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Work after giving up meat. This is what happens to the body if you give up meat! Too many proteins and purine bases

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It seems that the debate about the benefits and harms of vegetarianism will never subside.

website does not want to get involved in these disassemblies and take sides. Therefore, we discarded the moral aspect and considered the rejection of meat with scientific point vision.

Present to your attention 10 changes that will happen to your body with the complete exclusion of meat from the diet.

1. You will lose a couple of pounds.

People who refuse meat, on average, can lose about 4.5 kg per month. Moreover, for this they do not need to count calories or increase physical activity, a plant-based diet will take care of everything.

2. You will have more protective bacteria in your gut.

The intestinal microflora in omnivorous people and vegetarians is very different. Data from various studies show that people who eat only food plant origin, more protective bacteria. However, in order for the intestinal microflora to rebuild and improve health, it will take time. At first, bloating and gas formation are possible, because the intestines and pancreas will begin to rebuild on plant foods and there will be a lack of enzymes.

3. Your skin can get better

Many vegetarians note that when they switched to a plant-based diet, their skin improved significantly: acne, blackheads and blackheads disappeared. Scientists explain this by the fact that if the meat is completely replaced with vegetables and fruits, then toxins and toxins can be removed from the body. Such a detox has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

4. You will have more energy

Almost the most important change that all people who refuse meat feel is a decrease in fatigue during the day. “If earlier in the evening I fell off my feet, even if I sat all day at the table, now for such a state I need to decently load myself in training,” says one of the vegetarians. And no wonder, because such a diet helps not only to lose weight and remove toxins, but to feel light.

5. Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

The connection between the love of red meat and the development of cardiovascular diseases has long been identified by scientists. In addition to this, recently American researchers found that carnitine from meat triggers in the intestines chemical reactions negatively affecting the heart muscle. It is worth noting that adherents of vegetarianism also suffer less from hypertension, diabetes, cancer of the rectum and intestines in general.

6. Cholesterol levels will decrease by a third

When switching to a plant-based diet, blood cholesterol levels are significantly reduced. A similar effect is comparable to the effect of drugs for cholesterol. True, in this case you do not receive any side effects but only health and well-being. For people with a predisposition to atherosclerosis, a plant-based diet is ideal.

7. Your “good” genes will turn on.

Recently, scientists have discovered that environmental conditions have a great influence on how genes work. So, there are "bad" and "good" genes. If the lead is not healthy lifestyle life, then "bad" genes are turned on, which will contribute to the development chronic diseases and obesity. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, then the genes switch. The transition from meat to plant foods just turns on the “good” genes, which allows you to radically improve the body.

8. Nutrient Deficiencies May Occur

If you refuse meat, there may be a deficiency of certain substances, in particular iodine, iron, vitamins D and B12. But at the same time,

However, some young ladies put an end to meat not for moral reasons, but succumbing to fashion trends. Natalie Portman, Olivia Wilde, Alicia Silverstone, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Liv Tyler - these actresses long ago gave up animal food and still look stunning. It is not surprising that many girls draw a parallel between the amazing appearance stars and their eating habits. However, at the same time, fans forget that whole teams of nutritionists and doctors work for actresses, who make sure that the daily diet of celebrities meets all the principles. healthy eating. If you do not have such support behind your back, do not rush into vegetarianism, as if into a pool, with your head. It, like meat eating, has not only pluses, but also minuses.

Man is a predator

Eat meat naturally. Our ancestors were not vegetarian. During the Ice Age, there was almost no plant food, and animal carcasses helped people not to die of hunger. Now vegetables and fruits are available at any time of the year, regardless of the vagaries of nature, but nutritionists are in no hurry to cross meat out of the food pyramid - the basis of a balanced diet.

Pros: irreplaceable product

Meat contains whole line amino acids that enter the body only with food. According to the observations of doctors, steak lovers rarely complain about fragile bones and problems with the central nervous system. And all because red meat contains a shock dose of vitamin D and the entire group of vitamins B. In addition, beef, pork and lamb are rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iodine and iron. Despite the fact that the last element is present in vegetables and fruits by an order of magnitude more, it is almost not absorbed from plants. Therefore, every second vegetarian is iron deficient. And this is fraught with a lot of problems, ranging from hair loss and ending with a sharp decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. However, meat is valued not only for vitamins, minerals and protein. It contains special substances that have a very necessary property for the body. They enhance the secretion of digestive juices, facilitate the process of digestion of food and facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But keep in mind that only natural meat has such qualities. There is almost no benefit in semi-finished products, but there are plenty of extra calories and fat.

Cons: hormones and extra weight

There is an opinion that cholesterol levels go off scale in meat, and this is fraught with malfunctions of the thyroid gland, liver problems and the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In fact, everything is not so scary. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to cut off all the fat, do not fry the meat in lard and do not fill it with mayonnaise. It's something else to be afraid of.

To prevent the animals from getting sick and quickly gaining weight, they are often pumped with antibiotics, tranquilizers and growth hormones. Unfortunately, these harmful substances do not disappear anywhere even after heat treatment and enter the human body. Adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that are produced in the animal's body at the time of slaughter, also rush there. Perhaps it is for this reason that meat eaters often suffer from stress and experience problems with weight, because an excess amount of cortisol - main reason the appearance of wrinkles in the waist area. But what is really scary is that by eating the meat of an animal of the opposite sex, you can pump up foreign hormones and disorient your own hormonal system. However, these troubles are easy to avoid if you buy organic meat and do not get too carried away with it.

With or without fish

If you still decide to become a vegetarian, you should decide which one - non-strict or strict. The first are of two types. The so-called lacto-vegetarianism, in addition to plants, allows the consumption of milk and dairy products, and in ovolacto-vegetarianism, it is also allowed to eat eggs. The most loyal adherents of this trend on weekends and holidays allow themselves to feast on fish, seafood and poultry meat. As for the strict anti-meat eaters - vegans, they exclude animal products from their diet and everyday life, citing the fact that they cannot be obtained without the exploitation of animals. The vegan menu is quite limited. It contains only plant foods, and often it is consumed without cooking or cooked at a temperature not higher than 18º.

Non-Strict Vegetarians: An Ethical Question

A balanced diet is unthinkable without animal proteins. In principle, high-protein products are interchangeable, so the meat gap formed in the menu can be “patched” with cottage cheese, milk and eggs without much loss. This is exactly what lacto- and ovolacto-vegetarians do. However, it must be borne in mind that the lack of well-absorbed “meat” iron cannot be filled with dairy and vegetable products. This task is only possible for fish and birds. Therefore, non-strict vegetarians, who at least occasionally feast on fish and seafood, are in a more advantageous position. There is a lot of selenium in marine reptiles, which keeps blood vessels in good shape. And fish is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the immune system and serve as an excellent prevention of cancer.

Non-strict vegetarians are proponents of mixed food and get almost everything for a balanced diet. If there is no meat in the diet, but there is fish and poultry, then such a system has no disadvantages. But in this case, an ethical question remains unresolved, which is important for most vegetarians. It turns out that they do not support the slaughter of cows, pigs and lambs, but they have nothing against catching fish.

Vegans: a blow to the organs

In the diet of strict vegetarians, there is a lot of vegetable fiber, and it perfectly stimulates intestinal motility and maintains an optimal balance of its microflora. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of phytoncides - biologically active substances that kill harmful bacteria and suppress the processes of decay in the intestines. Vegans rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney stones and gallbladder. Experts say that the reason lies in the property of plant foods to remove from the body not only “bad” cholesterol, but also toxins accumulated over the years. And finally, do not forget that such products contain a lot of healthy carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy.

Olga Budina:

I gave up meat when I found out I was expecting a baby. At that moment, I realized that from now on I am responsible for the health of my unborn son. However, the moral side of the issue is not alien to me: I look into the eyes of animals and cannot eat them. Naturally, meat contains not only harmful, but also useful components, such as protein. However, beef and pork are not the only source of this substance. It is also found in legumes.

Nadezhda Babkina:

Since I gave up meat, it has become easier for me to live. First, the body feels light. Secondly, the load on the digestive organs decreases, because meat is a heavy product. Thirdly, even the complexion is getting better. And all useful material I take from fish. And in general, the vegetarian menu can hardly be called inferior. I think no one will argue with the fact that vegetables, cereals and nuts contain a lot of vitamins.

Valeriy Meladze:

Most people refuse meat not because they love animals. They believe that this is an extremely harmful product: a source of cholesterol, hormones ... This is true, but only on the condition that we are talking about such dishes as French meat. Naturally, if you constantly eat pork drenched in mayonnaise, you can say goodbye to health. But a steak made from excellent meat has never hurt anyone.

Expert opinion

Dmitry Krylov, therapist:

If you decide to join the ranks of vegetarians, be sure to undergo a comprehensive therapeutic and gastroenterological examination. A sharp change in the nutrition system can provoke a number of diseases and exacerbate existing ones. The transition to plant foods is undesirable for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor, suffer from anemia, have problems with the pancreas and thyroid gland, inflammatory bowel disease and gastritis. And such a diet is absolutely contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

If you think that passions for vegetarianism have long subsided, and the question itself is no longer relevant, then you are mistaken: there are even more requests about whether meat is harmful or healthy in our time than 10 years ago. Science does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is necessary to give up meat altogether: in order to figure out what happens to our body if animal protein is completely excluded, we contacted a Real Clinic specialist, a dietitian at the Institute of Cosmetology and Hormonal Aging, Alena Vladimirovna Sekinaeva .

“Vegetarianism is a food system based on the complete or partial rejection of meat. The popularity of vegetarianism has been consistently high for many years in a row: in almost all restaurants, in addition to the main menu, there is a whole list of vegetarian and raw food dishes. If we discard the moral aspect and a tribute to fashion, consider the rejection of meat from a scientific point of view.

There is no unequivocal evidence that vegetarianism is good or bad.

However, speaking about the advantages of vegetarianism, the following is always noted: - Plant foods have little energy value. On the one hand, on vegetables, but the complexity of this method is that saturation is very fast. - If the meat is completely replaced with vegetables and fruits, then you can not only reduce subcutaneous fat, but also remove toxins and toxins from the body. There is nothing better to normalize metabolic processes in the body. However, a 5-day meat-free course is sometimes enough to successfully launch. Unlike animal food, vegetable food does not cause autointoxication, does not poison the human body with decay products during digestion. - As many studies show, adherents of vegetarianism suffer less from hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. - Plant products do not contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, as they do not have atherogenic properties.

Avoiding meat reduces the risk of obesity, coronary disease heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

But the medal also has back side. Deficiencies in amino acids, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins D and B12, polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, and dietary fiber are considered to be generally recognized deficiencies. In addition, vegetable protein has a small amino acid composition and is less absorbed by the body. A serious lack of protein over time can affect the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems.

In products of animal origin is the so-called. heme iron, which is better absorbed than iron from plant products (15-35% versus 2-20%). At the same time, absorption depends on concomitant factors: for example, tannin contained in tea and coffee impairs iron absorption, as does phytic acid contained in legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. In addition, soy protein can form an insoluble compound with iron.

You should be aware that milk and eggs are not a sufficient source of iron, so lacto-vegetarians are also prone to iron deficiency, as are vegetarians and vegans.

How to solve the problem: monitor the sufficient intake of ascorbic acid, which prevents the formation of insoluble iron compounds and improves absorption by 3-4 times.

Foods rich in ascorbic acid should be taken at the same time as foods containing iron.

Plant foods are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, but poor in omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids, which include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), or their pro-form alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are important for cardiovascular, eye, and brain development. If a person eats fish, eggs or a large number of algae, then the problem of deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids does not arise.

How to solve the problem: If the diet does not include seafood and eggs, then attention should be paid to ensure that the diet contains sufficient sources of alpha-linolenic acid in the diet, such as flaxseed, Walnut, soy. It is possible to use soy milk fortified with appropriate additives or ready-made breakfasts.

What proteins should be in a vegetarian diet?

The main difference between plant and animal proteins is the content of amino acids.

Animal foods contain all of the essential amino acids, while plant foods may be deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. In this case, you need to add dairy products, soy to food, use food artificially enriched with the desired amino acid composition.

Zinc is found in both animal foods (oysters, shellfish, liver, poultry, and dairy products) and plant foods (beans, nuts, soy products). However, phytic acid, found in legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, reduces the bioavailability of zinc. Special Methods training food products- soaking, the use of sprouted grains, beans and seeds, and baking powder - reduce phytic acid and increase the bioavailability of zinc.

The problem of calcium deficiency in vegetarians is due to the use of foods rich in substances that reduce calcium absorption (oxalates and phytic acid) and vegetable proteins that promote increased excretion of calcium in the urine. This problem is more pronounced in vegans, since lacto-vegetarians can get enough calcium from milk and dairy products.

It is important to understand that it does not follow from what has been said that vegetarians necessarily suffer from calcium deficiency, but if this problem identified, attention should be paid to these nutritional features.

Foods rich in calcium and low in oxalates and phytic acid: cabbage, mustard leaves, turnips, broccoli, dried figs. But even with these products it is difficult to fill the body's need for calcium: for this you need to eat them in a huge amount. I recommend getting extra calcium in special supplements.

Vegetarians consume more dietary fiber in plant foods than people who eat meat. A person on a regular diet consumes an average of 23 grams of dietary fiber, a vegetarian - 37 grams, a vegan - 47 grams. However, the recommended dose of dietary fiber is unknown. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that both a vegetarian diet and a diet containing meat have a number of advantages and disadvantages. If your goal is to lose weight, remove toxins, feel light, then a vegetarian diet will be very helpful for you. right decision. However, in this case, you need to adhere to the above recommendations for a balanced diet, or practice a partial rejection of meat in courses, for example, periods for a period of 5 days.

Vegetarian in the full sense of this, then you have to change your menu more radically, because vegetarians completely exclude animal products from their diet. For some people, it is even useful to do this, while for others, refusing food of animal origin can be harmful to health.

Determine if you can be a vegetarian according to the following scheme. - You can and should give up animal food if you have the following health problems: atherosclerosis, constipation, liver problems, intestinal disorders. In this case, the digestive tract will be easier to work, digesting light plant foods. Doctors recommend that women during menopause give up meat, since menopause is easier with the predominance of soy foods. - It is possible to become a vegetarian if you are in reproductive age. Still, do not forget that it is necessary to supply the body with vitamins and minerals contained in animal food, these include zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium. how in the first meat protein performs the functions building material, and in the latter, a lack of vitamins contained in meat can cause serious deviations in the development of the fetus.

Try giving up meat for a while. So you evaluate your strengths and capabilities. In addition, your body will receive the necessary plant-based diet. In the beginning it is worth doing a few unloading days, eating only kefir, vegetables or fruits. So you unload your body from toxins. Then, during the week, do not include red meat in the diet, namely pork, beef, pates, sausages, offal. However, you can eat poultry meat in moderation, as well as fish, eggs, and dairy products. The next step in the rejection of meat is the exclusion from the diet of poultry. Nutrition should be balanced and varied. It is necessary to eat soups and cereals, nuts and dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes. If you're serious about becoming a vegetarian, the next step in cutting out animal foods is to eliminate eggs from your diet.

Watch your diet. Having given up meat and animal food, you need to get enough vitamins and minerals contained in them. Therefore, eat more foods rich in calcium, protein and iron, as well as vitamin B12. Eat a varied and balanced diet. Buy a cookbook to diversify vegetarian dishes. Using spices, spices and various combinations of products, you can give up meat painlessly and imperceptibly for your body.

Helpful advice

Facts about meat, knowing which, it will be easier for you to refuse it.

Meat contains significantly fewer vitamins and nutrients than plant foods.

Meat contains protein, which is foreign to our body, so excessive consumption of meat products causes dysbacteriosis, a decrease in the body's ability to heal itself and other problems.

The abundance of protein contained in meat causes slagging of the body.

The acidic residues of meat (like sweet and starchy foods) combine with the lime of our bones, which leads to an increase in their fragility, hair, nails and teeth also suffer from this.

Meat increases appetite, which contributes to overeating. Meat dishes also call for heaviness in the stomach and constipation.

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I must say right away that I do not agree with this article, but how many people have so many opinions. So I'm posting it for review.

The food system that is fashionable today is popular mainly in Europe, America, and Russia. The wealth and cultural level of the inhabitants of these countries is high, so they can afford a varied diet that excludes animal products. But what principles are guided by adherents of vegetarianism?

1. "I'm not a predator"

Fans of a non-meat diet argue that the structure of the human digestive system is not designed to digest animal products. They appeal to monkeys, the progenitors of man, who feed on vegetation. The representative of the human world does not have such teeth as a predator. After eating meat, a person often feels heaviness, i.e. the digestive system is not adapted to receive this product.

In fact

It is difficult to say what the human digestive system is more intended for. The body can not tolerate not only meat, but also vegetables and other products. It all depends on individual characteristics. Yes, man is not a predator. But he is omnivorous.

2. "I'm human"

By repeating this phrase, the vegetarian appeals to human feelings and moral and ethical values. Switching to this food system, many say: “I will not eat animal meat, because the animal is alive, it has a soul. How can I eat a living entity?”

In fact

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms - plants. And they, as you know from biology lessons, are also alive! There are non-strict vegetarians who reject animal meat, but are happy to gobble up fish and seafood.

3. In meat - harm

Vegetarianism is based on the principles of a healthy and balanced diet, which includes plant products. Vegetables and fruits, nuts and mushrooms contain, according to a vegetarian, the whole complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids needed by the body. And the meat is solid fat, cholesterol, hormones of dead animals. Therefore, meat lovers are overweight.

In fact

No matter how varied the menu of a vegetarian adherent is, without the protein contained in meat, it will be inferior. Real meat (not store-bought semi-finished products) is rich in B vitamins, vitamin D. Yes, there is more iron in an apple than in meat. However, "vegetable" iron is absorbed much worse. Hence the problems of many vegetarians: anemia, low hemoglobin.

Excess weight is due not only to the presence of meat in the diet. Rather, there may be a complex of reasons (physical inactivity, violation of diet, sleep, etc.). But the meat saturates for a long time, but the menu of vegetables and fruits makes you increase the number of meals: plant foods quickly “burn out”, again and again returning the feeling of hunger. That's when the digestive organs are under stress!

4. Vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters

Both are equally vulnerable various diseases. Vegetarians even more so. Indeed, in their body almost always there is a lack of calcium, iron, vitamin B12. IN winter time lovers of meat delicacies, oily fish are less prone to colds.

As for life expectancy, there are no exact statistics. However, it is known that in India, the USA, where vegetarianism is very common, average duration life is low - 62-65 years.

5. Vegetarianism is a great diet

Delusion. There are a lot of carbohydrates in plant foods that are harmful to the figure. During the diet, you can exclude meat products, but only temporarily. After the end of the diet, it is desirable to return to the usual diet.

6. Vegetarianism will cost humanity less than the production of meat

It’s scary to imagine if everyone starts eating only plant foods. This is how much arable land needs to be planted with vegetables in order to feed everyone! In addition, it has been established that a person who is on a vegetarian diet spends much more money than one who eats meat. Fruits, vegetables, nuts are quite expensive.

7. Vegetarianism is bad for sports

There are, of course, exceptions: Mike Tyson, Timothy Bradley, Serena Williams, B.D. Armstrong are famous vegetarians who have achieved success in the sports field.

However, it is difficult for vegetarian athletes to withstand heavy physical exertion. Height muscle mass accompanied by a high intake of proteins and carbohydrates. Those vegetarians who allow themselves protein foods of animal origin suffer less. Vegans are forced to look for the necessary protein in soy, beans, grain products. But this protein in its own way qualitative composition different from "meat" protein. The body suffers if it does not receive the substances it needs.

8. Vegetarianism is bad for young children.

Pediatricians categorically forbid vegetarian families to impose their gastronomic addictions on young children. For growth and development, a child needs the protein contained in meat, as well as iodine, iron, potassium, and zinc.

The main disadvantage of vegetarianism as a diet is the rejection of meat. After all, it is this component that has many important substances specifically for the child's body. Neither milk nor other animal products, which are avoided by vegetarians, have as many benefits as meat.

However, already the first parental practice made it clear that such a diet is not at all suitable for a child's body that grows and develops. And there are many reasons for this.


The biggest advantage of meat products is that they contain a lot of complete essential protein. Meat contains about twenty different amino acids, of which eight are essential. It is these essential amino acids that are not produced by the body either in an adult or in childhood. A child's body until 1.5 years old almost does not produce its own proteins, so meat is vital for a child. It is from these proteins that the muscles of the child are formed, the brain develops, the bones grow, and thanks to the proteins, all organs and systems mature, in fact, the entire growth of the child.

By not giving your child meat, you yourself harm his health, preventing him from functioning normally. Also, it is from these essential proteins that all hormones that regulate all the chemical and physiological processes of the body are composed. With a lack of protein, the whole body suffers, and not a specific organ.

Also, animal proteins help the digestive tract to mature, starting with the oral cavity, when the child carefully chewing meat learns to chew, and the stomach, which begins to work actively when coarse-fibered meat enters.

Fatty acids and lipids

It is difficult to find a child who loves meat, in most children they eat everything, but the meat is left untouched. Therefore, some supporters of vegetarianism have the opinion that a child does not need meat. However, meat is one of the few sources of essential fatty acids that children's body does not produce. One of these acids is omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition to ensuring the normal development and growth of the body, it affects the development and functioning of the brain. Simply put, omega 3s are essential for your child's mental capacity and intelligence.


The main mineral in meat is iron (Fe). It is iron that is the main component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen. Not only do children tend to have low hemoglobin levels for other reasons, but vegetarian parents make it even worse by not giving their child the proper amount of meat. A decrease in hemoglobin leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to tissues and the brain, such children are lethargic, pale and often complain of dizziness. However, the worst ending of such a condition can be iron deficiency anemia, which leads to brittle nails and hair, reduced immunity and memory disorders.

Meat contains a large amount of calcium, which strengthens the bones and teeth of the child, helps their growth and development. Meat zinc also plays an important role in the production of many hormones, promotes the development of the immune system, and is involved in the transformation and absorption of many vitamins.

The content of phosphorus in meat is about 200 mg per 100 g of the product. This trace element is involved in all types of metabolism, is a component of membranes, bones and heart muscle. It is also responsible for the development of the brain and its activity. Without phosphorus, the formation of nucleic acids that form DNA does not occur. Therefore, its role in life is quite large.

In addition to all the above elements, meat contains potassium and magnesium, which are involved in the formation of the skeletal system and in metabolic processes.


The main problem that vegetarians face is the lack of vitamin D and B12. Vitamin B12 is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it provides transformation folic acid, which is necessary for the growth of the body, the formation of the brain and hematopoiesis. That is why, with a lack of this vitamin, megaloblastic (B12 deficiency) anemia can occur, in which blood cells do not form, muscles atrophy, dry skin and brittle nails occur, hair falls out, and even taste and smell change.

Vitamin D regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, therefore, with a lack of it, calcium is removed from the bones, they become fragile, and the child quickly develops rickets.


Meat is a high energy food. 100 grams of pork meat contains about 400 kcal. It's probably hard to find a child who doesn't run, jump or play, but for that he needs a lot of energy that meat provides. Of course, there are other high-calorie foods, such as sweets, but glucose is quickly digested and absorbed, and most of it is immediately deposited in the fat folds and the risk of diabetes is also growing. A small child needs energy not only to move, since every process in the body requires energy: the work of the heart, liver and other organs, mental activity - all this works only due to the accumulated energy.

Benefits of Vegetarianism

Of course, any diet has its benefits, but for children they are too small. The first advantage is that meat contains a large amount of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, which negatively affect the children's body. However, if you are so afraid of these problems, then the alternative would be to eat dietary meat (rabbit or chicken), which contain a minimum of these substances. Meat leads to obesity. Having a high percentage of fat and high calorie meat leads to excess fat formation. However, few people think about why people did not have such problems before? The reason for this is inactivity, but this is not a problem for a child, because he is in active movement, and meat for him will definitely not cause excess weight.

Also, certain diseases can be contracted through meat, including different kinds worms. However, you do not give your child raw meat, and with proper heat treatment, bacteria and worm eggs are destroyed.

Some substances necessary for growth and development are found only in meat, so most people who adhere to strict vegetarianism take vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. But why else from childhood to plant a child on chemical substances when you can just eat meat.

Vegetarianism has its benefits, but no doctor would recommend vegetarianism for children, especially a strict form.

For vegetarianism or against, you decide. In any case, weigh all the pros and cons before you decide to radically change your eating habits.