Shower      02.02.2019

Dressing room in production premises. Shower water consumption

Page 3

Showers should be equipped with individual cold and hot water located at the entrance to the cabin. With a number of shower screens of four or more, group mixers can be accepted.

Showers must be equipped with an individual. With a number of shower screens of four or more, group mixers can be used.

Shower rooms must be equipped with individual cold and hot water mixers located at the entrance to the cabin. With a number of shower screens of four or more, group mixers can be used.

For buildings with a height of nine floors or more, the pipelines of the water risers must be looped on top with jumpers and connected to a common circulation riser. In shower rooms (there are more than three shower screens), the distribution pipeline must also be looped.

For showers, pre-showers intended for wiping the body should be provided, and for showers in dressing rooms for joint storage of all types of clothing - also for changing clothes. For shower rooms with 4 shower screens or less, a pre-shower device is optional.

Showers are placed in rooms adjacent to dressing rooms, as a rule, between the dressing rooms of the working and home clothes. There should be a vestibule between the shower room with more than six shower nets and the dressing room. The estimated duration of the shower after each shift should be 45 minutes. The number of changing places is determined at the rate of three places per shower net.

For showers, pre-showers intended for For shower rooms with 4 shower screens or less, a pre-shower device is optional.

Showers should be located in rooms adjacent to dressing rooms, as a rule, between dressing rooms for work and home clothes. There must be a vestibule between the shower room with more than 6 shower nets and the dressing room. The location of shower rooms near the outer walls of the building is not allowed.

For showers, pre-showers intended for wiping the body should be provided, and for showers in dressing rooms for joint storage of all types of clothing - also for changing clothes. For shower rooms with four or less shower screens, a pre-shower device is optional.

Showers should be placed adjacent to dressing rooms. The size of open shower cabins should be 0 9X0 9 m with partitions made of moisture-resistant materials 1 6 m high, not reaching 0 2 m to the floor. The number of shower screens is determined by the estimated number of people per 1 shower screen working in the most numerous shift, depending on the groups of production processes. The estimated duration of the showers is 45 minutes for each shift.

Showers and washrooms are located adjacent to the dressing rooms. Showers should include shred showers with benches and towel racks. The number of shower screens and washbasins is designed at the rate of 3 people per shower screen and 15 people per tap. When designing the water supply for showers, it should be taken into account that the estimated duration of showers is 45 minutes for each shift.

When planning the water supply of enterprises, it is necessary to additionally take into account the consumption of water for the household and drinking needs of workers during their stay at work, as well as water consumption for watering the territory and green spaces. The consumption of water for household and drinking needs of workers during their stay in production is: in workshops with significant heat release - 45 liters, in the rest - 25 liters per shift for each worker. In addition, the production facilities should take into account the hourly water consumption equal to 500 liters per shower net, with a shower duration of 45 minutes at the end of the shift. The number of shower screens is determined according to CH 245 Sanitary standards design industrial enterprises. The estimated number of people using one shower net is between 3 and 15 people.

When planning the water supply of enterprises, it is necessary to additionally take into account the consumption of water for the household and drinking needs of workers during their stay at work, as well as water consumption for watering the territory and green spaces. The consumption of water for household and drinking needs of workers during their stay in production is 45 liters in workshops with significant heat release, in the rest - 25 liters per shift for each worker. On top of this, the production should take into account the hourly consumption of water, equal to 500 liters per shower net, with a shower duration of 45 minutes at the end of the shift. The number of shower screens is determined in accordance with SN 245 Sanitary Design Standards for Industrial Enterprises. The estimated number of people using one shower screen ranges from 3 to 15 people.

The consumption is determined from the condition that one shower net consumes 500 liters of water per 1 hour (last hour). Showering takes 45 minutes. One shower net accounts for 3-20 workers, depending on sanitary category enterprises.

Q shower. = N q showers. 45/(n 1000 60)

where N is the number of workers per shift;

q shower. - water consumption for Ι shower net, we take 500 l / h;

n is the number of workers per Ι shower net.

45 - estimated time to use the shower, min.

Q shower. \u003d 600 500 45 / (3 1000 60) \u003d 75 m 3 / h

ΙΙΙ change

Q shower. \u003d 300 500 45 / (3 1000 60) \u003d 37.5 m 3 / h

End of work -

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Calculation of expenses for household and drinking needs of the population

Water consumption for unaccounted needs... Water consumption for unaccounted needs is from the maximum daily... Qnot taken into account Qmax divide...

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All topics in this section:

Calculation of expenses for household and drinking needs of the population
To determine the estimated costs, the following are specified: specific water consumption per inhabitant qzh, m3/(day person), population density p, person/ha. By calculating the area of ​​the territory F,

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Initial data for the hydraulic calculation of the drainage network
1. Ground level at the end of the last section: 80.0 m; 2. Initial laying depth: 1.76 m; 3. Desired laying depth: 1.8 m. 4. Maximum - allowable depth of the hall

Initial data for the hydraulic calculation of the rain collector
To calculate the volume of precipitation, the parameter of rain intensity by volume is used: , where

In this case estimated flow water is defined as follows:

Where q d i - water consumption per shower net, l/h, q d i = 500 l/h; N i - the total number of employees in the i-th shift, people;

t d - shower time, h, t= 0.75 h;

H d - the number of people served by one shower, h, is taken from the table. 2.5;

K d i - proportion of people using showers in i-th shift;

P- number of shifts.

Water consumption for the production needs of industrial and agricultural enterprises should be determined on the basis of technological data on output and specific water consumption:

Where q i - specific water consumption for the production of the i-th type of product, m / unit. products;

P i - the volume of output of the i-th type of product, units / day.

The fire-fighting water supply system in settlements is combined with household and drinking water supply. Estimated water consumption for firefighting includes water consumption: for outdoor firefighting, which in residential areas depends on the number of inhabitants and the nature of residential development, and in industrial enterprises - on the degree of fire resistance of buildings, the category of production according to fire hazard and volume of buildings. For a combined water supply system, the estimated water consumption is determined by the number of simultaneous fires for a settlement and an enterprise. In this case, the water consumption is determined as the sum of the required maximum flow rate:

where Q n pzh - water consumption per fire, is taken at the highest value for the city and enterprise, l / s;

n n pzh - the number of simultaneous fires in a populated area, which should include fires at industrial enterprises located within a populated area;

t pzh - the estimated duration of fire extinguishing.

Additionally, the water consumption for internal fire extinguishing in buildings equipped with internal fire hydrants is taken into account, which depends on the number of jets (n st), water consumption per jet (q c t, l / s) and the estimated duration of fire extinguishing:

The estimated duration of extinguishing fires in a populated area or at an industrial enterprise is taken equal to three hours, and for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance with production facilities G and D - two hours.

According to the results of calculations of daily and hourly water consumption, combined water consumption schedules are built. Consumers consume water unevenly throughout the day. Therefore, it is extremely important to plan the operation of enterprises and the cleaning of city territories in such a way as not to increase the peak loads of water consumption, according to which all water supply system structures are calculated and selected.

The distribution of the maximum daily water consumption for household and drinking needs by hours of the day is carried out according to standard, standard schedules, depending on the coefficient of hourly unevenness (K hour max):

Where K r- coefficient of distribution of the maximum daily consumption according to the typical schedule of water consumption.

The distribution of water consumption by hours of the day for household and drinking needs at industrial enterprises depends on the nature of production, the duration of the shift, the type of workshop and other factors. This distribution is carried out according to standard schedules. The mode of water consumption for the production needs of industrial enterprises depends on the production technology, such as installed equipment, number of shifts and other factors. In the absence of data, the daily water consumption for production needs can approximately be distributed evenly over the operating time of the enterprise or taken by analogy with existing enterprises.

It can be seen from typical graphs that the time of maximum water consumption falls on the morning and evening hours. Therefore, in order to mitigate peak loads during these hours, it is not recommended to plan irrigation water flow.

After determining the hourly water consumption by each consumer, their amount is found and a daily water consumption schedule is built. Based on the results of calculating the hourly water flow rates, the maximum hourly (Q hour max) and second (Q sec max) water flow rates are found:

Q sec max = Q hour max / 3600

Chapter 3


For the convenience of using the data obtained in subsequent calculations, it is advisable to divide the total water consumption into two parts:

Concentrated consumption by large water consumers
(industrial and municipal enterprises), from
the selection of which will be carried out at the nodes of attachment of these
consumers to the network;

Evenly distributed or travel expense of all os-
tal consumers, which is accepted evenly distributed
divided by city And length of the water main

Questions for chapter 2

1. What do you need to know to determine the estimated water flow?

2. What expenses are included in the rate of household and drinking water

3. What is the water consumption rate?

4. Why is it necessary to know the mode of water consumption?

5. What indicators characterize the mode of water consumption?

6. How to determine the daily and hourly water consumption for household
drinking needs of the city?

7. What determines the water consumption per shower net?

8. How to determine the water consumption for fire fighting?

9. How is the distribution of water consumption by hours of day-