Well      06/23/2020

Skyrim mods to assign an empty house. My home is your home

Can be assigned common Home for everyone (base), or a separate house for everyone (via the dialogue menu This place is yours new house).

You can make home any place in the interiors or on the street that you like.

The dismissed satellite will go to the place designated by the house. There he goes about his business - eats, sleeps, uses tools, uses furniture (if all such things are nearby and do not belong to other NPCs)

Compatible with UFO Mods, Amazing Follower Tweaks, Big Dialogue Overhaul, Fix Target Stats

Compatible with Dawnguard and for the most part companion mods.

Since the mod is still in development, it may not work correctly!


To assign a house to a companion, talk to him using the item Let's talk about the house. If the item does not appear, save, restart the game and everything will be fixed (a bug in version 1.7.7, alas)

After that, select the item This place is your new home in the menu that opens, if there is only one satellite. If you have NOT one satellite and you want the house to be one for everyone, select the phrase about the new base, and then - This applies to everyone.

Now you can fast travel directly to your home from anywhere through the menu phrase - We're going home.

To reassign a home to a companion, first select the phrase Forget about that place... And only then assign a new home. To reassign the base for all satellites, alas, you will have to talk to everyone and order them to forget about that place.

Since version 1.1, all companions are recorded in the book of tenants, which will be automatically added to you when you enter the game.

The new sleep and guard options cover the time between 10pm and 6am. The new work option is valid between 9 am and 5 pm. This was done to establish the normal behavior of companions living in the house.

Added support for Dragonbo (requires SKSE), allowing you to assign a home to automaton companions from this DLC

Known bugs:

The dialogue about the base appears even if there is only one satellite

You cannot send a companion home without being fired

The mod is incompatible with some companions

ISSUE with Dawnguard: In Valerica's lab, Serana stops following you through the story while you're looking for everything you need to open the portal. If she has a house assigned by you, she will go there and it is impossible to stop her. The only way out is to disable the mod at the moment of passing this place.

In some places, fired companions do not use stairs (some kind of bug with behavior or navmesh). It is unknown why this is happening.

Companions may ignore new commands.

When using fast return, you can see two loading screens - just like that, teleporting to the interior is impossible, so it happens in two stages.

Satellites assigned to guard a place do not always respond to a threat unless they are directly attacked.

UFO users

If the fired companions don't want to follow when you re-hire, go back to a save before installing MHYH, fire all the companions and then install this mod.

It may happen that companions will go to their usual home, which they have by default, after being fired. This is a temporary bug, they should then go to the house you assigned.

Each companion can now have own house, you can also fast travel to any of the companion houses. Any place can become a home, from standard houses for GG, to any house from mods. Dismissed companions will return to their homes, where they will go about their business, will be full-fledged masters. There is support for companions from other third-party mods.

More about the possibilities:
- Optionally, you can settle companions in hotel rooms, the phrase "And my companion also needs a room" will be added
- In dialogues with companions, the phrase "Let's talk about the place of residence" will appear
- Take him to the house where you want him to live and say "Now this is your house", he will return there if he is fired

- When you speak with your current companion there will be a new dialogue "Let's talk about the house", the choice will register the NPC in this mod and assign an invisible marker to it
- All you have to do is bring a companion to where you want him to stay and tell him that "This place is your new home"
- The marker will be moved to the current position, the companion will interact with objects and do business in this house
- When you fire a companion, it will return to its original habitat
- You can tell him to forget about this house and move to another house
- Recruited companions will be added to the Book of Companions, this book will auto-add companions to the player after installing the mod
- Options "Guard" and "Sleep" are performed from 10 pm to 6 am. Companions will guard the outer area of ​​the dwelling, they will automatically receive and use a torch, which will be removed when the watch ends
- "Work" option, between 9am and 5pm, NPCs will interact with any furniture in the area
- In v1.2 and up, you can assign homes to your Dwemer, pets from the Dragonborn DLC
- If you want to settle Serana, then complete all the quests associated with her, and then you can only designate a house for her
- Support for up to 250 companions
- Companions will roam around the house, eat, sleep, use furniture and tools

Options in the MCM menu:
- "Move to me" option - you can move the NPC to your location
- "Move me to" option - you can move to the selected location
- "Forget about guarding/sleeping/working" option - you can release NPCs from these actions
- "Evict" option - you can evict an NPC from the assigned place of registration
- "Open Inventory" option - you can view the inventory of the selected NPC

- Compatible with all in-game companions and those added from mods
- All Huscarls
- All mercenaries
- All orcs are companions in fortresses
- Cicero
- Serana (Warning, it is highly recommended to complete all Dawnguard related quests before assigning Serana her new home)
- If you use the "Multiple Floors Sandboxing" mod, then it is no longer needed, if you have it installed, then you can safely delete it (file sandboxcylinderheight.esp)

Note for those who use the UFO mod(to uncover)

In case of firing companions when they don't leave, load a previously saved game and fire all of your companions before activating this mod
- It may happen that your companion will go to the side original house before this mod replaces the UFO scripts, the companions should turn around after a while and go to the house you assigned them
- If you are using the UFO mod, then in the load order in the launcher, UFO must be below this mod

Important for updates and fixes(to uncover)

If no new dialogue appears, save and load the game again, this will fix the error
- When updating the mod, all your companions that you have will be registered in the ledger
- If this does not happen, then open the console and enter "stopquest 0x000D62" this will stop the script, then "startquest 0x000D62" will start the script again
- Type "help vvv" to see which companion x is added
- Please note that if you restart the quest, all companions will lose their homes
- If you have the Dawnguard DLC and want to settle Serana in your home, then first complete all the quests that relate to Serana and the quest to find the Soul, and then use the settlement dialogue or first remove the mod before completing the quest, and upon completion install again
- As of v2.0, you can assign a Dwemer automaton and pets from the Dragonborn DLC to live in your house

- Game version and higher
- SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.01 and above
- SkyUI 4.1 and above
- DLC Dragonborn optional

Installation:(only manually, the archive manager will not be installed via NMM)
- There are 2 modules in the archive
1. "Main mod" - this module is required to be installed
2. Optional "Settlement of NPCs in taverns" - I left this module from the previous version 1.21, just in case, because the new author who made version 2.x did not make this optional module, it may not work, but still on just in case
Place the Data folder from the archive into the game folder (not Data inside Data, but on top), confirm the merging of folders and files and activate in the launcher
Optionally, to resettle companions in any hotels (in rooms), install the "Settlement of NPCs in taverns" module

Now each companion can have their own home.

All satellites can live in the same house and the plugin works with all satellites.

In dialogues with companions, the phrase “Let's talk about the place of residence” will appear. Take him to the house where he should live and say "Now this is your house." The choice will register the NPC in this house and assign an invisible marker to it. He will return there if you part with him. We can say that he would forget about this house and move to another house. "Registered" companions will be added to the "Book of Companions". Companions will roam around the house, eat, sleep, use furniture and become new homeowners.

The ability to convene satellites for breakfast or dinner and other teams.

Support for 250 companions.

To avoid problems, make additional dialogues after completing quests with companions. (Serana, Illia, Freya, etc.)

More detailed story about fashion in the video review.

Requirements: Game version, SKSE 1.07, SkyUI

Installation. Standard.

Author Volek
Sceeph localizer
Russian language
Mod size 67.9Kb
Original nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62040
Distribution Under no circumstances
Date added/updated 07/08/2016 at 15:36

Version: 1.21
Translation: Russian

Each companion in Skyrim SE can now have their own house, and fast travel to any of the companion houses is also available. Any place can become a home, from standard houses for GG, to any house from mods. Dismissed companions will return to their homes, where they will go about their business, will be full-fledged masters. There is support for companions from other third-party mods.

Update:1.21 (SE)
- The mod is adapted for the Skyrim SE game, based on the original version 1.21 mod, which was originally before any alterations by other authors, only the necessary and necessary functionality remained in the mod, there are no settings, there are no MSM menus, it is simple and accessible, only dialogues and no more.

More about the possibilities:
- In dialogues with companions, the phrase "Let's talk about the place of residence" will appear.
- Take your companion to the house where you want him to live and say "Now this is your house", he will return there if he is fired.
- When you speak with your current companion, there will be a new dialogue "Let's talk about the house", the choice will register the NPC in this mod and assign an invisible marker to it.
- All you have to do is bring your companion to where you want him to stay and tell him "This is your new home."
- The marker will be moved to the current position, the companion will interact with objects and do business in this house.
- When you fire a companion, it will return to its original habitat.
- You can tell him to forget about this house and move to another house.
- Recruited companions will be added to the Book of Companions, this book will auto-add companions to the player after installing the mod.
- Options "Guard" and "Sleep" are performed from 10 pm to 6 am. Companions will guard the outer area of ​​the dwelling, they will automatically receive and use a torch, which will be removed when the watch ends.
- "Work" option, between 9am and 5pm, NPCs will interact with any furniture in the area.
- You can designate homes for your Dwemer pets from the Dragonborn DLC, but will return to their original locations when dismissed.
- If you want to settle Serana, then complete all the quests associated with her, and then you can only designate a house for her.
- Support for up to 250 companions.
- Companions will roam around the house, eating, sleeping, using furniture and tools.

- Compatible with all in-game companions and from mods.
- AFT and EFF
- All Huscarls
- All mercenaries
- All orcs are companions in fortresses
- Cicero
- Serana (Warning, it is highly recommended to complete all Dawnguard related quests before assigning Serana her new home).

Note for those who use the AFT mod:
- AFT has a "stay here" feature, my mod overrides this order and the companion will return to the assigned home instead of hanging out at the current position.
- After dismissal, it may happen that companions cannot be rehired, assign a new home before dismissing.
- In case of firing companions when they don't leave, load a previously saved game and fire all of your companions before activating this mod.
- It may happen that your companion will walk towards the original house, before this mod replaces the scripts, the companions should turn around after a while and go to the house you assigned them.

Note for those who use the EFF mod:
- EFF has a "place of residence" function that works similar to the function from this MHYH mod.
- The "Sandbox" system in houses from the MHYH mod overrides the "sandbox" system from EFF, but not immediately. If you designate a place of residence and a home in different places, your followers can stay for a while in a certain place, and then go to the assigned house.

Important for updates and fixes:
- If you don't get a new dialogue, save and load the game again, this will fix the error.
- When updating the mod, all your companions that you have will be registered in the ledger.
- If it doesn't, then open the console and type "stopquest 0x000D62" this will stop the script, then "startquest 0x000D62" will start the script again.
- Type "help vvv" to see which companion x is added.
- Please note, if you restart the quest, all companions will lose their homes.
- If you want to settle Serana in your house, then first complete all the quests that relate to Serana and the quest to find the Soul, and then use the dialogue on the settlement, or first remove the mod before completing the quest, and reinstall it after completion.

- Skyrim SE and higher

Installation:(can be done manually or via NMM manager)
Place the Data folder from the archive into the game folder (Data is not inside Data, but on top), confirm the merging of folders and files and activate.

Each companion can now have their own home, and fast travel to any of the companions' homes is also available. Any place can become a home, from standard houses for GG, to any house from mods. Dismissed companions will return to their homes, where they will go about their business, will be full-fledged masters. There is support for companions from other third-party mods.

- Added MCM menu with options (read below options in MCM menu)

- Well, finally, this mod is being revived, another author set to work, or rather, he did a complete rework and reconstruction of the mod from scratch, but the original mod is still taken as the basis, the name has not been changed, only all the insides have been redone, why another author, but because the author Volek of the original mod has abandoned the mod for a long time and will no longer update it, all updates will now be up to the author of smashly
- Now requires SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.01 and higher, respectively, requires game version
- Now all 250 companions that will be settled by you can guard/sleep/work
- Reworked over 4500 script variables, removed 230 redundant script variables
- Completely redesigned the entire translation of the mod (I already did this myself)
- In plans for the future, add an MSM menu with lists of companions that are processed by the mod, teleport companions to you, add access to the inventory of companions and so on

More about the possibilities:
- Optionally, you can settle companions in hotel rooms, the phrase "And my companion also needs a room" will be added
- In dialogues with companions, the phrase "Let's talk about the place of residence" will appear
- Take him to the house where you want him to live and say "Now this is your house", he will return there if he is fired

- When you speak with your current companion there will be a new dialogue "Let's talk about the house", the choice will register the NPC in this mod and assign an invisible marker to it
- All you have to do is bring a companion to where you want him to stay and tell him that "This place is your new home"
- The marker will be moved to the current position, the companion will interact with objects and do business in this house
- When you fire a companion, it will return to its original habitat
- You can tell him to forget about this house and move to another house
- Recruited companions will be added to the Book of Companions, this book will auto-add companions to the player after installing the mod
- Options "Guard" and "Sleep" are performed from 10 pm to 6 am. Companions will guard the outer area of ​​the dwelling, they will automatically receive and use a torch, which will be removed when the watch ends
- "Work" option, between 9am and 5pm, NPCs will interact with any furniture in the area
- In v1.2 and up, you can assign homes to your Dwemer, pets from the Dragonborn DLC
- If you want to settle Serana, then complete all the quests associated with her, and then you can only designate a house for her
- Support for up to 250 companions
- Companions will roam around the house, eat, sleep, use furniture and tools

Options in the MCM menu:
- "Move to me" option - you can move the NPC to your location
- "Move me to" option - you can move to the selected location
- "Forget about guarding/sleeping/working" option - you can release NPCs from these actions
- "Evict" option - you can evict an NPC from the assigned place of registration
- "Open Inventory" option - you can view the inventory of the selected NPC

- Compatible with all in-game companions and those added from mods
- All Huscarls
- All mercenaries
- All orcs are companions in fortresses
- Cicero
- Serana (Warning, it is highly recommended to complete all Dawnguard related quests before assigning Serana her new home)

Note for those who use the UFO mod:
- In case of firing companions when they don't leave, load a previously saved game and fire all of your companions before activating this mod
- It may happen that your companion will walk towards the original house, before this mod replaces the UFO scripts, the companions should turn around after a while and go to the house you assigned them
- If you are using the UFO mod, then in the load order in the launcher, UFO must be below this mod

Important for updates and fixes:
- If no new dialogue appears, save and load the game again, this will fix the error
- When updating the mod, all your companions that you have will be registered in the ledger
- If this does not happen, then open the console and enter "stopquest 0x000D62" this will stop the script, then "startquest 0x000D62" will start the script again
- Type "help vvv" to see which companion x is added
- Please note that if you restart the quest, all companions will lose their homes
- If you have the Dawnguard DLC and want to settle Serana in your home, then first complete all the quests that relate to Serana and the quest to find the Soul, and then use the settlement dialogue or first remove the mod before completing the quest, and upon completion install again
- As of v2.0, you can assign a Dwemer automaton and pets from the Dragonborn DLC to live in your house

When upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1:
- Just install over with file replacement

When upgrading from the old version 1.21 to version 2.1:
- If you enjoyed very old version mod 1.2 and you have open pex. files, then you need to do the following:
0. Tell the companions "Forget about this house" and they will return to their homes, retire to another location yourself so that there are no companions nearby that you have assigned for housing
1. Save to an empty save slot, exit the game, delete the following files:
vvvMarkHome.pex, vvvMarkHomeForget.pex, vvvMarkHomeGather.pex, vvvMarkHomeGoHome.pex, vvvMarkHomeGuard.pex, vvvMarkHomeGuardTorch.pex, vvvMarkHomeInit.pex, vvvMarkHomeQuest.pex, vvvMarkHomeSleep.pex, vvvMarkHomeWork.pex at Data/Scripts
2. Install the new version 2.1
3. If you had version 1.21, then you have such pex files. no, because since version 1.21 the mod was in 2 bsa files. and esp., so you just need to save to an empty save slot, exit the game, update the mod with file replacement

- Game version and higher
- SKSE 1.06.16 or 1.07.01 and above
- SkyUI 4.1 and above
- DLC Dragonborn optional

Installation: (only manually, the archive manager will not be installed via NMM)
- There are 2 modules in the archive
1. "Main mod" - this module is required to be installed
2. Optional "Settlement of NPCs in taverns" - I left this module from the previous version 1.21, just in case, because the new author who made version 2.x did not make this optional module, it may not work, but still on just in case
Place the Data folder from the archive into the game folder (not Data inside Data, but on top), confirm the merging of folders and files and activate in the launcher
Optionally, to resettle companions in any hotels (in rooms), install the "Settlement of NPCs in taverns" module