Shower      09/10/2021

Recent encounters with UFO. How to report that you have observed a UFO. Return to Mother Earth

Contact with an unidentified flying object can turn into trouble. On April 23, 1976, dozens of residents of the Brazilian municipality of Quishada noticed a mysterious object in the night sky. It was a huge disk that flew silently across the sky, emitting a bright light. He was also seen by participants in night maneuvers at the training ground of the Tiro de Guerra military base.

fatal meeting

The farm of Luis Barroso Fernandez was located a few kilometers from Quishada. Louis lived in the city, twenty kilometers from the farm, but from time to time he came to inspect his property and give tasks to workers. Instead of a car, Louis preferred to ride a two-wheeled cart. The mule, who knew the road well, took the owner to the farm and home.

Suffering from an unknown disease, Luis Barroso Fernandez at a meeting with a ufologist

On the day in question, Louis drove back at about two in the morning. Suddenly, he heard a sound similar to the buzzing of a swarm of bees, coming from somewhere above. The farmer looked up and was stunned: a huge disk hung directly above his head.

The frightened mule shied away. A bright beam of light struck from the disk, paralyzing the animal and the rider. The object landed on the road 30 meters from the wagon.

The glow emanating from the disk began to weaken, and I saw something in front of me that looked like a huge wheel from a tractor or an aluminum-colored turtle shell, ”Luis told ufologist Reginaldo Ataida. - A small door opened in it, and two creatures came out. They looked like ordinary people, but smaller in stature and in strange clothes. In their hands they held what looked like flashlights. One of them shone a light in my face and I fainted.

When Louis woke up, he was still in the wagon, but the scenery was different. Now the farmer was only three kilometers from Kishada. Maybe the mule continued on its usual route. Or maybe the UFO itself carried the wagon. The unfortunate rider was shaking, he felt dizzy and nauseous.

Louis' eyes stinged as if pepper had been poured into them, and his head throbbed with pain. The left side of his body turned red, his hands barely moved. Fortunately, another belated traveler appeared on the road - the shepherd Joao Francisco. It was he who helped Louis get home.

Mysterious disease

Once at home, Louis asked his wife to call a doctor. Antonio Moreira Magalaes, one of the best doctors, failed to make a diagnosis. Meanwhile, Louis was getting worse. The body began to swell, the eyes bulged like a frog's. The mule did not touch food for several days and shied away from any sounds.

Dr. Magalaes did not believe Luis's story about the meeting with the aliens, but soon a 23-year-old student, Francisca Rosette da Silva, was admitted to the hospital. Together with her 12-year-old brother Antonio Leido da Silva, she walked in the forest in the morning, after the events described. Suddenly, a ray of light hit the girl from behind the trees, aimed at the girl's face. After a few moments, the beam went out, and the girl felt such weakness that, leaning on Antonio's shoulder, she barely made it to the house and there she fell unconscious.

The symptoms of Francis' illness were the same as those of Louis, but in a milder form. She soon recovered completely. Meanwhile, Louis was fading before our eyes. A 53-year-old man turned gray in a couple of days and almost lost his memory. When Magalaes visited the patient again, Luis did not recognize the doctor. The doctors decided to send Luis to the state capital for further examinations. In the accompanying sheet, Antonio Magalaes wrote: "Patient experienced close contact with a UFO." Louis was examined by 17 doctors, but no one could explain the strange symptoms. Two weeks later, Luis was returned to Quishada, advised to take a good rest as parting.


Louis did not recognize relatives and friends, he forgot how to read and write. There are three words left in his dictionary, like a one-year-old baby: “mom”, “give” and “scary”. He uttered the last word when the camera flash went off in the hand of a metropolitan reporter. Dr. Magalaes had no doubt that his patient had experienced a terrible trauma associated with the light. Soon he stopped moving. "It's something incredible," said Dr. Magalaes. - Not only the brain returned to its infant state. There were also changes in the skin.

She became thin, smooth and without a single wrinkle, like a young man. Although Louis lies motionless in bed, his muscles are toned. Him excellent health, except for the failed head. We filmed his encephalogram, but there is no pathology on it. He has no paralysis, no sclerosis, and no stroke. If you change the position of his limbs, Louis will slowly bring them back. So he is able to move, but does not make any movements due to malfunctions in the brain. Louis lay motionless for 17 years. He died in 1993, presumably simply from old age. The farm and shop in Quixa de was inherited by one of the sons of Luis Francisco, Leonardo Barroso. - Father, while he could still speak, kept repeating: “From them it was necessary to hide in the forest.

Under the roots of the tree, they would not have found me,” he said. - I believe him, because I myself saw a UFO when I was riding a motorcycle along the same road. The object emitted a very bright light. I had to slow down and turn around so the light wouldn't blind me. Ufologist Reginaldo Ataide found out about Luis's death too late. He insisted on the exhumation of the body, but Francisco did not agree to disturb the ashes of his father for the sake of the curiosity of the metropolitan researchers.

Eternal paralysis

Another Brazilian was a little more fortunate. José dos Santos retained his sanity, but an encounter with a UFO left him confined to a wheelchair. José, 22, lived on a farm near the coastal town of Carnaubinha. He was the only son of a widowed mother and took on all the housework. Dos Santos never went to school - not before. The young man taught himself to read and write. On a warm May evening, Jose went to church for a service. Deciding to take a shortcut, the guy crossed the field and was about to climb over the low hedge. “I almost ended up on the other side when a beam of yellow-green light hit my neck,” Jose told ufologist Jose Alencar. - The beam came from an object hanging about ten meters above the ground.

It was about two meters in diameter. There was a hole in the bottom of the UFO, and lights were burning on the body, but I did not have time to count them. I fell and tried to crawl into the bushes, but I couldn't move. Five seconds later, the object flew towards the ocean. Dos Santos lay near the fence for three days. Nobody was looking for him: his mother left for a few days in the state capital, and the neighbors thought that his son went with her. Jose lay in the mud, devoured by mosquitoes, but could not drive away the bloodsuckers. Then flies appeared, attracted by the smell - the intestines "and the unfortunate bladder also got out of control.

He was lucky in only one thing: Jose was lying in the shade of the bushes and avoided a sunstroke. “I was scared, but I didn’t feel any pain,” dos Santos recalled. - Only hunger and thirst tormented me. I didn't even sleep at night. José was found on the fourth day. Dos Santos thanked his rescuers: he could speak, albeit with great difficulty. The neighbors took care of the guy until his mother returned, but they did not call a doctor - no one had extra money. The doctor was at the guy's bed only a few weeks later, when it became clear that Jose was getting worse. As with Louis, medicine soon reached a dead end. Dos Santos is wheelchair bound

I only dream of one thing,” he said eight years later. “I want the aliens to come back and heal me. Apart from them, no one.

Human hunting

Ufologist Jacques Valle came to Brazil in 1988 to study cases of UFO aggression. He met with eyewitnesses, interviewed doctors and police officers, copied dozens of official documents. The conclusions reached by the famous researcher are frightening and puzzling. - UFO rays lead to disturbances nervous system and in some cases death. At the same time, luminous beams are not an effective weapon. You can hide from them in the forest or under the cliff of the coast.

Sometimes UFOs spent hours trying to "grope" people hiding from them. A sniper with a night vision scope could take them down in a matter of minutes, and they were out of reach for the aliens. Most often, hunters became victims of the rays emitted by UFOs. The objects followed the tactics used by the hunters themselves when tracking down animals. UFOs don't attack to kill or injure people. Such a task can be performed much more efficiently even with primitive weapons.

Their activity should not be seen as direct hostility, but as the fulfillment of a certain task, and its performers do not care about our feelings and health. Such activity can be compared with the work of zoologists shooting wild animals with darts with sleeping pills. To animals, their actions will seem like aggression, although scientists act in good faith, trying to minimize harm. A bad shot can also be fatal.

Some animals are killed by zoologists in the interests of science... The aggressiveness of UFOs increases in direct proportion to the distance from cities. Those who walk at night in the countryside without the cover of trees run the risk of being left alone with unknown hunters.

Mankind has always wondered what is beyond the Universe, what secrets it hides. One of the biggest mysteries is the existence of extraterrestrial life. Many are sure that aliens exist, and as evidence they suggest the facts of numerous meetings with them.

Official science has not yet recognized the existence of "flying saucers". But ufologists have been studying them for a long time, and many enthusiasts unite to hunt for them.

Despite its position on this issue, official science has not been able to find convincing explanations for some eyewitness accounts, photo and video evidence.

One of the most famous confirmations of the existence of UFOs is considered the Roswell incident, which occurred June 2, 1947 in New Mexico, USA. As many residents of the state testify, in the evening of this day they saw a luminous object in the sky, which moved at high speed in a southeasterly direction. The next day, its fragments were found, scattered over a large area.

According to ufologists after that, it was nothing more than a UFO that crashed near the city. One of the first to find the wreckage was a local farmer, William Brazel. According to the farmer, the debris resembled a heavy-duty and very flexible foil. In addition, the material took its original shape after deformation. He also found beams with incomprehensible writings applied to them. They looked like hieroglyphs.

For 90 kilometers from the place of discovery, a certain Grady Barnett discovered the main part of the alleged ship, as well as members of its crew. From a distance, they looked like humans, Barnett said, but they were very small. The height of the aliens did not exceed 140 centimeters. In addition, they were completely devoid of body hair, had huge eyes and a slit in place of the mouth. There were only four fingers on the "hands". The skin of the creatures was like the skin of reptiles, and was yellow shade. Their clothes were gray color and looked like overalls.

The very next day, the entire crash area was cordoned off by the military. They seized all evidence of the crash and sent it to Wright-Patterson, Ohio, for examination.
The information was immediately classified, and journalists were told that the wreckage had been found belonged to an American probe.

Incident in the Cascades

In 1947, an American businessman flew over the Cascades. At a distance of 25 miles from his plane, he noticed nine flying objects that maneuvered smoothly one after another among the mountains. According to him, they resembled saucers on the water. It was after this description that UFOs received another name - “flying saucers”. Arnold claims that the observed objects were moving at a speed that exceeds the speed of sound, which is why he is sure that they could not be aircraft.

They tried to investigate the case, but to no avail. Two weeks later, Kenneth flew back to the Cascades with journalist David Johnson. He was supposed to shoot "flying saucers" on camera, but their study ended in failure. Kenneth was no longer able to see the mysterious objects.

Thus, the case was not officially confirmed, but it received a wide public outcry. Over the next two months, more than 800 people claimed to have witnessed a UFO.

Washington carousel

This is one of the most massive cases of UFO sightings that happened in Washington in 1952. Many residents watched the UFO circling over the city for two weeks. The appearance of "flying saucers" caused panic among the population of the city. There are many documents, videos and photographs that confirm their presence. In addition, the event was covered by all American publications. In one of the photographs, a UFO was captured above the White House building.

To reassure the residents and answer journalists' questions, the Air Force was forced to hold a press conference. Pentagon officials were unable to give an exact definition of the objects, but announced that they were made of non-solid material, so it makes no sense to use fighters. In addition, the Pentagon admitted that they observe hundreds of such objects over other territories.

Hinson-Parnel meeting

At night October 11, 1973 two fishermen from Pascagoula, Mississippi, witnessed a UFO. They were Charles Hickson and Calvin Parner. They claim that they not only saw UFOs, but also came into contact with aliens. They were described as humanoids with rough skin and an ovoid head.

Fishermen claim that Hickson was taken to the alien ship and examined there with an instrument that resembled an unattached eye. The partner at this time remained in place, as he lost consciousness. After 20 minutes, Hickson was returned to earth, and the alien ship quickly flew away. Only a few hours later, the fishermen were able to recover and tell the sheriff of the local police about this event. Thus, the incident became public knowledge. The residents of the state showed particular interest in it, since several more similar cases were registered there. Hickson's testimony is beyond doubt because he successfully passed the polygraph test.

UFO over Europe

March 30, 1990 numerous witnesses watched Belgian fighter jets attempt to pursue the three-star luminous object. Rapidly descending and rising, he left his pursuers three times, and his acceleration reached 150g, which is a deadly threshold not only for a person, but also for the aircraft itself.

Today we will talk about meetings with one of the most incomprehensible on this earth - with representatives of other planets, civilizations.

Probably, all of you have heard the stories that once somewhere someone met with aliens, an object that looks like a UFO, a creature that looks like an alien.

As a rule, such stories were written in the "yellow press" in the appropriate filing, with a lot of unfounded statements, frightening facts, scary photos, they began with defiant and screaming headlines. Or shown in programs on Ren TV, NTV channels.

In fact, there are few stories about meetings with aliens, so that without “yellow” facts, obvious lies, edited photos, but they are, they should be. Let's try to rely on more or less adequate data.

But first, let's look at who an alien is and what ufology is.

“An alien is a hypothetical (fictitious in works of fiction) living intelligent being, which is an alien from another planet on the planet of residence. At present, it is also a cultural phenomenon, a representative of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization, an inhabitant of another planet (often a non-human). The term "alien" can also be replaced by the terms "alien" and "alien" (the latter replacement option is not always appropriate).

In the cinema of the United States, it is customary to portray aliens as thin green creatures.

In the human popular culture the alien most often appears in the form of a humanoid.

There were five peculiar "classic" images of an alien:

“gray”, as a humanoid creature with a flabby body, covered with gray (gray) or light green skin, without hairline and with a disproportionately large head, on which there are huge slanting black eyes and almond-shaped;

"Scandinavians" (they are also Nords) are northern Caucasians of high stature with geometrically perfect facial features and physique.

Reptilians are humanoids resembling terrestrial reptiles. Mentioned in conspiracy theories.

Insectoids - are anthropomorphic intelligent insects

AI (aka robots)."

Ufology is a quasi-science (pseudo-science) that studies the UFO phenomenon and related phenomena, including alien contacts with people.

Most often, as you probably know, aliens are depicted as humanoids - humanoid fantastic creatures with large heads, thin arms, legs, large almond-shaped eyes, in general, as in the first photo. Where did such an image come from? There are suggestions that the image of humanoids arose even earlier than the image of aliens, and later only he was the closest to describing incarnated aliens. Also, this image is due to the fact that a number of eyewitnesses, whose stories were included in the reports of meetings with creatures from other planets, described these same creatures most often similar to humanoids.

Of the cases that we have, most occurred in the 1960s and 70s. It is very strange why at that time, for example, now, as we observe, there are few cases of encounters with UFOs and aliens, although we have an abundance of false facts from the media and full scope for fiction. However, perhaps these facts are lost in a stream of other lies, before there was less information. There are versions that the time of the 60-70s, especially in America, where there were most meetings with aliens, is the time of the prosperity of the hippie ideology, drugs, hallucinogens, and they are the cause of visions with aliens.

In Russia, as far as I remember, the topic of communication with UFOs and aliens was actively discussed in the 90s, especially in the yellow media, but in respected publications they did not disdain this topic. For some reason, it was in the newspapers that more often than in other media they wrote about all sorts of UFOs.

The heyday of the popularity of UFOs fell on the 60-70s, as we indicated, which may also be due to the fact that ufology itself is a young science (pseudoscience) and originates in the 1940s, in America. In general, the Americans started rumors about the life of UFOs, aliens, other countries actively adopted this fashion. Instantly, under reports of meetings with aliens, they began to substitute everything unusual seen in the sky.

In general, alien abductions were in different countries(they were or seemed to be kidnapped), but more often in English, mostly in the USA.

There are books devoted to encounters with UFOs, aliens, namely scientific, as far as this formulation is possible in the context of pseudoscience. In the Internet you can find information about such stories, of course, no one is responsible for their reliability.

In most cases of encounters with aliens, people were taken to the ship, scanned, blood was taken, some devices were poked, sometimes alien creatures had sexual intercourse with earthlings (as people suggest, for a female alien to give birth to a child from a person). In ufology, there are seven degrees of contact with aliens - the seventh is exactly the one in which alien beings have sexual intercourse with people in order to give birth to a hybrid ("star child").

Contacts of a lesser kind are crop circles, UFO sightings, contacting (communication with aliens through thoughts, images, voices, telepathy), death allegedly from UFOs, insertion of implants in body parts, etc.

In England in 1942, a certain man said that he was abducted by alien creatures, he was examined, and released the same day.

In 1957, a farmer and lawyer from Brazil, António Villas-Boas, was, as he himself claims, abducted by aliens - he saw a blinding light, he was grabbed in the field where he worked, three humanoids and dragged into a ship. The egg-shaped UFO, the aliens looked like humanoids and dressed in gray overalls and helmets, the farmer “was taken blood and forced to have sexual intercourse with an alien woman. Later, Antonio was released, the abduction lasted a little over 4 hours.” The incident is called “The Case of Villas-Boas”, described in Wikipedia. The woman with whom the farmer had sexual intercourse was unusual in human terms, beautiful, with white hair, huge slanting eyes... and she grunted.

At first, the farmer did not tell anyone about what had happened for a long time, and only after a while he began to give interviews, describing in detail everything that had happened. The aliens made sounds similar to barking, kept him in a room where there were some kind of tubes through which steam came, causing nausea. The farmer wanted to take one item from the alien ship with him to prove that he was kidnapped, but alien creatures did not allow him to do so. Later, Antonio began to suffer, according to some sources, from radiation sickness - the symptoms he experienced were most similar to this disease.

The case of the kidnapping of spouses Betty and Barney Hill in 1961 is one of the most popular. The husband and wife were returning from vacation with a dog (they did not have common children), they noticed a bright dot in the sky that was moving in their direction, the spouses began to observe the dot, the object approached and people could see 8-11 “humanoid” creatures in it dressed in dark clothes. In the future, events began to occur that the spouses do not remember well - their watches froze, two hours were cut out of life. After this incident, the Hill couple went to a psychiatric clinic, they had a neurosis. They were repeatedly put into hypnosis, and they confirmed that they were abducted by aliens, that the latter performed strange rites with them.

Whitley Strieber is an American writer who described his repeated abductions by aliens in his books. Under hypnosis, he recalled several types of creatures he saw: blue, undersized, with luminous eyes. Mental disorders the writer was not found.

Charles Moody is a New Mexico police sergeant who was kidnapped by alien creatures in 1975. Watching the stellar bodies, he suddenly saw an object that began to sharply approach him from the sky, the sergeant's car would not start. When the object approached, he was able to see everyone and everything that was inside, then, after a deafening sound, he felt paralysis in his whole body, then he lost his memory. When he woke up, the corral of foreigners was leaving the place of abduction, a few days later the sergeant became covered with a rash and back pain of unknown etiology began. Under hypnosis, Moody was able to remember that two humanoid creatures took him to the ship, where he was given a tour and promised to return in two centuries.

Four friends were fishing in 1976 on the Allagash River near Maine, USA. On the first evening they saw a white ball that approached them and flew away. On the second evening, while riding a boat, they again saw a white ball, gave a “SOS” signal with a lantern, but the light enveloped all 4 guys, they didn’t remember anything else, woke up in their tents. Then the guys took turns having nightmares where there were creatures with long necks and big heads, metallic eyes, long arms. Under hypnosis, young people recalled the events of that evening in more detail, in addition to the described creatures, they also remembered that the aliens took blood, skin samples and fluids from them.

And again the USA. 1973 According to Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who were abducted while fishing near Michigan, they were abducted by aliens. They saw flickering lights, and then an oval-shaped airship, the aliens looked like humanoids, but without eyes and mouths, there were growths in place of ears and mouths. The fishermen were scanned for 20 minutes and released.

Kirzhan Ilyumzhinov is a famous person in Russia, the first president of Kalmykia, the owner of many large companies. He "claimed his contact with extraterrestrials many times, which he said took place on September 18, 1997."

He regretted that he did not play a game of chess with them, the game of which he loves very much.

Ilyumzhinov gave open interviews, where he described in detail the abduction by aliens. The aliens in yellow spacesuits took him straight from the apartment, upon arriving on the ship he began to suffocate, and the alien suggested that Ilyumzhinov turn the regulator in his chest to make it easier to breathe. Helped. No experiments were carried out, the ship was huge, they landed on one planet, took away some equipment. Later, Ilyumzhinov was brought to the ground. He was physically absent, which the assistants noticed. Why aliens took him, Ilyumzhinov, as he admits, did not understand, but he understood that it was too early for all earthlings to meet with representatives of other extraterrestrial civilizations because of the low moral level.

According to a number of ufologists, the Earth has long been under the supervision of aliens, moreover, reptilians rule over earthly people, it is foolish to deny the obvious. It turns out that it is the aliens that the center of power around which revolves all life on our planet. The devil and God are only part of that world about which we know nothing. We are under cover.

Many who tried to dig deeper into the secrets of UFOs, aliens, obtained evidence, were interested in this topic - either disappeared without a trace, or they were killed, or incomprehensible accidents occurred, or committed suicide under strange and unclear circumstances (for example, they went to a meeting place with someone, unexpectedly hung on a tree on the way to the place), they were hit by their own car, they fell from a height, etc. There was a case when aliens incarnated in the form of people, met people, and then no one could find traces these people.

Information about this is on the pages about ufology in Wikipedia.

But what, can anyone deny the existence of non-contact combat, subjugation of the will of another person at a distance? Even if not aliens, but the “tricks” of the special services take place in the elimination of unnecessary, inconvenient people.

Well, we have established that someone could meet aliens, UFOs (or whatever you can call it), but another question has arisen - where, even purely theoretically, can these creatures live ??

In planetary systems around huge stars? This is also a big mystery, perhaps there really are parallel worlds.

A huge influence on people's belief in the truth of the existence of aliens was the fact that during the interrogation, interrogation of survivors of the abduction, hypnosis and a lie detector were used. All indications, according to these devices and techniques, were truthful.

So what? Do you still not believe in aliens? Have you ever seen white balls while fishing? Strange flying objects in the sky?

Do you think people don't get abducted by aliens? Or say that if it were so, we would have known about it long ago! So if they rule us - who do you think is smarter? Could they really be so “profane” in order to appear to everyone around and give themselves away? Abductions without return, moreover, murders are possible - for example, 30 thousand people go missing without a trace in Russia, 70-80 times more in the world. So many people disappear without a trace, never to return, without a trace. Is there a guarantee that they are not abducted by aliens? It is quite possible that somewhere there is a race star people- hybrids of aliens and people.

Well, now another look.

You probably know that crazy people (well, a more humanistic term - mentally ill) often see aliens and flying saucers, hear voices from other worlds, planets, say that they are listening to aliens, see antennas for communication with UFOs on the heads of others. Where did they get it from? These visions began to appear to people in the 20th century, that is, after the topic of UFOs began to be exaggerated in the media, impressionable and mentally unstable people simply took this image into themselves, and not vice versa. They can even communicate with a stump, they can’t find the wrong look even at a stone.

And in general - rumors about UFOs came from the Americans. And the latter have unflattering fame, I remember they flew to the moon without flying ... They could also “fake” aliens (slightly “unfastening” from the budget of the Apollo program). Remember the space race of the 60s? USSR and USA - who will be the first to fly to the moon? And here, in those same years, aliens were “born” in America, the Americans even wanted to meet UFOs first. We met.

Maybe the Americans themselves are scanning us?? and maybe they hammered this image into people's heads to drive them crazy?

And they came up with antidepressants, thanks to which the risk of suicide increases in neurotic people and DNA is deformed.

For what? But what about instilling fear in society? Fear is one of the most powerful levers for controlling the masses. And then a red herring: the world is ruled not by Freemasons, not by Americans, not by Ben Ladan, but by aliens! In addition, there were versions that many famous rulers are reincarnated aliens ...

And the testimony recorded by lie detectors, dictaphone recordings, recordings from hypnosis sessions - were we personally allowed to watch, so that we could make sure of their truth? Have they been submitted for independent review? And is there a guarantee that they are not a fake?

In the USSR in the 70-80s of the 20th century, studies were carried out on reports of strange flying objects in the sky from citizens of the country: “Over 13 years, about three thousand reports of observations of unusual phenomena were received, of which most observed phenomena (more than 90%) explained the flights of high-altitude balloons and rocket launches. One of the important official results of the study was also what was not received:

no reports of a UFO landing;

no reports of contacts with "UFO pilots";

no reports of UFO kidnappings.”

The first time I saw an unidentified flying object was when I was in the military. It was my last night in the military unit in Bolshevo near Moscow.

The company commander took advantage of our colleague and my desire to quickly quit and gave the task to repair the broken fence. A small area, but somewhere it was necessary to find poles and boards.

- You can do it overnight - go home in the morning!

Needless to say, with what enthusiasm and pressure, the two of us set to work forgetting about sleep. They penetrated through a hole in the fence to freedom and found everything they needed at the nearest construction site. They stole it, but there was no shame. I wanted to go home, but that was more important. They dragged boards and logs and got to work. It was already two o'clock in the morning and then my friend began to point to the sky. What is this? A bright dot slowly descended vertically downwards, and a thin beam of light hit the ground from it to the ground. Like a laser, without expanding towards the bottom.

Obviously, he descended from above, as a smoky trail in the form of a figure eight remained in the cloudless sky. There were no sounds, but I was simply shaken by the surging horror. I felt the urge to hide and went around the corner of the barracks. It seems nothing terrible, but this feeling of fear did not pass for a long time. And you have to keep working. Trying not to look at the sky, they did their job. I don't know what my colleague felt. He didn't say anything about it. But the fear was clearly induced. Like someone is watching and you feel it. Another case of UFO sighting occurred in Tolyatti. Early in the morning, when it is still dark, near the Chemical Plant.

I go out into the street and see that people look at the sky and say to each other: “Saturn!, Saturn!”. I look and indeed, at the zenith among the stars is a ball with a ring. I know that this planet cannot be seen with the naked eye in this form. Without a magnification of at least thirty times, Saturn is just an unblinking star. Yes, and at the zenith, he does not happen. But here, here it is, Saturn, in all its glory. The size of a quarter moon or a little less. The ring is perfectly distinguishable.

Unfortunately, there was no time to see how this phenomenon will end. Another time, I saw through the window in the evening, when it got dark, that something was flying towards our house. With bright flash. Not an airplane. Too low. Almost over the rooftops. No sound from engines. It flew over our house and headed towards the Zhiguli Mountains. Directly towards the TV tower. What is unclear is the light that began to inflate around this UFO as soap bubble and burst. Slowly inflate and burst. At the same time, it does not illuminate the object itself. It was not possible to discern what form it was against the background of the dark sky. But it flew low and was no smaller than a bus. And in complete silence!

In the area of ​​the Kopylovo peninsula, often at night over the Zhiguli mountains you see a bright star that suddenly takes off and flies away. And no one pays any attention to it! No one to even talk to...

Many people want to gain superpowers and have a unique experience, but when this happens, not everyone is ready for this. One of our ufology readers shared how to deal with UFOs and other entities.

“I am still far from a superman, but I have a very strong desire to know more, to go beyond the limits of that limited world in which we live…”

UFO contact. Amazing experience

“I am a believer and pragmatic¹ in one person, fond of both esotericism and science.

One evening, while watching another video - the secrets of the world with Anna Chapman "Ashes of the Gods" - I suddenly and very much wanted to sleep. Thought I'd lie down for a while and then continue watching, but...

It was as if I instantly fell somewhere, felt weak and unable to move.

Some entities appeared around me, who, apparently, knew my hobbies and desire to learn more, especially on the topic of UFOs.

They began to offer me various information.

They were not angels and not creatures of pleasant appearance, but some unpleasant little creatures.

How to behave when meeting with aliens and other entities?

At that time, I was interested in information about meetings with aliens and studied the classification of aliens well. Based on this knowledge, I came to the conclusion that they were grey².

According to the laws of the intergalactic agreement, no one - not a single entity, not a single alien can do anything to you if you do not give your consent.

Consent can be obtained in a variety of ways.

Knowing this, I said that my mind belongs to me, and I choose how I should be.

“I have freedom of choice, and I do not want your partnership,” I answered clearly and harshly to their claims. After that, the aliens left.


“When you see UFOs on TV or hear stories about aliens, we are simply curious and we really want to experience this experience, learn more and see, but when you come face to face with otherworldly entities, all that can be felt is a feeling of panic fear .

When I woke up, I was pounding with chills, there was not enough air.

After some time, I contacted my old acquaintance, a strong clairvoyant³. She said that she sees some energetic silvery formations on the left side of my body, like small dots, and that now I will have to come to terms with the fact that my life will not be quite ordinary.

I now pray and meditate intensely to protect myself on a subtle level. After such work, it becomes calmer, and invisible protection is felt.