In a private house      06/14/2019

Herbal care. EcoZhivchik (herbal) - instructions for use. Herb made from empty plastic toys or egg shells

Travyanchik (aka eco-zhivchik, eco-ludik or florik) is a funny souvenir made from textiles, sawdust and seeds lawn grass. If you regularly water and fertilize, then the seeds of the lawn grass will germinate, and this cute little man or funny animal will have a lush green hair. Florik will be a great decoration for a child's room and a delicious treat for animals.

Herbal preparation

Before the herb settles on a sunny window in the children's room, you need to soak it in water so that the seeds under the textile shell are saturated with moisture, swell and prepare for growth. Any container filled with water is suitable for soaking a souvenir. room temperature. Immerse the florik in water and hold it a little with your hand so that it does not float to the surface and absorb moisture faster. Leave the souvenir in the water for 45 minutes.

Greenhouse for grass

If it’s cold outside, it’s better to arrange a mini-greenhouse for your pet. To do this, you need to take a plastic bag, put a plate with a wet souvenir on the bottom and tie the top of the bag in a knot. The finished greenhouse must be placed closer to the battery. If the seeds in the grass are fresh and viable, they will germinate within 1-2 days. As soon as the first tender shoots appear on the textile shell, the souvenir must be removed from the bag and placed on the window.

Choosing a place for a herbalist

While the herb is basking, you need to choose for him appropriate place. Ideally, this should be a sunny window sill, but the pet will feel quite comfortable on a bookshelf or a small bedside table near the window. The main thing is that there are no heating devices in the immediate vicinity of the tender shoots, otherwise the thin blades of grass will dry out very quickly. In a warm sunny place, the grass grass will very soon be covered with juicy emerald blades of grass.

Watering the herb

The grass should be watered every day, evenly distributing moisture over its surface. Once a week, you should bathe your pet, lowering it for 15-20 minutes in a container of water at room temperature. If the air in the room is dry, the souvenir must be sprayed, protecting it from drying out.

grass haircut

Children love to cut their hair and do all sorts of hairstyles for them. You can trim your pet 10-14 days after receiving the first shoots, by which time the blades of grass will have reached a height of 8-10 cm. If the hairstyle is not successful or turned out to be too short, do not worry, because green hair will grow back in 2-3 weeks.

Herbal shelf life

The shelf life of unused herbs is 2 years, which is how long lawn grass seeds remain viable. After two years, some seeds may disappear, and the pet's hair will not be as thick and lush as we would like. Therefore, when buying a florik, you should carefully study the date of its release and the established shelf life.

What to do if the herb is dry

If you forgot to water your pet, and the thin blades of grass have drooped or dried up, dip it for a while in a container of water at room temperature. This procedure has a revitalizing effect on the florist. If the blades of grass have completely dried up, you can either throw away the souvenir, or tear open the textile base and pour fresh seeds into it.

A grasshopper is a funny and unusual souvenir, from the top of which bright lawn grass provocatively makes its way, forming a kind of hair. To make the herbalist look cute - you need to organize a grassy toy proper care and create all conditions for the normal growth of vegetation.

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Grass or eco-gum, eco-ludes, eco-lovers (photo) are toys that are traditionally made from cloth stuffed with sawdust and lawn grass seeds. If such a toy is regularly watered and fertilized, then the seeds placed in sawdust will quickly sprout, and the toy will have a pretty green hair. Ecoludik can be a wonderful decoration for a child's room and a gift for an inquisitive kid.

How to grow a herb?

Before choosing a certain place in the children's room for the eco-gum, the grass toy should be thoroughly soaked in water so that the seeds hidden in it swell, get the right amount of moisture and prepare for the active germination process. The toy can be soaked in any container that needs to be pre-filled with water at room temperature. Soak the herb like this:

  • The eco-gum should be completely immersed in water and supported there a little, so that the toy is completely saturated with water and stops floating to the surface.
  • Grass toy must be in the water for at least 45 minutes.

If you are growing an ecolude in the cold season, it is better to make a small greenhouse for a toy. A greenhouse is easily constructed from a regular package. The herb itself is placed on a plate, and the plate is placed in a bag, and the bag itself is tied at the top. Put the greenhouse to any source of heat (for example, to a battery) and the herb will germinate in 1-2 days. As soon as you see shoots, take the toy out of the bag and put it on the window.

It is best to grow ecoludic on the windowsill, which receives the rays of the sun. However, the toy can be placed both on a shelf and on a bedside table - the main thing is that the place is well lit. Do not place the grass toy next to heaters and radiators; tender blades of grass will dry out from excessive heat.

How to care for a grass toy?

Eco-zippers need daily watering, which must be uniform. Once every 7 days, give the grasshopper a full bath. To do this, the souvenir is lowered into warm water for about a quarter of an hour. If there is insufficient humidity in the room, regularly spray the herb with water.

Travyanchikov can and should be cut, making funny little men a variety of hairstyles. However, it is advisable to make the first haircut only 14 days after the first shoots appear on the top of the toy. Do not be discouraged if the haircut fails, you can repeat the experiment with creating a hairstyle for an eco-man in a few weeks.

If for some reason the herb does not germinate, you may have purchased a toy with low-quality seeds or an expired one. To prevent such a misunderstanding - when buying a souvenir, carefully look at the date of manufacture. The shelf life of herbs is no more than 2 years.

If your eco-gum has begun to dry out, an extraordinary bath will help. This procedure usually helps to revive the herb and achieve active growth green hair. Let's finish the story funny toy interesting video about how to make a herbalist with your own hands.

To significantly expand the horizons of the child and develop a sense of responsibility in him will help herbs - handmade toys.

Such a craft will become a living guide to natural history at home, in kindergarten and at school.

Tryavyanchiki, or as they are also called, eco-men, in Lately regain their lost popularity. They first appeared in Soviet times and decorated many kitchens.

A grasshopper is a small fabric figurine in the form of a man or an animal, in which, after watering, a small forelock grows from the grass. By regularly watering your “pet”, you can get a real green corner in the house that does not require special care.

Ready-made herbs are in the assortment of many stores, but it is much more interesting to offer children to make it with their own hands. To create an eco-man, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • basis for grass;
  • grass seeds;
  • needle and thread;
  • sawdust;
  • plate or tray.

As a basis, you can use any materials at hand - an old sock, gauze, a wide bandage or a nylon stocking. Grass seeds should be selected according to your own preferences. So, for example, if you want to make a herb that will please the eye with greenery for several years, you can buy seeds of perennial lawn grass.

If you have pets, you can put the seeds of a special grass into the herbalist for them.

This delicacy will appeal to cats, dogs, guinea pigs and even parrots. Seeds of such grass are sold in pet stores.

If you can’t find grass seeds, you can put any cereals into the herbalist - rye, wheat, oats or barley. Preliminarily, it is desirable to sort out the grains from the husks and straws.

Sawdust can be purchased at any pet store - they will serve as the main filler for the toy. To create one person, you need only a few handfuls of sawdust, you should consider this when buying.

If desired, in needlework stores you can buy eyes and other details that will revive the eco-man.

Step-by-step instructions for making a herbalist

1. The stocking or sock should be cut with scissors in such a way that a small sleeve up to 10-15 centimeters long is obtained. If gauze or bandage is used, they must be sewn together to form a similar sleeve. Immediately you need to cut a few thin strips of matter - they will come in handy as ties. The strongest ties are obtained from nylon tights.

2. One end of the stocking should be tied up with a previously prepared tie. After that, the workpiece must be turned inside out to get a kind of bag with a knot inward.

3. If the herbalist will be a vertically located toy, first of all, seeds should be poured to the bottom of the bag, and after sawdust. The main thing is that the seeds are at the top of the craft.

If the herbalist will be located horizontally (for example, you can make a hedgehog or a turtle out of a stocking), then first you should pour sawdust into the bag and only then pour the seeds on one side, which will be at the top. It is advisable to pre-soak the seeds for 5-6 hours.

4. Sawdust should be slightly moistened - so they are better compacted and form a good shape. After filling, the upper edge is also tightly tied. It is very important to make strong knots so that in the future the contents do not spill out.

5. At this stage, you need to turn on the fantasy and come up with his herbalist appearance. So, depending on the location of the seeds, you can make a hedgehog, a frog, a tiger cub, a bear, a dog or a caterpillar.

In order to make the head, legs or segments of the body, you need to bandage the filled bag in a certain place.

Ideas for creativity can be gleaned from other people's work or invent something of your own, it is not necessary to make an existing animal, it can turn out to be an alien or some kind of miracle Yudo.

With the help of ties, you can form not only the head, but also the nose, ears, horns or tail.

In the process of creating a toy, periodically check it for stability.

6. In order for the herb to come to life, he needs to glue his eyes and mouth. As a peephole, you can use both blanks from shops for creativity, and the most ordinary buttons. Also, eyes can be made from cardboard or felt by cutting out a light oval for the eye itself and a dark one for the pupil.

7. You can add brightness to crafts if you paint its surface acrylic paints. Gouache and watercolor are not suitable for this, as they get your hands dirty and are washed off after getting water. Acrylic is resistant to water, and the toy will remain beautiful for a long time.

8. At the final stage, you need to thoroughly soak the herb with water. In order for the grass to germinate, the toy must be kept in a container of water for at least 2-3 hours. Well, if the water is slightly warmed up.

If you intend to create several herbalists, you can conduct a small experiment. So, one figure needs to be soaked with ordinary water, and the second with an aqueous solution of a plant growth stimulant. Then it remains to observe the growth of grass on crafts with the child and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Grass care

The finished toy must be installed on a plate or a special tray - this is necessary so that it does not drip onto surrounding objects, but lingers in the stand. Further, the eco-man needs to be placed in some bright place (for example, a window sill or a balcony) and wait for the moment when the first sprouts appear from it.

Periodically, you need to monitor the moisture level of the fabric enveloping the herb. From time to time it is necessary to moisten it with water from a watering can or from a spray bottle. Children will be happy to take care of their new pet and watch the result of their labors.

The first sprouts of grass will appear on the surface of the toy in 2 days.

If the age and level of perseverance of the child allows, you can make a diary of observations. So, in a notebook or an ordinary sheet, you need to draw the fields of the table and mark three times a day how much the stems grow. As the grass grows, the child can also take photos of their craft.

When the grass grows strongly and begins to disintegrate in different directions, you can captivate the child with a grass cut. With scissors or just with your hands, you need to remove the tips of the sprouts, leaving up to 2/3 of their length. So you can experiment with various types haircuts - half-box, mohawk and everything that fantasy allows.

By dividing the blades of grass into two parts and tying each with a bow, you can make a grass girl. By the way, the haircut has a positive effect on the toy - the removal of long stems gives the grass new strength, and over time, the appearance of the grass will only improve.

If there are pets in the house, they can do the “haircut” on their own - such grass is very useful for them, it contains many vitamins that are inaccessible to animals living in the apartment.

If you have to leave the herb alone for several days, in order to prevent it from drying out, after watering the toy should be wrapped plastic bag. It will help reduce evaporation and conserve valuable moisture.

We will make the next weed ourselves!)

How to make a weed

Taken from here.

What is a herbalist
Tryavyanchiki , or as they are also called, eco-men, have recently gained lost popularity. They first appeared in Soviet times and decorated many kitchens. A grasshopper is a small fabric figurine in the form of a man or an animal, which, after watering, grows a small forelock of grass. By regularly watering your “pet”, you can get a real green corner in the house that does not require special care. Ready-made herbs are in the assortment of many stores, but it is much more interesting to offer children to make it with their own hands.

To create an eco-man, you need to prepare the following materials:
basis for grass;
grass seeds;
needle and thread;
plate or tray.

As a basis, you can use any materials at hand - an old sock, gauze, a wide bandage or a nylon stocking. Grass seeds should be selected according to your own preferences. So, for example, if you want to make a herb that will please the eye with greenery for several years, you can buy seeds of perennial lawn grass.

If you have pets, you can put the seeds of a special grass into the herbalist for them. Such a delicacy will appeal to cats, dogs, guinea pigs and even parrots. Seeds of such grass are sold in pet stores. If you can’t find grass seeds, you can put any cereals into the herbalist - rye, wheat, oats or barley. Preliminarily, it is desirable to sort out the grains from the husks and straws. Sawdust can be purchased at any pet store - they will serve as the main filler for the toy. To create one person, you need only a few handfuls of sawdust, you should consider this when buying.
If desired, in needlework stores you can buy eyes and other details that will revive the eco-man.

Step-by-step instructions for making a herbalist

1. The stocking or sock should be cut with scissors in such a way that a small sleeve up to 10-15 centimeters long is obtained. If gauze or bandage is used, they must be sewn together to form a similar sleeve. Immediately you need to cut a few thin strips of matter - they will come in handy as ties. The strongest ties are obtained from nylon tights.

2. One end of the stocking should be tied up with a previously prepared tie. After that, the workpiece must be turned inside out to get a kind of bag with a knot inward.

3. If the herbalist will be a vertically located toy, first of all, seeds should be poured to the bottom of the bag, and after sawdust. The main thing is that the seeds are at the top of the craft. If the herbalist will be located horizontally (for example, you can make a hedgehog or a turtle out of a stocking), then first you should pour sawdust into the bag and only then pour the seeds on one side, which will be at the top. It is advisable to pre-soak the seeds for 5-6 hours.

4. Sawdust should be slightly moistened - so they are better compacted and form a good shape. After filling, the upper edge is also tightly tied. It is very important to make strong knots - so that in the future the contents do not spill out.

5. At this stage, you need to turn on the fantasy and come up with his appearance for the herbalist. So, depending on the location of the seeds, you can make a hedgehog, a frog, a tiger cub, a bear, a dog or a caterpillar. In order to make the head, legs or segments of the body, you need to bandage the filled bag in a certain place. Ideas for creativity can be gleaned from other people's work or invent something of your own, it is not necessary to make an existing animal, it can turn out to be an alien or some kind of miracle Yudo. With the help of ties, you can form not only the head, but also the nose, ears, horns or tail. In the process of creating a toy, periodically check it for stability.

6. In order for the herb to come to life, he needs to glue his eyes and mouth. As a peephole, you can use both blanks from shops for creativity, and the most ordinary buttons. Also, eyes can be made from cardboard or felt by cutting out a light oval for the eye itself and a dark one for the pupil.

7. You can add brightness to the craft if you paint its surface with acrylic paints. Gouache and watercolor are not suitable for this, as they get your hands dirty and are washed off after getting water. Acrylic is resistant to water, and the toy will remain beautiful for a long time.

8. At the final stage, you need to thoroughly soak the herb with water. In order for the grass to germinate, the toy must be kept in a container of water for at least 2-3 hours. Well, if the water is slightly warmed up. If you intend to create several herbalists, you can conduct a small experiment. So, one figure needs to be soaked with ordinary water, and the second with an aqueous solution of a plant growth stimulant. Then it remains to observe the growth of grass on crafts with the child and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Grass care

The finished toy must be installed on a plate or a special tray - this is necessary so that it does not drip onto surrounding objects, but lingers in the stand. Further, the eco-man needs to be placed in some bright place (for example, a window sill or a balcony) and wait for the moment when the first sprouts appear from it.

Periodically, you need to monitor the moisture level of the fabric enveloping the herb. From time to time it is necessary to moisten it with water from a watering can or from a spray bottle. Children will be happy to take care of their new pet and watch the result of their labors. The first sprouts of grass will appear on the surface of the toy in 2 days.

If the age and level of perseverance of the child allows, you can make a diary of observations. So, in a notebook or an ordinary sheet, you need to draw the fields of the table and mark three times a day how much the stems grow. As the grass grows, the child can also take photos of their craft. When the grass grows strongly and begins to disintegrate in different directions, you can captivate the child with a grass cut. With scissors or just with your hands, you need to remove the tips of the sprouts, leaving up to 2/3 of their length. So you can experiment with different types of haircuts - half-box, mohawk and everything that fantasy allows. By dividing the blades of grass into two parts and tying each with a bow, you can make a grass girl. By the way, the haircut has a positive effect on the toy - the removal of long stems gives the grass new strength, and over time, the appearance of the grass will only improve. If there are pets in the house, they can do the “haircut” on their own - such grass is very useful for them, it contains many vitamins that are inaccessible to animals living in the apartment. If you have to leave the herb alone for several days, in order to prevent it from drying out, after watering, the toy should be wrapped in a plastic bag. It will help reduce evaporation and conserve valuable moisture.

Educational toys are extremely popular in our time. And this phenomenon can be easily explained, because every parent wants the child not only to have fun, but also to learn something new or gain practical skills. A very interesting and, what is important, completely safe and natural toy - grass. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands and believe me, it is much more interesting than buying a factory-made version.

Grasshopper - what kind of animal is this?

A few years ago, eco-men or herbalists appeared in many flower shops and children's departments. When packaged, the souvenir resembles just an interior toy. This is a small figurine of a man, a fairy-tale character or an animal. Often grasshoppers look like just "weirdos" or can be just pouches with glued eyes. The essence of the game-experience is simple - inside the grass, in addition to the main filler, there are grass seeds. It must be soaked or sprinkled with plenty of water and put in a bright place. Very soon you will be able to watch your "pet" begin to grow green "hair".

DIY materials

Before discussing how to make a grasshopper with your own hands, let's see if you have all the materials for this toy? The craft consists of a stuffing bag, filler, seeds and decorative elements. As a basis for the grass, you can use nylon socks or tights. If you want your do-it-yourself grass to be bright, try using children's golfs. There is no need to make any special holes, through the fabric of tights the grass sprouts will independently find a way out to the light. As the main filler, you can use sawdust, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Do-it-yourself simple herbs: a master class for the little ones

Invite your child to make such a toy together. This work can be entrusted to three-year-olds. Prepare nylon socks in advance, if a very small child does the craft, it is best to choose something soft as a filler: cotton wool or synthetic winterizer. Tip - if you want the grass to germinate in a certain place, place the seeds there. However, many people like herbs, in which green sprouts climb in a chaotic manner. In this case, the seeds should be mixed with the filler. So, your goal is to fill the sock with padding polyester or cotton. Don't forget to add the seeds, positioning them according to your idea. Sew a bag, you can form a circle or an oval. In fact, it is very easy to make a herbalist with your own hands, you have almost completed this task, it remains only to arrange the craft. Glue eyes on waterproof glue, you can also draw something on the figure, but only if you are sure that the paints will not flow when in contact with water.

How to germinate grasshopper?

The meaning of the game-experience with the herb is to germinate grass seeds. To do this, you need to immerse the finished craft in a container of water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then take out the toy and place it on a saucer or some other stand. Now you just have to wait for a miracle - after 5-7 days the first shoots will appear. Knowing how to make a herbalist with your own hands, if you wish, you can collect a whole green zoo or a family of eco-men. Try experimenting with shapes and sizes.

Educational toy, pet and interior decoration

The grasshopper is a long-playing craft. The child will receive a lot of positive emotions during its manufacture and will be able to show taste and imagination during its design. After finishing work, a do-it-yourself grass toy will not become another useless souvenir. After soaking, you can observe the appearance of the first shoots. From time to time it is also useful to spray the herb, and you can even water it gently. But the game with the eco-figure does not end there either. If you decide to make a grasshopper with your own hands, be sure to try cutting it. Such a game will bring a lot of positive emotions to any child. What is especially interesting, the “hairs” will grow back and, if desired, they can be cut again and again.

We make curly grasses

Interesting and unusual craft- grass hedgehog. With your own hands, you can make it according to the same principle as more simple toys of this type. The animal can sit upright or stand on four legs. Your craft will look most interesting if the grass grows only on its back and head, depicting needles. Accordingly, when filling the stocking base, arrange the seeds accordingly. The paws are most conveniently made separately in the form of small balls. They can also be pulled with threads, forming fingers. Sew them to the body of the hedgehog with threads. A small secret - nylon heavily stuffed with synthetic winterizer or cotton wool - a very plastic material. It can be given the most interesting shapes, fixing them with simple thread stitches and tightening them well. You can work out in detail the features of the muzzle of the animal, make him plump cheeks and a pronounced sharp nose. How to make a grass hedgehog with your own hands, what details will help emphasize the image of this animal? In addition to the eyes, sew a large bead nose to the toy. If you have paint that is not afraid of water, you can draw eyebrows, mouth and blush on the cheeks.

One of the most popular questions among those who are making eco-toys for the first time is where to get grass seeds and which ones are suitable? Can be used lawn mixture. However, this only makes sense if you plant such grass in the country, as it is sold in large packages. If own personal plot if you don't, get a small bag of house cat grass seeds from the pet store. Almost any agricultural crop is also suitable: oats, wheat, rye. Interesting idea- seeds can be placed in herbs herbs: dill, parsley or basil - in this case, you will receive not only a beautiful toy, but also a constant source of fresh herbs for own kitchen. It is possible to make crafts using the described technique more complex. An interesting idea: to sew a doll, and place grass seeds in only one of its elements. Do not be afraid to stuff each element of the toy tightly enough, observing this simple rule Helps keep the figure in shape. When making a souvenir, remember that it will have to be soaked and sprayed with water. Accordingly, you should not use elements made of cardboard, paper and other materials that are afraid of high humidity for decoration. Be sure to try making your own herbs. The master class given in our article will definitely help you with this and you will succeed!