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All about psoriasis and treatment methods. Psoriasis - causes, symptoms and treatment, photos. Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis

Psoriasis is a very common disease these days that affects a fairly young population (from 30 years old), but the first manifestations make themselves felt before the age of 20. It is non-infectious, autoimmune in nature, affects the skin and causes a lot of inconvenience.

The disease is lifelong and has a wavy course with periods.

Excessive psycho-emotional stress, disruption of the body's metabolic processes, and allergic reactions can lead to the development of psoriasis. Treatment for psoriasis depends on its form (severity).

Since the disease can be severe, in some cases patients may even become disabled:

They heal the affected areas and eliminate itching.

For the treatment of psoriasis of various forms, there are many other medicinal ointments, creams, lotions, and decoctions, which are periodically recommended to be applied to the affected areas of the skin as prescribed by a doctor.

UV irradiation is also indicated for such patients. Short wave radiation gently heals lesions without damaging healthy areas of the skin. In this case, the patient does not need to take special photosensitizers.

But in some cases, the use of long-wave UV with local exposure to the lesion with simultaneous external use of photosensitizers is indicated. They protect undamaged areas of the skin.

Since the development of the disease involves a lot important role metabolic disorders and stress play a role; therapeutic measures alone cannot be used. The patient must comply with a certain (very popular today), .

The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • fried;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty foods.

Note: If you have psoriasis, you should eat fruits and vegetables with caution (exclude red apples and tomatoes).

It is important to adjust your daily routine: alternate work and rest, avoid stressful situations. Adequate sleep and giving up bad habits are also necessary for this disease.

Spa treatment also has a beneficial effect in the fight against psoriasis. Many experts recommend it to psoriasis patients.

With this disease proper care skin care has an important role. The affected areas of the skin should not be combed. You should not remove dead skin areas yourself. It is advisable to abandon frequent baths in favor of showers. Soap must be used neutral, without fragrances.

Note: When washing, do not rub the skin vigorously. It is also better to dry yourself with a towel using blotting movements.

If the scalp is affected, do not use hair dryers or curling irons. Combs should be made from natural materials. The use of medicated shampoos can be alternated with regular ones.

Treatment of severe psoriasis

This form of the disease is characterized by:

  • damage to more than 20% of the skin;
  • damage to joints, nails;
  • addition of a secondary infection.

When treating such patients, a systematic integrated approach is required in a hospital setting. In addition to ointments and phototherapy, taking pills and intravenous therapy (injections and droppers) is indicated here.

First of all, we are talking about hormonal drugs. Despite a large number of side effects, they have an effective anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to hormonal drugs, the active formation of cells in the lesion is reduced by cyclosporine and.

Acitretin normalizes the regeneration process of skin cells, promoting the healing of affected areas. Particularly effective in combination with phototherapy. When taking it, it is necessary to monitor blood cholesterol levels and liver function. Contraindicated for pregnant women.

Since stress is one of the causes of the development of this disease, we must not forget about sedatives. They relieve anxiety, increase neuropsychic stability, and reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs are prescribed for certain forms of psoriasis. They eliminate severe local inflammation and reduce swelling.

Plasmapheresis is used to cleanse the blood of toxic products associated with metabolic disorders. The fact is that with psoriasis, autoantibodies are formed, which contribute to the development of the disease. They are bound to plasma proteins. During plasmapheresis, a portion of blood is taken from the patient, plasma is removed from it, and the remainder is returned to the body. After this procedure, susceptibility to drugs increases significantly.

Another new way to treat psoriasis is the use of the Darsonval device. It acts on the skin with a high-frequency current of low strength. The sebaceous and sweat glands of our skin in this situation act as conductors.

After this procedure, the regenerative ability of the skin improves and the body's production of corticosteroid hormones, which help in the fight against psoriasis, increases.

With psoriasis, all patients are subject to dispensary registration and observation by a dermatologist. Treatment at home using only folk remedies is not recommended. It is important to remember that only qualified treatment will help reduce the activity of the disease and reduce the frequency of attacks.

Treatment of psoriasis at home is described in detail in this article. video:

Skin pathologies are, as a rule, manifestations of internal problems of the body: reduced immunity, diseases of vital organs, intoxication, stress. Therefore, therapy often lasts for years, and a disease such as psoriasis is still considered incurable. However, there is some good news...

When they talk about the impossibility of a complete cure for a disease, this means that it manifests itself to one degree or another throughout life. Modern medicine is quite capable of making these manifestations rare and not causing severe discomfort.

What determines the choice of treatment method for psoriasis?

Psoriasis - chronic illness skin, which can have a variety of causes. It is diagnosed at any age in people of both sexes, although it is most often found in the periods: 16–22 years and 57–60 years (the so-called age peaks). According to the World Health Organization, psoriasis affects 4% of the world's population.

Another name for psoriasis is lichen planus. The disease manifests itself in the form of itchy pink spots or plaques covered with silvery scales. The rashes are localized on the knees and elbows, scalp, hands, and feet. Advanced forms of psoriasis affect the nails.

Unlike other types of lichen, psoriasis is not transmitted from person to person and is believed to be autoimmune in nature. Its treatment should be based primarily on diagnosing the reasons why the body begins to attack its own skin cells. Such reasons may be:

  • genetic predisposition (about a third of cases);
  • allergies;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • reaction to medications or overdose;
  • skin damage due to injury or inflammation;
  • stress;
  • previous infectious disease (flu, sore throat);
  • alcoholism;
  • smoking.

Approximately 30% of patients develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), which often leads to disability. To avoid such a serious complication, it is necessary to diagnose psoriasis and begin treatment as early as possible.

Modern approaches to treatment

Treatment must be individual and comprehensive and cannot be carried out according to a universal scheme for everyone, since too many factors may be involved in the appearance and development of psoriasis, including the psychological state of the patient. As a rule, it is necessary to use several methods - starting from the most gentle and superficial ones and gradually increasing the therapeutic effect on various body systems. However, this does not solve the problem of concomitant diseases, which are detected in more than 50% of patients with psoriasis and aggravate the clinical picture - such as inflammation of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, ENT organs, genitourinary system, as well as hypertension, diabetes. The experience and knowledge of doctors from several branches of medicine are required, but individual methods of alternative treatment often show high effectiveness. Thus, popular approaches of Tibetan medicine are aimed at optimizing all vital processes in the body from the very first procedures.

Methods for effective treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis has been known since antiquity, so its treatment methods are based on long-term observations of patients. It has been established that the relief of their condition is facilitated by dosed exposure to the sun, proper nutrition, reduction of stress levels, timely treatment of infections, and sanitation of large foci of lichen. These data have found application in the development of various types of therapy.

Drug treatment

Lasts at least six weeks and is primarily external. Basically, medications prescribed for psoriasis are potent and have a number of side effects. If you experience nausea, vomiting, decreased vision, dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Preparations of vitamins D3, A and E . Ointments that have a dermatotropic and antipsoriatic effect, containing analogues of vitamin D - calcipotriol (Psorcutan, Daivonex, Glenriaz), tacalcitol (Curatoderm), calcitriol (Silkis), as well as A-vitamin-like agents - retinol ointment "Videstim" and others. Contraindicated for children and pregnant women; should not be used on more than 20–35% of the skin surface. Combining drugs with each other and with vitamins can enhance both their therapeutic and side effects. Taking this into account, balanced combined external products have been developed, such as Radevit ointment, which contains a complex of retinol palmitate (vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2).
  • Immunosuppressants (immunosuppressants) . These include drugs such as methotrexate (Methoject, Evetrex), cyclosporine (Ekoral, Sandimmune Neoral) and leflunomide (Arava, Ralef, Leflaid, Lefomid). Side effects can affect the kidneys, pancreas and liver, and can also include hypertension, tremor, weakness, headache, and skin reactions. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce autoimmune effects.
  • Glucocorticosteroids . Hormonal products in the form of ointments, creams, emulsions, gels. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiallergic effect. Prescribed as single-component external preparations containing long-acting glucocorticoids of class III–IV activity - clobetasol (Powercourt, Cloveit, Dermovate), betamethasone (Rederm, Celestoderm, Beloderm, Daivobet) , triamcinolone (“Fluorocort”, “Polcortolone”, “Triacort”), mometasone (“Momat”), methylprednisolone (“Advantan”, “Comfoderm”), and combined with other active ingredients - antibiotics, salicylic acid, urea (“ Akriderm Genta", "Cortomycetin", "Belogent", "Akriderm SK", "Diprosalik", "Elokom S", "Supirocin-B"). Taking steroid drugs orally for psoriasis is not prescribed because of the high likelihood of a withdrawal effect: at first there is a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being, but after stopping the medication he becomes worse than before treatment. The main idea of ​​glucocorticoid therapy is to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect with the lowest possible doses.
  • Innovative drugs . They are mainly used abroad and are highly expensive. A typical example is the Swiss drug Stelara for subcutaneous administration. The course of treatment is a year, the cost of the course is about €30,000. Stelara is an immunosuppressant, 4 weeks should pass between the first and second injection, then the drug is administered every 12 weeks. In addition to this, in January 2015, another innovative drug, apremilast (“OTEZLA”), arrived in pharmacies of the European Union. This oral medication, with an approximate cost of €1,270 per pack (54 tablets), belongs to the group of selective immunosuppressants. Its safety in patients under 17 years of age has not yet been tested, and only experienced dermatovenerologists specializing in psoriasis can prescribe the correct dosage.
    It should be understood that immune suppression usually leads to frequent respiratory infections, as well as diarrhea, nausea and chronic headaches, therefore, if there is no improvement after five months of use, the above drugs are discontinued.


Exposure to light, sound and electric current of different frequencies is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and produces minimal side effects.

  • UV radiation . Effective imitation sunbathing, which can be organized in a clinic, solarium or at home. It is important to agree on the duration and frequency of procedures with your doctor individually and not exceed them. Side effect is skin aging, the occurrence of malignant tumors.
  • Using narrowband UVB therapy with a wavelength of 311 nm . An innovative method used as monotherapy. The course of treatment is 2.5 months with the duration of one procedure being several minutes. Procedures are prescribed three times a week. There is visible clinical improvement and long-term remission up to 2 years.
  • Ultrasound therapy . It has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable, analgesic, antipruritic effect. It has no contraindications, but cannot be used for psoriasis on the scalp.
  • PUVA . Photochemotherapy, effective for rashes on the scalp, palms and soles of the feet. The course consists of 15–25 procedures of local exposure to ultraviolet radiation, lasting 3–4 hours.
  • Electroson . The procedures are aimed at improving the condition of the patient’s nervous system in cases where there is a strong stress factor. By applying a weak pulsed current to the brain, the patient is artificially put to sleep. The course can be 12–30 procedures lasting 30–40 minutes. The device is turned off immediately after the patient falls asleep, awakening occurs independently and calmly.
  • Laser therapy . A course of 7–9 procedures lasting no longer than 3 minutes. Laser radiation normalizes and restores the skin and prevents the formation of new rashes. Remission lasts at least a year, and with complex therapy, psoriasis may not bother the patient for several years.

When prescribing a course of physical therapy, it is important not to skip procedures, not to reduce, but also not to increase their number at your own discretion.


It is rarely used, since it is an additional stress for the body, but in some cases it can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

If the appearance of psoriasis is associated with self-infection of the body coming from the large intestine, it is used Martynov's technique. The tightness of a special valve between the small and large intestines, which has protective properties, blocking the path of pathogenic microbes, is surgically restored. After this plastic surgery, there is a relief in the condition of patients not only with psoriasis, but also with allergies, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, and peptic ulcers.

Surgical methods are also used for nail psoriasis: Removing the nail can solve the problem and a healthy nail plate will grow in its place.


Sanatorium-resort treatment in a warm sea or mountain climate during sunny seasons has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with psoriasis. Russians can recommend trips to Essentuki, Saki, Pyatigorsk. Of the foreign resort areas, the most popular are the Dead Sea coast (Israel, Jordan) and the Pamir Mountains (Tajikistan). The combination of a favorable climate and a course of thermal baths is especially effective.

Diet therapy

Excess weight is one of the provoking factors of psoriasis; in addition, cases of fatty liver degeneration are often observed with this disease. Diet therapy prescribes a complete abstinence from alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, and a reduction in the amount of flour and confectionery products in the diet. The basis of nutrition should be dairy, meat, plant products, fish is healthy. If the patient has had even isolated cases of allergic reactions to certain foods throughout his life - for example, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey - these should also be excluded.

Lifestyle correction

For patients with psoriasis, any type of intoxication of the body associated with lifestyle is unacceptable: smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, working at hazardous industries, use of caustic household chemicals. Indoors, you should monitor the frequency of cleaning so that accumulations of dust and pet hair do not provoke allergies. Reducing stress levels, healthy sleep, timely rest, and walks in the fresh air will benefit a patient with psoriasis.

Diet therapy and lifestyle correction is deceptive simple methods treatment. If the list of prohibitions turns out to be too long and has a depressing effect on the patient, there will be no benefit. It is necessary to distinguish between everyday drunkenness and alcoholism, situational smoking and nicotine addiction, food indiscriminateness and cravings for harmful products caused by hormonal pathologies. If you have many years of bad habits, additional diagnosis and treatment of concomitant diseases will be required.

Traditional medicine methods

At home, to alleviate the condition of patients with psoriasis, they often resort to traditional disinfectants, anti-inflammatory and anti-burn agents. These are various ointments and lotions based on birch tar, grease, copper sulfate, warm baths with herbs (celandine, string) or salts. The ingredients can be purchased separately and mixed according to the chosen recipe, or you can buy a ready-made ointment, herbal mixture or bath product at the pharmacy. Side effects are usually minimal, but the therapeutic effect is also weak. These methods can be used as additional methods as part of the complex treatment of psoriasis.

Tibetan medicine approaches

Tibetan medicine works in the treatment of psoriasis in several directions at once:

  • cleansing of lymph, blood, liver, bile ducts;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • harmonization of the psycho-emotional background;
  • relieving skin itching and burning.

To achieve these goals, they use different kinds acupressure therapy (acupuncture, moxibustion), massage (acupressure, vacuum, using hot stones), complex herbal medicine (teas, ointments, compresses, baths). The difference between Tibetan medicine is a gentle, stress-free effect on the body at a deep level, which allows you to treat the causes of psoriasis from the first procedures, which European medicine usually does not offer. Patients receptive to the methods of Tibetan medicine can receive in a few weeks an effect comparable to many years of complex treatment in European clinics.

Psoriasis is a disease that requires an individual, thoughtful approach, without the pursuit of quick results. When prescribing a course of therapy, a qualified doctor will be guided by a set of data and, if necessary, make adjustments to the frequency, duration and direction of procedures. At different periods of life, depending on age, hormonal levels, the development of chronic diseases, working and living conditions, some methods may lose their effectiveness, while others may come to the fore. Self-discipline, lifestyle correction and a calm, trusting relationship with your doctor will help make the manifestations of psoriasis rare and minimal.

Psoriasis is a common skin disease believed to be autoimmune in nature. The disease manifests itself as red, scaly spots on the different areas bodies. Unfortunately, to date there is no way to permanently cure psoriasis. However, persistent and comprehensive treatment can achieve stable remission.

Most often, psoriatic plaques appear on the skin of the buttocks, bends of the limbs, and scalp in the area of ​​hair growth. In severe cases, the entire skin may be affected. The rashes look unsightly. In addition, patients experience constant itching. Scratching the affected skin contributes to the appearance of microtraumas of the skin and its infection.

Treatment methods are selected depending on the extent of the lesion. Usually, the best results can be achieved by combining medicinal methods approved by official medicine and non-traditional therapeutic approaches.

Spoon with soda

Unconventional methods of treatment

Sodium bicarbonate is an affordable and harmless product. An advantageous difference from other medications used to treat psoriasis is that soda does not contain hormones.

There are many recipes using baking soda that can be used in the fight against psoriasis. This product is suitable for both external and internal use.

Action of sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is a common component of formulations used against various skin ailments. Psoriasis can also be treated with sodium bicarbonate.

However, you need to understand that soda is only an addition to the main complex. Using traditional recipes, you cannot voluntarily cancel the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The beneficial qualities of sodium bicarbonate lie in the ability of this substance to remove toxins from the body. In addition, baking soda has the following effects to help combat psoriasis:

  • reduces the overall acidity of the body;
  • improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  • cleanses and softens the skin;
  • relieves irritation, soothes and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

External treatment methods

Sodium bicarbonate can be used in the fight against skin diseases in different ways. Psoriasis can be treated by using a soda solution to cleanse the skin, as well as using soda lotions. Therapeutic baths with the addition of sodium bicarbonate help combat psoriasis.

Therapeutic baths

Therapeutic baths with baking soda, of course, will not be able to affect the causes that cause the development of psoriasis, but this procedure will improve the condition of the skin and reduce the discomfort caused by the disease.

Making a baking soda bath is very easy. It is enough to dissolve 250 grams of sodium bicarbonate in warm (37-38 degrees) water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After taking a bath, it is advisable not to wipe the skin, but to let it dry naturally. It is recommended to take soda baths for psoriasis once every two days.

You can use baths with the addition of soda and other active substances that help in the fight against psoriasis. Here are some recipes:

  • Salt-iodine baths. 500 grams of salt, 250 grams of soda, 5 ml of iodine alcohol tincture. It is better to use sea salt for such a bath, but you can also use regular salt. If there is no allergy, then instead of iodine you can take 10 ml of propolis tincture.
  • Magnesium baths. Magnesium combined with baking soda helps treat psoriasis. You need to take 300 grams of baking soda, 20 grams of magnesium carbonate and 15 grams of magnesium perborate.
  • Complex treatment of psoriasis may include soda baths with the addition of medicinal herbs. You can use string, sage, celandine, chamomile. To prepare a bath, prepare a liter of decoction and add 250 grams of soda.
  • Another option for a therapeutic bath is sodium bicarbonate in combination with essential oils. It is especially recommended to use rosemary, fir, tea tree, and juniper oils. To prepare a bath, you need to use 10 drops of one of the oils and 300 grams of soda.

In the fight against psoriasis, you can alternate the listed baths, but you should not get carried away; the procedures are recommended to be carried out no more than 3 times a week.

Healing ointments

Baking soda is good for more than just baths. Based on this substance, you can prepare an ointment that will help treat psoriasis.

Composition of the ointment:

  • baking soda - teaspoon;
  • chicken or pork rendered fat - a glass;
  • fir oil – tablespoon;
  • birch tar - two tablespoons;
  • chicken egg yolk – 3 pieces;
  • pharmaceutical bile - two tablespoons;
  • dark laundry soap, grated into crumbs - two tablespoons;
  • chaga mushroom powder - half a glass.

Melt the fat and mix all the listed ingredients. Treat psoriasis by applying ointment daily to the affected skin three hours before bedtime.

You can treat psoriasis with an ointment of a simpler composition, consisting of only two ingredients - baking soda and peach oil. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Treatment is carried out daily, you need to apply the prepared composition to psoriatic plaques, cover with cling film and leave overnight.

Solutions and lotions

If a person is diagnosed with psoriasis, then it is not recommended for him to use soap to cleanse his skin. It is better to prepare a solution with baking soda. Take two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate per glass of warm water. The prepared composition is used to cleanse affected areas of the skin.

The same solution can be used to prepare lotions. This treatment for psoriasis can be done daily. A swab is moistened in the solution, which is then applied to the affected areas.

Oral preparations

You can treat psoriasis using baking soda not only with external means. There are recipes for internal use against this skin disease.

However, such treatment should be used with great caution; in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, taking soda orally without consulting a doctor is prohibited.


Psoriasis can be treated with a mixture prepared from the following components:

  • liquid honey – 300 grams;
  • vetch seeds – 150 grams;
  • baking soda – 50 grams.

The seeds should be dried in a frying pan and ground into powder. Melt the honey until liquid and mix with the remaining ingredients. Treat psoriasis by taking a teaspoon of the mixture in the morning (on an empty stomach) and at night.

Oral solution

If you are intolerant to honey, treatment for psoriasis with oral baking soda is carried out differently. In the morning you need to pour a glass of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and stir. Allow the solution to cool slightly, then drink. This treatment helps to alkalize the body and remove toxins, which, in turn, helps to defeat psoriasis.

Important Warning

Like any other disease, psoriasis must be diagnosed by specialists after examination. You should not diagnose yourself by noticing suspicious spots on the skin.

But even after the diagnosis has been established, you will need to check with a specialist whether it is possible to treat psoriasis using baking soda.

You should be especially careful when using recipes containing baking soda for oral use, as excessive oral use of sodium bicarbonate can lead to stomach problems.

Baking soda should be used wisely in the fight against psoriasis. Then the treatment will be beneficial and, perhaps, the patient will be able to overcome his illness.

Psoriasis or scaly lichen is a chronic disease that affects the skin and its appendages: nails and hair. It is characterized by periods of deterioration (relapses) and temporary well-being, when the manifestations of the disease become less severe. This disease is not infectious and the patient is not dangerous to others. Because the appearance of psoriasis is not associated with microorganisms.

Psoriasis most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 45 years. People with fair skin are more susceptible to it. IN developed countries the number of patients with psoriasis reaches 2-4% of the population. Every 25th inhabitant of the earth on all continents suffers from it.

A huge number of medical institutions are dealing with this problem. Therefore, psoriasis has been recognized as the most studied disease. But still this disease is not fully understood. Officially, it is considered incurable and raises many questions.

Psoriasis is caused by the body's own immune cells. They rise from the lower layers of the skin to the upper ones, causing inflammation, proliferation of epidermal cells and the formation of small capillaries.

The manifestations of psoriasis on the skin are quite varied. Most often, the disease causes the appearance of red spots - psoriatic plaques. They are dry to the touch, raised above the surface of the skin and covered with a white coating.

Types of psoriasis

The disease is divided into two large groups: pustular and non-pustular psoriasis.

Nonpustular psoriasis

  • ordinary (vulgar) or simple psoriasis (plaque psoriasis, chronic stable psoriasis)
  • psoriatic erythroderma or erythrodermic psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis
  • von Zumbusch pustular psoriasis or generalized pustular psoriasis
  • palmoplantar psoriasis (pustular psoriasis of the extremities, chronic persistent palmoplantar pustulosis)
  • annular pustular psoriasis
  • palmoplantar psoriasis
  • psoriatic impetigo herpetiformis
Additionally, these types of psoriasis are distinguished:
  • psoriasis of flexor surfaces and skin folds
  • Napkin psoriasis
  • drug-induced psoriasis
The following forms of psoriasis are classified according to severity:
  1. Mild – less than 3% of the skin is affected.
  2. Moderate severity - 3-10% of the skin is covered with psoriatic plaques.
  3. Severe – there is damage to the joints or more than 10% of the skin is involved.

Causes of psoriasis

Today there is no clear answer to the question: “why does psoriasis appear?” Scientists put forward several theories.
  1. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It is based on a malfunction of the immune system. Immune cells T-killers and T-helpers, whose function is to protect the body from viruses, bacteria and tumor cells, for some reason penetrate into the upper layers of the skin. Here they produce inflammatory mediators - substances that “trigger” the inflammatory reaction. Its result is increased division of skin cells and their reproduction (proliferation).
  2. Psoriasis is a disease that is caused by impaired growth, division and maturation of epithelial cells - keratinocytes. The result of such changes in the skin is an attack by immune cells T-lymphocytes and macrophages on diseased skin cells.

Factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis

Doctors have noted a number of factors that can cause the disease. Of course, psoriasis most often occurs if the body is affected by several such conditions at once.
  1. Hereditary predisposition. There is a version that genes that are responsible for the functioning of the immune system and the functions of T-lymphocytes are carriers of the disease. Therefore, parents who suffer from symptoms of psoriasis are more likely to give birth to children who will develop the same symptoms.
  2. Thin dry skin. It was noted that people with such skin characteristics get sick more often than those whose skin is oily and well-moisturized. This is probably due to the protective functions of sebum and the structural features of the skin.
  3. External irritants. A high percentage of patients is among those people who are constantly in contact with alcohol solutions, solvents, household chemicals, and cosmetics (lotions, hand creams).
  4. Excessive hygiene– excessive love for cleanliness also undermines the protective properties of the skin. Soaps, shower gels and washcloths wash away the natural protective barrier and leave behind microscopic injuries.
  5. Bad habits– addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs has a bad effect on the condition of the skin. Her nutrition and blood supply deteriorate.
  6. HIV– AIDS patients are more susceptible to psoriasis. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon. The fact is that psoriasis is caused by increased activity of lymphocytes, and with AIDS their number decreases.
  7. Medicines– Taking some medications can cause illness. Among them: beta blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antimalarials, lithium carbonate.
  8. Infections (fungi and staphylococcus). Quite often there have been cases where psoriasis appeared immediately after fungal infections or diseases caused by streptococcus.
  9. Moving– change of climate or even season, deterioration of condition environment may become a trigger for this disease.
  10. Stress– severe emotional shocks or physical stress (long periods of hypothermia, overheating, accidents) precede the appearance of the first symptoms of psoriasis.
  11. Injuries– constant impact on the skin: pressure, friction, scratching. Such regular injury can cause the first psoriatic plaques to appear at this site.
  12. Allergic conditions– allergic rashes on the skin and the processes that occur in this case, in all layers of the skin, also increase the risk of disease.

What are the symptoms and signs of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects not only the skin and nails. It affects the joints, tendons and spine, immune, nervous and endocrine systems. The kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland are often affected. The patient feels severe weakness, suffers from chronic fatigue and depression. Due to such a complex effect on the body, the disease in last years commonly called psoriatic disease.

But still, the main manifestations of the disease occur on the skin. The name “squamosal” quite accurately conveys the symptoms of psoriasis. The first manifestations are often pink or bright red papules of regular round shape, covered with scales - psoriatic plaques. They are located symmetrically, mainly on the extensor surfaces, lower back and scalp. But they can affect any areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. Their size ranges from a few millimeters, in the initial stages, to ten centimeters or more.

Depending on the characteristics of the rash, the following are divided: forms of psoriasis:

  1. Point psoriasis - the size of the elements is smaller than the head of a pin.
  2. Guttate psoriasis - papules are tear-shaped and reach the size of a lentil grain.
  3. Coin-shaped psoriasis - plaques grow up to 3-5 mm and have rounded edges.
The forms of the rash are also distinguished when its elements look like rings, arcs and garlands, geographical maps with jagged edges.

Papules are covered with a scaly coating that is easily removed. It consists of keratinized epidermal cells. Psoriatic plaques begin to become covered with scales from the center, then the plaque spreads to the edges. Its loose and light appearance is explained by the fact that the keratinized cells are permeated with spaces filled with air. A pink ring may form around the elements - this is an area of ​​inflammation, an area of ​​plaque growth. The skin around the rash elements is unchanged.

Under the plaque, a smooth, shiny, bright red surface is revealed. These are tortuous blood capillaries with thin walls, covered with a thin film. They become clearly visible due to thinning upper layers skin. The normal structure of the skin is disrupted due to the fact that keratinocyte cells do not mature and do not have time to differentiate normally.

Psoriasis of the scalp represents psoriatic plaques that rise significantly above the surrounding skin. They are densely covered with scales resembling dandruff. In this case, the hair remains unaffected. Rashes can occur not only under the hair, but also on smooth skin, on the neck and behind the ears. Such changes are explained by the active division of keratinocytes in the affected areas

Psoriasis of the feet and palms causes severe thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin in these areas of the body. The skin becomes thick and rough. It is often riddled with cracks. This is caused by intense cell division, which multiply 8 times faster than usual, but are not removed from the surface of the skin in time.

Nail psoriasis characterized by a variety of symptoms. But the two main types of damage to the nail plates are of greatest importance:

  1. “Thimble” type. Small pits appear on the nail plate, similar to needle prick marks.
  2. According to the type of onychomycosis. The lesions resemble nail fungus. Nails thicken, change color, and peel off. A psoriatic papule surrounded by a red rim is visible through the nail plate. It looks like an oil stain visible through the nail.
Symptoms and signs of psoriasis depend on the stage of the disease, which replace each other cyclically throughout the year. Thus, most patients experience a “winter” type of the disease, when the exacerbation occurs in the autumn-winter period. The improvement in the condition in summer is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation in the sun has therapeutic effect. But some patients suffer from the “summer” type.

The following stages of psoriasis are distinguished:

  • progressive - the appearance of new elements, the active growth of existing plaques, the invisibility of the pink growth zone around them, intense peeling and itching.
  • stationary – stopping the growth of papules, absence of new rashes, fine folding of the upper layer of skin around psoriatic plaques.
  • regressive - absence of peeling, disappearance of plaques and the appearance of areas of pigmentation in their place, indicating the attenuation of the process.

What do skin rashes with psoriasis look like?

Each body is individual and reacts differently to illness. Therefore, the nature of the rash can be very diverse. This explains the variety of forms and types of psoriasis.

However, most people experience similar symptoms of psoriasis. These are red spots - psoriatic plaques, rising 1-3 mm above the level of healthy skin. Their appearance is caused by the fact that the cells of the surface layer of the skin - keratinocytes - divide very actively, without having time to mature and turn into full-fledged epithelial cells. As a result of this increased pathological growth, certain areas of the skin thicken. This occurs when immune cells secrete chemical substances, which cause inflammation in the skin.

The spots are red. And if you remove the upper scales of the psoriatic plaque, its surface begins to become covered with blood dew. This is due to the fact that under the influence of T lymphocytes and immune dendritic cells, increased formation of new blood vessels under the plaque occurs. They have fairly thin walls. This causes bleeding of the psoriatic plaque at the slightest damage.

Sometimes lymph and inflammatory exudate leak through the walls of these vessels. In this case, the crust on the plaque becomes thick and yellowish. Its surface is wet to the touch.

The plaques can be covered on top with a gray, silvery or yellowish coating that looks like paraffin. Therefore, they received the name “paraffin lakes”. These are keratinized epithelial cells, the rejection of which is impaired and they accumulate on the surface of the affected area of ​​the skin.

The patches are flaky, hotter to the touch than the rest of the skin, and can reach large sizes. Often the patient feels severe itching in this place. This is due to the fact that against the background of the inflammatory process, a cascade of neuro-reflex reactions and an allergic reaction occurs.

Another type of element is papules. These are small elements of the rash that resemble a bump. Size about 1 mm. There is no cavity filled with contents in the middle. They are often located on the knee and elbow joints. They remain even during periods when the disease recedes.

The first plaques appear in places where the skin is drier and comes into contact with household chemicals and detergents - on open areas hands, neck. They can be located on any part of the body: on the scalp, face, torso, genitals, buttocks, limbs. Unlike fungal diseases, psoriatic rashes do not occur in the armpits and natural folds, where the skin is moist and oily. In some forms of the disease, only a few plaques appear and do not increase in size. In the palmoplantar form, lesions are found only in these areas.

During exacerbations, the elements of the rash gradually grow in width and merge with neighboring plaques. During periods of improvement (remission), the spots begin to lighten from the middle. They gradually take on the appearance of a ring and may completely dissolve. After plaques, a trace remains on the body - pigmentation. It may be significantly lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. After a person tans, the skin color usually evens out.

What do nail lesions with psoriasis look like?

Nail psoriasis is similar to a fungal infection of the nail plate. For a correct diagnosis, laboratory analysis is necessary. Changes can affect only one nail or all at once and are very diverse. They occur in 10-15% of patients. Damage to the nails is often accompanied by joint pain caused by psoriasis. In this case, there may be no rashes on the skin.

Nail psoriasis has several stages:

  • depressed points – thimblenail
  • longitudinal depressed grooves
  • transverse compression in the center of the nail, these first signs are associated with damage to the nail root - the nail matrix
  • “Oil stains” irregularly shaped pink spots that show through the nail - this is an accumulation of serous fluid under the nail
  • the nail becomes dull, becomes cloudy, turns yellow and thickens due to poor circulation
  • the nail plate takes on the appearance of a bird's claw, which is accompanied by painful sensations. This is due to the fact that the process captures the nerve endings.

Nail lesions start from the edge and gradually move towards the root, covering the entire surface. Impaired microcirculation causes clouding of the nail and a change in its color from yellow to bluish.

Changes in the nail due to psoriasis are called “onycholysis”. This is a violation of the integrity of the nail and its detachment from the nail bed. This phenomenon is caused by excessive keratinization of the epithelium under the nail. In this case, skin cells are not removed, but accumulate and thicken, pushing the nail out of the elbow bed and causing it to fall out. Often an inflamed red border forms around the edge of the nail plate.

Psoriatic lesions make the nail susceptible to fungal infections and inflammation.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, you should not make a diagnosis yourself. Similar changes can be caused by other reasons: fungi, injuries, impaired blood supply.

Is psoriasis contagious?

This question is often asked by those who have just been diagnosed with the disease and those who know the patient. Scientists give a clear answer to this. Psoriasis is not contagious, and a sick person is absolutely safe for others. This is due to the fact that psoriasis is not caused by a virus or bacteria, but by aggressive white blood cells. These own immune cells, for unknown reasons, attack skin cells, causing inflammation. The result of this process is rashes and thickening of the skin in some places (psoriatic plaques).

This disease is not transmitted to others. Being in the same room with the patient, physical contact, general use utensils and hygiene items (combs, towels) are completely safe. Acquaintances, caregivers, and spouses are not at risk of getting sick. The same cannot be said about children whose parents suffer from psoriasis. This is due to the fact that there is a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of the disease. Therefore, children have an increased risk of developing psoriatic papules.

How to treat psoriasis?

Treatment of psoriasis depends on the form and stage of the disease and on sensitivity to drugs. Traditional medicine emphasizes the use medicines. Treatment begins with local medications that affect the affected areas of the skin. In this way, they try to avoid side effects that occur when taking medications orally. The use of local remedies will be discussed in more detail below. Now let's focus on tablets and capsules.

There is a technique where the patient is first offered more gentle drugs with the fewest side effects. If they turn out to be ineffective, they are replaced with more potent ones, and so on. Even if the treatment suits the patient, it is changed after a while. The fact is that gradually the body gets used to the drug and its effect decreases.

Systemic drugs taken orally are very effective. They are prescribed for moderate and severe stages of the disease. They help even those patients for whom treatment with other means has not given a positive result. However, they have significant drawbacks: they can cause serious side effects and, after discontinuation of these drugs, the condition worsens again.

Group of drugs A drug Dosage form and effect of the drug on the body
Retinoids are derivatives of vitamin A
  • Tigason
  • Neotigazon
Affects the maturation of the surface layer of the skin and eliminates disturbances in this process caused by psoriasis. Release form: capsules. Dosage according to the scheme, depending on the stage, 30-75 mg/day.
Reduces the rate of keratinocyte division, promotes normal cell maturation and differentiation. Available in capsules. Daily dose – 25-50 mg.
Immunosuppressants - drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system
  • Cyclosporine A (Neoral, Sandimune)
Reduces the activity of T-lymphocytes, which cause increased division of skin cells. Sterile solution in ampoules. The initial dose when administered into a vein is 3-5 mg/kg per day, for oral administration - 10-15 mg/kg per day.
Medicines for the treatment of malignant neoplasms (Cytostatics)
  • Methotrexate
Inhibits excessive growth and reproduction of atypical epidermal cells. Available in tablets. Prescribe 2.5-5.0 mg orally, 2-3 times a day, 1 time per week.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for psoriasis are very effective. They bring significant relief to patients, help stop the progression of the disease and, in some cases, serve as a safe replacement for medications.
Physiotherapeutic method Impact on the body
PUVA therapy or photochemotherapy A combination of long-wave ultraviolet irradiation and an internal photosensitizer. A course of 20-30 procedures. The method works based on the fact that UV rays penetrate deeply into the skin. The photosensitizer inhibits the synthesis of DNA of skin cells and the rate of their division. For treatment, special installations or cabins are used.
Selective phototherapy (S.P.T.) Irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 280–320 nm. A course of 15-35 procedures. A special cabin is required for therapy.
Treatment with monochromatic UV radiation Exposure of each lesion separately to a laser or lamp source of UV radiation. Makes it possible to irradiate lesions even in hard-to-reach places, without affecting healthy skin. Prescribed in cases where less than 10% of the skin is affected. The course of treatment is 15-30 procedures.
Laser therapy Laser radiation with different wavelengths is used to treat rashes. The laser promotes rapid resorption of psoriatic plaques and protects against the appearance of scars in their place. The doctor determines the number of procedures individually for each patient.
Electroson The procedure is carried out on a device of the same name. It is based on a gentle effect on the brain with weak electrical impulses. Duration 20-60 min. The number of procedures is 10-12. Electrosleep has a calming effect. As a result, the activity of the nervous system is normalized, plaques begin to dissolve, and a period of well-being begins faster.
Magnetotherapy Treatment with magnetic fields has a beneficial effect on the general condition. Itching and inflammation of the skin, swelling and pain in the joints are reduced, and the psycho-emotional state is improved. The Betatron device is used for treatment. Duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Number per course is 10-15.
Ultrasound therapy Used as an analgesic, antipruritic and decongestant. Promotes the resorption of scars. The procedure can be combined with the administration of medication (phonophoresis). The duration of exposure to one area is 15 minutes. To obtain a therapeutic effect, 7-14 sessions are required.
Hyperthermia Heating fabrics to a temperature of 40 degrees using special pillows with a thermal mixture. This effect on the body normalizes the functioning of the immune system, and it reduces the attack on the skin. The duration of the procedure is about 2 hours. Their number is determined by the doctor.
Treatment with bee venom The substance is introduced into the body using an electrophoresis or ultrasound device. An anti-inflammatory, absorbable, antipruritic effect is achieved. Metabolism is normalized. The minimum number of procedures is 10.

Due to the fact that psoriatic disease undermines all processes in the body, many concomitant diseases and painful conditions arise. In this case, the doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment. If necessary, take antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial drugs, drugs that improve the functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

For patients with scaly lichen, it is very important to follow a diet. Eating disorders can cause an exacerbation of the disease. The menu should be rich in vitamins and at the same time simple. It should give rest to the intestines and liver, and also not cause allergies to the body.

There are several methods developed by different authors, but they all agree on one thing - there are products that are useful for patients with psoriasis, and those that are prohibited from being consumed.

Authorized Products Prohibited Products
Vegetables (pumpkin, watermelon, beets, carrots, potatoes, radishes) Animal fats
Fruits (apricots, peaches, apples), juices Alcohol
Berries (except red: strawberries, raspberries, red currants) Fatty meat (pork, duck)
Fresh herbs Smoked meats
Lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey) no more than 200 g per day red fish
Cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products Carbonated drinks and coffee
Nuts Eggs
Low-fat fish Ice cream and milkshakes
Sea kale Confectionery products and sugar in minimal quantities
Whole wheat bread Butter and puff pastry

To cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic products, fasting days must be carried out twice a week. They recommend kefir, apple, vegetable.

What ointments are effective in treating psoriasis?

The use of ointments for psoriasis brings the greatest effect in comparison with other external preparations. The components of the ointment do not remain on the surface of the plaque, but soften the scales and enter the skin.

There are a large number of ointments designed to treat psoriasis. At the first stages they prescribe non-hormonal ointments.

Name of ointment Impact on the body
Salicylic ointment Eliminates dead cells, makes the skin smoother and softens it, relieves inflammation. Promotes penetration of other drugs into the deep layers. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. Cover the top with a sterile napkin and secure with a bandage. The procedure is repeated every other day until the dead cells are completely cleared.
Anthralin Reduces cell division activity by slowing down DNA synthesis and the activity of cellular enzymes. The psoriatic plaque smooths out and brightens. Combines with coal tar baths and ultraviolet treatment. Apply overnight or for an hour, depending on tolerability of the drug. Then the ointment is washed off. The duration of treatment is prescribed individually.
Naftalan ointment Anesthetizes, relieves itching, corrects immune reactions. The area of ​​the lesions decreases within a week. Apply to affected areas for 20 minutes. 15 procedures per course. The use of a Sollux lamp enhances the effect of the drug.
Sulfuric ointment Has a softening and disinfecting effect. Softens and removes white plaque on the foci of the disease, promotes their resorption. The ointment is applied to the rash 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

If the treatment does not give the expected effect, then prescribe hormonal ointments. Treatment begins with lighter drugs that have minimal side effects. If improvement cannot be achieved, then stronger ointments with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.
Name of ointment Effect of the drug Side effects
Weak ointments
Hydrocortisone Suppresses the increased activity of leukocytes, prevents their movement into the skin, eliminates the feeling of tightness and itching. Swelling of the skin, itching, redness.
Moderate ointments
Flumethasone ointment It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-edematous, antipruritic effects. Suitable for patients with exudative forms of psoriasis, reduces bleeding. Apply a thin layer to limited areas 2-3 times a day. Treatment lasts 10-14 days. Steroid acne, skin atrophy and stretching, burning, itching, hypopigmentation.
Strong ointments
Triamcinolone acetonide ointment Local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiallergic agent. Reduces skin wetting. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day for up to two weeks. Used during periods of exacerbation. Atrophy of the skin.
Very strong ointments
Cloveit ointment (Clobetasol propionate) It has a strong antipruritic and anti-allergic effect. Slows down the processes of cell division and keratinization. Apply 1-2 times a day for no longer than two weeks per course. The appearance of acne, hair loss, skin atrophy. Do not use for pustular and widespread plaque psoriasis.

Pharmaceutical companies produce many medications in the form of ointments. The doctor individually selects the drug for the patient and, if necessary, changes it to a stronger one.

What cream can be used to treat psoriasis?

Creams for psoriasis are local remedies. Despite the fact that some of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, they must be prescribed by a doctor. The selection of the drug depends on the form of the disease and its stage. In case of exacerbation, more than strong remedies on a hormonal basis. When the condition is stable, treatment is aimed at resolving the elements of the rash.
Psoriasis cream Mechanism of action and application features
Dovonex (Calcipotriene) – Vitamin D analogue Slows down cell growth, accelerates their maturation, helps restore normal skin structure at the site of the lesion. Often combined with steroid drugs. Apply a thin layer 2 times a day only to the affected skin. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 months. It is not prescribed in the progressive stage and in the pustular form.
Tazorac (Tazarotene) – an analogue of vitamin A It has an anti-inflammatory effect, affects the division and maturation of keratinocytes. The product is applied once a day for 4-8 weeks. The effect occurs after a week of treatment and lasts up to 3 months after completion.
Anthralin and analogues Dritocrim, Micanol and others Slows down the growth of cells in psoriatic plaques. Does not contain hormones. Relieves inflammation and discomfort, removes cells from the surface of the skin and prevents their accumulation. Do not use for the treatment of erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis. Apply a thin layer to the skin once a day for 30 minutes. Then wash off with warm water without soap. Leaves stains on clothes and skin.
Akrustal Does not contain hormones or antibiotics. Made from plant materials. Intended for use in the stationary stage. Helps remove psoriatic plaques and pigment spots after them. Normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas for 6 hours, then wash off. Course 3-4 months.
Solipsor A cream based on grease and herbal ingredients, which has a pleasant smell. Suitable for treating rashes on the face and scalp. Completely eliminates skin lesions and marks after them. Apply 1-3 times a day for 1-3 months. Then 2 times a week for two years to prevent exacerbations.
Super Psori cream Based on birch tar and naftalan oil. Cares for the skin, relieving itching and tightness. Clears plaques of scales and protects against inflammation. The lesions turn pale and align with the rest of the skin. Apply to clean, dry skin. To enhance the effect, cover with compress (waxed) paper and secure with adhesive tape. Apply 2-3 times daily for 6-12 weeks.

Remember that creams and ointments are applied only to the affected areas of the skin! It is necessary to take into account that there may be individual intolerance to any product, even on a natural basis. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to apply a small amount of cream to a small area. If after 12-24 hours you notice severe itching, swelling and redness, it is better to discard this remedy.

How to treat psoriasis of the scalp?

Psoriasis on the scalp occurs in patients in 50% of cases. It causes the most discomfort. It manifests itself as severe itching and profuse white dandruff with a silvery tint.

For those who have psoriasis on the scalp, it is better to avoid using a hair dryer. Replace hairsprays with mousses and gels. Make sure that the comb or hairpins do not scratch the skin. This can lead to the emergence of new lesions.

To treat psoriasis of the scalp, it is recommended to wash your hair daily with decoctions of any anti-inflammatory herbs. These can be: chamomile, calendula, celandine, burdock, nettle, horsetail. It is necessary to select individually. The course of treatment is 21 days. During this period, stop using shampoos. It is better to replace them with tar soap if your hair is very dirty.

A mask made from finely grated onion gives a good effect. It is applied for 2 hours. Cellophane and a terry towel are tied on top. Rinse off with warm water without shampoo.

When treating scalp psoriasis, remember that the effect of the product appears after a few weeks. Therefore, do not interrupt treatment. If you notice that your skin condition has worsened, then the product is not suitable for you. It needs to be replaced.

How to treat psoriasis on the head?

Psoriatic plaques can be found on the scalp and on smooth skin: face, neck. Psoriasis can occur in a mild form, in the form of dandruff; in severe cases, thick crusts form that cover the entire head. We offer an overview of the most effective methods for treating scalp psoriasis.
Name Mechanism of action Mode of application
Treatment with ultraviolet radiation (UVR) Ultraviolet irradiation promotes the formation of profile skin cells from keratinocytes. Promotes the resorption of existing plaques. A necessary condition is a short haircut. For women, an option is to use a UV comb. The biodose (the minimum time that causes redness of the skin) is determined individually.

Good results are obtained by photochemotherapy (PUVA) - a combination of ultraviolet radiation with the drugs Puvalen, Psoralen, Beroxan.

Medicinal shampoos Therapeutic shampoos soften the skin, help remove scales, and eliminate itching. Friederm tar, Nizoral, Kertiol S from Ducray, Squafan S, Tana. Wash your hair as necessary. In order to avoid addiction, the shampoo is changed every 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to select 3-4 shampoos and use them in a circle.
Salicylic ointment 2% Eliminates dense psoriatic plaques, clears thick crusts, and helps normalize skin function. Apply a thin layer along the partings. Cover your head with cellophane and leave for 2 hours. Then wash off with shampoo.
Squafan mask-cream Eliminates peeling, promotes cleansing due to the action of ichthyol, relieves itching, and accelerates the restoration of normal skin structure. Apply to scalp using an applicator. Wrap in cellophane and leave overnight. Repeat 2-3 times a week until a lasting effect is achieved.
Kirkazon A decoction of this poisonous plant helps normalize skin cell division, cleanse it and normalize its functioning. The decoction is applied with a cotton swab in the morning and evening.
Hormonal lotions Elokom, Diprosalik, Belosalik Easy to use, accessible and fast acting. Effectively eliminate the manifestations of psoriasis due to the action of anti-inflammatory steroid hormones. A few drops of lotion are applied to the affected areas and rubbed until completely absorbed. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

How to treat psoriasis on elbows and hands?

Psoriatic plaques in these areas are the most difficult to treat. Even during periods of well-being, they decrease in size, but remain on the skin. Therefore, in order to get rid of these elements of psoriatic rash, systemic treatment under the supervision of a doctor is necessary.
  • Acitretin, Isotretinoin are analogs of vitamin A. Promote normal growth and functional maturation of epithelial cells. The dose and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  • Cyclosporine has a suppressive effect on the immune system. Intended for the treatment of severe forms. Prescribed in courses up to a year.
  • Methodject – reduces the rate of cell division at the site of the disease, stops the growth of plaques and relieves inflammation.
  • Psorilom, Psoriaten – homeopathic remedies. They have a complex effect on the body. Use for a long period of 2 months, and then as needed.

Which sanatoriums provide rest and treatment for patients with psoriasis?

For the rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis at resorts they use: mud therapy, mineral waters, treatment with fish, light fractions of oil and physiotherapeutic procedures. Sea water and warm climate also have a powerful influence.

Russian resorts that specialize in treating patients with psoriasis: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. The mild subtropical climate, plenty of sun and long sea baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and joints. The Elton sanatorium near Volgograd (mud therapy) and the Assy sanatorium near Ufa offer a range of physiotherapeutic procedures and clean air.

Ukraine is famous for Saki mud, which can be found on sale in pharmacies. But it will be more effective to use fresh mud from a salt lake. The city of Saki is located on the Black Sea coast, so treatment will be supplemented with ultraviolet irradiation and swimming in sea water.

The resort in Turkey - Kangal offers sea, sun and a unique effective method of treating psoriasis with garra rufa fish. In special pools with mineral water, psoriatic plaques are soaked, then the fish gently and painlessly clean off all the scales and affected tissue to reveal healthy skin. After such procedures, remission occurs for a long time.
The Bulgarian resorts of Kyustendil and Pomorie offer treatment for psoriasis using therapeutic mud, diet therapy, hardware physiotherapy and climatotherapy.

The Naftalan resort in Croatia is famous for its excellent results in the treatment of scaly lichen. Medicinal oil and hot mineral waters are used here.

The minimum course of treatment should be 21 days. In this case, the achievement of lasting results is guaranteed.

Is monoclonal antibody treatment effective for psoriasis?

Monoclonal antibodies are immunoglobulins that are produced by immune cells derived from a single precursor cell.

Monoclonal antibodies bind proteins that affect the activity of T-leukocytes. The drugs block the biological activity of the cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 (substances that are secreted by immune cells). In this way, the cascade of reactions in the skin that causes the manifestations of psoriasis is interrupted.

Monoclonal antibodies act only on these cytokines and do not suppress the immune system as a whole. They connect the work of only the mechanism that causes psoriasis.

The most effective drugs containing monoclonal antibodies: Infliximab, Adalimumab, Stelara.
These drugs are used to treat patients with psoriasis in Western Europe and America. Many scientists consider them a new stage in the fight against this serious disease.

What effective folk methods of treating psoriasis exist?

As we already know, the true causes of psoriasis have not yet been definitively established. Modern medicine, unfortunately, does not have drugs that can completely cure this disease. But people have been effectively fighting this disease since ancient times.

Different parts of the world have their own effective folk methods for treating psoriasis. The secret of each recipe lies in those medicinal components that are traditionally used in one or another folk medicine. For example: in Altai, scaly lichen is treated with egg oil, and in the Kirov and Vologda regions they use copper sulfate. In Central Russia, birch tar is considered a traditional panacea for psoriasis.
The method of treating psoriasis by the indigenous peoples of the Lower Volga region has proven itself very well. The secret of their treatment was based on healing properties successions. Another unconventional method Treatment is offered by residents of the North-West region of Russia. They are treated with castor oil, holy water and prayer.

On Far East, China and Japan got rid of scaly lichen with the help Aralia Manchurian. A tincture was prepared from the leaves and inflorescences of this plant, drinking 20-30 drops before meals. In India and the Caucasus, psoriasis was treated with a tincture of purslane seeds. In Ukraine and Bulgaria, this disease was fought with the help of propolis and honey, as well as decoctions of steppe herbs.

Each folk method is good in its own way. Various tinctures, ointments and baths from medicinal herbs quickly put the patient on his feet. But the reaction of the body of each person affected by psoriasis to various components will be different. This should be taken into account when choosing traditional methods of treatment.

Do not forget that in no case should you ignore visits to the doctor if you have psoriasis. After all, this disease may hide the initial stage of skin cancer.

How to treat psoriasis at home?

Typically, psoriasis actively manifests itself in the winter and spring seasons. The peculiarities of the course of this disease do not always allow treatment in a hospital. Patients are hospitalized only with severe forms. Therefore, it is worth trying to fight psoriasis at home. And this is where the advice of traditional medicine comes in handy.

Ointments for psoriasis at home

Ointment for psoriasis No. 1 . You need to take: 200 technical grease, 50 g birch tar, 5 g baby cream, 20 g sulfur powder and mix everything in a ceramic bowl. Let it brew for 2-3 days without access to light. Apply the prepared ointment to the areas affected by ringworm for 2-3 hours. Wash off the ointment by taking a bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for at least 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for a month.

Ointment for psoriasis No. 2 . Mix: 100 g butter, 10 g royal jelly, 30 g propolis, 20 g wax, 20 g pollen. Place in a water bath until smooth. Pour 20 g of fish oil into the slightly cooled mixture. Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day.

Therapeutic baths

  1. Evening bath for psoriasis. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the bath. Then fill it with warm water and dissolve 1.5 kg of salt. A person affected by psoriasis should lie in such a bath for 20-25 minutes, periodically wetting his head. After the procedure, do not wipe yourself, let the body dry. At this time, you need to prepare a head mask from onions. To do this, peel the middle onion and grind it in a blender. The head is generously lubricated with the resulting substance. After 20 minutes, the mask is combed off the head. Do not wash your head and body until your morning bath.

  2. Morning bath for psoriasis. It is necessary to brew 400 g of dry celandine and let the broth brew. Wash your hair and body. On the third day, the morning bath of celandine should be replaced with a bath of a medium solution of potassium permanganate.
    Continue the entire course of therapeutic baths for a week. It is recommended to follow a diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, eggs, and sweets from the diet.

  3. Bath for psoriasis “mixture of herbs”. During spring exacerbations, it is recommended to take baths from a mixture of celandine and string. To do this, you need to take equal proportions of fresh stems of these herbs and brew them. Add sea salt from the Saki lakes to the broth and let the broth brew for an hour. Herbal infusion Add to warm bath, which should be taken within half an hour. After the procedure, do not dry yourself. To enhance the effect, lubricate the already dry body with 30% alcohol tincture of propolis.
Other home recipes for psoriasis
  1. A healing decoction is prepared from a mixture of herbs of string, celandine, sage, as well as flowers of violet, calendula, string, elderberry and chamomile. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions (20 g) in dry, crushed form, poured with boiling water and infused for 1 hour. Strain the broth and take half a glass a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  2. For the next decoction you need to brew: 1/5 each valerian root, marshmallow root, 3/5 string flowers; 1/5 stems of celandine. All components are crushed and mixed. The mixture is brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. per glass of boiling water. Let it brew for about an hour. Drink 200 g of decoction 2 times a day after meals.
  3. The recipe is very simple. Required: black bread, pipette and tar. Before going to bed, take a small piece of bread and drop 5 drops of “birch extract” on it. Then you need to eat the bread quickly. At the same time, you cannot drink. The procedure is repeated every evening with an increase in the daily tar rate by 1 drop. Having reached a dose of 10 drops, it is necessary to reduce the rate of tar consumption by 1 drop per day. In total, the course of treatment will be 24 days. The first significant effect begins to be felt at the “equator” of the course. Repeat this course twice a year - at the beginning of winter and in spring.
  4. Treatment with propolis. Take 2-3 propolis tablets three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Continue the course for 3 months. An alternative to tablets can be 30 drops of a 35% alcohol solution of propolis, which must be mixed with 100 mg of water and drunk 20 minutes before meals.

Comprehensive treatment of psoriasis at home

This method of treatment begins with diet. We exclude eggs, dairy, fatty, flour, sweets, alcohol, coffee, black tea and tobacco from the diet. During the diet, you need to drink a decoction of herbs. After 2 weeks of the diet, it is necessary to cleanse the large intestine using an enema. Repeat the procedure every other day for a month. On days free from cleansing, it is necessary to take medicinal baths. Course duration is 5 weeks.

Selecting a treatment regimen for psoriasis is a long process that consists of numerous trials and errors. Don’t despair if you don’t find “your” medicine right away. Remember that many people achieve lasting improvement when the disease does not return for years. You can do it too!

How to treat psoriasis with peroxide?

Treatment of psoriasis with peroxide is based on the unique properties of this substance. Hydrogen peroxide, even in significant dilution, helps fight the disease.

How to treat psoriasis by the sea?

Treatment of psoriasis by the sea is a very effective method that helps almost all patients. Its effectiveness is recognized by both traditional and folk medicine. Spa treatment combines a number of factors.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. UV rays suppress the excessive division of skin cells that form plaques. In addition, during tanning, the skin tone on healthy and affected areas is evened out, and the manifestations of psoriasis become less noticeable.
  • Cleansing skin from scales. Sea water softens plaques and helps remove plaque from the surface of the skin. To speed up this process, gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel after swimming.
  • Calming effect on the nervous system of air baths and bathing. Thanks to this, the nervous regulation of processes occurring in the skin improves.
How to effectively treat psoriasis by the sea? Dermatologists share the secrets of proper relaxation at the resort.
  • The minimum stay at sea is 14-21 days.
  • Short haircut will help get rid of psoriasis on the scalp. Doctors recommend that men shave their heads.
  • Take a shower after sea swimming to wash the salt off the skin. It dries the skin excessively, causing itching and burning, and can aggravate the disease. The same applies to bleach, which is added to pool water for disinfection.
  • Rinse nails affected by psoriasis in sea water. Sea water penetrates under the nail plate and washes away the plaque from under the nail. The longer your nails stay in water, the better.
  • Do not use cosmetics for sun protection or to enhance tanning on affected areas of the skin. Most products contain substances that enhance skin regeneration and accelerate cell division, which is extremely undesirable for patients with psoriasis. Apply to healthy skin sunscreen.
  • Avoid sunburn. Psoriasis may become more active on burned skin. For the first two days, it is advisable to spend no more than half an hour in the open sun. The rest of the time, stay in partial shade - here you continue to sunbathe, but do not risk getting burned. Increase your time in the sun by 30-40 minutes every day.
  • Drink more citrus juices and eat fruit. This diet promotes melanin production and evens out skin tone.
  • Relaxation, stress-free and calm environment have the same healing effect as the sea and the sun.
  • Insect bites can cause outbreaks psoriasis for 2 weeks. Do not apply insect repellent to your skin. It is better to use ultrasonic repellers, candles and spirals.
Patients note the best results in Israel at the Dead Sea, and in Kyrgyzstan at Lake Issyk-Kul. But you can achieve long-term remission at any resort where there is sea and sun.

Note, that there is a type of psoriasis that is aggravated by ultraviolet radiation. For such people, resort treatment at sea is contraindicated.

How to recognize and treat psoriasis in children?

Psoriasis in children is quite common. In childhood, this disease ranks second in prevalence after atopic dermatitis.

The reason for the development of psoriasis in children– a disorder of the immune system associated with a change in one of the genes, which can be inherited. As a result of this deviation, immune agents attack skin cells in specific areas. Under their influence, skin cells begin to divide intensively and do not have time to differentiate (take on their characteristic appearance and begin to perform functions).

Psoriasis in children can be caused by:

  • Infectious diseases (48%) – influenza, measles, pneumonia, tonsillitis, chicken pox.
  • Psycho-emotional stress (25%) – fear, death of a loved one, troubles at school.
  • Physical stress (20%) – sunburn, hypothermia, overwork, injuries.
  • Food allergens (5-7%) – citrus fruits, chocolate, food additives.

The first symptoms of psoriasis in children

  • Papules are pinkish-red in color with clear edges. Mostly they have the form of drops - drop-shaped post-infectious psoriasis.
  • Red lesions with a smooth, shiny, weeping (macerated) surface. The spots are surrounded by a rim of exfoliated horny epithelium. Mostly located in skin folds.
  • Loose silvery-white scales on the surface of papules and plaques.
Features of the course of psoriasis in children
  • Damage to the scalp occurs in 70% of sick children.
  • Damage to facial skin – 50%.
  • Skin on the genitals and in skin folds - inguinal, axillary, which does not occur in adult patients.
  • There are practically no rashes on the soles and palms.
  • Itching on the affected areas in 20%.
  • The release of exudate is a liquid that saturates the scales, making them look like wax.
  • Seasonal exacerbations. For some children, it occurs in the autumn-winter period, while for others, new rashes appear in the summer.
Treatment of psoriasis in children can be performed at home or in a hospital. Indications for hospitalization in a dermatological or therapeutic department:
  • progressive stage (exacerbation) of psoriasis;
  • pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis;
  • psoriatic arthritis in the acute stage.
General treatment of psoriasis in children:
  • Antibiotics used to treat the post-infectious form. Erythromycin orally or Penicillin intramuscularly in a dosage appropriate to the child’s age.
  • Antihistamines prescribed in the acute period of the disease to reduce itching. H1-histamine receptor blockers are used, which block the connection of histamine (a substance that causes the development of allergies) with the corresponding cell receptors. Thanks to these properties, these drugs reduce itching, redness, fluid secretion on the surface of the plaques and prevent the appearance of new psoriatic rashes. Telfast and Desloratadine are used in the required dosage for a period of 7-10 days.
  • Enterosorbents– substances that help cleanse the intestines of toxins and improve metabolic processes. Enterodesis 2 times a day, 2.5 g between meals, 10-14 days.
  • Hepatoprotectors necessary to restore impaired metabolism and improve liver function. Karsil or Essentiale for 21-30 days.
  • Digestive enzymes help improve the digestion process and ensure the absorption of vitamins. Festal, Pancreatin or Mezim Forte are taken during meals with a non-alkaline liquid (water, juice). The dosage and duration of administration are determined individually. Treatment can last from a month to several years.
  • Vitamins– improve metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the immune system. Children with psoriasis are prescribed vitamins A, C, B1, B6, B12, PP and folic acid.
  • Homeopathic medicines- have a complex effect. Doctors recommend taking them together with the main treatment. Children are prescribed Psoril 8 granules 3 times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

External treatment:

  • Corticosteroids as part of combination drugs. They have a versatile complex effect, reduce the pathological division of skin cells and reduce inflammation and itching. Mometasone (Elocom), Afloderm and Advantan are used to treat children. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 2-3 times a day during exacerbation, and 1 time per day when the process subsides. Duration of treatment is up to 3 weeks.
  • Keratolytic and anti-inflammatory agents. At a progressive stage of the disease, 2–5% salicylic ointment or lanolin cream is used. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, accelerate the exfoliation of plaque. At the stage of subsiding of the process, fatty ointments are used: 2–5% liniment Naftalan oil. The products are applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day.
  • Ointments containing vitamins, normalize the processes of regeneration and keratinization of skin cells, as well as soften and moisturize the skin, and prevent the development of allergic reactions. Radevit ointment is applied in a thin layer to the rashes 2 times a day for 1-3 weeks.
  • Non-hormonal agents are used outside of exacerbation, in a stable stage and during the extinction of the process. They soften the skin and have an antiseptic and antifungal effect. For children with psoriasis, they recommend Psoril (spray, cream, shampoo and shower gel). Can be used daily for a long time.
When treating psoriasis in children, the following points are extremely important:

1. Monitor the child’s psycho-emotional state. Desirable:

  • Limit watching TV: no more than 1 hour a day;
  • Avoid conflicts in the family and at school;
  • Do not limit communication with peers;
  • Team sports, dancing.
2. Strict adherence to the daily routine:
  • Sleep according to age, but not less than 8-9 hours;
  • Daily walks 2-4 hours;
  • 4-5 meals a day according to schedule.
3. The child must follow a diet. Therapeutic nutrition for psoriasis was described in the article. It must be taken into account that due to the immaturity of the intestines, children have a higher risk of developing food allergies. Therefore, foods after which he experienced an allergic reaction are completely excluded from the child’s diet. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of potentially hazardous products: soy, eggs, nuts, fish, confectionery.

Compliance with these three rules is no less important than drug treatment. They should become a child's way of life. This ensures that you will be able to achieve stable remission and the disease will not manifest itself for decades. Remember that the sooner you start treatment, the better the result will be, especially in children.

What is psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic arthropathy - inflammatory joint damage that occurs against the background of skin psoriasis. Complications from the joints develop in 7% of patients with psoriasis. Joint psoriasis affects people aged 30-50 years, but can also develop in children starting from 3 summer age. Sometimes changes in the joints develop quickly, during the first year of the disease, but more often this process lasts 3-10 years. With a progressive course, the disease can lead to disability.

Reasons for the development of joint psoriasis still remain controversial. Among them:
  • Genetic– 40% of patients have relatives with psoriatic joint damage, which gives reason to believe that the disease is inherited. The gene responsible for the development of this disorder, TNF-alpha, has been identified.
  • Malfunction of the immune system after viral or bacterial infections.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions. Residents of environmentally disadvantaged regions are more susceptible to psoriatic arthritis.
Signs of psoriatic arthritis

The onset is usually acute - in the morning the patient notices that the joints are painful and their mobility has worsened. In some cases, a few days before this, general weakness and weakness develop. Also appearing:

  • Sharp pain in the joints. The pain intensifies at rest and at night. During the day, the joint “warms up” and the pain decreases. When palpating the joints, a person feels moderate pain.
  • At the first stage, the interphalangeal joints are affected, then the inflammation can spread to the metatarsal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the hand, elbows, shoulders, foot joints and knees. Less commonly, the spine and sacroiliac joints are affected.
  • Moderate swelling of the joints is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the synovial bursa and swelling of the surrounding soft tissues.
  • The skin over the joints turns red and becomes hot to the touch. In severe forms it acquires a bluish tint.
  • Muscle pain in the affected joints is caused by inflammation of the fascia (the sheaths of connective tissue that cover the muscles).
  • Pain and swelling in the tendon area, which is related to the affected joints, is caused by autoimmune inflammation. Gradually, thickening of the soft tissues occurs along the tendon - “sausage-shaped” swelling of the fingers.
  • Psoriatic arthritis in 70% of cases develops against the background of skin lesions. The rashes are usually localized in the groin area, in the navel area, and in the scalp. Papules are revealed, covered with silvery-white scales, which merge into plaques.
Forms of joint psoriasis. Depending on the symptoms, there are 5 forms of psoriatic arthritis.
  • Oligoarthritis with asymmetric joint involvement– the most common form of the disease (70% of cases). On the hands and feet, no more than 4 joints are affected asymmetrically. The joints are swollen, and over time, sausage-shaped swelling of the fingers occurs.
  • Rheumatoid-like symmetric arthritis(15%) – symmetrical damage to the fingers on both hands. The metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are affected.
  • Disfiguring (mutilating) arthritis(5%) – severe damage, when, as a result of osteolysis (destruction of bone tissue), irreversible deformation of the fingers and toes occurs. Fingers become shortened and curved. Deformation of the hand may also occur, which takes on the characteristic shape of a “hand with a lorgnette.”
  • Psoriatic spondylitis(5%) – spinal lesions, often developing against the background of severe skin lesions. At the initial stage, severe pain occurs in the lumbar region. Next, the inflammation “rises” in the chest and cervical region. The joints located between the vertebrae and ribs are affected. The back bends, and the patient develops a characteristic “petitioner pose.”
  • Arthritis affecting the distal interphalangeal joints(5%) – exclusively the finger joints located near the nails are affected.
Laboratory signs
  • An increase in C-reactive protein in a blood test occurs only with exacerbation of psoriatic arthritis.
  • X-ray changes are noticeable only a few years after the onset of the disease. The pictures show asymmetry of the limbs, possible curvature of the fingers, destruction or thickening of the bones in the affected joints. Narrowing or widening of the gaps between the articular surfaces.
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs They have a strong analgesic effect, relieve pain and swelling at the site of inflammation. Methindol (1 tablet per day) or Diclofenac is taken after meals 2-3 times a day.
2. Glucocorticosteroids injected into the cavity of the inflamed joints. The doctor injects solutions of Hydrocortisone, Kenalog or Metipred with a syringe into the joint capsule.
3. Basic anti-inflammatory drugs have an immunosuppressive effect, reduce the immune attack on the joints. They are prescribed if there is no effect from the first two groups of drugs. Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Cyclosporin-A are used. Doses are selected individually so as not to cause excessive suppression of the immune system.

Antibiotics are ineffective for psoriatic arthritis, so they are not prescribed. An active lifestyle is recommended for patients. During the period when symptoms subside, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated.

What baths to take for psoriasis?

Baths for psoriasis improve the condition of the skin and have a complex effect on the body.

Baking soda. Treatment with soda is based on the assertion that the development of psoriasis is associated with increased acidity. Baking soda alkalizes the surface of the skin and eliminates itching. In addition, soda successfully fights fungi that multiply in keratinized scales. The bath is filled with warm water at 37-38 degrees and 300 g of soda is diluted in it. You need to lie in the bath for 20-30 minutes. Course - 15-20 baths, every other day. For minor lesions, the bath can be replaced with warm soda compresses: 2 tsp. soda per glass of warm water. A towel is moistened with the solution and applied to the plaques. You can supplement the treatment by drinking a soda solution - 0.5 tsp. per glass of warm water. Take in the morning 10-20 minutes before meals. Baking soda alkalizes the body and helps eliminate toxins. It is not recommended to use soda internally for people with reduced acidity of gastric juice.

Hydrogen peroxide. 200-300 ml of peroxide per bath. Water temperature 37-38°C, duration 30 minutes. The benefit of such an oxygen bath is to normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Oxygen acts on skin receptors and triggers biochemical reactions, as a result of which the immune attack on skin cells is reduced.

Salt. To prepare a bath you need 1 kg of salt. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. You can use table salt or sea salt, which has a rich chemical composition. A salt bath expands pores and helps remove toxins from the skin, improves the functioning of nerve endings, and has a calming effect. It has an analgesic effect in patients with damage to the joints and spine. Salt water penetrates between psoriatic scales, soaks them and promotes removal. After the bath, you need to take a shower and dry your skin with a clean towel using gentle massage movements.

After any bath, Daivonex ointment or cream is rubbed into clean, dry skin of the psoriatic lesion.

How to treat psoriasis according to Pegano?

John Pegano is an American osteopathic physician who developed a system for treating psoriasis. Its basis is a healthy diet aimed at maintaining an alkaline reaction in the body. The Pegano diet for psoriasis is recognized by patients and doctors as one of the most effective nutritional methods. Treatment of psoriasis according to Pegano includes several stages.

1. Initial cleansing– the first stage of treatment takes 3-5 days. It consists of measures aimed at urgently cleansing the intestines of toxins.

  • Colon therapy– cleansing the intestines by introducing large volumes of liquid. Recommended 1-2 sessions per week.
  • Enemas as an alternative to colon therapy. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week for 4 months.
  • Laxative food. Begins simultaneously with the course of enemas.
    • Apple diet for 3 days. Throughout the day, you can only eat apples (in their natural form or crushed in a blender), and drink as much water as possible. In the evening, dilute 1 tbsp in warm water. olive oil, which has a laxative effect.
    • Grape diet. For 3 days you can eat only grapes and drink 6-8 glasses of water. In the evening, take a spoonful of vegetable oil.
    • Citrus diet. For 5 days, eat any citrus fruits without restrictions, drink water - 6-8 glasses a day.
The next morning after finishing the “starter” diet, you need to eat 500 ml of yogurt without additives to restore the intestinal microflora.

2. Main stage, which includes a diet and activities aimed at cleansing the skin and intestines of toxins. Patients must adhere to these recommendations throughout their lives.

Basic diet according to Pegano for the treatment of psoriasis

Products Recommended Allowed in small quantities Prohibited
Fruits Baked apples, citrus fruits, berries, figs, mango kiwi, papaya, peach. Raw apples, bananas, kiwis - only separately from other products. Avocado, cranberries, currants, plums and prunes. Strawberry wild-strawberry.
Vegetables Lettuce, carrots, celery, garlic, pumpkin, onions, garlic, cucumber, olives, all types of cabbage, green beans, zucchini. Corn, rhubarb, mushrooms. Nightshades - peppers, paprika, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes.
Cereals Rice, buckwheat, millet, wheat groats, oatmeal. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax seeds. Legumes: lentils, beans, peas, beans. White flour and baked goods made from it - bread, buns.
Fish Sea and freshwater, at least 4 times a week. Fish canned in its own juice. Salted, dried, pickled and smoked fish, caviar, shellfish, crustaceans.
Bird Chicken, turkey, partridge, game. Lean meat without skin 2-3 times a week. Duck, goose. Fatty, fried and smoked poultry meat.
Meat Lamb is lean. 1-2 times a week for 110-170 g. Veal Beef, pork and other types of meat. Sausages, sausages, hamburgers.
Dairy products. Milk, butter, low-fat fermented milk products. Also goat, soy and almond milk. Whole milk products. Dairy products are high in fat, sugar and salt. Ice cream and milkshakes.
Eggs Soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs 2-4 per week. Omelette. Fried eggs.
Fats Butter. Vegetable – olive, flaxseed, rapeseed, sesame, soybean, sunflower. Salted butter, cold pressed margarine. Animal fats.
Beverages Teas: chamomile, mullein. Natural juices. Black tea.
Occasionally dry wine 50-110 g is allowed.
Coffee . Decaffeinated coffee is allowed no more than 3 cups per day.
Carbonated drinks.

Drinking regime. If there are no contraindications from the kidneys or heart, then you need to drink 8 glasses of water in addition to herbal teas, vegetable juices and liquid foods.

Supplements to nutritional therapy – herbal teas. Not all of them are available from us, so we offer effective analogues.

Original remedy according to Pegano Analogue Action
Safflower tea Zafaron
Saffron yellow
Chamomile tea
Watermelon seed tea
They relieve spasms, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and improve digestion. Prevents proliferation (excessive division) of skin cells.
Every day, 5 drops per glass of warm water, 5 days a week. Externally to lubricate affected areas.
Listerine (mouth rinse) - according to the same scheme.
A glass of alkaline mineral water at night.
Stops the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. When applied externally, it has an antipruritic effect.
1 tbsp. granules 3 times a day, 5 days a week.
Moslecithin, Lecigran - according to the same scheme Normalizes fat metabolism in the liver, improves its functioning. Improves mental state.
Slippery Elm Bark Flax seed flour. 1 tsp Brew a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Take at different times with safflower or chamomile tea. Normalizes the functioning of the immune system, improves intestinal tone. Polyunsaturated fatty acids improve the functioning of the nervous system, increasing stress resistance.

Mandatory components of treatment, which complement the diet at the main stage:
  • Purgation. Natural laxatives cleanse all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Fruits with seeds – figs, raisins;
    • Bran;
    • Whole grain products – whole grain bread, whole grain cereals;
    • Peels of fresh fruits - apples, pears;
    • Raw vegetables rich in fiber - beets, cabbage, turnips, radishes;
    • Foods high in vitamin B include leafy vegetables, green peas, fish, and egg yolks.
  • Herbal baths: leaves walnut, chamomile, celandine. For the first six months of treatment, baths are given every other day, then 2 times a week.
  • Bath. Regularly 1 time per week. Steam baths are designed for increased sweating. Together with sweat, toxins are removed from the skin, which, according to Pegano, provoke the appearance of psoriatic rashes.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Fish oil with vitamins A, E, etc. helps best. To improve the functioning of the nervous system and relieve anxiety, a complex with calcium and magnesium.
  • Self-hypnosis. A direct connection between psoriasis and the state of the nervous system has been proven. Depressed mood and emotional stress increase the production of toxins in the body and impair blood circulation, contributing to the appearance of rashes. Therefore, the patient must raise the level of stress resistance with the help of daily self-hypnosis sessions. Pegano, together with a professional hypnologist, compiled a text that must be recorded on a voice recorder and listened to 2 times a day: before going to bed and immediately after waking up. These periods are the best time to work with the subconscious.
  • Physical activity. Exercise promotes active blood circulation and its effective cleansing of toxins. Tennis, badminton, leisurely jogging, aerobics, cycling and an exercise bike are recommended at least 2-3 times a week. In addition, daily exercises are necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which contribute to regular bowel movements.

Is there an effective treatment for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease. Therefore, effective treatment of psoriasis (especially common forms) cannot be limited to the use of external agents. Based on this, a group of scientists from 19 European countries has developed a treatment regimen for moderate and severe forms of psoriasis. It is especially recommended for patients with psoriatic arthritis, erythrodermic, plaque and pustular psoriasis.

1. General treatment

2. Local treatment

  • Daivobet contains an analogue of vitamin D3 - calcipotriol and the corticosteroid betamethasone. This combination drug inhibits the proliferation of skin cells and promotes their differentiation, and also reduces immune inflammation in the skin. The drug is applied to the affected areas once a day for a course of 3-4 weeks. If necessary, repeat courses can be conducted.
  • 2–5% sulfur-tar ointment. Tar preparations inhibit cell division and help remove dead cells from the affected area. The ointment is rubbed into the affected areas 1-2 times a day. To treat the scalp, use tar-containing shampoo Friederm Tar.
  • Tazarotene (Tazorac)– retinoid (an analogue of vitamin A) helps normalize the division and maturation of skin cells. Apply once a day. Duration of treatment is up to 4 months.
To prevent exacerbation, in the future it is necessary to adhere to a diet, avoid stress and maintain physical activity at the proper level.

Can people with psoriasis be accepted into the army?

Answer to the question: “Are people with psoriasis accepted into the army?” depends on the form of the disease, the number and size of psoriatic plaques. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2003 No. 123 (as amended on March 27, 2013) “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” will not be drafted into the army:
  • With a common form of psoriasis. A young person has 3 or more plaques. They can be of any size (starting from a few millimeters) and can be located on any part of the body.
  • Single but large plaques, the size of a palm or more. Even one large plaque makes a man unfit for military service.
It happens that at the time of the commission the disease is in remission. In this case, the conscript must draw up a report from a dermatologist, which indicates the diagnosis of psoriasis and its form.

Uncommon form (small psoriatic plaques, less than 3) is not a contraindication to military service and admission to military educational institutions.

There are a huge number of dermatological diseases. One of the most common skin diseases is psoriasis. Treatment of psoriasis is a very hot topic in modern medicine. Thousands of pharmaceutical companies are releasing new products every day to get rid of this pathology, but today there is no medicine that can get rid of the disease once and for all. In this article we will find out everything about psoriasis and its treatment, and also try to answer such common questions as what to do with psoriasis, how to get rid of psoriasis, and whether it is possible to cure psoriasis once and for all.

What is psoriasis

This disease is classified as a non-infectious pathology that cannot be transmitted through household, sexual, airborne or any other means. Many patients believe that this disease affects only the skin, but this is not the case. The disease has several types, which can manifest themselves not only on the skin, but also have a negative effect on nails, joints and some internal organs.

So, what is psoriasis? In a person with healthy skin, the cycle of maturation and division of skin cells is from 28 to 30 days, but with psoriasis, this period is reduced tenfold and is only 4-6 days. Because of this, unripe cells begin to divide and die, resulting in the formation of unpleasant white or grayish scales on the skin. Scientists around the world still cannot figure out the exact reasons why this process occurs. Only a few provoking factors are known that can cause relapse and exacerbation of the pathology.

Most scientists are inclined to argue that psoriatic disease is an incurable disease and no one has yet been able to get rid of it. It has also long been known that it is impossible to cure psoriasis with any of the treatment methods. Sooner or later, the disease returns with renewed vigor.

The disease can occur in men, women and even children. According to some statistics, it is known that people living in countries with cold and humid climates are more prone to the disease. Also at risk are young people aged 18 to 25 years and older patients after 45-50 years of both sexes. Children get sick somewhat less and their pathology can occur in an atypical form, that is, without symptoms characteristic of psoriasis, for example, such as scales, itching and flaking.

How dangerous is the disease?

You should not assume that, apart from being an aesthetic problem, psoriasis is not capable of causing serious harm to the body. Symptoms such as itching, redness, peeling are only a small part of what can provoke this disease. Experts say that many patients often develop a form of the disease called psoriatic arthritis. This is a serious damage to joints and cartilage, which can even lead to disability. Also, complications of psoriasis include the following manifestations:

  1. Damage and deformation of nails.
  2. Damage to the mucous membrane. It can also be diseases of the bladder and urethra.
  3. Against the background of pathology, serious diseases of the gastric mucosa can develop.
  4. The liver often suffers, it increases in size and ceases to perform its functions.
  5. In addition, patients often experience complications such as epileptic seizures, depression, delirium, polyneuritis and many other psychological disorders.
  6. Common complications include constant muscle and joint pain and severe weight loss.
  7. There are known cases of myocardial infarction, strokes, heart failure and other diseases.
  8. Lymph nodes often become enlarged, especially in the groin and thigh areas.

These are just some of the consequences that the disease can lead to. The list goes on and on, but even without this it is obvious that psoriasis is serious illness requiring serious and timely treatment.

Important! In order to avoid complications, you should not let the disease take its course. Timely contact with a specialist will help to avoid many complications and side effects.

Reasons for the development of the disease

At the present stage of research into psoriasis, scientists and doctors have not been able to agree on the exact causes of the development of the disease. Representatives of different theories adhere to points of view that explain the possible reasons for the appearance of pathologically rapid division of skin cells. Next, we will consider the most popular theories of the development of the disease.


This is one of the main and most reliable causes of the disease. Immunity is a person’s natural defense that can cope with many diseases. Sometimes, under the influence of various factors, the immune system malfunctions. Representatives of this theory believe that psoriasis occurs as a result of an incorrect immune response to dermal cells. In other words, immune cells begin to attack skin cells, perceiving them as aggressors. As a result, severe itching, redness and inflammation occurs.


Another point of view is the genetic theory. Its supporters believe that psoriasis is inherited. According to medical statistics, in more than 50% of all patients with pathology, one of the parents suffered from the disease. In addition, if the mother or father suffers from the disease, the risk of developing psoriasis in the child increases by 25%, but if both parents suffer from the pathology, the risk increases by more than 50%.


The hormonal background of the body plays a very important role. The endocrine system, consisting of organs such as the thyroid, pancreas and pituitary gland, is entirely responsible for the balance of hormones. Diseases and malfunctions of these organs can lead to hormonal imbalance, which, according to supporters of the endocrine theory, leads to the development of unhealthy cell division in the dermis.

Also, imbalance can often occur during puberty, the menstrual cycle and menopause, as well as treatment with hormonal drugs and under the influence of some other reasons.

It is important to note that in the context of modern research, the influence of hormones on the occurrence of psoriasis has not been proven, so this theory remains only an assumption.


This is one of the young theories, whose representatives believe that the appearance of the disease can occur against the background of severe stress and psychosomatic disorders. The theory has also not been proven; its proponents continue to conduct research to this day.

The neurogenic theory explains the appearance of the disease by the development of vasomotor neurosis in the walls and muscles of blood vessels. This process can cause a narrowing of the vascular walls, resulting in a significant reduction in blood circulation.

The theory has also not been proven, however, numerous studies confirm the fact that in most patients psoriasis worsened or arose for the first time after strong emotional stress and experiences.


It is immediately worth noting that a direct connection between viruses and psoriasis has not been identified. It is only confirmed that after suffering from certain diseases caused by the action of various viruses, psoriasis can worsen. Experts attribute this not to the viral origin of the pathology, but rather to the appearance of the disease against the background of a strong complication of the immune system.


Scientists have identified the following abnormalities in almost all patients with psoriasis:

  1. The general body temperature of patients with pathology is slightly lower than that of healthy people. This indicates a slow metabolic process.
  2. Another factor that unites all patients is an increase in blood cholesterol levels. As is known, the presence of cholesterol in the blood in large quantities can reduce the level of lipid metabolism. This is what can provoke the appearance on human skin of the keratinized dermal membranes characteristic of the disease.
  3. Another unifying factor is a significant decrease in vitamins in the body in all patients. Most patients had a lack of B vitamins, however, interestingly, in the layers of the dermis, vitamin C was present even in excess.

Important! None of the theories has been officially approved or scientifically proven to date. All of them are just assumptions without supporting factors.

What can trigger the development of the disease

The disease psoriasis and its treatment is a very complex process, which is often complicated by many provoking factors. These can be both external and internal influences that can provoke an exacerbation of the pathology or its primary appearance. So, factors that can lead to the disease include:

  1. Psychosomatic disorders. Every day many people experience a lot of stress and emotional tension. These could be problems at work, quarrels with family, loss of loved ones and much more. When answering the question of how to deal with psoriasis, doctors unanimously repeat - try to avoid stress and nervous experiences.
  2. Another cause of the disease is the patient’s transfer infectious diseases, as well as chronic inflammatory processes as a result of advanced diseases. The use of certain medications can also trigger pathological processes in the skin.
  3. Often the first rashes, as well as relapses, appear due to mechanical damage to the skin. Even a simple abrasion or scratch can lead to serious skin problems.
  4. Hormonal imbalance is another serious reason that can provoke the disease.
  5. Treatment for psoriasis is impossible without giving up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol can cause rashes.
  6. Psoriasis can also be cured with a diet that excludes allergenic foods, as well as foods containing large amounts of fat and carbohydrates.

Treatment for psoriasis consists primarily of eliminating factors that can aggravate the disease. If the cause is not eliminated, psoriasis is almost impossible to cure.

Main types and symptoms of psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis can be very diverse. Its manifestations depend on the type of disease. Forms of psoriasis in medical practice are divided into the following types.

Psoriasis of the scalp

This is one of the most common types. Many patients have encountered this problem and know how unpleasant this pathology is. Can scalp psoriasis be cured? Definitely not, like its other types. The disease manifests itself differently in each patient. These may be minor rashes in the area of ​​the hairline, accompanied by flaking and dandruff, or the disease may manifest as large plaques with rough crusts and significant redness of the skin.

It is necessary to treat psoriasis of this type; it is strictly undesirable to let the disease take its course.

Nail psoriasis

Faced with this type of disease, patients are concerned about whether nail psoriasis can be treated. After all, pathology not only significantly spoils the aesthetic appearance of the nail plates, but also leads to their severe distortion, detachment and even complete loss. This type of illness most often develops against the background of other types of illness and requires comprehensive and proper treatment.

The fight against nail psoriasis often involves an integrated approach and fairly long-term treatment. The patient must be patient to achieve positive results.

Hand psoriasis

Hands, namely palms, are highly susceptible to various mechanical damage and friction. Often this type of disease occurs in both men and women. The main manifestations of psoriasis on the hands are calloused formations with peeling, itching and redness. The disease is aggravated by frequent skin injuries, since the palms are very mobile.

Psoriasis on the face

The appearance of rashes on the face is very unpleasant, since this area is constantly in sight. Patients are puzzled by how to overcome facial psoriasis. After all, ugly flaky plaques not only cause severe discomfort on a physical level, but also a significant deterioration in the emotional state. This type of disease can occur on any area of ​​the face: cheeks, nose, lips, forehead and chin. Treatment of scaly lichen on the face (as psoriasis is often called) is a complex and troublesome process.

Psoriasis on legs

The course is very similar to the disease on the hands. This form can affect inner surface hips, knee joints, less often feet. Characteristic signs are itching, flaking and inflammation.

Elbow psoriasis

A common type of pathology, it occurs in many patients of different age groups. Affects the outer surface of the elbows. Externally, the disease resembles the appearance of a whitish or grayish film on the skin in the form of a so-called shell. Elbow psoriasis is not difficult to treat and often has a favorable prognosis for patients.

Vulgar psoriasis

The mildest form of the disease. In this case, single plaques appear on the patient’s skin, which do not cause much discomfort for the patient. Psoriasis vulgaris can be treated with topical treatments and simple preventive measures.

Disease of the genital organs is quite rare. In almost 99% of cases it is not an independent disease. The disease is often confused with many sexually transmitted pathologies, and patients are in no hurry to consult a dermatologist. In men, the head of the penis is affected; in women, the disease spreads to the labia.


Very similar to seborrheic dermatitis. This type is characterized by redness and peeling of the skin. Found on the head, scalp and ears.


Often develops after exposure to viral and infectious diseases. Outwardly it resembles small red drops, which are framed by a whitish border. Often there is no peeling at all. The disease spreads to all parts of the body; it can be a single rash or a large number of rashes.

Important! You should not try to make a diagnosis on your own. Often one form of psoriasis turns into another. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods for psoriasis

Most patients faced with this disease have no idea how to get rid of psoriasis. In addition, people simply do not know whether this pathology can be treated or not. Further in the article we will try to understand what methods of treating the disease exist and what are the features of treating psoriasis.

Before starting treatment, every patient should remember that psoriasis is incurable. Treatment is always aimed solely at eliminating symptoms, strengthening the immune system, and achieving stable remission.

Treatment methods for psoriasis are quite varied and involve the use of the following techniques:

  1. Drug treatment.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  3. Non-traditional alternative treatment.
  4. Application of traditional medicine methods.

Important! How and with what to treat psoriasis is decided exclusively by a qualified specialist. Only a doctor can choose the right method of therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

Drug treatment

Psoriasis and its treatment is a complex and lengthy process. In medical practice, a step-by-step approach is used to ensure the achievement of the desired result, which lasts for a long time. This approach includes the following steps:

  1. Emergency help. It is carried out at the acute stage of the disease and involves the use of drugs for both external and internal application. Here, doctors can prescribe steroids and immunosuppressants.
  2. Transition period. Here, drugs that have a strong systemic effect are gradually introduced.
  3. Maintenance treatment. This stage lasts until the patient’s skin is completely clear of plaques and papules.

The doctor selects medications depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, as well as the characteristics of the course of the disease.

If the disease worsens, the doctor may recommend the patient a certain type of cyclic therapy. It consists of using one medicine over a long period in order to prevent serious complications and side effects. The treatment regimen for psoriasis may look like this:

  • for 2 years the patient has been attending herbal medicine sessions;
  • after this, the doctor prescribes one or more strong drugs. The patient also takes medications for 1.5-2 years.

In most cases, after cyclic therapy, long-awaited relief and stable remission occurs.

Preparations for external use for psoriasis

Very often, in medical practice, to relieve itching, inflammation, redness and other symptoms of the disease, products intended for external application are used. This group includes medications produced in the form of ointments, gels, lotions, sprays, shampoos, foams and others.

The use of such drugs is indicated for mild to moderate forms of pathology. In cases of severe disease, such drugs are most often prescribed in combination with stronger drugs.

The specialist selects the medicine taking into account the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Treatment methods for psoriasis using external medications can be used in patients of different age groups and provide minimal side effects.

Use of corticosteroids

One of the common groups of medications for this disease are corticosteroids. They are fundamental in treatment and are used in most modern countries of the world. These drugs have the following effects:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • slowing down the growth and division of dermal cells;
  • eliminating itching.

Corticosteroids can have strong and moderate effects. For severe degrees of the disease, the specialist prescribes medications with more strong effect, for milder forms - medications that have a mild effect.

Based on their biological activity, drugs in this group can be divided into:

  • low activity;
  • average;
  • strong activity;
  • very strong.

Steroid drugs include the following:

  • flucinar;
  • cortisone;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • prednisolone ointment.

Despite quite good efficiency steroids, their use for most patients is insufficient. Doctors are forced to prescribe complex treatment, including the use of other medications.

Side effects of corticosteroids

When prescribing strong drugs belonging to this group, the specialist must take into account the risk of side effects. Negative manifestations include:

  • the appearance of acne;
  • feeling of burning and itching;
  • the walls of blood vessels may expand;
  • the appearance of dry skin;
  • irritation and sensitivity of the skin.

Another serious disadvantage of steroids is the addictive effect. With long-term use, the drug ceases to provide necessary action and there is a loss of effectiveness. That is why doctors do not recommend that patients immediately take strong medications.

Vitamin therapy

Many patients wonder how to cure psoriasis and do vitamins play a role in treatment? The answer to this question is clearly positive. Taking vitamins during illness is extremely necessary. Vitamin D3 is especially indicated for people suffering from pathology. Research into the use of medications based on vitamin D3 has proven the good effectiveness of such drugs and a minimal number of side effects. These drugs include:

  • Daivonex;
  • maxacalcitol;
  • calcitriene;
  • tacalcitol and others.

Such agents are able to stop the excessively rapid division of dermal cells and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Their main distinguishing feature from corticosteroids is that the drugs are not addictive and do not cause severe side effects. The combination of steroids and products with vitamin D3 reduces the risk of complications, as they allow you to limit the concentration of the active substances of steroid drugs. Quite good results are obtained from treatment using ointments with vitamin D3, as well as herbal medicine.

Side effects of vitamin D3

Comprehensive treatment of psoriasis with vitamin D3 may also cause some side effects. These include:

  • decreased vitamin D levels. This can interfere with normal bone growth, especially in children;
  • increase in calcium in the blood;
  • skin irritation.

The medications should be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist. This will help avoid many complications and unwanted side effects.

Use of retinoids

Medicines in this group contain vitamin A and are used to treat many skin diseases. So, we will consider further how to treat psoriasis with the help of retinoids. One of the first remedies that has proven itself for psoriasis is tazarotene. It is used for mild to moderate forms of pathology. The drug is available in the form of products for external use, such as creams and gels.

Products containing vitamin A do not cause tolerance. Apply the product to the affected areas in small quantities. One of the contraindications is applying the cream to the genital area and eyelids.

Retinoids in combination with corticosteroids are quite effective.

Side effects

Long-term use of tazarotene can cause dryness of healthy skin. To prevent this, it is necessary to treat healthy skin with emollients after applying the medicine.

If severe irritation occurs after treatment with retinoids, the concentration of the active substances of the drug can be reduced by diluting the medicine with petroleum jelly.

The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy. The components of the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus and cause congenital anomalies.

Treatment with systemic drugs

It has long been known that psoriasis cannot be completely cured. However, comprehensive and correct therapy can save a person from the disease for many years. One of the groups of drugs are systemic drugs. These are very serious medications that are often used to treat severe autoimmune diseases, arthritis and oncology.

Such drugs are administered mainly orally or by injection. They are used mainly for particularly severe forms of psoriasis, since systemic drugs have a number of serious side effects. Next, we will consider the most effective means. Systemic drugs include the following drugs:

  • cyclosporine;
  • methotrexate;
  • psoralen.

Also, to get rid of psoriasis, products intended to treat diseases such as cancer, acne and others are often used. It can be:

  • hydrea;
  • sulfasalazine;
  • isotretinoin and others.

Side effects

If these drugs are used incorrectly, the following complications may occur:

  • frequent headaches;
  • anemia;
  • hair loss may occur;
  • muscle pain;
  • weakness;
  • rashes;
  • vomiting, dizziness.

Methotrexate is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from anemia and other blood diseases, patients with alcohol dependence, patients with impaired renal function, weak immunity and some others.

Important! When treating a disease with medications, you should never reduce or increase the dose on your own, or terminate therapy prematurely without the doctor’s permission. Self-medication and non-prescription often lead to many negative consequences.

Physiotherapy as a method of combating psoriasis

One of the most effective methods of physiotherapy today is light treatment. Various methods are used in this area. The most popular procedures are:

Photochemotherapy (PUVA)

As you know, the disease can become more complicated in the cold season, as well as in the summer months. Winter psoriasis, which is often treated with light, responds quite well to treatment with PUVA. Photochemotherapy is one of the most effective modern methods. Thanks to this method, success can be achieved in more than 95% of cases. The action involves the use of long-wave ultraviolet treatment, as well as the introduction of photosensitizers into the body.

The use of PUVA is very effective for such types of pathology as exudative, vulgar, palmoplantar psoriasis, as well as disease of the scalp. Photochemotherapy has proven itself very well in the treatment of such severe forms as pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis. Answering the question: is it possible to cure psoriasis using light therapy alone, it is impossible to give a definite answer. In most cases, treatment with physiotherapeutic methods still requires drug therapy.

Selective phototherapy (SPT)

Using this method, exudative and vulgar forms of psoriasis are often treated. However, SFT is often used for progressive forms. Procedures are prescribed 5-6 times a week. The initial radiation doses are low, the doctor can increase them if the patient tolerates the treatment well and no complications arise. The course of selective therapy averages 25-30 sessions.

Narrow wave therapy (UVB)

No less effective than PUVA, gives excellent results in practice. The disadvantage is the high cost and inaccessibility of treatment, since today there is a shortage of equipment with which UVB can be performed. The patient is given 3-5 sessions per week, the total course is from 20 to 30 days.

Like other therapies, phototherapy has a number of side effects. These include:

  • erythrema;
  • dry skin;
  • irritation;
  • itching and redness.

Some time after using the light, side effects such as age spots may occur. Light therapy should also be used very carefully due to frequent eye injuries.

Important! Despite its great effectiveness, almost every light treatment method can increase the risk of malignant formations on the skin.

Alternative Treatments for Psoriasis

In addition to traditional therapy, there are alternative treatment methods. Very often in practice, the use of unconventional treatment gives the most unexpected results. So, we will consider further how psoriasis is treated with alternative methods.


It's relative new method carried out with the help of small fish Garra rufa. This type of therapy is carried out in sanatoriums where there are springs. The session is very simple. A person dives into water with fish, and they, in turn, cleanse the body of rough skin particles and scales, without affecting healthy areas at all.

Treatment with clay and mud

Therapeutic mud cleanses the skin of plaques very well. Often they use, for example, mud obtained from Lake Sivash. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. For application, the mud is heated to a temperature of 38-39 degrees and applied in a thin layer to the affected areas. After 30-40 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water and a softening cream is applied to the skin.

Using massage

Massage for psoriasis is another effective method. Acupuncture is also often used in conjunction with acupressure. Massage for psoriasis has the following goals:

  1. General relaxation of the patient, improvement of the psychosomatic state.
  2. Increased blood flow.
  3. Establishing metabolic processes of the skin.
  4. Restoring skin integrity.

Important! The main feature of massage for psoriasis is the complete avoidance of any chemical and cosmetic products. Medicines in the form of creams and ointments are applied only after the session.


As is already known, one of the main causes of psoriasis is a violation of the body's metabolic processes. Due to metabolic imbalance, negative products such as waste, toxins, and radicals accumulate in the body. These components have a very negative effect on the entire body, poisoning it from the inside. Blood transfusion for psoriasis is one of the methods of combating the disease. For these purposes, a centrifuge (plasmapheresis) is used. Using this method, you can purify the patient’s blood from harmful substances, as well as pathogenic viruses and fungi. Thanks to plasmapheresis, the following goals can be achieved:

  • blood purification;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • elimination of decomposition products and other harmful components.

Traditional methods of treating the disease

Cleansing the body with psoriasis is often carried out using folk remedies. For these purposes, various products of natural origin, as well as herbs, are used. So, how to treat psoriasis using traditional methods We'll figure it out later in the article.

All treatment methods can be divided into drugs for internal use, as well as drugs for external application.

Prescription medications for oral use

To cleanse the skin and eliminate the main symptoms of psoriasis, the following recipes are recommended:

  1. Using flax seeds. To prepare the product, pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly. The product must infuse for at least 12 hours. It is better to leave the medicine overnight. Take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Bay decoction. Good action provides a decoction of bay leaves. To do this, add 10-15 medium-sized leaves to a liter of boiling water and let the product simmer for 15-20 minutes over low heat. At the end, strain the broth and cool. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for 20-30 days.
  3. Dill seeds. Plant seeds in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, the medicine should be strained and taken half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  4. Tincture of celandine herb. Celandine can be purchased at a pharmacy. To prepare the product 2 tbsp. l. the herbs are poured with 500 g of alcohol and left in a dark room for 10-12 days. Afterwards, the product must be filtered and taken 20 g three times a day.

Products for external use

To get rid of plaques and cleanse the skin, use the following recipes:

  1. Treatment of lesions with linseed oil. You can apply the oil 5-6 times a day.
  2. Ointment based on tar and propolis. To prepare, you need to take 50 g of tar and 30 g of propolis. The products must be heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. After cooling, apply the ointment to the plaques 3-4 times a day.
  3. Fish oil in its pure form cleanses the skin very well. It is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer and left for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Egg ointment. To prepare it you need to take 2 chicken eggs and beat well. Then add a spoonful of sesame or sea buckthorn oil and 40 g of vinegar. The ointment is applied to the plaques 3-4 times throughout the day.
  5. Psoriasis is a disease that is very difficult to treat. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. For quite a long time...

    Many people have heard about psoriasis, but not everyone knows what psoriasis is and how to treat it? This disease is manifested by skin rashes and other very...

    Today, psoriasis is one of the most common types of all dermatitis. The disease occurs in patients of different age...