Shower      06/14/2019

Sunflower seed. A fairy tale story about a wild or cultivated plant for the lesson “The world around us Experiments with sunflowers

To the question a story or a fairy tale on the theme of the journey of seeds, given by the author flush the best answer is What the heck?

Answer from suck[newbie]

Answer from Elena Novichenko[guru]
One day a small bird was flying and holding a few sunflower seeds in its beak. She flew to feed her little chicks, but did not hold all the seeds in her beak and one fell into the ground. Here lies a seed and thinks: “How is it? Together with my brothers and sisters, I grew seeds in a large beautiful sunflower, and now I lie alone in the ground. I am now unnecessary to anyone, I won’t see anything now, it’s good that at least the bird didn’t eat me. Lying and bored. It began to rain, watered the seed, and then the sun came out, warmed the seed and it became interesting to him what was going on up there. The seed stretched up to the sun, stretched, stretched and ... a small green sprout appeared from under the ground. It was he who began to grow from our seed. The seed-sprout looked around, he liked it above the ground, the sun warms, the breeze blows. And the sprout began to grow upward. It grows, reaches for the sun, the rain waters it with water, the sprout is good. Soon our sprout turned into a stalk, and every day it became higher and higher, new green leaves appeared on it. A few weeks later, a large yellow bud grew on the stem, the petals of the bud began to slowly bloom and now beautiful flower sunflower raised its head to the sky to the sun. “Oh, what a beautiful sunflower I have turned into!” thought the former little seed. Soon a lot of white-green seeds appeared inside a large flower, the seeds ripened and turned black. The sunflower shook his head, smiled at the sun and thought: “How amazingly this world is arranged! More recently, I lived quietly with my brothers and sisters seeds in a large beautiful sunflower. A bird flew in, grabbed me in its beak, but could not hold it and dropped it to the ground. Then I sprouted, turned into a sprout, then into a stalk, grew, grew and became a big real yellow sunflower. Now I myself have a lot of many small black seeds, which will soon scatter somewhere and grow from them large beautiful sunflowers, similar to small suns.

Big flower with yellow leaves called Sunflower. The flower slept in the field, not paying attention to the fact that the Sun had long since risen.

In the clearing everyone was happy with the sunny, warm rays. The acacia straightened its curls and held out small white buds to the Sun. Lush rose hips exposed orange berries to sunny attention. Soft green grass for distillation ran across the field, throwing up its green eyelashes to the Sun. Even the plantain spread out its large palms for solar heat. The sun could serenely enjoy the joy of this beautiful world nature, if not for one but.

A sunflower towered in the middle of the field, peacefully curling its yellow petals into a large bud.

Why is this flower still sleeping? - the Sun asked the Wind flying by.

You should be aware of this,” said the Wind, smiling.

To me? Sun was surprised.

Yes, exactly to you.

But why? - the Sun flared up in bewilderment.

Because the Sunflower is such a flower that blooms only at the behest of the Sun itself. Think about its name - Under-sunflower, the one under the Sun! Wind said.

Oh! - the Sun was surprised.

The wind has gone. The sun began to shine over the field again. The Sun looked at the green, strong stem of the Sunflower and thought over the words of the Wind.

Let's try! - exclaimed the Sun, and began to tilt his face to the flower. The closer the Sun descended to the Sunflower, the faster the yellow petals of the flower threw back their wings in different directions.

And, oh miracle! The sunflower spread its petals and saw its reflection in the gentle smile of the sun. The sun has never descended so close.

And what was his admiration when the sun saw its own reflection in the opened sunflower flower. Since then, every year, with the onset of summer, the Sunflower and the Sun have been waiting for a meeting to look at each other as if in a mirror.

The young sunflower stalk did not remember how it broke through the ground as a thin sprout. Some powerful force pushed him to the surface, and now he is basking in the sun, admiring the huge and wonderful world where there is so much light, where it is so cozy and warm.

“We need to grow, we need to reach up,” thinks the little Sunflower, a little drunk from hot sun rays. - Well, another centimeter closer to the light, again and again ... "

And life is in full swing around: multi-colored butterflies flutter, hard-working bees buzz merrily, flying from flower to flower, a grasshopper sings its monotonous song in the grass, and a fluffy cat sleeps peacefully under a lilac bush.

And what is this beautiful creature with transparent wings and huge eyes? It looks like a dragonfly. It easily falls on a neighboring flower and freezes in the sun.

- Hey there! How are you?

“Okay,” she replies. - I was in a meadow by the river, flying a race.

- And what is it, the river?

- The water in it is transparent and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow on a sunny day.

“Probably beautiful,” the sunflower thinks and looks around: everything rejoices and rejoices in warmth and light!

Here comes the hostess. Now she will take a watering can, life-giving moisture will water the earth, and all the plants will rush upward even more.

So he grew, becoming taller and stronger. Its juicy bright green leaves spread out powerfully on the sides, and its small red head was filled with seeds.

“Be like the sun, become like the sun,” something inside him seemed to say. And it stretched and stretched upward, bathed in rays of sunlight and warmth.

But one day, when the clouds covered the sun, he put his head down. There, in the darkness, the rest of the plants huddled close to each other, drooping, pale ... The sunflower felt very sorry for them, and he decided to give them all the light, all the warmth that he had accumulated. It seemed that it was no longer the sun, but he, the sunflower, warms everyone around.

And then the wind parted the clouds, gentle rays again fell to the ground, and darkness, like a snake, crawled under a high fence, because there was no place left for it on earth. The sunflower, along with the sun, gave love, and its yellow crown was visible from everywhere.

A brother and sister were standing nearby.

“Look,” the girl said, pointing to the sunflower, “little sun!

Svetlana Khrenova

Drawings: Irina Bondarenko

I will take you along, to the land of sunflowers,
To a country where clouds of smiles...
Roads carved with traces of warm drops,
Rains that fly from high.
Where butterflies live in everyone's eyes
And the residents went a little crazy
Where they exist only hand in hand
Not letting go of each other for centuries.
I will take you to the land of sunflowers
To a country where we will always be happy.
Where the cloud will be our home
Noticeable, only to us from afar. author Lyubov Legkodimova

When someone says the word , you involuntarily smile. It's not for nothing that he was called that. Bright heads of flowers seem to look with such surprise and delight from their height, and rejoice at everything that happens. And the yellow-orange rays of sunflower petals are wide open like big eyelashes. They are with such charm and interest, stretching up to the sun.

The stalk grows high, and, in quivering tenderness, everyone stretches and reaches for the sun and dreams of merging with it together. As soon as the first rays of the sun touch the sunflower petals, they kiss timidly. But, then the sun kisses so hotly that the sunflower, exhausted from this heat, lowers its head in thought. Such an unbearable... In the evening, the sunflower escorts the sun beyond the horizon, which says goodbye to it with a crimson sunset, and in the morning again gently touches it with its rays.

The sunflower is very happy with the sun and again, with all her love, reaches for it. But at noon, the tender petals begin to burn again. This is too passionate and unbearable love. And so it goes on for days...

The sunflower does not know the answer why the sun loves him so much, but every time he burns him with his hot rays. Tears of despair and resentment quietly roll down the tender petals.

Then the sunflower is filled with seeds, which are poured. The sunflower is now hard to reach for the sun, and he just looks around. And he notices that there are many little suns just like him, who look at him with surprise. After all, they also loved the sun, but did not notice anyone nearby.