Well      06/12/2019

What is lime alabaster mortar. We breed alabaster for topiary or walls

Soft white, sometimes with a grayish tint, building gypsum - alabaster - is used in various areas of construction. How to breed alabaster correctly so that the resulting consistency is as useful as possible?

First, let's take a closer look at the material itself. Alabaster is based on a natural mineral, which gives confidence in environmental cleanliness and safety of use. In addition, alabaster has unique waterproof and soundproof qualities.
Before purchasing this material, make sure that it is of good quality and free from dirt. This is especially true if it is needed for walls as an equalizer for various depressions. We advise you to take with a mark on the package "Purified mixture". This means that the mixture will be easy to knead, perfectly seal cracks and hold on for a long time.
Process Nuances
What to breed
It is best to breed alabaster in a soft rubber container. A small ball cut in half would work well. From such a container, alabaster will be easily removed without leaving dried marks on the walls. There is a possibility that, having spread the alabaster in a hard, for example, plastic dish, it will deteriorate and become unsuitable for anything. If it is not possible to get the ball, prepare a pot or bucket. Before diluting the alabaster, insert into this bucket plastic bag, which after use can be thrown away, and the container will remain clean. It is better to fix this package to the edges of the bucket with clerical clips or a tight hose.
It's better to use a plastic bag
Note! Construction alabaster sets quickly. It cannot be re-diluted with water.
How much to pour
The process of kneading alabaster is similar to the procedure for making putty, paste and other mixtures. For effective work with this building material, you need to choose the right proportions. Building codes spelled out a rule indicating that 0.5–0.65 liters of water is required for 1 kg of dry alabaster. Lime mortar can be used instead of water.
After kneading, you need to wait half a minute for the components to react. Then get to work right away. Basically, on the finished site where the work was done, the alabaster dries out in 3 hours. But much depends on the thickness of the layer, as well as the humidity and temperature of the room.
The building mixture must be added to the container with water, and not pour water into the container with the mixture. It is best to stir with a drill with a mixer attachment. If the container is small, a small spatula will do. Lumps are not allowed!

The simplest and inexpensive way strengthen the trunk of a tree of happiness or other crafts - plaster or alabaster casting. You can dilute gypsum or alabaster for topiary in a separate container or directly in a pot. The first method involves diluting a liquid solution, the second - a thick one (to hold the trunk). Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, but in practice both methods are applicable.

How to dilute gypsum - 2 ways to fill

liquid fill

Dilute plaster (alabaster) liquid solution appropriate for a small pot, where kneading a thick mixture will be problematic. In addition, liquid gypsum creates an ideal flat surface, which is convenient for further decoration of the topiary. However, it will take at least 24 hours to dry (depending on the size of the pot). It is this way - optimal and most convenient for pouring topiary.

Dry gypsum is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1, kneaded until smooth and poured into a pot until right level. The barrel is pre-fixed with plasticine to the bottom of the cache-pot. We recommend that you immediately wash the container and the whisk for kneading: the gypsum mixture sets quickly, and the alabaster hardens in a few seconds.

Thick filling in a pot

Thick plaster cast great for large, wide or shallow containers and is appropriate if you need to continue working on the tree of happiness as quickly as possible: the solution hardens in 3-4 hours.

Pour dry gypsum into the pot, slightly below the required level. Slowly adding warm water, knead the solution until a thick, creamy mass is obtained. We insert the stem of the topiary in the desired position. It is very important not to overdo it with water: in a liquid fill, the trunk will collapse, and the drying time will increase.

in detail,

Or for making small sculptures. The technology for preparing the solution is quite simple. The main thing is to know in what ratio the components are mixed. It is worth noting that gypsum is the main material for making crafts.

What is gypsum

Before answering the question of how to properly dilute gypsum for crafts, it is worthwhile to figure out what kind of material it is. First of all, it is very flexible. Gypsum can be applied to almost any kind of surface. The material is easy to process and quickly hardens. Gypsum is used in many industries: as a fertilizer, as one of the components of paper and pulp production, as a component of enamels and paints. The material is also used for the manufacture of internal decorative elements. Gypsum is often used as a binder in construction.

Material disadvantages

Since diluting gypsum for crafts is a simple process, it is worth considering certain drawbacks of the material. This will make it much easier to work with him. First of all, gypsum has low hygroscopicity and strength. Therefore, use decorative elements made from this material in rooms with high humidity Not recommended. In such situations, additional processing is required. For reliability, finished crafts should be covered with a coating layer that protects against moisture.

Before starting work, the hygroscopicity of gypsum products should be taken into account. They are well absorbed by any coating. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a primer coat on the surface of the product. Only then can a coating that protects against moisture be used.

How to dilute plaster for crafts: proportions

There are several basic ways to make a gypsum mortar for making crafts. The easiest method is to dilute the powder with water. In this case, it is important to observe all proportions. For 7 parts of gypsum, at least 10 parts of water are required. It is worth noting that it is worth preparing the solution with extreme caution so that there are no lumps. It is recommended to add gypsum to water, and not vice versa. This method also eliminates the formation of dust.

This solution is easy to use. From it you can make products of almost any shape. However, it is worth considering that crafts are not very strong. They break and crumble easily. So how to breed plaster for crafts?

Method two

So, how to breed gypsum for crafts. This method of preparing the solution is a little more complicated than the previous one. However, the mixture allows you to make stronger and more reliable products that retain their appearance for many years.

To prepare the solution requires: 6 parts of gypsum, 10 parts of water, 1 part The components are gently mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Production of colored plaster

How to breed gypsum for crafts of different colors? This will require:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Gouache.
  3. Water is ordinary.
  4. Bank with a lid.
  5. Dishes for preparing the solution.
  6. Spoon, spatula or stick.

kneading process

So, how to dilute gypsum for crafts from a multi-colored solution? In fact, the process is quite simple. To begin with, it is worth pouring gouache into the jar and the amount of water necessary to prepare the solution. In order for the paint to dissolve completely, it is recommended to close the jar with a lid and shake it a little.

The colored water should be poured into the dishes where the solution will be prepared. Here, observing all proportions, it is necessary to gradually add gypsum. Pour the powder into the liquid in a thin stream, constantly mixing the components. This will achieve a uniform consistency of the solution. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Stir the solution thoroughly during preparation so that there are no lumps and air bubbles. Otherwise, in finished product holes are formed.

How long do crafts dry

Now you know how to dilute gypsum for crafts. How long do products dry? The gypsum solution sets and gradually hardens 4 minutes after its manufacture. Therefore, work with the finished material should be quick and accurate. Complete hardening of gypsum occurs within half an hour. To make the setting of the solution slower, it is worth adding a little water-soluble animal-based glue to the solution.

What can replace gypsum

On this moment There are many creative kits for sale. How to dilute gypsum for crafts Lori, and the material from other kits for creating figurines, as a rule, is always indicated in the instructions. It should be studied before starting work, as the solution dries quickly. It should be noted that in some kits for creativity, gypsum analogues are used. The most common of them is alabaster.

This powder has a grayish tint and has a fine structure. The material is obtained as a result of heat treatment of two-water gypsum. Thanks to this, the finished solution received completely different characteristics. It is worth noting that outwardly alabaster and gypsum are very similar.

What is the difference between alabaster and gypsum

Among the main differences between these substances, it is worth highlighting:

How long does alabaster crafts dry?

You can determine the solidification time of the material by examining the technical characteristics of the mixture. In general, the setting of the alabaster solution is observed 6 minutes after the dilution of the substance. Partial hardening occurs after 30 minutes. It is worth noting that a strengthened and dried solution is able to withstand a load of 5 MPa. Alabaster dries completely within 1-2 days. Despite the fact that products made from this material are stronger, it is not recommended to use the solution for activities with children, as it is not entirely safe for health. Gypsum in this case is preferable.

Alabaster is construction material widely used for leveling and filling walls. It is a type of gypsum, so these concepts are often confused. Let's break these materials down.

Are gypsum and alabaster the same thing?

Gypsum is calcium sulfate hydrate natural material, widely used in many sectors of life and industry. Building mixtures are made from gypsum, it is used by sculptors, gypsum is also known in medicine.

Gypsum is a wide group of materials with different impurities, compositions and applications.

Alabaster - what is it? This is a kind of gypsum mineral used in construction, has a narrow specific application. That is, there are no errors in the substitution of concepts, by and large. Just gypsum is a broad concept, and alabaster is a narrow one.

Characteristics of alabaster

When choosing construction and finishing materials professionals primarily focus on the technical performance of dry mixes and working solutions.

Building plaster properties:

  • Composition - calcium compound hemihydrate;
  • Compressive strength (average) - 4.0 MPa;
  • Bending strength - 2.0 MPa;
  • Brand binder (gypsum) - G4 and above;
  • Color - white or light gray (almost white);
  • Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mix - 0.65-0.70 liters;
  • Setting time 6-30 minutes from start to finish.

Are common operational properties building plaster (alabaster):

  • The solution fits well on the prepared surface of any material;
  • High adhesion;
  • Surfaces can be given a perfectly even state in a short time (up to 5 minutes);
  • When dried, alabaster does not crack, does not dry out and does not change its volume at all;
  • The frozen layer of the solution absorbs noise, therefore it can be used as an additional means of protecting rooms from sounds;
  • Alabaster is warm to the touch, prevents heat loss.

The use of alabaster

We have already found out that alabaster is a building material used in the repair and construction of residential and public buildings, namely:

  • As dry mixes for the preparation of plaster and putty solutions;
  • To repair cracks, potholes;
  • Alabaster is part of the gypsum partitions for interior and exterior partitions.

Building gypsum has found application in finishing and repair work thanks to the properties of fast setting and perfect alignment surface, as well as good adhesion. An alabaster layer prepares the base for wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster in bathrooms, bathrooms and living rooms, bedrooms.

The surface of the hardened building gypsum must not be exposed to moisture. When arranging walls in bathrooms, alabaster should be insulated with tiled lining.

How to breed alabaster

The overall result of the finish and the convenience of work depend on the correct preparation of the working solution. There are several subtleties in this matter.


SNiP regulates the amount of water for mixing a solution of alabaster plaster in the amount of 1 kg of dry mix per 0.65 liters of liquid. This proportion is appropriate for the preparation of putty and plaster mortar.

For mixing the installation and repair mortar, the proportions of 1 kg of dry alabaster per 0.5 liters of water are suitable.

To make a liquid putty mortar, you need to take water and a mixture in a 1: 1 ratio.

To extend the setting time of the solution, 2% of the volume of carpentry glue of animal origin, such as bone, can be added to it.

Choice of dishes

Before you dilute alabaster, you need to choose the right dishes. A metal container is definitely not suitable for kneading - the solution will stick to it as it dries, and it is not easy to clean such a coating.

For the preparation of the working mixture, a plastic, or better, a rubber container is suitable. In order not to dirty the vessel, you should lay a tight plastic bag in it, hooking it on the edges of the bucket or basin.

Professionals note: alabaster does not stick to rubber. If you need to prepare a single portion of the material, use a cut rubber ball.

Proper kneading

How to breed building plaster:

  • Pour the required measured amount of water into the container;
  • Gradually introducing the dry mixture, stir the solution with a spatula, for large volumes use construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle;
  • Introduce the dry mix until a suitable paste consistency is obtained.

For plaster, the mixture should take on the consistency of sour cream - the same plastic and moderately soft.

Working with mortar

With diluted alabaster, you can plaster a wall, close up a gap or a pothole, fill a strobe.

How to cover the cracks with alabaster:

  1. The strobe / gap / pothole must be cleaned with a stiff brush from exfoliating material, sweep the dust with a soft bristle.
  2. Handle work surface deep penetration primer. It will improve the adhesion of materials and protect the repair area from further delamination.
  3. Mix the working solution. For repairs, we use a mixture to water ratio of 1:0.5.
  4. Apply the mortar with a spatula in the direction of the gap, remove excess mixture with a transverse movement and level the surface.

Working with alabaster is no different from using other plaster mixtures. To cover the surface of the structure, dilute the solution 1:1 and apply a thin layer with a spatula.

How long does alabaster dry

As stated in technical specifications, the drying time of alabaster from the moment of initial setting to hardening is 5-30 minutes. That is, the solution must have time to work out in 5 minutes. If the gypsum began to harden in a bucket, it is useless to dilute it, such material must be thrown away.

Experienced craftsmen close up to 5 kg of the mixture at a time; for local repairs, a little alabaster should be prepared.

To extend the setting time of the solution, as already mentioned, glue of animal origin will help. For 1 kg of dry mixture, it is enough to introduce a tablespoon of bone glue. For quality finished material it will have no effect.

Thanks to their positive qualities, alabaster is widely used in the construction industry. However, when using it, it is important to be careful, because after the dry powder comes into contact with water, it hardens very quickly. It is this property of alabaster that made it so popular. Therefore, it is used in cases where it is necessary to carry out work quickly and without loss of quality, for example, when laying wires. In this article, we invite you to learn how to breed alabaster.

This material has the following properties:

  • durability;
  • when applying the mixture, a flat surface is formed;
  • strength;
  • water resistance;
  • crack resistance;
  • high degree of sound insulation.

Among the positive aspects of alabaster, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Grab speed. For some jobs, this is very important.
  2. Fire resistance.
  3. When solidified, it does not shrink.
  4. Not dangerous to the human body.
  5. The ability to withstand loads.

Given the fact that alabaster absorbs moisture, it is not recommended to use it in a room with high humidity.

Among the minuses, one can single out poor resistance to dry and humid air. In the absence of moisture, alabaster loses its technical properties and it just falls apart.

As for the proportions, they are prescribed by building codes and regulations. For example, according to SNIP, they are expressed as follows: 650 ml of water or lime mortar should be consumed per 1 kg of dry mix. For fastening the wire electrical work 1 kg accounts for 500 ml of water. If you need to get liquid mixture alabaster, then the proportion is 1:1.

Unlike other solutions, such as putty, alabaster dries very quickly. For this reason, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of dishes for kneading alabaster dough. It is not recommended to use a metal bowl or bucket. In this case, it will be difficult for you to remove residues from their surface. Therefore, it is best to dilute the solution in a rubber or plastic container. Dried alabaster is removed by compressing the dishes.

If it is necessary to knead in a small portion and once, then lay a plastic bag in any convenient container. Fix the film securely around the edges. When finished, the film is removed.

Alternatively, you can knead in an old rubber ball. To do this, cut it and knead it in the inside. Also can be cut plastic bottle(1.5 or 2 l) lengthwise.

Building alabaster is prepared in different proportions, in relation to water, based on the purpose of its use. So, if it is necessary to align walls or partitions, then the mixture is kneaded 1: 1. to install junction boxes a viscous mass is required - 2: 1.

If during the work the alabaster began to harden, then do not try to add water to it. It should be thrown away immediately.

The kneading process itself boils down to the fact that you add the dry mixture to water, but not vice versa. The process of adding powder should be gradual. Otherwise, there is a risk that the entire mass will be taken in a lump that cannot be broken. As an option for stirring, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment. In this case, you will be able to make a batch without a single lump.

The consistency of alabaster should resemble thick sour cream. For all components of the mixture to react, it is enough to wait half a minute. After that, you can cover up the cracks or perform other actions. All work must be carried out quickly and at the same time accurately.

After finishing work, it is important to thoroughly rinse all tools; it is recommended to wash in warm water.

When mixing, use only cold water room temperature. Hot water speeds up the setting process several times.

So, we examined with you the features of alabaster for walls, as well as the technique of kneading it. By following all the above recommendations, we hope that you will be able to make the correct kneading of alabaster.


How to make alabaster more plastic will be discussed in the video: