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How to choose lawn grass: an overview of lawn mixtures, advice from gardeners, photos. How to Choose Grass for Your Lawn: Practical Tips and Tricks

There is a lot of trouble with your lawn: does the grass look not as decorative as it does on the seed package, does it freeze in places, turn yellow, thin out and become overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn better fit for you, and which varieties are better to choose, we will tell today.

Lawn seed selection rules

Grass on the lawn should be perennial, hardy to frost and fast growing. This important conditions perfect lawn but not the most important ones. We list the main factors for buying seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are better to choose in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • The ability to vegetative reproduction;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

should not be neglected and general rules choice of lawn grass: expiration date of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer's warranties, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

For the lawn, it is best to use cereals. They have good system roots, give uniform green shoots, help control weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after shearing. Most often, such varieties of grasses are sown as meadow bluegrass, bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass belongs to the elite varieties of herbs. It looks very beautiful in any place free from landings. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral dressings.

Herb mixes

  • Universal Blend. The herbs in this mixture are fast germination, hardy, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports grades. It is a type of cereal mixtures for playgrounds, stadiums and places for outdoor activities.
  • Blends for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for a lawn not only in appearance, but also in terms of climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady places, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant grass varieties.
  • Mixes of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose from ready-made herb mixes or mix flowers and grasses that can take turns blooming all summer long. For a neat bright meadow lawn, low-growing greens are suitable, and you can decorate a plot in a rural style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite lawn compound. Although a mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, it appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any places free from planting.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Bluegrass meadow. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. In its pure form, it is practically not sown, since the roots of this herb slowly take root. Bluegrass is an excellent base for grass mixtures. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds, and grows well with other grasses.

Bluegrass - best base for mixture lawn grasses. The variety is unpretentious, gives friendly shoots and can grow on poor soils.

Bluegrass meadow - a fast-growing grass, shoots of which you will see before other crops. It looks bright and very decorative.

2. Polevitsa. The dark rich green of the thin bent grass looks good on any lawn. This grass withstands frequent mowing, cold winters and removes weeds over time.

The thin bent grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze out and has a rich green color.

3. ryegrass. This grass can be found in lawn grass mixtures. It has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form, it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has medium width leaves. This variety sprouts very amicably, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. More often you can find ryegrass in the composition of elite grass mixtures.

4. Fescue. Fescue is an ideal lawn grass that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of herbs. Within a month, the fescue gives thick shoots and is ready for a haircut.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of forbs. Its juicy seedlings appear quickly and fill the lawn with dense greenery.

The most common lawn grass questions

Our experts will answer the most frequently asked questions of beginner gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, have small roots and look much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly, and improve its decorative appearance after each new cut.

2. How many years does lawn grass grow?

Lawn grasses are perennial. decorative look seedlings will be accepted within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for the green lawn, cut it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for more than one year.

Green shoots of ryegrass will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single seed variety?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several types. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, sites and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it gives a rich decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb blends are more stable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform seedlings?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. Sowing seeds of cereals on the lawn evenly will help manual seeder. If you do not have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may produce bald spots that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care, it tolerates the sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well.

Ready-made grass in a roll - very convenient option fast lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price.

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. The green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now it remains only to decide which lawn grass will grow on your site.

You can grow a beautiful and well-groomed lawn near the house using lawn grass mixtures. Well, what kind of owner of a dacha suburban area does not dream of enjoying lush greenery, having picnics and playing with children on the green grass? The tradition of caring for the lawn came to us from Western countries and has firmly taken root. A beautiful lawn in the yard is fashionable, aesthetically pleasing, and pleasant.

A velvety lawn green carpet perfectly complements the design of the house and enhances the overall relaxing atmosphere. As a result, many owners of suburban real estate are wondering how to grow a beautiful green lawn on their site, what grass seeds for lawns or mixtures to use and how to choose them.

An ideal option for solving the "lawn" issue will be a mixture of lawn grass seeds. Usually they include from 3 to 5 varieties of crops that harmoniously complement each other's properties. The disadvantages of some seeds are compensated by the advantages of others. As a result, it becomes possible to use mixtures of lawn grass seeds in a variety of climatic conditions without fear for your future lawn.

Why Use Herbal Blends?

Using one lawn crop to create beautiful green lawns is the prerogative of professionals. Each type of lawn grass has its own unique set of characteristics:

  • growth rate;
  • Shade tolerance;
  • Resistance to trampling;
  • Resistance to adverse climate (hard frosts, droughts).

Each of the factors must be taken into account and anticipate possible risks before planting seeds. Whether it's a mixture of lawn grasses. The composition of the mixture of seeds in them is such that the advantages of some species overlap the disadvantages of others, forming an ideal combination.

Owners country houses doubts are often overcome about the conditions for growth, as well as the possibilities of a particular cereal. In such cases, it is advisable to give preference to mixtures of lawn seeds that endure adverse climate conditions, poor soil, drought, and shade.

Popular types

In order to grow a thick and beautiful, juicy green lawn, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the area where the lawn grass seeds will be planted. Drought, heavy rains, sudden changes in temperature - all this can adversely affect the growth of seeds. For our latitudes, where the inconstancy of the weather is observed, some types of lawn seeds are intended. They are not afraid of adverse climatic conditions, and the lawns eventually grow green and attractive:

  • Meadow fescueperfect option for use in wet ground. It grows very quickly and already in the first year after sowing forms a beautiful and juicy green cover. The only drawback is the fragility (usually no more than 4-5 years), but if properly combined with other herbs, the lawn will remain green for a long time;

  • Sheep fescue is a grass that withstands the harsh conditions of dry and poor soils. Mixing it with red fescue produces a mixture of lawn grass seeds that form a beautiful uniform cover even in the shade of shrubs and trees;

  • Rhegrass - the grass shows all its beauty on fertile soils, is resistant to trampling, gives an even cover within a couple of months after sowing. But compared to other species, it does not last long and does not differ in the strength of the turf;

  • Bluegrass meadow - good for areas with sudden changes in temperature and adverse weather conditions. The grass withstood the test of frost and drought, forming a thick turf. The only disadvantage is susceptibility to diseases ( powdery mildew, rust);

  • The bent grass is the most common variety of lawn grass seeds that can grow in almost any conditions. With abundant watering, it can delight with juicy greenery until the first snow. And the disadvantage is slow growth after mowing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of lawn grass mixture:

  • Affordable price of mixtures;
  • Ease of selecting turf grass mixtures for specific areas depending on climatic conditions.

Disadvantages of seed mixture:

  • The need to wait a long time until shoots from a mixture of herbs appear (2-3 weeks). Under adverse weather conditions, the period may increase;
  • Abundant growth of weeds during the first time of seed growth (2-3 cuttings).

Overview of popular grass mixtures

For cultivation in our latitudes, manufacturers make universal mixtures of lawn seeds that can withstand adverse weather and different soils. These include:

  • DLF-Trifolium Turfline Ornamental- contains in its mixture of seeds the most hardy crops that grow slowly, forming a strong sod (meadow fescue, red, reed, bent grass, bluegrass). Such a lawn recovers well after mowing and grows both in the sun and in the shade. The mixture is made in two versions: for temperate and hot climates.
  • Wolf-Garten Reseeding is a mixture of crops that are used to restore damaged lawn areas. The composition includes high-quality seeds and active additives.
  • Wolf-Garten Sport and Leisure LG– ideal lawn grass mixtures to create lawns for sports and picnics. A versatile mix of crops that will grow in any soil, forming a solid turf.
  • LawnCity "6 acres"- lawn grass seed mix for beginners. The seeds here are selected in such a way as to grow in various conditions and do not require special care. Bluegrass and fescue provide a smooth and beautiful turf cover with high resistance to trampling.
  • Green carpet "Children's Park"- the softness of the cover determines the name and recommendations for use. Such a lawn is best grown in playgrounds and backyards of country houses.
  • "Russian garden"- special flowering grass mixtures for lawns that cheer you up. Five different collections give the lawn a special charm. Each buyer will be able to find a shade to their liking. The flower cover does not need careful care.
  • Barenburg RTF Premium is a mixture of lawn grass seed that produces a particularly hardy and beautiful cover. The lawn can withstand severe droughts and regenerates itself by filling open or damaged areas.

Prices for mixtures of lawn grass seeds range from 300 to 6000-7000 rubles, depending on the variety and weight. Each of them allows you to create an excellent lawn, so you should choose based on their sowing area. And keep your lawn green.

Before creating a lawn, it is worth asking yourself a few questions. First, what exactly do you need a lawn for? For beauty? For sports games outdoors? Or for everything at once? Secondly, what are the conditions on the site intended for the lawn - sun, shade, wet, dry, soil acidity high or low? And based on this, make a choice from the list the best manufacturers lawn grass.

As a rule, for the Russian climate zone only certain types of herbs are suitable. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the composition of the mixture and determine if there are the following species: meadow bluegrass, red fescue and perennial ryegrass. Sometimes bent grass is added to them (its different types). Despite some scarcity of the main set, each species has many varieties that differ in appearance, growth rate, resistance to damage, and so on.

There are several requirements for quality lawn mixtures:

  1. they should take root quickly (and even on nutrient-poor soil);
  2. after mowing, grow more slowly, but the brightness of the color and density should remain the same;
  3. tolerate temperature fluctuations characteristic of Russia;
  4. be disease and pest resistant.

If the lawn in your country house has already grown, you should think about buying a lawn mower, we have selected the best models for you:

In Russia, five manufacturers of herbal mixtures are the most popular.

5. Green Meadow

The American company Green Meadow opens the rating of manufacturers of high-quality grass mixtures for lawns. It is one of the most famous suppliers of various plants both in the USA and in Europe. Her assortment is rich, however, the Russian lawn enthusiast should remember that a rare mixture will take root on Russian soil. The basis of the mixture is perennial ryegrass, it is very beautiful in appearance, but short-lived. Ryegrass is an ingredient in many mixtures, as its fast germination will provide the lawn with a beautiful, even color at the very beginning, and then give way to longer-lived grasses. At the same time, he still does not tolerate frost well and dies at temperatures from -15 and below. Residents of the southern regions of Russia can enjoy its bright malachite color, but the "Europeans" and Siberians should think hard.

4. Midget

Lawn mix from "Liliput" is specially designed for the harsh Russian climate and made as undemanding as possible. This is a lawn for the lazy (or for those who can't garden more than one day every couple of weeks). The grass mixture from "Lilliput" is built on the basis of bluegrass meadow and four parts different varieties fescue. All varieties are very hardy and resistant to negative factors. environment- from fluctuations in temperature to disease.

3. Green square

Another domestic manufacturer opens the top 3 of the best lawn grass mixtures. It differs from Lilliput both in a large number of options, and in more favorable price. Although the difference in price begins to be felt at large scales, for example, if the lawn area starts from 50 m2 or more. There are mixtures specially designed for various climatic regions of Russia - from the subtropical zone of the Caucasus to the arid Lower Volga region and harsh Siberia.

2. Powerseed

Lawn mixes from Powerseed are adapted to the western/central climate conditions of the USA, therefore, will be suitable for the central and southern regions of Russia. One of the most popular mixtures is for quick restoration of lawns. It is convenient that the old lawn does not need to be dug up, fertilized, or regularly watered. It just grows by itself - what else do you need?

1. Terragrun

One of hallmarks Terragrün are their own mixtures, in which wild species and cultivated varieties are mixed in various proportions. At the same time, the germination of seeds from German craftsmen reaches 95% (one of the highest rates on the market). And a wide range of products will help create a lawn not only in favorable climatic conditions in the south of Russia, but also in other, colder regions.

The varieties "Universal", "Canada-green", "Golf-Master" are very popular on the market. By the way, the latter, despite the specialized name, is actually very stable and looks great in the lawn. The only drawback is that it requires good drainage system, as it does not tolerate freezing of the soil and may die.

The best herb is a vague concept, because. the best grass will be different for different conditions.

Everyone who thinks about arranging a lawn sooner or later begins to look for answers to the question of how the grass will be the best for the lawn, what varieties to choose for plots in our climate, and most importantly, which grass will be the most reliable, not requiring serious care .

Before we talk about the most suitable varieties lawn grasses, we will determine by what criteria it is possible to distinguish really high-quality grass.

What are the requirements for good lawn grass?

The most important requirement is that the lawn grass must be perennial plant, but which one is better of all the representatives of perennials? Of course, perennial cereals should be especially highlighted. They will not need to be sown with the onset of each new season. It will be enough to spend time and effort on laying a grass lawn once in order to subsequently maintain it in order, providing minimal maintenance. Below are the main criteria by which high-quality lawn grass should be selected.

First, the plants must cope well with the tests of frost and temperature changes. Secondly, it is important that they grow well in the Russian climate. Thirdly, they had an aesthetic appearance. Fourthly, they were distinguished by a strong root system capable of developing even on compacted soils.

Among other things, grasses should recover quickly after mowing, respond well to top dressing mineral fertilizers, have the ability to vegetative reproduction.

What lawn grass is the most suitable for arranging a lawn in the country's climate?

Given the requirements listed above, there are only three types of herbs that meet them on all counts. These plants will perfectly cope with the vagaries of the weather in Russia, they will be able to grow and develop with minimal care. We are talking about thin bent grass, meadow bluegrass and red fescue. All these are samples of short-rhizomatous cereal plants.

Fescue, bluegrass, and bentgrass respond really well to temperature changes and unexpected spring frosts. Their rhizomes withstand the most severe frosts with the formation of a dense turf through which weeds will not break through. Grasses recover quickly after mowing, propagate vegetatively, and can grow without requiring overseeding for many years.

When studying grass mixtures in stores, opt for those that contain the highest percentage of the above-mentioned cereals. Please note that often the composition of mixtures can be placed on the packaging in Latin. So, for example, the usual thin floorboard is called Agrostis tenuis, fescue - Festuca rubra, meadow bluegrass - Poa pratensis. Memorize these names so that you can determine the presence of the plants you need in your lawn grass mixtures.

What else is in a good lawn mix?

Lawn grass mixture may contain different types herbs.

In fact, not only lawn grass mixture, including cereals, can be used to create a beautiful green canvas, feedback from site owners and landscape designers confirms that there are other plants that are great for growing in the country's climate. All of them also tolerate frost well, do not need special complex care. The only thing that is important to understand is that we are talking about additional components. This means that they should not form the bulk of the mixture.

Below are the main types of herbs used as additional components.

The shoot-bearing bent has one main advantage - it grows rapidly. Minus - not the most beautiful reddish shoots, which introduce an imbalance in the overall uniform color of the canvas.

Other types of bluegrass besides the previously mentioned meadow grass, for example, ordinary or narrow-leaved. These plants are not as "tenacious" as their meadow counterpart, they need to be sown every 5 years. Not up to par and decorative properties. However, as an additional component of the grass mixture, bluegrass of one and the second species would be quite appropriate.

Herbs for certain climates

For certain climate conditions on the site, you can select certain types of herbs. Yes, they do not belong to the category of universal ones, but in some areas it will be appropriate to plant them.

For example, oak bluegrass grows well and develops in partial shade. And that means it best grade for lawn grass in the shade garden trees, buildings. With it, it will be possible to achieve the formation of a uniform green canvas throughout the site, regardless of how intensely they are illuminated by the sun. An important point is that oak bluegrass does not tolerate regular mowing at all, since it does not have a reliable root system. This must be taken into account.

Another option is marsh bluegrass, which can decorate a site with a high degree of humidity, where it is not possible to arrange a drainage layer. The plant forms a beautiful saturated green cover with a powerful root system, but, unfortunately, quickly dies, so it often needs to be sown. Great option- a mix of their white bentgrass and marsh bluegrass, which can grow on swampy soils. The bent grass is not as spectacular as the bluegrass, but it can grow without needing to be sown for 8 years.

For device parterre lawns that do not provide for mechanical stress, you can plant a dog bent grass. The plant is surprisingly beautiful and allows you to create the effect of velvet fabric on the lawn due to thin and delicate blades of grass shimmering in emerald color. The problem is that such a bent variety is not long-lived (lives no more than 5 years), is not able to form a reliable root system and does not tolerate trampling.

If the main goal is to pick up a fast-growing grass to form a lawn within a few months, then you can opt for a mixture that contains meadow fescue. It will cover the area with a thick cover of grass in 7-8 weeks, and can be used in its pure form. The minus of cereal is a short lifespan, only 4 years and a weak root system.

What to look for when choosing seeds for a lawn device?

Usually, grass mixtures contain information on what type of lawn they are suitable for and in what conditions they will grow best. Read this information before making a choice. Also pay attention to the date of production of the seeds, the producing company, the country and the seeding rate.

Quality seeds for a beautiful lawn must be sold with a country certificate, meanwhile, they must be adapted to the climate in your area. When choosing herbs, take into account the composition of the soil in the area, the degree of illumination and the level ground water. All these indicators have an impact on the growth and development of the lawn.

It is important that the seeds match the type of lawn. For a sports turf, for example, this is one mixture of grass seeds that are resistant to trampling, and for parterre turf, these are other grass seeds that are as beautiful as possible, but not at all intended for loads. This important points to think about when choosing the best grass for the site.

The lawn creates harmony in the garden, emphasizing the beauty flower beds, lush greenery of sprawling shrubs and neat paths, and also gives the site an aristocratic look. Thanks to the lawn, the chances of weeds to conquer the territory are significantly reduced, the garden looks more well-groomed and, in addition, green grass absorbs dust and improves the microclimate around your home. There is no doubt - the lawn has a lot of advantages, and if everything is done correctly, it is unlikely that you will later have to regret the time and money spent. But which lawn is better: rolled or seeded, parterre or regular?

Which is better: buy a rolled lawn or sow the grass yourself?

On the question of how to choose a lawn, opinions often differ. Someone wants to decorate the territory with an ideal emerald lawn as soon as possible, while the price of the issue does not play a special role, while others prefer to save money and sow the area with grass on their own, having previously studied the lawn structure and selected the most suitable grass mixture.

Lawns for the lazy can also include clover and Moorish lawn

Grass lawns are also different: parterres need to be carefully looked after to maintain their impeccable appearance, ordinary garden lawns do not look so elegant, but they are easier to care for and you can safely walk on them. The so-called lawn grass for the lazy is gaining popularity - special grass mixtures from undemanding plants that do not require frequent cutting and watering. Lawns for the lazy can also be attributed, but they have their pros and cons, which you should definitely pay attention to.

Video about lawn in rolls or seeds, which is better

If you do not take into account the cost of the lawn in rolls, you can count it a lot of advantages:

  • rolled lawn grass is resistant to frost, so it can be laid until late autumn, without fear that the turf will not have time to take root and freeze;
  • there is no need to wait for the grass to grow, the lawn looks impressive immediately after laying;
  • weeds on rolled lawns do not appear within one or two seasons;
  • the quality of the finished turf is very high, it does not fall apart, it has a good density and a uniform saturated color;
  • lawn in rolls is resistant to weathering, drought, heavy rainfall and trampling.

Most likely, it will not work to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately lay down the costs also for attracting assistants

Despite such a number of advantages, the rolled lawn has mixed reviews. Firstly, it does not grow well in shady places; secondly, felt may soon appear under the grass, which contributes to the spread and spoils its appearance; thirdly, the lawn in rolls is less durable than seeded. In addition, the installation of a rolled lawn requires several hands due to the severity of the turf. Most likely, it will not work to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately lay down the costs also for attracting assistants. look after rolled lawn it will be necessary in the same way as for the seeded one: regularly cut, water, feed, comb and aerate the soil.

Of course, arranging a lawn with your own hands takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. This is the main disadvantage of seeded lawn. In addition, you will have to be patient: at the beginning of the summer, you will need to complete all necessary work, sow the grass mixture, then, throughout the season, conscientiously look after the grass and prepare it for winter properly. And only next year you will be able to evaluate the result of your efforts.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawn have their drawbacks.

But the following advantages of a seeded lawn will be your reward:

  • durability and resistance to environmental influences - provided that the grass mixture is properly selected, the cereals sown by you immediately adapt to local natural conditions and to the type of soil in your area;
  • a variety of lawn grasses allows you to choose a grass mixture for any conditions (adapted to growth in shady places, to trampling, intended for outdoor activities or for decorative purposes);
  • in case of bald spots on the lawn, you can always sow grass;
  • seeded lawn is more unpretentious than rolled lawn.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawns have their drawbacks. But no matter what option you choose, the appearance of the lawn will depend largely on how proper care in the future you will provide it.

An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass according to your wishes.

What lawn grass to choose for creating a lawn with your own hands?

If you decide to try your hand and plant the lawn yourself, you will have to figure out which grass is best for the lawn, taking into account the characteristics of the climate, the soil and the degree of expected load on the lawn - whether it will perform a purely decorative function or you intend to walk on the grass and play on it in active games.

As the definition of a lawn says, it consists mainly of perennial herbs cereal families. Most often, grass mixtures contain a certain percentage of bluegrass, fescue and rheigras seeds. Various combinations of these main components with a slight addition of other plant species provide a huge variety of grass mixtures on the market. An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass, taking into account your wishes and the conditions in which the grass will grow.

Bluegrass meadow

With insufficient care, it loses its beautiful malachite color and gloss, thins out, but is able to recover quickly

Resistant to early frosts and frosty winters, durable, but very weak in the first year, may freeze or suffer from weeds. By the third year, it turns into a thick carpet of a pleasant color. It begins to turn green earlier than other grasses and grows well in a sunny place for decades, but in the shade it can get sick with powdery grass and die. It does well with abundance of water, loamy soils and liming. With insufficient care, it loses its beautiful malachite color and gloss, thins out, but is able to recover quickly if you remember about it in time.

red fescue

A drought tolerant shade tolerant plant that grows slowly in the first year and then grows rapidly. Forms a dense turf, soft and silky. This is lawn grass for the lazy - even if you forget to water it on time or feed it, the plants still won't die.

bent grass

It grows rapidly and is characterized by increased endurance, forms a very dense turf, it is almost impossible to trample it. Ideal for playgrounds.

Video about growing a lawn with your own hands

perennial ryegrass

Quite tough dark green grass, grows quickly and is little trampled down. Due to the fact that rheigras is much brighter than other types of grasses in grass mixtures, on the lawn it will stand out against the background of delicate greenery.

Bluegrass and fescue coexist perfectly on the same lawn, complementing each other, these plants are best suited for creating a quality lawn in any climatic conditions, on different types soil. The addition of ryegrass is necessary in order for the lawn to turn green as soon as bluegrass and fescue are gaining strength. The main thing is that there should not be too much ryegrass in the grass mixture, otherwise it will crush the seedlings of the main lawn plants.