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Plant facts. The most amazing plants in the world. Amazing properties of plants Interesting facts about the fruits of plants

September 20, 2016, 12:35

The fruits of Puteria sweetish, which is also called Miraculous Berries, a tree of the Sapotov family, affect taste buds, due to which the perception of sour taste is turned off for one to two hours. If you eat a lemon after eating the magical fruit, it will retain its flavor but appear sweet. According to research, the cause of this effect is the miraculin protein contained in the fruit.

It turns out that on planet Earth there is amazing mushroom which tastes like chicken. The gray-yellow tinder grows in clusters, and the width of its hat reaches 40 cm. In some parts of Germany and North America considered a delicacy

Each seed of the ceratonia plant always weighs exactly 0.2 g. Due to this, in ancient times, ceratonia seeds were used as weights. This measure was soon called a carat.

In the Italian region of Piedmont, there is a unique double tree called Bialbero de Casorzo. Once upon a time, a cherry pit managed to sprout at the top mulberry tree, and then the cherry got its roots to the ground through the hollow trunk of its lower neighbor

Wintering horsetail growing in middle lane Russia, has extreme rigidity. Silica accumulates in the walls of its outer cells and its green stalk can scratch the steel surface.

In Japan, they have grown onions "Smile Ball" (Smiling ball), which does not cause tears. This is an onion that does not contain gases that irritate the eyes, and has a completely different taste and aroma. These onions can be eaten raw like fruit and taste like an apple or pear. Tearing-free sweet onions are priced at 450 yen ($4.3) for a pack of two onions

The oldest tree in Europe is the Bosnian Adonis pine in northern Greece, its age is 1075 years. It was recently discovered by an international team of scientists in the Pindus mountains near the Albanian border. The age was determined by counting annual rings on a sample. This pine tree witnessed the rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire, and then saw the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire. When the tree was a thin green sprout, in Rus', for example, Prince Igor Rurikovich, the father of Prince Svyatoslav, ruled.

scientific name Forget-me-nots - Myosotis in ancient Greek means "mouse ear"

The world's oldest potted plant is Encephalarthos Altenstein at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. His age is 241 years. It was brought from South Africa and planted in England in 1775.

To obtain “rubber shoes”, South American Indians simply dipped their feet in the fresh juice of Hevea, a plant from which rubber is obtained today.

Swiss scientists have found that pomegranate can slow down muscle aging and increase life expectancy. The pomegranate fruit contains high amounts of chemicals called ellagitannins. Our gut bacteria convert these chemical substances into a compound called urolithin A, which helps mitochondria - the cells' "batteries" - keep themselves active.

Bulbous Begonia variety Kimcheniriya blooms every year on the birthday of Kim Jong Il - February 16

the promised land in Holy Scripture often called a haunt (literally - the land of wheat) or Paradise.

The plant Spooner arctic, or Arctic horseradish is very rich in vitamin C. It is found on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, on sandy places and slopes in the Arctic and Kamchatka. In ancient times, it was taken on ships in a salty form in barrels, as the best remedy to prevent scurvy. In the Scandinavian countries, and now the spoon is used fresh as a salad, it is also harvested for the winter (salted). It tastes somewhat like horseradish.

Britain's oldest tree, the Fortingall Yew, estimated to be between 2,000 and 3,000 years old, has begun to change sex. unique tree, berry yew, grows in the courtyard of the church of the village of Fortingal in Scottish Perthshire. Legends say that Pontius Pilate spent his childhood in the shade of this tree. Sex reassignment was discovered in 2015 by Scottish scientists. Previously, the tree produced pollen, which made it possible to classify it as a male plant, but now the tree bears fruit. The “harvest” is still small: only three berries, but this also indicates that the yew has begun a sex change. However, in the plant world this is not a rare event. In yews and a number of other coniferous trees, part of the crown can change sex, and the tree continues to grow, referring to both the male and female sexes in its different parts.

Ecologists estimate that out of the three trillion trees on earth, a fifth (640 billion) grows in Russia.

However, despite the impressive overall figure, in the long term the Earth may lose its forest cover completely. Every year, about 15 billion trees disappear due to logging alone, and fires should be added to this. The number of trees that people plant per year does not exceed 5 billion. And for the entire time of the existence of human civilization, the Earth has lost half of its forest cover.

Bananas of the Cavendish variety, the main variety in the world, are on the verge of extinction due to pathogenic fungi. Experts predict the complete destruction of the banana industry within 5-10 years if a means of destroying pathogenic fungi is not found. The University of California has begun work to save bananas and has discovered that it is possible to suppress the spread of infection through changes in DNA. Already identified genes in bananas, suppressing which, it is possible to prevent infection without the use of fungicides. Scientists hope that they will have time to complete their work before irreparable damage is done to the global banana industry.

Guerrilla gardening - gardening of objects and territories by people who do not have ownership rights to them.

IN Ancient Greece figs were considered more valuable than gold, attempts to take them out of the country were considered smuggling and were equated with high treason

Scientists have found that the sunflower uses the uneven growth of st:) in order to turn after the sun (heliotropism). At night, the western side lengthens more strongly, and during the day the eastern side grows more intensively :). When growth stops, the flower remains eastward. This orientation allows the sunflower to warm up faster in the morning and attract more pollinators.

Being inquisitive, man has always been interested in various records in the plant world. It is important for him to know which flower and which plant is the largest, which is poisonous, and which is the most unusual.

The biggest flower

Among the flowers there are record holders for growth. The largest single flower is Rafflesia Arnoldi. He is able to grow more than ninety centimeters. Its weight is about eleven kilograms. Rafflesia grows in the rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia, Borneo, the Philippines and Malaysia.

The longest sushi plant is the liana-shaped rattan palm. Its length varies from three hundred to three hundred and fifty meters.

In America, in the Sequoia Park, a huge sequoia grows, bearing the name "General Sherman". The height of the tree is more than eighty-three meters with a trunk diameter of thirty-one meters. Victoria amazonica is another huge tropical herbaceous plant detachment of water lilies. The leaves of this giant water lily reach two meters in diameter.

The most poisonous plants

Not all plants are harmless. Among them are poisonous, which can harm human health. For example, poison ivy, poison oak And lacquer tree emit a volatile toxin that can cause severe allergies.

Dictamnus or Ashnets are dangerous plants for humans. contained in them essential oils can cause long-term chemical burns. Photochemical burns can be caused by a plant such as hogweed. If its juice gets on human skin, nothing will happen, but it’s worth getting to this place sunlight how the skin will be affected by a chemical burn.

Berries and rhizomes crow's eye are very poisonous. The plant contains a substance that causes convulsions, vomiting, sometimes leading to paralysis of the respiratory systems. Convulsions, coma and paralysis of the respiratory tract can result in poisoning by plants such as dope and henbane.

The Cikuta plant is one of the most poisonous in the world. Its aroma is similar to carrot, and the taste is reminiscent of radish. One hundred grams of its rhizome can kill a cow. It contains cicutoxin, which causes respiratory arrest and convulsions. This is not the whole list poisonous plants planets.

unusual grass

Unusual called medicinal herbs. One such herb is tarragon. Its second name is "Queen of Herbs". This is a very useful culture, used as a medicine, as a spice and as ornamental plant. Another unusual herb is wormwood, which is also widely used in medicine. It is impossible not to name St. John's wort, eleutherococcus prickly, lemon balm, oregano, sage, etc.

Unusual herbs in appearance are alpine species of colorful living carpets. They grow, forming turf. The most popular carpet plant is the alpine goose. Another very unusual grass growing like a carpet was found on the coast of Lake Chany. It is unusual not only for its red color, but also for the fact that outwardly it is somewhat reminiscent of worms.

Amazing house plants

Pseudolithos looks especially extreme among domestic plants. Its appearance will surprise anyone. Its homeland is Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The translation of the name is "false stone". The plant looks like a thick egg-shaped tuberous trunk without leaves. The color and shape are similar to stone. Pseudolithos blooms in clusters of bright flowers.

An amazing indoor plant that grows without soil is Tillandsia. To grow him up room conditions, you need to acquire a saw cut or bark of a coniferous tree, on which auxiliary roots will be fixed.

One of the most interesting indoor plants- Lithops. In its shape, the plant resembles a hoof no more than seven centimeters high. It's interesting that most of this plant is underground. Every spring it blooms with large bright flowers.

Bonsai looks original. Its second name is "Tree in a Pot". Essentially, Bonsai bonsai grown at home. This is just a small list of amazing houseplants.

The most unusual plant in the world

It is difficult to decide which plant is the most unusual, since there are too many amazing representatives of vegetation on the planet. It is quite possible that the most unusual plant is Velvichia amazing. It is able to do without water for about five years, content with moisture from the atmosphere.

Velvichia lives from four hundred to two thousand years. Externally, the plant looks like two huge leaves, from two to eight meters long. These leaves continue to grow throughout life, gradually tearing longitudinally into ribbons, while the tips dry out. The plant grows in areas of Namibia where the humidity is high due to frequent fogs.
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Pines sterilize the air

The smallest flower in the world

Xerophyta - drought plant

Our planet never ceases to amaze with the diversity of plant and animal species that exist on it, sometimes with amazing abilities.

Selection of the most interesting facts about plants:

1. An amazing plant called Ceratonia of the legume family, which has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean, has a curious property - the size of its fruits is always the same (0.2 g), for which they were very much appreciated by jewelers in the old days, but now this measure is called carat. The scientific name of the genus, by the way, comes from the Greek κεράτιον ( сeratiοn), κέρας ( ceras) "Horn".

2. Among straight-stemmed trees, Australian eucalyptus trees can boast of the highest height, the height of which reaches 150 meters, and sometimes more. The telegraph pole, made from the wood of this tree, is able to withstand the strongest wind, and the root system of the eucalyptus sucks water out of the soil with such force that people use these natural pumps to drain swamps.

3. The record plant is also titanium arum, the flower of which is the largest and reaches a height of 2.27 meters. For the unbearable smell exuded by the plant, titanium arum was nicknamed the "corpse flower": its "aroma" resembles the smell of rotten meat. However, for pollinators - flies and beetles - this smell and bright color are very attractive. Under natural conditions, the flower grows in the jungle about. Sumatra. Titan arum blooms every 20-40 years and blooms for only two days. Around the world, only about 150 cases of its flowering have been officially recorded. A few years ago, visitors to the British Botanical Gardens became happy witnesses of the flowering of this peculiar plant.

4. Another famous large flower is Rafflesia Arnold (Sumatra, Kalimantan, Philippines, etc.). Rafflesia Arnold blooms with single flowers, their diameter is 60-100 cm, and their weight is up to 8 kg. flower publishes bad smell, reminiscent of the smell of rotting meat, which attracts the main pollinators - flies.

5. In the Amazon basin, you can find a plant of the water lily family called Victoria. Its leaves on the surface of the water reach three meters in diameter and can withstand a weight of up to 30 kg.

6. One of the most interesting facts about plants is that the leaves on their trunks and branches are not arranged randomly, but in a certain sequence, having a certain angle of deviation relative to each other. The size of this angle varies depending on the plant itself. So, for an apricot, it is 2/5, for a pear - 3/8, for almonds - 5/13, etc. This arrangement of leaves in accordance with the size of the tree, leaves and growing environment provides them with optimal nutrition, access to light and full growth.

In India, a plant grows under the local name "trick the stomach." After eating 1-2 leaves of the Kalir-kanda plant, a person feels full for a whole week, although the leaves do not contain valuable nutrients. The property of the plant to create the illusion of satiety is used in the manufacture of tablets and infusions from the leaves, which are successfully used by overweight people.

One of unusual plants native to the savannas of the South American country of Paraguay. It is a stevia shrub whose leaves contain a substance resembling saccharin. It is over 300 times sweeter than sugar. This plant is already successfully cultivated in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Laos, Spain and light hand Academician N. I. Vavilov in Russia. There are significant plantations of culture in the Belgorod region. With an extract made from stevia, Belgorod residents sweeten confectionery for diabetics.

SUGAR GRASS. It grows in Central America, mainly in Mexico. From its leaves and flowers, a sweet oily liquid was isolated, which is 1000 times sweeter than sugar. Especially valuable is that, unlike natural sugar, this substance is completely
harmless to diabetics and not conducive to obesity.

In the African savanna grows a herbaceous plant THOUMATOCUS DANNEL. The special substance talin, which is found in its red berries, is 2000 times sweeter than sugar.

An even sweeter plant is the DIOSCOREPHILLUM CUMMINISIA LIANA, which grows in the tropical forests of Nigeria and other West African countries. Sugar, in comparison with its coral-red berries, due to the content of the substance monellin, seems devoid of taste. No wonder, because monellin is 3000 times sweeter than sugar!

And the champion among super-sweet plants is the KETEMF shrub, which grows in the rainforests of West Africa. The sweetest substance in the world, toumatin, was obtained from it. It is sweeter than sugar (hard to imagine) 100,000 times! This substance will be sweet even if toumatin is dissolved at a concentration of 10 g per ton of water!

Scientists believe that growing super-sweet plants could revolutionize the world's sugar industry.

In the tropical forests of West Africa, the SYNSEPALOUM DULCIFICUM shrub grows.

Its red berries, due to the content of miraculin, have an amazing property - to influence the taste sensations of a person. If you chew a few of these small berries before eating, miracles will begin to happen with taste: sour lemon will seem sweeter than orange, and sugar - bitter. This effect lasts for about an hour, and sometimes more, depending on the amount of fruit eaten.

Local people from Ghana to Zaire, where this plant grows, use its fruits to sweeten sour palm wine.

It is interesting that there are plants similar in action in the Transcaucasus, in the south of Tajikistan and in China. This tree is from the buckthorn family - ZIZIFUS, also known as unabi or Chinese date. Compotes, jams, marshmallows are prepared from them, and stored in dried form.

In 1784, dahlia tubers, never seen before, were brought from Mexico to Spain. The Spanish king ordered to zealously protect the secret of the existence of an overseas flower, until in 1805 the German naturalist Alexander Humboldt brought tubers from South America for 20 years of a Mexican plant “unknown” in Europe!

Pines sterilize the air

One hectare of pine forest per day is capable of releasing about 5 kg of volatile phytocides into the atmosphere, destroying numerous microorganisms from the air. So in the forests with growing young coniferous trees, regardless of the geographical latitude and proximity of settlements, in comparison with other green areas, the air is practically sterile, contains only about 200 - 300 bacteria per 1 cubic meter.

In terms of vitamin C content, walnuts are 8 times higher than black currants and 50 times higher than citrus fruits. The B vitamins contained in them contribute to the decomposition of pyruvic acid, which accumulates in the muscles and causes fatigue. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that the priests of Ancient Babylon forbade ordinary people There is walnuts, because it was believed that they have a beneficial effect on mental activity, and this is useless to commoners.

The smallest flower in the world

Do you know which plant has the most small flower in the world? At the duckweed! For a long time it was believed that this was an algae, but then flowers were found in duckweed. But it is still unknown how the number of these plants in the reservoir doubles per day - in a few days duckweed covers the entire surface of the reservoir.

Xerophyta - drought plant

The hairy xerophyta Xerophyta viscosa was named Xerophyta by Antoine Laurent de Jussier (1748-1836), which means "drought plant". This rare herbaceous perennial lives in the stony soils of Natal province in South Africa, on the peaks of the Drakensberg Mountains, has thread-like curved leaves 60 cm long, and flowers 5-6 cm in diameter appear on the plant from November to April. Often this plant is referred to by the alien name of Vellozia viscosa, but Vellozia is a completely different species. Xerophyta is able to live without water in extreme conditions. temperature conditions very long time. University of Cape Town researchers are using xerophyte genes to code for drought tolerant weeds sanguinalis Digitaria and Thaliana Arbidopsis, and will subsequently use xerophyte genes to cultivated plants to increase their resilience.

The largest root system is in plants of arid regions, deserts and semi-deserts.

Their roots reach deep into the earth to reach nearby underground water sources, or extend far out to exploit what little rain falls in the desert.

Consider a few examples of the length of the roots of desert plants.

Central Asian shrub mimosa -7 m;

Alfalfa - over 15 m;

Camel thorn - more than 20 m.

What plant holds the record for the largest root? It turns out that this is an apple tree growing on the porous soils of Nebraska in America. Its roots penetrated to a depth of 1068 m! And if you take the whole root, and even add all your own small roots to it (you get the total length of the root), then its length will be calculated not in meters, but in kilometers. For example, in a 4-month-old winter rye plant, it is 619 km. One of the Finnish botanists in 1954 calculated the total length of the roots of a hundred-year-old pine - about 50 km.


That carrots, beets, radishes are also roots, only roots that have changed their appearance because reserve nutrients are deposited in them. What caused the roots to grow so wide? Otherwise, these roots are called root crops. By the way, root crops are the heaviest roots. In November 1978, the Nedelya newspaper reported, for example, on a giant fodder beet grown by a Tajik farmer. She weighs over 20 kg!


The largest plants are trees of the genus Eucalyptus found in Australia. They can reach 130 m in height with a trunk thickness of 10 m (compare: the height of a 10-storey building is 30 m).

In size, mammoth trees - sequoias - are slightly inferior to eucalyptus trees. The maximum height of these giants of the American continent is judged by measurements made in the last century on a fallen trunk. unique tree in the Sequoia National Park (USA). This tree, called the “father of the forests”, had a height of 120 m from the base to the top. Now botanists consider the maximum height of evergreen sequoia specimens to be 110 m 33 cm. It was with such accuracy that a specimen was measured in Humboldt Sequoia Park in California. He was discovered in 1964 and given his own name "Howard Libby".

WITH ground plants successfully argues for the size of brown algae. Some authors estimate its maximum length at 300 m, others more modestly at only 70 m. It is possible that such algae, wriggling in the water depths, were mistaken by seafarers of the past for a giant sea serpent, often mentioned in sea legends. The largest trunk in the world was at the European chestnut. This tree grows on Mount Etna in Sicily and was measured in 1845 to be 64 m in girth (about 20.4 m in diameter).


In Southeast Asia, on the island of Sri Lanka, palm trees from the genus Corypha grow. The blades of the fan-shaped leaves of Corypha reach 8 m in length and 6 m in width. One such sheet can cover half of the volleyball court. They make beautiful and durable umbrellas, painted fans. Corypha is also famous for its inflorescences - they are the largest in the world - 14 m long and 12 m wide.

The Brazilian palm Raffia Tedigera has even larger leaves. On a petiole 4-5 m long, a giant “feather” sways over 20 m long and almost 12 m wide. If you put such a leaf vertically on the ground, it will rise above the 6-story House. A strong fiber is extracted from the stem of raffia, which is used to make brushes and hats.


That the spines of a cactus are its leaves? Victoria Amazonskaya, a relative of our white water lily (water lily), became famous for her large leaves. It is precisely because of the unusual

leaves and grow it aquatic plant in many botanical gardens different countries. The Victoria leaf will withstand not only a small child, but also a schoolboy. He will feel on it just like in a real boat. And some leaves do not go under water with a load of about 50 kg. Moreover, the Victoria sheet does not sink, even when its entire surface is covered with an even layer of sand up to 80 kg. That's how much a grown man weighs! round leaves Victorias are usually no more than 2 m in diameter, but still - giants!

The flowers of Victoria are also famous. When its buds open, it is announced on the local radio. It is in the evening that its snow-white flower opens. It is very large, it can be up to 40 cm and smells good. By morning, its petals turn pink and close. A closed flower falls into the water. By the next evening, it reopens. Now its petals are already painted in lilac-pink tones. During the second night, it gradually darkens, and by morning it closes again and goes under water again. Now forever! Few manage to see such a short living flower of Victoria!

The amazing Velvichia, growing in the deserts of Africa, has only two leaves in its entire life. Its leaves reach a length of 2-3 m. A giant specimen with leaves 6 m 20 cm long and 1 m 80 cm wide is described! Velvichia is famous and interesting for its stem, similar to a stump. The stem can reach 1 m, and according to other sources - 4 m in diameter. This stem gradually grows in thickness over tens and even hundreds of years.


Another giant is Amorphophallus titanic, growing in tropical rainforests. He reached an extraordinary height - 2 m 42 cm! Because of the disgusting smell, the workers caring for him worked in gas masks and changed clothes after work.

And now about the smallest flowers. In central Europe, there is a naked hernia. This plant has a height of only 5-15 cm, and the flower is only 1 mm! But the smallest flowers of duckweed and rootless wolfia (an aquatic plant) are less than 0.5 mm. Despite their microscopic size, duckweed and Wolffia cover areas of water bodies with a solid green carpet.


The Seychelles palm has a large fruit. Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of the western coast of India found unusual nuts brought by the wind (waves), as if sharply drawn in two. They were called Maldives nuts and even for a long time it was believed that these are the fruits of underwater palms that grow on the bottom of the sea. And in 1743, the Seychelles were discovered, and on them - palm trees that give these mysterious nuts. Their size is amazing: diameter 45 cm, weight up to 25 kg.

Our planet never ceases to amaze with the diversity of plant and animal species that exist on it, sometimes with amazing abilities.

Selection of the most interesting facts about plants:

1. An amazing plant called Ceratonia of the legume family, which has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean, has a curious property - the size of its fruits is always the same (0.2 g), for which they were very much appreciated by jewelers in the old days, but now this measure is called carat. The scientific name of the genus, by the way, comes from the Greek κεράτιον ( сeratiοn), κέρας ( ceras) "Horn".

2. Among straight-stemmed trees, Australian eucalyptus trees can boast of the highest height, the height of which reaches 150 meters, and sometimes more. The telegraph pole, made from the wood of this tree, is able to withstand the strongest wind, and the root system of the eucalyptus sucks water out of the soil with such force that people use these natural pumps to drain swamps.

3. The record plant is also titanium arum, the flower of which is the largest and reaches a height of 2.27 meters. For the unbearable smell exuded by the plant, titanium arum was nicknamed the "corpse flower": its "aroma" resembles the smell of rotten meat. However, for pollinators - flies and beetles - this smell and bright color are very attractive. Under natural conditions, the flower grows in the jungle about. Sumatra. Titan arum blooms every 20-40 years and blooms for only two days. Around the world, only about 150 cases of its flowering have been officially recorded. A few years ago, visitors to the British Botanical Gardens became happy witnesses of the flowering of this peculiar plant.

4. Another famous large flower is Rafflesia Arnold (Sumatra, Kalimantan, Philippines, etc.). Rafflesia Arnold blooms with single flowers, their diameter is 60-100 cm, and their weight is up to 8 kg. The flower emits an unpleasant smell, reminiscent of the smell of rotting meat, which attracts the main pollinators - flies.

5. In the Amazon basin, you can find a plant of the water lily family called Victoria. Its leaves on the surface of the water reach three meters in diameter and can withstand a weight of up to 30 kg.

6. One of the most interesting facts about plants is that the leaves on their trunks and branches are not arranged randomly, but in a certain sequence, having a certain angle of deviation relative to each other. The size of this angle varies depending on the plant itself. So, for an apricot, it is 2/5, for a pear - 3/8, for almonds - 5/13, etc. This arrangement of leaves in accordance with the size of the tree, leaves and growing environment provides them with optimal nutrition, access to light and full growth.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberry familiar to us, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth giving her a place in the berry.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the grower and designer, because we often walk in the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We are never put off by the fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Pumpkin is considered by many gardeners to be the queen of the beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable keeps us healthy all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs are amazing! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch eggs are hard-boiled eggs wrapped in chopped meat breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high rim, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-frying oil so as not to smoke the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tub cubanola Dominican fully justifies the status of a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, cubanola is a fragrant star with a difficult character. She demands special conditions content in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, the best (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare, but requires pre-preparation. Chickpeas need to be soaked in in large numbers cold water for several hours, preferably at night, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, experiments with non-banal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden are in trend. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and a position. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the range of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage sandwich with meat - great idea for a quick bite or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

unpretentious plants The “second plan” of sansevieria does not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. To make my dream of a low maintenance garden come true, it's probably the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.