Shower      06/17/2019

How to paint old furniture or new life for past things. Painting chipboard. Tools, materials and equipment Is it possible to repaint furniture made of chipboard

It is not always possible to replace outdated furniture with new ones, or replace a tatty, worn-out chipboard floor with expensive parquet or laminate. One way to restore an old coating is to paint chipboard. In such a simple matter There are also pitfalls, so you need to know how to properly prepare the surface and apply paints and varnishes. Compliance with technology will allow you to do the work efficiently and beautifully, and the coating will be resistant to abrasion, scratches and delamination.

Selection of materials and tools for painting chipboard furniture

If you decide to repaint old furniture from chipboard with your own hands, start with the main thing - careful planning. Think it over future image before the smallest details. What exactly do you want to see: a mirror-glossy, but monochromatic surface in bright colors of the rainbow, matte patination with several pastel shades, special techniques (decoupage and others) or simple tinting under bog oak, teak or wenge. Do you need to replace fittings or parts? Check the compatibility of the selected tones by color wheel designer.

The next stage is the selection of materials. Depending on the project you will need:

  1. Tools: flat wide and narrow brushes, foam rubber and velor rollers with short pile, masking tape, screwdrivers, coarse and fine-grained sandpaper, paint tray, universal glue, spatula, hair dryer.
  2. Construction chemicals: acrylic wood putty, solvent, remover of old paintwork.
  3. LMB: adhesive primer for wood and chipboard, acrylic or alkyd furniture paint, tinting pastes, tinting impregnation and varnish.
  4. Auxiliary materials: soft rags, gloves, new fittings.

The primer not only reduces paint consumption (Lakra GF-021), but also levels the surface, strengthens it (Helios Tessarol, Dufatex-Grund, Dyostar), and some contain antiseptic additives (Belinka Base).

To repaint furniture, it’s not enough to go to the store and pick up the first budget paint you come across. You need to choose carefully, because the updated façade should last at least 5-7 years. Therefore, it is better to avoid cheap PF-115 of unknown production with a high lead content - it is easy to get poisoned, but difficult to recover from. It is better to take oil compositions from trusted manufacturers: Rastsvet, Yaroslavl paints, Tex, Dyo, Tikkurila, Dulux. You can purchase time-tested furniture enamels and varnishes from Galamix, Raduga, Novbytkhim.

The same goes for acrylics (on water based) and alkyd enamels, but here the choice is already expanding due to aerosols. The latter are very convenient for application to laminated coatings, as they provide a perfectly smooth coating without drips.

The water-based acrylic paints are also good because they can be diluted and washed off with water until dry, and tinted to any color using pigments.

Another point - calculation required quantity paints. Before purchasing, you need to measure the area of ​​chipboard that needs to be painted and multiply it by the estimated number of layers. On average, consumption is 1 liter per 5-6 square meters. m.

The process of selecting tint and varnish is simple. They also differ in basis. The strength of the coating depends on the content of the polyurethane polymer, so it is better to choose alkyd-urethane or special water-based furniture varnishes - they contain additional additives that provide impact resistance and abrasion resistance (Lakra, Alpina, Pinotex, Dyo, Tikkurila). Tinting mixtures should have good permeability and give a uniform tone without spots or whitish streaks (Belinka, Practic, Helios).

Often, for do-it-yourself tinting, you use drying oil or a simple stain for wooden products.

Preparation of furniture surfaces made of laminated chipboard and chipboard

The façade preparation process includes the following steps:

  1. Dismantling- unscrew all fittings, pull out or remove all drawers, extensions and other elements;
  2. Removing an old layer(laminated or painted): sandpaper(sand first with rough, sweeping, wide movements, then level with fine-grained sand), with an abrasive remover according to the instructions (Pufas, Dufa) or carefully heat with a hair dryer and remove with a spatula or scraper;
  3. Degreasing and cleaning. You can first brush off the dust with a wide flat brush, then use a rag moistened with water or solvent to clean the surface of the facade from debris and remnants of the old coating;
  4. Alignment: Fill all cracks and holes with acrylic putty. It is advisable to apply 1 coat of primer before starting to make unevenness appear better. Then, for perfect smoothness, go over again with sanding paper and wipe with a wet cloth;
  5. Padding: Apply 1-2 coats of primer and let dry.

At the end, be sure to sweep out the garbage from the room where the renovation is being carried out, wipe all surfaces (tables, chairs, floors, window sills, etc.) so that dust and remnants of removed coatings do not accidentally stain the prepared facade.

Technology of applying paint and varnish to furniture

So, you can start painting the furniture. First, you should check the expiration date of the paintwork material. If the enamel (varnish) has thickened or dried out, you need to dilute it with water or a solvent according to the instructions and stir thoroughly.

Apply the first (background) layer of enamel with a roller or brush and leave to dry for 24 hours. Then either paint the surface again, or carefully and tightly stick masking tape in accordance with the design idea or a stencil with a pattern and cover with a second layer. The drying time depends on the manufacturer, but, as a rule, is at least a day.

If the coverage of the selected brand is weak, and the original color shows through the paint, then you can and should apply the coating one more time. Mirror gloss is achieved with an additional layer of acrylic or alkyd universal varnish.

The total drying time should be at least 3-4 days. Only in this case will the furniture coating be of good quality and durable.

Varnishing and tinting impregnation is carried out according to the same scheme. The difference is that this process requires perfect cleanliness both surfaces and rooms, any speck of dust can nullify all efforts.

Painting chipboard floors: materials and stages of work

One of the most effective ways preserve the integrity of the chipboard floor covering and give it high strength characteristics - paint it yourself with high-quality floor enamel or parquet varnish. Moreover, it is not necessary to limit yourself to just one color. By playing with shades, you can visually expand the space, arrange bright accents, zone the room. And such a simple technique as stencils with patterns will allow you to create a designer floor in a few days.

The required set of tools and materials includes:

The primer used is the same type as for furniture, but the paint should be designed specifically for the floor. Simple acrylic quickly wears out, loses its gloss and attractiveness appearance.

To repaint flooring, it is necessary to choose enamel with improved quality characteristics (impact resistance, resistance to fading, scratches).

Alkyd compositions can only be used if the last layer is varnish. But even in this case, a simple wood varnish or a universal one like NC will not work. This should be parquet varnish with polyurethane additives (Practic, Dyo, Belinka, Marshall), which provide increased surface resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress. Oil paint PF-266 (Lakra, Yarko, Rastsvet, Chief Technologist) and polymer floor enamels (Dufa, Dulux, Tikkurila) have the same properties.

You should prepare a chipboard floor for painting especially carefully, since any defect will appear almost instantly and cannot be corrected.

The work includes the following stages:

  1. Checking the floor for creaks, defects, scratches, cracks. Creaking is eliminated with additional fasteners, chips and pits are puttied, and the gaps between the sheets are sealed.
  2. Inspection of fasteners: all hardware is examined for strength, protruding ones must be attached with a hammer, loose ones must be sealed with glue or sealant.
  3. Degreasing and sanding chipboard: remove with solvent greasy spots, dirt, then the slab is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, especially at the joints. Finally, wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth.
  4. Priming: the impregnating primer is applied in 2 layers, then the floor is checked again for defects.

The quality of restoration work depends not only on the qualifications (or lack thereof) of the master, but also on the quality of the materials used. Only good, proven brands guarantee long term coating service and its resistance to any mechanical load.

Paint or varnish is applied in 2-3 layers with a brush, roller or spray gun in accordance with the instructions. Highlighting or applying additional elements made with a separate small brush. Between layers, roughness can be removed with sanding paper.

I got 5 shelves not at all suitable color(my husband made it from the remnants of chipboard. Here they are!

The shelves were much needed, but the color! I don’t know exactly what it’s called, maybe alder, light red. It didn’t suit my living room and bedroom interior in any way. On the Internet I didn’t find anything specific about the type of paint for chipboard, except acrylic. Laminated chipboard on top protective film, such as varnish, and paints do not stick. Aerosol paint was best suited, but I already had negative experience of using it in my apartment (I don’t have any other place for painting :). I painted chairs from Ikea with aerosol paint, then there was a coating of this paint everywhere (the baseboard in some places was never washed(()). Therefore, aerosol paint was immediately ruled out.

The idea itself was as follows: so that it would not be very expensive, so that the remaining paint after the renovation would be used, and so that it would have the effect of peeling paint. After some time of searching and calculating the cost, I came to the following decision: I use the remaining latex paint to apply the main color (ivory color), upper layer I’ll do a little glitter (I bought 1 liter of acrylic gold enamel for 342 rubles and 200 ml of pearlescent acrylic enamel for 132 rubles), and I’ll make the bottom layer black and gold (there was a little tint).

The necessary tools were already there. So, to decorate the shelves we need:

1 liter of latex paint;

1 liter of acrylic (construction) gold enamel;

Sandpaper and sponge;

200 ml mother-of-pearl acrylic enamel(construction);

Don’t look at the biggest jar (I’ll tell you about it a little later).

We carefully go through all the shelves with sandpaper. Three, three, three. We check with our hands whether the roughness of the surface is felt. I used 150-grit sandpaper (I think). Now I don’t remember exactly, I chose medium grain. For me this was the most difficult process. My hands were so tired that they simply couldn’t hold the sandpaper. By the way, in order to make it easy to rub, I adapted my daughter’s cubes. I wrapped 2 pieces in sandpaper and it was more convenient to rub. Here's the result:

Then I remembered that I have two old frames that don’t fit me anywhere and the watch (I brought it from work) is terrible :). And immediately the idea of ​​creating a collection of items for my interior came to mind. I disassembled the frames and the clock, and sanded them well.

I also hadn’t painted the molding in the bedroom above the bed, so I decided to embellish it too - paint it with exactly the same paint (left over from painting the walls in the bedroom) that was in the big can in the photo.

The next stage: I apply the color that will be visible through the main one. To do this, I mix gold enamel and black color in an unnecessary jar to make black gold.

I make this color to match the pattern on my wallpaper.

I apply paint only where I need it. I don't paint the entire surface.

I leave it to dry. At this time I prepare for painting (skin and tape around the edges with masking tape) and paint the molding in the salon.

While I painted the molding, my shelves and everything else dried. I go over the edges and corners with a candle, that is, where I want the bottom paint to show through. Then I do the same with the molding. The photo was taken only on the molding.

I shake off the excess candle with a sponge.

Of course, my main concern is how the latex paint will adhere. Still, it is not intended for such surfaces. Let's move on to the first layer. The first shelf is ready in one layer latex paint.

The molding is also covered with latex blue paint on top, the same as the shelves.

And outside the window there is such a sad thing - grayness and rain in full swing.

But I continue my work. I bring, so to speak, joy and comfort to the house :)

Shelves, frames, clocks, everything was painted twice, with each layer drying. It turned out something like this: 1.5 hours passed from the start of painting the first shelf + remaining shelves + frames + clock. The first shelf had already dried and the second round of painting began.

The next stage is sandpaper in your hands and let’s scrape those places where the wax was. The paint went on very tightly, I had to apply quite a bit of force.

It looks like this.

I really like the brush marks. Looks like really old paint.

AND final stage: we paint everything with mother-of-pearl enamel. 200 ml was enough - it is very liquid and transparent. It gave only a soft, pleasant shine to all interior items. The photo does not convey this soft shine...

That's basically it. I hung the shelves.

I assembled the clock and finalized several elements.

More than a month has passed from the time of painting to the publication of the master class, and there is only one conclusion: laminated chipboard can be wonderfully painted with latex paint and will not fall off. I tried to peel off a layer of paint from the back with a knife, but it didn’t work! This is great! It means it will last a long time.

I hope my master class will help you decorate your favorite home..

Thank you all for your attention!

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Modern interior items very quickly go out of fashion or lose their attractiveness, but purchasing new ones is not always possible. This raises the question: how to repaint chipboard furniture with your own hands so that the product acquires an attractive appearance? This is not always easy to do, because the result is influenced not only right choice materials and technology, but also the accuracy of the process.


Painting old furniture with your own hands is considered a difficult and risky procedure. The fact is that for the manufacture of interior items (cabinets, chests of drawers, kitchen modules) processed materials with a decorative layer are used. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of coating in order to draw up a work plan.

Chipboards used in furniture production, can be of the following types:

There are other types of slabs, but they are not as common.

How to paint old furniture

To paint boring or defective interior items, you need to select a composition suitable for these purposes. The main recommendation when choosing is to refuse cheap options.

Paint for chipboard furniture should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the composition:

  1. Oily. Preference should be given to well-known brands. A significant disadvantage is the unpleasant and toxic fumes, and the drying period of the solution is quite long. This mixture must be laid in thin layers, which is why the material is used infrequently.
  2. Acrylic. Modern version water-dispersed paints. The composition has many positive qualities, which makes it in demand. But when working with laminated chipboard, it is necessary to purchase a solution with increased adhesion and not dilute it with water.
  3. Alkyd. This option is much preferable to the oil option. The product is suitable for painting furniture, but the work is carried out in well-ventilated areas due to the specific smell of the composition.

Of the three proposed, the best is acrylic paint, oil paint is affordable, and alkyd enamel is considered the golden mean

On a note! To tint or decorate small areas, spray paint is used. For example, on bedside table You will need one or two containers.

Chipboard can also be repainted with other types of compositions. Stain is used only for tinting veneered material. The varnish serves to secure the decorative layer; it can act as an independent composition, but this will require complex preparation of the base. For work it is better to use a quick-drying variety.

A mandatory element of the coating is a primer; the composition must have good adhesion.

None without soil decorative coating not applied to chipboard

How to paint chipboard

Painting chipboard furniture includes two main stages:

  • preparatory stage;
  • painting work.

On a note! When deciding to paint laminated chipboard, it is worth considering that the end result, even if all the nuances are observed, does not always meet expectations.

It is convenient to paint chipboard from aerosol can, especially if you need to make a stencil pattern

Tool selection

Various tools can be used for work:

  • Spray gun. Due to the fact that furniture parts made of wood-based material have a flat base, this particular device is the best option. When spraying, the paint can be applied more evenly. The main problem with using such a tool is the correct selection of the distance. In case of erroneous calculations, drips and sagging are formed.
  • Roller. This device is most often used at home. Painting with a roller is not always easy, since the applied layer must have a small thickness, otherwise sagging will become noticeable. To paint furniture, use tools with a medium-length fur coat.
  • Foam sponge. Suitable for tinting and painting well-primed elements, it allows you to obtain a uniform coating, but subject to extreme care.

When restoring old furniture, you can get by with affordable tools

Brushes are rarely used for this process; their main purpose is decoration. They allow you to create an antique effect, but if a base layer was previously applied to hide the base.

On a note! Repainting old table or a chest of drawers, the joining of parts is taken into account: the new layer should not lead to the appearance of distortions and protruding areas.

Preparing the base

Step-by-step preparation instructions:

All details are processed in this way.

If it is not possible to completely disassemble the old furniture, then before painting the floor is covered with polyethylene


Coating of fragments with paint is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. A primer is applied to the element. It is recommended to perform at least two treatments, each time waiting until the product is completely dry.
  2. The coloring composition is being prepared. It is stirred well and tinted if necessary.
  3. The mixture is poured into a convenient roller container. The instrument is soaked in the solution and the excess is squeezed out.
  4. Painting starts from the middle. The mixture rolls out well over the base, the movements should be parallel, and a thick layer should not be allowed to be created. The first layer is the base; you need to wait until it dries completely.
  5. Then the main coating is applied according to the previous principle.
  6. When using a spray gun, you will need to dilute the composition used. To select the optimal distance, training staining is carried out.
Regardless of the type of composition, the surface is painted in 2 - 3 layers

If the part will experience constant impact, then an additional layer of varnish is applied.

Furniture decoration

Decorating such material is not very easy. There are many recommendations for creating a Provence style, but achieving the effect that is obtained on furniture made of wood, plywood or MDF will not work. This is explained by the fact that chipboard products rarely have the required appearance.

Using simple devices on chipboard furniture you can create true masterpieces

You can diversify the interior in the following ways:

  • Painting countertops or dresser fronts in White color, and other front parts – black. For this, paint with a glossy finish is used. The technology is completely the same as described above, but the difference is that three layers of varnish are applied to the parts. The first layer is left untreated, and subsequent layers are sanded and polished.

To work using the Decoupage technique (artificial aging), special paints are used
  • Aging. To create this effect, after laying the base coat, apply a darker color of paint with a brush. The movements should be sweeping and slightly uneven; a diluted white compound can be applied on top. Everything is fixed with varnish.

Interior items often lose their appearance over time. What to do if they are still strong and you don’t want to throw them in the trash? There is a good solution - to paint the outdated model with your own hands. Work on updating the facade can be carried out at home. You can choose to cover it with paint or varnish, and also decorate the sample using scrap materials.

Decorating furniture with your own hands will significantly reduce the cost of restoring a piece of furniture.

Changing the facade yourself not only saves money, but also allows you to make it as intended.

An old wardrobe, chest of drawers or table in an updated form will last for many more decades.

Before choosing tools for working with objects made of chipboard, evaluate the type of restoration object and its original color. Decide whether you will simply refresh it or give it a new look. When choosing the second option, carefully consider how the other color suits the environment in the house.

Use a professional palette of tones and shades if you have difficulty choosing.

To decide how to paint chipboard furniture, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of hardware stores. Don’t be lazy and go around a few - perhaps your choice will be cheaper and of better quality. Be sure to look at the release time of the coloring agent and its composition. It is necessary to calculate its consumption, taking into account that the coating involves applying more than one layer.

To do this, measure the area of ​​the facade and multiply the amount of paint by 2, since you will need to do 2 layers for even coverage.

Do not buy compounds containing lead - inhaling their vapors is hazardous to health. Alkyd is more environmentally friendly and dries faster.

Alkyd paints are easier to thin to a uniform color.

The varnish must be purchased either transparent or tinted.

Give preference to warm tones if you plan to give the surface a natural wood color.

Selected chemical compositions check on a neutral section of the plate. After each application of the product you need to let it dry. Evaluate the resulting result and decide whether it is suitable for restoration.

Painting chipboard furniture in a different color can visually make it look expensive and stylish.

Purpose of the object and its color

Necessary means at hand

From paint and varnish materials choose alkyd ones - they are the most suitable for chipboard models. They lie flat, do not leave obvious gaps on the surface, smell less and dry quickly.

You can choose an aerosol type container so you don't have to use a tray, spray bottle, rollers or brushes.

Will need acrylic putty and adhesion based primer, which must be used to prepare surfaces.

The putty and primer must be special for wood.

List of additional materials:

  • Solvent to remove remnants of old paint and varnish;
  • Detergent for degreasing chipboard;
  • Rags or flannel napkins;
  • Gloves;
  • Construction tape;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Glue.

Necessary tools.

It is better to choose rubber gloves, otherwise the paint will saturate the fabric and remain on your hands.

If you use rags, you can remove prints with a solvent.

When buying brushes, focus not only on price, but also on quality. The restoration will become useless if hairs remain constantly on the surface. The roller should also be of high quality, with well-fixed foam rubber and a handle that does not wobble.

IN hardware store The range includes any rollers and brushes for working with acrylic paints.

For neat chipboard preparation and its coloring, equip it in advance workplace. For bedding, use old newspapers, construction film, or cardboard from a large box.

It is better to do the work on a closed loggia - there will be no drafts and bad smell will not leak into the apartment.

Required Tools

Preparation for the process must be thorough. To work you need the following tools:

  • Putty knife;
  • Knives – carpenter’s and stationery;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Brushes, foam rollers for canned paints;
  • Scissors.

A hacksaw may be useful to trim the cracked ribs of the slab. They also need to be sanded with sandpaper.

Furniture painting and varnishing technology

Before processing the parts, you need to disassemble the structure and unscrew all the fittings. After this, remove the remnants of the original coating using a solvent and a spatula. Old layer may not be easy to come off. In this case, saturate the board with solvent and let it swell a little. Then use a spatula to remove any loose debris.

Take off old paint You can use a spatula, having treated the surface with a remover in advance.

Remove grease and dirt by applying detergent. Dry the stove. Then sand it with sandpaper to create a rough surface. Fill cracks and cavities with putty. Let it dry. Look to see if there are any other uneven spots. Prepare the primer and apply it to the slab. It plays a big role in painting.

When purchasing a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color you want your furniture to be.

Primer – main character in the renovation of furniture facades. You don’t need much of it to work, but it brings great benefits, leveling the surface and saving the consumption of paint and varnish. Makes the coating much stronger. It is better to use it in two layers so that the base is more reliable.

After priming, leave the workpiece to dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer.

Check the condition of paints and varnishes: dilute excessively thick compositions with solvent. Apply paint evenly to the surface and smooth with a roller. Touch up the raised joints with a brush. Using an aerosol or spray bottle makes the task easier, but it leaves a lot of splashes on other surfaces. In this case, you need to protect the work site with impenetrable barriers. To do this, you can use large cardboard or stretch plastic film.

To dry the first layer, leave the slab for a day, sometimes it takes longer.

Then apply a second coat and let dry as well. Repeat the same with the varnish. If a design or ornament is intended to be applied, it must be done before varnishing. To apply the print, prepare a stencil. Carefully secure it while working using construction tape.

You can cut the stencil from an old file folder.

After the chipboard has completely dried, begin assembling the structure. Don't forget about the accessories. After completing the work, choose a place where you will place your updated object so that it looks most advantageous.

The restoration will be successful if you don’t rush, trying to get everything done by a certain deadline.

When you start renovating your apartment, you shouldn’t forget about the floors, because they are the first thing that catches your eye. It has long been known that the color scheme of the floor affects a person’s mood. The health of children and adults can depend on the structure of the sex. Therefore, before you decide to make repairs, you should first decide on the material from which the floor will be made, as well as its color.

Which type of flooring is preferable?

Of course, the best option will become a wooden floor, as it is warm and environmentally friendly. But the cost is high, and you won’t be able to install this floor yourself; you need to invite professionals. But the chipboard coating can be laid quickly and without much effort. If everything is done correctly, the appearance of a chipboard floor will be even better than that of a wooden floor.

Chipboard can be laid both on logs and on an already laid floor made of boards, as well as cement. A properly laid floor should have no gaps or cracks. Small cracks And various defects treated with putty for working with wood. If the flooring is carried out on an existing wooden floor, instead of thick chipboard sheets put fibreboard, which is a little thinner. But it is worth considering that if there is a large load on the surface to be coated, then this should not be done.

How to paint a chipboard floor

And only after carrying out this work should you think about how to paint a chipboard floor so that it has an attractive appearance and lasts a long time. Chipboard floors can be coated with either varnish or paint. If the floor surface is without large flaws, then it is better to paint it with varnish. It is recommended to use paint only in cases where there are gaps between the chipboard strips or if the floor has already been pre-treated with paint.

When choosing a varnish you should Special attention Pay attention to the date of its manufacture; the fresher it is, the better the effect will be. If you already have paint or varnish for painting, but it has thickened, you should dilute it according to the instructions. Depending on the type of paint coating, dilution is carried out using water or a solvent.

The type of primer used to treat the floor also depends on what kind of paint or varnish will be used. After the impregnation has dried, the first layer of paint should be applied. This work is carried out using a brush, roller or spray gun. After the first layer has dried, the time indicated in the instructions, the second layer is applied. And after that, the third.

What material is needed to cover a chipboard floor?

Nowadays, the market is flooded with all kinds of painting materials, and it is very difficult to choose the right varnish or paint, since all manufacturers praise their products. But if you are aware of several subtleties and adhere to certain rules when choosing, you can buy suitable option exactly according to your preferences.

If you decide to paint the floor with varnish, you can purchase both glossy and matte varnishes. But it’s worth considering that if you ask yourself the question of how to paint a chipboard floor, then after scrolling through a bunch of information, you will be convinced that it is preferable for chipboard processing buy matte varnish.

If you wanted to make the floor look a little darker or match the color of some wood, you can apply stain. But before using it, you should paint on a sample, because the surface may darken greatly, which you will not even count on. When you are satisfied with the color, you can carry out painting work.

When deciding to treat the floor from Chipboard paint, you must choose a color and buy one that suits your interior work. An excellent option would be to apply a primer under the paint. This will allow the paint itself to adhere well and improve the adhesion effect, which will entail long-term use.

When thinking about the question of how to paint a chipboard floor, you should remember that you need to choose a coating taking into account special characteristics (resistance to impacts, scratches and fading). Only parquet varnish should be used; ordinary wood varnishes will not work. Paints can be used polyurethane, acrylic and oil. They should also be selected taking into account their characteristics. An important point is the preparation of chipboard floors for painting. If this work is carried out incorrectly, then the floor will not last long.