Toilet      03/31/2019

Hot water regulations. What is the temperature of hot water in the apartment

Having the opportunity to take a bath or shower, which today is one of the main components of domestic comfort, is simply necessary. To meet the requirements, certain instructions, indicators and standards have been developed and applied, which regulate what temperature hot water should be in the tap in the apartment. Along with gas electric shock, heating in the home, these are daily needs, hygiene and sanitation in everyday life.

First of all, the end consumer needs to know about the main nuances of the legislation regarding communal amenities and their provision, in particular, what is the mode of supply and what temperature of water in the tap should be observed according to SNiP 2.04. supplier companies.

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About norms and regulations

Nothing helps to appreciate the beauty of the constant opportunity to take a bath, like scheduled outages, which are still very popular with our public utilities today.

Quite often in cold weather you can get a shower of ice water. The main legislative document - SanPiN prescribes the temperature standards for hot water in apartment building, as well as the temperature regime of the supply and the level at the exit.

In particular, the temperature according to SanPiN is precisely set and regulated for the system depending on its location:

  • Hot water temperature standards residential buildings ranges from 60 0 to 75 0 С;
  • Minimum temperature in conditions of open heat supply it cannot be less than 60 0 С;
  • Heat supply closed type somewhat different, the temperature in a closed hot water supply system is from 50 0 or more;
  • The standard temperature of water supply in residential buildings provided by a coupled system does not exceed the standard 75 0 С.

Directly, such indicators in relation to submission to housing must be strictly observed.

About accepted criteria and degrees

The choice of the indicators listed above is not accidental. The main reason for choosing just such a water temperature in the pipeline is the need to completely eliminate pathogens, harmful bacteria, viruses that can survive after water treatment in the system or live in communications. Thanks to the designated and maintained temperature in the hot water pipes, the end user uses it, eliminating the risk of getting sick.

  1. When the heating in the pipes is more than 75 0, in particular - in children's and medical institutions, people can get burned, get significant injuries. In addition, the temperature in the hot water supply system, when taken from a tap, is more than the recommended maximum, leading to breakdowns. plastic elements communications and their failure.
  2. If for one reason or another Maximum temperature 70 0 and more, to solve everyday problems, it is mixed with a jet from a cold tap.
  3. The low temperature of the water in the tap - about 40 - 43 0 C, is an excellent environment for the vital activity of pathogens of intestinal infections, in particular for legionella. A constant sanitary level should be maintained even in the presence of old metal pipelines.

Tenants - consumers should be aware that the norm of hot water temperature in an apartment according to SNIP does not have seasonal differences. Temperature requirements in apartment buildings are regulated by the SanPiN resolution, as well as the absence of foreign odors and third-party taste.

About possible temperature deviations

Hot water temperature indicators according to 354 government decree may deviate from the normative data within acceptable limits. The difference is as follows:

  • No more than 5 0 at night 0 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the morning;
  • Not higher than 3 0 during the day, from 5 am to 0 at night.

To control the temperature of the water and its compliance with SNIP, in addition to communal organizations, the residents themselves should. Violation exceeding those allowed by Decree 354 may result in the need to reduce the charges for the amount of the consumed service by 0.1% of the tariff for each hour.

When the supply water temperature is about 40 0 ​​or less, payment should be charged at significantly lower rates. The basis for the recalculation is the act of measurement, fixing the deviation.

Where to go if the temperature of hot water is below normal for a significant time?

The algorithm is the following. First of all, definition and fixations temperature regime hot water, by law and in fact, requires measurements carried out by the residents themselves, and then by the supplier company at the request of consumers.

If you repeatedly determine deviations from what the temperature should be according to the standard and draw up acts in the format required by law, you should write a complaint to the service company.

The purposes of drawing up a complaint about low temperature, the sample of which is provided for in Art. 7/23 FZ No. 195 are as follows:

  1. Find and eliminate the cause.
  2. Make a recalculation.

The next authorities that decide this problem, are Rospotrebnadzor, local or regional courts.

In this case, fines are imposed on those responsible. Legal entities pay from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, officials - from 500 rubles to 1 thousand rubles. Only in this way the consumer will receive quality services for his money.

about the low temperature of hot water and with a request to recalculate. During the time while waiting for an official answer, normal hot water suddenly began to flow. A few days later, while I was at work, employees of the service company came home. They asked my grandmother to sign some piece of paper that everything is in order. Grandma signed. Then an official reply from the prefecture came in the mail.

Literally the next day, the hot water “evaporated” and everything returned to normal - the temperature of the hot water dropped, it became warm ..
I realized that somewhere I made a mistake. So I decided to use the "scientific" method. So:

1. Restore normal temperature hot water.
2. Oblige the Criminal Code to make a recalculation utilities for hot water.

Now you need to find laws, regulations, etc. and so on. that will allow this goal to be achieved and, ideally, to put these laws on monitoring in order to track changes. To begin with, let's find out what temperature the hot water should have, otherwise, suddenly, lukewarm water is supposed to me by law;) One of the main documents on utility services:
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (hereinafter referred to as the decree)
Appendix 1 of the resolution contains clause 5. Ensuring that the temperature of hot water at the draw-off point complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPin
We look at SanPin p 2.4: "The temperature of hot water in the places of water intake, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C. Therefore, it is necessary to officially measure the temperature of hot water, and in case of deviation from the norm, demand a solution to the problem.How to do it? Several options are possible:
Method 1
There is a whole section in the decree on this topic. clause 106 of the resolution:
"A report on a violation of the quality of a utility service can be made by the consumer in writing or orally (including by telephone) and is subject to mandatory registration by the emergency dispatch service. In this case, the consumer is obliged to provide his last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the premises where violation of the quality of the public service, and the type of such public service. An employee of the emergency dispatch service is obliged to inform the consumer of information about the person who received the consumer's message (last name, first name and patronymic), the number for which the consumer's message is registered, and the time of its registration.
On July 2, 2013, I called the control room, told about the problem - "the temperature of hot water is low in my apartment, warm water flows from the tap" - the service employee told me the data on the appeal: application No. 19 at 15.00 Moscow time and gave his last name. It is important. What does it give? Firstly, the time from which the recalculation will be made (paragraph 111 of the resolution). And secondly, the official registration of the problem, which can be referred to in further complaints and the preparation of other documents.I also talked with the residents of my entrance, found out that almost one person had such a problem. And what they wrote, called - to no avail. It's a sin not to make a collective complaint;) However, I decided to wait and see how the service company reacts.
The management company needs to check. According to paragraphs 108 and 109, in our case, the employee of the dispatch service is obliged to agree with the consumer on the date and time of the verification of the fact of the low temperature of hot water. After that, within 2 hours from the moment of receiving a message from the consumer about the violation of the quality of the utility service, set the time for the inspection, unless a different time is agreed with the consumer. There is a nuance here - it is necessary to indicate your reliable data (full name, contacts) so that they contact you and there is no misunderstanding on the part of the management company. Then, when they came to you and recorded everything, at the end of the check, an act is drawn up. And here three options are possible (I quote paragraph 109):

"1. If during the inspection the fact of a violation of the quality of the utility service is established, then the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time the beginning of violations of the quality of public services.
2. If during the inspection the fact of violation of the quality of the communal service is not confirmed, then the inspection report indicates the absence of the fact of violation of the quality of the communal service.
3. If during the inspection a dispute arose regarding the fact of a violation of the quality of the utility service and (or) the amount of deviation from the quality parameters of the utility service established in Appendix N1 to these Rules, then the inspection report is drawn up in accordance with these Rules.

I had the first option: because. during a call to the dispatch service, I indicated the data of my grandmother, then they came to her during my absence. So be sure to include your details when contacting us. I was lucky at the time of the test, the temperature of the water from the hot water tap was 52 degrees, which is below normal. The verification act is drawn up in the number of copies according to the number of interested persons participating in the verification, signed by such persons (their representatives), 1 copy of the act is transferred to the consumer (or his representative), the second copy remains with the contractor, the remaining copies are transferred to the interested persons participating in the verification.However, for unknown reasons, the second copy was never sent to me, although the chief engineer said on the phone that they would send an act within 3 days from the date of the check. Hence the question why they didn’t issue it on the spot, because the act can be signed by representatives of the Criminal Code. On the one hand, this is a plus - an extra shortcoming on the part of the Criminal Code, which will help in the proceedings, but there should be paper - as this is a document confirming the provision of utility services of inadequate quality. I'll have to write again.
Method 2

Similar to method 1, only after contacting the control room, you also write a complaint to the state housing inspectorate. You should also contact the inspectorate if you have a dispute regarding the verification of the fact that the service was rendered of inadequate quality (paragraph 110 of the resolution). All the same, I probably have to write there.Recently, I called the dispatcher again, 10 minutes after the call, a DEZ employee came (he was in our house at that moment) touched the water with his finger, agreed that it was cold. He said that there are not enough people, engineers, etc., etc. to fix the problem and so on. I did not understand everything from his words, but one thing is clear - the mess is still the same. So along the way, you should find out - this mess is manageable and planned in advance, or is a coincidence. From communication with neighbors and with my grandmother, I found out that employees of the service company tell each tenant - “everything is in order, only you have one (one) such a situation, etc. Everything is fine". The version of a coincidence becomes less likely, but facts are needed. This is a separate work that goes beyond the goals and requires a set of measures - in general, I will not stay idle.

I wrote this letter:

Scattered on the mailboxes of his entrance. On Mon 08/11/13 I will prepare a collective complaint against the management company about the low temperature of hot water in the apartments and send it to the housing inspection of the city of Moscow. I wonder how the inspectorate will react to this, in theory, they should have bonuses by identifying jambs in the work of the management company. Let's see what's what)

Many users face the problem that the hot water that should come out of the faucet is not as expected and is barely warm. In such a situation, it is necessary to protect your interests and write a complaint.
What are the requirements for hot water, what temperature will be optimal, as well as how to write a claim for a poor-quality service, we will tell further.

Hot water temperature standards in an apartment building

The current standards establish that the temperature of the water in the room, which is supplied to the dwellings of Russians living in apartment buildings, must be at least 60 C.

In this case, the legislator sets a limit. So, the standard is valid for those citizens whose homes are connected to a centralized hot water supply system (DHW). Also, the law defines tolerances from the minimum standard. They depend on the time of day.

So, in the period from 00-00 to 05-00 it is assumed that the water temperature in the apartment can be less than 5 C, while in the remaining time the deviation should not exceed 3 C.

Therefore, based on the actual rules, during the daytime the temperature of hot water can be 57 C, and at night - at least 55 degrees.

Norm 2019 SNIP and GOST

Speaking about hot water supply in a private house (apartment), the first thing that comes to mind is the current regulations relating to this topic. The fundamental one is SNiP 2.04.01-85. In 2013, the Ministry of Regional Development determined adjustments to this standard, which were included in its composition under the name SP 30.13330.2012.

It should be noted that the designated act is expanded, has sanitary installations, and affects not only the issues of hot water supply, but also internal water supply and sewer systems used for apartment buildings. Rusty and poor-quality water is also mentioned here.

This standard defines that, on matters of admissible DHW temperature it is necessary to focus on the provisions of GOST 2874-82. Here are the following rules:

  • in centralized DHW systems connected to open systems heat supply at the point of intake, the optimum temperature of the water does not fall below 60 C;
  • for centralized hot water supply connected to closed systems heat supply, the minimum rate is 50 C;
  • the maximum value of the water heating temperature for all heat supply systems is 75 C.

Norm 2019 SanPin

One of the key legislative acts that establishes the rules for hot water supply is the current SanPin 2.1.2496-09. The standard was approved by the Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia No. 20 of 04/07/2009. It has deep links with other regulations.

The specified regulatory framework defines the maximum and minimum limits for the permissible water temperature in an apartment building. So, the maximum value is 75 C, and the minimum is 60 C. At the same time, the legislator establishes some allowable norms deviations, which, depending on the time of day, are 3-5 degrees.

At the entrance to the house, the temperature of the supplied water, respectively, may be slightly higher. This is logical, because in the pipeline networks of the house it can cool down!

Measuring the temperature of hot water in an apartment: rules

If the user intends to check the quality of the hot water service provided, he can measure the water temperature. Based on the data received, a citizen has the right to file a claim with the service provider if the temperature does not comply with applicable standards.

There are certain rules for measuring the temperature of hot water. Consumers need to take mandatory actions. The order will be as follows:

  • the tap is opened and left for 5 minutes. This is necessary in order for the water to glass, otherwise the indicator will be too high;
  • you should take a container into which water is poured. The mouth of the container must be wide so that the measuring device fits there;
  • the temperature is measured, the container is placed under the flow of water so that excess water constantly drains from the glass;
  • a measuring device is installed in the center of the tank, fixing the temperature regime;
  • the results obtained should be recorded and compared with current regulatory recommendations.

Why is the temperature below normal

Hot water problems often affect consumers. Many users do not know how to protect their interests in such a situation, and continue to pay at the established rates of management companies.

If we talk about the causes of the problem, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Circumstances that have a legal explanation. The law allows lowering the temperature of hot water in taps if new heating systems are being tested, or suppliers are introducing new requirements for the technical equipment of the plumbing system. When introducing new equipment, the state will not impose sanctions against violators.
  2. Repair operations. Hot water systems periodically need to be repaired and reconstructed, which may cause problems with water supply. If this happens, the temperature warm water may decrease, or the water will disappear altogether. However, the management company must inform consumers about this in advance.
  3. Deception and fraud against consumers. The management or resource supply company deliberately lowers the temperature of the water, providing a service of inadequate quality, in an effort to reduce the cost of heating it. Thus, they violate existing laws, and will be held accountable.

What to do if the temperature of hot water in the apartment is below normal, where to go?

If the water temperature does not meet the established standards, if it is not hot enough, the consumer can apply for a recalculation. In this situation, you need to pay attention to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Here, further actions of a dissatisfied consumer are prescribed.

So, according to the document, the user will have to act as follows:

  1. If the consumer finds that the temperature of the water in his tap does not meet the requirements and has significant deviations, he must notify the representatives of the supplier company and the management company about the problem. The notice may be either oral or written.
  2. The dispatcher receiving the appeal records the fact of dissatisfaction. Note that he is obliged to do several actions, in particular, introduce himself, name his position. The appeal is recorded, after which the user is informed of the number of his complaint.
  3. The consumer must clearly state the essence of the claim to the dispatcher (lack of water in the pipes, low temperature, etc.), indicate his personal data, and indicate the contacts by which he can be contacted to clarify the situation.
  4. If the dispatcher is aware of the existing problems, he will give preliminary justifications. If he does not have exact information, the employee will inform the applicant about the upcoming measurement procedure, which is agreed with the consumer.
  5. Based on the results of verification operations (measurements take place in the presence of the consumer), an act is drawn up in 2 copies. One of them is transferred to the applicant, and the second remains with the company accepting the appeal. If the measurement results do not meet the requirements of the consumer, he has the right to insist on measurements by independent experts.

Who is responsible for hot water in the apartment

The current principles, affecting the problems of water temperature mismatch in hot water supply in residential buildings, establish that management companies and homeowners associations, which are the actual subscribers and recipients of the hot water service, will be responsible in this situation. The area of ​​responsibility also includes direct service providers - resource supply organizations.

If there are any claims to the quality of the supplied hot water in the water supply system, the dissatisfied consumer has the right to file a claim with the representatives of the management company, or directly with the supplier.

How to write a complaint

The legislator establishes a number mandatory requirements, which should be taken into account when filing a complaint by a dissatisfied consumer in the housing and communal services segment. So, if a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of the DHW service, and believes that the water temperature is low and does not meet the standards, he will have to pay attention to such points:

  • the application can be written by hand or typed on a computer;
  • in the upper left corner, it is necessary to indicate the current data of the applicant, including full name, address of residence and contact information for communication;
  • you must indicate the name of the organization to which the complaint is directed and which is caught in non-compliance with applicable requirements. If the user knows the official who deals with this type of problem, it will be necessary to indicate that the complaint is addressed to a specific specialist (for example, the city of Moscow, Ivanov I.I., the main specialist in housing and communal services of the company “Your everything”);
  • in the main part of the appeal, you need to indicate the reasons that prompted you to file a claim (unproven hot water supply services), report on the essence of the problem and attempts to solve it. The consumer must indicate when and where he applied with a request to pay attention to the problem, and what answer was given to him by representatives of the management company or the resource supply structure. It is advisable to make references to the actual standards;
  • after writing the main part of the claim, all attached documents must be indicated, including the results of measurements made by independent experts or employees of the Criminal Code, witness statements, information that determines the epidemiological threshold of water safety, etc.;
  • the date of writing the complaint is indicated, and the applicant leaves a personal signature with a transcript.

The application receives a personal code by which the user can track its further progress

Application for recalculation of payment for hot water of inadequate quality

The application for recalculation has the form established by law, you can study the current sample of the document and download it,. ⇐

Recalculation for hot water deviation from the norm, degrees, formula

If the consumer has up-to-date information regarding the actual water temperature standards, he has the right to file a claim with the public utilities in an effort to protect his interests.

Note that the legislator establishes a number of penalties for violators.
According to the provisions of Article 7.23 of Federal Law-195, officials will be punished with a fine of 500-1000 rubles, legal entities - 5-10 thousand rubles. More severe penalties are planned for the future.

Recalculation is made according to a specific formula. Thus, the legislator established that during the period when hot water did not reach optimum temperature, the consumer will pay at the rate characteristic of cold water(method of recalculation). In this case, the formula sets the recalculation is made taking into account 0.1% for every 3 degrees of deviation from the norm.

Recalculation example

To analyze the situation, we give an example of the following type. The temperature of hot water is 53 degrees (DHW system is open) and this value was observed during the calendar month. Therefore, for this period, payment should have been calculated at the rate for cold water. The consumer spent 3 cubic meters of hot water at a rate of 100 rubles per cubic meter. At the same time, the tariff for cold water is 30 rubles per cubic meter. Consequently, instead of the prescribed 30*3=90 rubles, the amount of the fee was 100*3=300 rubles. He is obliged to return 300-90=210 rubles.

This temperature is measured directly at an open tap by immersing a water thermometer in a glass under a jet to a special mark. In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Rules, hot water supply must be uninterrupted and around the clock throughout the year. Permissible duration of a break in the supply of hot water: 8 hours (in total) within 1 month, 4 hours at a time, in case of an accident on a dead end line - 24 hours in a row; the duration of a break in hot water supply in connection with the production of annual repair and maintenance work in centralized networks engineering and technical support of hot water supply is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation (SanPiN

The temperature of hot water in an apartment building

But if the indicator is set above 55 degrees, then there is a risk of getting burned. Because of this, hot water is used along with cold water. The temperature standard for hot water in an apartment in winter does not differ from the established indicator.

Residents should be in control. If this does not meet the standards, then it is important to contact the competent authorities in a timely manner to resolve the issue. A temperature above 75 degrees leads to breakdown plastic section plumbing, which is in many modern apartments. Deviation includes even a slight increase or decrease in performance.


There must be a minimum, even if communications and heating equipment are old. The standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment is indicated in the contract concluded between the client and the service provider. Why is temperature control important? Temperature control is an important necessity.

What is the hot water temperature in the apartment?

We analyze this situation - we take the entrance floor and check this situation in the apartments on this floor. For example, we have four apartments - in three everything is fine, and in the fourth apartment this situation occurs. To confirm our assumptions, we check the apartments on the floor above or below in the same way, no difference.

The situation is 100% repeated - you can not check further. You are dealing with unauthorized conversion engineering communications pertaining to common property. From practice, there are cases when in a 17-storey building, residents arranged such a re-equipment in 16 vertically adjacent apartments, which led to a complete absence of hot water circulation in the system and, as a result, the residents of this building bombarded the supervising authorities with complaints about poor-quality public services .
This situation arose from the ignorance of the residents of the boundaries of the division of property, i.e.

Hot water temperature standard - what to do if it does not meet the standards

The complaint should be written in almost the same way as for temperature. It is necessary to write an application for the head of the housing inspectorate, indicating the regulatory legal acts and the time for consideration of the document. Only as the reason it is necessary to designate "poor-quality water".


After that, a response from the inspector should come, and you can wait for the solution to the problem. A collective application significantly speeds up the review procedure, so the water quality will soon be restored. Drawing up a complaint In case of violation of consumer rights, a claim is drawn up.

It is necessary to write it in a generally accepted way, in a neat and legible handwriting. It is important to indicate to whom the application is intended. Usually the document is drawn up for the head of the management company, which is the supplier of water. Be sure to indicate all the facts: calls, appeals to employees with applications, visits to the management company.

Temperature of hot water supply in mkd. — zhkhportal.rf

The exception is at night, between 0.00 and 5.00, when a reduction is allowed established standard but no more than 5 degrees. In the daytime, an indicator of at least 57 ° C is permissible. What temperature standards for hot water are established according to SanPin Do you need help? Consult with our lawyer for free! Laws in our country change very often! Get the most up-to-date information by phone! Just call by phone from any region of Russia: Or contact our online consultant! The temperature of hot water according to SanPiN, according to Decree, must comply with the following standard - the minimum indicator is at around 60 ° C, and the maximum level corresponds to 75 degrees. Small deviations are allowed within the limits not exceeding five degrees at night and three during the day.

The norm of the temperature of hot water in the tap in the apartment, sanpin

If the deadlines have been extended, then a recalculation of the payment for services is required. A reduction of 0.15% is required. Checking the norm Utilities must necessarily comply with the standard for the temperature of hot water in the apartment. The general provision of the document includes the rules for checking compliance with the standards.

Residents need to be able to check the water temperature. If there are deviations, then you need to file a claim. The water test procedure includes the following steps:

  • you need to open the tap, and let the water drain for about 2-3 minutes, during which time the cooled liquid will be eliminated;
  • then you need to pour water into a special glass;
  • a sensitive thermometer with a scale of 100 degrees must be immersed in the container;
  • you should wait for the thermometer to heat up, after which the readings are recorded.

Although the temperature standard is in a wide range, there may be some deviations.

Hot water temperature: what should it be?

This indicator is characterized by a minimum (not lower than 60 °C) and a maximum limit (not higher than 75 °C) and does not allow deviations from the specified temperature regime, under which the quality of public services is ensured.” The temperature of hot water at the points of water intake, regardless of the heat supply system used, should not be lower than 60 C and not higher than 75 C. GROUNDS: clause 5.1.2 of SP 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" Updated version of SNiP 2.04.01-85 * ; clause 2.4 SANPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring the safety of hot water supply systems"; 5.3.1 "Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock” (approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170); clause 5 of Appendix 1 "Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (approved by Post.

About standards for air and hot water temperatures in apartments

From the same schedule depends on how much the risers and radiators of the heating system will heat up. For example, at -5 ° C of atmospheric air, the temperature of the coolant in the riser should be at least 78 degrees. However, what if the hot water supply in an apartment building is not up to standard? You need to file a claim (application) with the Housing and Communal Services or the Management Company that services the house.
Temperature measurements: sample act On an unfounded complaint Management Company most likely won't pay attention. Therefore, you need to arm yourself with facts and measure the temperature of hot water in your MKD yourself using a special sensor with a built-in regulator.


Before approving such norms, experts had to take into account at what temperature unfavorable conditions are created for the vital activity of harmful bacteria. Also, hot water should not cause burns. skin. The State Housing Inspectorate is authorized to control whether this resolution is being implemented.

Utilities are not entitled to establish their own temperature standards for water in residential premises. If the norms do not comply, what coefficient for calculating hot water is valid Knowing the answer to the question of how many degrees hot water should be, it is necessary to understand what coefficient for calculating should act if this norm is violated. If it is discovered that hot water supply is supplied in violation of the established temperature standards payment must be recalculated.

No more than 8 hours at a time at a room temperature of 10 to 12 degrees, no more than 4 hours at a room temperature of 8 to 10 degrees. For each hour that exceeds the specified standards, the monthly heating fee is reduced by 0.15%. Hot water temperature In accordance with clause 5.1.1, the quality of cold and hot water (sanitary and epidemiological indicators) supplied for household and drinking needs must comply with SanPiN and SanPiN

The temperature of hot water in the places of water intake must comply with the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN and, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C. (according to clause 5.1.2. of the Code of Rules SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85 *. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings", approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 626).

What should be the temperature of hot water at the entrance to an apartment building

There is an interesting document: “DESOLUTION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FROM MAY 31, 2013 N AKPI13-394”, which, among other things, establishes: “SanPiN, as follows from the content of its paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2, establishes hygienic requirements for quality water and organization of centralized hot water supply systems (hereinafter referred to as STsGV), as well as the rules for monitoring the quality of water supplied by STsGV, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership, and is mandatory for all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the organization and ( or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems. According to the specified SanPiN, the temperature of hot water at the points of draw-off, regardless of the heat supply system used, must not be lower than 60 ° C and not higher than 75 ° C.