In a private house      03/31/2019

How to open a jammed lock cylinder. How to open a door if the lock is jammed: step-by-step instructions, recommendations

An unpleasant surprise can await a person at the most inopportune moment. By inserting a key into the keyhole and waiting for the usual characteristic click of the door opening, you may be faced with a persistent reluctance of the mechanism to perform the usual action and urgently let the owner into the apartment.

What to do if and how to deal with the problem on your own, without waiting for the arrival of a specialist, who, even with an urgent call, can be slow? There are ways to resolve this situation, each of which depends on the specific reason for the malfunction of the lock.

How to deal with a broken door lock?

The door lock may be completely broken, and then the only option will be to dismantle and replace it, but most often the breakdown can be repaired on your own. The malfunction can manifest itself in two ways: the device does not open when closed door and doesn't want to close when it's open. In this case (when the door does not close), you need to make sure that the whole problem is in the lock, and not in the door leaf that has sagged on the old hinges or debris that has gotten into the hole for the tongue to enter. To do this, turn the lock handle several times open door, and if it is still confirmed that the lock is broken, then you will have to start disassembling the case and prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work:

  • screwdriver;
  • tweezers;
  • a small brush with hard bristles (can be replaced with an old toothbrush);
  • soft fabric;
  • kerosene;
  • machine oil.

First of all, unscrew the mounting screws and remove door lock and lay him on flat surface. Then they begin to disassemble the case itself; to do this, remove the screws holding the cover. Having opened it, they inspect it inner part devices to identify broken or deformed parts. Immediately you need to use tweezers to clean all possible places from dirt and dust. The reason may be in the bolt lever or springs, one of which serves to return the lever to its proper place, and the second holds the latch. If you find that the bolt bar is bent, you can straighten it by holding it in a vice. Broken springs will have to be replaced, and those that have jumped out of the fastenings will have to be installed in their proper place.

Before removing parts, you should remember the diagram of their location, so as not to later encounter a misunderstanding of where they were installed.

All removed elements must be washed with kerosene and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Assembled structure lubricate with machine oil, then install the cover and return the lock to its original place.

How to open a door with a broken lock?

More a difficult situation occurs when the door lock breaks while the door is closed. In these cases, even the most confident people fall into complete confusion and feel helpless. It becomes especially offensive when the key in the keyhole does not want to not only turn, but also to be pulled out of it. What to do if the key itself is broken and there are no available tools to remove it from the lock slot? The fact that to repair a device you need to at least open the door is clear even to a layman. There are several clever ways to do this.

You can try to press the door. You will need a screwdriver, a metal ruler or a regular plastic card. Any of these items is inserted into the gap between the door leaf and the frame exactly in the place where the tongue of the locking system is located. The tool is tilted towards the handle and they try to push it as deeply as possible along the tongue with a sliding movement. Then they try to move the latch with one hand, and with the other they pull the door in their direction.

If the design allows you to unscrew the visible bolts, then this can be done with a penknife or a nail file, and then squeeze out the locking mechanism. In particularly serious cases, knocking out the cylinder or drilling it out is applicable. The last way to deal with a jammed lock is to cut the door off its hinges using a grinder.

An ideal mechanism that would never break has not yet been invented. Therefore, it can break, regardless of its cost and design.

Possible causes of failure

There are a number of reasons that can lead to breakdown. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them in order to be able to prevent a malfunction.

  1. Foreign objects in the keyhole.
  2. Dust and dirt.
  3. Lack of proper care.
  4. Strong slamming of the door.
  5. Skew door leaf or boxes.
  6. Unreasonable use of force when opening and closing.
  7. Incorrect installation.
  8. Using the key for purposes other than its intended purpose.
  9. Manufacturing defects.

Whatever the reasons for the breakdown, you should think about replacing the lock when the first signs of a malfunction appear, such as jamming of the mechanism and creaking. Signs of sagging canvas also require immediate action.

When the lock is jammed, you should never use force when trying to open the door. Such actions will only make the problem worse. If it breaks and nothing helps, then you will have to dismantle the mechanism. The easiest way to do this is from the inside.

What to do to open the lock depends on its type and type of breakdown.

The lock is jamming

If the lock works normally in the open position of the sash, but jams in the closed position, then the problem lies in the reciprocal groove under the bolt. Most likely, the recess was not made accurately and needs to be expanded.

Often the cause of a jammed key is debris that gets into the keyhole. When inspecting the castle, use a flashlight or phone to illuminate it for a better visual assessment. To solve the problem you need to remove it. Go over the key slot with a stiff brush or remove it with tweezers or another sharp object. Treat the mechanism with machine oil, WD-40 spray or kerosene and try inserting and turning the key.

If there are no visible reasons for jamming, then the mechanism may be faulty. In this case, the lock will have to be replaced.

The key is stuck in the keyhole or it is broken

If the key is stuck in the keyhole, you need to try to pull it out. To do this, lubricate the mechanism using machine oil, WD-40 spray or kerosene. After processing, try to remove the key by swinging it from side to side. This must be done carefully, without applying unnecessary effort.

If the key is broken, pliers will help you get it out.

In a situation where, due to inserted into the well with reverse side key, you can try to push it out. But this can only be done if it has not been rotated.

If these attempts are unsuccessful, you will have to install a new lock. If you managed to pull out the key, then you need to remember that it is no longer safe to use such a mechanism - it may jam again.

What to do if the door is skewed

If the mechanism is jammed due to misalignment front door, then you need to use a wedge to lift the blade while turning the key. Once the door is in its normal position, the lock can be opened easily.

The tongue is jammed

Sometimes the tongue when turning door handle remains motionless, preventing the door from opening. In such a situation, you need to hook him with something. This can be done with a hard, thin object, such as a ruler or a plastic card. It is inserted between the canvas and the box in the place where the tongue is located, after which an attempt is made to pry it and push it out of the reciprocal groove in the box. This requires some effort.

A similar situation can occur with a latch that is not completely hidden in the housing. When the door is closed, it fits into the groove and prevents it from opening. You can move it away using a knife or screwdriver.

The balcony door slammed

If there is a plastic balcony door or it has slammed shut and there is no handle on the back side, then you can try to remove the glass unit. It is held in place by beads that need to be removed and then the glass removed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the glass. This way you will have access to the handle and can safely open the door.

Another way is to try to loosen the pressure. This is done with a hex wrench. However, not all hinges allow this to be done with the door leaf closed.

Level castle

The lever lock is considered one of the most reliable in terms of burglary. It is often placed at the entrance metal door. Therefore, if it is jammed, it is not easy to open it without the help of a specialist.

The cause of the malfunction may be dull longitudinal protrusions on the key. Alternatively, you can try to lubricate the mechanism, and then insert the key with the back side, slightly squeezing the keyhole.

If you couldn’t open the door on your own, you will have to contact specialists who have experience in picking a damaged lock.

To prevent a situation where a jammed lock prevents entry into the room, handle it with care and lubricate it promptly. Do not use duplicate keys made of low-quality material and do not use them for other purposes. Then the likelihood of breakage will be significantly reduced, and your lock will last a long time.

The door structure is designed to protect the apartment from unwanted entry. However, it happens that due to a faulty lock or forgotten keys, the owner of the house cannot enter the home. What to do in such a situation? There are several ways to break a lock without the help of a locksmith, but they must be used carefully, otherwise you risk damaging the locking mechanism.

The front door lock is a reliable mechanism that protects your apartment from breaking and entering. However, if it happens that the owner of the apartment himself cannot open the door, then such a protective function will not play into your hands.

If you cannot get into the apartment because you have forgotten the key, then the lock can be opened with a hairpin or other improvised means. If the door lock is jammed, you will first have to find out the cause of the breakdown, and only then act.

Often the lock on the front door jams due to errors made during installation. door design. To avoid such troubles, you need to know the moments that can lead to jamming of doors.

What can cause a door lock to break:

  1. If the door is too heavy and large, then two hinges may not be enough to hold it. It is because of this that the lock can begin to jam.
  2. The hinges are not located at the same level, which is why the door is not level enough. In this case, the door will be difficult to open, and the lock will quickly break.
  3. A seal made from low-quality rubber can quickly wear out, which will interfere with the operation of the lock. To avoid this problem, try not to use Chinese fittings when installing the door.
  4. If the gap between the iron door frame and the leaf is too small, then you risk getting a permanently jammed lock.

Also, this kind of trouble can be caused by incorrectly taken measurements from the doorway. In order not to try to figure out why the lock is jammed, take a responsible approach to all stages of door installation.

Signs of a lock failure can be extraneous clicks when opening the door, a key slipping, or a tight closing mechanism. If you see one of the signs, then it is better to immediately call a specialist who will help you understand what is causing the problem.

Various technical problems, and how to open the door lock in case of them

There are many reasons why a lock can jam. It is often impossible to find out for sure why the door is stuck. We will describe to you several ways to hide a lock on different cases. You can try several of them.

What to do if the lock is jammed:

  1. If it doesn't open wooden door, then perhaps it has swollen due to high humidity. In this case, it needs to be dried using heaters, after which it will shrink a little and the lock will open quietly. The open door must be cleaned of swollen paint and trimmed in deformed areas.
  2. Also, sometimes the door does not open due to misalignment. This can happen due to weak hinges that are unable to support the weight of the fabric. To fix this problem you will have to insert a screwdriver into all the cracks of the door and shake it. Where the screwdriver sits firmly is where the problem lies. In this place you need to insert a wooden or metal lever, for example the same screwdriver, and lift the door, trying to put it in place. Once the problem is resolved, you can check whether the key turns in the lock. If yes, then the reason has been found.
  3. If the key is turned, but the door still does not open, then most likely the problem is in the tongue. When this element is stuck, you can safely use plastic card, ruler or knife. The card is inserted into the gap between the canvas and the box so that the plastic slides along the bevel of the tongue. The latch is pressed into the door using the card, at which point the handle drops down and the door opens. If the lock is broken from the inside interior door, then the same tools will come to your aid. In this way, you can pick a jammed lock yourself without causing damage.
  4. If you opened mortise lock, and your key has broken off, it will be quite difficult to find yourself in the apartment. You can try to pull the key pieces out through the keyhole using a jigsaw file, but most likely you will have to remove the door from its hinges from the outside.
  5. If the door closes when slammed, and the person forgot to take out the key, then you need to push it out from behind the lock. To do this, you can use a thin knitting needle or a thick long needle. If there is a gap under the door large enough for a key to fit through, newspaper is inserted into it so that the dropped tool can be used to open the lock.

It is quite possible to open the door yourself. One of the above methods will most likely work for your case.

If closed balcony door. And your small child cannot get into the apartment from this dangerous room, then you need to immediately call the Ministry of Emergency Situations. While help is on the way to you, you can try to open the door yourself.

If you cannot get into the apartment, but you have nowhere to rush, it is better to wait for the master to arrive. If you pick the lock yourself, you may accidentally break the door.

The lock on an iron door is broken: how to open it

If you are sure that it is the door lock that is jammed, then be prepared to carry out not the most pleasant work. The fact is that a broken locking mechanism cannot always be repaired without causing damage to the metal door leaf.

Like all metal mechanism, locks need careful care. If the key turns but the lock does not open, try lubricating it before taking drastic measures. metal structure oil or kerosene.

After you have tried to open a metal door with a key, lubricated the lock with oil and made sure that no foreign objects got into it, you can proceed to disassembling the broken mechanism. Changing the lock later will not be very difficult.

What to do if the English lock is jammed:

  • The first step is to remove the cylindrical mechanism using a drill;
  • Next, the lock cylinder is removed;
  • The drive mechanism is hooked with a wire, and the bolts must fit into the lock body.

If you do not have a tool with which you can drill out the cylinder mechanism, you need to rest a metal object against the lock and hit it with a hammer. If the impact was strong enough, the internal mechanism should fly out.

A safe with a mechanical lock can be opened using the method we described. There are now vaults for valuable items with more secure combination locks.

Locks can also be opened by removing the handle and pressing on the latch mechanism. By the way, a damaged handle or door is a sure sign of an unauthorized break-in.

How to open a door lock with a hairpin or screwdriver

If you cannot get into the apartment not because the lock is stuck, but because you forgot or lost the key, then you can open the door using a hairpin or a screwdriver. A thin but strong wire or paperclip may also work.

If the door that needs to be opened has a lever lock, then the door needs to be pulled towards you, a wire is inserted into the keyhole, which moves the levers away. Interior doors usually have this mechanism.

The cylinder lock can also be opened with an invisible pin broken into two parts. To do this, you need to drill a thin hole above the hole and insert parts of the hairpin into it. With one part you need to lift the stopper, and with the other, move the bolt.

Despite the fact that it seems that opening doors is very simple, you can believe that picking a real lock is much more difficult than breaking into the game doors of Arkntamze, Korvanjund or a location called “ash fortress”.

Almost any lock can be opened with the most ordinary screwdriver. To do this, you need to unscrew the upper part of the locking mechanism, insert a screwdriver into the hole and carefully turn it. By the way, this method is also suitable if your door handle is broken.

How to break a lock on a door

There are situations in life in which it becomes necessary to quietly damage a lock. We won't bring possible reasons this vandalism, but we’ll tell you how this can be done quietly and without unnecessary noise.

If you decide to take revenge on your neighbors by breaking the lock, then we hasten to warn you that such actions are illegal and lead to criminal liability.

If you decide to break the lock not in order to harm others, but for some other reasons known only to you, then you can use one of the methods we have given.

How to quietly damage a lock:

  • Hammer the key hole with matches, chewing gum, plasticine, coin or foam;
  • You can weld a hole in the lock;
  • Insert a similar key into the keyhole and break it off, leaving fragments in the lock;
  • Press the handle down hard until it crunches, and the tongue will burst, making it impossible to get into the house without the help of a specialist.

Any of these options can quickly and effortlessly break down the door. However, in the latter case, the cause of the breakdown cannot be immediately detected.

Who to call if the lock on the door is broken

If you think that you cannot open the lock yourself, then you probably will not open the door yourself. Then you will be faced with the question: “Who to call if the lock breaks down?”

If you cannot find the reason why the lock is jammed, then it is better to immediately call a specialist. Otherwise, you may damage the expensive door structure.

How to open an iron door yourself without a key (video)

If such a problem arises, the wisest thing to do would be to contact a locksmith. However, if there is only one small child left in an apartment that you cannot get into, it is better to immediately contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

If your lock is jammed, you can try to open it yourself. However, remember that if you use the acquired knowledge to break into someone else’s apartment, you risk going to jail.

If the front door lock is jammed, to fix the problem you must first remove the mechanism, disassemble it, replace the broken parts, and then put the mechanism back in place. Before starting repairs, you should study the design of the lock in order to understand what will have to be repaired and where.

Do-it-yourself ways to fix a breakdown

If the lock is stuck, what should you do if you can’t ask for help or call specialists? Even with basic skills this problem you can fix it yourself.

  • Cross-shaped. The key resembles a Phillips screwdriver.
  • Suvaldny. A long key with large “wings” located on the sides.
  • Cylinder. It has a small key with notches.
  • Disk. A small semicircular key with notches.

Replacing the larva

If the lock cylinder is jammed, it may require removal and subsequent replacement. For this purpose you need to have a screwdriver. You need to open the door, find the bolt securing the bar and unscrew it counterclockwise. The bolt must be completely pulled out of the hole. After removing the larva, you can replace it with a similar one that is suitable in shape and size.

The tongue is jammed

Problems with the front door leaf can arise for several reasons. You need to carefully understand what the problem is. The most common reasons are:

  1. Incorrect operation.
  2. Initial factory defect.
  3. Mechanical damage.
  4. Skewed or sagging part of the door leaf.
  5. Incorrect installation of the unit.

Preventative care

If the front door lock jams, it is necessary to follow the operating rules and also eliminate factors that contribute to the occurrence of problems. Without maintenance, the structure can quickly fail after use.

How to lubricate correctly

When the key is tight, it is necessary to lubricate the structure. For this purpose, you can use compositions used for lubrication door hinges. They can be divided into two categories: folk and special. Popular ones include sunflower oil, melted fat, grease, graphite and machine oil. Special lubricants include compounds produced exclusively for lubricating mechanisms: WD-40, silicone, lithol, carbon lubricant.

It is necessary to lubricate the door mechanisms of entrance doors at least once a year, and interior doors - every 6-8 months.

What to do if a lever or cylinder lock is stuck

If the lock is jammed and the key is stuck in it, it must be removed. First you need to clean the door and lock slots from dirt and dust. Then lubricate the well with machine oil or another compound so that the key can be removed using pliers.

How to open a door if the lock is jammed

When a problem arises, how to open a jammed lock, you can use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the structure and get into the apartment. This will solve the issue if you open the door lock from the outside not with a key, but use other devices.

You can fix the design yourself, but a specialist can tell you how to repair the mechanism without any difficulty.

A jamming lock on a metal door and a key jamming at the wrong time does not seem like a serious problem to many people - until the front door stops opening and blocks access to the apartment.

The main reasons for lock breakdowns are the incorrect use of the lock mechanism: forceful methods when opening and closing, slamming the door, careless handling of the key (cutting packaging, opening a bottle).

What to do if the lock on an iron door is jammed?

Alas, even the most modern and reliable locking mechanisms tend to break. Breakdowns of door locks are always associated with mechanical damage originating from outside or inside, jam the lock in the door maybe from time or a hidden manufacturing defect.

If you can't open a jammed lock on a metal entrance door, applying a standard force to the key will not work even with the help of force. Locks are quite complex mechanisms, the operating principle of which is not known to the average person, but is definitely known to a specialist. Are you interested in knowing what you can do if the door lock is jammed and you need to get into your apartment immediately?

How to open a jammed lock on the front door yourself?

If an unpleasant situation has occurred with the lever lock, the key is jammed after three turns, but the fourth does not turn, then you can try to grind off the longitudinal protrusions that prevent the key from being inserted incorrectly. Then insert the key with the other side and open the lock. In principle, if there is nothing to grind off the protrusions, you can simply press the keyhole a little and insert the key upside down.

What to do if the cylinder or cylinder lock is jammed?

If, when opening the door, the lock cylinder is jammed, the key is stuck and cannot be pulled out, then only a professional can pull out the key without damaging the lock. IN living conditions, even if you managed to get the key by accident, it is not recommended to use this mechanism, due to the fact that the situation may repeat itself.

So what should you do to remove the key and open the door?

First, take pliers and forcefully pull out the key. If it doesn’t work, then use a drill to drill out the lock cylinder and replace it with a new one. The reason for jamming of the lock cylinder is that the internal pins (which are pressed in only at the factory) fall out and grab the key blade.

What to do if the key is stuck in the door lock and won’t turn?

To resolve the problem, you must first determine the cause of the key getting stuck. If the door lock works clearly when the door is open, and when closing the key gets stuck on one of the turns, then it is necessary to bore door frame. This action can be performed with a file, drill or grinder.

Possible reasons why the key is stuck in the door lock:

  • Poor quality duplicate key
  • Curved blank geometry
  • The pins fell out and blocked the key tip
  • Warping or shrinkage of the door leaf
  • Garbage in the keyhole
  • The “tendril” on the safe key broke off

The situation when key stuck in door lock quite common. It is unlikely that you will be able to use force and pull it out without damaging the lock. Most likely, the spring in the cylinder under one of the pins has broken, jammed the pins and prevents them from going down.

Tip: what to do to remove a stuck key

First of all, we remember that all mechanisms become obsolete and wear out over time. Therefore, it is necessary to spray the stuck key and jammed mechanism with WD-40 spray. You should wait a little and try moving the key in different directions.

Pour the spray again and slowly shake and vibrate the key and carefully pull it out towards you. If you manage to pull out the key, then in order to avoid repeating history, you should replace the lock cylinder.

The specialists of the Zamki-SAO company are ready to help you in each of the above cases, since we solve these situations every day and around the clock. Highly qualified specialists who will eliminate and prevent possible problems and breakdowns associated with the operation of locks are a guarantee of the reliability and safety of your doors.