Water pipes      06/16/2019

Safety requirements when working with hand tools. Safety requirements for bench tools Necessary actions after the change

State Committee of the Russian Federation

for communication and informatization

on labor protection when working with hand tools

TOI R-45-065-97

The instruction comes into force from 01.09.98.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The hand tool used in the work must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and the instructions of manufacturers.

1.2. Hand tools must be used in accordance with their purpose.

1.3. The administration of the enterprise (organization) must ensure systematic control of:

Observance by employees of safety rules when working with the tool;

For the use by employees of overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment;

For the compliance of the instrument with safety requirements.

1.4. Employees who have received daily hand tools for individual or team use are responsible for correct operation and timely rejection.

1.5. The hand tool used must meet the following requirements:

Percussion tool handles - hammers, sledgehammers should be made of dry wood of hard and viscous species, smoothly processed and securely fastened;

the handles of hammers and sledgehammers should be straight and oval in cross section. By the free end of the handle should thicken somewhat (except for sledgehammers) so that the handle does not slip out of the hands when swinging and hitting the tools. At sledgehammers, the handle tapers somewhat towards the free end. The axis of the handle must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool;

For reliable fastening of the hammer and sledgehammer, the handle is wedged from the end with metal and pointed wedges. Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handles must be made of mild steel;

the strikers of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without gouges, chips, potholes, cracks and burrs.

1.6. Impact hand tools (chisels, barbs, punches, cores, etc.) must have:

Smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels;

Side edges without burrs and sharp corners.

The handles mounted on the pointed tail ends of the tool must have retaining rings.

1.7. The chisel should not be shorter than 150 mm, the length of its drawn part is 60 - 70 mm. The tip of the chisel should be sharpened at an angle of 65 - 70 °, the cutting edge should be a straight or slightly convex line, and the side edges in the places where they are gripped by the hand should not have sharp edges.

1.8. Wrenches must be marked and match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads. The jaws of the wrenches must be parallel. The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have broken chips, and the handles should not have burrs.

Extending wrenches by attaching a second wrench or pipe is prohibited.

1.9. For screwdrivers, the blade must fit without play into the slot of the screw head.

1.10. Tools with insulating handles (pliers, pliers, side and end cutters, etc.) must have dielectric sheaths or coatings without damage (delaminations, swellings, cracks) and fit snugly to the handles.

1.11. Crowbars should be straight, with drawn-out pointed ends.

1.12. The handles of files, scrapers, etc., mounted on pointed tail ends, are equipped with bandage (coupling) rings.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to receive a task from the supervisor and instructions on safe methods for performing the assigned work.

2.2. Put on the special clothes provided by the norms, special shoes. If necessary, work lying down or on your knees - put on elbow pads or knee pads.

2.3. The illumination of the workplace should be sufficient.

2.4. Before you start working with a hand tool, you need to make sure that it is in full working order. Check the correctness of the nozzle of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.; whether the metal is split along the edges of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. The position of the tool in the workplace should eliminate the possibility of it rolling or falling.

3.2. When working with a chisel or other hand tool for cutting metal, it is necessary to use goggles for the eyes and cotton gloves.

3.3. When carrying or transporting the tool, its sharp parts must be covered with covers or otherwise.

3.4. When working with jacks, it is forbidden to load the jacks above their passport load capacity.

3.5. When using a tool with insulating handles, do not hold it behind stops or shoulders that prevent fingers from slipping towards metal parts.

3.6. It is forbidden to use a tool with insulating handles, in which dielectric covers or coatings do not fit snugly to the handles, have swellings, delaminations, cracks, shells, and other damage.

3.7. A hand tool must be transported and carried to the place of work in conditions that ensure its serviceability and suitability for work, i.e. it must be protected from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction of the tool, the employee is obliged to stop work, inform the manager about the malfunctions that have arisen.

4.2. In the event of an accident with a workmate, the employee must be able to provide him with first (pre-medical) aid.

4.3. In case of injury - stop work, notify the manager, contact the first-aid post.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Tidy up your workspace.

5.2. Remove the tool to its designated place.

5.3. Store the tool indoors, away from radiators and protected from sun rays, moisture, aggressive substances.

5.4. Take off your overalls and hang them in the place provided for their storage.

5.5. Report any deficiencies found during work to the immediate supervisor.

The employer provides employees with the necessary instructions for safe use hand tools in a form that is understandable to employees and meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment."

II. Labor protection requirements in the organization of work (production processes)

9. To work with tools and fixtures, workers who have passed through in due course mandatory preliminary medical examination*(2) as well as occupational safety training*(3) .

Workers at least 18 years of age are allowed to work with electrified, pneumatic, hydraulic, manual pyrotechnic tools, tools driven by an internal combustion engine.

10. When organizing work related to the possible impact on employees of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the employer is obliged to take measures to eliminate them or reduce them to levels of permissible exposure.

11. Employees are provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with the model standards and the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment*(4) .

The choice of means of collective protection of workers is made taking into account the requirements of labor protection when performing specific types of work.

12. Modes of work and rest of employees are established by the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the employer in accordance with labor legislation * (5) .

13. The employee is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior manager of each accident that occurred at work, of all violations of the Rules he noticed, malfunctions of equipment, tools, devices and means of individual and collective protection.

It is prohibited to work with faulty equipment, tools and devices, as well as personal and collective protective equipment.

III. Labor protection requirements for production premises (production sites) and organization of workplaces

Labor protection requirements for production premises (production sites)

14. Trenches, underground communications on the territory of the organization must be closed or fenced. Warning inscriptions and signs should be installed on the fences, and at night - signal lighting.

In places of transition through trenches, pits, ditches, crossing bridges with a width of at least 1 m should be installed, fenced on both sides with railings with a height of at least 1.1 m, with solid sheathing along the bottom to a height of 0.15 m and with an additional fencing bar at a height 0.5 m from the deck.

15. Entrances and exits, passages and driveways both inside buildings (structures) and industrial premises (production sites), and outside on the territory adjacent to them must be equipped with lighting and freed for the safe movement of workers and passage Vehicle.

It is prohibited to obstruct aisles and driveways or use them for placement of goods.

16. External exits of buildings (structures) must be equipped with vestibules or air-thermal curtains.

17. Passages, stairs, platforms and railings to them must be kept in good condition and clean, and those located on outdoors- clean in winter time from snow and ice and sprinkle with sand.

The decking of platforms and passages, as well as the railings to them, must be securely reinforced. For the period of repair, instead of the removed railings, a temporary fence should be made. Railings and floorings, removed during the repair, after its completion must be installed in place.

18. Steps, ramps, bridges must be carried out over the entire width of the passage. Stairs must be equipped with railings at least 1 m high, steps must be smooth and non-slip. metal steps must have a grooved surface. Doorways should not have thresholds.

19. Intrashop rail tracks should be laid flush with the floor level.

20. Passages and driveways inside the production premises must have clearly marked dimensions, marked on the floor with markings using paint, metal recessed checkers or other clearly distinguishable indicators.

21. The width of the passages inside the production premises must correspond to the dimensions of vehicles or transported goods.

The distance from the borders of the carriageway to the structural elements of the building and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when people are moving - at least 0.8 m.

22. In industrial premises where, due to working conditions, liquids accumulate, the floors must be impervious to liquids, having the necessary slope and drainage channels. Foot gratings should be installed at workplaces. Channels in floors for draining liquids or laying pipelines should be covered with solid or lattice covers flush with the floor level. Holes in the floors for the passage of drive belts, conveyors must be made minimum dimensions and be protected by boards with a height of at least 20 cm, regardless of the presence of a common fence. In cases where, under the terms technological process channels, gutters and trenches cannot be closed, they must be protected by railings 1 m high with sheathing along the bottom to a height of at least 0.15 m from the floor.

23. Artificial lighting of industrial premises should be of two systems: general (uniform or localized) and combined (local lighting is added to general lighting). The use of only local lighting is not allowed.

24. To open, install in the required position and close the sashes of window and skylights or other opening devices in industrial premises, devices should be provided that are easily controlled from the floor or from work platforms.

Labor protection requirements for the organization of workplaces

25. Workplaces, depending on the type of work, should be equipped with workbenches, racks, tables, cabinets, bedside tables for convenient and safe performance of work, storage of tools, fixtures and parts.

26. Workbenches, racks, tables, cabinets, bedside tables must be strong and securely installed on the floor.

The dimensions of the shelves of the racks must correspond to the dimensions of the stacked tools and fixtures and have an inward slope.

The surface of workbenches should be covered with a smooth material (sheet steel, aluminum or other smooth non-combustible material) free of sharp edges and burrs.

The width of the workbench must be at least 750 mm, height - 800-900 mm. The drawers of the workbench must be equipped with stops to prevent them from falling.

27. Vices on workbenches should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another and fixed so that their jaws are at the level of the worker's elbow.

The vise must be in good working order and provide a reliable clamping of the product. On the working surface of the steel replaceable flat bars of the vise jaws, a cross notch should be made with a step of 2-3 mm and a depth of 0.5-1 mm. When the vise is closed, the gap between the working surfaces of steel replaceable flat bars should not exceed 0.1 mm. The vise handle and steel interchangeable flat bars must be free of nicks and burrs.

It is necessary to ensure that the moving parts of the vise move without jamming, jerking and are securely fixed in the required position. The vise must be equipped with a device to prevent the lead screw from completely unscrewing.

28. To protect workers from flying particles of the processed material, a protective screen with a height of at least 1 m, solid or from a mesh with cells of no more than 3 mm, must be installed on the workbench. For double-sided work on a workbench, the screen should be installed in the middle, and for single-sided work, from the side facing the workplaces, aisles and windows.

29. Tables and workbenches where soldering work is carried out must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation.

30. The floor of the workbench must be flat and dry. A foot grate must be laid on the floor in front of the workbench.

31. Tools and accessories at the workplace should be located in such a way that the possibility of their rolling and falling is excluded.

It is forbidden to place tools and devices on the railings of fences, unenclosed edges of scaffolding and scaffolding sites, other sites where work is performed at height, as well as open hatches, wells.

32. When transporting tools and accessories, their traumatic (sharp, cutting) parts and parts must be isolated in order to ensure the safety of workers.

IV. Labor protection requirements in the implementation of production processes and the operation of tools and devices

33. Maintenance, repair, inspection, testing and technical examination of tools and fixtures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

34. Inspection, repair, testing, testing and technical examination of tools and fixtures (with the exception of hand tools) must be carried out by qualified employees appointed by the employer responsible for maintaining specific types of tools in good condition, or must be carried out under contracts concluded with specialized organizations.

In small enterprises and micro-enterprises, the responsibility for maintaining all types of tools in good condition can be assigned to one employee.

35. The results of inspections, repairs, checks, tests and technical examinations of the tool (with the exception of a hand tool), carried out at intervals established by the manufacturer, are recorded by the employee responsible for keeping the tool in good condition in a journal in which it is recommended to reflect the following information :

1) the name of the instrument;

2) inventory number of the tool;

3) the date of the last repair, inspection, testing, technical examination of the tool (inspection, static and dynamic testing), the date of the next repair, inspection, testing, technical examination of the tool;

4) the results of an external inspection of the tool and a check of idling;

5) designation of the standard size of the circle, the standard or technical condition for the manufacture of the circle, the characteristics of the circle and the mark about chemical treatment or mechanical alteration, operating speed, wheel speed during testing (for abrasive and CBN tools);

6) the results of testing the insulation with increased voltage, measuring the insulation resistance, checking the health of the ground circuit (for an electrified tool);

7) compliance of the spindle speed with passport data (for pneumatic tools and tools driven by an internal combustion engine);

8) lifting capacity (for hydraulic tools);

9) the surname of the employee who carried out the inspection, repair, inspection, testing and technical examination of the tool, confirmed by the personal signature of the employee.

The journal may reflect other information provided for by the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

36. When working with tools and devices, the employee must:

1) perform only the work that is assigned and for the performance of which the employee has been instructed in labor protection;

2) work only with those tools and devices, for work with which the employee was trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work;

3) correctly apply personal protective equipment.

Labor protection requirements when working with hand tools and devices

37. Every day before the start of work, during the performance and after the performance of work, the employee must inspect hand tools and devices and, in the event of a malfunction, immediately notify his immediate supervisor.

During work, the employee must monitor the absence of:

1) chips, potholes, cracks and burrs on the strikers of hammers and sledgehammers;

2) cracks in the handles of files, screwdrivers, saws, chisels, hammers and sledgehammers;

3) cracks, burrs, work hardening and chips on a percussion hand tool designed for riveting, cutting grooves, punching holes in metal, concrete, wood;

4) dents, notches, burrs and scale on the surface of the metal handles of the tongs;

5) chips on working surfaces and burrs on wrench handles;

6) nicks and burrs on the handle and overhead vise bars;

7) curvature of screwdrivers, punches, chisels, wrench jaws;

8) nicks, dents, cracks and burrs on the working and mounting surfaces of interchangeable heads and bits.

38. When working with wedges or chisels using sledgehammers, wedge holders with a handle not less than 0.7 m long should be used.

39. When using wrenches, it is prohibited:

1) the use of linings with a gap between the planes of the jaws of wrenches and the heads of bolts or nuts;

2) the use of additional levers to increase the tightening force.

Wrenches with extended handles should be used where necessary.

40. C inside ticks and hand scissors a stop must be installed to prevent squeezing the fingers.

41. Before working with manual lever scissors, they must be securely fixed on special racks, workbenches, tables.

It is forbidden:

1) the use of auxiliary levers to lengthen the handles of lever scissors;

2) operation of lever shears in the presence of defects in any part of the knives, as well as with blunt and loose cutting edges of the knives.

42. It is necessary to work with hand tools and percussion devices in goggles (protective face shield) and personal protective equipment for the hands of the person working from mechanical influences.

43. When working with jacks, the following requirements must be observed:

1) jacks in operation must be subject to periodic technical inspection at least once every 12 months, as well as after repair or replacement of critical parts in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer. On the body of the jack, the inventory number, load capacity, date of the next technical examination should be indicated;

2) when lifting a load with a jack, a wooden lining (sleepers, beams, boards 40-50 mm thick) should be placed under it with an area larger than the base area of ​​the jack body;

3) the jack must be installed strictly in a vertical position with respect to the supporting surface;

4) the head (paw) of the jack must rest against the strong nodes of the load being lifted in order to avoid their breakage, laying an elastic gasket between the head (paw) of the jack and the load;

5) the head (leg) of the jack must rest with its entire plane on the nodes of the load being lifted in order to avoid slipping of the load during lifting;

6) all rotating parts of the jack drive must be freely (without jamming) turned by hand;

7) all friction parts of the jack must be periodically lubricated with grease;

8) during lifting it is necessary to monitor the stability of the load;

9) as the load is lifted, pads are inserted, and when it is lowered, they are gradually removed;

10) the release of the jack from under the lifted load and its rearrangement are allowed only after the load is securely fixed in the raised position or laid on stable supports (sleeper cage).

44. When working with jacks, it is prohibited:

1) load the jacks above their carrying capacity specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer;

2) use extension cords (pipes) put on the jack handle;

3) remove your hand from the jack handle until the load is lowered onto the lining;

4) weld pipes or corners to the legs of the jacks;

5) leave the load on the jack during breaks in work, as well as at the end of work without installing a support.

Labor protection requirements when working with electrified tools and devices

45. When working with portable hand-held electric lamps, the following requirements must be observed:

1) portable hand-held electric lamps (hereinafter referred to as portable lamps) must have a reflector, a protective grid, a suspension hook and a hose wire with a plug;

2) the protective grid of the portable lamp must be structurally made as part of the housing or fixed on the handle of the portable lamp with screws or clamps;

3) the holder of a portable lamp must be built into the body of the lamp so that the current-carrying parts of the holder and the base of the electric lamp are inaccessible to touch;

4) to power portable lamps in rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous rooms, a voltage of not more than 50 V should be used;

5) in cases where the danger of defeat electric shock aggravated by tightness, uncomfortable position of the worker, contact with large metal grounded surfaces (for example, work in drums, metal containers, gas ducts and boiler furnaces or in tunnels), a voltage of no higher than 12 V should be used to power portable lamps;

6) when issuing portable lamps, employees issuing and accepting them must make sure that the lamps, cartridges, plugs, wires are in good condition;

7) repair of faulty portable lamps should be carried out with disconnection of the portable lamp from electrical network employees with appropriate qualifications.

46. ​​When performing work using portable electric lamps inside closed and limited spaces (metal containers, wells, compartments, gas ducts, boiler furnaces, drums, tunnels), step-down transformers for portable electric lamps must be installed outside closed and limited spaces, and their secondary windings to be grounded.

If the step-down transformer is also an isolation transformer, then the secondary electrical circuit it should not be connected to the ground.

The use of autotransformers to lower the supply voltage of portable electric lamps is prohibited.

47. Before issuing an electrified tool (hereinafter referred to as a power tool) to an employee, an employee appointed by the employer responsible for maintaining the power tool in good condition must check:

1) completeness, serviceability, including cable, plug and switch, reliability of fastening of power tool parts;

2) the serviceability of the grounding circuit of the power tool and the absence of a short circuit of the windings to the case;

3) the operation of the power tool at idle.

It is forbidden to issue a power tool for work that is defective or with an overdue date for periodic inspection.

48. Before starting work with power tools, the following are checked:

1) the class of the power tool, the possibility of its use in terms of safety in accordance with the place and nature of work;

2) compliance of the voltage and frequency of the current in the electrical network with the voltage and frequency of the current of the electric motor of the power tool;

3) the operability of the residual current device (depending on the operating conditions);

4) reliability of fastening of the removable tool.

The classes of power tools, depending on the method of implementation of protection against electric shock, are as follows:

class 0 - a power tool in which protection against electric shock is provided by basic insulation; at the same time, there is no electrical connection of open conductive parts (if any) with protective conductor fixed wiring;

Class I - a power tool in which protection against electric shock is provided by basic insulation and connection of open conductive parts accessible to touch with a protective conductor of fixed wiring;

Class II - a power tool in which protection against electric shock is ensured by the use of double or reinforced insulation;

Class III - a power tool in which protection against electric shock is based on power supply from a safety extra low voltage source not exceeding 50 V and in which voltages higher than safety extra low voltage do not occur.

49. Accessible metal parts of class I power tools, which may be energized in the event of insulation damage, are connected to a grounding clamp. Class II and III power tools are not earthed.

The grounding of the body of the power tool is carried out using a special core of the supply cable, which should not simultaneously serve as a conductor of the working current. It is forbidden to use a neutral working wire for this purpose.

50. Workers performing work using power tools of classes 0 and I in rooms with increased danger must have an electrical safety group of at least II.

Connecting auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, residual current devices) to the electrical network and disconnecting it from the network must be carried out by electrical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III.

51. Cases of converters, step-down transformers and safety isolation transformers (hereinafter referred to as isolation transformers), depending on the neutral mode of the network supplying the primary winding, are grounded or zeroed.

Grounding of the secondary winding of isolating transformers or converters with separate windings is not allowed.

52. In vessels, apparatus and other metal structures with limited mobility, it is allowed to work with power tools of classes I and II, provided that only one power tool is powered by an independent engine-generator set, an isolation transformer or a frequency converter with isolation windings, as well as class III power tools. In this case, the power source is outside the vessel, and its secondary circuit is not grounded.

53. Connection (disconnection) of auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, residual current devices) to the network, its verification, as well as troubleshooting are carried out by electrical personnel.

54. Installing the working part of the power tool in the chuck and removing it from the chuck, as well as adjusting the power tool must be carried out after disconnecting the power tool from the mains and stopping it completely.

55. When working with power tools, it is prohibited:

1) connect a power tool with a voltage of up to 50 V to the mains common use through an autotransformer, resistor or potentiometer;

2) bring inside the containers (drums and furnaces of boilers, transformer tanks, turbine condensers) a transformer or frequency converter to which the power tool is connected.

When working in underground structures, as well as during earthworks, the transformer must be located outside these structures;

3) pull the cable of the power tool, put a load on it, allow it to intersect with cables, electric welding cables and gas welding sleeves;

4) work with power tools from random stands (window sills, boxes, chairs), on ladders ah and stepladders;

5) remove chips or sawdust with your hands (chips or sawdust should be removed after the power tool has completely stopped with special hooks or brushes);

6) handle icy and wet parts with power tools;

7) leave unattended power tools connected to the network, as well as transfer it to persons who do not have the right to work with it;

8) independently disassemble and repair (troubleshoot) power tools, cables and plug connections.

56. When working with an electric drill, objects to be drilled must be securely fastened.

It is forbidden:

touch the rotating working body of the electric drill with your hands;

use a lever to press on a working electric drill.

57. grinders, saws and planes must have a protective fence of the working part.

58. It is forbidden to work with a power tool that is not protected from the effects of drops and splashes and does not have distinctive signs (a drop or two drops in a triangle), in conditions of exposure to drops and splashes, as well as in open areas during snowfall or rain.

It is allowed to work with such a power tool outdoors only in dry weather, and in case of rain or snowfall - under a canopy on dry ground or flooring.

59. Safety measures when working with power tools depend on the place of work and are provided taking into account the requirements of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations * (6) .

It is forbidden:

work with power tools of class 0 in especially dangerous rooms and in the presence of especially unfavorable conditions (in vessels, apparatuses and other metal containers with limited movement and exit);

work with a class I power tool in the presence of particularly unfavorable conditions (in vessels, apparatus and other metal containers with limited movement and exit).

60. It is allowed to work with power tools of class III without the use of electrical protective equipment in all rooms.

It is allowed to work with class II power tools without the use of electrical protective equipment in all rooms, with the exception of work in particularly unfavorable conditions (work in vessels, apparatus and other metal containers with limited movement and exit), in which work is prohibited.

61. In the event of a sudden stop of the power tool, when transferring the power tool from one workplace to another, as well as during a long break in the operation of the power tool and after its completion, the power tool must be disconnected from the electrical network with a plug.

62. If during operation a malfunction of the power tool is detected or the person working with it feels the effect of an electric current, work must be stopped, and the faulty power tool must be handed over for inspection and repair (if necessary).

63. Power tools and accessories (including auxiliary equipment: transformers, frequency converters, circuit breakers, extension cables) at least once every 6 months must be periodically checked by an employee with an electrical safety group of at least III, appointed by the employer as responsible for the maintenance of electrical tools and equipment in good condition.

The periodic inspection of power tools and accessories includes:

visual inspection;

checking idling for at least 5 minutes;

measurement of insulation resistance with a megohmmeter for a voltage of 500 V for 1 minute with the switch in the "on" position, while the insulation resistance must be at least 0.5 MΩ;

checking the continuity of the ground circuit (for class I power tools).

The results of the power tool check are logged.

64. On the cases of power tools, step-down and isolation transformers, frequency converters, inventory numbers must be indicated.

65. It is forbidden to work with a power tool for which the period of the next test, maintenance has expired, or if at least one of the following malfunctions occurs:

1) damage to the plug connection, cable or its protective tube;

2) damage to the brush holder cover;

3) sparking brushes on the collector, accompanied by the appearance of an all-round fire on its surface;

4) leakage of lubricant from the gearbox or ventilation ducts;

5) the appearance of smoke or smell characteristic of burning insulation;

6) the appearance of increased noise, knocking, vibration;

7) breakage or appearance of cracks in the body part, handle, protective fence;

8) damage to the working part of the power tool;

9) the disappearance of the electrical connection between the metal parts of the body and the neutral clamping pin of the power plug;

10) malfunction of the starting device.

66. The power tool should be stored in a dry room equipped with special racks, shelves and boxes that ensure the safety of the power tool, taking into account the requirements for the storage conditions of the power tool specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

It is forbidden to store power tools without packaging in two rows or more.

67. When transporting a power tool, precautions must be taken to prevent damage to it. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

Labor protection requirements when working with abrasive and CBN tools

68. Grinding and cutting wheels before being put into operation must be tested for mechanical strength in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer and technical regulations that establish safety requirements for abrasive tools. After the mechanical strength test, the circle should be marked with paint or a special label should be pasted on the non-working surface of the circle indicating the serial number of the test, the date of the test and the signature of the employee who conducted the test.

Do not use grinders and cutting wheels with cracks on the surface, with flaking of the elboron-containing layer, and also without a mark on the test for mechanical strength or with an expired shelf life.

69. Grinding wheels (except for CBN) that have undergone chemical treatment or mechanical alteration, as well as wheels whose shelf life has expired, must be re-tested for mechanical strength.

70. The results of testing grinding and cutting wheels for mechanical strength are recorded in the journal.

71. When working with manual grinding and portable pendulum tools, the working speed of the circle should not exceed 80 m / s.

72. Before starting work with the grinder, its protective casing must be fixed so that when rotating by hand, the wheel does not come into contact with the casing.

work without protective covers allowed on machines with grinding heads with a diameter of up to 30 mm, glued to metal studs. The use of protective goggles or protective face shields is mandatory in this case.

73. When installing an abrasive tool on the shaft of a pneumatic grinder, the fit should be loose; between the circle and the flanges, elastic gaskets made of cardboard 0.5-1 mm thick should be installed.

The circle must be installed and fixed in such a way that there is no radial or axial runout.

74. Grinding wheels, discs and heads on a ceramic and bakelite bond should be selected depending on the speed of the spindle and the type of grinder.

75. It is forbidden to work with a tool designed for work with the use of a cutting fluid (hereinafter - coolant), without the use of coolant, as well as work with the side (end) surfaces of the circle if it is not intended for this type of work.

76. When working with abrasive and elbor tools, it is prohibited:

1) use a lever to increase the pressing force of the workpieces on the grinding wheel on machines with manual feed of products;

2) reinstall the hand rests during work when processing with grinding wheels products that are not rigidly fixed on the machine;

3) slow down the rotating circle by pressing on it with some object;

4) apply nozzles on wrenches and percussion instrument when fixing the circle.

77. When performing work on cutting or cutting metal with hand grinders designed for these purposes, wheels must be used that meet the requirements of the manufacturer's technical documentation for these hand grinders.

The choice of the brand and diameter of the circle for a hand grinder should be made taking into account the maximum possible speed corresponding to the idle speed of the grinder.

78. Polishing and grinding of parts should be done using special tools and mandrels that exclude the possibility of injury to hands.

Work with parts that do not require special devices and mandrels for safe holding should be carried out using personal protective equipment for hands from mechanical influences.

Labor protection requirements when working with pneumatic tools

79. When working with a pneumatic tool (hereinafter referred to as a pneumatic tool), an employee must ensure that:

1) the working part of the pneumatic tool was properly sharpened and had no damage, cracks, potholes and burrs;

2) the side faces of the pneumatic tool did not have sharp edges;

3) the shank was straight, without chips or cracks, matched the size of the bushing to avoid spontaneous loss, was tightly fitted and correctly centered.

It is forbidden to use linings (to wedge) or to work with pneumatic tools if there is play in the bushing.

80. Flexible hoses are used for pneumatic tools. Damaged hoses must not be used.

It is necessary to attach hoses to the pneumatic tool and connect them to each other using nipples or fittings and coupling clamps. It is forbidden to attach hoses to pneumatic tools and connect them to each other in any other way.

The places where the hoses are attached to the pneumatic tool and the pipeline, as well as the places where the hoses are connected to each other, must not let air through.

81. Before connecting the hose to the pneumatic tool, the air line must be blown, and after the hose is connected to the line, the hose must also be blown. The free end of the hose must be secured when purging.

The pneumatic tool must be connected to the hose after cleaning the mesh in the fitting.

82. The connection of the hose to the air line and the pneumatic tool, as well as its disconnection, must be carried out with the closed shutoff valves. The hose must be positioned so that it cannot be accidentally damaged or run over by a vehicle.

83. It is forbidden to stretch and bend the pneumatic tool hoses during operation. It is also not allowed to cross the hoses with cables, cables and gas welding sleeves.

84. Air should be supplied to the pneumatic tool only after it is installed in the working position.

The operation of the pneumatic tool at idle speed is allowed only when it is tested before starting work.

85. When working with pneumatic tools, it is prohibited:

1) work from ladders and ladders;

2) hold the pneumatic tool by its working part;

3) correct, adjust and change the working part of the pneumatic tool during operation in the presence of compressed air in the hose;

4) use a hose or working part of the tool to transfer the pneumatic tool. Carry a pneumatic tool only by the handle;

5) work with percussion pneumatic tools without devices that exclude spontaneous departure of the working part during idle impacts.

86. If the hoses break, immediately stop the access of compressed air to the pneumatic tool by closing the shut-off valves.

87. An employee appointed by the employer responsible for maintaining the pneumatic tool in good condition, at least once every 6 months, regardless of the condition and operating conditions of the pneumatic tool, must disassemble it, wash, lubricate parts and refill rotor blades, and replace damaged or worn parts found during inspection new.

After assembling the pneumatic tool, the spindle speed should be adjusted in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer and the operation of the pneumatic tool should be checked at idle for 5 minutes.

The results of the check are logged.

88. During the operation of the pneumatic tool, its fasteners should be tightened as necessary. At the end of the work, the pneumatic tool must be cleaned of dirt and handed over to the warehouse.

Labor protection requirements when working with a tool driven by an internal combustion engine

89. An employee appointed by the employer responsible for maintaining a tool driven by an internal combustion engine in good condition is obliged to check its serviceability when issued to employees, and also to inspect and check its condition at least once every 6 months.

90. Before using a chainsaw or chainsaw (hereinafter referred to as a chainsaw), you must make sure:

1) in good condition and proper functioning of the grip and brake of the chainsaw chain, the rear protection of the right hand, the throttle limiter, the vibration damping system, the stop contact;

2) in normal chain tension;

3) in the absence of damage and the strength of the muffler, the parts of the chainsaw are in good condition and that they are tightened;

4) in the absence of oil on the chainsaw handles;

5) in the absence of gasoline leakage.

91. When working with a chainsaw, the following conditions must be met:

1) there are no unauthorized persons, animals and other objects in the range of the chainsaw that may affect the safe performance of work;

2) the sawn tree trunk is not split or not stressed at the split-split site after falling;

3) the saw blade is not clamped in the cut;

4) saw chain will not hook the ground or any object during or after sawing;

5) the influence of environmental conditions (roots, stones, branches, pits) on the possibility of free movement and on the stability of the working posture is excluded;

6) use only those saw bar/chain combinations recommended by the manufacturer's technical documentation.

92. In order to avoid additional risks and traumatic situations, it is not allowed to perform work with a chainsaw related to felling and trimming forests, trees, building and assembly structures, under adverse weather conditions:

1) dense fog or heavy snowfall, if visibility is less than 50 m in flat terrain, less than 60 m in mountainous terrain;

2) wind speeds over 8.5 m/s in mountainous areas and over 11 m/s in flat areas;

3) during a thunderstorm and during heavy rain;

4) at low (below -30°С) outdoor temperature.

93. In case of damage to the muffler of the chainsaw, it is necessary to exclude the contact of the worker with carbon deposited in the muffler, which may contain carcinogenic chemical compounds.

94. When working with a chainsaw, it is prohibited:

1) touch the muffler of the chainsaw both during operation and after stopping the engine in order to avoid thermal burns;

2) start the chainsaw indoors (with the exception of rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, which is turned on before starting and starting work with the chainsaw) or near flammable material;

3) when starting the chainsaw engine, wind the starter cable around your hand;

4) use a chainsaw without a spark catcher (if it is required at the place of work) or with a damaged spark catcher;

5) sawing bush branches (in order to avoid their capture by the chainsaw chain and subsequent injury to the worker);

6) work with a chainsaw on an unstable surface;

7) raise the chainsaw above the shoulder level of the worker and cut with the tip of the saw blade;

8) work with a chainsaw with one hand;

9) leave the chainsaw unattended.

95. When working with a chainsaw, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the chainsaw must be firmly held with the right hand on the rear handle and with the left hand on the front, tightly clasping the chainsaw handles with the whole palm. This grip is used regardless of whether the worker is right-handed or left-handed, allows you to reduce the effect of kickback and keep the chainsaw under constant control. Do not allow the chainsaw to be pulled out of the hands;

2) when clamping the chainsaw chain in the cut, it is necessary to stop the engine. To release the saw, it is recommended to use the lever to spread the kerf.

96. It is not allowed to cut logs or blanks stacked on top of each other.

Sawn off parts should be stored in specially designated places.

97. When installing the chainsaw on the ground, block it with a chain brake.

When stopping the chainsaw for more than 5 minutes, turn off the chainsaw engine.

98. Before carrying the chainsaw, turn off the engine, lock the chain with a brake and put a protective cover on the saw blade.

Carry the chainsaw with the saw blade and chain facing backwards.

99. Before refueling the chainsaw, the engine should be turned off and cooled down for a few minutes. When refueling, the fuel tank cap should be opened slowly to release excess pressure gradually. After refueling the chainsaw, close (tighten) the fuel tank cap tightly. Before starting, it is necessary to take the chainsaw away from the refueling point.

It is allowed to refuel the chainsaw engine in a room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, or outdoors in a place where the possibility of sparking and ignition is excluded.

100. Before repairing or servicing the chainsaw, stop the engine and disconnect the ignition wire.

101. It is not allowed to work with a chainsaw with defective elements of protective equipment or with a chainsaw, the design of which has been arbitrarily changed, not provided for by the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

102. It is forbidden to start the chainsaw if fuel has spilled on the body during refueling. Splashes of fuel should be wiped off and the remaining fuel evaporated. If fuel gets on clothes and shoes, they must be replaced.

103. The fuel tank cap and hoses should be regularly checked for fuel leakage.

104. Mixing of fuel with oil must be carried out in a clean container intended for storing fuel, in the following sequence:

1) half of the required amount of gasoline is poured;

2) the required amount of oil is added;

3) the resulting mixture is mixed (shaken);

4) the rest of the gasoline is added;

5) the fuel mixture is thoroughly mixed (shaken) before pouring into the fuel tank.

105. Fuel should be mixed with oil in a place where the possibility of sparking and ignition is excluded.

106. Before starting work with a chainsaw, you must:

1) install all protective devices;

2) make sure that there are no people at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the place where the engine is started.

107. In order to avoid the risk of injury to health, workers with medical implants are advised to consult a doctor and the manufacturer of the implant before operating a chainsaw.

108. It is forbidden to work with a chainsaw in a closed room that is not equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

109. The chainsaw must be held to the right side of the body. The cutting part of the tool must be below the worker's waist.

110. When working with a chainsaw, an employee must control the approach of unauthorized persons and animals to the place of work. When approaching the place of work of unauthorized persons and animals at a distance less than permitted by the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer, you must immediately stop the chainsaw engine.

It is forbidden to turn around with a running chainsaw without first looking back and making sure that no one is in the working area.

111. To avoid getting mechanical injuries, before removing material wrapped around the axis of the cutting part of the chainsaw, it is necessary to turn off the engine.

After turning off the chainsaw engine, do not touch the cutting part until it has completely stopped.

112. In the event of symptoms of overload from prolonged exposure to vibration, work should be stopped and, if necessary, medical attention should be sought.

113. Store and transport the chainsaw and fuel in such a way that there is no risk of smudges or fuel vapors coming into contact with sparks or open flames.

114. Before cleaning, repairing or checking the chainsaw, make sure that after turning off the engine, the cutting part is stationary, and then remove the spark plug cable.

115. Before long-term storage chainsaw, empty the fuel tank and carry out a complete Maintenance in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

116. Before starting work with a brush cutter (motor scythe) driven by an internal combustion engine, the mowing working area must be freed from foreign objects. When mowing on a slope, the worker must be positioned below the mowing point.

117. When approaching the place of work of unauthorized persons or animals at a distance less than permitted by the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer, it is necessary to immediately stop the engine of the brush cutter (scythes).

118. It is not allowed to inspect the trimmer head of the brush cutter (motor scythe) with the engine running. Before inspecting the trimmer head, the engine of the brush cutter (scything machine) must be stopped.

119. Brush cutters (motor scythes) must be equipped with a device for stopping the engine, located so that the employee can put it into action, working in personal protective equipment for hands from mechanical influences and holding the brush cutter (motor scythe) with both hands.

120. Brush cutters (motor scythes), whose weight exceeds 7.5 kg, must be equipped with double shoulder suspensions that provide the same pressure on both shoulders of the worker.

2) the fuel tank of the drill (ice drill) should be filled, as a rule, in the open air. It is allowed to refuel the fuel tank of the drill (ice drill) in a room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation;

3) before performing work, make sure that all screws and nuts of the drill (ice drill) are tightened;

4) if foreign objects get under the drill (ice drill) knife or if the drill (ice drill) vibrates strongly, you should immediately stop it, remove the spark plug cable and check for damage to the knife and mechanisms. If there are damages, work is stopped until they are eliminated;

5) when replacing a drill knife (ice drill), wear personal protective equipment for hands;

6) it is forbidden to go on the ice alone. Before entering the ice for drilling, it is necessary to verify the strength of the ice;

7) after drilling is completed, drill the ground or ice nearby and deepen the working body of the drill (ice drill) into the ground or into the ice so that the drill (ice drill) is stable, and then turn off the engine;

127. When working with a hydraulic tool when negative temperature ambient air, an antifreeze liquid must be used.

128. When holding the load in a raised position with hydraulic jacks, special steel pads in the form of half rings should be placed under the piston head between the cylinder and the load to protect against sudden lowering of the piston when the pressure in the cylinder drops for any reason. When holding the load for a long time, it should be supported on the half rings, and then relieve the pressure.

129. Oil pressure when working with a hydraulic tool should not exceed the maximum value specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

The oil pressure is checked with a pressure gauge mounted on the hydraulic tool.

Occupational safety requirements when working with hand-held pyrotechnic tools

130. Work with a hand-held pyrotechnic tool must be carried out in accordance with a written order - a work permit for the performance of high-risk work, the recommended sample of which is provided for in the appendix to the Rules.

The procedure for carrying out work with a hand-held pyrotechnic tool is established by the local regulatory act of the employer.

131. Before starting work, hand-held pyrotechnic tools must be inspected and checked. The employee must ensure that safety devices are in good condition, the piston of the pyrotechnic hand tool is not damaged, the cartridges are not jammed.

132. Before starting zeroing, the worker must make sure that there are no people in the danger zone where dowels and fragments of materials can fly out and that protective fences are set up.

It is forbidden for unauthorized persons to be in the work area. The work area must be marked with warning signs.

133. An employee admitted to independent work with a hand pyrotechnic tool it is prohibited:

1) dismantle or replace the blocking and safety mechanism of a hand-held pyrotechnic tool;

2) direct a hand-held pyrotechnic tool towards oneself or towards other persons, even if it is not loaded with a cartridge;

3) leave hand pyrotechnic tools and their cartridges unattended;

4) transfer hand pyrotechnic tools and cartridges to them to other persons;

5) charge a manual pyrotechnic tool until the workplace is fully prepared;

6) unload a hand-held pyrotechnic tool immediately after the striker is released, if the shot did not occur ("misfire"). Discharging a hand-held pyrotechnic tool is allowed after at least 1 minute.

Removing a cartridge with a "misfire" when the ejector fails to work is allowed only with the help of a ramrod extractor;

7) dismantle and repair hand-held pyrotechnic tools.

134. It is prohibited to work with hand pyrotechnic tools from ladders or ladders.

When working at height, it is necessary to attach a hand-held pyrotechnic tool to the belt on a complete belt, which excludes accidental falling of a hand-held pyrotechnic tool.

135. When firing a shot, it is necessary to press a hand-held pyrotechnic tool strictly perpendicular to the working surface. Skewed hand pyrotechnic tools can cause the dowel to ricochet and injure a worker.

At the time of the shot, the hand supporting the target part must be at least 150 mm away from the dowel driving point.

The dowel driving point is indicated by two mutually perpendicular lines.

136. If the dowel after firing from a hand-held pyrotechnic tool has not entered completely and the cap rises above the surface of the part being adjusted, it is necessary to make an additional second shot. A second shot is made without a dowel. With normal driving, the dowel should "squeeze" the target part.

137. It is prohibited to use hand-held pyrotechnic tools when working with particularly strong and fragile materials, such as: high-strength steel, hardened steel, cast iron, marble, granite, glass, slate, ceramic tiles.

Before driving the dowel into the steel base, it is necessary to check its hardness - the point of the dowel should leave a scratch on the surface of the base.

138. In order to avoid injury to an employee as a result of chips and destruction of building bases during work using hand-held pyrotechnic tools, the following distances must be maintained from the point of driving the dowel to the edge of the building base and the part being adjusted to it:

1) building base:

concrete, brickwork - at least 100 mm;

steel - not less than 15 mm;

2) target part:

steel, aluminum - not less than 10 mm;

wood, plastic - at least 15 mm.

139. During breaks in work, the hand pyrotechnic tool should be discharged, while the barrel of the hand pyrotechnic tool should be lowered down.

It is not allowed to store and transport a charged hand pyrotechnic tool. It is necessary to carry cartridges in a special bag separately from other items.

140. Before handing over a hand-held pyrotechnic tool to an employee appointed by the employer responsible for the safe operation of a hand-held pyrotechnic tool, or handing over a hand-held pyrotechnic tool to a warehouse, an employee who performed work with a hand-held pyrotechnic tool must make sure that the hand-held pyrotechnic tool is unloaded (the cartridge is seized).

It is forbidden to transfer hand pyrotechnic tools to unauthorized persons.

IV. Final provisions

141. Federal state supervision over the fulfillment of the requirements of these Rules is carried out by officials of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment and its territorial bodies (state labor inspectorates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) * (7) .

142. Heads and other officials of organizations, as well as employers - individuals, guilty of violating the requirements of the Rules, are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation * (8) .


*(1) Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii 2002, N 1, item 3; 2006, N 27, item 2878).

*(2) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees engaged in hard work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration N 22111) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 N 296n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration N 28970) and dated December 5, 2014 Mr. N 801н (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2015, registration N 35848).

*(3) Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 12, 2003, registration N 4209 ).

*(4) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 1, 2009 N 290n "On approval of the Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 10, 2009, registration N 14742), as amended , introduced by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of January 27, 2010 N 28n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 1, 2010, registration N 16530), orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

Many people confuse such concepts as "labor protection" and "safety measures", considering them identical. Let's try to be clear. Currently, the term "safety" is withdrawn from circulation, is practically not mentioned in new documents. He used to be integral part code of laws on labor protection, united organizational measures designed to prevent the impact on workers of dangerous production situations.

Labor protection is “a system of legislative acts, as well as preventive and regulatory socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary-hygienic and therapeutic measures, means and methods aimed at ensuring safe working conditions” .

Safety rules when working with tools and devices are divided into general and target ones, which are followed before the start of the shift, during the working day, at the end of it, in emergency circumstances.

Disregard for compliance with safety requirements when working with various devices, mechanical and automatic equipment can lead to sad consequences. Minor and serious injuries, up to a lethal outcome are possible. The Ministry of Labor of Russia, by order No. 552n dated August 17, 2015, approved the “Rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices”, which are subject to strict compliance by employees of all enterprises, organizations, as well as entrepreneurs. This document is useful to study not only for employees of enterprises, but also for amateur craftsmen.

General rules

The main safety requirement when working with hand tools is their normal technical condition and consistency with current standards or specifications. Ensuring safety when performing actions with manual mechanisms lies with the head of the unit. In addition, the general safety standards provide for the mandatory execution of such requests:

  1. For each category of tools, the following must be developed and approved by the director of the enterprise: a manual for use, instructions for labor protection when working with a hand tool.
  2. Adults who have been trained in production safety, who have passed exams, and who have successfully completed probation, may be allowed to change.
  3. Hand tools and devices should be subject to cyclic checks. Once every three months they must be inspected for damage, the necessary tests should be carried out. Send defective items for repair or dispose of, replace with new ones.
  4. It is necessary to exclude the negative impact on employees of heavy, harmful factors.
  5. Workers should be provided with the means personal protection, workwear, footwear in accordance with applicable standards.
  6. Each employee must know how to provide first aid in case of an accident and be able to properly help the victim.

The generally accepted rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices, as well as in other production situations, provide for compliance with the internal labor regime of the organization. Correct alternation working hours and breaks have a positive effect on increasing productivity, the well-being of the worker, and contributes to concentration.

What to do before shift starts

First of all, you need to accept the task and be instructed on the safe methods of performing a specific task. In addition, you need:

  • change into work clothes and shoes; hide long hair under a headdress;
  • prepare personal protective equipment prescribed by the regulations;
  • in workshops with the movement of goods by air, work only in a helmet;
  • check the suitability of devices, equipment, make sure they are in good working order.

Hammers, axes, sledgehammers must be tightly worn on the handle, exactly reinforced with special wedges. Handles are made of dry strong wood, without knots. They must be perfectly smooth, without burrs.

Files, chisels must be equipped with wooden handles with protective metal rings. Shovel handles are also made from hardwoods in a dried state. They are made round and smooth. The part of the handle, which is fixed in the body of the shovel, is cut off at an angle to the metal plane.

Tools intended for chopping and cutting (knives, chisels, cores, notches, etc.) cannot have cracks, chips, burrs, other defects on the cutting edge, or sharp ribs on the sides. The dimensions of the working areas must meet the standard values.

Hacksaws of any modification, removable blades should be provided with the correct tension, sharpened with high quality, properly parted.

Before starting a shift task, it is necessary to test lighting and ventilation. So that during the labor process you do not waste time replacing light bulbs or adjusting the operation of the ventilation system.

Security measures during the working period

IN ideal the locksmith's workplace should be equipped with shelving or special cabinets for storing tools. And for its movement tool carts with boxes are used. In such conditions, objects will always be protected from dirt, excessive moisture, bumps, falls. Occupational safety requirements when working with hand tools and devices provide for a careful attitude and proper storage. This is the only way to ensure the normal technical condition of the equipment. When organizing operations using manual tools, it is necessary:

  • exclude falling or slipping of individual objects;
  • in the process of cutting metal, use goggles, gloves;
  • do not overload jacks and other lifting mechanisms;
  • when moving equipment, protect sharp ends in any convenient way (covers, cases, caps);
  • use the tools strictly for their intended purpose;
  • in the immediate vicinity of live objects, use devices protected by insulation and not passing electric current;
  • fix the vise on the workbench in such a way that their upper plane is located at the level of the worker's elbow; clamping jaws must be provided with notches, placed strictly parallel to each other, firmly grip the workpiece;
  • when working with a chisel (wedges) and a hammer, use wedge holders with a long handle (at least 70 cm);
  • use devices with insulating handles that are free of defects and damaged areas.

The rules for the safe handling of manual mechanisms prohibit:

  • the use of improvised objects or gaskets to eliminate the gap between the plane of the wrench and the faces of the bolt or nut;
  • the use of additional levers for wrenches, lever scissors in order to increase the tightening force; if such a need arises, wrenches with long handles should be used;
  • work with lever scissors without securely fixing them on bench devices or racks prepared for this.

Lever shears should not have distortion on the cutting blades. It is forbidden to work with this device if its knives are dull and loosely adjacent to each other.

Safety requirements for a metalwork tool with insulating handles prohibit keeping it outside the limit stops or shoulders during operation. Since ignoring this rule can lead to fingers slipping onto the cutting part of the instrument, which is directly associated with injury. In the vicinity of flammable and explosive substances and objects, it is forbidden to use metalworking devices or perform actions associated with the formation of sparks.

Electrical devices require special attention - rotary hammers, drills, angle grinders, vibrators. During the process, under shock or vibration effects, the insulating coatings of current-carrying elements can be destroyed. For safe handling of power tools, low voltage must be used. Most carefully check devices before use and monitor their behavior during the work shift. Electrical equipment is subject to mandatory testing every month. At the same time, a stamp with the date of the next inspection is applied to the body.

For tools powered by compressed air, check the tightness of all interfaces, the reliability of the clamps. Carry out repair and preventive actions with the compressor switched off.

How to behave in an emergency

When an accident or conditions associated with it occurs, work must be immediately stopped and the head of the department should be notified. If an accident occurs and there is a victim, then you must:

  • provide the victim with first aid;
  • if necessary, organize its delivery to a medical facility on its own or by calling an ambulance;
  • take immediate measures to ensure that the emergency does not develop further, and the possible effects of traumatic circumstances on other workers are excluded.

In order to ensure the process of investigating an accident in the right direction, it is necessary to maintain the situation in the position in which it was at the time of the completed episode. If this is not possible due to emergency circumstances, then you need to accurately record the situation on paper. Draw up acts, diagrams, sketches, collect written explanations of those present.

In case of smoke or fire, do the following:

  • immediately call firefighters at the telephone number "101";
  • in any way notify the employees of the enterprise, managers, watchmen about the fire;
  • turn off the power supply, eliminate drafts by closing the windows;
  • provide access to emergency exits, open them;
  • use primary fire extinguishing equipment to extinguish the fire, if this is not associated with a risk to life.

All of the above steps should be done at the same time. In case of great danger, you must leave the premises yourself, help other workers get out of the danger zone and stay in the evacuation area. It is necessary to meet the fire service so that it starts the elimination of fires, as well as their consequences, as soon as possible.

Necessary actions after the change

The norms and requirements for hand tools and accessories prescribe proper handling of them not only during the work process, but also after it, as well as during storage. This means that after finishing the working day, it is necessary to bring all the tools into proper form: clean them from dirt, dust, excess grease. Then all items need to be laid out in their positions, close the doors of cabinets, drawers or cover with rags if they are located on open racks.

The employee is obliged to clean the workplace, only then take off overalls, shoes. Put in order, put in a specially designated place for her. Damaged mechanisms or those that have become unusable must be transferred to the manager, and also report to him about all the malfunctions, problems, difficulties discovered during the working day.

Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized that only strict adherence to the requirements of security legislation will help eliminate bottlenecks associated with the activities of employees, reduce the level of injury and morbidity. On the other hand, systematic training and testing of employees' knowledge of professionalism and security measures improves literacy. It helps to increase productivity, improve the moral climate within the team.


Instruction No.___

on labor protection
when working with hand tools

The instruction was drawn up in accordance with the "Typical instructions for labor protection when working with hand tools" TOI R-45-065-97.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The following workers are allowed to work independently with hand tools:

  • not younger than 18 years old;
  • with relevant professional qualifications;
  • who have passed a preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examination and have no contraindications;
  • trained and trained in the workplace;
  • passed briefings: introductory, safety and workplace.

1.2. The hand tool used in the work must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and the instructions of manufacturers.

1.3. When working with hand tools, workers should:

  • observe the rules of internal labor regulations;
  • perform only the work that is entrusted to the immediate supervisor of the work;
  • know and improve safe working practices;
  • use the hand tool for its intended purpose, its malfunction should be reported to the work manager;
  • know the location and be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • immediately inform the work manager about any situation that threatens the life or health of workers and others, an accident that occurred at work;
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of accidents;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • before working with a hand tool, read the instructions for it;
  • it is necessary to use a hand tool in accordance with its purpose;
  • to use overalls and PPE as intended.

1.4. Employees must be provided with special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Model Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Personal Protective Equipment for the Profession (Position"), in addition to them, when working with power tools, employees can be given the following PPE, if necessary, free of charge:

  • to protect the organs of vision from dust, flying particles - goggles or shields;
  • to protect the hearing organs from noise - earmuffs or earmuffs with a period of socks to wear out;
  • to protect the respiratory organs from dust, smoke, vapors and gases - respirators or gas masks;
  • for protection against electric shock - dielectric means of protection;
  • to protect hands from damage - mittens or gloves.

1.5. Employees who have received a hand tool for everyday use for individual or team use are responsible for its correct operation and timely rejection.

1.6. The hand tool used must meet the following requirements:

  • percussion tool handles - hammers, sledgehammers - should be made of dry wood of hard and viscous species, smoothly processed and securely fixed;
  • the handles of hammers and sledgehammers should be straight and oval in cross section. By the free end of the handle should thicken somewhat (except for sledgehammers) so that the handle does not slip out of the hands when swinging and hitting the tools. At sledgehammers, the handle tapers somewhat towards the free end. The axis of the handle must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool;
  • for reliable fastening of a hammer and a sledgehammer, the handle is wedged from the end with metal and pointed wedges. Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handle must be made of mild steel;
  • the strikers of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without gouges, chips, potholes, cracks and burrs.

1.7. Impact hand tools (chisels, barbs, punches, cores, etc.) must have:

  • smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels;
  • side edges without burrs and sharp corners.

Handles mounted on the pointed tail ends of the tool must have bandage rings.

1.8. The chisel should not be shorter than 150 mm, the length of its drawn part should be 60-70 mm. The tip of the chisel should be sharpened at an angle of 65-70 °, the cutting edge should be a straight or slightly convex line, and the side edges in the places where they are gripped by the hand should not have sharp edges.

1.9. Wrenches must be marked and match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads. The jaws of the wrenches must be parallel. The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have broken chips, and the handles should not have burrs.

Extending wrenches by attaching a second wrench or pipe is prohibited.

1.10. For screwdrivers, the blade must fit without play into the slot of the screw head.

1.11. Tools with insulating handles (pliers, pliers, side and end cutters, etc.) must have dielectric sheaths or coatings without damage (delaminations, swellings, cracks) and fit snugly to the handles.

1.12. Crowbars should be straight, with drawn-out pointed ends.

1.13. The handles of files, scrapers, etc., mounted on pointed tail ends, are equipped with bandage (coupling) rings.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to receive a task from the supervisor and instructions on safe methods for performing the assigned work.

2.2. Put on the special clothes provided by the norms, special shoes. If necessary, work lying down or on your knees - put on elbow pads or knee pads.

2.3. The illumination of the workplace should be sufficient.

2.4. Before you start working with a hand tool, you need to make sure that it is in full working order. Check the correctness of the nozzle of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.; whether the metal is split along the edges of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. The position of the tool in the workplace should eliminate the possibility of it rolling or falling.

3.2. When working with a chisel or other hand tool for cutting metal, it is necessary to use goggles for the eyes and cotton gloves.

3.3. When carrying or transporting the tool, its sharp parts must be covered with covers or otherwise.

3.4. When working with jacks, it is forbidden to load the jacks above their passport load capacity.

3.5. When using a tool with insulating handles, do not hold it behind stops or shoulders that prevent fingers from slipping towards metal parts.

3.6. It is forbidden to use a tool with insulating handles, in which dielectric covers or coatings do not fit snugly to the handles, have swellings, delaminations, cracks, shells, and other damage.

3.7. A hand tool must be transported and carried to the place of work under conditions that ensure its serviceability and suitability for work, i.e. it must be protected from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction of the tool, the employee is obliged to stop work, notify the manager about the malfunctions that have arisen.

4.2. In the event of an accident with a workmate, the employee must be able to provide him with first (pre-medical) aid.

4.3. In the event of an injury, you should:

  • stop working;
  • notify the manager;
  • contact the medical center.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, you should:

  • tidy up the workplace;
  • put the tool in the place allotted for it;
  • store the tool indoors, away from radiators and protected from sunlight, moisture, aggressive substances;
  • take off your overalls and hang them in the place provided for their storage.

5.2. Report any deficiencies found during work to the immediate supervisor.

Each carpenter is required to comply with the factory's safety rules and be guided by existing instructions.

1. It is allowed to work only with a serviceable tool. Ax handles, hammer handles and other percussion instruments must be made of hard and tough wood, have smooth surface and wedged with a metal pointed wedge.

2. When working with an ax, the legs are placed so as not to injure them in the event of a breakdown of the ax.

3. When working with saws, it is not allowed to put a finger or hand to guide the saw at risk. The material to be cut must be firmly fixed. Finish the cut carefully so that the cut part of the material does not fall on the leg.

4. To avoid injury when working with a chisel, do not cut in the direction of the supporting hand towards you, on weight, with the part resting on the chest and in the case when the part is on your knees. Do not leave chisels or chisels on the edge of a table or workbench, as a sudden fall of the tool can cause injury.

5. Shanks of chisels, files and other pointed tools must be firmly fixed in a smoothly ground handle without burrs or knots.

6. The drill must be firmly fixed in the chuck, the brace or drill must not be held so that the drill is facing the worker. Press the push handle of the brace, the drill head is necessary only with your hands. It is impossible to work with drills that have cracks or other defects.

7. Wrenches must be in good condition and match the size of the nuts.

8. The tool should be carried in a special box.

9. Passages and work places should not be cluttered with scraps of boards, wood chips and especially boards with open nails.

10. Upon completion of work, it is necessary to clean your workplace, clean the tool from sawdust and dust, put it in a locker or hand it over to the tool storeroom, and report all malfunctions of the tool to the master.

1. What are the main groups of carpentry tools?

2. How long are tape measure and what are they used for?

3. What is the level and square used for?

4. What tools are used for sawing?

5. What tools are used for planing?

6. What are chisels and chisels used for?

7. What hand tool is used for drilling?

8. Which saw tooth shape is most suitable for crosscutting wood? Sketch the saw teeth.

9. How are hand saws set and sharpened?

10. What safety regulations must be observed when working with a hand cutting tool?

10. HAND TOOLS. Safety requirements when working with HAND TOOLS.

219. The administration is obliged to prevent the issuance and use of faulty, worn out and inappropriate tools.

A special place should be allocated in the pantry for storing faulty tools.

220. Metalwork hammers and sledgehammers must have a slightly convex, not oblique and not knocked down, without cracks, the surface of the striker, be securely fastened to the handles by wedging with metal wedges and must not have hardening.

221. All tools with pointed ends for handles (files, hacksaws, etc.) must have handles according to the size of the tool with bandage rings.

222. The handles of all tools used in work, hammers, sledgehammers, etc., must have a smooth surface and be made of hard and tough wood (dogwood, beech, young oak, etc.).

Use for making wood handles conifers as well as raw material is prohibited.

223. Percussion instruments (chisels, crosscuts, barbs, notches, cores, etc.) must not have cracks, burrs and work hardening.

224. Chisels must be at least 150 mm long, the drawn part of the chisel must be 60-70 mm. The cutting edge of the chisel should be a straight or slightly convex line.

225. When working with a chisel, cross-cutting tool and other tools, the administration is obliged to issue goggles to workers and monitor their use. To prevent accidents with other persons, shields or screens made of fine mesh should be installed near the felling sites.

226. Wrenches must correspond to the sizes of nuts and bolt heads and have no cracks or nicks; the jaws of the keys must be strictly parallel and must not be rolled up. Sliding keys must not be loosened in moving parts. Extension of key handles with pipes and other objects is prohibited.

227. The blade of the screwdriver must be retracted and flattened to such a thickness that it enters without play into the slot of the screw head.

228. Pneumatic impact tools (pneumatic hammers, chisels, etc.) must be equipped with a device that prevents the striker from flying out.

229. Pneumatic tool valves must be tightly fitted and not let air through in the closed position. The valves should open easily and close quickly when the pressure on the operated handle stops,

230. Pneumatic hammers should be well adjusted and not have too much kickback.

231. Hoses must be measured, their fastening to the tool and the pipeline must be carried out in a way that does not allow the hose to be torn off by air pressure.

232. A special room must be allocated for the performance of permanent work with a pneumatic impact tool.

233. Portable electrified tools (drills, wrenches, taps, saws, grinders, soldering irons) may only be used if they are in full working order and for a voltage not exceeding 36 volts.

As an exception, the use of an electrified tool for voltage up to 220 V inclusive may be allowed, subject to the following requirements:

a) availability of reliable grounding of the tool body;

b) the use of rubber gloves, dielectric galoshes or a rubber mat during work.

234. Grounding of the body of an electrified tool must be carried out with a wire of sufficient cross section, having a distinctive designation or color, and connected to the body with a bolt or terminal.

235. A portable electrified tool for a voltage of over 36 V must be put into operation in combination with individual protective devices (rubber gloves, dielectric galoshes or a rubber mat).

236. An electrified tool must have a hose wire and be connected to the network using plug connections.

For tools with voltages over 36 V, plug connections must have contacts for positive and early switching on of the wire that grounds the case.

In the absence of plug connections, the connection and disconnection of an electrified tool to the network and to grounding sources should be carried out only by electrical personnel.

Plug connections for voltage 12 and 36 V must have a distinctive color and devices from plug connections for voltage 127-220 V.

237. Only workers who have undergone appropriate training are allowed to work with electric and pneumatic tools.

238. An electrified and pneumatic tool must have a passport and be tested and checked monthly by qualified personnel with the results of the audit recorded in a log. Faulty tool must be taken out of service immediately for repair.

Safety regulations for working with hand tools

Hand Tools Precautions

Many people use hand tools every day - in construction, at home and in other areas, and many of them often do not pay attention to the simple precautions that can help prevent injuries. The first step to safety when working with hand tools is to learn how to properly handle them.

Using the right tool

Use of an unsuitable tool may result in a hazardous environment. For example, if you use a flathead screwdriver as a chisel, the end of the screwdriver may fall apart, the pieces flying through the air and injuring someone. Therefore, before starting work, make sure that you are using the right tool for this specific task.

Tool handles must not be loose or cracked.

Hand tool handles

Before working with hammers, axes and other similar tools, inspect their handles. If the handle is loose or cracked, do not use this tool as it will during operation, the handle or a piece of it may fly into the air and injure someone.

Eye protection

When working with a hammer or chisel, flying pieces can get into the eye. Wear safety goggles or masks to prevent eye injury.

When you work with a chisel, remember that flying pieces can get into the eye and damage it.

Instrument status

Remember that periodic inspection and repair of hand tools will extend the life of their successful operation. Sharpened knives are less likely to snag during work, and a person will be cut. Frequently used but unrepaired tools can break during use and injure the worker.


The vise helps to securely fasten objects, eliminating the risk of them slipping. If you hold a working tool in one hand, and the material you are working with is held with the other hand, a dangerous situation is created; if the material or tools suddenly slip, you risk injury.

Wrenches and pliers

The ends of the wrenches and the pliers you hold them by must be in good working order. If the ends are worn, the tool may slip off during use and injure you. Check their condition before starting work.


Store tools in a tool box or other designated area. Keep them clean and tidy: it will be easier for you to find right tool and you can prevent tool wear or damage.

The tool box makes it easy to keep all your tools organized.

Instructions for labor protection when working with hand tools and devices

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. The use of hand tools and devices is allowed only for their intended purpose in accordance with the requirements specified in the manufacturer's passport.

2. After training and testing of knowledge, the employee within 2-14 work shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of work) performs work with hand tools and devices under the supervision of a foreman or an experienced worker, after which his admission to independent work is issued.

3. Each employee must be provided with special clothing and other personal protective equipment in accordance with standard industry standards, depending on the profession.

4. When working with hand tools and devices, the main dangerous and harmful production factors are:

moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, moving products, blanks, materials;

increased noise level in the workplace;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;

flying fragments of the processed material and products;

the location of the workplace at a height relative to the surface of the earth (floor);

neuropsychic overload as a result of the monotony of work.

5. Employees carrying out work with hand tools and devices are required to:

perform only the work that is defined by the job description;

know the design and follow the rules technical operation used hand tools and devices;

comply with the internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety requirements;

apply the necessary personal protective equipment;

be able to provide first aid to the injured;

6. A worker is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcoholic intoxication or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as to drink alcohol, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances at the workplace or during working hours. The worker is obliged to perform work stipulated by the employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, about deterioration in your health.

Chapter 2. Requirements for labor protection before starting work

7. Receive a task and instructions from the work manager on safe methods for performing the assigned work.

8. Put on the special clothing provided for by the norms, special shoes, prepare personal protective equipment against the type of tools and devices used.

9. Before starting work, check the serviceability of hand tools and fixtures. It is forbidden to use a defective tool.

10. Prepare the workplace, free passages, put up fences in case

11. Illumination of the workplace must be sufficient, uniform and not cause glare.

12. Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own before the start of work, and if it is impossible to do this, the employee must inform the foreman or responsible work manager.

13. Packaging (pallets, containers, boxes) must be solid, free of broken boards, protruding nails, wire, and damage.

14. Pallets, containers must have tags indicating their carrying capacity and the timing of the next test (certification).

15. Gangways (ladders) used during loading and unloading operations must meet the following requirements:

gangways used for passage with cargo should be made of metal or boards 50-60 mm thick, have a width of at least 0.8 m for one-way traffic and at least 1.5 m for two-way traffic;

the gangway should have planks for resting the legs every 0.3-0.4 m, the section of the plank should be 20 x 40 mm;

with long (more than 3 m) gangways and walkways, to prevent excessive swinging and deflection, under them should be installed wooden poles. It is forbidden to place bags or boxes with products instead of supports. The deflection of the flooring at the maximum design load should not be more than 20 mm;

to prevent their displacement, the gangway must have metal hooks at the end for engagement with stable elements of the unloaded object.

16. On the gangways and walkways installed at a height of more than 1.1 m, a railing with a height of at least 1 m must be arranged with the lower part of the railing sewn to a height of at least 150 mm (edges). The distance between the posts of the railing should be no more than 2 m. There should be one intermediate longitudinal element along the height of the posts.

17. On the gangway, in a prominent place, the permissible load must be indicated.

Chapter 3. Requirements for labor protection during work

18. Hand tools (forks, rakes, shovels) must be serviceable and have dry wood handles hard rock. The surface should be smooth, without cracks and burrs, with a longitudinal arrangement of fibers along the entire length. The manufacture of handles from soft or coarse-grained wood species (spruce, pine) is not allowed.

19. Spanners must correspond to the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads, have no cracks, nicks and burrs. The jaws of the keys are parallel.

20. sliding keys must not have play in moving parts.

21. Needle nose pliers should not have chipped handles. The jaws of the needle-nosed pliers must be sharp, not chipped and not broken, the pliers must be properly notched.

22. Hammers and sledgehammers should have a slightly convex, smooth, unbroken, free of burrs, gouges, dents, cracks and inclinations on the surface of the striker. They must fit securely wooden handles and wedged with barbed metal wedges. The axis of the handle is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tool.

23. Screwdrivers must be with a straight rod, firmly fixed on the handle. Screwdrivers must have even side edges.

24. Hand tools used for electrical work (screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters), shall be provided with insulating handles tested with increased voltage. The frequency of testing is once a year.

25. For carrying tools, each worker should be allocated a bag or a lightweight portable box.

26. Hand scoops for collecting garbage should not have sharp edges, burrs and torn places.

27. The employer is obliged to organize the storage, repair and issuance of serviceable, properly sharpened tools, devices, inventory and personal protective equipment.

28. Manufacture, repair and sharpening of tools, fixtures and equipment should be carried out centrally, by specially trained workers.

29. Handles and handles of shovels, hoes, rakes and other implements must be made of hard wood without grain inclination and well processed: not have cracks, dents, burrs, knots and other irregularities that can damage the hand.

30. The handles of secateurs, embossing knives, garden knives and hacksaws must be smooth and free of burrs, the blades properly and sharply sharpened. The secateurs must have a limiter for the convergence of the handles. The pruner spring must be lubricated and the blades should be free to move without jamming. The hacksaw blade should not have cracks or broken teeth.

31. Carrying hand cutting tool, if required by the conditions of work, each worker must be provided with a bag or a light portable box.

32. Manual containers for planting seedlings, seedlings and harvesting crop products (boxes, baskets) should be issued daily to employees in good condition: do not have protruding nails and rods, broken boards.

33. When working with a garden knife, it is necessary to ensure that the free hand of the worker is not in the path of the tool, and when working with a pruner - at a distance of 15-20 cm.

33. Hand electrified tool must be connected and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the zeroing and the protective shut-off device, if this is provided for by the design.

34. When performing non-mechanized work, it is prohibited:

simultaneous execution on the same field of mechanized and handmade;

violation of the established deadlines for the resumption of manual work in fields treated with pesticides;

joint transportation to the place of work of people and uncovered manual cutting (stabbing) tools (forks, rakes, choppers, hoes, pruners, garden knives);

storage of tools on plots or grass;

put rakes, pitchforks, markers with the teeth up;

loosen the soil, make holes and pits for seedlings with your hands without the use of special equipment;

perform loosening, digging the soil, weeding plants without shoes;

scatter mineral and organic fertilizers hands and in wet mittens;

carry out work on pruning trees during and after rain until the trunk and main skeletal branches dry out;

place stones, cuttings of boards and other objects under the lower ends of step-ladders, climb simultaneously by two workers along one ladder;

work with manual mechanized tools from ladders;

put garden putty, brushes, knives, secateurs and other tools used in pruning, healing wounds and hollows of trees in pockets, behind the tops of boots and on the platform of step-ladders;

when cutting branches with a lopper, stand under the branch being cut and be for unauthorized persons under the tree that is being cut;

trim tall trees near power lines that are energized;

when collecting fruits and pruning trees, climb trees and stand on thin branches;

leave without supervision a hand-held power tool connected to the mains or to the pneumatic system;

push stalled vehicles.

35. Joint transportation to the place of work of people and uncovered hand cutting (stabbing) tools is not allowed.

36. When cultivating the soil, thinning plants using hand tools, workers must be located one after another at a distance of at least 3 m.

Chapter 4. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

37. Hand tools, working devices and protective equipment inspect, clean from dirt; and put away in the designated storage area.

38. Clean up the workplace.

39. Remove overalls and personal protective equipment, clean and put away in the designated place.

40. Report all malfunctions noticed in the process of work to the immediate supervisor of the work.

41. Upon completion of all work, wash warm water with soap (washing pastes, etc.) hands and face, if possible, take a shower.

Chapter 5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

42. In case of all malfunctions of hand tools and devices, stop work, report the incident to the immediate supervisor of the work.

43. In case of illness or injury, it is necessary to stop work and inform the head of the unit.

44. In case of emergencies, it is necessary:

turn off the source that caused the emergency;

inform the manager, provide assistance to the victims and preserve the situation, if this does not threaten the life and health of people.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions in organizations in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».

Legislative base of the Russian Federation

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  • home
  • "POSITION. WORKS WITH INCREASED DANGER. ORGANIZATION OF THE EVENT. POT RO 14000-005-98 "(approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation on February 19, 1998)
  • LLP "Engineering Center for Safety in Industry", M., 1998


22.1. Requirements for the organization of work

22.1.1. The administration of the organization is obliged to provide employees with proper, properly sharpened, technically sound and appropriate safe conditions tool production.

22.1.2. The administration of the organization is obliged to ensure that the tool is used for its intended purpose.

22.1.3. The administration of the organization is obliged to organize the proper storage, inspection, preparation for work, issuance and accounting of the tool, as well as the removal of the faulty tool from service.

22.1.4. Manufacture, repair, preparation of tools for work, including sharpening, rolling, soldering, etc. should be done as centrally as possible.

22.1.5. Storage, issuance to work and acceptance of tools through a system of distribution pantries should be organized accordingly.

22.1.6. Carrying a tool should be done using tool boxes (cases), bags, pouches.

22.1.7. Hand tools for everyday use should be assigned to workers for individual or team use.

22.2. Hand tool requirements

22.2.1. When working, use only serviceable hand tools. For hand-operated percussion, pressure and cutting tools, the handles must be made of dry wood of hard and viscous species that do not have knots. All wooden handles must be smooth and free of burrs.

22.2.2. Hand tools must meet the following requirements: Locksmith hammers and sledgehammers should have a flat, slightly convex surface, securely mounted on handles wedged with soft steel wedges. The axes must have a flat, without nicks, surface of the cutting edge and are securely mounted on handles of a special shape (axe handles), wedged with soft steel spiked wedges. The handles (shanks) of the shovels must be firmly fixed in the holders, the part of the handle protruding from the holder must be cut off obliquely to the plane of the shovel. The handles must be made of dry hardwood. hardwood wood and have a smooth surface. All pressure tools with pointed ends for handles (files, hacksaws, scrapers, etc.) must be equipped with wooden handles corresponding to the size of the tool, with bandage (tie) rings that protect the handles from splitting. All cutting and chopping tools (chisels, punches, cores, etc.) should not have oblique and knocked heads, as well as cracks, burrs, hardening and chips of the back of the head, damage to the cutting edge, sharp edges on the side faces. The tip of the cutting part of the tool must be sharpened at an angle depending on the material being processed (cast iron, bronze - 70 °; steel - 60 °; copper, brass, aluminum - up to 45 °). Rings must be used when using pincers. The dimensions of the rings must correspond to the dimensions of the workpieces being processed. On the inside of the handles of the tongs there should be a stop to prevent squeezing the fingers.

The surfaces of the metal handles of the pliers must be smooth, without dents, notches, burrs. Tools for drilling and reaming holes (drills, countersinks, countersinks, reamers), threading tools (tappers, dies, wrenches) must be properly sharpened and, during storage and operation, be protected from impacts, nicks, etc., and used Strictly according to its intended purpose with the provision of technological requirements in their application. The gaps of wrenches must correspond to the sizes of nuts and bolt heads and have no cracks or dents, the working surface of the gap of wrenches should not have knocked down and crumpled edges, and the handles should not have burrs. It is forbidden to use gaskets between the jaw of the key and the faces of the nuts and to increase the keys by attaching another key or to put pipes or other levers on them, if this is not provided for by the design of the key. It is possible to increase the key lever only with special mounting keys designed to work with an increased leverage. Sliding keys must not have increased play in moving parts.

22.2.4. When working with chisels and other hand tools for cutting metal and other materials, workers must be provided with safety goggles with safety glass or mesh.

22.2.5. Protective shields must be installed to protect others.

22.2.6. When working with wedges or chisels using a sledgehammer to strike, it is necessary to use wedge holders (handles) and chisels with a length of at least 0.7 m.

22.2.7. When pressing and unpressing parts (bearings, bushings, etc.) with a sledgehammer and a drift, the latter must be held with pliers or a special grip. The punch should be made of soft metal.

22.2.8. It is forbidden to be directly opposite the worker with a sledgehammer. It is necessary to stand to the side of it (forging work, driving electrodes, etc.).

22.2.9. When cutting metal hand saws it is necessary to ensure that the hacksaw blade is firmly fixed and stretched.

22.3. Requirements for an electrified tool

22.3.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training, have passed the appropriate exam and have a record of this in their certificates are allowed to work with an electrified tool.

22.3.2. Electrified tools include electric drills, electric grinders and electric cutting machines, electric wrenches, electric hammers, etc.

22.3.3. Power tools powered by the mains must be equipped with a non-removable flexible cable (cord) with a plug.

22.3.4. The cable at the point of entry into the power tool must be protected from abrasion and kinks by an elastic tube made of insulating material with a length of at least five cable diameters.

22.3.5. When issuing an electrified tool for work, it must be subjected to a visual inspection of the integrity and serviceability of the grounding of metal parts, the outer metal sheath of cables and wires, and their fastening to the tool body. If defects are found, the instrument must be repaired.

22.3.6. It is forbidden to connect an electrified tool with voltage up to 42 V to the public electrical network through an autotransformer, resistor or potentiometer.

22.3.7. It is forbidden to bring inside closed containers (tanks, furnaces and drums of boilers, chambers, wells, etc.) a transformer or a frequency converter to which an electrified tool is connected.

22.3.8. electrical wiring to an electrically driven tool must be protected from accidental mechanical damage.

22.3.9. In the process of work, it is forbidden to pull and bend the supply wires and cables, allow them to intersect with metal ropes and cables, electric cables and wires under voltage, leave the tool unattended, transfer it to persons who do not have the right to use it.

22.3.10. In rooms with increased danger, as well as outdoors, when working with an electrified tool, the mains voltage should not exceed 42 V.

22.3.11. In especially dangerous rooms and under adverse conditions (inside metal containers, in tanks, boilers, etc.), the mains voltage must be 12 V.

22.3.12. In rooms without increased danger, as well as outdoors in the absence of conditions of increased danger of electric shock to people (rain, snowfall, high humidity earth, work on metal, etc.) it is allowed to use power tools at a voltage of 42, 127 and 220 V.

22.3.13. When working with power tools, the following requirements must be met:

work in rubber dielectric gloves, dielectric galoshes or on a dielectric rug;

do not connect the tool to the switchgear if there is no safety plug connection;

protect the wire supplying the power tool from mechanical damage;

do not carry the power tool by the wire, use a handle for this;

do not make any repairs to the power tool to the worker himself, but immediately return the tool to the pantry for repair;

do not replace the cutting tool until the motor stops completely;

during interruptions in work or a power outage, disconnect the tool from the network;

do not work from ladders;

do not transfer the power tool even for a short time to other persons;

do not repair wires and plug connections;

do not remove chips or sawdust with your hands until the tool stops completely;

do not bring portable transformers and frequency converters inside boilers, tanks, containers.

22.3.14. It is forbidden for the worker himself to connect the power tool to the network in the absence of a special plug connection.

22.3.15. In any premises and outdoors it is allowed to use power tools:

double insulated;

powered by a separating transformer;

powered by a residual current device.

22.3.16. Cases of power tools with double insulation or fed through an isolating transformer, as well as the secondary winding of an isolating transformer, must not be grounded. The case of the isolating transformer must be grounded.

22.3.17. It is possible to work with a double-insulated power tool or powered by an isolating transformer without additional protective equipment and measures.

22.3.18. The operation of an electrified tool must be immediately stopped if at least one of the following malfunctions is detected:

damage to the plug connection;

fuzzy operation of the switch or other switching equipment mounted on the case;

the appearance of sparking brushes on the collector, accompanied by the occurrence of a circular fire on its surface;

leakage of lubricant from the gearbox or ventilation ducts;

the appearance of smoke or smell characteristic of burning insulation;

breakage or appearance of cracks in the housing, handle or switching equipment;

the appearance of increased noise in the tool, as well as an increased level of vibration;

the appearance of at least a weak effect on the worker of electric current.

22.3.19. It is forbidden to work with any power tool outdoors during precipitation and high humidity.

22.3.20. The housings of power tools, regardless of frequency, must be grounded if they are connected to a network above 42 V and do not have double insulation.

22.3.21. When using power tools with a grounded housing, the socket outlet must be equipped with a special contact for connecting the grounding conductor.

22.3.22. Periodic inspection of the power tool should be carried out at least once every 3 months, and checking the condition of the insulation of the power tool and the supply wire with a megohmmeter - monthly with an entry in the journal of periodic inspections and checks.

22.3.23. It is forbidden to issue for work an electrified tool that has even a slight defect. Grounding conductors for portable power tools must be enclosed in a common sheath with current-carrying conductors and have the same cross section as them, but not less than 1.5 square meters. mm.

2.4. Pneumatic Tool Requirements

22.4.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and medical examination and have a record of this in their certificates are allowed to work with pneumatic tools.

22.4.2. Do not break the hose or tie it in a knot to cut off the air supply.

22.4.3. Using your own body weight to apply additional pressure to the instrument is prohibited.

22.4.4. When working with a pneumatic tool, the following rules must be observed:

before starting compressed air, in order to prevent the tool (chisel, key, chasing, peaks, etc.) from flying out of the socket, it should be pressed firmly against the workpiece or surface;

it is forbidden to carry the tool by the hose;

at the end of work and during a break in work, it is necessary to turn off the compressed air supply;

when working, the hands of the worker should not be near the moving parts of the tool;

it is forbidden to work with pneumatic tools from ladders; when working with a pneumatic chisel, it is necessary to wear safety goggles with safety glasses or mesh.

22.4.6. It is forbidden to connect and disconnect air hoses after supplying compressed air to the network.

22.4.7. The working tool (chisels, etc.) must not be damaged on the cutting and impact parts, the side edges must not have sharp edges, and the pneumatic tool must have a device that prevents the spontaneous flight of the working tool.

22.4.8. Grinding tools, saws and planes must have guards for the working nozzle (element).

22.4.9. Direct connection of a pneumatic tool through a rubber-fabric sleeve to the main compressed air pipeline (without a valve) is prohibited.

22.4.10. The connection of hoses and pneumatic tools to the air duct must be carried out only when the valve on the line is closed.

22.4.11. Dismantling and repair of pneumatic tools should be carried out only in a repair shop.

22.4.12. After repair, the pneumatic tool must be tested for vibration and noise levels, and each tool must be accompanied by a passport indicating these parameters in it or indicating the permissible parameters of its use directly on the tool.

22.4.13. Valves on pneumatic tool control handles must be easy to open and close and must be airtight.

22.4.14. Connecting the hose to the pneumatic tool should be done after it has been purged and the mesh in the tool jacket has been cleaned.

22.4.15. It is allowed to turn on the compressed air supply to the pneumatic tool only after the tool is in its working position. Idling of the pneumatic tool is not allowed, because. dangerous by ejection of the working tool (chisels, etc.).

22.4.16. Pneumatic hand tools must have vibration protection for both hands and effective noise suppressors when exhausting compressed air.

22.4.17. Exhaust devices on pneumatic tools must prevent the blowing of the hands of the worker and air pollution in the breathing zone of this worker.

To prevent the tip from flying out of the bushing (box), the pneumatic impact tool must be equipped with a safety bracket (catcher), a safety cone spring screwed onto the end of the tool barrel.

When inserting a working tool, it is necessary to ensure that the shank of the working tool along the length and diameter is well fitted to the tool box and has no play.

22.4.18. Grinders, saws, planers must have a guard for the cutting part.

22.5. Requirements for a pyrotechnic instrument

22.5.1. Any pyrotechnic tool that uses the energy of expanding powder gases is considered a dangerous tool with powerful instantaneous action.

22.5.2. The operation of a pyrotechnic instrument is accompanied by a loud sound (shot), while a recoil phenomenon is observed, and the formation of flying particles of concrete, brick and metal scale is also possible. The most dangerous phenomena in the work of a pyrotechnic tool are the rebound of the dowel and the shooting through of the building base.

22.5.3. Before being allowed to work with a pyrotechnic tool, workers must complete a special training course with practical application each type of pyrotechnic instrument with obtaining a certificate for the right to use the corresponding pyrotechnic instrument.

22.5.4. The frequency of testing knowledge of the rules for the safe use of pyrotechnic tools is 1 year.

22.5.5. To work independently with a piston-type pyrotechnic tool, workers are allowed at least 18 years of age who have worked in installation organization not less than 1 year, having a qualification of at least the 3rd category, who have completed a training course according to an approved program, have passed the examinations of the qualification commission and received a certificate for the right to work with a piston-type pyrotechnic instrument.

22.5.6. Persons involved in the transportation, storage and issuance of pyrotechnic tools and powder cartridges for them must undergo a production briefing corresponding to the work they perform.

22.5.7. Masters and superintendents, mechanics and other professionals associated with the operation of pyrotechnic tools must take a course in the program for specialists and receive a certificate for the right to manage these works.

22.5.8. Before starting work, a person admitted to independent work with a pyrotechnic instrument (operator) must receive:

outfit - admission to the right to carry out work;

cartridges (no more than the established norm);

personal protective equipment (hard hat, earmuffs, protective shield, leather gloves or mittens).

22.5.9. The technical condition of the pyrotechnic instrument (serviceability) must be checked upon receipt from the storeroom.

22.5.10. The operator of a pyrotechnic instrument is prohibited from:

eliminate or replace the blocking - safety mechanism of the tool;

point a pyrotechnic tool at oneself or towards other persons, even if it is not loaded with a cartridge;

leave a pyrotechnic instrument and cartridges for it without supervision;

transfer a pyrotechnic instrument and cartridges to it to other persons, including those who have a certificate for the right to use this instrument;

charge the tool until the workplace is fully prepared;

unload the tool immediately after the striker is released, if the shot did not occur. It can be discharged only after 1 minute;

to disassemble and clean the pyrotechnic instrument.

22.5.11. Before handing over for repair or inspection of a pyrotechnic instrument, as well as before transporting it or returning it to the storeroom, the operator must check and make sure that the instrument is unloaded (the cartridge is removed).

22.5.12. A pyrotechnic instrument can only be handed over to the storekeeper (who issued the instrument) or to a responsible person who is entrusted by the administration of the organization with control over the correct use of the pyrotechnic instrument.

22.5.13. It is forbidden to work with pyrotechnic tools in explosion and fire hazardous areas.

22.5.14. To carry out work in premises of this class, it is necessary to obtain a special permit from the work manager and take appropriate measures.

22.5.15. When working with a powder mandrel, the operator must take a comfortable and stable position so that the axis of the mandrel and the charging rod and the recoil path of the hammer do not intersect with the operator’s body and exclude the possibility of hitting nearby objects and structural parts with a hand.

22.5.16. It is not allowed to drive dowels into building bases, the strength of which is higher than the strength of dowels, as well as into bases that are brittle.

22.5.17. When working with a powder impact column, it should be kept strictly perpendicular to the wall or ceiling (base) in which the hole is to be punched.

Before starting work on punching holes, it is necessary to clarify the location of the voids in the concrete.

During charging, the column guide cylinder must be held by the cylindrical part so that an accidental shot does not injure the hand.

Before the shot, it is necessary to check the reliability of the constipation of the column, the operator must take a comfortable stable position, since during the shot significant recoil forces will be transferred to his hands, and a protective shield must be worn on the operator's face.

It is impossible to discharge the column earlier than after 1 minute if the shot did not occur.

22.5.18. When working with powder presses, do not use a powder charge (cartridge) of greater power than recommended in the instructions.

Before firing, it is necessary to check that the press is locked, and the tip or cable core is completely in the matrix socket and clamped by the casing.

Shooting is prohibited if the cable lug or core is not clamped by the casing or loosely pressed by it.

When firing, the operator must take a stable and comfortable position; if the shot did not occur, the press can be reloaded no earlier than after 1 min.

22.6. Requirements for blowtorches

22.6.1. Persons who have completed a special training course, passed the examination of the qualification commission and have the appropriate skills in work are allowed to work with blowtorches. The certificates must contain a corresponding mark on the permission to work with blowtorches for various purposes.

22.6.2. Blowtorches must at least 2 times a year be subjected to a control hydraulic test with double working pressure, and the test result must be documented in the appropriate act. Do not use petrol blowtorches.

22.6.3. When working with kerosene blowtorches, it is prohibited:

kindle them by supplying fuel through the burner;

approach with a hot lamp to flammable objects;

pour or pour fuel during lamp operation;

disassemble a blowtorch near an open flame;

refuel kerosene lamps gasoline;

remove the burner until the pressure is released.

22.6.4. The lamp reservoir must be depressurized only after the lamp has been extinguished and its burner has completely cooled down.

22.6.5. It is allowed to use blowtorches if the distance from the lamp flame to current-carrying parts with voltage up to 10 kV is at least 1.5 m, over 10 kV - at least 3 m.

22.6.6. It is forbidden to kindle blowtorches directly under the equipment, wires and cables, near oil-filled devices.

22.7. Requirements for abrasive and CBN tools

22.7.1. Work and testing of abrasive and elbor tools are allowed for workers at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, training and testing of knowledge of labor protection and safety instructions and who have a record of admission to work using abrasive and elbor tools in their knowledge test certificate.

22.7.2. On the non-working part of the abrasive wheels, a mark should be made with paint or a label should be pasted indicating the number and date of the test.

22.7.3. It is forbidden to use circles with peeling of the elboron-containing layer, as well as those that do not have a mark on the test for mechanical strength, with an expired shelf life.

22.7.4. An abrasive wheel that does not have a test mark or is out of date must be tested for mechanical strength. After the test, the wheel shall be marked with the allowable operating speed.

22.7.5. Grinding wheels with a diameter of 125 mm or more with a working speed of more than 50 m / s, as well as wheels with a diameter of 250 mm or more, assembled with a faceplate, must be balanced before being installed on the machine.

22.7.6. If an imbalance of the wheel is detected after the first dressing or during operation, it must be re-balanced.

22.7.7. It is forbidden to perform work with a tool designed for work with the use of a lubricating-cooling fluid (coolant), without coolant.

22.7.8. The instrument must be idle before use:

circles (except for elbor) with a diameter of up to 150 mm - at least 1 minute, with a diameter of 150 - 300 mm - at least 2 minutes, with a diameter of more than 300 mm - at least 3 minutes;

elbor circles - at least 2 minutes.

With manual feed, the working speed of the tool should be no more than 30 m/s.

22.7.9. With manual feeds on peeling machines or when working with hand grinders, the working speed should be no more than 80 m / s.

22.7.10. The working speed of grinding heads glued to metal studs, on ceramic and bakelite bonds should be no more than 25 m / s.

Grinding heads glued to metal studs should not have a runout on the periphery of more than 0.3 mm.

22.7.11. It is allowed to work without protective covers on machines with grinding heads with a diameter of up to 30 mm, glued to metal studs. The use of protective shields and goggles in this case is mandatory.

22.7.12. It is forbidden to install circles made on a bakelite bond and intended for cutting metal on manual machines.

22.7.13. It is not allowed to work with the side (end) surfaces of the abrasive wheel if it is not intended for this type of work.

22.7.14. Grinding machines designed to operate with a circumferential wheel speed of 60 m/s or more must be provided with additional protective devices in the form of metal screens and fences covering working area during grinding, and shields covering open area circle when retracting it.

22.7.15. All grinding and grinding machines with a horizontal axis of rotation of the abrasive wheel, when working on which the workpiece or tool is held by hands, must be equipped with protective screens with viewing windows.

22.7.16. When processing abrasive wheels of products held in the hands, grinding and grinding machines must be equipped with handholds, which must be mobile, making it possible to install and secure them in the position required for work. For machines with two handrests, their movement must be ensured independently of each other. Repositioning of assistants during work is not allowed.

22.7.17. Handstands should be installed so that the upper point of contact of the product or workpiece with the grinding wheel is above the horizontal plane passing through the center of the wheel, but not more than 10 mm. The gap between the edge of the handrest and working surface abrasive wheel should be less than half the thickness of the workpiece, but not exceed 3 mm. The edges of the handpieces on the side of the abrasive wheel should not have potholes, chips or other defects.

22.7.18. on grinding and grinding machines with manual feeding of the workpiece or product, it is prohibited to use the lever to increase the pressing force of the parts and workpieces on the abrasive wheel.

22.7.19. Devices used for fixing the tool must provide a centered feed of the abrasive wheel, a set of segments or bars relative to the axis of rotation of the machine spindle and clamping the segment along the length by an amount not less than its height.

22.7.20. The ambient temperature when operating an abrasive tool using a cutting fluid must be above its freezing point.

22.7.21. It is not allowed to brake a rotating circle by pressing on it with any object.

22.7.22. Editing of abrasive wheels should be carried out by special ruling instruments(diamond pencils, metal rollers, metal discs, etc.). Dressing abrasive wheels with tools not intended for this purpose is not allowed.

22.7.23. On machines and devices intended for turning grinding wheels, protective devices must be installed to protect the worker from injury by flying particles of the abrasive wheel and dressing tool.

22.7.24. The coolant used in grinding must be free of impurities, be harmless to the health of workers and not lead to a decrease in the mechanical strength of the abrasive wheel. The operation of abrasive tools with the use of coolants should be carried out only in heated industrial premises.

The direction of rotation of the abrasive wheel spindle should be indicated by a clearly visible arrow, applied to the protective casing of the abrasive wheel or the headstock in the immediate vicinity of the abrasive wheel.

22.7.25. The abrasive blade of belt-grinding machines must be protected by a casing along the entire length of the blade, with the exception of the zone of working contact with the workpiece being processed.

22.7.26. Grinding - grinding and peeling - grinding machines, designed for manual processing of workpieces, must be equipped with a rigid handpiece. Increasing the gap between the emery abrasive wheel and hand rests over 3 mm can lead to the rupture of the abrasive wheel and injury to the worker.

22.7.27. Before starting work, the abrasive wheel mounted on the machine is subjected to short-term idle rotation at a working speed for circles with a diameter of up to 400 mm for 2 minutes. and for circles with a diameter of over 400 mm, at least 5 min. With a decrease in the diameter of the circle due to its natural wear, the number of revolutions of the circle can be increased without exceeding the working circumferential speed allowed for this circle.

22.7.28. The shelf life of wheels on bakelite and volcanic bonds should not exceed 6 months. When storing circles beyond the specified period, their use is allowed only after a mechanical strength test or hardness test. The results of testing circles should be recorded in the test log for abrasive and CBN tools.

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