Toilet      06/17/2019

Rollers for decorative plaster - we are working on the design. Rollers for decorative plaster. Tool for decorative plaster How to make a paint roller with your own hands

Decorative roller is constantly used when finishing works ah with the application structural plaster. In addition, it can be improved or made by hand. Homemade roller - a budget option, with which you can qualitatively perform wall cladding independently and to your taste.

With the help of a homemade roller, you can make original decor on the walls

Updated old do-it-yourself roller

It is not difficult to make a modernized decorative roller, especially if an old foam rubber roller is lying around in the house, the household has a simple cord, a clothesline (50 cm is enough), a plastic bag, scissors, a knife and adhesive tape. On a separate section of any of the walls, after covering it with decorative plaster, you can try these options and choose the right one:

  1. To improve the appearance of plaster, create on it decorative pattern, a cord and a clothesline are wound on the old roller. The type of pattern will depend on their thickness. A distinct rhythm will appear on the wall. Its regularity can be controlled by the number of passes, the frequency of turns and direction. An unusual pattern appears from the depressions on the roller.
  2. An old styrofoam roller will also come in handy. With it, you can make a patterned pattern with bulges. First, cuts are made with a knife, then cuts of any diameter are made with scissors. A wide bulge will appear from the thickness of the cutout, which will build the pattern.
  3. A textured roller will be if you put on a soft sleeve rewound with a thread.

Any of these rollers can add a beautiful shape, attractive depth to the walls on the finishing layer of plaster, or completely change the interior of your house or apartment. If there is no old roller, you can easily make a new one yourself.

Roller from improvised materials

The design of the roller for painting walls and ceilings

For the future decorative roller, you must first make the base - the cylinder. There are several options for obtaining an elongated cylindrical object required for the base:

  1. Rolling pin for the test. Since it is wooden, it is easy to drill a hole in it along its entire length. A thick wire or a metal bar, curved in the form of a handle, is inserted into the hole. You can use a pen from an old roller.
  2. Plastic pipe (d=5 cm, l= 10 cm). To close the side holes in the pipe, plugs are cut out of plastic, which are put on glue, holes for the handle are also made in them.
  3. If there lathe, on it you can carve a roller from metal, rubber, plastic, or wood, and then fix the handle in it.

If you have a base, you can start making a decorative roller. From a randomly wound cord on a prepared layer of plaster, a one-of-a-kind relief pattern will be obtained.

From a plastic bag, an ordinary vegetable mesh wound on a base, made by oneself and fixed with adhesive tape, a pattern will appear on the wall with sinuous folds, uneven wrinkles.

Cellophane can be replaced with any fabric material. Foam rubber lying around in the house is also used. After fixing it with tape on a homemade tool, drawings are cut out on it. The manufacturing process of such a roller is laborious, but as a result, the wall will be a real decoration of the room. If there is no foam, you can find a piece of rubber. Of course, it is more difficult to cut on rubber, but the quality of the pattern will be noticeably higher. To obtain a longitudinal structural pattern, a tool is made with bulges on the surface.

Decorative roller from shreds of fabric and foam rubber

Proper application of plaster

The use of a roller, which you can do yourself, will be appropriate if you follow all the application rules decorative plaster on the walls:

  1. The surface that they intend to update must be prepared - cleaned of old finish(paint, wallpaper), degrease and coat with a primer.
  2. If the master is going to apply two layers of plaster, then first a smooth layer with a flat surface is made and painted in the desired color.
  3. After that, a rich structural second layer of plaster is applied to the wall. If the interior requires it and it is necessary to clearly distinguish between layers, a special adhesive tape is used. For arbitrary shapes, a self-adhesive seal is used, which is used on windows.
  4. It should be borne in mind that the plaster has a quick-drying property, so the textured pattern should be applied quickly.
  5. It is undesirable to press the tool on the plastered surface; you can accidentally spoil the intended texture. Movements should be light, sliding.
  6. After the decorative layer is completely applied (after about 20 minutes), a wet mesh is applied to grind the protrusions on the finished relief surface.
  7. After two days (this is the optimal time for the walls and plaster to dry completely), the entire surface is completely cleaned of defects. After that, it is covered with paint of the desired color.

Choosing a variety of textured coating for the roller, it is necessary to represent the final result.

If you put on a sleeve with a pile on the base of the roller, you can make a structural relief “under a fur coat”. It is more often used for concrete, brick exterior walls. In this case, the pile must be at least 18 cm long.

Working with a textured do-it-yourself roller is not only suitable for creative people. Everyone who has the desire to create in the house original interior, will be able to make it from ordinary improvised materials.

Textured surface finishing is one of the ways to give individuality to interior design. It is performed with special painting tools - textured and textured rollers, with which you can decorate the walls with artistic painting or create interesting decorative effects on them.

The quality of this type of finish depends on how carefully the preparation of the base was carried out, the coating technology was followed, and the roller itself was chosen correctly. Consider the types of relief painting tools and how to use them.

Application features

There are two ways to use a roller to decorate surfaces.

  • In the first case, it is used as a tool to stamp various patterns: from the simplest to the most complex fantasy ones, similar to how, when wallpapering, the canvases are joined to each other to continue the pattern. The roller can be pressed with different force, resulting in a more or less pronounced relief.

  • In the second case, using a rough roller or a tool with a patterned coat on the wall, they imitate the texture of various materials: brick, wood, marble or stone, and also make glazing - spectacular blurry spots.

For creating designer finishes walls, you can buy a ready-made decorative roller or build it yourself. So that you can better navigate the range of textured painting tools, let's take a closer look at their varieties.


The design of a standard roller includes a metal rod-holder with a cylinder and a handle. The bases of the cylinder can be metal, plastic, rubber. Structural patterned specimens feature a rotating cylinder that draws ink, coupled with a rubber nozzle carved into the surface to create prints. The main difference between paint rollers is the coating of the cylinder.


For the manufacture of coatings for cylinders go various materials, depending on what it can be:

  • rubber or silicone with many recesses and protrusions of various sizes, due to which various decorative effects are created that imitate brickwork or relief with a pattern.
  • foam rubber, which is convenient to work with water-dispersion paints and paint small areas. Its disadvantages include poor painting of an uneven plane, the formation of splashes when pressed hard and fragility.

  • Styrofoam- This cheap analogue rubber roller. The disadvantage of polystyrene is susceptibility to mechanical stress, so such a tool will need to be repeatedly changed to a new one during work.
  • Leather- with its help you can achieve a very beautiful effect that imitates a marble coating. Venetian plaster is best applied with a natural leather roller, as it perfectly copes with this task.
  • Wooden- since wood is an environmentally friendly material, it is advisable to use such rollers for decorating children's rooms. They allow you to get a beautiful convex ornament on the surface treated with paint.

  • plastic- when using it, the decorative mixture will lie as it should only on absolutely smooth surface, therefore, without careful preparation of the base is indispensable. In addition, plastic is prone to cracking due to prolonged use.
  • Fleecy (fur)- both natural and artificial fur can be used as a coating - polyacrylic and polyamide, which have different lengths of villi. The degree of roughness and the depth of patterned inclusions on the treated surface depend on the length of the threads.


Decorative rollers are distinguished by a variety of structures, due to which the final ornaments are obtained. The purpose of some tools is to simulate texture natural materials, and others - a simple creation of an arbitrary pattern.

According to the method of application, they are:

  • Textured products. For their manufacture, hard or soft rubber is used. When a raw plastered surface is rolled with such a tool, it acquires relief. Using rollers with different patterns or just a rough cylinder, you can get the texture of the most different materials from fur and wood to textiles and stone chips and even bamboo fiber. The fur coat provides the effect of multidirectional fibers, to imitate a natural stone allows a rubber-coated roller, where a special looped pattern is carved, and traces of bubbles remain after the sponge tool.
  • structural fixtures. With their help, a complex repeating ornament is applied to the plaster, for which the stencil roller is intended. A feature of use is the application finish coat on an already finished surface, for example, a painted or evenly plastered wall. Decorating begins when the plane is completely dry. The most beautiful ornament is obtained if you use a figured roller with a certain pattern.


decorative trim surfaces are endless possibilities for creativity. Of course, for these purposes, the easiest way is to use ready-made textured design rollers, which will be ideal helpers for creating all kinds of complex and very beautiful decorative effects:

  • "Diagonal" is an unusual abstract pattern of slanted lines.
  • "Blots" are picturesque spots with arbitrary outlines resembling spreading drops of liquid.
  • "Rain" - despite the name, due to the presence of chaotic lines and ramifications of the pattern on the cylinder, visually this effect looks like a fancy floral pattern.
  • “Frosty Morning” is an original ornament that resembles a pattern of frost that remains on glass in frosty weather in winter.
  • "Rhinestones" - a symmetrical ornament of large imitations of precious stones arranged in rows.
  • "Blossoming Meadow" is a spectacular fantasy floral ornament.

No less beautiful effects are obtained when using rollers in combination with other tools for decorative and finishing work. For example, to decorate a wall with a pretty polka dot pattern, a standard roller is used together with a stencil - purchased or made independently from thin plastic.

To create the “bamboo” effect, the base is covered with a white decorative mixture using a trowel. It is also used to form the background pattern. Until the main layer is dry, a pattern imitating bamboo shoots is created with a trowel or spatula. Then the wall is treated with decorative wax using a paint roller. And at the end they place dot accents decorative varnish silver color to give the pattern more expressiveness.

Glaze - blurry spots of deep shades that differ in saturation are made by painting the wall with a base color and winding a chaotic pattern with a dry or wet cloth or cellophane. To create original textures, you can use a sponge to create a soft spotted ornament or a brush for spectacular splashes.

An interesting effect is obtained from arbitrary prints on the wall of their own palms.

How to choose?

A variety of painting tools for decorative painting can complicate the choice of roller. To avoid mistakes when buying, we suggest using the tips of masters who have been engaged in decorative and finishing work for more than one year.

What should be done:

  • Check the quality of the working part of the roller and its resistance to deformation. To do this, you need to significantly crumple the coat, and then assess the condition. Strong dents on a fur coat are a reason to refuse to purchase such a roller.

  • When choosing a long pile roller, it is necessary to visually inspect the fur coat for falling out fibers that will definitely stick to the painted wall, which looks unattractive.
  • Make sure the clasp is reliable - the bracket that acts as the basis of the tool. Soft clasps deform faster, which not only reduces the life of the roller, but also negatively affects the quality of the finish.

For painting walls, a product with a standard short handle is quite suitable, while for finishing the ceiling it is already worth purchasing a tool with a special telescopic handle.

What to look for when buying:

  • Structural rubber roller - in this case, it is important to evaluate the quality of the rubber and the operation of the cylinder. A good tool has a resilient coating and an easily scrolling, non-vibrating roller. The optimal solution for creating the perfect pattern is a tool that has a lubricating cylinder and a hopper, which allows you to stretch the entire pattern without having to interrupt to saturate the coat with paint;
  • Textured tool with a foam coat - here you need to make sure that the selected sponge coating has pores of the required diameter to obtain a decorative effect of bursting bubbles or lunar craters;

  • Leather embossed roller - as it is used mainly to work with Venetian plaster, then try to consider only those products that have a natural leather coating. It is impossible to make prints on a plastered base with devices from synthetic analogues - once, and they are able to dissolve - two;
  • Pile roller - here you need to be guided by the length of the villi, which is from 0.2 cm to 2.5 cm. The effect of a strong "shaggy" wall is created with a long-pile roller;
  • Pattern tool - the pattern of a figured stamp is of great importance: the most beautiful ornaments are obtained through a combination of thin lines and jumpers present in the pattern.

You can buy a stencil or texture roller or do it yourself. common tool for painting, they supply a home-made cloth, suede, paper or sponge coat, securely fixing it with threads. This device is good for applying chaotic spotted ornaments.

Surface preparation

Wall painting is the type of finishing work that everyone can master, the main thing is to prepare the surface with high quality. If you neglect the pre-treatment of the walls, then you can not count on the quality and durability of the finish.

Work order:

  • Clean the surface of the old coating, for example, wallpaper.
  • Smooth out irregularities in plaster or concrete base grinder.
  • Prime the wall and seal the cracks, sinks, chips with a plaster mixture.

  • Align the base with finishing putty and sand.
  • Dust the surface with a vacuum cleaner or herbal brush.
  • Re-treat the base with a primer to increase adhesion to the decorative coating and reduce its consumption.

When the wall is completely dry, you can start decorating.

Paint application

For many beginners just entering the world of repair, it seems that using a paint roller, given its elementary design, is as easy as shelling pears. However, working with paintwork materials(LMB) requires some knowledge, without which a perfect finish, alas, is impossible.

So, first, the corners are painted with a brush or a corner roller. LKM mix well construction mixer on low power. Fill the cuvette with paint and roll the roller in it with back and forth movements so that the fur coat properly picks up paintwork. At the end, a tool is passed along the inclined corrugated base of the cuvette to remove excess coloring composition and distribute it evenly over the working part of the roller - a fur coat.

When it comes to beautiful finish walls, rollers for decorative plaster along with the use of this material as an internal coating. Of course, a spectacular texture can also be obtained with the help of other tools, for example, applying light strokes with a narrow spatula, but the roller is the most practical. It remains only to find out what forms this tool takes and what results can be achieved with its help.

What are the rollers for decorative plaster

Initially, wall decoration was carried out exclusively with the help of paints, plaster was needed only for applying frescoes on it. In this regard, only paint rollers were used, from fur, and later from foam rubber, foam plastic and others. artificial materials. But over time, new techniques for decorating plaster coatings appeared, especially for the “Venetian”, which required the use and radical change of tools. All sorts of applicators, stamps, combs and, of course, textured rollers appeared, based on a coarse-mesh foam rubber prototype.

According to the materials, the aforementioned foam rubber and foam plastic, as well as rubber and leather rollers for decorative plaster are distinguished. More exotic options are also possible, for example, home-made, carved from wood, that is piece work. According to the texture, the surface of these tools can imitate marble stains, brickwork, wood fibers and even mat weaving. Also, nozzles are used for embossing simple and complex patterns, for which a repeating pattern is applied to the working surface, the end of which goes to the beginning. Coarsely porous foam rubber creates roughness of varying degrees of depth.

Textured rollers to imitate various materials

If you want to create a relief on the surface of the wall by covering it with plaster, it is necessary that there is some structure on the surface of the tool. To obtain protruding prints, textured rollers should be with recesses reflecting the selected pattern, if, on the contrary, the pattern on the wall surface should be extruded, use work surface with relief pattern. In particular, if we need an imitation brickwork, we take an ordinary even rubber roller, make two annular channels, dividing the working surface into three equal parts, after which we cut out transverse notches on each of them in a checkerboard pattern. We get a rectangular imprint in each row, they will be bricks.

To imitate marble, it is enough to take a roller with a nozzle made of crinkled leather or fabric. At the same time, during operation, movements should be made uniform, without lifting the tool from the surface for as long as possible. Another way to get a structural roller with your own hands is to wrap a rubber nozzle with a bundle of the same material, making turns in an arbitrary direction. With such an uneven work surface, wood fibers can be depicted. It is possible that the direction of the turns will have to be corrected to obtain a more reliable texture. And, finally, by sticking a piece of coarse fabric on the rubber nozzle, you can get an imitation of textile upholstery. Almost any imitation can be obtained with a foam nozzle by applying the desired pattern to its surface.

Structural rubber roller for complex patterns

In childhood, many are fond of making stamps from erasers, which can be used more than once by rubbing with a graphite pencil or ink paste. ballpoint pen. Approximately the same is a structural rubber roller, only the pattern on it is closed around a cylindrical working surface. Once upon a time, such rollers began to be produced so that the owners could make prints on wallpaper for painting at home. However, over time there were finished wallpaper with various patterns, and a special decoration device turned out to be unnecessary. A tool for decorating walls with plaster came in handy.

But if a regular nozzle with a slight relief can be easily used to apply enough liquid decorative composition, then is a figured roller suitable for this purpose, with a pronounced pattern? Unfortunately no. The fact is that a textured nozzle with small irregularities allows you to capture a fairly thick layer of the mixture, and in the process of applying it, the layer turns out somewhere thicker, and somewhere thinner. If strongly protruding figures of the drawing are cut out on the working surface, only they will be printed on the wall, the rest of the space will not be covered with plaster.

But such tools are great for getting a picture on an already finished surface. It is not news that even the fastest-drying composition freezes for about twenty minutes. This time is enough to pick up a roller and roll it over the surface of the finished area. It is only necessary to observe one rule: the movement must be carried out from top to bottom, at the same speed along the entire length of the decorated strip. The next pass of the tool must be made close to the previous one, without indents and overlaps.

How to make a structural roller with your own hands

Today, tools for creating a textured pattern on a freshly plastered surface are commercially available. They are made of rubber and have a stamp strongly protruding above the base in the form of one or another pattern. However, it is much more pleasant to do something unusual on your own in order to end up with a unique pattern. So, what is needed for this. First, a regular rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper. Secondly, you need to find dense thick rubber about a centimeter thick (you can take a couple of dozen erasers, but this is last resort). And finally, we need rubber glue.

From a sheet of rubber or from an eraser, we cut out a figure, for example, a leaf of a plant. If the fragments of the pattern are pasted at large intervals, the shape of the base does not play a role, otherwise it is better to make the fragment so that there is no difference which side becomes working. The next element, in continuation of the plant theme, will be, for example, a flower. You can make stems, buds, berries, the content of the pattern does not matter, the main thing is that it be continuous around the entire cylindrical surface of the tool nozzle. All parts are fixed with glue from end to end, the metal rod (byugel), on which the nozzle rotates, is usually bent so that it does not interfere with changing the diameter of the nozzle at all.

The sizes of machines, consisting of a handle, a yoke (metal rod) and a roller, can be different: short, within 30 centimeters, medium, from 35 to 45 centimeters, and long, from 50 centimeters and more. Special extension handles are also produced, from 70 centimeters to 4 meters.

In order for the pattern to turn out to be of the highest quality, it is advisable to round off the working surface of all glued parts. This will allow the curly elements to sink into the surface of the plaster gently, without disturbing the prints with sharp edges. You should not rush and create a pattern as soon as the plaster covers the wall. The fact is that the fresh mixture will stick to the relief of the tool, clog between closely spaced elements and, accordingly, remain on the roller. It is best to wait about ten minutes (or longer, depending on the finishing material) to dry out a bit.

Exists a large number of facing materials, which are widely used today in the creation beautiful interior indoors. One of the most sought after finishes is decorative plaster. Many of its varieties are known, for example, textured painting of walls. To perform this work, a special roller is required, which gives the entire lining a special texture. In this article we want to tell you about the necessary set of tools that are required for applying textured paint.

Varieties of rollers

If you go to the store to buy a texture paint roller, you may come across a wide variety of this tool. Therefore, we suggest that you briefly consider its existing varieties. First of all, let's define what a roller is. A roller is a roller that rotates around its axis. As a rule, a metal base is used, on which replaceable rollers are put on. As for the roller itself, it can be covered with a variety of materials. To make it convenient to work with the roller, a special handle is provided on it.

If we talk about the existing differences of this tool, then we can highlight the following:

  1. Cover type.
  2. Roller width.

So, when choosing a roller for painting walls, it is extremely important to build on these indicators. So, now consider the existing coverages that are used when performing various works.

Varieties of coatings

So, several types are known at once, the so-called fur coat for a roller. It is made from the following materials:

  • Foam rubber.
  • Threads.
  • Velours.
  • Textural or textured.
  • Flock and others.

Consider the features of the most popular domestic market.

Fur roller

Fur rollers are universal for painting walls. They can paint the walls absolutely different colors. It can also be paints that have an organic base. There are a number of positive aspects of such rollers. When working with them, moderate absorption of paint is observed. As for the application of the paint itself, it lays down evenly. Therefore, they are very convenient even for non-professionals. It is also important that they do not splatter paint on all sides. And if there are minor irregularities on the walls, then there are no particular difficulties here either.

The villi themselves fur roller can be made from different materials, for example:

  • Natural fur. Natural fur fibers perfectly absorb paint, which contributes to an even distribution of paint over the entire surface of the wall. If we talk about the shortcomings, then it is the only one - there is a loss of villi during the painting process. And if you bought an inexpensive roller, then this can be a real problem, as there will be lint on the wall that should be removed urgently.
  • Polyacryl. This is an excellent replacement for natural fur, since such a roller is devoid of its shortcomings. And if we talk about its merits, it is quite an affordable price. But a polyacrylic coat has its own characteristics. You can paint with such a roller only with paints on water based. Also allowed is the paint in which there is minimal amount aggressive substances. Plus, polyacryl itself is short-lived.
  • Polyamide. This material is wear resistant. It also handles harsh environments. As a result, such a roller is suitable for absolutely any type of paint. But there is one important downside. When working, they constantly experience splashes.

There are also some differences between these wall paint rollers. For example, a fur coat may have different lengths of piles.

Advice! If the wall is rough, then it is recommended to choose a fur coat, in which the pile has a long length. Due to this, you can cover everything with high-quality paint.

So, regardless of what material the pile is made of, the roller needs care. And for this you should not make any special efforts. For example, it is enough to soak it in water after work or in kerosene.

foam roller

The foam-based roller is the cheapest. You can buy it starting from 30 rubles. Such a roller is used for water-dispersion paint. This is the paint that is used for processing window frames or doors. Of course, a foam rubber roller has obvious negative sides, including:

  • Short operating life.
  • If you start working with particular intensity, then be sure to wait for paint splashes in all directions.
  • If the surface is relatively uneven, then it will be problematic to paint over it qualitatively.

So, a foam roller for painting walls economical solution For small area works. If you have to paint a large area, then do not even think about buying it. Moreover, it is not suitable for a wall covered with decorative plaster.

Velor roller

This tool allows you to apply paint in a thin and even layer. As a result, painted walls will be smooth. But the end result will largely depend on how well the preparation of the base wall was done.

To work velor roller requires special skills in painting the walls. A small marriage in motion can lead to the fact that a defect will be immediately noticeable on the wall. Therefore, it is not surprising that such rollers are used mainly by professionals in this profile.

To be objective, this tool also has disadvantages. Velor itself absorbs a large amount of paint. As a result, you have to wet the roller much more often to achieve good result. This leads to an increase in paint consumption.

Rollers with a smooth surface

There is another variation of this tool, which has a very smooth surface. It is made from:

  • Flock fiber.
  • polyester.

In the first case, flock fibers are made on the basis of polyurethane. The base is fabric. This coating is highly durable. Due to this, a long service life is observed. They are used to paint a perfectly smooth surface.

As for the tool made of polyester, it feels like a synthetic winterizer. This roller has excellent positive characteristics, including:

  • Perfectly absorbs paint.
  • Perfectly conveys the tone of the paint on the wall.
  • The possibility of transferring the villi to the painted wall is completely excluded.
  • Long service life.

So, here we have considered important features and differences in the tool that is used for painting. Now we will find out how the textured wall paint roller differs, which is used for textured wall painting.

Roller for decorative paint

Such a tool means rolls, through which texture, patterns, and the like can be applied to the surface of the wall. There are two main types of it:

  1. Textured roller. The necessary pattern is pre-applied on its surface.
  2. Structural roller. In this case, there is also a three-dimensional pattern, but the task of which is to apply a texture or pattern.

The texture of the wall can be created not only with a special tool, but also with ordinary rollers. So, you can use special paint for decorative processing walls and roll a foam roller over it. The effect may be original. In fact, there are no strict requirements and rules. You can experiment with different types coatings.

As for the relief rollers, they can be made from a variety of materials: polyurethane, foam rubber and rubber. You should choose the one that will allow you to achieve the maximum desired result. Many prefer polyurethane products, thanks to which you can give the wall an original appearance.

There are also original rollers based on leather and fabric. They are a tampon with folds. Their use allows you to achieve an original and non-standard texture on the walls. For example, some have learned to create the effect of marble and other materials.

Usage textured roller requires special care. When working with them, smooth and unhurried movements are necessary. It is also necessary to exert uniform forces on the surface so that the paint is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Also, due to this, the texture will be beautiful. But remember one important nuance, textured paint is applied with a special spatula, and the texture is formed by pressing the roller.

Among other things, an additional set is required necessary materials for decorative wall painting. To do the work yourself, you should prepare the following tool kit:

  • Textured or texture roller.
  • A brush of various sizes.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Mask to protect the face and respiratory tract.
  • Rags.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Paint mixing agent.
  • Metal brush.
  • Disc brush.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Special spatula for applying a decorative layer.
  • Spray.

It is worth noting that this is the main set of tools. And not the fact that you will use it all. However, all of the listed tools for painting walls can be useful to you in one way or another. Moreover, some home craftsmen decide to replace the basic tool for textured wall painting with a homemade one.

You can take cellophane, leather, fabric, foam rubber or something else as a basis. Well, if you have a base for the roller. On top of it, you can glue any of the listed materials.


In general, applying textured paint to walls is a creative process that requires the involvement of your imagination. Although a special tool is provided for creating textures on the walls, there is still the opportunity to experiment. You can try a variety of rollers to give your wall cladding some zest. Of course, try it on a small sample first so you can test your know-how.

We hope that this material was useful for you and were able to figure out what kind of tool you need for applying textured paint on walls. In addition to everything, we offer viewing of the prepared video material, in which you can clearly see how to use the selected tool correctly.

You will need a used, but whole roller of any material and any size. It is very important that the handle of the product is preserved. The rest of the details can be easily found in any home.

With a rope

To make a roller, you need to take an ordinary clothesline or any cord and wind it around the workpiece. The more often the cord is wound, the denser the pattern will be. Can be used various ways winding, making intersections and so on. The result is a relief pattern of depressions. Before using a homemade roller, it is recommended to test it on a small section of the wall or an unwanted piece of plywood.

With a knife

If from fine finish left the foam roller in an acceptable condition, then it can also be used. To do this, you need to take a clerical or sharply sharpened ordinary knife and cut out stripes, squares or any other shapes of arbitrary size. The larger they are, the larger the texture of the picture will turn out. In the same way, you can process a foam roller. If there is an unnecessary new product made of foam rubber, then simply drag it with a thread to form wrinkles.

With plastic bag

This is the easiest and least expensive way to make textured products. You need to take the old roller and fix the wrinkled bag on it with tape. The folds at the same time create a complex unique pattern of thin relief stripes. Instead of a bag, you can use hair ties, fabric scraps, a net for storing vegetables, thick paper.

Making a decorative paint roller using a plastic bag

From a rubber roller

It is also possible to manufacture a textured roller for painting walls made of rubber products. To do this, you need to take an ordinary rubber roller and apply a certain pattern to it using carbon paper. Then this pattern must be cut with a knife. Ordinary rubber can also be used, but its thickness must be at least 5 mm. Care must be taken to ensure that the relief pattern on the product is a single whole, while the lines should be wavy. Finally, a rubber sheet with a relief is fixed on a cylindrical workpiece.

A textured roller is easy to create with ordinary knife who need to cut the desired pattern on a rubber tool


To make a textured roller yourself, you will need the following:

  1. Thick foil. It is difficult to find such foil on sale, but you can use fragments of packaging for dairy or some other products.
  2. Acrylic putty.
  3. Crochet hook.

The manufacture of the roller in this case occurs according to the method of chasing. The first step is to thoroughly clean the surface of the foil from food debris and grease. Then a pattern should be applied to the foil, which is planned to be transferred to the ceiling or walls. Next, you need to take a crochet hook or any other product of a similar shape and squeeze out relief patterns on the foil along the previously drawn lines.

Important! During minting, it is necessary to observe a certain distance between the relief lines. So that the drawing does not subsequently turn out to be blurry, it is recommended to retreat by 5 mm.

On the back of the product must be applied acrylic putty, and then press it against the surface of the roller. At this stage, it is important to give the foil as soon as possible cylindrical shape until the putty has had time to set. Then you need to leave the workpiece to dry (the hardening time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the material). The last step is gluing the foil to the roller with quick-drying glue.

Made of thin rubber and silicone adhesive

Before you make a roller, you need to prepare:

  • sheet of thin rubber;
  • silicone sealant and a gun for its application;
  • marker.

First you need to clean the rubber and thoroughly degrease the surface. Then you should apply with a marker or pencil a drawing with which you plan to decorate the walls or ceiling. Next, you need to charge the gun with sealant and carefully apply it along the markings. It is better to opt for a simple pattern without fine lines and weaves. Perfect pattern in the form of waves, leaves or simple geometric shapes.

With the help of a sealant, a convex pattern or impression can be created on the surface of the instrument, due to which it is achieved decorative effect on the wall

To make a textured roller with your own hands, you can use any product on the surface of which there is a relief pattern. For example, buttons with large embossing, leaves of artificial plants, various plaster products. The selected item is lubricated vegetable oil, applied to the rubber layer silicone sealant, make an impression and leave to dry. The product can be removed only after the sealant has dried. The rubber sheet is then glued onto the roller.

Roller from scratch

The above describes how to make textured rollers, which involve the use of old tools. But there is an opportunity to make it yourself from scratch. The first step is to make a base - a cylindrical part. There are several options for blanks for the base:

  • Wooden rock. Exactly this suitable product. If the rolling pin is equipped with a handle, it must be cut down, leaving only an even cylinder. Then drill through the center through hole into which you want to insert a metal rod or wire. You can use the handle from the old product.

homemade tool from a wooden rolling pin
  • Plastic pipe. For these purposes, you will need a pipe with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 10 cm. After trimming the workpiece, you need to make plugs for the ends of the product, it is recommended to cut them out of plastic. Then you should glue the plugs and cut holes in them for the handle.

Making a textured roller is a fairly simple process. This is not to say that you can save a lot of money in this way, but a one-of-a-kind roller will help create a truly original coating.