by skin rashes and headaches.


Although Dieffenbachia cleanses and even humidifies the air well, however, this plant is not suitable for residential premises, as it has a very poisonous milky sap. Upon contact with open areas It causes ulcers and severe irritation on the skin. It is more dangerous if the juice gets into the eyes or mouth. In the first case, blindness threatens, in the second, severe swelling of the throat and tongue, and the person may simply suffocate.

For pets, Dieffenbachia poison is fatal.


The plant belongs to the low-tea family, so it also has poisonous juice that can cause burns on the skin. And its entry into the bloodstream during a cut or inside the body is fraught with resuscitation or death.


This plant is called so because of its milky juice. You need to know that Euphorbia juice is poisonous, so keeping it in the house is dangerous. On the skin it causes redness, burning, and blisters. Euphorbia juice is especially dangerous for the eyes; it can cause inflammation, temporary blindness and conjunctivitis. You should not taste it - this will cause poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and poor circulation.

Mimosa bashful

Mimosa has been dubbed bashful because of its ability to curl its leaves when touched. The pollen of this plant causes severe allergies. You can be quite poisoned by this plant only if you eat it. Basically, the poison accumulates in the root system in special nodules.


This exotic plant is famous for its wide leaves with unusual cuts. It is the juice of these leaves that contains the poison. If the juice accidentally gets on the skin, it can cause burns, blisters, and redness. If the juice gets into your eyes, you can temporarily go blind, get conjunctivitis and burns.

Monstera is one of those flowers that, according to signs, single women should not keep at home.


Despite its beauty and the love of gardeners, this flower is very poisonous. Even the aroma of this plant causes dizziness. If Oleander juice gets on the skin, burns appear, and if it enters the body, it causes serious poisoning. It can cause blindness if it gets into the eyes.


It's beautiful evergreen, abundantly strewn with bright orange berries. All parts of Nightshade are poisonous, but the attractive berries are especially dangerous. It is strictly not recommended to grow it in an apartment if small children live there. A child will definitely try a bright berry, but it can cause severe digestive upset.

Ivy evergreen

A very common indoor plant that pleases the eye with its glossy leaves. The poison is contained in both the leaves and berries of ivy. If poisoned, it can cause delirium and cardiac arrest.


Indoor primrose with a rosette of leaves and a variety of flower colors is not so harmless. The poison of this plant causes skin rashes, itching, irritation and even eczema.


Trichocereus is a cactus with long spines. It blooms with white inflorescences with a strong scent. This plant is poisonous because it contains alkaloids and hallucinogens that paralyze the nervous system.


Ficus plants are very common indoor plants. Their stems and leaves are poisonous. The sap of the plant gets on the skin, causing redness, irritation and blisters. Ficus can also cause severe allergies.


The wonderful greenery in this plant is much appreciated. Some Philodendrons are vines, others are bushes. All types are poisonous. The poison contains the sap of the plant, it is very dangerous for the eyes and skin. An intact plant is absolutely safe.


Cyclamen poison is similar in composition and action to curare poison. The tubers of this plant are the most poisonous. Tuber juice is used in folk medicine, but it must be treated very carefully.



This is a representative of the Araceae family. All plants in this group are toxic. Allergies are caused by the juice, so you need to replant them with gloves to protect the skin, and a gauze bandage will also help.


Pelargonium (Geranium), the leaves of which contain a large number of essential oil, its smell can cause allergies. But this pungent aroma is released only if you touch the plant.


The allergen is the juice of this beautiful plant, which is present in stems, leaves, and flowers. Contact with it may cause rashes, itching, weakness, and nausea.


Beautiful flowers have a very strong smell, which causes headaches and dizziness, allergies, and fainting. Lily juice is very poisonous. It can cause death if it enters the body. There is no antidote for this poison.


Orchid causes allergies in people with weak immunity– breathing becomes difficult, the nose is stuffy, and the mucous membranes may swell. For allergy sufferers, the aroma of this flower is deadly due to swelling of the throat.

The strong smell of Tuberose causes allergies, depresses the psyche, causes headache. In the dark, this plant absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Folk signs

There are a number of folk superstitions that attribute various magical properties to plants. Or maybe this is the result of centuries-old observations of the people. Here are some of them:

  • The money tree (Crassula) brings money to the house if it has a lot of round green leaves that resemble coins. If the plant is sick and the leaves fall off, nothing good can be expected in terms of money.
  • Zamioculcas is called the “Dollar Palm” because it is believed that this plant attracts currency into the home.
  • IN Lately A plant such as “Upstart Flower” became widespread. But it cannot be kept at home, because on the astral level the energy of this flower is programmed to bring poverty to its owner.
  • Dracaena Sandera or “Lucky Bamboo” brings its owner career growth and good luck in everything.
  • The Golden Tree (Akucuba) reveals talents in a person and promotes their development, brings prosperity to the home and protects from enemies.
  • Croton is called the protector of the home. It removes all negative energy, brings harmony to the house, calms hyperactive people, allows its owner to put his thoughts in order and get out of depression and crisis. It also gives strength and promotes the development of creative abilities. There is a belief that a person who has planted or acquired Kraton will be able to radically change his life in a year.
  • It is not advisable to place ficus in the bedroom, otherwise the relationship between spouses may deteriorate. But in other rooms it is possible, especially since it neutralizes negative energy and relieves aggression.
  • Bamboo has the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy.
  • The paper flower (Bougainvillea) very rarely grows in houses and apartments, but its owner will never have financial difficulties.
  • Cacti also attract money into the house, and also do not allow their owners to be wasteful.
  • Spitaphyllum is called "Women's happiness". The popular name speaks for itself, since this plant helps unmarried girls find a happy family, and gives married women peace and happiness.
  • Why can't you keep dried flowers in the house? The answer is simple: charm and feminine energy simply dry out, and therefore men pay less attention to women who have such flowers in the house.
  • Why can't you keep climbing flowers at home? The presence of such flowers means that your man will hide behind every skirt. It is better to keep upright and powerful plants indoors rather than climbing ones.
  • Why can't you keep artificial flowers at home? Since they have non-living energy and are more suitable for a cemetery.

It is rare to find a house in which there are no indoor flowers. Housewives strive to decorate their window sills and purify the air. Some people find friends in flowers. But there are some flowers that cannot be kept at home. Some “prohibitions” are associated with the energy of a certain type of flower, while others are for more banal reasons - their toxicity. According to Feng Shui, individual plants should be kept only in special places in the apartment so that they bring positive energy.

Nice flowers

There have long been signs about which flowers can be kept in the house and which ones cannot.

It is best to place flowers somewhere in the kitchen or living room. The bedroom is considered an undesirable place.

Bad flowers

If a person, without any reason, begins to complain about bad feeling, headache and sleep problems, one of possible reasons There may be a plant in the apartment that is not suitable for the home.

The second sign, answering the question of whether it is possible to keep climbing flowers at home, says that they unbalance a person and induce negativity. But at the same time, keeping ivy not inside the house, but on the fence, is even useful: it will ward off unwanted glances from the owners.

Have you often wondered why electrical appliances in your house keep breaking down, your household members are looking gloomy, and you yourself are always dissatisfied with something - and you tend to run into another scandal. This is all due to the negative moods in the air, which are often quite difficult to get rid of. Fortunately for us, there are excellent helpers in this matter - those who have the ability to cleanse the energy of the house.

One caveat: correct location Flowers largely determine your future destiny. In addition to their benefits, indoor plants can also cause harm. By feeding on your energy, some harmful flowers, on the contrary, provoke greater aggression. That's why it's important to find out which plants you can't keep at home and why, read about it below.

The magic of plants

Each plant is unique in its own way. It has certain properties thanks to which its owner can find happiness in his personal life or become financially successful. But also, do not underestimate the destructive energy of plants, especially if there are elderly people and children in the house. For most plants, these "targets" are often easier prey.

Among all house flowers, several main types of “pests” can be distinguished:

  1. Vampire plants that literally suck out energy, making you lethargic, withdrawn and weak-willed puppets of a negative attitude.
  2. Blockers that prevent you from attracting the desired luck into your life in search of your loved one.
  3. Plants with negative energy - according to Feng Shui, most of these plants have pointed edges.
  4. Plants whose energy does not coincide with the people living in a particular room.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a home or office without greenery. In some corner there will be some pot with a plant, the appearance of which can tell a lot about the owners of this house. For example, yellow leaves indicate that there is a sick person in the house. Droopy foliage may indicate a leak of energy from the home or the accumulation of a large amount of negativity that homeowners have nowhere to throw out.

The location of the plant also influences: many flowers cannot be placed in the bedroom, since their energy is designed for active people, and, conversely, active plants should not be placed in the bedroom.

If you are alone and there is a violet growing in your house, don’t even hope to find happiness in the near future. This plant is very harmful for singles. Although it has very positive energy, especially if its color is lilac, it does not in any way contribute to kindling the fire of romance in a person’s chest, but only sets up an already established union in a positive way.

Camellia has the same effect; the second name of this beautiful bud is “flower of loneliness.” It blocks the flow of sexual energy into your home.

For established families with a happy marriage, these flowers do not pose any threat; on the contrary, they will help strengthen bonds, like vines, but for singles who dream of a handsome prince, such flowers are blockers of incoming energy.

Instead of the plants described above, it is better to have beautiful, flowering ones at home. Chinese roses. They can attract a wonderful companion into your life. This flower gives its owner bright and passionate romances, however, short-lived ones. It blooms for seven months of the year, constantly pleasing the eye. It is not for nothing that many peoples consider hibiscus the flower of true love. The plant emits mostly “male” energy, contrary to all beliefs, which is why it attracts men.

Spathiphyllum, orchid and anthurium are three more beautiful plants that symbolize love. A single woman can place them in her bedroom and wait for changes in her life.

Under no circumstances should you keep it at home climbing plants, they are your worst enemies. Planting such plants on the outside of the house is a pleasure; in this case, they will even serve as “blockers” and will not allow negativity to enter the house, but inside the room itself, the vines simply fill up the extra space.

Remember the following names:

It is not recommended to keep lilacs near your home, unless you have a direct connection with the other world and do not want to communicate with spirits on a daily basis. It’s not for nothing that lilacs grow next to cemeteries. True, opinions still differ about this plant - lilac still has a wonderful fragrance and positive energy.

Most flowers can be both your helpers and pests. Be careful when choosing your home monitors.

Do you often get nervous? Do you have complexes? Are you experiencing difficulties with self-esteem? A camellia planted in a pot will help you cope with loneliness and your complexes and also unlock your potential. However, for hyperactive people it can be disastrous.

Citrus fruits have negative effects in a physical sense: for people with hypertension and brain disorders, the strong smell of these fruits may not be to their liking. Keeping them in the bedroom or nursery is not best idea, in principle, however, a lemon or orange tree is perfect for the living room.

Choosing your energy companions

Now that you have sufficient knowledge about which plants should not be kept at home, and why, feel free to go to the store and choose the pets you like. The main criterion is not usefulness, but your sympathy for. Of course, we can talk endlessly about the benefits of aloe, sansevieria, and begonia, however, if you like an orchid, why not buy it, making sure to have other “neutralizers” of it. The main thing is to give the plants care and love, and they will answer you in kind. Don't forget to cut yellow leaves, water the flowers, and occasionally move the soil.

Therefore, if you don’t like flowers, you don’t need to have them... By the way, it didn’t come to me right away either, only with motherhood, before that I was completely indifferent to them. Drawn to flowers « interesting position» so to speak))

Now, my flowers nourish and protect me (take away negativity and illnesses). And of course they make you happy! By the way, there was a case when, after the arrival of a “difficult” person, all the flowers in my office where I work died. I had to get new ones later. Like this.

We consider flowers from the point of view of energy. So, there are flowers for the home, and there are flowers for offices, for large rooms. There are “male” flowers - with male energy, and there are “female” flowers - “women”. When one particular species prevails in a house, this may affect the composition of the household itself. That is, if there are many “female” flowers in the house, there is more feminine energy in the house, and it is already difficult for men to survive there. And vice versa. It's better to keep a 50/50 balance.

Flowers grow quickly and look healthy only with positive energy. Your indoor plants serve as an indicator of your family (work) atmosphere. If something is wrong with your pets, they get sick, the leaves turn yellow, they die, you can expect problems...

When you come to visit someone, you can easily determine “what” people (with what thoughts and mood) live in the house. If the flowers grow symmetrically and look healthy, it means the residents have positive thoughts, and vice versa. Flowers cannot survive in negativity.

Vampire flowers that you should not have in your home:

Generally any climbing plants. - They give rise to quarrels and gossip, attract various diseases. They take away positive energy.

Even in offices, it is undesirable, or install a wire frame so that the stems lie on the frame in a circle.

But the vines are useful in front of the house, from the outside. There they serve as guards. On the contrary, they do not allow negativity into the house.

Ivy- This is a vampire plant. You can’t keep it in the house, it has masculine energy, and practically drives the men out of the house where it is located. So keep that in mind.

Monstera - a vampire plant, and a very powerful one at that. Please be careful not to place it in the bedroom or children's room. If there are small children and old people in the house, the monstera will feed on them first. It's better not to keep her in the house at all.

Dieffenbachia- Also a vampire plant. Takes energy. You can't install it in small rooms at all. Designed, like Monstera, for large spaces with very high traffic. There they will even be useful, they cleanse the space.

Ferns- “vampire” flowers, they are undesirable for the home, or you need to know where to place them.

Lilac- better on personal plots and do not plant it near residential buildings, it is not for nothing that it is planted in cemeteries - this plant attracts otherworldly forces.

Useful flowers for the home:


“Flower of Love” (spathiphyllum) - The name speaks for itself, I hope you don’t have to decipher it).

"Male flower" (anthurium)- attracts men, it is better to place it next to the “Flower of Love”.

"Chinese rose" (hibiscus). In general, any Rose is a flower of Venus, the goddess of love) - attracts men.

Lavender- for those who have insomnia. Strengthens sleep, relaxes.

Orchid- it can also be called the “flower of love”, it also cleanses energy and improves mood.

Red geranium - strengthens the union between a man and a woman.

White lilies, any indoor plants with white flowers- these flowers (like all women) are under the protection of the Moon. The moon gives magical powers to a woman. White flowers should be placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them and nourishes them at night.

Children's room.

"Vanka-wet" (balsam) - a very positive flower, purifies the air and energy .


Citrus - improve appetite.

Geranium - purifies the air and energy.

Violet, any color- violets can be characterized by color in accordance with the chakras (red - enhances the energy of the residents; pink - stimulates the 4th chakra, love; blue - opens the creative flow; purple - stimulates the work of the seventh chakra, spiritual; white - cleanses the energy). Therefore, choose the one according to the color you need, according to your needs. Violets can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in any room.

Chlorophytum- cleanses toxins and energy.

"Pike tail" (ansevieria)- a very positive flower, purifies the air.

Living room

Dracaena - protects the room, an energy indicator; if she is sick, the residents have problems, it is better to clean the house. He feels the energy of the house very subtly.

Ficus of any variety- very positive energy from him.

Myrtle- purifies the air and energy of the room. Very useful.


"Dollar Tree" (Zamioculcas) , the same functions as the fat woman, for attracting larger sums))

“Reach towards the clear sun,

Take root firmly in the ground.

Grow in our sight and joy,

Protect from adversity and sadness.

I give my word,

I fasten it with an alatyr stone.


And yet, I forgot the most important thing))) We are all very different, including in terms of energy, that’s why...

When choosing flowers for your home, focus, first of all, on yourself and your feelings. If you like a flower, you should take it no matter what...

P . S . IN " critical days"- it is not advisable to water flowers)

When growing plants, few people are interested in the question of which flowers should not be kept at home. At the same time, there is both scientific evidence of the harmfulness of some flowers, as well as folk signs and feng shui, which many gardeners also take seriously.

What does science say about dangerous plants?

First of all, let's look at the scientific side of the issue. After all, when growing plants, we want them not only to decorate the room, but also to be useful, or at least not cause harm to household members.

It's no secret that indoor plants can cause serious harm to their owners. So, some of them are poisonous, others are allergens, and others even combine these two dangers. In addition, some types of plants can negatively affect your well-being. For example, you may experience headaches or fatigue due to the strong aroma of some flowers.

However, do not panic and throw out all the flowers from your windowsill. After all, about 50 indoor plants are on the list of poisonous plants. This is approximately 2% of their total number!

Plants dangerous to children

First of all, all mothers take care of their children. Therefore, first of all, let's talk about those indoor plants that can be harmful to babies. The danger increases due to their excessive mobility and curiosity. They strive to touch or taste the new inhabitants of the house. Therefore, the choice of plants in a house where there are children should be approached especially carefully.

Keep children away from the seemingly innocent and beloved plant lily of the valley because it contains cardiac glycosides. They harm the cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, this would seem useful plant, as celandine also made the list dangerous plants. This is because it contains milky juice. If it gets on the mucous membranes or even the skin of a child, it can cause redness and burns. Its negative impact does not end there. Celandine contains alkaloids. If they get into the gastrointestinal tract, the child may be poisoned.

In addition, you should get rid of those plants that have brightly colored fruits. For example, aglaonema is especially dangerous. When it self-pollinates, small red berries may appear. Children may want to pick them and taste them. However, they are extremely poisonous and can cause serious harm to health.

Children need to be explained which plants are poisonous and why. In the future, this will only be useful to them, but now it can protect them from poisoning.

Other plants that are absolutely contraindicated for a child’s room include the following:

  • oleander;
  • ehmeya;
  • monstera;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • alocasia;
  • ficus.
  • cacti;

All of them have negative energy, and some are even poisonous. Others, like ficuses, intensively absorb oxygen at night.

Advice! Considering that it is extremely important for a child to always receive a lot of oxygen for normal development, it is better to avoid ficus in the house.

In addition to the danger for children, you should also think about whether indoor plants benefit them. So, you need to choose those colors that have positive energy, add oxygen to the room, and purify the air. This is very important for a child.

Poisonous plants

Poisonous indoor plants are dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, check your window sills for the following types of plants:

  • Alocasia. All its parts are extremely poisonous.
  • Azalea(see photo). Its leaves contain toxic substances– glycoside and andromedotoxin. Other parts of the plant are also poisonous. Swallowing them is deadly.
  • Anthurium. The juice of this plant contains strong poison.
  • Clivia. It contains lycorine, which can cause paralysis.
  • Croton. It has a poisonous milky juice.
  • Monstera(photo). Its juice contains strong poison.
  • Oleander(see photo). It also contains poison. The juice of this plant can even cause loss of vision, and the aroma of such beautiful flowers may cause dizziness. It is not for nothing that, according to Greek legend, wives placed this flower near the plates of their unfaithful husbands, hinting that next time it would end up in their soup.
  • Poinsettia. It is dangerous due to its poisonous milky juice. So, if you cut poinsettia leaves, they will release white poisonous juice, which can cause burns.

Many of these plants, in addition to being poisonous, are also highly allergenic.

Plants are allergens

Sadly, a fairly large number of indoor plants, often found in many homes, are allergens when they bloom.

Allergens, in addition to many of the plants listed above, include pelargonium, fern, cyclamen, rhododendron (aka azalea) and others. What reaction do they cause in humans? For example, juice aglaonemas can severely irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Dieffenbachia can decorate any windowsill thanks to its exquisite large leaves. However, it can cause tissue swelling if it enters the oral cavity. Why is this beautiful plant poisonous? Dieffenbachia can cause poisoning in a child or pet if they swallow its leaves. In addition, you need to be careful when replanting it or cutting off its leaves. In this case, you may get burned by its juice. Philodendron poses the same danger.

Croton And oleander are also strong allergens, and ficus and does not occupy an honorable third place after them.

The dangers of favorite and common plants

Of course, the greatest danger lies in wild or exotic plants, which hardly anyone would think of growing on their windowsill. At the same time, you need to be careful even with such familiar compact plants as begonia, orchid, geranium and hydrangea . What is their danger?

Rarely does a window sill now do without beautifully blooming geranium. After all, this beautiful plant is unpretentious and does not need special care. In addition, it has a fairly long flowering period. However, geranium can lead to headaches or even severe asthma.

Other houseplants familiar to us are also dangerous. Recently, growing orchids at home has become firmly established in fashion. However, they have a relatively strong, pungent odor, which can lead to insomnia or simply worsen your mood, which is also unpleasant.

It is fraught with danger and such a plant beloved by many flower growers as azalea. If its leaves enter the body, it can cause convulsions and intestinal colic.

Conceals some danger and is loved by all begonia. This seemingly harmless plant has the property of releasing volatile substances. They fight pathogenic microbes. Of course, this is a positive property of the plant. However, it must be handled with care. This is because begonia contains insoluble salts of oxalic acid. They can cause severe burns, as well as irritation of the oral cavity.

Caution should also be taken with such beautiful flowers as lilies. At night, they actively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So don't be surprised if you wake up with a headache the next morning.

Folk signs

There are many legends about which flowers should not be kept at home. Since the majority of avid flower growers are women, then most of popular belief boils down to the fact that due to the wrong choice of plant, a husband can leave, cheat, become an alcoholic, die, etc. Who among us has not heard “horror stories” about ivy? Which under no circumstances should be kept at home, otherwise there is a high probability that your spouse will leave you. This mainly applies to climbing ivy (see photo). Wax, its relative, is contraindicated for an unmarried girl. If she dares to grow it, then there is a high probability of remaining an old maid.

Thus, if you believe the signs, then ivy and marriage are completely incompatible things. And these beliefs arose, most likely, because ivy is considered an energy vampire.

If you can still believe in some signs, then there are completely strange beliefs. For example, there is a legend among the people that if you are given a palm tree, it is strictly forbidden to bring it into the house, as this can lead to misfortune. However, with such a gift you can find a way out of the situation. You can simply roll the palm tree into the house on a bicycle.

Trust but check

Despite the paradoxical nature of these popular beliefs, many signs are justified scientific point vision. For example, as described above, it is not recommended to keep a cactus at home due to its danger to children and some other properties. Folk signs don't trust it either thorny plant. It is believed that growing a cactus at home can lead to the husband becoming an alcohol addict.

Paradoxical signs relate to wealth and happiness. Yes, it's worth it house plant bloom, then expect trouble. And if it never blooms, then you will be poor.

Of course, most of these signs apply to indoor plants. modern people It only makes you smile, but it’s not for nothing that our ancestors were so attentive to the choice of plants. Therefore, of course, you should not blindly believe foreign wisdom. It is better to check them with scientific facts. And if they do not recommend keeping this or that indoor plant at home, then it is wise to listen to such advice.

If your favorite indoor plants are on the “black list” and you don’t want to throw them away, then read the rules for handling them and work with them only with gloves. But to be completely sure of your safety, it is better to completely refuse to grow such a plant at home. After all, there are many more equally beautiful plants. And, of course, you should avoid keeping poisonous flowers at home if you have growing children.