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Why is the Chinese rose called the flower of death? Chinese rose: care. Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

15.09.2017 18 380

Hibiscus is the flower of death, why do they think so and should we believe it?

People say that hibiscus is the flower of death, why does this information haunt many people and excite them with its signs? most humanity of our planet? The answer to this question and many others lies not only in the name of the flower...

Hibiscus - flower of death, signs

In Soviet times, hibiscus was a fairly popular indoor plant. Most likely, unpleasant incidents occurred with the owners of this plant, but the Chinese rose continued to be especially popular. Therefore, it cannot be said that all signs associated with hibiscus are folk. Most of the bad omens came to the USSR from Europe: Europeans believe that hibiscus divorces people and destroys families.

Some flower lovers say that the hibiscus flower is a symbol of death, so let's see if there is at least some truth in this?

One of the signs says that when the Chinese rose blooms, one of the residents of the apartment will be overtaken by illness or death. But such indoor plants always delight the human eye with their flowers, which is why they are brought into the house. There is another, but similar sign. Residents or their loved ones will face death if the hibiscus blooms at the wrong time of year. Hibiscus blooms from late spring to late autumn, or early winter. By the way, this sign applies to all indoor plants. But, as they say, whether to believe in superstitions or not is only your own choice.

If the leaves of your plant begin to turn black and fall off, don’t expect anything good. The sign says that a seriously ill person will appear in your life and it makes sense for the whole family to undergo a medical examination. Such news for household members is of a warning nature.

Hibiscus is sometimes called an energy vampire. They say that it begins to suck the energy of residents during flowering. There is also the opposite point of view - the plant absorbs all negative aggression, processes it into positive energy and sprays positive vibes around him. Hibiscus is also called vampire for the bright red color of its flowers.

In reality, there are many more superstitions and signs, but we will not go deeper and study the intricacies of superstitions and signs, but rather tell you how to care for hibiscus and get beautiful blooms at home.

Hibiscus - home care

If we dwell a little on history, we can note that the birthplace of hibiscus is Malaysia. The flower has many varieties, differing in height and color. IN color scheme all present color palette, with the exception of blue and black.

There are many types of hibiscus. They also differ in the size of the flower, which varies from 5 cm to 30 cm in diameter. Distinctive feature hibiscus - bark and shoots, which can be dark brown or black.

Is it possible to keep it at home? Chinese rose? Of course, if you don't believe in bad omens. How indoor plant, Chinese rose or hibiscus are quite unpretentious. Hibiscus is placed in a bright place. During flowering, watering should be plentiful. In winter, when the plant does not bloom, watering is limited.

Every year, young hibiscus need to be replanted. At the same time, it is pruned so that more young shoots appear. Mature plant replanted every 3 years.

To plant in a pot, use a mixture of turf and leaf soil in a 1:1 ratio and add sand and compost there in a 1:1 ratio. You can add a little bone meal.

Hibiscus rarely gets sick and the main problem is moisture in the soil and air. If the leaves of a hibiscus fall off, this most likely indicates an excess or lack of water in the soil.

When the buds fall, then most likely the plant does not have enough water or there has been a sharp change in temperature in the room. If on inside yellowish spores appeared on the leaf, then the Chinese rose began to rust - the plant should be sprayed with synthetic fungicides to avoid the spread of the disease and the death of the tree.

If the leaves begin to wrinkle, it is necessary to irrigate the plant. warm water from a spray bottle. The reason for this is dry air, which can contribute to the appearance spider mite and aphids.

Hibiscus in the garden

On the Pacific coast, hibiscus is the flower of love, its soft pink and bright red shades will harmoniously decorate your garden. Planting hibiscus in the garden occurs in the spring. The plant must be protected from the wind. Shrub varieties of hibiscus are thermophilic and quickly take root in the sun.

Tree varieties of hibiscus can be placed in tubs. They are fed with fertilizers containing phosphorus. Any hibiscus needs to be watered regularly. In winter, the tub is moved to a bright room with a temperature of +15 degrees Celsius.

Most varieties of hibiscus are frost-resistant, but the plant should be prepared for winter. Both herbaceous and tree-like varieties are pruned. Water generously. After two days they spud up. Use ordinary soil with sand. In November or at the end of October, the plant is insulated. Cover with sawdust and dry leaves. Young, fragile bushes are covered with lutrasil or spunbond, then additionally wrapped plastic film. You can make a frame around the bush and wrap it with covering material and spruce branches.

Applications of hibiscus

Hibiscus tea is prepared from dried hibiscus petals, which contains a large number of vitamin C and quenches thirst well in hot weather. The petals are also eaten as an addition to vegetable dishes.

Hibiscus is also used in medicine. Decoctions and infusions of hibiscus leaves are used to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and skin inflammation. The leaves, stems and flowers contain substances - flavonoids, which remove excess harmful products resulting from improper metabolism. The petals stimulate the liver and gallbladder.

In African countries, leaves and flowers are crushed to a creamy mass, and tumors and bleeding wounds are treated. This ointment has a bactericidal effect. Tinctures of leaves and flowers are used as a diuretic.

Now you know why hibiscus is the flower of death, but it’s up to you to believe in superstitions or not!

“Mom, mom, look what a beautiful flower!” - my son exclaimed, pointing his finger at a huge bush standing by the window in the clinic. “Yes, my dear, it is called a Chinese rose,” I replied.

What does this beauty need to be happy?

Chinese roses do not grow outside in our climate. Is it possible to keep this magnificent flower at home? Of course you can, because it grows great indoors without causing any unnecessary trouble. With proper care. "And what is he like, this proper care“- you ask. Now you’ll find out about it.

Pot for a Chinese beauty

Most best option a pot for hibiscus such that there would still be 3-5 centimeters left from the root system to the edge of the container. It can be plastic, it can be ceramic - to your taste. For a rooted cutting of a Chinese rose at the first stage, a half-liter pot or glass is enough. Over time, after about 2-3 years, the plant can be transferred to another pot - a larger one. The flower needs to be transferred, not replanted. The fact is that this beauty is very kind to her and better once again do not touch its roots, that is, do not shake them out old land, and especially not rinse. Otherwise you may lose your hibiscus. It will not die immediately, but gradually, losing leaf after leaf.

By the way, the question of choosing a pot is important for hibiscus flowering. Many people complain that it doesn't bloom. I also had this problem until they told me that it would not bloom until the root plant occupied the entire volume of the soil in which it was growing. How can you determine when it’s time to replant a plant? It’s quite simple - when you start watering your beauty every day because its leaves are withering, then you need to transplant it into a larger pot.

The most “delicious” land for Chinese roses

Grows excellently in a mixture of black soil and sand in a 2:1 ratio or purchased peat-based soil for flowering plants. The Chinese rose loves fertilized soil; its leaves sometimes turn yellow due to a lack of microelements. This

the phenomenon is called chlorosis. It occurs against the background of a lack of iron in the soil. It is not so difficult to cure chlorosis - it is enough to water the plant once a month with a preparation that contains iron in chelated form. For example, good result gives "Emerald".

In addition, approximately 1.5 months after planting your beauty in new soil the reserves of mineral substances in it are depleted, and it is necessary to feed the Chinese rose once every 2-3 weeks with a complex for flowering plants. This is the second rule (along with the small pot rule) needed to see flowers on your tree.

Secrets of caring for a Chinese princess

Although the Chinese rose is unpretentious, is it possible to keep a plant at home that over time turns into a real tree? Even if you don't have enough space for a large enough bush, which the hibiscus eventually turns into, you can get out of the situation. Firstly, a third of the shoots can be cut off every year in February. Pruning, along with pot size and regular feeding, is the third rule for producing flowers on this plant. Chinese rose readily produces buds on new shoots. It will also bloom on older ones, but less luxuriantly.

Another secret known to professional gardeners is the use of hormones that stop plant growth. In our country this drug is called “Athlete”. It contains retardants that make the flower stocky and short. But you need to be careful with this drug - if you overdo it and water more than the recommended amount, over time the plant will lose all its large leaves, and new ones will be small and not very attractive. Although it will not stop blooming.

Conditions for keeping hibiscus at home

At good care very often and for a long time rose. Is it possible to keep this flower at home if, for example, your apartment is oriented to the north? The answer is yes. Of course, it’s possible, but it most likely won’t bloom. This beauty simply needs sunlight to bloom. In addition, in the autumn-winter period the temperature of this plant can be reduced to 12 degrees. In February, it can be transplanted and the temperature raised to 17-19 degrees. During this period, timely watering is necessary - when the soil in the pot dries to approximately the depth of one finger. Feeling spring, the hibiscus will come to life, turn green and delight you with flowering until next autumn.

This is such an unpretentious, but with its own requirements, a Chinese rose. Whether you can keep this flower at home is up to you to decide. And I, as far as possible, tried to reveal his character and habits.

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Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home?

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home? The Chinese rose, or, as it is commonly called, hibiscus, is a fairly well-known plant and is popular with many. In the wild, the Chinese rose is a tall plant and can reach a height of 3 meters. However, in order to grow a flower at home, it was cultivated and a special one was bred low-growing variety. Caring for hibiscus is not great work and costs, so this plant can often be found in public places, such as schools, kindergarten, hospital and many others.

Another name for Chinese rose is hibiscus. The plant can be grown and flowered at home.

Positive signs associated with hibiscus

Any plant located on your windowsill carries hidden information and has special energy that can both positively and negatively influence the inhabitants of the house. As for the Chinese rose, many signs and superstitions are associated with it. This flower has powerful energy and seems to fill the entire atmosphere in the room with the energy of movement. People born under the sign of Leo are strongly recommended to have a similar flower in their home. He will help and protect his owner from all kinds of troubles.

If a person suffers from heart disease or constant changes in blood pressure, he should definitely buy a Chinese rose or grow it himself.

There are many varieties of hibiscus flowers.

She will certainly help fight the signs of the disease.

Hibiscus is known to be a plant that fights laziness. This flower, like a sponge, absorbs the energy of laziness, which so barbarically destroys a person from the inside, and transforms it into the energy of creativity. Therefore, if you are a passive and lethargic person, be sure to plant a Chinese rose on your windowsill. It will have a beneficial effect and fuel you with activity.

There is a belief that hibiscus is able to restore the fading flame of love between two spouses who have lived long enough long time married. If your relationship feels cold and distant, try purchasing this flower and putting it in a place where both of you can see it. As for the location of the hibiscus, according to Feng Shui it is better to place it in the hallway or living room.

Hibiscus, popularly called Chinese rose, is the flower of our grandmothers. But even today it can often be seen among home flowers. Even more often, the plant is used to decorate the interior of administrative buildings. This is due to its decorativeness and ease of care. Nevertheless, popular belief holds that the Chinese rose should not be kept in the house. This superstition came from the homeland of the flower, from Southern China, where it is believed that during the flowering period various misfortunes, illnesses and even death can come to the house.

Are there objective reasons

There are no objective reasons for the emergence of such prejudices. The plant does not emit harmful toxins; no toxic substances were found in its leaves. toxic substances. Other flowers like to be next to the Chinese rose. And not everyone knows that it is from dried hibiscus inflorescences that the hibiscus tea, beloved by many, is produced.

Some people don’t even suspect that hibiscus tea is the dried inflorescences of the Sudanese rose, a close relative of the Chinese rose

Signs and superstitions

There are quite a lot of superstitions associated with the Chinese rose, including both positive and negative.

positive beliefs

It is believed that the flower is characterized by a strong masculine principle, capable of charging the surrounding space with the energy of movement. It, like a sponge, absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and fills space life force. Therefore, there are opinions that it is useful for passive people with low blood pressure and heart pathologies to be near the Chinese rose. IN folk medicine Chinese rose flowers are used to treat skin inflammation.

In Malaysia, hibiscus has been elevated to the rank of sacred plant and even placed his image on the state emblem.

The hibiscus flower can be seen on the coat of arms of Malaysia

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Chinese rose not only serves as a decoration for the place where it grows, but also protects it, neutralizing negative energy and strengthening family relationships and business connections.

negative beliefs

One may be puzzled by the fact that the Chinese rose is also called the flower of death, but this name is also attached to it in popular beliefs:

  • It is believed that if a flower does not bloom on time, this is a signal of misfortune in the life of its owners. And if the leaves begin to fall, expect illness, or even death.
  • You can also come across a belief that the presence of the Chinese rose has a destructive effect on married couples: quarrels, separations begin, and possibly even termination of the relationship.

I don’t really believe in signs and superstitions associated with plants. It seems to me that the relationship between family members depends on themselves, on what contribution each of them makes to this relationship. And, alas, there is still no Chinese rose among the plants in my house. I believe that it is so large that it will only feel comfortable in large rooms.

Video about Chinese rose (hibiscus)

Knowing the signs and beliefs most likely won’t hurt. But it’s hardly worth believing in them fanatically. In any case, you will have to decide whether to plant a flower at home or not. If you really want it, you can try it.

A beautiful, evergreen, easy-to-care plant called the Chinese rose has long been loved by gardeners. If you do not concentrate on all sorts of signs and beliefs, this flower can become the highlight of your home greenhouse. But most people tend to trust folk signs. It turns out, according to popular belief, hibiscus or homemade rose It is not advisable to grow it indoors. For what reasons? Psychics will tell you.

Popular beliefs

Signs about whether it is allowed to keep a Chinese rose at home claim that the flower brings misfortune and sorrow to the house. It is believed that this plant attracts diseases to those living in this apartment. Many psychics strongly advise getting rid of hibiscus that blooms in winter. As if by its actions, the flower warns of the imminent death of one of the inhabitants of the house.

Reviews from many gardeners claim that if a Chinese rose withers, its leaves turn black and its trunk dries up, this portends serious illness, one of the people living in the apartment. In this regard, psychics responded that the flower itself cannot attract disease, blackening of the leaves and other more negative symptoms only indicate heavy energy in the house. It is no secret that the patient, without even knowing about his illness, first begins to emit negative emotions.

Perhaps household members do not notice the changes, but sensitive plants are sensitive to any changes in the energy of the house. In this case, it makes sense to undergo a medical examination for a person who suspects a deterioration in his health.

Is it possible to keep hibiscus or Chinese rose at home, which we see in the photo? Some claim that during the flowering period the plant emits negative energy. In fact, this is not true. Any plant absorbs negativity that arises in the house. As a result, it can hurt, which is perceived by people as a bad omen. Practice shows that you need to look for the source of trouble in relationships between family members.

Love omens

Is it possible to keep a Chinese rose at home according to the answers of psychics? Experts answer that it is possible. Plus, if an unmarried lady lives in the house and wants to find a beloved man, keeping hibiscus in the house is simply necessary. Having absorbed negative energy, the flower will attract suitors. However, reviews claim that all novels will be fleeting.

Signs say that the Chinese rose will not bring anything positive for married couples. Moreover, many are sure that it is hibiscus that contributes to discord in the family. At the same time, Eastern beliefs say that the Chinese rose is necessary in the house to maintain passion and love between spouses.

Positive signs

Optimists claim that it is necessary to keep a Chinese rose in the house. After all, this plant helps to gain willpower and get rid of lazy thoughts. Beliefs say that if a person believes in the miraculous power of a flower, it will definitely help him achieve success in life. Moreover, creative individuals find in the hibiscus shown in the photo a source of inspiration and desire to create new, stunning masterpieces. Knowing this feature of the plant, artists and musicians place flowerpots with hibiscus in their creative studios.

You will learn about the signs and what psychics think about growing Chinese roses at home from the video file.

In conclusion

Should you keep a Chinese rose at home? Everyone will find the answer to this question for themselves. After all, those who believe in omens are confident in the negative power of the plant. Creative people, on the contrary, see hibiscus as a helper and a source of creative ideas. Still others simply enjoy the beauty of the flower, without thinking about signs and beliefs.