In a private house      11.11.2020

Russian glory hole. The black hole of Kharkov or What to do with “XTS”? In modern culture

The reputation of a strong business executive can be earned without putting much effort into it - for example, by the grace of nature. But this winter nature was not kind to Kharkov utility workers. February and the beginning of March exposed a problem that had been hidden for so many years, especially without delving into it, but only from time to time patching up the ancient pipes of the heating mains, which were 80% worn out. But large-scale outbursts confronted city officials with a fact: next winter heating system may not survive the city.

But they warned!

Severe frosts at the end of February made Kharkov the number one city on the Ukrainian news map. But it was a sad leadership - the news was extremely disappointing. 600 multi-storey buildings in different areas of the city - in the center, on Saltovka and in the Industrial district - they were immediately left without heating. And all this - in 20-degree frosts. Accidents on heating mains took a week to resolve, but even now many Kharkov residents are dealing with their consequences: when the system was restarted, some apartments were left with air-filled pipes, other apartments were flooded with boiling water due to an incorrect restart. We must pay tribute to the ordinary employees of XTS - they worked day and night, eliminating impulses. But the heroism of individual mechanics and engineers is not able to overcome the devil-may-care attitude of the enterprise management towards preparations for the heating season. The fact that unpleasant news awaits us in winter was clear back in the summer of 2017. Even ordinary consumers noticed: periods of preventive shutdown hot water in some areas it lasted for three months. There were dug holes in the courtyards for weeks, but no work was noticed there. In a private conversation with the company’s employees, I learned that they were preparing for winter with great difficulty, because the company lacked either materials or workers. At XTS there is an acute shortage of personnel, literally one mechanic for every 150 houses - even the management of the enterprise no longer hides this. And the lack of materials is justified by the difficult economic situation - they say that everything was given to Kyiv for gas.

In October it turned out: no, not everything was given away. We had to convene an urgent session of the City Council and get 130 million hryvnia from the city budget for XTS to pay off debts to Naftogaz. Otherwise heating season would not have started at all. I emphasize - from the city budget, which is formed, among other things, by our taxes. That is, we paid twice for heat.

At the same time, Deputy Mayor Igor Terekhov had an unpleasant conversation with the Minister of Regional Development Gennady Zubko. In his speech, the capital official mentioned a comparison that became the joke of the year in Kharkov: “We first close all the issues of life support, heat supply, water supply, sanitation... And then we talk about other investment projects. I am “for” zoos, roads, and other objects... But first of all, residents should be warm.”

I will not repeat after the minister, as well as thousands of Kharkov residents, the anecdote that next winter we will all go to warm up in a monkey bar, which should be simply luxurious for such and such money (a total of 142 million hryvnia). In fact, we also need a zoo - why not? But we cannot but agree that, for example, when renovating an apartment, it would be correct to first replace the batteries and wiring, and then buy an expensive aquarium with exotic fish.

Behind seven castles

Abstracting from the topic of comparisons with the zoo, let's figure out how much the Kharkov Heating Networks cost the city and what the utility enterprise (that is, owned by each of us, members of the territorial community) spends money on. But the trick is that it is impossible for an ordinary member of the community to understand this - the financial statements of the enterprise are closed. From time to time at city council sessions or at public hearings, where, by the way, representatives public organizations they break through with fighting, some numbers sound. And some of these numbers are literally baffling.

For example, at the November public hearings, we learned that the company’s losses for the first quarter of 2017 amounted to 354 million hryvnia (more recent data is not publicly available). At the same time, KP director Sergei Andreev, according to his declaration, is the owner of a fortune of approximately 7 million hryvnia (taking into account the $100 thousand borrowed from KSP Kharkovgorlift). As they say - “I would go to the management of an unprofitable enterprise, let them teach me.”

Or here's another contradictory figure. According to the investment program, in 2017, XTS spent UAH 68.7 million on repairs and repaired almost 19 km. heating networks. For 2018, 102 million UAH have already been provided, and repairs are only 6 km. We spend more and more, repair less and less. It is obvious to even a person very far from the city economy that our pipes are in trouble. At one of last year’s public hearings, the head of the regional division of NERC, Vasily Bezyazychny, named the amount needed to relay 30 km of pipes: one and a half billion hryvnia. This money is not there, and the only way to get it is to take out another expensive loan.

In the late 2000s, the then Ministry of Housing and Communal Services floated the idea of ​​issuing state loans to cities at a low interest rate for relaying communications. Things were bad with them even then. But, before receiving such a loan, it was necessary to undergo an audit of the enterprise. Naturally, the idea died out - not a single mayor of any city dared to show the real financial situation of heating networks. In the same way, people in Kharkov do not dare to disclose the financial statements of XTS even now, despite persistent demands from the public represented by the Kharkov Anti-Corruption Center. It is for this reason that I have little faith in any reasonable lending to an enterprise. In the meantime, the leaders of the KP and the city prefer to hide the financial data of the KP behind seven locks, we, representatives of the territorial community, can only pray that next winter will not be too cold for our old pipes.

Our world is filled with majestic sights. Some of the planet's impressive wonders are man-made, but most of them come from nature. These include mysterious holes on Earth.

Mystery Hole Deluxe

Its origin still remains a mystery. No one can explain how it was formed. And even with the most innovative methods it is impossible to measure its depth!

Glory Hole

Located on the beautiful Monticello Dam. The Glory Hole seems like a tunnel into the very depths of the planet! However, it is designed to drain water.

Funnel Sawmill

Located in the Bahamas, it is essentially an archaeological research site. This place helped scientists understand what the Earth looked like thousands of years ago.

Devil's Funnel

Judging by appearance, this place can hardly be called the Devil's Funnel. But this is a forbidden area as it is very dangerous. In summer you can see millions of bats flying out of the abyss.

big blue hole

It can be seen in the Caribbean. During the last ice age, a system of caves formed here. The hole is considered one of best places for diving in the world.

Dean's Blue Hole

If you go to the Bahamas, be sure to visit Blue hole Dina. It is considered the deepest blue hole on the planet and is therefore ideal for diving enthusiasts.

harwood hole

Interestingly, this is more of a cave than a hole. This is the deepest vertical cave in New Zealand.

Diamond mine "Mirnaya"

Gigantic in size (525 meters deep and 1200 meters wide), the open diamond mine is considered the second largest excavated hole in the world.

Kimberlite pipe "Udachnaya"

In addition to the Mirny mine, diamonds are also mined in the Udachnaya pipe, which is located 20 km from the Arctic Circle.

Sky Hole (Tianken Xiaozhai)

Believe it or not, it was formed over 120,000 years ago. Today the hole has become an ideal place for skydiving enthusiasts.

Bingham Canyon

West of Salt Lake City is one of the largest copper mines in the world.

Hole in Guatemala

In 2010, a hole 20 meters deep appeared in the capital of Guatemala. It not only destroyed the road, but also swallowed up a three-story factory. There were many versions of the formation of the funnel. The main ones are considered to be the eruption of the Pacaya volcano, a tropical storm and water leakage from nearby sewer pipes.

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Cutie Dee: But why? Why have sex with someone you can't see?
Dennis: I would pose the question differently: why not have sex with someone you can't see?

- “It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

Treasured hole

glory hole(English) gloryhole, glory hole, glory-hole, russian TV, delightful hole) - round hole in the wall, or partition, between stalls of a public toilet, used for the purpose of fucking the person in the next stall or watching his fap/fuck. Sticking all sorts of body parts into a hole makes it possible to carry out various shapes sekis, while maintaining anonymity.

Origins and habitat

If you, anon, know the glory hole, then most likely you saw it in pron, since there are Over9000 films where it is present. But initially, the place of her birth can be considered the toilets of European sex/Achtung clubs, where the hole appeared during the criminal prosecution of the Achtungs. Many psychiatrists see the use of a hole as evidence of emotional inferiority and the inability of achtungs for psychological intimacy, love and accepting the responsibilities associated with them. But in conditions of discrimination and persecution, the Akhtungs often had no choice; the rest was a matter of habit.

The hole can often be found in video booths (the so-called adult video arcades), usually located in sex shops, where porn lovers watch it in a relaxed atmosphere, while fapping along the way. Olso, the hole is found in public city baths and toilets, as well as in toilets of educational institutions. Currently, the hole has gone beyond the homo subculture and is found, for example, in swingers clubs. In the Austrian city of Vienna, holes are used in sex cabins in which they offer their services. Sex booths are located in a special room, separated by partitions with holes, and there is often a monitor at shoulder level that demonstrates pronation.

In this country, the glory hole is not so well known, and the author of this article did not observe it in any club (perhaps he did not look for it well), but this does not mean that they do not exist at all; a couple of well-known holes in Moscow are described below:

  • Toilet in the GUM Trading House. Located in the basement on the Ilyinka street side. Five booths, one might say, are waiting for you, anon. There are holes drilled between the booths, through which you can see whatever you want. Periodically, cleaners come and shout: “Boys, let’s vacate the cubicles and quickly.”
  • Toilet at the Paveletsky railway station. In the outer booths, the caring hands of the Achtungs drilled holes into which a completely “decent” organ can fit.
  • Swinger Club Nuance can please more than one of its holes.

Design and method of application

A standard glory hole is a drilled or broken hole at hip level in the partition between public restroom stalls. Often covered with electrical tape or adhesive tape, so as not to injure the most valuable.

ChSH, the initiative for further actions, as a rule, comes not from an individual looking for adventures on his MPH (as any schoolchild who has seen enough of it thinks), but from a passive partner providing these adventures. This rule is observed for reasons of personal safety and etiquette. Otherwise, there is a risk of running into misunderstandings on the other side of the wall and being injured.

First of all, someone who wants to communicate with a neighbor inserts a finger into the hole, thus notifying him of his readiness to serve (by inserting a condom into the hole, he informs him that he prefers safe sex). If the neighbor is not against this kind of entertainment, he places his MPH in the hole and begins to have fun. The most likely type of contact will be blowjob or handmade, anal or vaginal sex is less likely.


Many different factors can motivate you to use a hole. Some are excited by the very anonymity of the process, and some use this contact as an excuse to get acquainted or as a “first date”, in the hope of establishing a long-term relationship with a partner. Using a hole is also a way to hide any physical defects, such as excess weight or a terrible fuck.

As already mentioned, a wall contributes to the anonymity of the individual; as a result, the person behind the wall can be perceived as an incorporeal object of sexual desire, therefore “holes in the wall” are also used by heterosexual males who have the beginnings of an interest in same-sex sex, since a hole is quite capable of leading to a weakening of homophobic barrier to a change in sexual perception, the result may be the transformation of a latent achtung into a true achtung.

Copy-paste about the adventures of a certain hole-loving achtung, from the Polish magazine “Inachey”:

On one of my first days at university, as an inexperienced freshman, I went into the men's room in one of my university buildings to sit a little longer. Only when I sat down more comfortably on the board did I notice, to my confusion, that in wooden wall, separating the booth, you can see a huge hole, framed by an unprofessional drawing of tense lips and the inscription: “Here, let me suck.” I was simply stunned: the idea seemed so simple to me that I even... forgot about the purpose of my visit to this place. I decided to wait a bit until someone came into the booth next door. We didn't have to wait long. A guy appeared, stood in front of the seat and unbuttoned his trousers, from which a large, hard, tense penis jumped out. My blood pressure probably jumped to two hundred! In one second I already knew that this was it! If anyone is surprised, I’ll add that it was 1983, completely different times. Clearly, my neighbor's dick quickly ended up in the hole. The guy was really fired up, and he came down almost immediately. From that time on, I began to sit in this booth every day at different time. And almost always someone happened. I already knew that it would be a mania, but I didn’t resist it yet. I always chose the same booth as the first time, probably out of sentimentality, and if it was occupied, I preferred to wait until it was free. Time flew by, and it was winter outside. The jacket was in the way, and there was no place to hang it. One day I took a hammer and nails from the house, got out there very early, when no one was in the building yet, and drove in two nails - one for a jacket, the other for a bag. So I began to master my “hole” and set up housekeeping. If later in this place someone thinks that I have gone crazy, I will add coldly that all this time I was a normal student, always finishing on time, maybe not an A student, but not bad. Apart from the fact that the booth sessions took up more of my time than the exams, it did not in any way affect the rest of my life. Obviously, I was very adapted to this, maybe it was in my blood. When spring came, the jacket disappeared from my nails, but... trousers hung on them. Then the shirt. In the end, even swimming trunks. I stripped naked and wore only my socks. This desperately excited the partners. Some followed me. It was extra. Later this hobby became boring and went away.

Martin, 31 years old

Legality and health

Public sex, in any form, is illegal in most countries of this blue ball. The consequence of using a hole (as an option) may be a charge of sexual harassment and further criminal prosecution, persecution in the media, as well as copious bullshit. Of course, we should not forget about the risk of contracting AIDS and other interesting diseases in the absence of a condom.

In modern culture

  • In the film Maniac Killer Mom by filmmaker John Waters, a glory hole makes a random visitor to the toilet an eyewitness to the murder committed by the main character. In the film "Life in Despair" by the same director, in one of the scenes you can see a glory hole located in the ladies' room and intended for boobs.
  • In one of the stunts in Jackass: Part Two, Chris Pontius, dressing up his penis in a mouse costume, puts it in a glory hole that leads to a cage with a hungry snake. The result is obvious.
  • In the film by Jacques Nolo "Pussy with Two Heads" there is a scene with fucking through the glory hole, which scared the Moscow distributors so much that they initially refused to show this film even at evening screenings after ten in the evening. Nevertheless, the premiere took place.
  • In the comedy “Scary Movie,” the nigra Ray, who abundantly demonstrates the stereotypical signs of a latent achtung, goes into the toilet, sees the glory hole and hears tempting whines from the other side, puts his ear to it. As a result, the foreign member gets through penetration into the mosca tissue.
  • In the melodramatic comedy Cutie Baby, Cameron Diaz's character lays down a pile of bricks after unknowingly looking into a glory hole and seeing a stick there.
  • In the fifth season (episode 6) of the crime-drama series “The Shield,” a man who loves the glory hole, having used it for its intended purpose, ends up in a mousetrap with his MPH. Four episodes later the attack is repeated, the result is more disastrous (spoiler:the mousetrap had teeth, the man who used the hole lost his dick for good) .
  • In the movie “Sex Drive” the protagonist Ian, having sat down to take a shit in a roadside toilet, trying to take some toilet paper, grabs the man’s dick in the next stall.
  • In the fourth season (episodes 5-6) of the comedy series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Frank and Sweet Dee find a glory hole in the toilet of their pub. The heroes' desire to try it out ultimately does not lead them to anything good.
  • In the first season (episode 11) of the comedy-drama series “Louis,” the main character witnesses how a respectable man decides to use a hole for the first time, only because the writing on the wall promises “Heaven” inside the hole.
  • In the first season (episode 3) of the well-known “Multreality”, she was the one spotted on the outside of the Multdom during the height of a gay party. Hrenogubka and God were exposed to the pinus through the hole during the episode.
  • In the first season (episode 9) of the sketch show “Urban Primates” there is a sketch in which a wife catches her husband using this hole, then a serious fight unfolds between the spouses.
  • In the video game Duke Nukem Forever, Duke can use a glory hole in a strip club bathroom to increase his "Ego".
  • In the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you can catch a radio wave advertising an amusement park called "Glory Hole".
  • In the sixteenth season (episode 1) of South Park, the inventor of the toilet, Ser Harington, says that (spoiler:his brainchild is not being used properly, and he made a hole in the side for dirty laundry) .
  • In the video for the song Uhn Tiss by the Bloodhound Gang, the hero of the video, thinking that there is a female human in the next booth, begins to lick the dog through the hole. Whether it came to more remains a mystery, but the hero leaves the booth very satisfied.
  • In Evgeniy Kharitonov’s story “One Boy’s Story - “How I Became Like This”,” the main character repeatedly takes advantage of the glory hole.
  • In his book “Another Love,” Lev Klein writes the following: “we also have such a “TV” at St. Petersburg University - in the history department, in a certain sense, luxurious: large, all the booths are drilled and painted many times. They are always busy. The toilet is one of the most famous; judging by the inscriptions, lovers go there from all over the city.” The hole is also mentioned in the book “Tears on Flowers” ​​by the same author.
  • Sociologist Laud Humphreys's book Tearoom Trade is entirely devoted to the topic of same-sex, anonymous fucking in the sotir.
  • Joseph Wembo’s novel “The New Centurions,” dedicated to the work of the Pindos police in the 50s, describes how cops from the morality police specially made holes in the walls of toilet stalls in order to catch red-handed akhtungs who were flattered by a fresh hole. During the process of detaining the MPH, the unfortunate visitor could simply be pinned on the other side with a long pin so that he would not fuck off before the squad arrived.


The misfortune called the Glory Hole is the spillway funnel at the Monticello Dam (California, UWB). The drain is a giant concrete pipe, into which everything unnecessary flows in the event of a rise in water in the lake. The pipe has a cone shape: the diameter of the inlet is 21.6 m, tapering down to 8.4 meters. The depth of the funnel is 21 meters.