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How to choose a wedding dress according to your zodiac sign. Fashionable horoscope: how the zodiac signs dress What dress are you according to the zodiac sign designer

Laconic cut and noble fabrics testify not only to the principles of Aries, but also communicate their impeccable taste. Moreover, such a dress will favorably emphasize the figure and will not constrain movements. Are you going to dance a lot? The most daring young ladies will not be hurt by some provocativeness, for example, in the form of a deep cut from the thigh.

Taurus, April 21 - May 20

Taurus belong to the elements of the earth, these are natures that often perceive the world tactilely. For them, the feeling of wearing a dress is important: whether it is pleasant for the body. Therefore, you should give preference to high-quality fabrics, an airy, flying style, and cover your shoulders or leave them bare for the gentle touches of the breeze. In second place for demanding Taurus is the quality of cut and tailoring. Make sure the dress fits like a glove.

Gemini, May 21 - June 20

An experiment dress is what can suit changeable, active natures. They should take into account fashion trends in the wedding industry and pay attention to styles with an abundance of transparent inserts, lace, sequins, rhinestones and the like decorative elements. Another important trend of 2018 is the presence of vintage items in the outfit, from which many Gemini are delighted. They can be a brooch, earrings or a handbag.

Cancer, June 21 - July 22

Long sleeves, a high neck or a modest neckline are very suitable details for the dresses of brides born under the sign. In addition, all of the above elements are integral features of fashionable novelties of wedding dresses. Pay attention to feminine silhouettes, as well as plots with a hint of antiquity.

Leo, July 23 - August 22

Sparkling and being the center of attention is a “double necessity” for Leos, born under the rule of the Sun and related to the elements of fire. To fulfill the prescriptions of your horoscope, choose dresses that are shiny, overly puffy and with catchy voluminous details. For example, trendy lantern sleeves in 2018, long trains or even natural fur. Focus on the hairstyle: for example, curly curls, decorated with a diadem.

Virgo, August 23 - September 23

Choose for yourself a comfortable and, moreover, elegant and feminine outfit. Let the “you plus dress” ensemble look like a porcelain figurine or a tall bouquet of lilies. If you are compared to an ancient Greek goddess, it will again mean that you guessed right with the choice.

Libra, September 24 - October 23

Gracefulness and sexuality - let one of these qualities (or both at once) become a guide for Libra, the most gentle sign in the horoscope. Perhaps then choosing the perfect dress will be less painful and faster. Take note: a revealing neckline, lace will add to the image of femininity, and intricate accents on the shoulders and an underlined waist will make the posture regal.

Scorpio, October 24 - November 21

Uncompromising Scorpios are not worried if, in such a traditional area as wedding fashion, they deviate from the standards. On the contrary, this is how they express themselves. Provocatively short wedding dresses, not too popular colors, catchy details are the prerogative of Scorpio brides. Perhaps it is for you that the designers came up with such details as long transparent skirts, tiered furs, and feathers that emphasize the collarbones.

Sagittarius, November 22 - December 21

Sign ruled by Jupiter major planet in the solar system, is very demanding in terms of volume and size. Therefore, by the way, excessively puffy wedding dresses, a multi-layered veil, an endless train will come in handy. And Sagittarius does not at all feel sorry for the expense of matter, time and money, which will be required by tailoring their most grandiose dress in life.

Capricorn, December 22 - January 19

Prefer suit-type wedding dresses or even jumpsuits that can be worn more than once - this is the whole Capricorn, a practical, earthly sign. Girls choose an outfit not only "with an eye" for the future, but also taking into account fashion, their style and the weather. If these are summer wedding dresses, then they are made of cotton or silk. Young Capricorn ladies manage to create very spectacular images thanks to carefully selected details like a wide belt or a miniature hat.

Aries are those people who prefer to go their own way in style. They don't care what clothes were in this or last year's fashion show, they don't care what products are in demand among consumers. But this does not mean at all that representatives of the first sign of the zodiac prefer to wear burlap because of its convenience. Many Aries have a well-developed sense of taste, so they can look spectacular without even thinking about what is currently in trend. Most Aries stand out from the crowd because they prefer bright colors in clothes: red, burgundy, poisonous green. If a person turns out to be more modest (which is also found among Aries), then he will choose some kind of muted shade of the same colors, as if finding a golden mean between the brightness of the image and the desire not to be the center of attention. Aries women, as a rule, necessarily include a touch of sexuality in their style: a deep neckline, tight jeans, or something else. Their makeup is usually bright, which creates a catchy and memorable image. Nevertheless, among Aries, you can sometimes meet girls who stand out in the exact opposite way - choosing a “boyish” style. In general, if you describe Aries in one sentence, then it would be correct to say that this is a man of extremes.


Subordinate to Venus, Taurus prefer to choose exquisite things. They don't attack any nice clothes and are very demanding of her and of her image in general. For representatives of the second sign of the zodiac, it is very important that the clothes are expensive, branded, stylish. They willingly complement it with some jewelry made of precious materials. But for all the scrupulousness of the image, they try not to flaunt it. On the contrary, Taurus prefer to take things discreet, without any applications and decorative elements. They have enough classic solutions, rarely diluted with a single central accessory. Of course, there are people who find Taurus's tastes in clothes boring, but Taurus does not listen to them and prefers to follow current fashion trends that do not age over the years. They really appreciate personal care and in every possible way monitor hair styling, clean skin, well-groomed nails, etc. Color solutions in the clothes of Taurus - muffled.


Gemini are constant seekers of their style and image. Their frivolity is reflected in their appearance. Both men and women of this sign prefer to have huge wardrobes so that each time they choose their clothes to match their mood and self-awareness. Thus, the appearance for Gemini is a way to move the inside out, to open up to the outside world. From the clothes it is easy to understand what is on the mind of the Twins, what are their plans, what they have focused their attention on. It is impossible to say unequivocally how much the Gemini monitors their appearance. Mood swings affect their desire to take care of themselves. Such a person can be different time to catch both in a sloppy and in an aristocratic manner. Be that as it may, such attention to appearance affects the Gemini's finances, which they willingly spend on clothes, perfume and cosmetics. Gemini are great connoisseurs of everything fashionable, what is now on the wave of success and in demand. Prone to mysticism, Gemini love to complement the image with some magical paraphernalia. Talismans, totems and amulets often become their constant companions.


Cancer is the sign that undergoes a real evolution in clothing throughout life. Young and adult Cancers are two completely different images that contradict each other in many ways, although they have some common features. But first things first. So, Cancer is a vulnerable, gentle sign of the zodiac. And he seeks to transfer these qualities to his own appearance. When meeting a young Cancer girl, it is not difficult to recognize her: tight and light clothes, as if saying how fragile and defenseless her nature is. Of course, in such clothes you can meet a girl of any other sign, but Cancers differ in that they can wear the same thing for a long time, which greatly distinguishes them from various fashionistas. Cancers do not try to flaunt their wardrobe, high-profile brands, and the high cost of clothing. However, do not assume that Cancers will prefer to wear bad things. Not at all. But they clearly distinguish between such concepts as demonstrating their wealth and wearing really high-quality clothes. Although in terms of style, Cancers are really unpretentious. Regardless of gender, Cancers are very careful about the cleanliness and neatness of appearance. This allows them to wear their favorite things even longer, because they are properly cared for. With age, Cancers prefer to choose multi-layered images, as if providing themselves additional protection from the outside world.

a lion

Anyone who even a little imagines the nature of such a zodiac sign as Leo is well aware of what image these people prefer to embody - more luxurious and richer. Lions are very whimsical in choosing clothes. Shopping can take a lot of their time, so many people born under the constellation Leo go the other way and order exclusive clothes and jewelry for themselves. This provides them with special things that no one else has and that meet all the requirements of a demanding customer. In Leo's wardrobe, if finances allow, you can find clothes and accessories from all the most fashionable brands. People born under this zodiac sign are very sensitive about their appearance. No less strictly they evaluate the appearance of others, preferring to communicate with those who match them. Of course, one should not assume that the Lions are too arrogant - such an impression could be formed from this description, but it would be too harsh an assessment. Lions prefer luxurious things that demonstrate wealth and taste. They love gold jewelry. However, Leos avoid catchy, provocative and extravagant outfits. Their preferences lean more towards classic and noble solutions.


It is quite difficult to describe the image that the Virgo chooses for herself. The fact is that the representatives of this sign do not have any general preferences that could be cited as a kind of rule, from which exceptions periodically appear. Rather, on the contrary - each Virgo can contradict the other. And yet, something definite can be said about the representatives of this sign. Firstly, Virgos really don’t like to dress up for different cases. Their clothes should be versatile and suitable for a variety of situations. They really like convenience, and therefore it’s great when the same suit is suitable for both going to work in it and going on a hike in nature after it. With such requirements for clothing, it is clear that evening dress is an unwanted guest in the Virgo's wardrobe, which is unlikely to be in demand. What is the point of a beautiful dress if it is then uncomfortable to go for a walk in it? It is much more convenient to choose sweatpants or jeans that will fit in most situations. However, no matter how boyish the Virgo woman chooses for herself, she will always keep her clothes clean and tidy. Virgo is the cleanest sign, for which even a small speck is already a cause for concern.


Libra is not too picky about its appearance zodiac sign. They do not follow fashion, do not try to adapt to some current trends. Nevertheless, despite all this, they have a good aesthetic sense. Even without trying to look good, they always form their image with taste. It is not surprising that many people born under the sign of Libra look like they are following some common clothing trends, although this is not the case. The main thing that Libra is watching is comfort, convenience. It is very important for them what material the clothes are made of, as it creates a pleasant feeling, which is of particular importance to Libra. Some representatives of this zodiac sign are aware of current trends in clothing and deliberately seek to do something in defiance of them. Of particular importance to Libra are various small parts images - jewelry and underwear. Both are present in a wide variety.


Scorpios are people with excellent aesthetic taste. They know perfectly well what is fashionable to wear now and how the most popular ones are painted. modern models. And people born under the sign of Scorpio skillfully use their knowledge. They know how to look spectacular and defiant. Their clothes, especially if we are talking about a Scorpio woman, emphasize sexuality. All the advantages of the figure will be perfectly beaten with a beautiful outfit. Tight dresses and trousers, short skirts, deep necklines - all this is what Scorpions like, emphasizes their beauty. They know what the beauty of their body is, and therefore use its virtues 100%. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Scorpios are often in the spotlight. For them it is important. But it doesn't really matter whether they are admired or condemned. The main thing is that the person himself, born under the sign of Scorpio, considers his image attractive and charming, and people who are not able to appreciate it are envious and bigots. Not a small role in the image of Scorpio is played by various accessories. Someone may even reproach them for the fact that the clothes are oversaturated with all sorts of details, patterns, inserts, etc. Nevertheless, this detailing is appreciated by many aesthetes who have a similar idea of ​​beauty to Scorpions.


Sagittarius can be of two types, and each of them has its own way of dressing. The first Sagittarians are lovers of fashion and in every possible way follow its first trends. Chic, gloss, shine - all this can be said about the appearance of such a Sagittarius. Even men born under this zodiac sign can spend half an hour a day on a procedure such as a facial massage. Their attitude towards themselves smacks of narcissism. In fact, this is what he is. Sometimes the desire to be in trend leads to a clear excess of the stick, and then Sagittarius put on something that clearly does not suit them, but continue to proudly wear these clothes, looking down on those who look at them with a smile. Archers of a different breed are people who put their business at the forefront. What can such a person do? For example, science, creativity, social activities. In general, these Sagittarians have a vocation, a mission, a life's work. They direct all their forces there, and the external appearance does not play any role for them. “It is not the form that is important, but the content,” this is how Sagittarians comment on their appearance. Of course, one should not necessarily expect that they all look like ragamuffins without exception. But the only trousers worn in several places, the same jacket, a lonely beautiful "output" thing - a standard wardrobe for people of this warehouse. People who meet by clothes can turn up their noses from them. But Sagittarius is happy about this, because a person who judges others only by appearance, from their point of view, is not far off, so it’s for the best that nothing connects them with him.


Capricorns are calm about clothes. They do not chase fashion trends, prices, but they do not fall into the other extreme - asceticism. They have everything modestly, without frills, but with dignity. Capricorn does not believe that clothes are anything more than clothes. They exclude its social function, status, beauty. The main thing is that it be functional, comfortable and discreet. A large wardrobe (as, indeed, a cosmetic bag) is superfluous for a person born under the sign of Capricorn. He will not invent something new for his appearance either, and even if in childhood he happened to be a rocker in black clothes, then over the years he will most likely come to classic version. Short skirts and tight clothes are also not what Capricorns prefer. They like older things, those that were in fashion with the old generation, or business style.


Aquarius is able to stand out even among people with the most vivid images. The fact is that representatives of this zodiac sign choose the most original variants in clothes. They are bold and do not hesitate to dress provocatively - in a way that is not supposed to be in any society. A person born under the constellation Aquarius is not just an experimenter, but a lover of shocking and extravagance. Cosmetics of Aquarius women are always bright, thick, catchy. Clothing can be made in any color, things often do not match in style, cutouts are deeper than is considered decent. In the image of Aquarius, a hint of sexuality is not necessary, although most often it is present. Rather, the main message is to shock others, unsettle them and make them discuss themselves after their departure. True, not all Aquarians are like that. Among them you can meet those who are indifferent to their appearance. This breed of Aquarius-intellectuals, but they are much less common than lovers of extravagant haircuts and tattoos.


Pisces are quite controversial in their preferences. Among them there are fashionistas, and those who protest in every possible way against the trends imposed by time. In any case, whatever image they choose, something of their own will be added to it. Pisces love comfort in clothing, and therefore prefer soft, loose options, although this is not the rule for all of them. Rather, there is only one rule - not to follow any rules. And yet, it is unlikely that there will ever be a representative of this zodiac sign who, for the sake of protest, dressed up in some extravagant outfit. Pisces prefer not to be the center of attention, so their choice is more likely to fall on something less noticeable. In clothes, they often choose marine shades and complement them. different kind pearl-like glitter.

Which of the following matches you and your zodiac sign? Do you have your own observations about the attitude to your appearance in yourself and your friends? Tell me about them. If there are questions that, in your opinion, should be considered in future publications, be sure to write about it in the comments. The most interesting proposals will definitely be used in subsequent articles.


Girls born under the sign of Aries love noisy companies, and therefore they always become the center of attention at a Friday cocktail. They reinforce their natural charm with extravagant clothes, so a mini dress in gold sequins is exactly what their passionate heart desires.

Taurus – Louis Vuitton

Tauruses are very attached to their home and love to spend Friday evenings watching their favorite series. We think André Courrège's Space Odyssey-inspired dress will have them turning on their favorite songs on their smartphone, cooking dinner for their significant other, and dancing all night just like in the movie Only Lovers Left Alive.

Gemini - Balenciaga

Active by nature, twins need a dress in which they can freely gesticulate, laugh at the jokes of the interlocutor and elegantly shake a glass of wine. In an emerald silk midi dress, they can feel like a million dollars.

Cancer – Stella Mccartney

Crayfish are very attached to their clothes, so with a 100% guarantee they will refuse a thing in which you can show off only one evening, and then weigh it down until better times. Little black dress - perfect option for endless social outings and Friday adventures.

Leo – Zimmerman

Lions adore predatory prints and gold jewelry, so they will definitely like a dress with an intricate cut in a leopard spot related to their nature. On Friday, they will forget about the restrictive measures taken by etiquette against accessories. Lions will tame even a treasure chest.

Virgo - Bottega Veneta

The heart of the virgins gravitates towards the canonical elegance of Hollywood divas, so their choice will fall on a champagne-colored dress with a flowing drapery in the neckline. In such attire, they will have a great evening, because they will associate themselves with the heroine of the novel The Great Gatsby.

Libra - Balenciaga

Contrary to stereotypes, Libra is literally obsessed with brands and spontaneously takes out a credit card when they see a thing with an increased degree of relevance in a boutique window. In the new season, instead of rhinestones and feathers, they will sympathize with the conceptual bandeau dress with a sewn-on mantle on one sleeve. It's good to know that you are unique.

Scorpio - Chloe

Scorpions have a real passion for silk underwear, and Friday night means that the entire outfit can be made of this fabric. A romantic dress in a shade of violet will reveal their charm and charm by two hundred percent.

Sagittarius - Ralph Lauren

Representatives of the armed sign hate the formal style of dressing, and, most likely, will provoke the city at night with a touch of fuchsia. Although they know how to control themselves, and precisely harmonize the riot of colors with a laconic cut.

Capricorn - Gucci

Capricorn women are very skeptical about buying new clothes and often praise conservatism. On Friday evening, they are scheduled to go to the theater, the interiors of which will be ennobled with a dress in the style of a lady like.

Aquarius - Dolce&Gabbana

The manifestation of natural sexuality for Aquarians is comparable to breathing. They like to feel admiring glances on themselves, but at the same time it is important to remain mysterious and inaccessible. Overlaying a dress in a horizontal drapery will help to cool the ardor a little and avoid obsessive flirting.

Here is a question that can torment and torment a woman at night, not giving her peace. Don't worry, we'll show you one way. Wedding Dress for the most important day in life, you can select with .


Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Aries is one of those who accepts the classic cut of the dress - it should be long, puffy, but not too pretentious. Aries want to complement the wedding outfit with sophisticated details: a golden thin belt, transparent gloves and other unobtrusive accessories that will not distract from the dress itself.


The most important criterion for choosing a wedding dress for Taurus is the elegance of the outfit, as well as the uniqueness of the fabric from which it is sewn. It can be delicate lace, translucent chiffon and a mesh on the back, which emphasizes the silhouette of the bride in the dress. Taurus also do not want fluffy skirts at the wedding ceremony, but they may want a long train.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

A lace, but not at all transparent, wedding dress is suitable for twins. It should emphasize their figure, beautifully fitting the hips, and smoothly turn into a beautiful hem. The main accent of such a dress for Gemini should be on the back - a deep neckline and a beautiful row of buttons. But the chest in a similar wedding dress will be covered.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Cancerians always come up with something unusual, so the wedding dress is no exception. Most likely it will not be snow-white, so cream and pink shades will come to replace the traditional color. The Gemini dress can be strapless, baring the bride's shoulders. From above, such an outfit is fitted, and to the bottom it goes into a fluffy skirt or hem in the style of the 50s.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:
a lion

Lions see chic not in pomp and layering, but in special details. Having good taste, they can choose a figure-shaped dress with beautiful embroidery of pearls or other beads. In such a minimalistic but gorgeous outfit, there can be a shallow neckline. As a second option for Lviv, a floor-length wedding dress with an embroidered mesh on top can be suitable.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Virgos always want to look irresistible, especially at their wedding. They will not survive if the outfit looks faded or too conservative. Therefore, a silhouette wedding dress with a wide hem, embroidered with stones, will suit them. And no closed sleeves - this is not for Virgos. But the veil is something without which they cannot imagine their wedding.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Libras are long-time fans of the classics, so they certainly don’t want to experiment with a wedding dress. They will wear a long, moderately puffy dress that even the Princess of Monaco will be worthy to wear on the most important day of her life. It can be complemented with a satin ribbon and a beautiful bow on the back. And instead of a veil, Libra can decorate her hair with flowers.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Scorpio girls are prominent, so they do not need to attract attention with puffy skirts or inconceivable corsets. Representatives of this zodiac sign may want to choose a non-standard outfit for a wedding, based on the latest trends. A floor-length dress with lace or drop stones will be especially impressive on Scorpios.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

archers in Everyday life often combined different styles clothes, they can do the same with their wedding dress. They will love a cream-colored spaghetti strap dress with boho lace, which can be accessorized with a puffy, robe-like skirt. For Sagittarius, both an artsy version of a wedding dress, and a more airy one, on which there are no unnecessary elements, will suit.

Wedding dress according to the sign of the Zodiac:

Capricorns from childhood imagine how they will go to the crown, fantasizing about how their dress should be. Therefore, the wedding dress of Capricorns, according to cherished dreams, should be magnificent, resembling magnificent. No open backs and necklines - this is superfluous. But in such a dress, both in front and behind, there can be transparent lace inserts.


You are distinguished by originality, individuality and a cheerful character. You do not like anything boring, so an outfit with a custom cut and modern design is perfect for you.

Jesus Peiro, Pronovias


Your sign belongs to the element of water, so you probably dream of a light flowing dress. And you are also artistic and gentle, so pastel shades suit you: except white dress, you may well like lilac or pale pink.

Ines Di Santo, Berta


Aries are strong-willed, self-confident and passionate natures, and this is undoubtedly reflected in your style of clothing. However, do not forget about the comfort that you appreciate. Women's wedding dresses original design created just for you.

Ines Di Santo, Jesus Peiro


Taurus are romantic and devoted. And when it comes to clothes, they prefer trendy pieces and natural fabrics. Does it look like you? Then look for a wedding dress according to the same principle: take a closer look at the novelties of well-known brands.

Rosa Clara


You are by nature calm, reasonable, but at the same time sociable and flirtatious. You love affection and appreciate the manifestation of feelings, but sometimes you feel awkward in public. Which, by the way, only adds charm to you. Choose modest sophisticated models of wedding dresses - they will perfectly emphasize your character traits.

Marylise, Rosa Clara


Cancers are caring, loving, love to be the center of attention and adhere to patriarchal views. Lush and sophisticated outfits made of thin layered fabrics are something you will definitely like.


a lion

Your fire sign endowed you with passion, love for warmth and for expensive things. Of course, you strive to be the center of attention and on your big day you want to look like a real princess! Take a closer look at the puffy dresses with rich decor - in this you will shine.

Ines Di Santo, Rosa Clara


You like to spend time in nature, appreciate cleanliness and conciseness. Your ideal bridal outfit is dresses with clean lines and strict details that emphasize the figure.

Pronovias, Rosa Clara


You are like a butterfly: you flutter through life, give in to your feelings, are prone to impulsive actions and love to look spectacular. Elegant flowy outfits are sure to grab your attention and look great on you.

Ines Di Santo, Pronovias


You are a mysterious, strong and sociable person, extremely passionate and adoring fairy tale love stories. You are not afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd. A "naked" dress, a transforming outfit or a wedding suit is your choice.

Marylise, Pronovias


Your main features are love of freedom, sincerity and love for beauty. Boho lace wedding dresses and vintage outfits will definitely attract you. Complete the dress with a wreath or a ribbon in your hair - the image is ready!

Berta, Marylise


You are very punctual, disciplined, responsible and like to follow traditions. Your ideal dress is a classic A-line outfit with simple trims and trendy details.